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  • 7/28/2019 My Report - Copy


  • 7/28/2019 My Report - Copy


    Approved Page

    Field Experience Program ( FEP ) Report 1- Microteaching Activity



    STAMBUK/NIRM :100250302074/101025032311090074

    DEPARTMENT/STUDY PROGRAM :English Department


    Has been checked and approved

    At 14th of February 2013

    By :

    Chief Commitee Supervisor

    Suyadi Rahmat, S.Pd, M.Pd Rapi Hamdi Nur, S.Pdi

    Nidn.090548502 Nidn.


    The First Of Vice Dean Head Of Study Program

    Muhammad Fadli, Munir Mulkhan, Sfil

    Nidn. Nidn. 0924058003

  • 7/28/2019 My Report - Copy



    God almighty who has given grace and gift, so the report of The Field

    Experience Program 1- Microteaching can be properly resolved that the material

    requirements for the implementation of Field Experience Program on the Faculty

    of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at the Tomakaka University of


    This report provides an overview of how the implementation of The Field

    Experience Program 1- Microteaching are of the debriefing, counseling process,

    until the implementation of The Field Experience Program 1- Microteaching. The

    writing is not independent of the executive committee support, supervisor, and the

    administrators of Tomakaka University of Mamuju.

    The writer also sat many thanks for all of my friend compatriots, who

    gave their support to me. The author would like to say many thanks for the

    amount to :

    1. Mr. SAHRIL. S.Pd, M.Pd as The University Rector of Tomakaka


    2. Mr. BUSTAMIN SADIYAH, S.Pd.,M.Pd as The Dean of English

    Training and Education Faculty of Tomakaka University of Mamuju

    3. Mr. BONGGA PASILONG as the first Vice Dean, and Mr. FADLI as

    the second Vice Dean of English Training an Education Faculty,

    chairman of the Literary Study Program, BAK, and their associated

    staffs as the administrator and the executive committee of the field

    experience program, which always controls the process of the fieldexperience program.

    4. Mr. HAEDAR HARUN, S.Pd.I as the third Vice Dean who always

    gave us support to finish this activity.

    5. And especially for Mr, Rapi Hamdi Nur, Spd as The Supervisor who

    always guide and give his input to this report.

    Do not forget also the writer say many thanks to both of my beloved

    parents who always gave support to the author so that the author can finish this

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    report, either directly or indirectly that have they given like material and prayer.

    The writer also recognize that the practice of reporting is still very far

    from perfection,this is due to my limitations as a human being is inseparable from

    the error because only God belongs the perfection, therefore the author expect the


    End up with all the limitations of this practice report the author offers as

    one of the evaluation to be better, and become water for the people that are thirsty

    of knowledge.

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    1.1 Background

    As time continues to bring us to the fact that the life or the role of a

    teaching staff that takes skill, in his profession. We can see the reality on the

    ground now, we still find a lot of teachers, learners are still awkward, but we

    know a teacher must be prepared to take responsibility of the profession who

    wrestled yes. Many things to be done so that we can get out from behind, out of

    the cycle of ignorance, and lack of mental preparation to face the students, and

    eventually be able to compete competitively.

    Logical improvement and upgrading of skills to improve the quality of

    the profession who are oriented to anticipate the changes that occur in the field

    along with the development of technology. Education program does not only

    focus on the preparation of human resources that ready to use, but it is also

    expected to produce human resources that are adaptive, able to accept the change,

    adapt and develop themselves in accordance with the demands of the workplace

    environment, both nationally and globally. One way that can be achieved is

    through the preparation of the quality improvement program of human resources

    through improving of speaking skills to consider:

    1) Evident in the school are still many teachers who are less adept at

    communicating to manage the class is not the maximum

    2) Development of human resources who have the competence to

    compete with other workers in the district and national levels

    Other than that there are many ways to develop the potential of adding to

    the confidence of the profession that we are wrestled. It may mean that the quality

    of a teacher can more forward with setting up a reliable and skilled man who later

    became a locomotive in use and manage higher quality education of international

    standard education as a maturing process in which the heart of the matter as well

    as the key to success or solution that must be met in education, both from within

    and from outside, the substance must be met to solve the main problem in

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    teaching and learning adult educators is a very important role in the development

    of an area, which should be responsibled to educate students and their children to

    become better and more useful to the nation and country. To be headed in the

    direction in question, a teacher is required to be able to do their job professionally,

    both in delivering social values, religion, culture, in providing training to achieve

    the desired competency.

    The writer is very grateful for the educational institution in West

    Sulawesi. The University of Tomakaka as a young printer in building a better

    Mamuju particulary in the field of education, so the future is not less a province in

    Indonesia. I am also proud of the faculty of teacher training and education faculty.

    The University of Tomakaka before dealing directly with the community as we

    know the background of the educators, implementing The Field Experience

    Program with the Microteaching method as the beginning of the profession in the

    future. As well as one of the early simulation educators a boat sailing to the east

    and one west, when actuated by the same wind. It is our stretch of the screen, and

    not the wind direction that determines what direction we are when going through

    life, we who determine the stretch of soul purpose, and not the calm or the hustle

    and bustle. the above sentence likens this life is a voyage, in which way a

    sailboat will take us, we decide it.

    1.2 The Purposes Of The Field Experience Program 1-Microteaching

    As for the objectives to be achieved from the implementation of The

    Field Experience Program 1- Microteaching so far as a replacement field

    experience program I at the school as follows :

    A. General Purposes

    That students, especially in English Training and Education Faculty

    can improve the quality, basic skills, and understanding as well as the shape

    and the way the teaching and learning in school to senior high school

    education level / equivalent to the next practice.

    B. Specific Purposes

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    2.1.1. While the specific purpose of implementing the activities of this

    Field Experience Program 1- Microteaching are as follow :

    a) So that students can learn the procedure how to make syllabus,

    lesson plans, and understanding of student knowledge about

    teaching methods, classroom management, plan the

    implementation of learning, teaching, teaching programs,

    evaluation systems, as well as learning and teaching senior high

    school level.

    b) As a vehicle for students to second field experience program

    later, with understanding and knowledge of subject matter that is

    used by the orientation of the principal on the level of the

    education curriculum ( KTSP ) Education Unit Level Curriculum.

    c) So the students know about the duties and responsibilities of a

    teacher that will be their profession.

    1.3 The Useful Of The Field Experience Program 1- Microteaching

    The useful of the implementation of The Field Experience Program 1-

    Microteaching followed by the fifth semester students are :

    1) Create a high morale and motivation and confidence to continue to

    hone students in teaching and communicating with learners in the

    face of a more serious reality demanding profession

    2) That students have a basic concept as an ideal reference that

    teachers, professional and competent as educators in the future.

    3) That students are not awkward anymore when dealing directly with

    students in the second field experience program.

    4) Students can apply the method in accordance with the material to be

    taught and can continue to the secon field experience program.

    5) This practice may be the initial vehicle for teachers to be able to

    know the extent to which we can teach and as a correction and

    personal input to decision making in efforts to improve educational

    services to students both in the community

    6) As one step evaluation of the achievement of educational programs

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    and materials evaluation in second field experience program.

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    2.1 TIME

    2.1.2.Debriefing Of The Field Experience Program 1- Microteaching

    The debriefing process of the fifth semester was held on the second

    floor of the hall of the Tomakaka Mamuju University on Sunday at 18th of

    November 2012. This briefing was started at 08.00 am 18.00 pm with four

    materials. The first material was about Microteaching that brought by Mr.

    Bustamin Sadiyah, the second material was about basic competence of

    learning by Mr. Jamaluddin Asis, the third material was about method and

    design of learning that brought by Ms. Wahidah and the last material or the

    fourth material was about the media of learning that brought by Mr. Haedar


    2.1.3.Technical coaching PFE I Microteaching

    Coaching activities of the Field Experience Program 1-

    Microteaching practices guidance activities was carried out for three times.

    The first day on Thursday at 20th of December 2012 with guidance material

    how to make a great implementation plan of learning and syllabus in Mr.

    Rapis office and then continued on Monday at 7th of January 2013 in C.1.1

    with material consultation about the implementation plan of learning and

    syllabus and the last on Wednesday at 9th of January 2013 in C.1.1 with

    guidance material was about consultation about the implementation plan

    of learning and syllabus .

    2.1.4.Process Of The Practice In The Field Experience Program 1-


    The process of the The Field Experience Program 1- Microteaching

    activities was hold on Sunday at 13 th of January 2013 until Monday on 11th

    of February 2013 at Tomakaka University Mamuju in B.1 Room and

    seminar room.

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    2.2 The Kind Of The Activity

    There are many kind of activities that we have done in The Field

    Experience Program 1- Microteaching. That are :

    No Kind Of Activity Time Of Activity Target

    1. Debriefing of the

    Field Experience

    Program 1-Microteaching

    Sunday at 18th of

    November 2012

    In order the college student

    knew how to procedure the

    activity in teaching, can dothe process of teaching

    with the structure, knew

    the situation of the

    teaching in the field and

    the student can make some

    media and design in

    learning activity

    2. The coaching of the

    Field Experience

    Program 1-


    1. How to make

    a great

    syllabus and


    on plan of


    Thursday at 20th of

    December 2012

    until Wednesday at

    9th of January 2013

    Thursday at 20th of

    December 2012

    In order the students can

    know the steps how to

    make syllabus and make

    the teaching suitable with

    the calendar of the

    education of the years. And

    know what the structure of

    RPP and Syllabus is.

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    2. Consultation

    about the


    on plan of

    learning and


    3. Consultation

    about the


    on plan of

    learning and

    syllabus an

    ACC of it

    Monday at 7th of

    January 2013

    Wednesday at 9th

    of January 2013

    The students can know

    about the truth of their job

    about making syllabus and


    The students can know

    about the truth of their job

    about making syllabus and


    3. The Practice

    proccess of teaching

    in the Field

    Experience Program

    1- Microteaching

    Sunday at 13th of

    January 2013 until

    Monday on 11th of

    February 2013

    In order the students can

    know all of the estimation

    forms, the technical of the

    teaching, character of the

    students that faced, model

    and how to arrange the

    classmate greatly. So that it

    can help the student to addtheir knowledge of the

    collage student before go

    to the real student in the


    4. The arrangement

    process of the end

    report of th Field

    Start from

    Debriefing until

    arrangement of the

    As the first step of the

    teaching process it can

    make us to know how to

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    Experience Program

    1- Microteaching

    report ( Sunday at

    18th of November

    2012 until 14th of

    February 2013 )

    teach an how to make a

    good report

    2.3 Technical, Method, And Helping Tool Of The Activity

    2.3.1 Technical activities Debriefing

    The participants in The Field Experience Program 1-

    Microteaching of debriefing activities attended by all of the

    participants of The Field Experience Program presenters, lecturers,

    rector, practice administrator and the committee of The Field

    Experience Program 1- Microteaching are:

    1. The participants of The Field Experience Program 1-

    Microteaching ( students of Teacher Training and Education

    Faculty of 5th semester )

    2. Supervisor of the third group ( Rapi Hamdi Nur ) and

    guides other groups

    3. Rector Tomakaka University (Sahril, S.Pd.,M.Pd)

    4. Administrator and committee Guiding of The Field Experience Program 1- Microteaching

    1. The Making The Implementation Plan of Learning

    2. The Making syllabus

    3. Consultation The Implementation Plan of Learning and


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    4. Re- Consultation The Implementation Plan of Learning and


    5. Practice Material The Teaching Practice of The Field Practice Program 1-


    Teaching and learning process carried out in accordance

    with the schedule in the student manual of The Field Experience

    Program 1- Microteaching give the committee and was accompanied

    by the implementation of each supervisor as counselor in third

    group. The practice is tailored to the diagram or scheme that has

    been designed by committee and every student in attendance will be

    different positions as shown below:

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    The First Meeting

    Explanation :

    G : teacher

    S : student

    O : observer

    Sv : suvervisor

    Note :

    The orange color show my position in learning process




    Sv.2 Sv.3G.2 G.3

    S1 S2 S3

    O.1 O.2 O.3 O.4 O.5 O.6

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    The Second Meeting

    Explanation :

    G : teacher

    S : student

    O : observer

    Sv : suvervisor

    Note :

    The orange color show my position in learning process




    Sv.2 Sv.3G.2 G.3

    S1 S2 S3

    O.1 O.2 O.3 O.4 O.5 O.6

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    The third meeting

    Explanation :

    G : teacher

    S : student

    O : observer Sv : suvervisor

    Note :

    The orange color show my position in learning process




    Sv.2 Sv.3G.2 G.3

    S1 S2 S3

    O.6O.1 O.2 O.3 O.4 O.5

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    The fourth meeting

    Explanation :

    G : teacher

    S : student

    O : observer

    Sv : suvervisor

    Note :

    The orange color show my position in learning process




    Sv.2 Sv.3G.2 G.3

    S1 S2 S3

    O.6O.1 O.2 O.3 O.4 O.5

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    The Fifth Meeting

    Explanation :

    G : teacher

    S : student

    O : observer

    Sv : suvervisor

    Note :

    The orange color show my position in learning process




    Sv.2 Sv.3G.2 G.3

    S1 S2 S3

    O.6O.1 O.2 O.3 O.4 O.5

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    The Sixth Meeting

    Explanation :

    G : teacher

    S : student

    O : observer

    Sv : suvervisor

    Note :

    The orange color show my position in learning process

    S S S S S
































    G.2 G.3 G.4 G.5




    Sv.2 Sv.3G.2 G.3

    S1 S2 S3

    O.6O.1 O.2 O.3 O.4 O.5

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    20/37 The process of preparing the final report of The Field

    Practice Program 1- Microteaching

    In process of preparing to make the final report all

    of the student must not go out of the control and guidance

    that the supervisor has given to us. The process is starting

    from consultation about the report until ACC of the report.

    2.3.2 Methods of the activity Question & Answer Methods

    Question and answer method is a way of presenting

    the learning materials through a variety of questions answered

    by students. This method can be a stimulus for students to

    conduct further search on a variety of learning resources.

    Question and answer method is a way of managing the

    learning result in the questions that lead students to understand

    the material. Question and answer method will be effective

    when the material of the discussion topic is interesting,

    challenging and high-value applications.

    Strongness :

    Question and answer method to attract and

    focus students' attention. By asking questions that

    focus, students will be interested in developing the

    intellect. Thinking skills of students in expressing

    their points of mind can be detected when answering

    the questions so the teacher can gauge the extent of

    students' understanding of subject matter.


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    Most students will feel to be depressed

    because their lack of confidence to answer the

    questions that the result from the fear and lack of

    confidence is to be ignorant and lazy for students to

    answer questions. Assignment Method

    Method of delivery is the task of teaching or

    presentation of the material through the assignment of

    students to do a job. Method of assignment gives students the

    chance to carry out duties under the direct guidance of

    teachers who have been prepared, so that students can

    experience real. Tasks can be given in groups or individually.

    Through this method a variety of skills in students can be


    This method means that the teacher gives the student

    a specific task to perform learning activities. But this methodis difficult to keep an eye on the possibility of students do not

    work independently.


    This method can develop students'

    independence, stimulating to learn more, develop

    discipline and responsibility of students, and foster

    and cultivate the habit of seeking their own


    Weakness :

    In using this method, a teacher would be

    difficult to conduct supervision of the possibility of

    students do not work independently. And it is

    precisely this method could also lead students always

    expect an answer from other students.

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    22/37 Discussion Method

    Method of discussion is the manner in which the

    teacher lesson material provide opportunities for students to

    conduct scientific discussions, express opinions and make

    conclusions or find alternative solutions to problems.

    Discussion method is often interchangeable in use

    with the method of question and answer. In the discussion of

    the question may arise, but the question is not planned in



    This method was chosen because it is easily

    implemented and teachers do not require special tools

    and no need to design the activities of students.

    Weakness :

    In the lecture method of teaching that there is an

    element of coercion. In this case students are onlyrequired to see and hear and record the important

    information without comment from a teacher who is

    always considered to be true. Though there are students

    in psychological mechanisms that enable it to resist in

    addition to receiving information from the teacher. This

    is called the ability to manage and direct themselves. Speech Method

    Speech method is a way to do the teaching that done by

    the teacher with monolog way and the relationship with in way

    communication, this method is viewed the effective one to

    overcome the less of literature that fit with the students ability.

    Strongness :

    There are some strongnesses of this method :

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    1. The class runs quietly, because the students do the

    same activity, so that the teacher can monitor the

    students as well as comprehensive.

    2. Does not require a lot of energy and time, with the

    short amount of time students can receive

    instruction at the same time together.

    3. Lessons can be implemented quickly, because

    within a few can be described a lot of material.

    4. Training students to use their hearing properly so

    that they can capture the contents of the material

    quickly and precisely.

    Weakness :

    1. The teacher as the centre of the learning

    2. Teachers are less able to know with certainty the

    extent to which students have mastered the lecture


    3. Perhaps students obtain other concepts that are

    different from what the teacher intended.

    4. Students lacking captures what is meant by the

    teacher, if the speech contains the lectures that are

    less or not understood by students and ultimately

    lead to verbal.

    2.3.3 The helping tools

    Learning tools is a set of tools that are used in order to facilitate the

    learning process. In every teaching process that are some components that can

    help the teacher to teach more better. One of those is helping tools . The

    tool the I used when I thought in Microteaching are like: Handbook

    Handbook is a type of reference work, or other collection of

    instructions, that is intended to provide ready reference. In this
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    learning the writer use some handbook like Go Ahead for Senior High

    School, Interlanguage and etc. Projector

    An LCD projector is a type ofvideo projectorfor displaying

    video, images or computer data on a screen or other flat surface. It is a

    modern equivalent of the slide projectororoverhead projector. RPP

    The syllabus is a learning plan and / or a group of subjects /

    themes covering certain standards of competence, basic competence,

    subject matter / learning, learning activities, indicators, assessments,

    allocation of time and resources / materials / learning tools. Syllabus

    According to the UU NO. 19 in year 2005, Lesson plan is A

    set of plans that describe the processes and procedures for the

    organization of learning activities to achieve a basic competence (KD)

    specified in the standard and content outlined in the syllabus.

    2.4 The Material Of Mikroteaching Learning

    2.4.1 Lesson Plan

    2.4.2 Syllabus
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    1.1. Identification of Problems

    Implementation Of The Field Experience Program 1-Microteaching

    implemented in the first half running the semester (five) with execution time for 1

    (one) semester and have concluded the subject matter appropriate lesson plans /

    syllabus which has been prepared and approved by their supervisor. During the

    implementation of the Field Experience Program 1- Microteaching that took place

    since the briefing until the practice ended in Campus at The Tomakaka University

    of Mamuju, there are some important things that a problem for us, among other


    1.1.1.Campus facilities that owned

    The facilities that owned by the Tomakaka University of

    Mamuju somewhat inadequate and lacking support in the learning

    process the students of the Field Experience Program 1-Microteaching.

    Uncomfortable with such a hot room, the room is only one practice, as

    well as tools such as projectors we have conditioning with other college

    students. While on campus owned buildings still under construction, but

    the rooms are extremely lacking. However, the manager was very keen to

    see the condition as we have described above, which makes one student

    seminar rooms where students practice activities, for smooth of the Field

    Experience Program 1-Microteaching. And I expect the future have more

    than one special room and adequate facilities every of the Field

    Experience Program 1- Microteaching conducted, so that the optimal

    teaching and learning practices, effective, and conducive.

    1.1.2.Human Resources that owned

    Talking about the human resource that is owned, of course

    talking about the quality and capabilities of students participating in the

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    Field Experience Program 1- Microteaching, supervisor, manager,

    executive committee, as well as related parties. The problems

    encountered during the Field Experience Program 1- Microteaching had a

    concern with Human Resource like there are still many students who

    have not been able to create a fun learning atmosphere, and the more

    ironic is speaking in front of the teacher is still awkward, less confident,

    less preparation, and lack of classroom management is maximized.

    1.1.3.Learning Process is Carried Out

    There are various problems related to the learning process is

    carried out, among other things:

    a. Lack of teaching aids provided by the campus

    b. Learning Implementation Plan is sometimes not in

    accordance with the specified time.

    1.1.4.The Implemented Curriculum

    Curriculum which is a reference for us as participants in the

    practice of the Field Experience Program 1- Microteaching which

    became the main substance in syllabus development and implementation

    tailored to the needs of students. Especially for our group carried out the

    will of students of teaching materials as well as what will be done

    depending on class selection of students. However, my reference

    materials are a class lesson at 1 and 2 in the senior level / equivalent with

    Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) which is currently imposed by

    the Government. With the implementation of curriculum, the school is

    authorized to process the structure and content of curriculum, educational

    calendar, syllabus and the implementation process of learning all in tune

    with the school environment.

    1.2. Analysis of Problem Solving

    Of the various problems that arise, of course, the college should pay

    more attention to the needs of the above, although in practice FEP I Microteaching

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    will next be less than the maximum but we have great hopes that changes occur in

    the future, amen. Both in terms of facilities, as well as human resource

    development students.

    Then concerns about the learning, the college must evaluate both existing

    and educational personnel in terms of student capabilities. to make various efforts

    to overcome them, among other things:

    a. Improve the effectiveness of existing educational personnel,

    discipline in time, so that learning is expected to be more optimal.

    b. To supervise the existing educational personnel and students who

    are negligent in their responsibilities.

    1.3. Follow-up Troubleshooting

    In pursuing the normalization of the various problems faced, there are

    some recommendations on follow-up to solving problems related to the parties as


    A. The College

    The college is expected to consider the availability of

    educational facilities located on campus, providing supervision as well as

    possible in terms of implementation of the lecture / learning. Of course,

    learning the process of implementation will perform better if supported in

    terms of lecturers who are able to account for its work as it should,

    facilities, and attention to students. And can work with government to

    meet all of the above.

    B. Lecturers and Students

    Facilities and infrastructure in order to be fulfilled in a

    relationship it is hoped that better cooperation with the campus, and

    establish effective communication, so the above needs a little unfulfilled.

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    STAMBUK/NIRM : 100250302074/101025032311090074

    DEPARTMENT : Language Education and English Literature

    PLACE/DATE OF BIRTH : Bebandem/October 31TH, 1990

    GENDER : Male

    ADDRESS/HP : Andi Depu Street No. 11, Mamuju

    : 082 290 401 988

    PPL THAT FOLLOWED : PPL 1-Microteaching

    Stated That :

    1. Willing to follow the rules and regulations in implementing of The Field

    Experience Program 1- Microteaching

    2. Willing to carry out the stages of The Field Experience Program 1-

    Microteaching sincerely and with a sense of responsibility.

    3. Willing to accept the logical consequence for the unloyality to the rules

    of The Field Experience Program 1- Microteaching

    Mamuju, 10 February 2013

    The Participant of FEP


    NIM. 100 250 302 074

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    STAMBUK/NIRM : 100250302074/101025032311090074

    DEPARTMENT :Language education and english literature

    GUIDANCE TEACHER : Rapi Hamdi Nur, S.Pd

    SUBJECT : English

    Meeting Day/Date Learning Activity The Signature

    Of The


    1. A. Main subject :

    B. Sub main subject :

    C. Class/semester :

    D. Time allocation :

    E. Amount of the student :

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    The undersigned :

    Name : RAPI HAMDI NUR, S.Pdi

    NIDN :

    Address : PURE, MAMUJU

    Hereby certify that the student who is named below :


    Stambuk/Nim : 100250302074 / 101025032311090074

    Group : C

    Department/Program of study : Language and English Literature

    Properly has implemented The Field Experience Program through the

    implementation of microteaching learning, with subjects that was delivered is a

    English Language on plan Grade X semester 1 by the number of teaching hours

    have been realized as much as 4 X 25 Minutes ( two meetings )

    Such a statement was made to be used as appropriate.

    Mamuju, 14th of February 2013

    Which states :

    The C group supervisor


    NIDN :

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    The attendance list of the third group

    No Stambuk Name Paraf

    1 I Komang Bagus

    2 Al-Imran Lukman

    3 Baiq Dani Sartika

    4 Umi Kalsum

    5 Riswati

    6 Irmayanti

    7 Siti Amanah

    8 Seriana H

    9 Firmawati

    10 Mardiani

    11 Hariati Daeng Pasangka12 Ali Fachruddin

    13 Dewi Kamaluddin

    14 Sarce

    15 Rahmawati

  • 7/28/2019 My Report - Copy


    The Leadership Assistance Of The Field Experience Program

    PPL 1 - Microteaching

    Name of the student : IKOMANG BAGUS

    Stambuk/nirm : 100250302074

    Department : Language education and English Literature

    Guide lecturer : Rapi Hamdi Nur, S.Pd

    NO Day/date The leadership material The signature of

    the gude lecturer




    Thursday at

    20th of



    Monday at 7th

    of January


    Wednesday at

    9th of January


    How to make a great syllabus and

    implementation plan of learning

    Consultation about the implementation

    plan of learning and syllabus

    Consultation about the implementation

    plan of learning and syllabus an ACC of it

  • 7/28/2019 My Report - Copy


    The photos of the learning activity

  • 7/28/2019 My Report - Copy


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