myspace blog

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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By DeAnna Papadopoulos I.D. 3822477

Briony Ralph I.D. 3821635

Stacey Bellin I.D. 3820401

• Myspace began in 2003 and is among one of the most popular web sites around the world.

•Myspace is a socialising network that attracts many teens and young adults.

• Myspace is a way that people can connect by a network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, bulletins, groups, e-mail, IM, forums, photos, music, videos or simply commenting each others profiles.


Created by Tom :

How Myspace works• Myspace is a free web site that allows people to set up a profile including

pictures, personal information, music, videos and many other applications.

• Once a profile is set up the user can share pictures and messages with anyone else who has a profile and is approved as a friend.

• Profiles can be set to private which prevents anyone who is not approved from viewing their profile.

How to get started on Myspace:

For the people who are new to Myspace and are unsure about how to begin making their profile the following links can be quite helpful to help get you started.

-The following website is about ‘getting started’. It has 9 basis steps to help you set up your Myspace profile.

-On this website there are also other helpful videos about that will teach you about photos, creating a slideshow, adding songs to your profile and also adding videos to your profile.

-The link below will show you how to create a photo album and slideshow:

- Being apart of a social network such as Myspace and being able to interact successfully online is becoming an important skill in the workplace.

- Having the ability to adapt to new technologies is regarded as a highly valuable skill by employers, and can ease both formal and informal learning.

. - Using sites such as Myspace to communicate, work together and create means students can develop a wide range of literacy skills.

-The site also supports creativity because users are able to show content such as writing, music and photography and also find other

people who share the same interests. It can also help students to gain knowledge about how other people live and think in all parts of the


- Young people can also use Myspace to work together on an any-time, any-where basis. It has a calendar tool that students can use to schedule their personal and school timetables and any due assignments or upcoming assessments.

- Teachers who have Myspace are able to create blogs where they can share information about their subject such as class notes, helpful educational links and assignments with their students, allowing them to work together as small community which encourages shared thinking and ideas


As the number of Myspace users is growing with over 100 million registered users worldwide so are the parents and teachers concerns about this popular social networking tool.

The concern that parents have is over the amount of information their children are presenting about themselves. The parents who also know little about Myspace would be concerned about what their kids are actually doing on Myspace and who they are doing it with.

Another major concern among Myspace users is that their account can be hacked into. The hackers can get hold of your password and also make unwanted changes to your profile.

This video allows us to see how easy it is for someone to hack into your myspace profile.


Our blog allowed us to share information that we each individually gathered for our own pages and other team mates pages. We were able to post videos for each other and discuss what we believed should be added to the blog, as well as what worked and didn’t work. Through comments we passed information to one another, and let each other know if we thought each others

information was relevant.


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