°n-eng-5-q3-week-2.docx · web viewlearning materi. a l s. week . 2 – day 1....

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Republic of the PhilippinesDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONRegion IV – A CALABARZON

Division of Laguna


WEEK 2 – DAY 1Identifying Conclusions

(Listening Skills)

A. THINK AND TELLDirections: Sing the song

“Every single cell of my body is happy

Every single cell of my body is well. (2x)

Thank you Lord, I feel so good

Every single cell of my body is well. (2x)”

B. FIND AND LEARNDirections: Look at the picture. Listen as the teacher reads the paragraph. Answer the following

questions in paragraph form.

1. What kind of accidents usually happen to commuters of LRT?

2. How can we avoid getting hurt or meeting an accident on the LRT?

3. What safety precautions should be observed?

C. TRY AND LEARNDirections: Draw conclusions

1. My friend did not come to my party.

Thus, _____________________________________________________

2. I did not study for my test.

Therefore, _________________________________________________

3. I prepared well for the basketball game.

Thus, _____________________________________________________

4. My parents said I did well in school.

Therefore, _________________________________________________

5. I saved a lot of money.

Thus, _____________________________________________________

D. DO AND LEARNDirections: Choose the appropriate conclusion

1. It was my turn to bring candy to our club meeting. I put different types of candy bars into a

bag. I put 10 Snickers bars, 15 Milky Way bars, and 5 Three Musketeers bars into the bag.

When I got to the meeting, each person had to pick a candy bar without looking.

You can guess that .

a. No one picked Milky Way bars

b. Three Musketeers bars were picked the most

c. Three Musketeers bars were picked the least

2. Yoshi was in her room reading a book. Her mom called her to come downstairs and help. As

Yoshi entered the kitchen, her mom handed her a pile of plates. Yoshi put them on the table and

went to get the silverware and glasses.

You can conclude that it is .

a. dinnertime

b. bedtime

c. time for school

3. Sam and his brother Tim each have their own rooms. Sam likes to make his bed every

morning, but Tim never makes his bed. Sam folds all his clothes before putting them away, but

Tim leaves all of his clothes on the floor.

After reading the sentences above, I can conclude that Sam is very messy. Which clues

from the story most likely helped me draw that conclusion? Check ALL that apply.

a. Sam and Tim have their own rooms

b. Tim leaves all of his clothes on the floor

c. Sam likes to make his bed every morning

d. Tim never makes his bed

E. LEARN SOME MOREDirections: Draw conclusions from each situations

Group 1 - Lucy was furious about her spelling grade. She kicked her desk and ran out of

the classroom.

Group 2 - Jessie is going to read a story about a hungry lion and a hungry lamb who

become friends. While reading, Jessie concludes that the lion is …

Group 3 - "O Captain! My Captain!" what has the trip been like for the sailors?

Group 4 - The wind blew through the rigging as the boy watched the clouds roll in. As

the waves grew bigger and bigger, he decided it was time to head home. What is the boy


Group 5 - Shanay had never seen so many fish before. She looked around at the huge

tanks and could see hundreds of fish, crabs, shrimp, and all other amazing creatures completely

surrounding her. She never thought she could feel like she was completely underwater, yet still

be completely dry.

F. READ AND LEARNDirections: Read the given paragraph and answer the following questions.

G. WRITE ABOUT ITDirections: Draw a conclusion from the text read by your teacher

H. REMEMBER*Drawing conclusions refers to information that is implied or inferred. This means that

the information is never clearly stated. • Writers often tell you more than they say directly. They

give you hints or clues that help you "read between the lines."

Republic of the PhilippinesDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONRegion IV – A CALABARZON

Division of Laguna


WEEK 2 – DAY 2Affixes

(Vocabulary Development)

A. THINK AND TELLDirections: Form words using three cards as for prefix, root word and a suffix.

B. FIND AND LEARNDirections: Group the words having the suffix or prefix. Write it on the table below

Prefix Suffix

untoward kingdom

employment supermarket

interact action

attendance pre-school

heroism renew

C. TRY AND LEARNDirections: Name the prefix of each word. Tell the meaning of the base. And use it in a


Prefix Base Word Meaning Sentence






D. DO AND LEARNDirections: Make new words. Add a suffix to the base. Write the new word.









E. LEARN SOME MOREGroup Activity

Directions: Add prefix and suffix to the base to form a new word.

Group 1: humble, able, stable, active, human

Group 2: hunt, govern, operate, paint, write

Group 3: employ, perform, engine, appear

Group 4: correct, write, agree, possible

Group 5: word, grade, spell, join


G. WRITE ABOUT ITDirections: Use the following words in a sentence

1. rewrite

2. superstar

3. invisible

4. action

5. acceptance

H. REMEMBER*Affix - an additional element placed at the beginning or end of a root, stem, or word, or

in the body of a word, to modify its meaning.

*Prefix – letters/syllables added before a word

*Suffix – letters/syllables added after a word

Republic of the PhilippinesDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONRegion IV – A CALABARZON

Division of Laguna


WEEK 2 – DAY 3Proofreading

(Oral Reading Fluency)

A. THINK AND TELLDirections: Pick out the errors and determine how to fix them.

At the start of school Dora was afrad of her new Teacher. Mrs. Davis

seamed nice, but she had so manny rules for the class to folow. Scare

someone to pieces. As the school year cotinued, Dora begun to understan

how the Teacher come up with the rules The rules were their so students

would be respecfulof theyselves and each other. By the end of the year,

Dora though Mrs. Davis was the best Teacher she evere had!

B. FIND AND LEARNDirections: Listen to the teacher as he/she explains the tips in proofreading

C. TRY AND LEARNDirections: Underline the errors

D. DO AND LEARNDirections: Apply the proofreading marks to correct the paragraph.

E. LEARN SOME MOREGroup Activity

Directions: Write a faulty paragraph or short story. Exchange works with other groups and



G. WRITE ABOUT ITDirections: Proofread

H. REMEMBER*Proofreading - examining your text carefully to find and correct typographical errors and

mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling

Republic of the PhilippinesDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONRegion IV – A CALABARZON

Division of Laguna


WEEK 2 – DAY 4Text Types – Problem-Solution

(Reading Comprehension)

A. THINK AND TELLDirections: Tell to the class the latest news you have heard/watched.

B. FIND AND LEARNDirections: Read and analyze the passage below. Take note of the problem solution text


“In the early 1800s, the United States needed room to grow. The problem was most

people lived in the East. The cities were crowded. New land was expensive. Young families

couldn’t afford to buy farms.

Then, as a solution, the United States government purchased land from France. The

government also acquired land from Mexico. Soon the country stretched all the way to the

Pacific Ocean. People looked to the setting sun with outstretched arms and said, “Go west!”

Settlers rode in wagons or on horses. They followed long, dusty trails across hot plains for

thousands of miles. There was no shelter. People slept in tents on the ground. They had to

watch out for wild animals like wolves and snakes. The trip west could take months.

Then a railroad was built that stretched from the East Coast almost to the West Coast.

The railroad made travel faster. More people poured into the new lands. The settlers quickly

built small towns where the farming, fishing, and mining were good.”

C. TRY AND LEARNDirections: Place in the graphic organizer, the problems and solutions present in the selection


D. DO AND LEARNDirections: Write an example of a problem and the solutions. Follow this format






E. LEARN SOME MOREGroup Activity

Directions: Choose one Problem-Solution text from one of your members and act them out in

the class.

F. READ AND LEARNDirections: Analyze and read the text

“The type of government created after the American Revolution included the ideals of

protecting individual liberties while at the same time preserving the collective order of society.

To that end, a government based on combining popular consent, separation of powers, and

federalism was created.”

G. WRITE ABOUT ITDirections: Write a problem-solution text with regards to the present situation of our country.

H. REMEMBER*Signal words provide hints that help you make sense of what you are reading.

Republic of the PhilippinesDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONRegion IV – A CALABARZON

Division of Laguna


WEEK 2 – DAY 5Prepositional Phrases


A. THINK AND TELLPrepositional Phrase Poem Game

Directions: Pick only one prepositional phrase that inspires you (this will be provided by your

teacher.)Write a short poem that uses this phrase creatively in the first and last lines. You

cannot simply repeat the first and last lines. The game helps the you become familiar with

different ways to use a prepositional phrase. When you complete your prepositional phrase

poems, read the poems aloud.

B. FIND AND LEARNDirections: Listen and identify the prepositional phrase to be read by the teacher.

C. TRY AND LEARNDirections: Fill in with the correct prepositional phrase

D. DO AND LEARNDirections: Write a sentence using the following prepositional phrases

1. about the book

2. over the river

3. on Tuesday

4. by the chair

E. LEARN SOME MOREDirections: From the prepositional phrases studied, write songs/ poems containing them.

Read/perform it to the class.

F. READ AND LEARNDirections: Underline the prepositional phrases in the poem below and the poem on the other

side of the sheet.

A Fire-Truck

Right down the shocked street with a siren-blast

That sends all else skittering to the curb,

Redness, brass, ladders and hats hurl past,

Blurring to sheer verb,

Shift at the corner into uproarious gear

And make it around the turn in a squall

of traction, The headlong bell maintaining sure and clear,

Thought is degraded action!

Beautiful, heavy, unweary, loud, obvious thing!

I stand here purged of nuance, my mind a blank.

All I was brooding upon has taken wing,

And I have you to thank.

As you howl beyond hearing I carry you into my mind,

Ladders and brass and all, there to admire

Your phoenix-red simplicity, enshrined

In that not extinguished fire.

Richard Wilbur

F. WRITE ABOUT ITDirections: Underlinethe prepositional phrase in each sentence. Circle the preposition.

1) The strange man parked his car next to the tall trees.

2) The confused foreign exchange student walked through the school halls.

3) My cousin Jesse wore a bandage on his nose to cover the wound.

4) Our crazy dog escaped and wandered all around the neighborhood.

5) Your little brother had surgery and must stay in the hospital.

G. REMEMBER*A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun.

Other words may be in between the preposition and the noun or pronoun, which is also

known as the object of the preposition.

Some prepositional phrases are used as adjectives. They describe nouns.

Other prepositional phrases are used as adverbs. They describe a verb and answer the

questions how, why, or when.

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