my history book of a.b.c taylor jones 8/45-13-14

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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My History Book of

A.B.CTaylor Jones


A-Abolitionist- a person who strongly favors doing away with slavery.

Alien-An immigrant living in a country in while he or she is not a citizen.

Amendment-An addition to a formal document such as the constitution

B-Boy Cotton-To refuse to buy items from a particular country.


representatives to

an assembly

Bond-a note issued by the government which promises to pay off a loan with interest.

C-Cabinet-a group of advisers to the president.

Cash Crops- Farm crop raised to be solid for money.

Census- Official count of a population.

D-Depression-A period of low economic activity and widespread unemployment.

Douglass, Fredrick - Born into slavery abolitionist

Drought-A long period of time with little rainfall.

EEmbargo-An order prohibiting trade with another country.

Export- To sell goods abroad.

Emigrant-A person who leaves a country or region to live elsewhere.

FFactory System- System bringing manufacturing steps together in one place to increase efficiency.

Federalism-The sharing of power between federal and statement

Fugitive- runaway or trying to run away

GGreenback- a piece of U.S. paper money 1st issued by the North during the Civil War

Guerrilla Referring-To surprise attacks or raids rather the organized warfare.

Global Warning- a steady increase in average world temperatures.

HHuman rights- Rights regarded as belonging to all person such as freedom from unlaw imprisonment torture and execution.

Henry, Patrick-

“Give me Liberty or

give me Death”

Hamilton, Alexander- Secretary of the treasury.

IImport- To buy from foreign markets goods .

Integrate-To end separation of different races and bring into equal membership on society.

Internet-A world wide linking of computers networks.

JJudicial Branch- The branch of government, including the federal court system, that interprets the nation’s laws

Judicial Review- The right of the supreme court to determine if a law violates the constitution.

Jamestown-A colonist found in 1607 where plantation owners lived.

KKansas Nebraska Act- Franklin pierce , A new Hampshire democrat who supported the fugitive slave act, become president in 1853

King , Martin

Luther Jr.- A

meeting to

organize the

boycott a young

minister ,

Emerged as one

of the leaders of

the civil rights

Kentucky-Western settlement the four new states Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio

LLegislative Branch-The branch

of government that maker the

nation’s law.Loyalists- American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence.

Literacy Test- A method used

to prevent African Americans

from voting by requiring

prospective voters to read

and write at a specified level.

MManifest Destiny – The idea popular in the untied states during the 1800’s that the country must expand its boundaries to the pacific.

Mayflower compact – A formal document , written in1620 that provided law and order to the plymount colony.

Militia- A group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies.

NNeutral- Taking no sides in a conflict .

Neutral Rights – the rights to sail the seas and not take sides in a war.

Northwest passages-Water route to Asia through north American sought by European explorers.

OOrdinance-A new law or regulation.

Offensive- Position of

attacking or the

attack itself.

Override - To turn or defeat as a bill proposed in congress.


Introduction to a

formal document

that explain its


Plantation- A large

estate run by an

owner or manager

and farmed by

laborers who lived


Pilgrims- Separatists who

journeyed to the colonies

during the 1600s for a

religious purpose.

RRepublic-A Republic is a

Sovereign state in which

all segments of society

are enfranchised and in

which the state’s power is

constitutionally limited. Revenue-

Incoming money



soldiers, so called

because of

opposition to the



SSlavery- The

Institution that

supports the

holding of

human beings as


Smuggling- Trading illegally with other nations

Sale Tax- Taxes paid

by the consumer on

the godsend

services people buy.

TTemperance- The

use of little or no

alcoholic drink.

Triangular trade- A trade route that exchanged goods between the West indies, the American colonies

and West Africa.

Tariff- Tax on

Foreign goods

brought into a

country. An

official schedule

of taxes imposed

by a government

on imports or


UUnalienable Right- Rights that cannot be given or taken away, that cannot be transferred to another.

Underground Railroad- A system that helped enslaved African Americans follow

a network of escape routes out of the south to freedom in the north


Not agreeing or

consistent with

the constitution

VVeto- To reject a bill

and prevent it from

becoming a law

Vigilantes- People who take the law into their own hands

Vertical Integration- The combining of companies that supply equipment and services needed for becoming a law.

WWrit of Assistance-

Legal document that

enabled officers to

search homes and

warehouses for good

that might be


Washington, George- First president , the Judiciary Act passed.

Eli Whitney-The inventor started the use of Interchangeable Parts.

XXYZ Affair-Diplomatic

scandal that almost caused

another war, this one

between the United States

and France. France was, at

the time, at war with Great

Britain. A treaty between

Britain and the U.S. failed to

guarantee France the right

to ship with the U.S. France

sent to the United States

three diplomats, thereafter

named X, Y, and Z, with

outrageous demands. The

result was undeclared war

between the two countries.

YYellow Journalism- A

type of sensational,

biased, and often false

reporting .

Yankee- Union Soldier.

Yeoman- Southern owner of a

small farm who did not have

enslaved people.

ZZinger, John Peter-

He was an American printer, publisher, editor and journalist whose indictment, trial and acquittal on sedition and libel charges (against the then Governor William Cosby of the New York Colony) in 1734 was an important contributing factor to the development of the freedom of the press in America.

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