msil organization study

Post on 05-Jul-2018






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  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study




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      # PRODUCTS







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    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

    Page 1

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study




      Mysore Sales International Limited, it was established in the year1966 by the Govt. of Karnataa to manage the mareting needs of the

    growing ind!stries of the state sin"e then the "om#any has grown from

    strength, to emerge as a dynami" mareting for"e with national #resen"e

    and international rea"h.

      MSIL as a s!bsidiary of KSII$% &Karnataa State Ind!stries Investment

    $evelo#ment %or#oration' wor as a mareting organi(ation, fo!nd it easier

    to tae a #rod!"t maret it, sell and mae a margin.

      MSIL was established as a novel "on"e#t in the #!bli" se"tor, a

    "entrali(ed mareting asset for vario!s #rod!"ts of the state, with its

    s!bsidiary advertising "om#any mareting "ons!ltant ) agen"ies limited,

    MSIL #rovides "om#rehensive range of mareting and advertising servi"es.

      MSIL entered the "ons!mer d!rable maret thro!gho!t its hire #!r"hase

    s"heme, MSIL home maer and with the MSIL to!r and travels division it

    started meeting the travel re*!irement of a large n!mber of o+"ials.

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e


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      MSIL began to e-tend its o#erations beyond mareting s#e"ial #roe"tsfor the Government lie the distrib!tion of im#orted "ement d!ring

    nationwide shortage and e-#ort white ri"e d!ring a year of s!r#l!s,

    man!fa"t!re and distrib!tion of noteboo for st!dents, management of the

    /angalore 0ir %argo %om#le- f!n"tioning as "!stodian for "!stoms "argo.

      It is the stole selling agent for the Karnataa state lotteries, it marets

    note boos ) e-er"ise boos and stationary thro!gh the #a#er division. It is

    the "!stodian of the /angalore 0ir %argo %om#le- and has a o!rs ) ravels

    $ivision. It is also engaged in hire #!r"hase b!siness for the em#loyees of 

    the Government, state PS23s boards, and a!thorities et".

      he man!fa"t!ring and distrib!tion of boos and s"hool "hildren and

    the government of state lottery the management of /angalore 0ir %argo

    %om#le- as "!stodian or "!stomer "argo for the o#eration.

      In the re"ent time MSIL has entered the "!stomer d!rable maret with

    his higher #!r"hase s"heme MSIL homemaer and with the MSIL tools and ravels. 4hen there was need for distrib!tion steaming the leaer

    distrib!tion in the state it was on"e again MSIL whi"h ro!te the o""asion and

    with its wide networ it has "arried o!t tas e5e"tively.

      his is MSIL today and organi(ation with is 0sian Mareting. 0nd the

    e-#ort ho!se of government of Karnataa.

      he "om#any also o#erates Mandara3 a showroom at Lavelle 7oad,

    /angalore for sale of sarees and other items. It o#erates 8 fran"hise sho#s

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    for the sale of its #rod!"ts in /angalore at KS7% /!s Stand, Maesti" ) /M%

    stands at Maesti" ) Shivainagar. It "ommen"ed "hit f!nds b!siness d!ring

     an!ary ::; and is also engaged in e-#ort of iron ore. It is also engaged on

    signage wors for the de#artment of o!rism, Government of Karnataa and

    0r"haeologi"al s!rvey of India, Govt. of India. he "om#any is an IS<

    9::1=::: %erti>ed %om#any.

    Co3an +a4)(o0n/s 5-

    %om#any ?ame = Mysore Sales International Limited &MSIL'

      Government %om#any

    %om#any Stat!s = P!bli" Se"tor 2ndertaing &PS2'

    @stablished = Mar"h 1A, 1966


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    Man#ower = 6EA wellFtrained wor for"e

    ?o. of $ivision = 6

    ?o. of /ran"hes = 1:

    ?o. of Sales o+"e = E

    7eserve of s!r#l!s = 7s. A1A.E8 Lahs

    60an Reso0(es ana)eent 5-

      Managing of men is an art and an essen"e of being a manager. h!s the im#ortan"e of #ersonal management "annot be negle"ted it is a

    nervo!s system of the b!siness.

      B!man reso!r"es are ey organi(ational assists sin"e the

    #erforman"e of the organi(ation de#ends on the *!ality of em#loyee e5ort

    and hen"e on their ability and motivation. B!man reso!r"e management is

    essential for every "om#any.

      B!man reso!r"e management is a management f!n"tion that hel#s

    manager to re"r!it, sele"t, train and develo# organi(ation members. It is the ob of the manager to do whatever it is to ring o!t the most from the

    em#loyee i.e., sele"t the best #erson or the ob, e-#lore his strength, train

    him and >nd ways of motivating him.

      B!man reso!r"es management "an also be started as a #ro"ess of 

    im#roving molding, "hanging an develo#ing the sills, nowledge, "reative

    ability a#tit!de val!es, "ommitment, et". /ased on #resent and f!t!re ob

    and organi(ational re*!irements.

    De7n,t,on of 60an Reso0(e ana)eent 5-

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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      0""ording to i##o, JB!man reso!r"e management is the #lanning,organi(ing, dire"ting, "ontrolling of the #ro"!rement, develo#ment,

    integration, "om#ensation, maintenan"e and the #rod!"tion of h!man

    reso!r"es to the end that individ!al organi(ational and so"ieties, obe"tives

    are a""om#lished.

    So3e of 60an Reso0(e ana)eent 5-

       he s"o#e of h!man reso!r"es management is indeed vast. 0ll themaor a"tivities in the woring life of a woring individ!alFfrom the time of his

    or her entry into an organi(ation !ntil he or she leaves, "ome !nder the

    #review of h!man reso!r"e management s#e"i>"ally the a"tivaties in"l!ded

    are D

    B!man reso!r"es #lanning  ob analysis and design

    7e"r!itment and sele"tion

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study




    Obet,es of 60an (eso0(es

    ana)eent 5-   he im#ortant or #rimary obe"tives of h!man reso!r"esmanagement is to ens!re the availability of "om#etent and willing wor for"e

    to an organi(ation beyond this there are other obe"tives too.

    1' So,al obet,es 5-

     o be ethi"ally and so"ially res#onsible for the need and "hallenges of 

    so"iety. 4hile minimi(ing the negative im#a"t of s!"h demands !#on the


    ' O()an,9at,onal obet,es 5-

     o re"ogni(e the role of h!man reso!r"e management in bringing

    abo!t organi(ational e5e"tiveness. B!man reso!r"e management is

    not an end itself it is only a means to assist the organi(ation with its

    #rimary obe"tives. Sim#ly stated, the de#artment e-ists to serve the

    best of the organi(ation.

    8' !0nt,onal obet,es 5-

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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     o maintain the de#artment3s "ontrib!tion at a level a##ro#riate to the

    organi(ation needs. 7eso!r"es are wasted when h!man reso!r"es

    management is either more or less so#histi"ated to s!it the

    organi(ations demands. he de#artment3s level of servi"e m!st be

    tailored to >t the organi(ation it servi"es.

    ' Pe(sonal obet,es 5-

       o assist em#loyees in a"hieving their #ersonal goals at least in so faras these goals enhan"e the individ!al3s "ontrib!tion to organi(ation. Personal

    obe"tives of em#loyees m!st be met if worers are to be maintained,retained and motivated, otherwise em#loyee #erforman"e and satisfa"tion

    may leave the organi(ation.


    !0nt,ons of 60an (eso0(e

    ana)eent 5-

       he h!man reso!r"es management #rogrammed of ea"horgani(ation is !ni*!e. It is tr!e that #ersonal a"tivities di5er from b!t

    "ertain broad f!n"tions en"om#assing all organi(ations and be enlisted. he

    f!n"tions of h!man reso!r"es management "an be broadly "lassi>ed into two


    1' ana)e(,al f0nt,on 5-

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    Managerial f!n"tion involves #lanning, organi(ation, dire"ting,

    "oordinating and "ontrolling. 0ll these f!n"tions in!en"es the

    o#erative f!n"tion. 

    ' O3e(at,e f0nt,on 5-

     he o#erative f!n"tions of h!man reso!r"e managements are related

    to s#e"i>" a"tivities. i(Fem#loyment, develo#ment, "om#ensation and

    relations. hese f!n"tions have to be #erformed in in!"tion with

    managerial f!n"tions.

      Co3an P(o7le

     6,sto( 5-%ommen"ed o#erations in 1966, as a "entralised mareting !nit for a fewStateFowned ind!strial !nits.

    Hrom 196A to 19E9 mareting of all #rod!"ts of KS)$L all over the "o!ntry.

    Hrom 1969 to ::A MSIL was the sole selling agen"y for the Mareting and

    distrib!tion of Karnataa State Lottery ti"ets.

    $!ring the A:s MSIL handled s#e"ial #roe"ts s!"h as the distrib!tion of 

    im#orted "ement and e-#ort of ri"e.

    $!ring seventies MSIL also handled the sales of agri"!lt!ral im#lements

    #rod!"ed at KIM%

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



    $!ring the E:3s the "om#any was mareting 0sian Power %a#a"itors

    man!fa"t!red by 0sian @le"troni"s, ?ashi.

    In order to fa"ilitate the st!dent "omm!nity es#e"ially in r!ral areas with*!ality noteboos at a reasonable #ri"e, Government of Karnataa has

    entr!sted MSIL with the res#onsibility of man!fa"t!re and distrib!tion of 

    noteboos. oday idya ) Leha brands of noteboos are e-tremely


    Sin"e early E:s to May ::E MSIL has served as %!stodian N 0dministrators

    of the /angalore 0ir %argo %om#le-

    In 19E9, MSIL entered the "ons!mer d!rables maret with the hire #!r"hases"heme for government em#loyees D MSIL Bomemaer.

    Hor a brief #eriod MSIL also o#erated a retail showroom for sil #rod!"ts by

    the name of Mandara.

    MSIL also had an e-"l!sive showroom for sale of im#orted f!rnit!re.

    Hrom 19E9 to ::8 MSIL was the sole distrib!tor of Indian Made Horeign

    Li*!or &IMHL' in Karnataa.

    199: MSIL vent!red into the travel se"tor with MSIL o!rs ) ravels

    In 199, MSIL was a #ioneer in introd!"ing solar water heating system with

    the brand name MSIL Bot s#ring.

    In 199, MSIL was a #ioneer in introd!"ing solar water heating system with

    the brand name MSIL Bot s#ring.

    In Se#t ::, established another oint vent!re with B0L and %

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



    S!bse*!ent to the ban of 0rra" in the state, to ens!re that the O!alityli*!or is available to #!bli" at M7P, Govt. has allotted abo!t :: retail li*!or

    o!tlets to MSIL last year to be o#ened a"ross the state.

      he Government of Karnataa, a #ioneer in ind!strial #romotion and

    growth felt the need of an organi(ation to manage the mareting needs. o

    manage the mareting needs of growing ind!stries in the state, a !ni*!e

    "on"e#t of mareting enter#rise in the #!bli" se"tor was born in Mar"h 1966,

    in /angalore D Sales International Limited.

      Sin"e then MSIL has grown from a h!mble trading ho!se to vibrant m!lti#rod!"ts, m!lti dimensional mareting and e-#ort ho!se, o5ering a wide

    range of #rod!"ts and servi"es.

      he "hanging "ons!mer #ro>t has molded the a"tivities of these

    b!siness ho!ses, mareting it, entered new and "hallenging >elds. here by

    diversifying its o#erations and broadening its hori(ons. he "om#any now

    with a national #resen"e has "rossed an ann!al t!rnover of 7s. 191.:;

    %rores. 0nd, is one of the very few #!bli" es"ort !ndertaings to earn

    s!bstantial "ontin!o!sly.

      Looing ba" in the late 6:3s MSIL was a novel "on"e#t in the #!bli"

    se"tor a "entrali(ed mareting !nit for the n!mero!s state owned ind!stries

    with its in ho!se advertising agen"y, mareting "ons!ltants and agen"ies

    limited. It #rovided a "om#rehensive range of mareting and advertisements

    and advertisements servi"es, giving it !ni*!e #la"e among the #!bli" se"tor

    !ndertaing in India.

      In the E:3s, MSIL entered the "ons!mer d!rable maret thro!gh its hireF

    #!r"hase s"heme D MSIL Bomemaer. 0nd, with the MSIL o!rs ) ravels

    $ivision, It started meeting the travel re*!irements of a large n!mber of o+"ials. he early 9:3s saw MSIL streamline the distrib!tion of Indian Made

    Horeign Li*!or &IMHL' in the State. oday, when the world has entered a new

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    millenni!m, MSIL is !nabatedly forging ahead with fresh (eal, baning on its

    e-#ertise to manage the dynami"s of "hange.

      In re"ent times MSIL had #aradigm shift to the "ons!mer d!rable

    maret with its hire #!r"hase s"hemeFMSIL homemaer and with the MSIL

     o!rs and ravels, it has started meeting the travel re*!irements of the

    #!bli" also. 4hen there was a need for stream lining the li*!or distrib!tion in

    the state, it was again MSIL whi"h rose to the o""asion and with its wide

    networ, it has "arried o!t the tas e5e"tively.

      he "or#orate o+"e of the MSIL is at /angalore with bran"h o+"es

    at /angalore, %hennai, $elhi and M!mbai. he "om#any also has de#ots

    within the state and : de#ots all over the "o!ntry.

    o Loo4,n) +a4 

    MSIL was established as a novel "on"e#t in the #!bli" se"tor D a

    "entrali(ed mareting !nit for vario!s #rod!"ts of the State. 4ith

    its s!bsidiary "om#any Mareting %ons!ltants ) 0gen"ies Ltd.,

    #rovides a "om#rehensive range of mareting and advertising


    $!ring the late A:3s having established its "a#abilities, MSIL

    began to e-tend its o#erations beyond mareting D in managing

    s#e"ial #roe"ts for the government. Lie the distrib!tion of 

    im#orted "ement d!ring nationFwide shortage and e-#ort of 

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    white ri"e d!ring a year of s!r#l!s. Man!fa"t!re and $istrib!tion

    of noteboos for st!dents, management of the /angalore 0ir

    %argo %om#le- D f!n"tioning as "!stodians for "!stoms "argo.

    @a"h one of these a"tivities re*!ired a new ind of e-#ertise as

    well as infrastr!"t!re. 0nd, MSIL managed ea"h a"tivity with


    In the E:3s MSIL entered the "!stomer d!rable maret thro!gh its

    hireF#!r"hase s"heme D MSIL Bomemaer. 0nd, with the MSIL

     o!rs ) ravels $ivision, it started meeting the travel

    re*!irements of a large n!mber of o+"ials.

     he early 9:3s saw MSIL streamline the distrib!tion of Indian

    Made Horeign Li*!or &IMHL' in the State.

     oday, when the world has entered a new millenni!m, MSIL is

    !nabatedly forging ahead with fresh (eal, baning on its

    e-#ertise to manage the dynami"s of "hange.

     :,s,on* ,ss,on an/ ;0al,t Pol,


      To (ea,n 0stoe( fo0se/ alTo be )lobal lea/e( ,n a(4et,n) ,n/0st(?


    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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      T=e ,ss,on of SIL ,s to be lea/e( ,n t=e a(4et,n) an/D,st(,b0t,on

      of t=e 3(o/0ts an/ ,s o,tte/ to en)a)e ,n ,3(o,n)


      (a3,/l fo(ee( an/

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



    • $istin"tion of having earned #ro>ts "onsisten"y for nearly fo!r


    • @stablished in 1966 as a trading ho!se.

    • ?ow has a wide networ of o+"es all over Karnataa as well as same

    im#ortant lo"ations in the "o!ntry.

      Kee#ing #a"e with the winds of ra#id ind!striali(ation that are swee#ing

    Karnataa, MSIL is today resting on a strong footing of e-"ellent #erforman"e

    "o!#led with dee# rooted tr!st and "on>den"e amongst its "lientele.

      Mysore Sales International Limited, #o#!larly nown as MSIL, is a

    mareting organi(ation formed in 1966 to meet the mareting needs of 

    Karnataa. Sin"e then, the "om#any has grown from, strength to strength, toemerge as a dynami" mareting for"e with a national #resen"e and

    international rea"g.

      0 een sense of b!siness a"!men, trade e-#erien"e, manageriale5e"tiveness and "redibility are a few of the hallmars of this mareting

    giant. 0nd, its ability to manage a diverse

    range of #rod!"ts and servi"es thro!gh innovative mareting strategies is

    the se"ret of its s!""ess. In a b!siness where the #rime motivator is #eo#le,

    MSIL has develo#ed e-ibility in its thining and management, enabling it tota"le every fresh "hallenge with an innovative a##roa"h. o stay in rhythm

    with the "hanging tastes and val!es.

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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      >SIL? ,s a 3(e,e( Goe(nent of a(nata4a a(4et,n)



  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



      +(an=es Of SIL

    Co3an 5-





    MSIL 1st Hloor,

    M!awar 0r"adeM!awar %om#o!nd

    P / 7oad, ?ehr! ?agar

    /elga!m D 1:





    MSIL ?o. A1EN1 ) 10

    %handan %om#le-

    Mandi#et, $avanagere D :1



    ?ew $elhi %F, nd Hloor

    State @m#oria %om#le-

    /aba Kara Singh Marg

    ?ew $elhi D 11: ::1

      Ph= :11F


      Ph= :11F


      Ha-= :11F



  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



      7es= :11F




    MSIL 0sian Pla(a,

    8rd Hloor himma#!ri %ir"le,

    Main 7oad

    G!lbarga D ;E; 1:




    MSIL ?o.%SAAN1F,

    7.7 Mahalashmi,Mansion 8rd  Hloor, $esai

    %ir"le, Pinto 7oad, B!bli D

    ;E: ::




    MSIL ?o. :A ) :E

    Mahindra 0r"ade 8rd Hloor,

    K!!mal 7anga 7ao 7oad,Mangalore D ;A; ::8





    /y Manager

    0r!n %hambers &?ear 0.%


     ardeo Main 7oad

    M!mbai D :: :8

    Ph= :F


    Ha-= :F


     elefa- ?o=

    :F1E16;EShow 7oom D ardeo 4orld


    Ha-= :F


    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    De3ot Deta,ls 5-



    MSIL Pa#er Godown

    /lo" ?o. 6$, 1st Phase,

    Peenya Ind!strial 0rea,?ew Ingersollrand 7oad

    /angalore D ;6: :;E



    MSIL Pa#er Godown

    %No Shri S!resh


    Ga"hinaatti %olony,

    /L$@ 7oad/ia#!r D ;E6 1:8


    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    MSIL Pa#er Godown

    %No $avanagere Magan!r/asa##a ) Sons, ?o.6:,

    Sri Shiva!maraSwamy

    ?agar, %hannagiri 7oad,

    $avanagere D ;AA ::;

      :E19 F 6A81


    MSIL Pa#er Godown

    %No S!resh G ?andyal,G!r!ling Ind!stries,

    MSK Mill 7oad,

    G!lbarga D ;E; 1:1

     :EA D




    MSIL Pa#er $e#ot

    %No %entral 4are Bo!sing

    %or#oration Bebballi


    7oad, Srinagar %ross


    B!bli D ;E: :81





    MSIL Pa#er Godown

    Qahir Bostel %om#le-,

    ?ireshwalya 7oad,/!nder,


    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    Mangalore D ;A; ::1



    MSIL Pa#er Godown

    %No Karnataa State

    4are Bo!sing


    ?ear /amboo /a(aar,

    ?ew Sayyai 7ao 7oad,

    Mysore D ;A: :1

      :E1 F 9A;6


  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



      In the late 6:3s MSIL was merely a "entrali(ed mareting !nit for the

    n!mero!s state owned ind!stries b!t by the late A:3s, the "om#any

    had long got over teething #roblems and #roved its "a#abilities. MSIL3s

    e-ibility and ado#tability hel#ed it develo# the ne"essary and

    infrastr!"t!re for the di5erent #roe"ts.

      $!ring the late 19A:3s having established "a#abilities, MSIL began toe-tent its o#erations beyond mareting in managing s#e"ial #roe"ts

    for the government, lie the distrib!tion of im#orted "ement d!ring a

    nationwide shortage and e-#ort of s!r#l!s white ri"e. he "om#any

    was also entr!sted with the res#onsibility of man!fa"t!re and

    distrib!tion of *!ality noteboos to st!dents, at reasonable #ri"es.

      In the 199:3s MSIL has entered the "ons!mer d!rable maret with his

    higher #!r"hase s"heme MSIL homemaer and with the MSIL o!rs and

     ravels division it started meeting the travel re*!irements of a large

    n!mber of a large n!mber of o+"ials.

      4hat res!lted was the idya and Leha ?oteboos, brand names in

    their own right and #o#!lar not only in Karnataa b!t also in the

    neighboring states. he "om#any was also ased by the Indian

    "!stoms to manage the /angalore 0ir %argo %om#le-, f!n"tioning as

    "!stodians for air "argo. @a"h one of the a"tivities re*!ired a new ind

    of e-#ertise as well as infrastr!"t!re and MSIL managed ea"h *!ality

    with dedi"ation.

      In the 199:3s MSIL entered the "ons!mer d!rables maret thro!gh itshireF#!r"hase s"heme, MSIL Bomemaer whi"h was basi"ally intended

    to fa"ilities the government salaried "lass. MSIL then vent!red into the

    travel se"tor with the MSIL o!rs and ravels, to hel# meet the growing

    travel re*!irements of government o+"ials.

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e


  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



      he early 9:3s streamline the distrib!tion of Indian Made Horeign

    Li*!or &IM@H' in the state. he "om#any3s wide and well entren"hed

    networ too over the distrib!tion e5ortlessly and e5e"tively.

      oday, MSIL t!rnover has "rossed 7s. 19:: %rores with a gross #ro>t

    of 7s. 8 %rores.

      ,ss,on of T=e Co3an 5-

    Jo loo forward and ada#t to the times, to o5er every "ons!mer the best

    *!ality at the most a5ordable #ri"e.

      :,s,on of T=e Co3an 5-

      J%on"ern for the "ons!mer


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    Stat0s 5-


    @arning #ro>ts sin"e in"e#tion

      4ellFb!ilt !# reserves

      ?o trade !nion #roblems

      Moderate e*!ity base


    %on"!rrent reven!e yielding o#erations

      $iversi>ed a"tivities


  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study




      $e#artmentation refers to the normal str!"t!re of theorgani(ation "om#osed of vario!s de#artments, managerial #osition and the

    relationshi# "om#osed of vario!s de#artments, managerial #osition and the

    relationshi# to ea"h other. It is e+"ient and e5e"tive gro!#ing of the obs

    into meaningf!l wor !nits to "oo#erate n!mero!s obs all for e-#editions

    a""om#lishment of the organi(ation is obe"tive.

    MSIL has ado#ted an e5e"tive way of $e#artmentation for the smooth and

    e5e"tive f!n"tioning of the organi(ation.

    T=e :a(,o0s De3a(tents of SIL Co3an5-

     0dministration $e#artment

     Personnel N B!man 7eso!r"e $e#artment

     Hinan"e and 0""o!nts $e#artment

     @state $e#artment

     Se"!rity $e#artment

     Mareting and Sales $e#artment

    1. A/,n,st(at,on De3a(tent 5-

       he de#artment is "on"erned with administrative f!n"tion lie

    handling of #a#er wors involving data "a#t!re, information retrieval

    #ro"essing and re"ording data.

     Payment of tele#hone bills.

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

    Page ;

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     Maintenan"e and !#ee# of o+"es e*!i#ments lie o!r "onditions,

    tele#hones, "om#a"tor.

      his de#artments also gives im#ortan"e to the "leanliness of the

    entire o+"e #remises by ee#ing in neat and "lean.

    2. Pe(sonnel 60an Reso0(e De3a(tents 5-

      MSIL always ens!res that #eo#le looing for the "om#any are always

    #hysi"ally and normally >t and "om#lete.


    It develo#s N involves #oliti"s and #ro"ed!res and "omm!ni"ates to itsem#loyees.


    It taes "are of salary N wages #re#aration maintenan"e of attendan"e,

    leave and #ersonnel.


     his de#artment ens!res the se"!rity and salary of the organi(ation by

    interfa"ing the se"!rity de#artment.

    #. !,nane an/ Ao0nts De3a(tents 5- 

    It manages the >nan"e of the "om#any lie raising "a#ital, loan et".


     he 0N% f!n"tion re"ords all the >nan"ial transa"tions and

    maintenan"e, #ower 0N% of in"ome e-#enses.

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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     It also taes "are of all #ayroll. Pre#aration on #ro"essing of same for

    the em#loyees of the organi(ation every month.

      his de#artments #rovides the relevant in>nities to the a!ditors in

    #re#aration of ann!al balan"e sheet #ro>t and a""o!nt et".

      It #rovides the organi(ation with statisti"al dates by "al"!lation

    vario!s >nan"ial ratios.

      It has its brands all over the maor f!n"tional divisions of thee


    &. Estate De3a(tents 5-

      he estate de#artment of MSIL is res#onsible for overall

    maintenan"e of the !se of s#a"e. he ma-imi(es #rod!"tivity and

    e5e"tives may be advised at minim!m "ost it also sees to the #ayment

    of the o+"e #remises with good interior de"oration and lighting

    "omfortable seating et".

    $. Se0(,t De3a(tents 5-

       he de#artment of MSIL ins!res the #hysi"al se"!rity of theorgani(ational assets, it also sees to the safe "!stody of goods at vario!s

    go downs stores and de#artments lo"ated at di5erent #la"es.

      he de#artments ens!res the observes of safety #re"a!tions N

    meas!res to avoid a""idents shifts timings for the se"!rity #ersonnel is

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    #lanned and organi(ed by this de#artment. If re*!ired ro!nd the "lo"

    se"!rity is also organi(ed by this de#artsmen.

    . a(4et,n) Sales De3a(tents 5-  hese de#artments of MSIL "!lt!re the need of the "!stomers

    f!n"tion s!"h as mareting resear"h, advertisements, sales #romotions

    and "or#orate "omm!ni"ation as #art of the de#artment, this

    de#artment is the "ore de#artment of entire organi(ation.


    Obet,es of SIL Co3an 5-

     he main obe"tives of the "om#any as #er the memorand!m and 0rti"les of 

    0sso"iation are as follows =F

    1. o "arry all inds of agen"y b!siness.

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    . o "arry its g!arantee and indemnity b!siness relating to any

    #rod!"ts N man!fa"t!ring.

    8. o b!y, sell, im#ort, mani#!late, #re#are for maret and delay in

    mer"handise of all inds and generally, fa"tories, man!fa"t!ring and

    "arry on b!siness as mer"hants for im#orts and e-#orts.

    . o establish o+"es, goFdowns, showrooms, e-hibitions, art galleries,

    fa"tories, man!fa"t!ring and trading "enters in any #art of the world.

    ;. o a"t as agents, broers and tr!stees for any #erson or "om#any.

    6. o #romote "ommer"e in relation to tr!stees for any #erson or"om#any.

    A. o "arry on the b!siness of man!fa"t!res and of dealers in leather

    dresses, "o!nters, tanners maers of leather goods.

    E. o "arry on the b!siness of leasing and the hire #!r"hase >nan"ing.

    9. o a"*!ire and tae over the e-isting b!siness man!fa"t!res and

    dealers in leather goods "arried on !nder the name and styles of theMysore %hromi" anning Limited, /angalore.

    1:. o tae over the e-isting shi##ing b!siness

    "arried on !nder the name and style of JKarnataa Shi##ing

    %or#oration Limited, /angalore and %arry on the b!siness of shi##ing.

    11. o "arry on the b!siness of man #ower

    e-#orts re"r!itment agents, #la"ement servi"es, #ersonnel

    management and management "ons!ltants, B7$ "ons!ltants and

    other a"tivities.

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

    Page 9

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    1. o "arry on the b!siness of dealers

    im#orters and e-#orters of all ind of #erishable items N agri"!lt!re and

    #ro"essed food #rod!"ts.


    +oa(/ of D,(eto(s at SIL

    Co3an 5-

    SL NO NAE OH,al A//(essP=one

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    1 Shri M.L. 0nil!mar Mysore Sales Intenational Limited

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      Shri ?aveen 7a Singh, I0S Managing $ire"tor

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



    NetSIL 6o0se #* C0nn,n)=a Roa/*+an)alo(e $% %$2?.


    SIL P(o/0ts 5-

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    L,st of T=e Ites Co3an Deals ',t= 5-

    Li*!or, /oos, S"hoolbags, Pa#ers, Solar 4ater and idya ) Leha ?ote/oos.


    P(o/0ts B Se(,es 5-

    T=e o3an o3e(at,n) /,,s,ons a(e5

     %hit H!nd

     Pa#er $ivision

     o!rs and ravels

     /everage Li*!or

     Ind!strial Prod!"ts

     %ons!mer Prod!"ts

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    1. C=,t !0n/ 5-



    In-built provision for borrowing at a short notice by bidding successfully

    Being able to save in Installments 

    Having decided to join chit, deferring other avoidable expenditure, if necessary


    Convenience and abscence of stringent formalities 

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

    Page 8;

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    Chit Fund forms a very popular method of saving and borrowing 

    !I" being a prestigious #!$, ensures %&&' safety, reliability and transparency inoperations

    !I" ensures safety of the subscribers( investment

    Chits provide for an assured sum during a crisis 

    Chits provide easy availability of hard cash

    MSIL started %hit H!nd /!siness in the year ::; with an intention to bring

    so"ial "ontrol over %hit H!nd /!siness so as to #rote"t the #!bli" from being

    e-#loited by !nregisteredN!norgani(ed "hit o#erators.

     he s"hemes !nder JMSIL %hits are designed to "ater all in"ome gro!#s and

    all segments of the so"iety. he main obe"tive of the "om#any is to #rovide

    need based >nan"ial #lans to its "!stomers. 7e"ogni(ing the growing need of 

    "ons!mers for safe investment and easy a""ess to their money, MSIL has set

    !# the "hit f!nds division and la!n"hed its own "hit f!nds !nder the brand

    name MSIL money tree.

      T(ans3e(en ,n C=,t O3e(at,ons 5-

    %hit is a >nan"ial #rod!"t whi"h blends the advantages of bothinvestment and borrowing.

    %on"e#t= 2nder a %hit, a gro!# of #ersons oin together to "ontrib!te

    s#e"i>" s!m of money #eriodi"ally &monthly "ontrib!tion is most

    "ommon'. he individ!alNinstit!tion whoNthat has !ndertaen theres#onsibility of the organi(ing and "ond!"ting the %hit and ass!mes

    the asso"iated res#onsibilities and riss is "alled Horeman3. he other

    #ersons who "ontrib!te the money #eriodi"ally are nown as

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    S!bs"ribers3. he money #aid by all the s!bs"ribers every month or in

    any #eriodi"al interval will be #ooled together whi"h is "alled as %hit

    al!e3 and all the s!bs"ribers have right to bid for the "hit amo!nt by

    means of o#en a!"tion "ond!"ted for the #!r#ose. he s!bs"ribers

    who are willing for bidding the "hit amo!nt have to be #re#ared to

    forego a #ortion of the total amo!nt to whi"h he is otherwise eligible

    for and that #ortion is nown as the T$is"o!ntT. he ma-im!m bidding

    #er"entage will be :U of the %hit val!e and minim!m is ;U of the

    "hit val!e whi"h is Horeman3s "ommission. his foregone amo!nt by

    the s!bs"riber is !tili(ed to distrib!te among all the s!bs"ribers of the

    "hit gro!# in #ro#ortion to their ti"ets in the form of T$ividendT, after

    ded!"ting ;U of the %hit val!e towards HormanTs %ommission. hes!""essf!l bidder is "alled as Pri(ed S!bs"riber3. he money whi"h the

    #ri(ed s!bs"riber is eligible for min!s the dis"o!nt forgone is "alled

    #ri(e money3 whi"h will be disb!rsed to the #ri(ed s!bs"riber after

    heNshe #rod!"es the ade*!ate se"!rity for the f!t!re liability as #er the

    %om#any norms. his #ro"ess is being re#eated every month and

    every month there will be one #ri(ed s!bs"riber. he #ri(ed s!bs"riber

    has to "ontin!e #aying the installments till the termination of the "hit.

    &Se"!rity ?orms' hose members who do not want to bid and want to !st "ontrib!te to

    the "hit till the end "an do so. 4hen there are no bidders for any#arti"!lar a!"tion, one of the nonF#ri(ed s!bs"ribers will be #i"ed as

    S!""essf!l /idder thro!gh l!"y draw. he monthly dividends a""r!ed

    for the whole d!ration of the "hit are the ret!rns on investment for the

    monthly de#osit made to their a""o!nts.

    In "ase of MSIL %hits3, MSIL is the Horeman3

    %hit Gro!#s with di5erent denomination and val!e will be started

    from time to time as #er the demand from the #!bli".

    he n!mber of s!bs"ribers in ea"h gro!# will be e*!al to d!ration of 

    the %hit. Hor e-= : months "hit will have : s!bs"ribers

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    2. Pa3e( D,,s,on 5-

      Hor over three de"ades MSIL has been s!""essf!l by f!l>lling the#ersonnel demand of the st!dents for *!ality noteboos at a5ordable

    #ri"e with its well nown brands of JI$V0 ) JL@KB0K whi"h have

    be"ome the /rand Leaders. 0#art from the st!dents noteboos,drawing and gra#h boos, we have range of s"hool and o+"e

    stationery in"l!ding "om#!ter stationery.

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

    Page 8E

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    MSIL s!#ervises man!fa"t!ring and distrib!tion of idya and Leha

    #rod!"ts. he man!fa"t!ring #ro"ess has so"ioFe"onomi" im#li"ations

    as it has given @m#loyment o##ort!nity to a large n!mber of silled

    laborers. $istrib!tion is e5e"ted not only thro!gh retail o!tlets and

    de#ots b!t also dire"tly to s"hools, "olleges and "oFo#erative so"ieties.

    idya noteboos are available in the States of Karnataa and

     amilnad!.MSIL asso"iation with the st!dents "omm!nity dates ba" to 19AA

    when the "om#any was entr!sted with the res#onsibility of distrib!ting

    s!bsidi(ed noteboos.

    0 s#e"ial mareting #rogrammer was "on"e#t!ali(ed and the brandJLeha was born s!bse*!ently.

     he idya noteboos have "arried on this tradition of *!ality at

    reasonable #ri"es and have also emerged as the brand leader in

    "!rrent s"enario. 0#art from noteboos idya "aters to other st!dents

    re*!irements lie drawing boo, gra#h boo, geometry bo-, "olor

    #en"ils, "rayons and range of "olorf!l s"hool bags in vario!s si(es with

    attra"tive designs. he s"hool bags are man!fa"t!red by over 1::

    small s"ale ind!stries whi"h has "reated em#loyment to a large

    n!mber of silled labors.

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    #. To0(s an/ T(aels D,,s,on 5- 

    MSIL as a #art of diversi>"ation e5ort, MSIL o!rs and ravels $ivision

    was "ommissioned d!ring the year 199. $ivision "o!ld get sto" of 

    ti"et from Indian 0irlines as a gest!re of good will in s#ite of the fa"t

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

    Page :

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    that $ivision was not re"ogni(ed by I00 &International 0ir rans#ort

    0sso"iation'. $ivision has been getting maor s!##ort from So"retariat

    of Government of Karnataa, State P!bli" 2ndertaings, Governors

    o+"e et".S!bse*!ently, MSIL o!rs and ravels $ivision "o!ld get the I00

    re"ognition d!ring the year ::1.

    MSIL has been #romoting #a"age to!rs fairs abroad, the division also a"ts

    as an agent for Karnataa o!rism by taing on the booings of I$%, KS$%

    and !ngle L

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



    @a"h o!tlet is #rovided with !niform set of f!rnit!reNstorage ra"s,

    signage board and Invertors.

    /angalore lo"ated at Lavelle 7oad, 7aainagar, Shivananda %ir"le and

    Ban!manthanagar have been designed as /o!ti*!e Sho#s.

    $. In/0st(,al P(o/0ts 5-

       o en"o!rage the !se of renewable so!r"es of energy, the%om#any3s Ind!strial Prod!"ts $ivision too !# the mareting of MSILBot S#ring Solar 4ater Beaters and Lighting Systems. 

    T=e In/0st(,al P(o/0ts a(e 5-

    aJ Sola( 'ate( 6eate(bJ Le/ L,)=tsJ Cables/J Global Ene() sae(

    eJ 'ate( P0(,7e(

    aJ Sola( 'ate( 6eate( 5- 

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e


  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study




    MSILFIP$ is mareting JB

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



    1:: LP$ ::LP$ 8::LP$ ::LP$ ;::LP$


    RSN %" Ro4

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



      @"oF Hriendly Lights as Led lighting does not #rod!"e any

    !ltraviolet &2' light. 2ltraviolet rays are harmf!l for sin and

    eyes. hey are made from nonFto-i" materials and "an be

    re"y"led L@$ Lights give high ill!mination, and are d!rable )

    energy e+"ient as they !se 9:U less energy than reg!lar lights.

    More safer than /!lbs as they stay "ool and #ose less of a >re

    ha(ard !nlie Balogen and in"andes"ent lights whi"h are hot

    eno!gh to "a!se >re, and they fre*!ently do.

     here is no waiting for led light b!lbs to warm !#, led b!lbs are

    not a5e"ted by fre*!ent onFo5 swit"hing. It lights !# instantly at

    f!ll brightness, even in the "oldest weather.

    L@$s are st!rdy b!lbs as $!rable #lasti" b!lbs are less liely to

    brea than traditional glass b!lbs.

    ?ow lets see, Bow it saves MoneyWMainly two reasons why L@$ b!lbs save money= he >rst reason is be"a!se they !se less energy. It is this reason

    that a""o!nts for most of the "ost savings of L@$ lighting.

     he se"ond reason is a res!lt that follows from the fa"t that theL@$ b!lbs last longer. $!e to the longer life of L@$ lights the

    fre*!en"y of re#la"ements is m!"h lower. his saves on new

    >-t!re #!r"hases and "ostly maintenan"e.4hen "om#aring "ost, both energy savings and re#la"ement

    savings sho!ld be taen into a""o!nt.

    L@$ Lights are also "ost e5e"tive as altho!gh L@$s are

    e-#ensive, the "ost is re"o!#ed over time and in battery savings.

    Most "ons!mers do not re"ogni(e the lower "ost d!e to the

    "om#aratively high #!r"hase #ri"e of L@$ b!lbs.. Bowever, thelower energy !se and longer life of the L@$ b!lbs m!st be

    "onsidered to get a fair "om#arison.

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

    Page ;

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     o !nderstand better, we "an st!dy 1: years "om#arison "hart

    showing n!mber of re#la"ements against di5erent light so!r"es.

    TYPES O!





    O! TIES


    D IN 1%




    $%*%%% =(s K 1%


    +0 One



    - 8*%%% =(sK 1


    +0 8-1%




    1%%% =(s KLess

    t=an ont=sJ

    +0 2%


    J Cables 5-

      MSIL maret L "ables with ins!lation of XLP@, P% &H7LS, Hr,B7, Q@7

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study





      S/@@ %0/L@S !nder the s!#ervision of *!ali>ed and e-#erien"ed

    te"hno"rats who are well versed with modern man!fa"t!ring te"hni*!es. P%

    ins!lated S/@@ %0/L@S "onforming to IS= 69 D 199:, "arry the #restigio!s

    ISI mar and are sheathed.

      2nsheathed %o##er ) 0l!min!m %ables have a wide ranges of 

    a##li"ations in Ind!stries, 0gri"!lt!re, Ma"hine ools and %ontrol Panel,

    /!ildings and in all ty#es of ele"tri"al #ower distrib!tion.



      S/@@ P% ins!lated ) sheathed "ables o5ered with "oo#er ) al!min!m

    "ond!"tors !narmo!red and armo!red with galvani(ed steel wireNstri#.

      hese "ables are s!itable for heavyFd!ty #ower "ontrol and

    instr!mentation a##li"ation in #ower generation !tilities, ind!strial

    distrib!tion, "hemi"al ) fertili(er ind!stries ) mining installation.


      S/@@ man!fa"t!red %ross Lined Polyethylene %able ie. XLP@ %able to

    over"ome the s!s"e#tibility of PIL% %ables to ingress of moist!re. hese

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

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    "ables "ombine the advantages of PIL% and P% %ables, and totally

    eliminating their demerits.

      XLP@ "ables "ommand an immediate a""e#tan"e in view of e-"ellent

    thermal, me"hani"al and ele"tri"al #ro#erties. 0erial /!n"hed %ables &0/%'.

      0erial /r!n"hed %ables, 11:: volt Grade are !sed for distrib!tion

    #ower to individ!al "ons!mers by !tility servi"e #roviders lie ele"tri"ity

    boards. @le"tri"ity distrib!ting a!thorities. he "able is e#t s!##orted on

    #oles. he line is ta##ed intermittently from any re*!ired #osition whi"h

    enables to be !sed in !rban as well as r!ral areas alie.

      Ae(,al +0n=e/ Cables KA+CJ 5-

      0erial /r!n"hed %ables, 11:: volt Grade are !sed for distrib!tion

    #ower to individ!al "ons!mers by !tility servi"e #roviders lie ele"tri"ity

    boards. @le"tri"ity distrib!ting a!thorities. he "able is e#t s!##orted on

    #oles. he line is ta##ed intermittently from any re*!ired #osition whi"h

    enables to be !sed in !rban as well as r!ral areas alie.



      S/@@ man!fa"t!res wide range of Q@7< B0L

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



      In ;:: voltage grade, these "ables are !sed for the lo"al inter

    "onne"tion of !sed for the lo"al inter "onne"tion of gro!nd, sea, airborne

    instr!ments and mi"ro #ro"essors.

      UL 'IRES B CA+LES 5-

    S/@@ is #ro!d to have rea"hed maor milestone to its already glowing tra"

    re"ord. he "om#any has been awarded #rod!"t a##roval by #restigio!s

    2nderwriters Laboratory In", 2S0. Hor the following styles ie 1::A, 1:1;,

    1:8, 1;69, 19 ) 6 for a##lian"e writing materials.

      he #rod!"t "erti>"ation is b!t one more g!arantee that MSIL "lientele

    "an be rest ass!red of total satisfa"tion on *!ality. his #rod!"t is also

    "erti>ed for %0?0$0.

    1. Cons0e( P(o/0ts 5-


     he $ivision has an 0llian"e with B%L for s!##ly of 



    $ivision also s!##lies %ables and 4ires3 to Govt. $e#ts and

    PS2s in tie !# with MNs. S./ee %ables India Ltd, /angalore.

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

    Page 9

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       he division is also in to 2sed %ar Maret in tie !# with MNs.

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



    the oil is often sold JHor @-ternal 2se

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



    b!siness #ros#e"ts of e-#ort of Iron

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



    1. %om#any has #rovided restroom for ea"h individ!al de#artment for

    both male and female em#loyees.

    . %om#any has arranged for drining water fa"ilities in ea"h oor asea"h oor "ontains se#arate de#artments.

    8. 0s ed!"ation is be"oming "ostly "om#any has made "hange in

    ed!"ation allowan"e as #er #resentN"!rrent s"enario.. 0llowan"e has #rovided to the em#loyee "an be based on their

    intera"tion between vario!s de#artments.;. %om#any has a##ointed welfare o+"er to solve all their em#loyee3s

    #roblems.6. %om#any has #rovided a resistor s#a"e in ea"h de#artment.


    O()an,9at,onal st(0t0(e of SIL

    Co3an 5-

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

    Page ;8

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



    A(ea of O3e(at,on 5-

     he area of MSIL is ?0I

  • 8/16/2019 MSIL Organization Study



    Ne< Del=, 5-

    MSIL3s ?ew $elhi was established in the year 1996 to "ater the needs of ?orthern States "om#rising $elhi, 2ttar Pradesh, 7aasthan, Baryana, P!nab,

    Bima"hal Pradesh and amm! ) Kashmir.

     he /ran"h established at $elhi, ai#!r, 7ohta, $ehrad!n, Kan#!r )

    Gha(ibad. he bran"h established a well nitted distrib!tion networ

    "om#rising 18: redistrib!tion sto"iest s#read over length and breadth of 

    ?orth Indian States. hro!gh these sto"iest networs, the bran"h is serving

    more than 8:,::: retail o!tlets.

    0ba, 5-

    M!mbai bran"h was started in the year 1996 when #arent "om#any was

    in"or#orated !nder the "om#any3s a"t 19;6. Ben"e, this is one of the

    #restigio!s bran"hes started along with the "om#any and "om#leted 9

    years in the mareting a"tivities in the 4estern region s#reading to the

    states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and G!arat.

     he bran"h is dealing with the mareting "ons!mer #rod!"ts, Ind!strial

    #rod!"ts, Karnataa lottery ti"ets, Sil ) Bandi"raft items, Servi"ing liaison

    wor for Government of Karnataa and vario!s Government of Karnataa

    over the years.

    S'OT Anals,s 5-

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

    Page ;;

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     he S4ed #rod!"ts.

    @-#erien"ed man#ower to over"ome any "hallenges.

    @-#ertise to !ndertae mareting of any #rod!"t with its e-#erien"ed

    and sillf!l em#loyees.

    2J. 'ea4ness 5-

    La"s systemati" a##roa"h to mareting e-isting #rod!"ts.

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

    Page ;6

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    La"s in o#tim!m !tili(ation of available man#ower.

    ?o #ra"ti"e of "ond!"ting training to em#loyees on nowledge !#

    gradation or on any s#e"i>" s!be"t.

    @m#loyees need to be trained on #ersonally develo#ment and

    "!stomer orientation reg!larly.

    ?o system of re"ogni(ing and motivating deserving em#loyees.

    $e"ision maing on im#ortant as#e"ts is very slow.

    More #a#er wor and eF"omm!ni"ation has not been im#lemented


    It has to wait for government a##roval for every maor #roe"t.

    ?o re"r!itment and #romotion #oli"y in #la"e.

    Ete(nal !ato(s 5-

    1J. O33o(t0n,t,es 5-

    Cent(al Colle)e* +an)alo(e Un,e(s,t* +an)alo(e

    Page ;A

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    /eing in maret for more than ;:years, "an tae !# any new #rod!"t

    for mareting.

      @-isting strong networ maes things easier to enter any new


      S"o#e to mae Pa#erless

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