mystery state writing prompt all writing prompts were provided

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Mystery State

Writing Prompt

All writing prompts were provided by the above webpage.

Questions and comments can be e-mailed to Doug Dinneen

Mystery State clues were provided by the above website.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you like to do in your free time?

Clue 1: Although this state is the driest state, its lakes are home

to many rare fish.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

If you were principal of this school, what would you do?

Clue 2: Gold and silver discoveries drew miners to this

state in the 1860s.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Once, when you were very frightened, what happened?

Clue 3: This state entered the Union during the Civil War.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if your friend had a broken leg? How would you

cheer him or her up?

Clue 4: This state gets its name from a Spanish word that means "snowcapped."

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I had a million...Then I would...

Clue 5: Hoover Dam is in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What TV or movie star would you like to invite to your birthday party?

Clue 1: The first brick street in the world was laid in this state

in 1870.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Which place would you most like to visit--Africa, China, or Alaska--why?

Clue 2: This was the first state to enact a sales tax.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you got a present you didn't like?

Clue 3: Nearly 80 percent of this state is covered with forest.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Why do you think some people take advantage of others?

Clue 4: The first Mother's Day was celebrated in this state in


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is your favorite book and why?

Clue 5: Pennsylvania and Maryland border this state on the north; Kentucky and

Ohio make up its western border.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is your favorite room in your home and why?

Clue 1: The country's first department store opened in this state in the late 1880s.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you like most about yourself?

Clue 2: The world's largest natural-rock span is located in

this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is your favorite song and why?

Clue 3: The 2002 Winter Olympic Games were held in

this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Who do you talk to when you have a problem?

Clue 4: Mormons were among the first settlers in this state and still make up a

high percentage of the population.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What things are better than going to school? Why?

Clue 5: This state is home to the Great Salt Lake, which covers

2,100 square miles.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you woke up in another country and no one

could understand you?

Clue 1: The first successful parachute jump from a moving plane occurred in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What if cows gave root beer instead of milk?

Clue 2: The longest river in the United States flows through

this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is something you do well?

Clue 3: The ice-cream cone was invented at the 1904 World's

Fair in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Once, when your feelings were hurt, what happened?

Clue 4: This state's motto is the "Show Me State."

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I didn't have to eat....I don't like this food because....

Clue 5: Mark Twain, the author of Tom Sawyer, was born in

this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you think courage means?

Clue 1: A sculpture of two whale tails sticking up out of the ground can be seen

in this state, which shares no borders with an ocean.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if someone said you did something wrong and you


Clue 2: Before joining the union, this state was an independent republic from 1777 to 1791.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I had one more chance to...Then I would...

Clue 3: This state is the top producer of maple syrup in the

United States.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you feel when you do something wrong?

Clue 4: The Green Mountains dominate the landscape in this


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What if all the streets were rivers? What would be different?

Clue 5: The capital of this state, Montpelier, has the smallest

population of any state capital.  

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you saw a friend cheating--report it, confront the friend, or nothing--and why?

Clue 1: The oldest rock in the world, dated at 3.8 billion years

old, was found in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is something that really bugs you?

Clue 2: The blueberry muffin is the official state muffin of this


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I could hear......

Clue 3: This state's motto is L'Etoile du Nord, which is

French for "Star of the North."

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you think about the amount of violence on television?

Clue 4: Charles M. Schultz, who drew the "Peanuts" cartoons,

was born in this state.

Mystery State

Writing PromptWhich is most important to you--

being popular, accomplishing things, or being organized--and


Clue 5: This state has 12,000 lakes.  

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you feel when it's your birthday? Why?

Clue 1: This state has 120 counties.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Where would you prefer to be right now--mountains, desert, or a

beach--and why?

Clue 2: Originally, this state was part of Virginia.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would happen if you found gold in your backyard?

Clue 3: This state is bounded on the west, north, and east by three rivers: the

Mississippi, the Ohio, and the Big Sandy.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would happen if children ruled the world?

Clue 4: The Mammoth-Flint Cave system, which at 300 miles long is the largest

underground cave in the world, is in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is the best birthday present you ever received?

Clue 5: Jefferson Davis, who was president of the Confederate States of America, and President Abraham Lincoln were

both born in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Which is least important to you--money, power, or fame--and why?

Clue 1: The term "dude" originated in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if your new shoes felt fine in the store but now

they are hurting?

Clue 2: This state was the first state to grant women the right

to vote.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is your idea of a dull evening?

Clue 3: This state's license plate features a man on a bucking


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What makes your best friend your best friend?

Clue 4: The JC Penney stores were founded in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What things do you think are beautiful?

Clue 5: This state has the smallest population of all the

50 states.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Does it bother you to be around someone who has bad manners?

Clue 1: Artificial rain was first used in this state in 1947.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you think about people polluting the environment?

Clue 2: The highest ground level wind speed in the United States

was recorded in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I could be like....This person is special because....

Clue 3: The first free public library in the United States was

established in this state.

Mystery State

Writing PromptWhat would happen if animals

could talk? What are some of the questions you would like to ask


Clue 4: This state's motto is "Live Free or Die."

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you think eating junk food affects you?

Clue 5: Dartmouth College, founded in 1769, is in this


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What has been the most fun activity at school so far?

Clue 1: According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the world's

shortest river is in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you feel when you stay with a babysitter?

Clue 2: The highest temperature recorded in this state was 117 degrees and the lowest was 70 degrees below zero.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Once, when you were embarrassed, what happened?

Clue 3: This state is the fourth largest in the United States, but it is the

sixth-least populated state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish animals could......If they could, then.....

Clue 4: Grasshopper Glacier, named for grasshoppers frozen

in ice, is found in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you feel when you do something that is very good?

Clue 5: The Missouri River starts in the Rocky Mountains in this


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would happen if people never co-operated? Why do you think it is

important to co-operate?

Clue 1: If all this state's rivers and streams were laid end-to-end, they could circle the

globe at the equator.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Why do you think the rules you must follow are good or bad?

Clue 2: At one point in time, this state was part of the territories of

Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How would you change the world to make it better?

Clue 3: This state is a leading producer of milk and cheese.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What advice would you give to someone who stole something but

now feels guilty?

Clue 4: The large number of lead miners in this state, who spent most of their time digging underground, earned this state

the nickname the "Badger State."

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Explain how to play your favorite game.

Clue 5: This state borders two of the Great Lakes: Michigan and


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Why is exercise important to someone your age?

Clue 1: The world's largest silver nugget was found in this state

in 1894.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I looked like.... because......

Clue 2: The highest suspension bridge in the world is in this


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

If you could do whatever you wanted to right now, what would

you do?

Clue 3: Members of the Utes, a Native American tribe, have lived in this state

continuously since the 1500s.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is something that makes you feel sad?

Clue 4: On average, this state has the highest altitude in the

United States.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Is loyalty, generosity or honesty most important to you in a friend.


Clue 5: U.S. Air Force Academy cadets attend school in this


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is your favorite day of the week?

Clue 1: The first chartered town in the United States -- York, chartered

in 1641 -- is in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would happen if there were no television? Why would this be

good? bad?

Clue 2: More than 90 percent of the blueberries in North America are

grown in this state.

Mystery State

Writing PromptWhich quality do you dislike most

about yourself--laziness, selfishness, or childishness--and


Clue 3: The most easterly point in the United States -- West

Quoddy Head -- is in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

If you were lost in the woods and it got dark, what would you do?

Clue 4: Nearly 90 percent of the nation's lobster supply is caught off

the coast of this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Would you like to be famous? Why or why not? What would you like to

be famous for?

Clue 5: This state is almost as big as the other five New England states combined.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What kind of trophy would you like to win?

Clue 1: This state became a state on Valentine's Day.

Mystery State

Writing PromptWhat if everyone lived under

water? Where would people live? What games would children play?

What would school be like?

Clue 2: This state is the top producer of copper in the

United States.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you feel when something scares you? What do you do when

this happens?

Clue 3: Telephone numbers that begin with the area code 623

can be found in this state.

Mystery State

Writing PromptHow do you feel when you want something very badly and you cannot have it? Why is this so

important to have?

Clue 4: The palo verde tree, which is Spanish for "green stick," is this

state's official state tree.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you feel when you sleep at someone's house?

Clue 5: This state is home to Grand Canyon National Park.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I could go to.....

Clue 1: This state used to be an independent nation.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Families are important because...

Clue 2: The state's name comes from a native word that means


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I never......

Clue 3: Two active volcanoes can be found in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you think your friends say to each other when you're not


Clue 4: It was the last state to join the United States.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you ordered an ice cream cone and you forgot

to bring money?

Clue 5: This state is made up of eight islands.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish everyone would learn to ..... Then everyone would.....

Clue 1: Swedish immigrants to this state built the first log cabins in

North America in 1683.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you promised to feed your pet and you didn't?

Clue 2: The state bug of this state is the ladybug.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is something that really makes you angry?

Clue 3: This state was named after an early Virginia


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you think makes a happy family?

Clue 4: This state was the first of the original 13 states to ratify

the U.S. Constitution.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish all children would......

Clue 5: It is the second-smallest state in the United States.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What makes you feel safe?

Clue 1: The only active diamond mine in the United States can

be found in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is the worst thing parents can do to their children?

Clue 2: The state was named after a Native American tribe whose name

means "south wind."

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you feel on the first day of winter? Why?

Clue 3: The fiddle (violin) is this state's state instrument.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is your favorite holiday? What makes this holiday special?

Clue 4: "The Natural State" is one of this state's nicknames.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is the best birthday present you could receive?

Clue 5: This state is the home state of former President Bill


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you saw little bugs in your salad?

Clue 1: A city in this state has the longest main street in the

United States, 33 miles.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish everyone loved......

Clue 2: You can find this state at 45 degrees north latitude.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you think about having set rules for people to follow?

Clue 3: The Snake River flows through this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What kind of program do you enjoy most on television? Why?

Clue 4: The logging industry is important to this state. As a matter of fact, some

people note that the state is shaped like a logger's boot!

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you think about ghosts?

Clue 5: The largest city in this state is Boise.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Clue 1: The most rural of the U.S. states, farms cover 90

percent of its land.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What quality do you like about yourself--creativity, personality, or


Clue 2: The geographic center of North America can be found in

this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you were in the middle of the lake and your

boat began to leak?

Clue 3: Explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark wintered in this

state in 1804-1805.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What effects do cigarette and alcohol advertising have on young


Clue 4: Among all U.S. states, this state has the third-smallest


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would happen if you could fly whenever you wanted? When

would you use this ability?

Clue 5: Fargo is this state's most populated city.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What effects does watching violence have on people?

Clue 1: According to the latest census data, this state's population of about 4.4 million

ranks it the 23rd largest state in the United States.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

When was the last time you cried and why?

Clue 2: Workers in this state built the rocket that carried the first people

to walk on the moon.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you feel when your parents are upset with you? Why do they

become upset with you?

Clue 3: The square dance is this state's official American folk


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you feel when you have had a fight with your best friend?

Clue 4: This state was the home state of Helen Keller.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What color makes you think of happiness? Why?

Clue 5: The state of Georgia forms most of this state's

eastern border.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you think about when you can't fall asleep?

Clue 1: This state has the tallest state capital in the United


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What advice would you give a new student?

Clue 2: At different points in its history, this state was owned

by France and Spain.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

If you could give any gift in the world, what would you give and to


Clue 3: This state's counties are called "parishes."

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What four things are most important in your life?

Clue 4: Ninety-eight percent of the world's crayfish are in this


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I could touch......

Clue 5: This state hosts a huge Mardi Gras celebration every


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I didn't have to.....

Clue 1: The world's largest elephant fossil is in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Why would it be good to be honest?

Clue 2: This state's legislature has only one house.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Why is important to have good manners?

Clue 3: Corn and beef are two of this state's top products.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

If you owned a store, what would you do to discourage people from

stealing from you?

Clue 4: Former president Gerald R. Ford was born in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

If there were no rules, what do you think would happen?

Clue 5: This state is nicknamed the "Cornhusker State."

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Choose a monkey, snake or goat for a pet. Why did you choose that


Clue 1: This state was named after a queen of England.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Why do you think prejudice exists in the world?

Clue 2: The first umbrella factory in the United States opened in

this state in 1928.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

If you were five years older you would...

Clue 3: Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star Spangled Banner" in this state while watching an attack on Fort McHenry

during the War of 1812.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I had enough money to......

Clue 4: This state's capital, Annapolis, is the fourth-oldest state

capital in the United States.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you were the teacher and everyone forgot his


Clue 5: The United States Naval Academy is located in this


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you were at home and your homework was at


Clue 1: This state is the easternmost prairie state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

When you are angry, how do you look?

Clue 2: The Wabash & Erie Canal, which operated from 1833 to 1874, increased

the population and commerce in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you think the world will be like when you are a grown up?

Clue 3: This state hosts a famous car race.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

When do you feel proud?

Clue 4: Forty-one miles of this state's border are along Lake


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

When someone picks on someone else, how do you feel? What do you


Clue 5: This state's name means "Land of the Indians."

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you found a magic wand?

Clue 1:Three countries -- France, England, and Spain -- flew their flags over this

state at separate times.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I could learn.....

Clue 2: Nearly 60 percent of this state is covered by forest.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What if you could walk up walls and across ceilings?

Clue 3: Coca-Cola was first bottled in this state in 1894.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What makes you laugh?

Clue 4: Cotton is the most important crop in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do to entertain your family without spending any


Clue 5: This state's name is also the name of the largest (by volume)

river in the United States.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

If you could have been someone in history, who would you have been?


Clue 1: The oldest public library in the United States can be

found in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would happen if it really did rain cats and dogs?

Clue 2: The oldest U.S. newspaper still being published was founded in

this state in 1764.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you found money in the street?

Clue 3: The USS Nautilus -- the world's first nuclear-powered submarine -- was built

in this state in 1954.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if someone told you a joke that you don't think is


Clue 4: This state is the birthplace of American Revolutionary War patriot Nathan Hale, who is quoted as saying, "I only regret that I have but

one life to lose for my country."

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What are some nutritious foods that you like?

Clue 5: The "Constitution State" is this state's nickname.

Mystery State

Writing PromptWhat would happen if there were no cars, buses, trains, boats, or planes? How would this change

your life?

Clue 1: This state elects four people to the U.S. House of


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

If all my wishes came true, I would......

Clue 2: Helium was discovered at a university in this state in


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if a friend borrows things from you but never

returns them?

Clue 3: This state leads the United States in cattle and

wheat production.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you had four math problems marked wrong that

were right?

Clue 4: This state's state song is "Home on the Range."

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is the best advice you ever received?

Clue 5: Female aviator Amelia Earhart was born in this state.  

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you have the most fun--alone, with a large group, or with a

few friends--and why?

Clue 1: The flag of this state was designed by a 13-year-old boy.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Describe a time when you felt vengeful.

Clue 2: This state has 6,640 miles of coastline, more than all other states combined.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if two of your best friends went to the movies

without inviting you?

Clue 3: William A. Egan was this state's first governor.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Describe your favorite toy. Why do you like it best?

Clue 4: This state does not border any other state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you do for exercise?

Clue 5: The United States purchased this state from


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

When have you felt lonely?

Clue 1: This state has the lowest water-to-land ratio of all 50


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you feel when you're leaving home on vacation?

Clue 2: The leaves of this state flower can be used to make sandals, rope, and baskets.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you were invited to two parties on the same


Clue 3: Smokey the Bear, an orphaned bear cub, was found

in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is your favorite month? Why?

Clue 4: Carlsbad Caverns, one of the largest cave systems in the world,

is located in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you wanted to be friends with someone who

spoke no English?

Clue 5: The roadrunner is this state's state bird.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I could give......

Clue 1: This state is home to the world's largest petrified wood


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

If you could only take 3 people with you on a trip around the world, who

would you take and why?

Clue 2: About 1,500 free-roaming bison live in a park in

this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

If your friend told you of a secret plan to run away from home, what

would you do and why?

Clue 3: Part of this state is called "the Badlands."

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

If you received any sum of money as a gift, what would you do with it?

Clue 4: The famous Native American Sioux chief, Sitting

Bull, was a native of this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you feel on a warm sunny day?

Clue 5: Mount Rushmore, on which the faces of U.S. presidents Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson,

George Washington, and Theodore Roosevelt are carved, is in this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Which quality best describes your life--exciting, organized, or dull--

and why?

Clue 1: Polo was played for the first time in the United States in

this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What is something you dislike about yourself?

Clue 2: The state is named after a location in Greece.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Why is it important to be honest?

Clue 3: President John F. Kennedy was married in this


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you say if someone told you it was all right to steal from

a large department store?

Clue 4: Roger Williams founded this state after he was banished from

Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if you did very poorly on a test?

Clue 5: This state is the smallest state in the United States.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you feel about your appearance?

Clue 1: In the late 1700s, settlers here formed a "state"

known as Franklin.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if someone got in front of you when you were in

line at the movies?

Clue 2: The stars on this state's flag represent the major landforms found there.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if a bully bothered you on your way home?

Clue 3: This state has five state songs, including "Rocky Top."

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What are some rules you have to follow at home?

Clue 4: This state's "Grand Ole Opry" is home to the longest continuously

running live radio program.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

When are you happiest?

Clue 5: This state is the site of Graceland, singer Elvis

Presley's home.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish everyone had.....

Clue 1: The world's first parking meter was installed in this state

in 1935.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I could forget the time I .....because....

Clue 2: More human-made lakes can be found in this state than

in any other state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Why do you think some people encourage others to smoke/drink?

Clue 3: Only two states have capital cities that include the state name;

this state is one of them.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would happen if you threw a piece of trash on the ground? What

if everyone did?

Clue 4: This state is home to the largest Native American population in the nation.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you do if a surprise party was for you but you weren't


Clue 5: The National Cowboy Hall of Fame can be found in

this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

When it might hurt their feelings, how do you feel about telling your

friends the truth?

Clue 1: This state has more "ghost towns" than any other


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would happen if everyone wore the same clothes?

Clue 2: The state flag of this state has designs on both


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What would you invent to make life better?

Clue 3: The hazelnut is this state's official state nut.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

When a friend was in an embarrassing situation, what did

you do?

Clue 4: Portland, a city in this state, is called the "City of


Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What talents do you have?

Clue 5: Crater Lake, the deepest lake in the United States, is in

this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you think of someone who has bad manners?

Clue 1: This state has one town on an island.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What do you think makes a good friend?

Clue 2: This state's smallest city park is located in the middle of

a road.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish I had one _____ because…

Clue 3: This is the only state whose eastern and western

borders are formed by rivers.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What kind of animal would you like to be and why?

Clue 4: This was the home state of actor John Wayne.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How would you feel if someone told you that you were his or her best


Clue 5: Iowa City was the former capital of the state. Today, Des

Moines is the capital city.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

Who or what has had a strong influence in your life?

Clue 1: This state's largest county is 1,134 square miles.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

What are you afraid of? Why?

Clue 2: The first tea farm in the United States started in this

state in 1890.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

How do you feel during a thunderstorm?

Clue 3: This state produces and ships the most peaches of any

state east of the Mississippi River.

Mystery State

Writing PromptWhat do you think someone your

age can do to help reduce the amount of pollution in our


Clue 4: A coastal plain covers two-thirds of this state.

Mystery State

Writing Prompt

I wish there were no more.....

Clue 5: The first battle of the Civil War took place at Fort

Sumter in this state.

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