my target audience

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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My Target Audience

Dan Biddle


Who would be the audience for you media product?

How did you attract/address your audience?

Chosen Audience

My chosen audience to promote my magazine to, are radical teenagers, within the 13-18 age category.

These people would most likely be on a low income and predominately male.

I aim to target the “emo” kids


My target audience is often stereotyped for being: depressed, self harm, gloomy, quiet

How I want to represent my audience

I use this image a lot because I think that it is the true representation of “emos”

In this image they are shown as care-free and that the enjoy hanging out with friends, this is the representation I want to achieve.

My Representation

In my magazine, I have set out to challenge these stereotypes. Instead of depressed, self harm etc, I have represented my audience as happy and funny-loving

The models in my main sell are smiling and are not wearing all black

Mode of Address

I have set out my double-page in an interview format, so most of the text are “quotes” from the band.

The questions I’ve asked, such as “you spent a couple days on the warped tour, do you have any stories to tell about that?” I felt as though this question was relevant and interested my audience.

I wanted to use youthful terms, however I didn’t want to overuse them in case it came off as patronizing

Mode of Address

In the Editors note section of my contents page I have used youthful expressions such as “tearing up the Academy” “lucky for you guys” etc. Another feature of my contents uses phrases like: “your pics from YOUR concerts” and “The UKS hottest new band”

Use of Images

The models I used throughout my images, are the same age as my target audience (although I have quoted them as being a year older than they are)

By having youthful models I think that I have attracted the teen audiences I wish to attract.

End of Level Boss

My Target Audience – By Dan Biddle

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