music video proposal

Post on 30-Nov-2014






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LEDGES – DUNCAN EWART.• Duncan Ewart is an artist with a very similar style to Taking Back Sunday and Elliot


• The song focus’ around the lows of relationships with themes of self harm and suicide. The song has a melancholy theme to it and is quite dark, using mainly minor chords to add to this.

• The main instruments featured are an acoustic guitar and vocals however with a Drum kit and Bass are used to back up the song.

• “Ledges” is an emo song, which is a sub-genre of Punk, it has similar themes to punk however with differences. Often using acoustic guitar or piano with soft, high male vocals that dwell on the artists feelings, especially melancholy remembrances of past relationships/mistakes in life. The name "emo" is derived from the emotive style of the lyrics and music.

• Being a solo artist means that the video wont nessecerily feature a band although the performance side of the video will be from the one man despite the number of instruments.

VIDEO STYLES.I decided to look at videos by artists of a similar genre as part of my research into the genre’s characteristics, I looked at Taking Back Sundays, Faith.The video shows lots of close ups of singer Adam Lazzara which is something which Goodwin had taught, These close ups are so that the band is recognised and therefore the audience will start looking for them in promotions etc. the relationship between the music and the visuals matches, Goodwin taught that the transitions should be in appropriate rhythm's and not at random to make the video professional and therefore enjoyable for the audience.

The lyrics link with the visuals, The video features the story of a YouTube sensations rise and fall through fame and links to the lyrics about the negative effects of fame.

MY VIDEO STYLEWhile planning and thinking out my music video an existing video that came to mind often was Paramore’s Decode. The video takes place in a woods and has a melancholic theme which I would like to emulate in my own video. The dress style of Paramore is also something which could be emulated in the video as they fit the genre quite well. This song was created to be the soundtrack for Twilight which is something enjoyed by many from my videos audience.

Decode also contains location shots of the area where they are performing,. This is something which I would quite like to copy. Dora’s wood doesn’t have views such as this however I still feel it is a good idea to use the surroundings.

MY VIDEO IDEA• My music video will show the singer waking up, going out and spotting his

ex, he decides to follow her and follows her to a bridge where he thinks she has jumped, the conclusion is that she doesn’t jump and actually saves his life as he planned to follow her.

• I plan to use parts of Lanchester in my video as It’s a quiet location to shoot and there are also some perfect locations that will work perfectly with the mood and themes of the song.

• I am intending to shoot my video during the winter time which will help produce the dark melancholic feel that I think the song will suit

PERFORMANCE• I intend for my performance to take place on

a bench in Dora's wood which is in Lanchester, the area is quite open and therefore will generate a lot of natural lighting which will be helpful when shooting.

LOCATION IDEASI plan to use this location to create the feeling of loss, this long narrow path in Lanchester which I know as “The Line” could be used to create the idea of loneliness and therefore link the visuals to the song.

Dora’s Wood is another excellent location to get lost in and is therefore perfect for the video however there are a lot of shadows created by tree’s etc. so lighting needs to be thoroughly thought out

LOCATIONS IDEAS 2• This bridge is located at

Malton, Lanchester and is perfect to film the climax of the video that I previously mentioned

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