myself in a group

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Delia Manea c34590

Diaconia University of Applied


Diak, Kalasatama



26 September 2016

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Groups are fundamental part of human being experience, we are craving for in-

teraction and attention all our lives. A group is defined as "two or more individu-

als who are connected to one another by social relationships" (Donelson R.

Forsyth, 2006). Talking about groups, means talking about individuals involved,

how do they connect and what are their relationships. Being in a group, can

provide people with a good network of socializing and education, when is need-

ed, support. However a group is not always a positive thing, sometimes a group

can have a negative impact on community or on its members.

There are so many different groups; there are groups which are set up for help-

ing disable kids and adults; groups who have target to protect the community;

there are literacy groups, where people are getting together to discus and enjoy

a good book; there are groups as yoga or fitness; groups which provide help for

those who suffers of mental illnesses; knitters group where people gather to-

gether to knit for pleasure or they are set to donate their work to community;

and many more examples. When we look from an outsider perspective, we can

see that each group has more in common than differences; an individual is at-

tracted to a specific group because his interests are the same as those of the

group in case. Some of this groups are "naturally" formed, based on friendship;

other groups can be "created".( Douglas,Tom 2002)

Natural groups are different from the created groups because natural groups

are set to meet a particular purpose which is different from the one that formed

the group; created groups are formed by circumstances and they have a specif-

ic purpose.

A group is characterized by its structure, chaos is not constructive or educative,

therefore rules are important in a group. Each member of a group brings some-

thing unique along, in that way the group structure holds the group together. A

good structure has roles, communication, leadership and power, will help the

group to achieve their purpose.

At the beginning, the group sets the roles, the members decide if the group has

a structure based on leadership, or they are agreeing to have a committee

structure. Once each one of the group members know their roles, it's easy to

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delegate the tasks, however for the wellbeing of the group it's important to know

each other. Each individual brings his knowledge and his experience to the

group, therefore he is good at certain tasks, and it will be wise to use his exper-

tise for appropriate situations. A good leader will know to divide the tasks in that

way, that the aim of the group will be achieved, having a group struggling with

their tasks it will only bring frustration and unhappiness for the members of the

group. The division of the labour can be negotiated between the members of

the group, and most of all the labor will be more fun, if it's not forced upon un

individual. Sometimes we forget to give an opportunity, instead of demanding ,

present the task in that way, that will make it an interesting challenge. Being

able to change the way of thinking in a group is related to the dynamics of the

group. Having non committed individuals in the group it is a problem , once the

problem it's solved and the members are committed, success is already

achieved. "Commitment equals energy, and energy is what is required if a

group - any group - is to succeed." (Douglas, Tom. 2002)

Lots of groups experience early disagreements which are caused by lots of aim-

less energy, or simply because they lack of group-work experience, in the end

a group without strong roles and good leadership will collapse. Warm and

friendly atmospheres are more productive , the group members will achieve

their targets faster, that way, the reward will be sweeter.

Groups can be small or big, open or closed; small groups are easier to manage

but also they are not that powerful; big groups are more powerful, however they

require more micromanaging, encouraging leader . Open groups can have new

members any time,or lose members, however because of this, open groups are

exposed often to instability, and most likely they will not be able to grow friend-

ships. In closed groups , the members get to know each other and trust each

others, based on trust, friendships are born, therefore the group is more likely to

become an unit.

If we are to look at a classroom, they are different individuals in a classroom,

but each one of them has an talent, or an skill, therefore once they found an

common ground, something to believe in, they will be able to do great thinks to-

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gether. In any group, communication is mandatory in order to have immediate


Since we live in in a world of smart gadgets it does not take much effort to pass

de information between members of the group. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter

are easy to use, and offer the possibility to connect people, therefore groups are

formed, and it is such a transparent way of keeping track of the group activity.

One such a group is "Hungry readers" of which I became member lately, it

came to my knowledge from one of my Romanian friends, who loves books as

much I do. Our group is small, only 6 members and we have a few rules that

guides us, one rule is fundamental, "enjoy your book". We agreed to meet

every other week, that way we have time to read the assigned book, once we

are done reading we spend time discussing favorite or less favorite characters

or scenes. However, it may look simple and fun group, but in order to be like

that, all of us are committed and we are in a group not because we have to, but

because we love to. We are good listeners and observers , we respect each

others opinions, therefore we blend well together. We are in touch through

Facebook most of the time, but also we chat on the phone if is needed. Since is

a closed group is easier to maintain a solid ground, rules are easy to follow and

we don't feel stressed or overwhelmed by to many tasks. We like to meet in

cafes during weekend, at early times , that way we can be home for our families

for the rest of the day. This group is not only a book club but also well deserved

break from anything else.

Being in a group means spending time in a company of others , making new

friends and living new experiences. Each individual is special, own knowledge

has impact on the other members, and the other way around, therefore you

have the chance to do good and take what is good from the others around you.

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Douglas, Tom ( 2002 ) Basic Groupwork (2)

What is groupwork

ACCESSED 26.9.2016

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