mr-guided focused ultrasound surgery of uf: into the mainstream

Post on 24-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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MR-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery of UF: Into the Mainstream – From Clinical Success to Daily Routine Matthias Matzko (Dachau, Germany) Sapienza University of Rome MR guided Focused Ultrasound Therapy 2011 Rome September 22-23, 2011


MR-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery of UF:

Into the Mainstream – From Clinical Success to Daily Routine

Matthias Matzko (Dachau, Germany)


Our FUS-Center is based near Munich, Germany, embedded into a 450-bed-hospital

to win partners for initial investment to bring clinical results of MRgFUS to...

• the knowledge of patients• the knowledge of insurances and

health care decision makers to gain reimbursement

to persist in „turf battles“ and convince referring partners

to provide constant high quality therapy results in daily routine

Meeting the challenge when getting started


Initial investment for MRgFUS unit Use of existing MRI in established radiology

(treatments on weekends and evenings only) Hiring of 0,5 FTE Patient Manager Low budget marketing activities

• Internet presence with own webpage and articles in female chat forums and medical platforms

• Flyers to referring physicians

Our recipe: Starting small – growing big


Physicians with passion for high tech and quality results • good pre-selection of patients (70% denial!)• the treatment is only finished, when the best possible

result has been achieved! Collaboration with gynecological department at hospital

• joint information events for patients and physicians• joint press & TV events• Interdisciplinary case conferences and joint execution of

treatments: MRgFUS and embolization by FUS-Center and hysterectomy by gynecologist)

Enhancing MRgFUS treatment quality

Success factor 1: Treatment quality


Hospital based location is a benefit for the patient Availability for the patient before and after the treatment

• Trained Patient Manager to listen to patients needs and concerns (high emotions involved!)

• Patient Questionnaire to prepare treatment decision• Physician to spend sufficient time to provide detailed

information on MRgFUS and other treatment options• Trained Patient Manager to follow up well-being after the

treatment by phone and to ensure follow-up examination• Hotline available at all times

Enhancing MRgFUS process quality

Success factor 2: Patient service


try to grab meaningful domain-names use online advertising tools in keyword searches present structured information also for other treatment options encouraging patients to get in contact with your center

When starting the FUS-center 90-95% of patient recruitment derived from centers website.

Flyers and info sessions for gynecologists with limited success.

Success factor 3: High quality internet presence


Insurance companies do not want to cover a procedure with high risk of failure

Start producing arguments:• High Quantity of Treatments along the timeline• High Quality / High NPV along the timeline

Back up patients to ask for reimbursement Building up pressure on insurance companies to cover

costs for treatment

Treatment success spurs reimbursement and pulls interest of press / media


Today we have won Germany‘s second largest Statutory Health Insurance Company, 1 regional Statutory Health Insurance Company and 1 Private Health Insurance Company for reimbursement. 2 more are in negotiation.

Plan marketing together with partner:

• articles in house organ of insurance

• release press information

• other marketing activities: e.g. information events...

M. Matzko

Source: Techniker Krankenkasse

Obtained Reimbursement with Insurance Company?


FUS-Center meets German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin

TV & Press are nocking at our doors asking for interviews.

FUS-center with own MRI to run treatments during clinical daily routine

1,5 FTE Patient Manager 1,0 FTE Technician 1,0 FTE Physician

Additional investment to grow big


# of patients

2008 2009 2010

Go Live FUS 2nd invest

450 Treatments in 3 yearsFUS procedures over time



Start small, grow with your business Treatment quality first

• Carefully select Patients• Try achieving high NPV constantly

Plan WWW and other marketing activities Clinical success spurs reimbursment MRgFUS needs your commitment




Thank you for your attention!

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