multi-objective thermal generation sheduling

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling






  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling



    In the multi-objective framework, fuzzy decision-making methodology is exploited

    to decide the generation schedule of a multi-objective thermal dispatch problem.

    The multi-objective problem is formulated considering two objectives: (i) cost and

    NO x emission. The solution set of such formulated problems is non-inferior due tocontradictions among the objectives considered. The weighting method is used to

    simulate the trade-off relation among the conflicting objectives in the non-inferior

    domain. Once the trade-off has been obtained, fuzzy set theory helps the system

    operator to choose the weighting pattern and thus the operating point thatmaximizes the overall satisfaction of all the objectives. The results are

    demonstrated using a sample test system.

  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling


    INTRODUCTION Environmental pollution is on the increase due to industrial advancement. Though technology has

    made economic development possible, it at the same time produces enormous quantities of harmfulproducts and wastes. Also, the existing energy production processes are not ecologically clean. For

    instance, thermal power plants pollute air, soil and water. The combustion of fossil fuels gives rise to

    particulate material and gaseous pollutants apart from the discharge of heat to water courses. The

    particulate material does not cause a serious problem in air contamination but the three principle

    gaseous pollutants, oxides of carbon (CO x), oxides of sulphur(SO x), and oxides of nitrogen(NO x),

    cause detrimental effects on human beings. The usual control practice is to reduce offensive emission

    through post-combustion cleaning system such as electrostatic precipitators, stack gas scrubber, or

    switching permanently to fuels with low emission potentials. Post-combustion removal system

    requires time for engineering design, construction, and testing before they can be brought online.

    Hence, the obvious alternative is go for fuels having low emission potentials, i.e. from coal to oil; oil

    is however extremely expensive and supplies are uncertain. Thus, there is a sheer need for optimum

    operating strategy, which can ensure minimum pollution level at minimum operating cost.

  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling


    Weighting method The weighting method identifies the non-inferior set, in which the best

    compromise solution lies, also known as the parametric approach, has been

    the most common method used for solving multi-objective problems until

    recently. Multi-objective problem is converted in this method into scalar

    optimization as given below:



    where w i (i=1,2,..G) are the weighting coefficients.


    ( )G

    i ii

    w f x


    1, 0G

    i ii

    w w x X

  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling


    GENERATOR OPERATING COST Rs/h2( )gi i gi i gi iF P a P b P c

  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling



    Advancements in computer technology associated with intellectual activities resulted in new fields of

    inquiry such as system science, decision analysis. A mathematical formulation within which these various

    types of uncertainties can be properly characterized and investigated is now available in terms of the theory

    of fuzzy and fuzzy measure. In fact, one of Lofti Zadehs contribution to system modeling is the

    representation of vague, incomplete knowledge that does not have a random nature and therefore cannot be

    represented by a probabilistic approach. Fuzzy set theory provided a basis for the interpretation of member

    function as possibility distributions, which is a very useful concept in many practical applications.

    Applications of fuzzy set theory within the field of decision making have, for the most part, consisted of

    extensions or fuzzifications of the classical theories of decision making. Decision making under conditions

    of risk and uncertainty has been modeled by probabilistic decision theories. Fuzzy decision theories attemptto deal with fuzziness inherent in imprecise determinations of preferences, constraints, and goals. The

    interaction with the decision maker, the fuzzy goal of the decision maker, was quantified by eliciting the

    corresponding membership functions, including nonlinear function.

  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling



    1. To ensure a real power balance, an equality constraints is imposed, i.e .

    2. The inequality constraints imposed on generator output are

    3.Weight constraint



    0 NG

    gi D Li

    P P P

    min maxgi gi giP P P


    ( )G

    i ii

    w f x

  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling


    Initial values of and powerallocations

    Initial values of and power allocations canbe found by assuming losses equal to zero.

    Initial value of is

    And the initial power allocations are

    1 2 2

    1 1( ( / )) / (1/ )

    NG NG

    i iPD t t t

    1 2 1 2( ) / (2 2 )gi i i i iP w b w e w a w d

  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling


    Fuzzy Decision making Considering the imprecise nature of decision makers judgment, it is natural to assume that the decision

    maker may have fuzzy or imprecise goals for each objective functions. The fuzzy sets are defined by

    equations called membership functions. These functions represent the degree of membership in some fuzzy

    sets using values from 0 to 1. The membership value 0, indicates incompatibility with the sets, while 1

    means full compatibility by making account of minimum and maximum values of each objective.

    Function together with the rate of increase of membership satisfaction, the decision maker must detect

    membership function in a subjective manner. Here it is assumed that is strictly a monotonic decreasing

    and continuous function defined as


    The value of membership function suggests how far (in the scale from 0 to 1) a non-inferior (non-

    dominated) solution has satisfied the objective. The aggregate or average of membership function values

    (i=1,2,,M) for all the objectives can be computed in order to measure the accomplishment of each

    solution in satisfying the objectives.


    maxmin max

    max min



    ( ) ;


    i i


    i i i ii i

    i i

    F F

    F F

    F F F F F F

    F F

  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling



    Test System

    A six-generator system is considered. The fuel cost and NO x emissions are given. Transmission losscoefficients are given in Table.The power demand is 1800 MW

  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling



    Weight combinations and corresponding power allocations

    Gives the power allocations for weight combinations varying from [1 0] to [0

    1], where w 1 represents the weight attached to cost function and w 2 is the

    weight attached to emission function of NOx.

  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling


    Weight vectors and corresponding fitness values

  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling


    Conclusion In this work,the Multi-objective optimal generation scheduling problem is solved

    using Weighting method The focus of the work concentrated on minimization of two objectives

    1. Cost of generation and2. NOx. Emission

    Non inferior solution are obtained for a few fed-in weight combination. The above two objectives were found conflicting in nature.When cost objective

    was given a weight of 1,cost was minimum and emission was maximum and when

    Emission objective was given a weight of 1,the cost was found maximum andemission was minimum.

    Fuzzy membership function of cost and emission was found for each weightcombination.The best compromise solution was the one which gave 0.5 weight foreach objective.

  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling


    Scope for future work Multi-objective optimization problem can be solved by a varity of method

    which includes traditional and heuristic search method fuzzy multiplierscan be introduce d to a modify in each iteration a which accelerates theprogram.

    If Genetic Algorithm is used for genratind and modifying weightcombination,the search can be effectively explored for globaloptimum,which yields the best possible overall satisfactory resultcombination.

  • 7/29/2019 Multi-objective thermal generation sheduling


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