munis overview brochure

Post on 10-Sep-2015






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  • Finding thebest ERP solution

    for state and local governments

    munisa tyler erp solution

  • How to find the best fitting ERP solution for state and local governmentsTraditionally, public sector organizations have been underserved, being forced to choose between large,

    tier 1 vendors or smaller, regional companies.

    3 Questions every ERP decision maker should ask themselves:1. Is the company viablecan they deliver?

    2. How will the company help us stay current with the technology and functionality required to

    deliver the services our citizens expect?

    3. Looking out 5-10 years, is the company likely to be a significant player in the market space?

    Once it is determined that a product meets your functional requirements look at the company you

    are buying it from. Can that company provide a sustainable partnership?

    The traditional tier 1 vendor is international in

    scope, has multiple vertical products and typically

    utilizes partners for required services. They have the

    engineering resources to remain technologically viable

    and they have the financial resources to weather

    economic hardships. However, because their products

    are designed for multiple industries, they lack public

    sector specific domain expertise and clients ultimately

    pay for features with no practical application to state

    and local governments. At the same time, these

    products dont do all that state and local governments

    requires without customization, typically by a third

    party. This model results in problems of scope, cost,

    timeliness and accountability for public sector clients.

    Project failures resulting from these types of problems

    are repeatedly noted in the public record.

    The smaller, regional vendor is typically very good

    at maintaining relationships with their public sector

    clients and providing regional features and expertise.

    The problem is that they have limited resources to

    grow with the needs of their clients, to invest in many

    new technologies and to expand their business beyond

    their region. Further, their ability to scale to larger

    ERP installations, even within their region, is limited.

    This model results in a high rate of attrition. State and

    local governments have seen time and again that their

    regional ERP vendor goes out of business or is forced

    to sell to a larger competitor. For state and local

    governments, that can mean a disruption to service

    levels, stagnant functionality, and a negative return on

    their investment.

  • This left an opening for a company to get creative and be significant enough to have the

    resources to be competitive technically with tier 1 players, but also to have the subject matter

    expertise, the experience and the clients to compete with the regional companies.

    Tyler filled this gap in the industry by becoming a national player but focused on the public

    sector only. Our combination of domain expertise and significant resources means state and

    local governments no longer have to sacrifice the experience of smaller companies for the

    tremendous resources of larger companies when choosing a vendor.

    For public sector ERP in state and mid to large size local governments, one ERP

    solution is undisputedly a market leader, that provides functional innovation and leading

    technologies that are in line with client needs, and that has a history of successful product

    implementations that are on time and on budget. That ERP solution is Munis.

    Not tier 1 light but a completely different approach; a company with: Publicsectordomainexpertise










  • Delivering client successEverything we do is built around our clientsto provide them with solutions such as Munis that enable and

    empower users to become more efficient, productive and responsive to the needs of their constituents.

    User-centric designOur commitment to the total client experience means that we invest heavily in a user-centric design process. We continually

    maximize end-user productivity by listening to our clients and assessing what is important to their business. We involve them in

    usability testing conducted by usability analysts certified by Human Factors International to ensure that Munis works the way they do.

    Prior to general release of any Munis application, we perform many quality assurance tests. We then involve some of our most

    demanding clients in an early adoption program. This is where Munis releases are subjected to real world process testing scenarios.

    Our early adopters have the opportunity to influence the quality and feature value of the product. In addition, early adopters have a

    dedicated Tyler coordinator overseeing the project and receive priority support with accelerated response times.

    I cant say it enough. Working with Munis through the early adoption process was worth it in so many ways. Not only did it provide our users with a direct link to the technical and application development folks, it helped our users pull together as a teamnot just among our departments, but with the Tyler staff as well. Our users now have a better understanding and respect for the Tyler staff and feel more invested in the product itself.

    Maria Racca, Data Analyst/Information Technology/Finance, City of Amherst, MA (Munis Early Adopter Program Participant)

    Our industry-specific software and user centric design means a better fit and a flatter/faster

    learning curve for state and local government employees.

  • 5 Steps to a Successful Implementation

    1. Entering the Partnership Our implementation team defines roles and responsibilities,

    sets expectations, identifies roadblocks and builds consensus.

    2. Defining the Future We work with your organizations key players to create a detailed

    project plan to meet your specific needs, challenges, schedule and more.

    3. Moving Forward Our experts help you establish formal policies and procedures and

    understand all available options by creating a model of what your business environment

    could be like once youre running Tyler applications.

    4. Ensuring Your Satisfaction During implementation, control points are put in place.

    This ensures all needs have been met, each team member has accomplished their tasks

    and the project plan has been followed.

    5. Preparing for the Future Our experts dont just disappear once implementation is

    complete. Well help you transition to using our full Munis Support Services.

    User-centric implementationTylers focus on user experience results in faster, less costly implementations. Weve taken the successful

    approach to implementation weve used for years and meshed it with the principles of the Project Management

    Institute (PMI), a globally recognized organization dedicated to promoting the project management profession.

    The result is an implementation method tailored to meet the specific needs of our public sector clients. Through

    PMI, our project managers earn Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, a qualification program

    that signifies a professional has met strict guidelines.

    All Tyler implementations are planned, managed and executed by our own experts and backed by Tylers

    comprehensive resources.

  • Positioning clients for successWhen implementing a new system, so much depends on getting it right: ensuring that you are using best business

    practices, that workflow processes are streamlined, that your organizational objectives are met, and that every member

    of your organization understands and is supportive of the project.

    Through Tyler Consulting Services, we work with clients during a two-phase process that includes a business process

    review and a business solution design. This helps clients improve business processes, maximize efficiencies and

    define the best utilization of Munis to meet organizational objectives. Tyler Consulting Services can even develop desk

    procedure documents that provide user manuals customized to specific procedures utilized in your organization.

    Tyler employs change management experts who are certified by Prosci, the recognized leader in change management

    research. They help you communicate the rationale for the implementation and manage expectations of staff members.

    The benefits include increased adoption rates of new systems and policies, easier employee adaptation to new roles,

    more efficient employees, less disruption of day-to-day activities during implementation, decreased need for retraining

    and the creation of a track record of success.

    Portage Countys investment in Tyler, and Tylers investment in Portage County, led to an extremely successful implementation. As a result, we have a highly efficient system which continues to meet the ongoing needs of the County.

    Brian Kelley, Portage County CIO (employed Tyler change management services)

    3 Human Factors Influence the Success of an Implementation.

    1. Speed of Adoption: How fast employees adapt to the new software system.

    2. Utilization Rate: How many employees actually use the new system.

    3. User Proficiency Rate: How comfortable employees are with the new system and how well they perform using it.

  • Empowering our clients with multi-faceted supportWe believe in empowering our clients to find the answers to their questions on their terms. If they prefer to search for

    their answers through our in-program help or online tools they may. If they prefer to post a question to another user

    through a forum they may. And if they choose to initiate a formal support call through an e-mail or a toll-free number

    they may.

    While some companies contract out application support to a less knowledgeable third party, ours is provided by

    in-house experts. Munis Client Support is divided into application-specific teams. This allows a support technician

    to focus on a group of applications, offering detailed support and fast solutions. Each day, using our call escalation

    system, Senior Technicians, Team Leaders and Senior Analysts review open calls in their focus area to monitor progress.

    Tyler records all client contacts in a Customer Response Management (CRM) system. This system tracks the history

    of each incident, including the person calling, time of the call, priority of the call, problem description, support

    recommendations, customer feedback, FERs (Fix or Enhancement Requests) to Development, and resolution. As

    a result of this state-of-the-art information system, we have a more detailed snapshot of each client, and a more

    accurate, up-to-date database that results in improved efficiency across the board.

    We constantly measure our achievement and we are proud of the results.

    When you call our support line your call is answered by a technician

    80% of the time and the remaining 20% that leave a voice message

    receive a callback in only 32 minutes on average.














    Clients are empowered to get the help they need, in the format they choose:

  • Avoiding the dips in the technology adoption life cycleWhy would anybody purchase an ERP solution with built-in

    obsolescence? It makes no sense.

    Most systems start out with innovative technology that

    looks great but is unstable and feature poor. As the

    product matures, it stabilizes over timebut eventually the

    technology begins to lag, until one day the software must

    be completely overhauled. Then the cycle starts all over

    again. This is the typical technology adoption life cycle and

    we think it is an incredibly disruptive and inefficient way to

    deliver software.

    When their software reaches the end of its life cycle,

    state and local governments are often faced with costly

    re-licensing for the next generation software or they have

    to begin a lengthy and costly RFP cycle. Even if they were

    provided the next generation software free of charge, they

    face extensive, disruptive and costly training for their staff to

    learn how to use it.

    Keeping clients current with incremental introductions of technology

    Perpetual upgrades and our evergreen philosophyOur competitors havent figured out how to avoid the dips of this

    technology adoption life cycle. But we have!

    Tyler solved this dilemma years ago. Munis clients get industry

    leading technology that is continually enhanced through a

    perpetual upgrade process we refer to as evergreen. It is a steady

    stream of significant yet manageable changes deployed with

    minimal disruption to our clients operationswith no

    re-licensing fees. We add the newest technologies while

    maintaining the integrity of our core business logic, without having

    to completely rewrite our code. This incremental introduction of

    new technologies results in a product that always has functional

    innovation with the practical application of technology that is in

    line with client needs.

    This ensures you always have the right tools to save money and

    work more efficiently. And this is how even the earliest Munis

    clients continue to use current technology and releases of Munis

    today, all as part of their standard maintenance agreement.

    Our track record speaks for itself. As they became available, we

    integrated Web technologies for self-service applications and

    product hosting. We incorporated workflow technologies and

    bi-directional integration between Munis and Microsoft Excel.

    We utilized Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft .NET and the

    Microsoft Office Communication server. And today we deliver

    Munis in 100% Microsoft Silverlight technology, we utilize data

    cubes and pivot tables to deliver business intelligence, and more.

    And we are continuously moving forward with the introduction of

    technologies that will enhance our clients experience and help

    them deliver the services technology-savvy citizens expect.

  • Quality releases with powerful administration toolsAs Munis evolves, Tyler makes it easy for clients to maintain current

    technology with minimum disruption to operations and no need for

    costly retraining. Tyler Technologies employs a comprehensive and

    easy-to-use Release Life-Cycle Policy for its Munis ERP software.

    Our release life-cycle policy is designed to balance our clients

    need for flexibility and stability, while meeting the demands for

    strategic product enhancements.

    We provide complete transparency throughout the life cycle. Our

    clients may use the Munis Release Administrator to access our

    work ticket system that provides real-time status information on

    enhancements and open and closed support issues. In addition

    to the status of an item, it also provides information on

    configuration, requirements and considerations.

    Staying on top of system enhancements is easy. The

    Munis Internet Update allows system administrators to

    periodically check for and download updated Munis

    code. It keeps a running history of all releases, and

    maintains log files and rollback options. System

    administrators use this utility to update all files or

    optionally to select from available updates, including

    custom code that has not been generally released.

  • StabilityWe recognize the careful consideration that accompanies your investment

    in a software solution. You desire exceptional products, but you also want a

    strong and stable business partner.

    Tylers stability rests in the controlled growth strategy that we have carefully

    designed and executed over the years. Weve experienced steady growth

    through sales, service and product development, as well as through strategic

    acquisition of viable companies that expand and enhance our suite of

    products. Weve established a clear path for our future by focusing on:

    Expanding geographically

    Securing larger, more complex opportunities

    Broadening our product offerings

    Extending existing client relationshipsTyler is publicly traded on the NYSE under the symbol TYL. As such,

    we operate with regulatory oversight that ensures a high degree of

    accountability and transparency, just like the clients we serve. As a client,

    you have full disclosure of our financial standing and as such, can see for

    yourself that Tyler is financially stable and has the resources to provide you

    with the exceptional products and services your desire.

    Commitment by the numbers 1966 TylerTechnologieswasfounded

    1981 FirstimplementationofMunis

    2000+ Employeesdedicatedtopublicsector productsandservices

    10.3 Percentofmaintenancerevenues* usedtofundR&D

    4325+ TylerERPclients

    1200+ TylerERPclientsusingMunis

    30 YearsofsuccessfulMunisimplementations

    * based upon 2010 figures

    A strong future based upon stability, credibility and commitmentStability. Credibility. Commitment. These are the solid, proven fundamentals upon which weve built

    our productsand our company. They are the attributes that made us the largest company solely

    dedicated to providing products and services to the public sector. And they are the attributes that will

    position Tyler as a market leader well into the future.

  • CredibilityFounded in 1966, Tyler Technologies has an impressive

    track record of success. Our success is a direct result of our

    credibility in the marketplace. Our reputation is built upon

    delivering what we promise: completing our implementations

    on time and on budget, keeping your investment in

    Munis current through our Evergreen approach to product

    development and providing standards setting client support.

    The first installation of Munis was in 1981. Today we have

    more than 1200 successful implementations of Munisa

    track record of 30+ years of steady growth. We got to where

    we are by remaining true to our mission and true to our


    Tyler has been named one of Americas 200 Best Small

    Companies for three consecutive years by Forbes Magazine,

    included in Software Magazines Software 500 for three

    years in a row and previously been recognized by Audit

    Integrity, an independent research firm, as one of Americas

    100 most trustworthy companies. These achievements point

    to our credibility in the marketplace and our commitment to

    delivering the best products and services to our clients.

    CommitmentWhen your entire business is built upon the needs of a single

    industry, you make sure that everything you do is completely

    in alignment with the needs and goals of that industry. For

    us, that means our exclusive focus is on the public sector

    and we never waiver. And while others list public sector as

    just one of many vertical industries served, 100% of Tylers

    short and long-term commitments are to the public sector.

    We are proud of our investments in our products and

    services. We employ more than 2000 experienced

    professionals who are dedicated to the products and services

    you use every day. Many of them have experience working

    for organizations just like yours. That kind of experience and

    dedication is crucial to providing the feature-rich, highly

    functional, integrated products and essential services that

    help you perform at your best.

    The level of investment Tyler continues to make in products

    like Munis is significant. In 2010 our total R&D expense

    as a percentage of maintenance revenue was 10.3%. The

    dollars that our clients invest in our products are used to

    enhance the very same products they usenot some other

    vertical industry. This kind of commitment to product

    enhancement and development ensures that the products

    you use are leading the industry.

    Our commitment to the 4,325+ clients currently using

    a Tyler ERP solution is just the beginning. That number

    continues to grow year over year. Tyler is the market leader in

    both ERP market penetration and new product selections.

    With the strength of our client-base and the resources we

    devote to improving our products and services, Tyler fully

    expects to maintain our leadership position well into the

    future. That means that when you select a product like

    Munis today, you will still have a viable product in 10 years,

    20 years, and longer.

    * based upon 2010 figures

  • Learn how Munis can empower your organizationThe Munis ERP Solution includes Financial Management, Human Capital Management and Citizen Services and

    Revenue applications. Detailed information on our products, services and technology are available upon request.

    Call us for a free Investment Assessment Our consulting experts spend one to three days (depending on your organizations size, complexity and scope of modules needed)

    showing you how a new ERP system can be the backbone of your operation. Well highlight new technologies and best business

    practices that improve efficiencies and ultimately save you money.

    Visit us on the

    Call us at1.800.772.2260

    Follow us on

    Software that thinks like you do.At Tyler Technologies (NYSE: TYL), we have a single mission: enable local

    governments to be more efficient, more accessible and more responsive to the needs

    of citizens. Thats what we do. And thats all we doin partnership with more than

    9,000 clients, including local government and school offices throughout all 50

    states, Canada, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and the United Kingdom.

    Tyler Technologies is a leading provider of information management solutions and

    services for the public sectorand Tyler is the largest company in the country solely

    dedicated to providing software and IT services to the public sector market.


    The Tyler logo and design mark are registered trademarks of Tyler Technologies, Inc. 2011, all rights reserved.

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