my daily routine 5

Post on 13-Sep-2015






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My Daily Routine 5:30 6:30 : prepare breakfast and self for work 7am 10am : Do my duties as Public Assistance and Complaints Desk Officer under Training Department; assigned at Out-Patient Department and caters 300 to 600 clients per day. Almost 90% of my clients are Indigent People, thats why I find hard time to pasabot them in every instruction. 10 11am : Rounds, Monitoring of every Clinics (if the doctor is around). Conduct Client Satisfaction Survey to clients 11- 12pm lunch 12 - 12:30pm : Rounds. No Noon Break Monitoring. Checking every Clinics 12: 30 3pm : Back to my post. Give assistance to Clients and handle cmplaints 3- 4pm : Collation of Data, encoding Client Satisfaction Survey. (Do some statistical report for DOH Monthly using epi Info. Analysis) 5 -6 Eat or Sleep at the office 6:30 -9pm review class 9 10 late dinner outside 10 -1am : Home* online, checking emails, facebook chat with my friends, checking notes. 12/1am 5:30 Sleeping Last 2013 2014, for 4 semesters, I took Master of Science in Development Administration at University of Southeastern Philippines. I have class during Fridays and Saturdays. And stopped for my review in Psychometrician review.

I wake up at around 5:30 to 6:00 in the morning. Upon waking up, I say my morning prayers, do some light stretching and then head to the bathroom to shower, floss and brush my teeth. I then get dressed and prepare breakfast, which usually consists of rice, eggs and hotdogs. I am one of those people who can survive without caffeine, so I very rarely drink coffee during mornings. After a satisfying breakfast, I then leave the house to report for work in Southern Philippines Medical Center (SPMC), where I am employed as a Public Assistance and Complaints Desk (PACD) Officer. My shift starts at 7 in the morning and ends at 5 in the afternoon. During my shift, I cater to the queries and complaints of 300 to 600 clients per day. Some clients are young, some are old, coming from all walks of lifeand from all ethnic backgrounds. My work as a PACD Officer also requires that I conduct Client Satisfaction Surveys and monitor the clinics to ensure that the physicians are providing our clients with quality, timely services in keeping with the vision and mission of SPMC. I only get a 30-minute break in the middle of my shift to eat lunch at the nearby hospital canteen, and after that I get back to work. When I near the end of my shift at around 4 in the afternoon, I start encoding the results of the Client Satisfaction Surveys into an Excel Spreadsheet. This report is then submitted to my supervisor at the end of every week. The client feedback we obtain from the surveys help me and my colleagues improve the services we offer to clients. I believe that keeping the clients satisfied with the medical services is vital to the success of the hospital. When my shift ends at 5PM, I sneak in a late afternoon snack and then take a one-hour nap to refresh my brain for my review classes at the Ateneo de Davao University. Review classes start at 6:30 and end at 9 in the evening. After class dismissal, I eat a late dinner and then I head home for some much-needed sleep.During weekends, I spend my time watching movies, browsing the internet and going out with friends. I also make it a point to catch up on my readings, and make visual aids for better retention. This is very different from what I did during weekends from years 2013 to 2014. During those years, my weekends were spent inside the classrooms of the University of Southeastern Philippines, where I was taking up my Masters in Development Administration. I had to stop after four semesters though, because I had to prepare for my Psychometrician review classes.

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