my school

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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Describe mi antiguo colegio y mi instituto.



My schoolHello, my name’s Pablo. Last year, I was a student at Andrés Segovia Primary School. It was a small school. There were an assembly hall, a canteen and a morning class. In my classroom, we were twenty – two students. My best friends were Rafa, Nuria, Carmen, Shaima and Matias. I was learning Maths, Spanish Language, Geography and History, English, P.E, Catholic Religion, Art and Music. I had five teachers: Leticia for English, Maths, Geografy and History and Spanish Language; Pedro for P.E; Fernando for Music; Diego for Catholic Religion and Eduardo for Art.

Last year, I had an excursion to Cordoba, to the Alhambra, to the Park of Sciences and many more sites I cannot remember. I did some projects: a project of the Solar System and many summaries.

This year, I’m a student at Alhambra Secondary School. It’s a big school. There are an assembly hall, a gym, two sports fields, a canteen, a museum and a library. In my class we are

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thirty – two students. My best friends are Alicia, Carmen, Andrea B., Maria T., Araceli, Dani and David H. I’m learning Maths, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Art, English, French, P.E, Catholic Religion, Spanish Language and Music. I have ten teachers: Nita for Maths, Sonsoles for Social Sciences, Esther for Natural Sciences, Juan de Dios for Music, José Carlos for Catholic Religion, Antonio for Spanish Language, Francisca for French, Federico for English, Antonio Luna for P.E and Julia for Art.

I had an excursion to the Cubillas Reservoir, to the Eco Park and to the House of the Pisa. Now, I’m going to the Sacromonte Abbey. I did some projects: my presentation, a project of Halloween, a project of my city, a project of my favourite sport, of my ideal diet, etc.

Vocabulary:-Morning class: Aula matinal.

-Assembly hall: Salón de actos.

-Sport fields: Pistas de deporte.

-Reservoir: Pantano.

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