my soul delighteth in the words of isaiah ” 2 nephi 11-25

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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My Soul Delighteth in the Words of Isaiah”

2 Nephi 11-25

Isaiah =the Lord is salvation

Prophet in Jerusalem during 40 years, 740-701 BC

Contemporary Prophets: Hosea and Micah

He had great religious and political influence during the reign of Hezekiah, whose chief adviser he was.

Isaiah is the most quoted of all the prophets, being more frequently quoted by Jesus, Paul, Peter, and John than any other Old Testament prophet.

BD 707

Most Quoted Nineteen of Isaiah’s sixty-six

chapters are quoted in their entirety in the Book of Mormon and, except for two verses, two other chapters are completely quoted.

Of the 1292 verses in Isaiah, about 430 are quoted in the Book of Mormon, some of them more than once (for a total of nearly 600).

More than half of the Isaiah verses quoted in the Book of Mormon differ from the King James version of the Bible. These differences help clarify or give additional insight into the meaning of Isaiah. BD 707

If all of the quotations from Isaiah in the Book of Mormon were moved into one place and called the book of Isaiah, it would constitute the fourth largest book in the Book of Mormon

BOM Sem manual

Why Nephi quoted Isaiah

1 Ne 19:23

To more fully persuade them to believe in the Lord

2 Ne 11:2-4

To provide another witness of Jesus Christ

2 Ne 11:5-6,8

To help us (his readers) rejoice

2 Ne 25:3 To reveal God’s judgments

1 Ne 19:23; 2 Ne 11:2,8

“Liken all scriptures unto us”

2 Ne 25:1 “Know … concerning the manner of prophesying among the Jews”

2 Ne 25:3,6 “Know the judgments of God”

2 Ne 25:6 “Know concerning the regions round about [Jerusalem]”

2 Ne 25:4 Be “filled with the spirit of prophecy”

Keys to understanding Isaiah

Why Liken?

Nephi includes many historical passages in his Isaiah extracts and gives them not as history lessons so much as lessons from history, showing the past types and patterns that can influence later generations.

He recognized that scripture will help only those readers who can personally relate to its message.


Isaiah’s Writing Class?

I suspect the Humanities Writing class had instructions more like these:

Conceal what you’re going to say. Never use the same noun twice when referring to a person, group or place (Isaiah uses five different names to describe the same place in 2 Ne 17). Speak of future events in past tense at times. (Isa 53) In fact, have no time frame — move in and out of past, present and future without telling the reader what you’re doing. Use complex symbolism rather than simple parables. Never let anyone know whether you’re being literal or figurative.

John Bytheway, Isaiah for Airheads, 28

Manner of prophesying..


John Bytheway, Isaiah for Airheads, 28

Isaiah’s writings deal with:A major theme is that God requires righteousness of his people , and until they obey him they will be smitten and scattered by their enemies. But in the end, Israel will be restored; the barren land will be made fruitful and able to support a large population; and the Lord…will dwell in the midst of his people, who will be called Zion. BD, 707

The bulk of Isaiah’s prophecies deal with the coming of the Redeemer, both in his first appearance and as the Great King at the last day, as the God of Israel.Isaiah deals with events of his day as well as events beyond his

time, some of which have already come to pass and others are yet to be. He uses local themes and extends them to latter-day fulfillment or application. So some prophecies are fulfilled more than one time and have more than one application. B

BD 707

Know God’s judgments

Isaiah foresaw how the kingdoms of Israel and Judah would suffer because of their wickedness, but he also prophesied that their blessings would be restored when they repented and followed Jesus Christ. From Isaiah’s accounts of what happened to Israel and Judah, and from his prophecies of the future restoration of the house of Israel, we can better understand how God works in our lives and how He blesses nations according to their righteousness.

Know the geography



The Two Kingdoms

Isaiah’s Ministry Begins 

Assyrians     Capture the    Northern Kingdom 

Babylonian  Captivity 

JewsReturn to Judah

The Four Events are:            |---------740 B.C.--------721---------701---------587----------537------|

Assyrians attack the southern kingdom of Judah

Be filled with the spirit of prophecyRev 19:10

What is the spirit of prophecy?

Revelation 19:10 tells us that “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

How can we obtain it? How can the spirit of

prophecy help us understand Isaiah’s teachings about the Savior?

2 Ne 20:28-34

Liken – look at the chapter heading

Uses the threats against ancient Israel to describe threats against Zion today

=The Assyrian and Babylonian threats against Judah and House of Israel

The attacks

The scattering and destruction of the wicked

The blessings of the righteous

The battle between the world (Babylon) and Zion in our day

The attacks

The destruction of the wicked

The blessings of the righteous

Who are The Assyrians? “A captured city was usually plundered and burnt to

the ground, and its site was deliberately denuded by killing its trees. The loyalty of the troops was secured by dividing a large part of the spoils among them; their bravery was ensured by the general rule of the Near East that all captives in war might be enslaved or slain. Soldiers were rewarded for every severed head they brought in from the field, so that the aftermath of a victory generally witnessed the wholesale decapitation of fallen foes. Most often the prisoners, who would have consumed much food in a long campaign, and would have constituted a danger and nuisance in the rear, were dispatched after the battle; they knelt with their backs to their captors, who beat their heads in with clubs, or cut them off with cutlasses. Scribes stood by to count the number of prisoners taken and killed by each soldier, and apportioned the booty accordingly; the king, if time permitted, presided at the slaughter. The nobles among the defeated were given more special treatment: their ears, noses, hands and feet were sliced off, or they were thrown from high towers, or they and their children were beheaded, or flayed alive, or roasted over a slow fire.  ( Durant, Our Oriental Heritage, 1:271, 275–76.)

-OT Institute Manual

2 Ne 20:28-34Know the geography

We are holding out here in the Canton ward and the enemy is on the hill the other side of Market

We face 185,000 troops (Assyrians!!!!!)

What happened?

Cedars of Lebanon – prized hardwood tree, a symbol of the pride of the world

So what happened with this prophecy? Isaiah 37:36 Within a twenty-year period the mighty Assyrian

army encircled the capitals of both Israel and Judah. Israel: In the first instance, the Assyrians went

home victorious, laden with the spoils of war and herding the sorry remnants of a once-proud people before them. Behind them a nation lay smoldering in ruins.

Judah: In the second instance, the same Assyrian army went home stunned and decimated. They took no booty and no captives and left behind 185,000 of their troops lying dead on the hillsides of Jerusalem.

OT Institute Manual,

Then the angel of the Lord went forth, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and four score and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses. (See Isa 36-37;2 Kings 18:13-19:37)

2 Ne 12:2-3Fortifications against the attack

What symbolic meanings are associated with mountains?

When was 2 Nephi 12:2 fulfilled, or when will it be fulfilled?

The temple to be built in Jerusalem in the last days and the New Jerusalem

2 Ne 12:2-3The mountain of the Lord

Why do you think Isaiah described the temple as “the mountain of the Lord”?

How can all temples be “mountains” for our worship?


Ancient prophets communed with the Lord and received revelation in the mountains

Describes a place close to God Descriptive of the effort it takes to get

to the “mountain of the Lord” A description of a time when the temple

and the instruction therein are valued more than other edifices or values

1 Nephi 18:3

And I, Nephi, did go into the mount oft, and I did pray oft unto the Lord; wherefore the Lord showed unto me great things.

2 Ne 14:6Places of refuge

What are some examples of spiritual storms that we face in this life?

How can the temple help protect us from these storms?

Places of refuge Dwelling places



2 Ne 12:3-5; D&C 133:7-14The attack: establish the kingdom of God on earth

How can we as Latter-day Saints help establish the kingdom of God on earth?

2 Ne 12:5-12Walk in the light of the Lord

What are some of the specific sins mentioned ? How are these sins still prevalent today? How can

we avoid these pitfalls and “walk in the light”?

Wicked Ways Today?

Isaiah Today

Replenished from the eastPlease themselves in the children of strangersHearken unto soothsayersLand full of silver and goldLand full of horses and chariotsLand full of idolsHumbleth himself not

Look to other philosophies and religionsJoin the wickedness of the worldIgnore the true prophet for false counselorsMaterialisticWarfareWorship things other than the true GodNo humility

2 Ne 15:18Draw iniquity with cords of vanity



Occasionally we cut the “cords of vanity” and let go of a favorite sin, but all too often we only periodically cast off from our cart a sin here and there rather than just letting go of the cart rope.

Brent Top, A Peculiar Treasure,160

2 Ne 15:26-29; 21:12Ensign to the nations

What did Isaiah say would happen when this ensign was raised?

2 Ne 21;JSH 1:40

When the angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith, he said that chapter 11 of Isaiah (quoted in 2 Nephi 21) was about to be fulfilled (Joseph Smith—History 1:40).

How is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ an ensign to all nations? (See D&C 64:41–43; 105:39; 115:4–6.)

2 Ne 21:12Nations gathered

What can each of us do to help fulfill this prophecy?

2 Ne 16:1-5Isaiah’s vision/Our call

How did Isaiah feel in the presence of the Lord?

2 Ne 16:2-4Seraphim

D&C 77:4 wings are symbolic of power to move or act quickly

Cover faces and feet to show reverence

Holy, holy, holy = most holy, holiest

Shook =the presence of God

Incense = the glory of God, prayers ascend to heaven

2 Ne 16:5-8Burning coal?

Undone = inadequate, humbled

Live coal = from the altar, which is symbolic of the atonement

Burning = purifying power, cleansing, painful process of repentance and the sanctifying effect of the “refiner’s fire”

2 Ne 16:8Here am I send me

The service which builds a young, growing Church is not casually requested nor whimsically given. On occasion the obstacles have been great and the price sometimes very dear.

Jeffrey R Holland, CR, Oct 2002

When might we need to give a similar response to the Lord?

Life in the service of the Lord is good.

When I was a missionary in London fifty years ago, my companion and I would shake hands in the morning and say to one another, “Life is good.” Life in the service of the Lord is good. It is beautiful. It is rewarding.

Gordon B Hinckley, Ensign, Nov 1984,86

2 Ne 24:6-19The fate of the enemy (Lucifer)

Fate of the enemy

What Lucifer wanted What Lucifer gets

Ascend into heavenExalt to a throne above the starsSit upon the count of the congregationAscend above the heights of the cloudsBe like the Most High

Brought down to hell, the pitTrodden under feetNo great monuments

2 Ne 25:19-30Nephi’s testimony of the Savior

What impresses you about Nephi’s testimony?

Next Week:

2 Ne 22:1-6

Isaiah’s description of how all people will praise the Savior during the Millennium. What impresses you about these verses?

What “excellent things” (2 Nephi 22:5) has the Savior done for us?

2 Ne 25:23Grace and works

What does this statement teach about the relationship between the grace of Jesus Christ and our works? (See 2 Nephi 10:24–25; D&C 20:29–31

How does this statement give you encouragement to do the best you can?

2 Ne 25:29Worship

What might you do this week to comply more fully with Nephi’s exhortation to worship the Lord “with all your might, mind, and strength, and your whole soul”?

the Savior gave His approval of Isaiah’s teachings in this single statement: “Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah” (3 Nephi 23:1).

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