music · spotify and any other music app that implements default music controls on ios. once inside...

Post on 14-Aug-2020






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Using Pebble

Pebble has four buttons. The left button is called the 'back' button, which is used for returning to the previous screen or entering your watchface app from the main menu. On the right side, the top and bottom ('up' and 'down') buttons generally are used for scrolling through lists. The center button is used to 'select' an item in a list or start an app on Pebble. It can also be used to get to the main menu from a watchface.

Though most navigation is done with a quick press of a button, some apps incorporate longer presses to expose more options, as seen with he music volume control below.


Select the Music controller from main menu to control musicplaying on your smartphone. Currently, Pebble can control thedefault music app and Google music on Android, and Pandora,Spotify and any other music app that implements default musiccontrols on iOS.

Once inside the app, the select button will play orpause your music. And if you press and hold theselect button for 1­2 seconds, the ability to skiptracks using the up and down buttons will change tovolume control.


The Notifications option from the main menu is aquick way to review your notification history. You willbe able to scroll through and pull up any recentnotices that you want to see again, or perhapsmissed the first time around.

There are two ways to clear your notification history, if you needto. First, the archive of messages is automatically reset wheneverPebble is; i.e. if you turn Pebble off, when you boot it up again,there won't be any messages in your Notifications history.The second way is to go from main menu >> Settings >>Notifications, and select the "Clear History" option at the bottom.

AlarmsAs with Pebble notifications, the alarm on Pebble is a subtle way tobe reminded when time is up. It alerts you with a strong, repetitivevibration until it is dismissed (up button) or snoozed (down button).

This tactile alarm can be useful for situations when you don't wantto disturb the people around you or in loud instances where you

may not hear an audio alarm.You can store up to four alarms on your Pebble. They are considered daily alarmsand will repeat every day until the are disabled.

To add a new time, simply select the New Alarmoption. Use the up and down buttons to set the timeand the select button when finished.To edit an existing alarm, select that entry and youwill be given the option to Disable, Edit, or Delete.You can also edit the Snooze option by selecting it

and using the up and down buttons to decide your delay period (in minutes). Hit select to confirm when you're done.

As the primary function of any watch, the basic state of your Pebbleis your watchface. From any menu or app, you can easily return toyour watchface by hitting the back button until it appears. Yourdisplay will also revert back to your watchface after approximately30 seconds of inactivity on any menu.

Watchfaces can also be selected from the mainmenu of Pebble, to see how many and the titles ofwhat watchapps you have installed. Your currentdefault watchface will have "Selected" written belowit. To view the watchface that you've selected, hitthe back button twice.


The settings menu will allow you to customize Pebble's features. To access each of these settings, press Select while the item is highlighted in the list of settings.


To make Pebble discoverable to your smartphone,the Bluetooth must be "ON" in your settings.To disable Bluetooth, press Select while 'BluetoothON' is highlighted. When “Airplane Mode” is on, youwill not be able to receive notifications and time willnot be synced.

You can decide when and how you're notified. Fromthis menu you can turn off notifications altogether,set a recurring Do Not Disturb schedule, disablevibration on your watch, change the font size, andclear the history on your Pebble.

The Activity option on your Pebble will show any apps that are currently running in the background. If you would like to turn off a background app, simply select it from this menu and the status will change from Active to Off. To enable it again, simply press select once more.

The quick launch option allows you to set up two ofyour favorite apps for quick, single­touch access.To set it up, go into the quick launch menu enablethe button(s) you'd like to use. Then select the "SetApp" option and Pebble will provide a list of optionsfor you to choose from. Press select when you'vemade your choice.

Once it's set, you'll be able to access your selected apps from your watchface byholding the appropriate button (up or down) for approximately 2 seconds.

While your Pebble is not connected to a smartphone, you can manually update the date and time on your Pebble. You will also have the option to to change the way that time is displayed on you watch: 24 or 12 hour format.

Simply press select, and use the up or down arrowsto make the necessary changes.Press select to confirm when you are finished.

From the Display screen, you can control the backlight settings. You can decided how and when your backlight is triggered. We recommend the "Auto" setting for your backlight, which will use a light sensor within Pebble to decide whether to turn on the backlight based on the amount of light in the room. The motion option will let you decide whether shaking your wrist should turn on the light as well.

The About screen contains Pebble hardware andsoftware version information. You will be able to seewhat firmware version your Pebble is currentlyrunning, what it will revert back to when it is put intorecovery mode, and your serial number.

Shut down turns off your Pebble. In Shutdown mode, Pebble willstill keep the time unless the battery is completely drained.

To turn Pebble back on after a shut down, simply press and holdany button for 3 seconds

Factory Reset restores your Pebble to factory setting (ie. it forgetspairings and removes apps and data you have stored on Pebble).Be very careful before you use it, because once Pebble has beenreset, it cannot be undone.

Other Installed WatchApps

Any watchapps that you install on your Pebble will appear at thebottom of the main menu, including games, information, and fitnessapps.If you would like it nearer to the top, you are able to re­arrange yourPebble menu, as detailed below.

TipsRe­arrange menu

Pebble's main menu can be rearranged to whichever order would suit you best; you can elevate the options you use frequently, and drop those you don't.To move options, press and hold the select button for 2­3 seconds while the main menu option is highlighted. The option will be

emphasized and slide back­and­forth to confirm it is movable. Use the up and down buttons to place the option where you would prefer, and press the select button. Repeat until the menu is laid out how you'd like it.

If your Pebble freezes or you need to force a reboot for any otherreason, you can do so by simultaneously holding the back, up, andselect buttons for 10­15 seconds. You may be prompted to send logsonce your Pebble restarts. Please do, with a quick note about whathappened, so our engineers can prevent the issue from happening

again in the future.

(iOS 8) Dismiss all notifications

Force a restart

Occasionally Pebble receives a several notifications at once. It usuallyhappens after a brief disconnection.If you would like to dismiss all the notifications at once (from the phoneas well as your Pebble), simply press and hold the select button for 3­5 seconds.

Still having trouble?If the information above did not solve your issue, please check out ourTroubleshooting (­ios­troubleshooting) page or contact our Support Team through your Pebble app(­contact­support).

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