multi vendor marketplace - · after the successful installation of...

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June 10, 2016

Per Country Shipping Marketplace

Per Country Shipping Marketplace Add-On will assist the sellers to add Shipping accordingto per country for each of their products from their account panel.

This extension is an add-on to the Webkul’s Multi Vendor Marketplace. To make use of thisextension you must have first installed the Multi Vendor Marketplace.

Note For Magento 2.2.x Users- You need to install Marketplace Base Shipping module,that you will find in Magento 2.2.x folder, and then install Marketplace Per Country PerProduct Shipping for Magento2.


Admin and Vendor/Seller can add Per Country Per Product Shipping price.Admin and Seller can implement the shipping method on the basis of country andcontinent both and enter a price.The admin can even add a price on the selected country in a continent.Marketplace Per Country Per Product Shipping For Magento2 works for both admin’sand seller’s products.On the checkout page, shipping price display total shipping charges for each product.The seller can add Invoice & Packing slip address, VAT, TAX information.The seller can enter tracking no. and save it.Ability to download Invoice and Shipping Slip easily.Print PDF for Invoice.

Configuration By Admin

After the successful installation of Marketplace Per Country Per Product Shipping ForMagento2, you will be able to see the configuration panel under Store-> Configuration->Sales->Shipping Methods->Webkul Marketplace Per Country Per ProductShipping as shown in the below screenshot.


Multi Vendor Marketplace

Multi Vendor Marketplace

Multi Vendor Marketplace

Enable for Checkout- The admin can enable the shipping method to be visible tothe customer on the frontend.Title- The admin can give a title to the shipping method which is visible onthe frontend.Method Title- The admin can mention here the name of the shipping method whichis visible on the frontend.Default Shipping Price- The price which will be applicable when the shippingmethod is applicable.Ship to Applicable Countries- The admin can select to make the method applied onall countries or on specific countries.


Ship to Specific Countries- The admin can select which all countries on which theshipping method is applicable.Shipping Based On- The shipping price will be calculated on the basis of mainproduct or associated product. Notify here, ‘Main Product is not applicable to groupedproducts’.Displayed Error Message-The admin can enter here the message which will bedisplayed if the shipping method isn’t applicable.Allow Sellers to Save Per Product Shipping- The admin can set if the sellers canadd the shipping method to the product or not.Show Method if Not Applicable-The admin can set if the method will be visible ornot when isn’t applicable.

**Note: If the seller has not set/forgot to set the “Shipping Price” for any of his products,then the default shipping price set by the admin will apply to those seller products.

Admin End – How to Set Shipping Product Price

After the successful installation of the extension, the admin will find Per Country Perproduct Shipping option available on admin’s add/edit product page.

The admin will have to select the region or country and add the shipping cost. The admincan add multiple countries with shipping costs.

Admin- Manage Shipping Continents

The admin can add the price of shipping on the basis of continents which will be concederif seller or admin has not added any specific price rule on the product page. The admin cannavigate through Marketplace Management>Manage Shipping Continents.


Here the admin can select to add arule which will be applicable regionwise. The Admin can edit or deletethe rule from here.

Here the admin can Edit the rule for the continent by entering following details-

Select Continent- The admin can select continent for which shipping method isapplicable.Specify Country- The admin can select a country or multiple countries for theapplication of shipping method.Price- The price that will be charged against the shipping method.Status- Admin can enable or disable the shipping method as per choice.


Seller End – How To Use

After the successful installation of Marketplace Per Country Per Product Shipping ForMagento2, you will see in seller panel that there is the Per Country Per product Shippingoption available on seller’s add product page. Seller will have to select the region orcountry and add shipping cost as per requirement. The seller can add multiple countrieswith shipping cost as shown below in the screenshot.

Buyer’s End –When the buyer will place an order of seller’s product, the buyer can see Marketplace PerCountry Per Product Shipping methods under the shipping methods like this screenshot.


Buyer will also be able to see the shipping method they have selected on the Order reviewpage as well as shown below.


Seller Order Management

When the order has been placed the seller will be able to see the orders under the MyOrder History menu item as shown below in the screenshot.

If admin sets the “Allow Seller to Manage Order” option “yes” then the seller can managethe orders from front-end. Now the seller can generate invoices for their ordered products,generate a tracking number and shipment for the orders of their products. Even the sellercan notify the customers by sending them emails, cancel/refund the order and even printthe order.


Once the seller generates the Shipping and Invoice details he will be able to see theComplete Order details as shown below in the screenshots –


Shipping Information:

Sellers will be able to print the shipping information and send tracking information to thecustomers.


Shipping Slip:


Invoice Slip:

The seller can download the Invoice slip very easily. In this slip, you can also see thecompany logo and address, vat, tax information which is entered by the seller underManage print Pdf Header Info Shipping tab.Sellers will be able to print the Invoice Slipsas shown below in the screenshot.


My Order HistoryThe seller can also download the PDF of shipping and invoice slip under Marketplace >My Order History as shown in the screenshot below.

After clicking on Download option a pop-up window will be open up. Here you will enter thedate up to which you want to download Invoice slip.


Again after clicking on Download option a pop-up window will be open up. Here you willenter the date up to which you want to download Shipping slip as shown below.

That is all for the Per Country Shipping Marketplace Add-On module. Still, have anyissue feel free to get back at


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