my occupational identity

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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Beth Robertson

DOING SPORT AND EXERCISEI have done many sports during my lifetime. My two favourite sports are water polo and horse riding. I feel that these define me as an individual as it portrays how determined and competitive I can be. Doing and partaking in sports means forming connections with fellow team mates. This entails participating and working collectively to achieve the same outcome. I am obligated to try my very best as it is a team effort and we all have to work together. It also provides me with occupational satisfaction because I receive large amount of enjoyment partaking in these sports.


I value eating well as it makes me feel good about myself. It increases my overall health and well being. It has become a daily routine and I am completely habituated to this healthy lifestyle. It enables me to have a positive outlook on life and keep me motivated to achieving all my aspirations. Since I only started eating healthily recently I have noticed how much it has changed my attitude and perspective to life. I really appreciate how significant this occupation has been to me and that I am able to share my lifestyle with those around me. I have also learnt how it brings friends and families together.


Friendships are a significant aspect of my life. I feel that they have shaped and formed my occupational identity. This is due to the fact that throughout my life I have shared experiences with many different individuals. Some of these friendships have been unhealthy but they have strengthened me as an individual. They have made me who I am today. Having friends enables me to share my goals, dreams and fears with them so I don’t have to carry this burden alone. It has allowed me to grow into myself by learning about the types of people I value being associated with and who I admire as role models.

BEING SOUTH AFRICAN Being south African is a big part of who I am. It means being part of a culture and a different society. I associate myself with many different occupations and traditions as that is were I grew up. I am part of a very diverse background and this provides me with a sense of pride. As my father is a New Zealander I identify with having characteristics which are both typical of New Zealanders and South Africans. These include ; loving the outdoors, being extremely outgoing, friendly and honest.


Being a sister means the world to me. I have been an older sister for 16 years now and it encourages me to improve on myself. I strive to be a role model to my little sister so that she can look up to me. I value her love and support. She is always there to support me when I need her. We have many similarities as we were brought up by the same parents although we are still extremely different people. I still however feel obliged to care for her and nurture her as she still has a lot to learn in life.


When I am in the outdoors I feel as if I am one with nature. It allows me to have time to reflect on who I am and where I see myself in the future. It helps to reduce any stress, anger and fears I may be experiencing. This relieves me of anxiety and I value this occupation as it is extremely therapeutic . Being part of nature enables me to be myself free of judgement and pressure from the rest of society. It is part of my identity as I am tied solely to my memories created within .

BECOMING PART OF FLATBecoming a member of a flat involves a lot of transition. During this year I have had to adjust to living with a group of unique individuals. I have learnt how to become a good listener and support my friend during their journey through their tertiary life. We have all learnt so much from each other as we all have different experiences, memory and knowledge which we share amongst ourselves. It is very special to be part of a flat and we all rely heavily on each other to help share the obligation and routines within the flat. This is especially meaningful to me as I have created life long bonds with all of my flat mates and I consider them as un-biological family.


I am determined and passionate about becoming a qualified Occupational Therapist(OT). Currently, I am a year two occupational therapist student and I am studying at Wintec. During this process I have become part of a OT family as all my fellow students have been super encouraging and supportive of each other. Through becoming OT’s in training we have all found a sense of belonging in this little community that we have created. This occupation is meaningful to me as I have created life long friendships and I have feel fulfilled learning about how to improve peoples lives.


I belong to a gym which makes me part of the community. I feel a sense of belonging when I am at gym. I am united with all these people I don’t know , yet we are all working to achieve the same goal. Our purpose is to get fitter, stronger and to motivate each other to persevere so we don’t give up. I feel content knowing that we are all here for the same reason and that everyone has their own story of how they became part of this community.

BELONGING TO A FAMILY Being part of a family means having responsibilities. It means taking care of each other and ensuring everyone is well looked after. I love belonging to a my family as both my nuclear and extended family is very close. We accept each other for who we are despite our differences and help each other improve on our flaws. Everyone has flaws and family enables you to become a better version of yourself without criticising.

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