my presntation researching about the bands

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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These are Album covers of more indie alternative Music.

As you can see in the images. There are not actually any main images of the bands on the covers. This seems to show that it is more about the music then the image of the band themselves.

Also the album artwork looks very arty aswell.Like the red and blue flags on the biffy clyro cover. It seems to be very unusal and makes you think what has it got to do with the band.Aswell as the random fire in the background.

In the Two Door Cinema club cover. There is again no band but some very different kind of photography, and typography. In a way it can be random, but it is more unrandom.Because it all represents a different band and logo. Combining some typography with a cat. The cats eyes appear through the two “O’s” in door. It gives off a very disturbing kind of look and the fact that they picked to combine the 2, is very different, And un normal. This gives off representation that they don’t obey the rules, and that they do things their way differently. This relates to the group of the music. That it is all about the music and a specific group. They all have their own logo representing the band instead of a band picture.

The MusicSo they are bands that focus on the softer alternative indie genre.It becomes more about the music then the people who make it.They don’t often appear on the album covers, just a simple logo to represent the music.

It becomes more a of a genre that people know as a group, and some bands even have club in their name, just representing that it is a club and people know the music that they listen to e.g. Bombay bicycle club.

The main bands I am going to focus on 3 of who's album covers have been pictured on the first slide. Biffy Clyro, Two Door Cinema Club and Bombay Bicycle Club.

They all play similar kind of music, and most of them all have that vibe about them that’s its more about the music.

They are not all very well known, some more then others but they all target pretty much the same audience, and that audience know them well.

Biffy Clyro

The Band and The Music.

They are a Scottish rock band. But lately have become a much softer genre of music. The band is made up of 3 people. A base guitarist, drummer and lead vocalist who also plays guitar. The drummer and Base also contribute vocals too.

Up to now they have had 5 albums. But the last 2 have been the biggest by far. The fourth album “Puzzle” got them much further, selling over 100,000.Then the latest album “Only Revolutions” was released in 2009 and from the day of release. It hit 3rd in the UK album chart. Later then being nominated for a mercury music prize in 2010.

Their appearance

Behind is a image of the band sat on some steps when they went out. 2 out of the 3 of them have Tattoos showing on their arms. This shows that they are slightly more punky and “cool”. They all seem to be wearing very casual clothing. Not all smart incasepeople see them but just a casual style and a not to bothered kind of look. Two of them have cigarettes in their hands. This can represent the rebally kind of look. Yet they are out in open toed sandals.It is pictured so that the drummer is at the back and the main man, lead singer is at the front. Showing that he is the main man in the band.Also they all have a american kind of look to them the way they are dressed is much more american. Like the main singer wearing purple shorts pink t shirt and the sandals. This is a very different look to what you would picture a slightly more heavy indie band to wear. Again the main singer also looks like he has posed for for the picture where as the other 2 just seem to be looking elsewhere.Seem to be a much more mature heavy indie band.

Bombay Bicycle Club

The Band and The Music.

Bombay Bicycle Club are a young indie band from London. Formed of three guys who started when they were 15.They were first called the Canals but then a fourth member joined and they decided upon Bombay Bicycle Club.

In 2006 it started for them properly when they were entered into a competition called “ Virgin Mobiles Road to V” shown on Channel 4. They went on to be announced one of the 2 winners to win. And were given the spot to play the opening act at the 2006 V festival. Playing on the Channel 4 stage. Then also played on the small stage at Reading and Leeds Festivals in 2007. After finishing school in 2008 they managed to get into music full time and release their first single. They went onto playing small gigs and concerts and then got a record label with Island Records to release more singles and albums. They made their first album and their first single with the label which was called ‘Always Like This’. This was release at the end of 2008 and reached number 97 in the UK Charts. In 2010 a song off of their album was used as a bonus track on the Twilight Eclipse Soundtrack. In July 2010 they released a second album “Flaws” and the released album single “Ivy and Gold” reached number 56 in the UK Chart.

The Appearance.

From first look you can see that the 3 guys on the right hand side are wearing similar colour shirts and jeans. And the person on the far left is in a red t shirt and darker jeans. This is a way of representing that he is the drummer in the band. Also the main Lead vocalist you would imagine to find standing out in the image but he isn’t. But he is Partly positioned in the middle and he is the third guy from the left. As a band shot you can see that they are a young immature indie band. They're not all looking and posing, But they are laughing and chuckling with a grin on their faces. They are all dressed very casualy with a much younger look and appeal to the audience.

Two Door Cinema Club

The Band and The Music.

Two Door Cinema Club are a alternative band from Northern Ireland. It is formed of 3 members and sometimes a 4th drummer. They only started in 2007 and they bought their debut album out In March 2010.They have release 6 singles so far and have more to come. They became Two door cinema club. Because one of the band mates, miss pronounced a local cinema “ Tudour” Cinema. And hence Two Door Cinema Club was formed. They started out on social site MySpace. But as more interest grew. They gave up university and went into music. They became more popular and were talked about on blogs, and magazines. Then NME held interviews with them and they became more well known. They have now become know and have a song featured on the soundtrack for Fifa 11 and 2 songs used in advertisements on TV for Vodafone. So gradually they are getting bigger and bigger, and much more popular. By playing more live gigs and concerts.

The Appearance

From first look at the picture you can tell that the guy at the front in the red jumper is the lead singer. He stands out in the front so you can tell straight away who is the main man of the band. All 3 of the members have a much more casual yet formal look to them. With shirts, jumpers and waistcoats. It is a much different appeal to the two bands before. It is a more humorous look to make them different and stand out that they don’t really care about the fashion. That its all for fun, with the old looking hair styles preppy clothing. But worn all in a different way to attract the attention of a nerdier look.It gives them a much younger look to attract attention to the difference of them.

My Band

The same as the three bands I have looked at previously. My band is going to be a more indie alternative, with a modern casual look.

Like Two door cinema club and Biffy Clyro be made of 3 people.

But to have the younger look compared to the mature look of Biffy Clyro.

For the shot maybe a not so posed look.

But to keep the who look and appearance younger and more modern.

the suburban movement

To have a indie casual younger kind of look. With one person to look slightly different to be the drummer. Maybe different colour shoes.

The band members will probably wear either high top shoes or plimsolls. And the drummer will wear different colour shoes to stand out slightly

Then top halves can be just simple shirts ,and t shirts or even hoodies. To keep the casual look. But not too look to preppy nor skater either.

Then to keep with the casual styled look. Hairstyles will be styled normally but not too much so that they stand out. But enough to show a good look.

Appearance of the Band

Like the picture on the right hand side. Just a very casual look with jeans and high-top shoes, with some kind of shirt and jumper. To keep the style together. It looks good together and the other band members will be wearing more or less the same image, so that nobody is different that much. Relating to the fact its about the music and not who is who.And then the appearance of the shot.

Will be slightly different to make him stand out by being placed slightly more forward then the other members like the two bands on the right.

For the main shot, The leading person will be slightly more forward to stand out. But the fashion look will be more or less the same as the others. To show that they are a band and that’s its not about the main singer. So to keep the same indie look but just to stand out slightly more in the picture to show who he is.

Appearance of the Leading Man

The LocationThe Location of the picture shots. Some of the band shots will be taken in a studio with a white studio background so that it can be an easy edited background and also can be very easily used on a magazine cover to give a good effect and easy to use text over the top of the image and the background.

Then I will also take some shots that use a location in the background to give it a better effect. I am going to use a surburban/urban kind of background to give it that effect that they are very normal and its all about the music.

This would be a good kind of scene as a background location because it is very suburban and simple yet has lots of room to put the band into and get a good shot.

Or maybe a scene like this, a simple wall in a suburban area. The band could maybe be stood up leaning on it or sat next to it. Yet would give a good effect for a location image.

A street would also be quite a good location , to show that they are normal people from normal places. Giving the effect to make the band stand out.

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