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9th ISSS Internati onal Surgical Sleep Society Meeti ng

Beyond Standard Therapy:What‘s Next in Realizing the Visionof Individualized OSA Treatment?



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Conference chairsPriv.-Doz. Dr. med. Clemens HeiserOtolaryngology Hospital at the Klinikum rechts der Isarof the Technical University of MunichIsmaninger Straße 22 l 81675 Munich, Germany

Prof. Dr. med. Thomas VerseAsklepios Clinic HamburgDepartment of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck SurgeryEißendorfer Pferdeweg 52 l 21075 Hamburg, Germany

Hosti ng societyInternati onal Surgical Sleep Society

Under the auspieces of

Industrial exhibiti onThe conference will be accompanied by a specialized industrial exhi-biti on. Interested companies are requested to contact Conventus.

Sponsors and exhibitorsPlati num-Sponsor Inspire Medical System Inc. (Maple Grove/Minneapolis, MN/US)

ImThera Medical Inc. (Deisenhofen)

Silver-Sponsor Löwenstein Medical GmbH & Co. KG(Bad Ems)

Lunch symposium Sutt er Medizintechnik GmbH (Freiburg)

ExhibitorsImThera Medical Inc. (Deisenhofen)Inspire Medical System Inc. (Maple Grove/Minneopolis, MN/US)Löwenstein Medical GmbH & Co. KG (Bad Ems)NMP Neuwirth Medical Products GmbH (Obernburg)Sutt er Medizintechnik GmbH (Freiburg) State at printi ng


In Munich, it’s the mix that makes the message. Old meets new, past meets present and future, the modern blends harmoni-ously with the traditi onal, bits and bytes with beer, business and leisure. For the visitor, there is an abundance of sights to see or acti viti es to engage in. And 2010, which has seen the 200th anniversary of the famous Oktoberfest, among other things, is shaping up to be yet another special year in the city’s great history.

The Bavarian Metropolis with its 1.5 million inhabitants lies vir-tually at the centre of Europe and is easy to access, either by high-speed trains, by motorway, or through a large internati onal airport.

Year aft er year, Munich takes gold in German city rankings. When asked where they would prefer to live, most Germans say Munich. The reason is simple: a magic combinati on of a vigorous economy and top-notch leisure ti me acti viti es and outstand-ing cultural off erings. Three world-class orchestras, countless concert venues and a host of festi vals ensure a constant fl ow of music of all styles. The city also has a wide array of museums, notably the three Pinakothek art museums exhibiti ng fi ne arts and graphic arts from six centuries all located within walking distance. Science and technology have a worthy home in the Deutsches Museum on the Isar River.

Two of the best universiti es of Germany are located in Munich: the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, established in 1472, and the Technical University Munich, established in 1868.

Finally Munich is a shopper’s paradise, with fi ne fashions, designer outlets, venerable department stores, anti que shops and excellent bookstores. And while about food, when it comes to eati ng or just taking a break, visitors will fi nd establishments off ering every type of fare imaginable and for all budgets. The best place to enjoy typical Bavarian cuisine, a most nati ves of Munich will tell you, is at one of the city‘s lively beer gardens, the ideal place to meet old friends and make new ones.

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We cordially invite you to submit your abstracts for oral presenta-ti ons or ePoster presentati ons to the 9th Internati onal Surgical Sleep Society Meeti ng.We would be delighted to receive your contributi ons to the scienti fi c program and your support, which will result in a successful meeti ng!

SubmissionAbstracts can only be submitt ed online at unti l 1 December 2017.Please also refer to the guidelines and the advice for abstract authors which can be found on the congress website.

Poster awardsThe three most outstanding posters will be rewarded. More detailed informati on is available on the congress website

Abstract Topics- General OSA- Combined treatments of OSA- Pathophysiology- Nose- Soft Palate- Tongue Base- Snoring- Multi level Surgery- Upper Airway Sti mulati on- CPAP- DISE (drug induced sleep endoscopy)- Oral appliance- Diagnosis of sleep related breathing disorders- Maxillomandibular advancement (MMA)- Bariatric surgery- Pediatrics- Other conservati ve treatment opti ons

Detailed program informati on can be found at the conference web-site


Dear colleagues and friends,

It is our great honor to host the Internati onal Surgical Sleep Society Meeti ng (ISSS) 2018 in Munich, Germany from 5–7 April 2018 and we hereby gladly invite you to parti cipate in this unique event.

The meeti ng is focused on the pathophysiology of obstructi ve Sleep Apnea (OSA) and its treatment opti ons. You will be able to att end a range of live educati onal events involving key opinion leaders, scien-ti fi c abstracts, case discussions and technical ti ps, within diff erent workshops.

We cordially invite you to take part in this event by submitti ng your abstracts for ePoster and/or oral presentati ons to the ISSS meeti ng. We are looking forward to receiving your contributi ons for the scien-ti fi c program and would like to thank you in advance for your acti ve support.The deadline for abstract submission is 1 December 2017.

In additi on, this is also an excellent opportunity to explore the Bavar-ian capital city Munich and capture the real “Bavarian” feeling. The venue is located directly in the city, so that you can explore the historical downtown with various famous sights for example the “Marienplatz”, “Viktualienmarkt” or the “Maximilianstraße”.

The social evening will be held in the “Hofb räukeller” with assorted delicious Bavarian food and beverages.

So join us and take part in this outstanding event, parti cipate at the ISSS 2018 meeti ng.

We are looking forward to welcome you in Munich!

Clemens Heiser & Thomas Verse

VenueKlinikum rechts der IsarTechnical University of MunichIsmaninger Straße 22 l 81675 Munich, Germany

Registrati onRegistrati on for the congress is required. Please register online at

Registrati ons unti l 1 December 2017 benefi t from the early bird registrati on fees. For further informati on, please visit the congress website

Registrati on fees Early bird registrati on unti l 01.12.2017 Member ISSS/DGSM/DG HNO 375 EURNon-Member 475 EURResidents* 275 EURMedical Students*/Allied Health Professionals* 175 EUR

* Please provide proof of status via fax +49 3641 31 16-244 or e-mail registrati and quote ISSS 2018.

Social programSocial evening in the „Hofb räukeller“ l 6 April 2018 50 EUR

Preliminary Courses l 5 April 2018(Subject to modifi cati on) Prices including lunch.

09:00–16:00 hrsTraining in Upper Airway Sti mulati on with 100 EUR3D Live-Implant

09:00–13:00 hrsTraining & Cases in Decision Making: 50 EURWhich treatment is suitable for which pati ent?

09:30–15:30 hrsDISE – Training Course 100 EUR

Conference organizati onConventus Congressmanagement & Marketi ng GmbH Tina MarkertCarl-Pulfrich-Straße 1 l 07745 Jena, GermanyPhone +49 3641 31 16-367 l Fax +49 3641 31 16-243ti l

9th ISSS Meeti ng Internati onal Surgical Sleep Society

Beyond Standard Therapy: What‘s Next in Realizing the Vision of Individualized OSA Treatment?


Abstract submission deadline 1 December 2017Early bird registrati on deadline 1 December 2017

Under the auspieces of:


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