multiple intelligence

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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USE YOUR BRAIN - Multiple Intelligences

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04/08/23Ebeling, Gallaudet University 2


• How would you define intelligence?

• How does someone demonstrate intelligence?

• Who is Dr. Howard Garner?

04/08/23Ebeling, Gallaudet University 3


• The developer Theory of Multiple Intelligences

was created by Dr. Howard Gardner, Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education

in 1983.

• Gardner’s theory places an emphasis on the idea that the traditional understanding of intelligence by means of IQ testing is far too limited.

• To broaden this notion of intelligence, Gardner introduced eight different types of intelligences consisting of (and to be elaborated on later): Logical/Mathematical, Linguistic, Musical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Naturalist, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal.

8 Intelligences – by Dr. Howard Gardner

1. Linguistic

2. Logical/ Mathematical

3. Spatial

4. Bodily/ Kinesthetic

5. Musical

6. Interpersonal

7. Intrapersonal

8. Naturalistic

04/08/23Ebeling, Gallaudet University 5

Linguistic (Word Smart):

• Sensitivity to the sounds, rhythms, and meanings of words; sensitivity to the different functions of language

– End States: Poet, Journalist

Can you define intelligence?

Toni Morrison

Linguistic Intelligence• Skilled with words• “The Word Player”

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Logical-Mathematical (Number/Reasoning Smart):

• Sensitivity to, and capacity to discern, logical or numerical patterns; ability to handle long chains of reasoning

– End States: Scientist, Mathematician

Can you define intelligence?

Albert Einstein

Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence

• Skilled with numbers & reasoning• “The Questioner”

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Spatial (Picture Smart) :

• Capacities to perceive the visual-spatial world accurately and to perform transformations on one’s initial perceptions– End States: Navigator, Sculptor

Can you define intelligence?

Milton Caniff

Spatial Intelligence• Skilled with pictures & images• “The Visualizer”

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Bodily-Kinesthetic (Body Smart):

• Abilities to control one’s body movements and to handle objects skillfully– End States: Dancer, Athlete

Can you define intelligence?

Cy Young


Bodily/ Kinesthetic Intelligence

• Physical skill• “The Mover”

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Musical (Music Smart):

• Abilities to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch, and timbre; appreciation of the forms of musical expressiveness– End States: Composer, Violinist

Can you define intelligence?

Doris Day

Musical Intelligence• Skilled with melody & rhythm• “The Music Lover”

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Interpersonal (People Smart):

• Capacities to discern and respond appropriately to the moods, temperaments, motivations, and desires of other people– End States: Therapist, Salesman

Can you define intelligence?

James A. Garfield

Interpersonal Intelligence• Skills of social understanding• “The Socializer”

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Intrapersonal (Self-Smart):

• Access to one’s own feelings and the ability to discriminate among them and draw on them to guide behavior– End States: Personal with detailed,

accurate self-knowledge

Can you define intelligence?

Helen Keller

Intrapersonal Intelligence• Skills of self-knowledge• “The Individual”

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Naturalist (Nature Smart):

• Abilities to recognize plants and animals, to make distinctions in the natural world, to understand systems and define categories – End States: Botanist, Farmer, Hunter

Can you define intelligence?


Naturalistic Intelligence• Skills of making connection to elements in nature• “The Outdoorsman”


If you have strong linguistic intelligence you might learn better by

• Reading• Memorizing• Playing word games (Scrabble, Anagrams, Password)• Making up rhymes, puns• Using the internet

Logical/Mathematical LearnerIf you have strong logical-mathematical

intelligence you might learn better by

• Recording information systematically• Setting up experiments (“What if…?”)

• Playing strategy games (Chess, Checkers)

• Analyzing data • Asking logical questions• Using the internet

Spatial Learner

If you have strong spatial intelligence you might learn better by

• Studying pictures• Watching videos• Using visual, tangible aids• Doing mazes, puzzles • Making predictions• Using the internet

Bodily/Kinesthetic LearnerIf you have strong bodily-kinesthetic

intelligence you might learn better by

• Doing role plays• Constructing physical examples• Exercising while reviewing• Visiting museums, institutions, parks • Asking logical questions• Using the internet

Musical Learner

If you have strong musical intelligence you might learn better by

• Listening to recordings• Talking to yourself• Making up songs • Mentally repeating information • Reading aloud• Changing tempo

Interpersonal Learner

If you have strong interpersonal intelligence you might learn better by

• Studying in groups• Comparing information with others• Interviewing experts• Relating personal experiences • Being a teamplayer• Doing cooperative projects

Intrapersonal Learner

If you have strong intrapersonal intelligence you might learn better by

• Avoiding distractions• Establishing personal goals • Playing solitary games • Setting own pace • Working alone• Relating personal experiences

Naturalistic Learner

If you have strong naturalistic intelligence you might learn better by

• Studying outside• Learning in the presence of plants & pets• Relating environmental issues to topics• Smelling, seeing touching, tasting,• Observing natural phenomenon


• Dr. Gardner says that our schools and culture focus most of their attention on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence, where some unique ways of thinking aren’t addressed.

• This often leads to kids being labeled as “learning disabled” or “hyperactive” when they may not be.

• The theory of multiple intelligences proposes a major transformation in the way our schools are run. It suggests that teachers be trained to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways using music, cooperative learning, art activities, role play, multimedia, field trips, inner reflection, and much more

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Implementing Gardner• Lesson Design Using all or different intelligences

and asking students for opinions on them.

• Student Projects Students can learn to "initiate and manage complex projects" when they are creating student projects.

• Assessments Devised which allow students to show what they have learned. Sometimes this takes the form of allowing each student to devise the way he or she will be assessed, while meeting the teacher's criteria for quality.

• Misuses: Trying to teach all concepts or subjects using all intelligences, using an intelligence as a background for other activities, direct evaluation or grading of intelligences without regard to context.

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Implementing Gardner

Common Good Uses (from Gardner himself)

• The cultivation of desired capabilities. Schools should “cultivate those skills and capabilities that are valued in the community and in the broader society.”

• Approaching a concept, subject matter, discipline in a variety of ways. Schools try to cover too much. “It makes far more sense to spend a significant amount of time on key concepts, generative ideas, and essential questions and to allow students to become familiar with these notions and their implications.

• The personalization of education. “At the heat of this perspective- in theory and in practice- inheres in taking human difference seriously.”

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• An awareness of Gardner’s multiple-intelligence theory has provided teachers with the knowledge necessary to satisfy the educational needs of many more students.

• With an understanding of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, teachers, school administrators, and parents can better understand the different possibilities of each students’ learning preference. The application of of multiple intelligences in the classroom can stimulate a student’s learning in new ways.

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• Mok Soon Sang.(2008).Educational Psychology & Pedagogy- Learner and Learning Environment.Perak.Cipta printing & Publishing (M) Sdn Bhd.

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