multiscale modelling of charged impurities in two-dimensional ......defect-engineered 2d materials....

Post on 31-Jul-2020






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Multiscale modelling of charged impurities in two-dimensional materials

Johannes Lischner

Department of Physics and Department of Materials, and the Thomas Young Centre for Theory and Simulation of Materials, Imperial CollegeLondon, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom


Charged impurities influence functional properties of two-dimensional materials and a detailed theoretical understand-ing of charged defects is required to enable a rational design of defect-engineered nanomaterials for applications in ul-trathin devices. To achieve this goal, we have developed multiscale approaches that combine atomistic first-principlestheories, such as density-functional theory, with coarse-grained continuum models, such as effective mass models.This allows us to model large supercells which are required to accurately describe the slow decay of the screeneddefect potential and the defect-induced changes in the electronic properties of the two-dimensional host material. Iwill describe the results of our multiscale calculations for charged defects in doped graphene and in transition-metaldichalcogenide monolayers which have revealed novel mechanisms for controlling and tuning the electronic structureof two-dimensional materials.

Keywords: electronic structure theory, multiscale modelling, two-dimensional materials, defects.

1. Introduction

Two-dimensional (2D) materials exhibit many fasci-nating properties that could give rise to new generationsof nanodevices for energy, communication and medicaltechnology. Examples include ultrahigh electron mobil-ities in graphene field-effect transistors [1, 2] or extraor-dinary sunlight absorption in transition-metal dichalco-genide monolayers [3].

Defects are always present in real devices and there-fore it is necessary to understand how they affect theproperties of 2D materials. Often, defects deteriorateintrinsic properties, e.g. scattering by charged defectsreduces the electron mobility [4, 5]. On the other hand,defects can also enhance properties or even introducecompletely new functionality. The rational design offunctionality using defects, known as defect engineer-ing, has been a cornerstone of conventional semicon-ductor technology for decades, for example in the cre-ation of silicon p-n junctions.

In 2D materials, a variety of defects exist, such as va-cancies or substitutional atoms, that can also be foundin 3D systems. Other types of impurities, such as ad-sorbed atoms and molecules, play a much more im-portant role in 2D materials because of their extremesurface-to-volume ratio [6]. Experimentally, defects in2D materials can be probed using various techniques,

including transport measurements, scanning tunnellingspectroscopy or via optical techniques.

In this review paper, I will describe the work ofmy research group to gain insight into the proper-ties of charged defects in 2D materials using theoryand simulation. Modelling charged impurities is par-ticularly challenging because their properties are de-termined by physico-chemical processes occurring onmultiple length scales: charge transfer is determined bythe short-ranged overlap of frontier orbitals, while thescreened potential of the charged defect is affected bythe long-ranged dielectric response of the 2D substrate.To capture this interplay, we have developed multiscaletheories that combine first-principles methods, such asab initio density-functional theory, with coarse-grainedapproaches, such as interacting continuum models.

The paper is organized as follows: first, I will de-scribe the multiscale methods that we have developedto calculate properties of charged defects in 2D materi-als. Then, I will describe some results for charged ad-sorbates on doped graphene and for charged impuritiesin transition-metal dichalcogenides. Finally, I will sum-marize our findings and describe future work.

Preprint submitted to Computational Materials Science January 8, 2019

2. Methods

Modelling charged impurities in 2d materials is chal-lenging because of the complex interplay of short-ranged chemical effects, such as defect geometry andthe alignment of frontier orbitals of the defect and the2D host material which determines the direction andamount of charge transfer, and long-ranged physical ef-fects, such as the dielectric response of the 2D materialto the presence of the charged defect. Different meth-ods exist to describe either the short-ranged chemicaleffects or the long-ranged physical effects, but a mul-tiscale approach that seamlessly connects the differentlength scales is needed to develop a material-specificpredictive approach and enable the rational design ofdefect-engineered 2D materials.

Density-functional theory (DFT) [7] is a powerfulapproach for studying the properties of defects in 2Dmaterials from first-principles, i.e. without empiri-cal parameters. DFT calculations often yield accuratedefect geometries and formation energies. However,the results can be sensitive to the choice of exchange-correlation functional. In particular, hybrid functionalsor DFT+U calculations can be required to accuratelydescribe defects with highly localized electronic states[8, 9]. Moreover, the vast majority of defect calcula-tions using DFT are carried out using a supercell ap-proach. In this approach, a period arrangement of de-fects is simulated and properties of isolated defects areobtained in the limit of large defect separations. How-ever, the numerical cost of DFT calculations increasesrapidly with supercell size and the removal of finite-sizeeffects, which are particularly important for charged de-fects, is notoriously difficult [10].

Another well-known problem in DFT calculations isthe determination of the amount of charge which istransferred between the defect and the 2D host materi-als. Usually, a charge partitioning scheme is used to cal-culate the charge of the defect, but different approaches,such as Loewdin or Mulliken schemes, can yield signif-icantly different results [11]. This uncertainty poses asignificant challenge for the parametrization of coarse-grained approaches that describe the long-ranged di-electric response of the 2D host material.

Finally, DFT is a ground-state theory and as such can-not be used to calculate excited-state properties of im-purities in 2D materials. Charged quasiparticle excita-tions, which are measured in photoemission, tunnellingor transport experiments, are accurately described usingthe GW approach [12, 13]. This technique yields theone-electron Green’s function, whose poles are locatedare the excitation energies, by solving a Dyson equa-

tion. Electron-electron interaction effects are describedby the electron self-energy, which is calculated as theproduct (in a real-space and real-time representation) ofthe Green’s function G and the screened Coulomb inter-action W. Optical spectra including excitonic effects areobtained by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE)for the electron-hole Green’s function [14]. While theGW/BSE approach gives accurate quasiparticle ener-gies and lifetimes, band gaps and absorption spectra, itsnumerical cost is significantly larger than that of DFTcalculations and as a consequence it is rarely applied todefect systems [15, 16, 17].

Figure 1: Workflow of the multiscale approach for modelling chargedimpurities in graphene. The graphene lattice constant a and Fermi ve-locity vF are obtained from DFT calculations of pristine graphene.The screened impurity potential VDFT

scr (r; µ) is then found using aDFT supercell calculation. This DFT impurity potential is used toparametrize a continuum screening model. Once the parameters aredetermined, the model can be used to calculate the screened impu-rity potential in significantly larger supercells. The resulting potentialVcont

scr (r; µ) is then used in large-scale tight-binding calculations of thelocal density of states (LDOS). From Ref. [11].

To access longer length scales and capture the dielec-tric response of the 2D host material to the charged de-fect, atomistic tight-binding (TB) approaches and non-atomistic continuum methods, such as effective mass or


Dirac theories, have been used [18, 19]. In the TB ap-proach, non-interacting electrons hop between atomicsites which are characterized by their onsite energies.Hopping integrals and onsite energies can be obtainedeither by fitting to measured or calculated band struc-tures or via a Wannier-tranformation of the DFT Hamil-tonian [20]. Continuum theories, such as the effec-tive mass approach, have been successfully used to de-scribe the electronic properties of defects in 3D semi-conductors [21], but require values of effective massesand charge transfer parameters from experiment or first-principles calculations. Such theories are particularlyuseful when electron-electron interactions are included.The resulting effective-mass Thomas-Fermi approachcan be used to investigate the non-linear response of 2Dmaterials to charged defects and also to study complexdefect assemblies [22, 23].

To combine first-principles theories for charged im-purities in 2D materials with methods for studying thelong-range dielectric response, we have developed sev-eral multiscale approaches. These approaches combinelarge-scale atomistic TB models with first-principles de-fect potentials. Importantly, electron-electron interac-tions, which are not captured by the TB approach, areincluded by replacing the bare Coulomb potential of thedefect by its screened counterpart. The screened po-tential has been obtained via two routes: (i) linear re-sponse theory and (ii) direct extraction from DFT cal-culations. In route (i), the static dielectric functionε(q) of the (defect-free) 2D material is calculated fromfirst-principles using the random-phase approximation(RPA) and the screened defect potential is then obtainedvia [24, 25]

Vscr(q) =2πZε(q)q

, (1)

where 2π/q denotes the 2D Fourier transform of thebare Coulomb interaction and Z denotes the transferredcharge and atomic units have been used.

Alternatively, the screened potential can be directlyextracted from the DFT calculations that include thecharged defect. Specifically, the screened defect poten-tial is simply equal to the effective Kohn-Sham poten-tial experienced by the electrons in the 2D host material[11]. As discussed above, the screened defect poten-tial in 2D systems decays slowly with a spatial extent ofup to ten nanometres or more. Capturing this decay insimulations requires supercells containing tens of thou-sands of atoms. DFT calculations for such systems areextremely demanding and often not feasible.

To overcome this challenge, we have developed thefollowing multiscale approach [11], see Fig. 1. First,

linear-scaling DFT calculations are carried out for su-percells containing several thousand atoms. In thesecalculations, the effect of an applied gate voltage is cap-tured by explicitly adding or removing electrons fromthe supercell. Next, the screened defect potential fromthe DFT calculation is used to parametrize an inter-acting continuum model in which the charged defectis modelled as a point charge Z and the effect of thegate voltage is captured by the chemical potential µ ofthe 2D material. Specifically, we carry out continuummodel calculations for different values of Z and µ forthe same supercell as in the DFT calculation and com-pute the screened defect potential for each combinationof parameters. By comparing the continuum model re-sults with the DFT screened defect potential, the opti-mal parameters are determined. Using these parameters,we proceed to evaluate the screened defect potential inmuch larger supercells which are required to describeits decay accurately. Finally, the converged screenedpotential is employed as an onsite energy in large-scaletight-binding calculations that yield observables, suchas the local density of states.

The presented multi-scale theory of charged impuri-ties in 2D materials is ideally suited to describe chargedadsorbates. For physisorbed atoms and molecules, itis usually possible to use tight-binding models of thedefect-free 2D material in the calculation of the localdensity of states. Other types of impurities, such aschemisorbed species, vacancies or substitutional atoms,can significantly modify the chemical bonding in thevicinity of the impurity. Such effects can sometimesbe described by locally modifying the onsite and hop-ping energies of the pristine 2D material. Importantly,these chemical effects are usually short-ranged in com-parison to the extent of the screened Coulomb potentialand therefore simple tight-binding models of the defect-free 2D material often give accurate results for distanceslarger than 1-2 nanometers from the impurity.

3. Results

3.1. Charged impurities in grapheneAlkali and alkaline-earth adatoms typically donate

electrons to a graphene substrate and act as charged de-fects. We have studied the electronic structure of cal-cium adatoms on doped graphene [24, 11]. Initially,we employed linear response theory within the random-phase approximation to calculate the screened defectpotential. In particular, the analytically known dielec-tric function of the Dirac model was used [26, 27] andthe defect charge Z was kept as an adjustable parame-ter. To capture the slow decay of the screened defect


Figure 2: Comparison of theory and STM experiment for a single calcium adatom on p-doped graphene. Experimental dI/dV maps of states withenergy 0.15 eV above the Dirac point are shown for different gate voltages Vg: (a) Vg = 0 V, (b) Vg = −30 V and (c) Vg = −60 V. (d) ExperimentaldI/dV curves as function of distance from the calcium adatom for different gate voltages. Note that the curves are vertically offset for clarity. (e)Calculated dI/dV curves as function of distance from the calcium adatom. The electron density in the calculations was chosen to correspond to theexperimental gate voltage. From Ref. [24].

potential and the local density of states (LDOS), large-scale tight-binding simulations with up to 50,000 carbonatoms in the supercell were carried out. The resultingLDOS decays to its bulk value over several nanome-ters with a decay length depending sensitively on theapplied gate voltage, see Figs. 2 and 3. In particular, forlow gate voltages (corresponding to undoped graphene)the change in the LDOS induced by the charged defectdecays over ten nanometers or more. The dependenceof the LDOS and the screened potential on the chem-ical potential is a consequence of the linear dispersionrelation of the graphene electrons near the Fermi levelwhich gives rise to a density of states varying linearlywith the chemical potential for a wide range of dopinglevels. For comparison, no such dependence is observedfor a standard 2D electron gas which exhibits a constantdensity of states.

It can also be observed that the LDOS is enhanced inthe vicinity of the defect when states above the Diracpoint are probed, while there is a reduction for statesbelow the Dirac point. This is a consequence of band

bending. To a good approximation, the screened po-tential of the positively charged defect rigidly shifts theLDOS to lower energies resulting in an LDOS enhance-ment above and an LDOS reduction below the Diracpoint, see Fig. 4. Note, however, that the simple bandbending picture breaks down for energies very close tothe Dirac point whose energy is not changed in the pres-ence of the defect potential.

To overcome the limitations of the linear responseframework, we also extracted the screened defect poten-tial directly from DFT calculations, see Methods sec-tion. For this, we first determine the structure of theCa adatom using standard plane-wave/pseudopotentialDFT calculations [11]. We find that the Ca atom sitsabout 2 Å above the hollow position, i.e. the centre ofthe graphene hexagon. Next, we carry out linear-scalingDFT calculations [28] on supercells containing morethan 6,000 atom and extracted the screened defect po-tential. We then use this result to determine the chargeZ and the chemical potential µ using various interactingcontinuum approaches. Specifically, we employ both


Figure 3: Comparison of theory and STM experiment for a single calcium adatom on n-doped graphene. Experimental dI/dV maps of states withenergy 0.08 eV below the Dirac point are shown for different gate voltages Vg: (a) Vg = 5 V, (b) Vg = 20 V and (c) Vg = 40 V. (d) ExperimentaldI/dV curves as function of distance from the calcium adatom for different gate voltages. Note that the curves are vertically offset for clarity. (e)Calculated dI/dV curves as function of distance from the calcium adatom. The electron density in the calculations was chosen to correspond to theexperimental gate voltage. From Ref. [24].

Table 1: Impurity charge Z of a calcium atom adsorbed on graphene.Here, Z is obtained by fitting the screened impurity potential of a con-tinuum model to the DFT potential. The quality of the fit is describedby the fitness metric F . Here, LTF and NTFL denotes the linear andnonlinear Thomas-Fermi model, respectively. If screening by inter-band transitions is included, we add “+inter” to the model.

Model Z [e] F [eV]LTF 0.3 8.9 × 10−3

LTF+inter 1.3 8.4 × 10−3

NLTF 1.6 9.3 × 10−3

NLTF+inter 1.6 7.4 × 10−3

the linear and non-linear Thomas-Fermi approach andalso include the effect of interband transitions.

Table 1 shows our results for the defect charge Z.We find that Z depends sensitively on the description ofelectron-electron interactions in the continuum model[11]. Inclusion of nonlinearity and interband transitionsboth result in a significant increase of Z from the linearThomas-Fermi (LTF) result Z = 0.3. The most accu-rate continuum model which includes both nonlinearity

and interband transition (denoted NLTF+inter) yieldsZ = 1.6. This is in good agreement with the chemi-cal intuition which suggests that calcium donates its twovalence electrons to reach a closed-shell configuration.

Adsorbed organic molecules are another interest-ing class of graphene impurities. We have studiedthe properties of tetrafluorotetracyanoquinodimethane(F4-TCNQ) molecules on doped graphene [29]. Thismolecule with chemical formula C12F4N4 has been sug-gested as a promising acceptor molecule because of thehigh electronegativity of the fluorine atoms. In fact,we have found using GW calculations that the lowestunoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of F4-TCNQ isvery close in energy to graphene’s Dirac point. By tun-ing the graphene chemical potential via the gate volt-age, it is therefore possible to reversibly charge anddecharge the F4-TCNQ molecule. Moreover, we havefound that image charge interactions between adsor-bates and graphene depend sensitively on the graphenechemical potential resulting in gate-voltage dependentmolecular energy levels. These predictions are in excel-lent agreement with recent experimental scanning tun-








−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5


S [e


2 ·eV


Energy [eV]

10 Å15 Å20 Å

10 Å (shift)







0 50 100 150 200


m. L



r [Å]

0 eV0.12 eV0.24 eV0.36 eV

Figure 4: Local density of states (LDOS) of doped graphene with asingle calcium adatom as function of energy for different distancesfrom the adatom. The black dotted line denotes the LDOS of defect-free graphene which has been shifted by the local value of the screenedimpurity potential. The inset shows the LDOS as function of distancefrom the impurity for different chemical potentials. From Ref. [11].

nelling spectroscopy results [29].

3.2. Charged impurities in transition-metal dichalco-genide monolayers

In contrast to graphene, many monolayers of thetransition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD) family, such asMoS2, MoSe2, WS2 and WSe2, possess a band gapwhich makes them useful for a wide range of appli-cations. Similar to charged defects in 3D semicon-ductors, charged impurities in these 2D semiconduc-tors give rise to a series of bound states which can beprobed using various experimental techniques, includ-ing scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) or opticalspectroscopy.

We have studied charged impurities in MoS2 usinglinear-response theory [25]. Specifically, we carried outfirst-principles DFT calculations on defect-free mono-layers and calculated the RPA dielectric function whichwas then used to determine the screened defect poten-tial, see Fig. 5. Next, large-scale tight-binding calcula-tions on 51×51 supercells using the three-band modelproposed by Liu [30] and coworkers were carried out tocalculate the energies and wavefunctions of the impuritystates.

Figure 6 shows the most strongly bound states fora negatively charged acceptor impurity and comparesthem to the eigenstates of the hydrogen atom in two di-mensions. It can be seen that the wavefunctions lookqualitatively similar and we can label the defect statesusing hydrogenic quantum numbers. Interestingly, wefind two states with 1s symmetry. This is a consequence

0 20 40 60 80 100ρ (A)














0.0 0.5 1.0q (A−1)









Figure 5: Screened impurity potential of a charged adatom onMoS2 obtained using the random-phase approximation (RPA) and theKeldysh model. For comparison, the unscreened impurity potentialis also shown. The adatom is located 2 Angstrom above the molyb-denum atom and has a charge Z = 1. The inset shows the Fouriertransform of the screened impurity potential. The vertical lines indi-cates the wave vector which connects the K and K′ points of the firstBrillouin zone. From Ref. [25].

of the special valence bandstructure of MoS2 which ex-hibits three valleys, see Fig. 7(b): the two degenerate Kand K′ valleys and the Γ valley which is slightly lowerin energy, but has a bigger effective mass than the K andK′ valleys. Each valley acts as an effective 2D hydro-gen atom and contributes a series of hydrogenic defectstates explaining the occurrence of multiple 1s states.

The dependence of the defect state binding energy,defined as the difference of the defect state energy andthe valence band edge, on the defect charge Z is shownin Fig. 7(a). Importantly, we discovered that the charac-ter of the most strongly bound state depends on the de-fect charge. For small defect charges the 1s state fromthe K and K′ valleys is the most strongly bound state,but at a critical defect charge Z = −0.32 the 1s stateoriginating from the Γ valley becomes more stronglybound. This is a consequence of the larger effectivemass at Γ. The tunability of the electronic structure ofdefective TMDs via the defect charge opens up new av-enues for controlling functional properties in these sys-tems. It is also worth pointing out that the defect en-ergies cannot be described by the solutions of the 2Dhydrogen atom because the spatial dependence of thescreened defect potential is qualitatively different fromthe unscreened Coulomb potential, see Fig. 5.

We have also studied the properties of positivelycharged donor impurities. Again, the presence ofmultiple valleys in the conduction band structure, see


































































(a) 1s (K/K ′)Eb=0.134 eV

(b) 1s (Γ )Eb=0.130 eV

(c) 2p (K/K ′)Eb=0.074 eV

(d) 2p′ (K/K ′)Eb=0.071 eV

(e) 2s (K/K ′)Eb=0.061 eV

(f) 1s (m∗ = 0.48m0)

(g) 1s (m∗ = 2.65m0)

(h) 2p (m∗ = 0.48m0)

(i) 2p′ (m∗ = 0.48m0)

(j) 2s (m∗ = 0.48m0)

Tight-binding 2D H atom

Figure 6: (a)-(e) Wavefunctions (squared) of the bound impurity statesfor a charged adatom on MoS2. The adatom is located 2 Angstromabove the molybdenum atom and has a charge Z = −0.3. The bindingenergies of the states (measured with respect to the valence band max-imum) are also shown. (f)-(j) Bound states of the two-dimensionalhydrogen atom with nuclear charge Z = −0.3ζ. Here, ζ denotes theratio of the screened and unscreened impurity potentials directly un-derneath the adatom. From Ref. [25].

Fig. 7(b), gives rise to multiple defect states whose bind-ing energies and relative ordering depend sensitively onthe defect charge. In particular, states from the Q val-ley become more strongly bound than states from theK and K′ valleys at a critical defect charge Z = 0.6. Incontrast to the valence bands, spin-orbit coupling is veryweak in the conduction bands at K and K′. As a conse-

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6|Z |−0.1









TB: 1s (K/K ′)

TB: 1s (Γ )

EMA: 1s (K/K ′)

EMA: 1s (Γ )









K ′ Q ′ Γ Q K

Figure 7: (a) Binding energies of bound impurity states of a nega-tively charged adatom on MoS2 from tight-binding (TB) calculations.For comparison, results from the effective mass approximation (EMA)with a Keldysh potential are also shown. (b) Band structure of MoS2obtained from tight-binding calculations. Bands with spin-up char-acter are red and bands with spin-down character are blue. FromRef. [25].

quence, impurity states originating from K and K′ canhybridize with each other and the resulting defect eigen-states are linear combinations of states from K and K′.The splitting of the hybridized states is determined bythe value of the screened defect potential at q = K−K′.For defect charges larger than Z ≈ 0.5, the splitting ofthe hybridized states is about 0.1 eV and should there-fore be measurable in STM experiments. Interestingly,the splitting predicted by the frequently used Keldyshpotential which is derived from macroscopic electro-static considerations [31] is several orders of magnitudesmaller than the RPA result. This is a consequence ofthe unphysically rapid decay of the Keldysh potential inFourier space, see Fig. 5.


4. Conclusions

I have reviewed the work of my research team onmodelling charged impurities in two-dimensional ma-terials. To capture the complex interplay of chemi-cal effects that occur at short atomistic length scalesand physical effects on longer mesoscopic length scales,we have developed multiscale approaches that com-bine atomistic first-principles calculations with coarse-grained electronic structure methods. This allows us tomodel supercells with 100,000 atoms and more whichare required to converge the slow decay of the screenedimpurity potential in these systems. We have ap-plied this computational framework to charged adsor-bates on doped graphene and impurities in transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers. For the adsorbateson doped graphene, we have found that the spatial ex-tent of the impurity-induced change in the graphene lo-cal density of states depends sensitively on the graphenechemical potential which can be controlled via a gatevoltage. For charged impurities in TMD monolayers,our calculations have revealed a complex interplay be-tween the TMD bandstructure, spin-orbit coupling andunconventional screening in 2D semiconductors. More-over, defects properties in these systems can be tunedvia the defect charge which opens up new pathways fora rational design of defect-engineered 2D materials withapplications to ultrathin devices for energy, informationand medical technology.

Future work will focus on studying optical propertiesof charged impurities in 2D materials, complex defectassemblies and charged impurities in emerging materi-als, such as monolayer black phosphorus and twistedbilayer graphene.

Acknowledgments.—I would like to thank my collab-orators who have contributed to this work, in particularProf. Arash Mostofi, Prof. Mike Crommie, Prof. StevenLouie, Dr Fabiano Corsetti, Dr Sebastian Wickenburg,Dr Hsin-zon Tsai, Dr Dillon Wong and Martik Agha-janian. I acknowledge funding from the Royal Societyvia a Royal Society University Research Fellowship andalso from the Thomas Young Centre under Grant No.TYC-101. Via my membership of the UK’s HEC Ma-terials Chemistry Consortium, which is funded by EP-SRC (EP/L000202), this work used the ARCHER UKNational Supercomputing Service.

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