multiple advantages of distance learning

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Online education has proved as a saviour to the students from far flung areas and politically and economically unsettled countries.


Multiple Advantages of Distance Learning

tudents from Nigeria are wary of the significant rise in higher education cost. In fact, situation is same worldwide. A sudden

hike in the tuition fees at colleges and universities has caused many students back out from higher studies commitments. While this is being seen as a major hold-up in the progress of individuals and nation as a whole, a brighter side of education has evolved in the present days.


Such dissuasion towards conventional learning approach has resulted into the dawn of a new learning means, distance education. This very concept soon got accepted by the students who

had a desire to pursue their studies further to higher level. Well, there are multiple reasons behind the popularity of e-learning. Take a look

The Learning Advantage

One of the most recognised benefits of distance learning is that students can easily get enrolled for the classes according to own convenience and comfort. There is no need to attend regular classes. They can also schedule the learning program according to own pace. Students enjoy freedom and flexibility with submitting assignments and accessing classes online.

The Professional Advantage

Working professionals have the freedom to continue their work while they can simultaneously pursue higher studies through distance education. They are able to gather enough practical experiences by working while their skills are being honed at the online classrooms. Students can build up their knowledge on particular field by pursuing distance education and initiate better career growth.

Advantage of Studying from Remote Areas

As the distance learning is conceptualised without boundaries and barriers, even the students from remote areas can acquire knowledge through e-learning and enhance their career in better ways. All they require to study is a computer device with internet connection. Distance education is a fruitful option to the students from politically and economically unsettled countries like Nigeria.

The Green-learning Advantage

Besides all the advantages of distance learning, promoting green learning is forte of distance education. Some studies show that e-learning helps in reducing the carbon footprint of students, so there is a greater fall in the costs of printing and transportation, fuel emissions, among others. In addition, electricity consumptions and use of paper can also be lessened through online learning program.

Know How Much You Save

Well, if you are doubtful about the cost saving from the distance learning approach, you can estimate the amount saved with the help of online learning cost savings calculator. This calculator determines the savings through following factors:

The distance of classroom from your house Gas mileage of your car Price of gas per unit Other costs Spent time in commuting If you are a parent, child care cost for the time

you are away from the house Value of your time

However, online learning cost savings calculator only draws the estimate, so actual savings may vary.

It’s time for you to shed our inhibitions and make a choice with the distance learning mode of education. There are ample opportunities waiting for you outside in the corporate world after completing the online degree course.

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