move - issue 3

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Newspaper of the 17th National Selection Conference of EYP Germany, Munich 2007, editor: Henna Tahvanainen


MOVEMOVE- it´s infectious- it´s infectious


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Issue 3Issue 3

2 | 17th National Selection of EYP Germany, Munich 2007 Issue 3

EditorialEditorialby Agent Cooper

After all the games, group tickets, devil´s footprints, Wurst, creativity blocks, infections, insects and advertisement among other things, we arrive there, at the end. A famous Finnish cartoon character said that everything has to come to an end in order to begin again. Becoming selected is not of utmost importance. You can begin again any time, anywhere at any stage of your life. So far no cure for EYP infections has been found, not that there would have been numerous attempts, either.

2 am, all the delegates are either asleep or pretending to be. An organizer can start with the real work. Cleaning up the mess in the International Café, making badges, and doing the stuff that nobody had time for during the day.From the point of view of a delegate, everything seems to be running smooth most of the time. But the truth is that, like in every organisation, it isn’t. Things go wrong, printers refuse to print, people spill there coffee over newly made badges and viruses haunt in memory sticks. Sometimes I wonder why people actually want to be an orga. It’s stressing, unhealthy and even more stressing. So, the least we all can do is to thank them for their effort. Because without them there wouldn’t even be a session! Thank you! 3 am, a journo writes the last word before going to bed.

Thank you Thank you Orgas!Orgas! by Chocolateby Chocolate

“The key to holding a f****** speech is that you have to make up your mind about what you are going to say. “- a German jury member from Hamburg

17th National Selection of EYP Germany, Munich 2007 | 3Issue 3

The last few days have gone really fast and now the 17th Selection Conference of the EYP Germany is already over. Unfortunately, only two delegations could be chosen for going to the International Sessions in Dublin and Prague. However, even if you did not win and thus were not given the opportunity to go to an EYP International Session as a delegate, this does not mean that your EYP career is over. Many of the orgas and chairs who have made this session possible did not win the competition when they participated either, and some of them have never taken part in a National Session as delegate. There are a lot of different ways of how to become active for the EYP Germany.

First of all, you can join EYP Germany and help organising the sessions for future generations. In order to get all important information and updates, just write an empty mail to Thus, you will receive an invitation for joining the EYP mailing list. If you’ve joined the group, you can simply write a mail to everyone to introduce yourself shortly and say hello. If you express your interest in participating, you might be a part of the EYP team already at the forum in Hambach or Dachau which will take place this year – it is not only the Selection Conferences the EYP Germany organises, there are many other events as well.

Moreover, this year the EYP’s 20th anniversary will be celebrated in Berlin (Sophienstraße 28-29, 10178 Berlin) on the 07th of July. Everyone of you is welcome to come there and be enjoy the EYP spirit again!

Finally, you should check the EYP Germany’s website. At, you will find out about all recent and upcoming events. In case that you want to ask someone personally, you are also invited to write an e-mail to Sonja, our head organiser, who will be happy to answer your questions.

You see, there is no excuse for not getting active (at least if you want to ;-)).

Do you want to get further Do you want to get further involved in EYP Germany? involved in EYP Germany?

Don’t hesitate!Don’t hesitate!by Agent Spongecakeby Agent Spongecake

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Open up, it’s time for GA!Open up, it’s time for GA!by Agent 00nothingby Agent 00nothing

17th National Selection of EYP Germany , Munich 2007 | 17th National Selection of EYP Germany , Munich 2007 | 55Issue 3Issue 3

On Monday morning, the highlight of the session was about to begin: The General Assembly, the actual debate, in which all the resolutions that have been prepared in advance are presented and discussed. Fortunately, all the delegates got to the “Haus der Bayrischen Wirtschaft” on time, which was not expected, since the departure time had been moved to 7:50 am, more than half an hour earlier than planned. At 9:00 am sharp, the President, Christoph Holzhaider, started to explain the general procedure of the GA. He also presented the other members of the board, Martin Hoffmann and Klairi Liis. In order to get the delegates warmed up, the so-called “mock resolution” was presented. The committee on culture, the Yellow Placard and German Eckkneipen, consisting of a few very talented orgas, showed us what it means to feel German: Motzing is, according to them, an essential part of the German cultural identity and heritage.After this, the delegation presentations took place. The guys from the Cloppenburg surprised everyone with an original speech, wearing white jumpers, seven girls and one boy from the Fürstenberggymnasium presented their home town Recke with a short scene they acted out, both delegations from the Friedrich-List-Europaschule and the Gymnasium Oberalster sang really creative songs, the boys from the Gymnasium Philippinum basically just said that they don’t have anything against women (stunning!) and Mr Schmidt, teacher of the Eckernförde delegation, merely mentioned in

a very objective way that his students are the brightest, cleverest and by far the smartiest.Prior to the remaining committee presentations, the first part of the opening ceremony took place. There were inspiring speeches by Alois Glück (due to his absence, JP read out the greetings), by Dr. Henning Arp from the Regional Representation of the European Commission, and by Stefan Albert (who was not wearing a tie! Scandalous!). At least the latter apologised for not having respected the dress code.The students from Aschaffenburg made us feel like we were on a flight to Munich with their delegation as VIPs, the Leibniz-Gymnasium showed their version of “Sendung mit der Maus”, presenting the delegates in Franconian and the girls from Essen-Borbeck provided us with the information that their Gymnasium is the only girls-only school in Nordrhein-Westfalia. We also found out that Wolfsburg is just green and white, that the guys from the Remstalgymnasium consider their home town the “most beautiful place in the world” (Philipp) and finally that every household in Munich has a dog called “Daisy” and that there are usually more policemen than demonstrators, in case a public demonstration takes place.After the last speech by our president Christoph Holzhaider , the European Anthem officially opened the 17th National Selection Conference. Followed words from Adrian Loets on behalf of the jury, the General Assembly started off and the delegates began to debate on the resolutions.

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The time here in Munich is nearly over and your Bavarian should be perfect by now. However, since I am aware that none of you studied hard enough during the last days, here is the last part of our dictionary. Keep it and it’ll help you in all kinds of different situations...

Useful words and expressions:How much is that? / Wieviel kostet das? / [vaws kosten dayss]Sure! / Logisch! / [logish]What? / Wie bitte? / [huh]Really cool! / Echt geil! / [eckt gile]Real phat, dude! / Total krass, Alter! / [toataal cruss oyda]Let’s wait and see! / Schauen wir mal... / [shauw-mah-moy]What can we do? / Na ja... / [yaw-my]You’re cute! / Du gefällst mir! / [du gfoyst maa]I like you! / Ich mag dich! / [i mog di]Leave me alone! / Lass mich in Ruhe! / [luss maa my rure]I am Bavarian... / Ich bin ein Bayer.../ [eeh bin a Buyer]I just forgot my leather pants / Ich habe nur meine Lederhosen vergessen / [eeh hawp blos my layder-hosen far-gayssen]

17th National Selection of EYP Germany , Munich 2007 | 17th National Selection of EYP Germany , Munich 2007 | 77Issue 3Issue 3

The Multilingual DictionaryThe Multilingual Dictionaryby Agent Spongecakeby Agent Spongecake

8 | 17th National Selection of EYP Germany, Munich 2007 Issue 3

Dear Dr. EYP!

I do not know what to do. I am sooooooo afraid of the GA. What if the other delegations have done much more preparation than us? I fear that we are not good enough. My school has never participated in a National Selection Conference before and no one of us does exactly know what to expect. Do you think that we even have the slightest chance to win this competition and to get further in the EYP?

Yours, Anna (18)

Dear Anna!

Do not be afraid of the GA. There is nothing to worry about, even if this is the first time that your school has sent a delegation to the EYP. The jury does not expect to see young professionals who know everything about every single topic. They much more prefer to see you debating actively, taking part in heating discussions and bringing in your new, fresh ideas. It does not matter if you have not prepared an attack speech for every single delegation. What is much more important is that you as delegation work together as a team, that you show that you support and help each other and that you are able to refer to the points being mentioned during GA. And even if you do not win this competition it does not mean that your EYP career is over! There are many possibilities to get an active role by organising sessions and forums, or you might even be able to take part as a delegate at the next Selection Conference. Just go to the information table during lunchtime on Sunday, there you will be able to find out everything about becoming a member of the EYP.

I hope this will give you a bit more self-confidence. I know you can do this!

Yours, Dr. EYP


“We have like this terrorism which bothers us a bit.” – Dr. Müller (expert)

“I´m not as blond as you think! “– Olga (chair)

“You should be working” – Screensaver in the Journo room

17th National Selection of EYP Germany , Munich 2007 | 17th National Selection of EYP Germany , Munich 2007 | 99Issue 3Issue 3

Around MunichAround Munich

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ConfessionsConfessionsI need to sleep – anonymousI need to sleep – anonymous

Tim is no real spermamutti – anonymousTim is no real spermamutti – anonymous

Greetings to my secret friend! – TorGreetings to my secret friend! – Tor

Felix and Dimana were secretly holding handsFelix and Dimana were secretly holding hands

Claire has dirty thoughts…Claire has dirty thoughts…

I don’t want to live without this foodI don’t want to live without this food

I want to go homeI want to go home

Have a close look at the interaction Have a close look at the interaction of the teachers…of the teachers…

I am in love with my secret friendI am in love with my secret friend

Leonie has been carrying a flower with her all Leonie has been carrying a flower with her all day long. You should further investigate! There day long. You should further investigate! There might be a deli after her…might be a deli after her…

Two chairs were seen holding hands for the Two chairs were seen holding hands for the whole day. You should further investigate! I’ve whole day. You should further investigate! I’ve seen them kiss…seen them kiss…

I want JP to leave me and Sonja alone in our I want JP to leave me and Sonja alone in our room… - Lenziroom… - Lenzi

I really wish that JP would leave our room so I really wish that JP would leave our room so that I can have some privacy with Lenzi. – Sonja that I can have some privacy with Lenzi. – Sonja “the boss”“the boss”

Mr. EYP-TV is getting very close to some Mr. EYP-TV is getting very close to some delegatesdelegatesLenzi Bock is simply too HOT! Lenzi Bock is simply too HOT!


Andreas fell in love with ContanzeAndreas fell in love with Contanze

I am not interested in your interests- an ExpertI am not interested in your interests- an Expert

The Siemens representative thinks that The Siemens representative thinks that Matthias´real name is ol´dirty Matze.Matthias´real name is ol´dirty Matze.

17th National Selection of EYP Germany, Munich 2007 | 11Issue 3

While all delegates were attending GA, the mysterious group called observers managed to sneak out and had a secret meeting in one of the small towers of the castle. I managed to get a permission to attend the meeting, but only after promising not to mention their topic nor take any pictures of documents. And because the entire room was filled with documents and other secret stuff that was just as effective as a total ban on pictures. Luckily, I managed to make one picture without them noticing.There aren’t many people who know who they really are or what they do. But with the information I got during my short visit I’m now able to write about the dark activities of a cruel and dangerous undercover organisation.We already knew that one of the chairs is a Bulgarian secret agent. There were also rumours about secret cameras and microphones in the delegates’ room. But the many notes as ‘Human rights conflict with security’ can only mean one thing. Something far more sinister is going on than the orgas having a great time playing big brother.

It is my belief that the secret service of Bulgaria is recruiting agents to set up a German branch for their dark activities. The proof for this is numerous, for instance the entire table was filled with empty bottles of water. We all know that water is a just synonym for vodka, and isn’t that the classic drink of a secret agent? Furthermore, why would they hide in a tiny little tower room if they were just playing “honey do you love me” all day?

Observing the observersObserving the observersby Chocolateby Chocolate

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After lunch at the „Haus der bayrischen Wirtschaft“ I was luckily able to get an interview with Herrn Schindehütte, teacher at the Friedrich-List-Schule in Kassel. It’s his school’s first EYP experience, and thus this session was also Mr. Schindehütte’s first touch with the EYP. As far as he can say, he likes the session’s structure of giving the students time to get to know each other during teambuilding before letting them work intensively during committee work. However, he also wonders if the whole programme of the session might be a little bit too intense, taken that the delis have hardly any time to chill out and relax. Unfortunately, Mr. Schindehütte could not comment on the teachers’ programme since he was busy in the castle marking most of the time. However, once he borrowed a bike from the reception on which he explored the castle’s beautiful surroundings. This is initiative, guys, another thing you can learn from your teachers! He made it as far as down to the Isar, where he dipped into the cold river (the rumours say that he even got himself totally naked and went swimming but Mr. Schindehütte’s comment on having gone swimming was that, if he’d done this, he would have been carried away by the stream…). You should learn from your teacher, guys, and learn how to distinguish between fun and risk!With this trip, he’s probably the one (except for the orgas, of course) who’s seen most of beautiful Pullach.

Interview with Interview with Reinhard SchindehütteReinhard Schindehütte

by Agent Spongecakeby Agent Spongecake

The explorer among our beloved teachers

Tasks to complete before the Closing Ceremony

Kiss your secret friend.Kiss your Chair/JournoKiss the person you have a crush on by saying: “your secret friend wants me to give you a kiss.”Provide a massage to everyone looking tired. The more massages you provide the more you will receive.Speak up. Get up. Think up. Do up.

17th National Selection of EYP Germany, Munich 2007 | 13Issue 3

With the expert hearings over, we arrived at the beginning of the end. Of this session that is. The committees came together for one last time and without becoming too emotional they exchanged ideas about the how and why of the past few days. It was not different in Committee 1B. It was especially interesting to see how some people who had disliked teambuilding before now realised how important it had been. Having 3 committees to cover as journo made it hard to do it properly but it did had the advantage that I have a good view on the evolution. Just like an uncle you don’t often see notices far better how fast little children grow. And let me assure you, the group of individuals from the first day has grown up. You can only vaguely recognise some of the characteristics of the

original group in the team of today. An achievement of both delegates, Olga and Christian.

Beginning of the endBeginning of the endby Chocolateby Chocolate

… but it should not be a ‘good, that’s it, bye’! I would rather say: “See you!”, “Auf Wieder-sehen!” or “À bientôt!”. Because as my dear colleague Agent Spongecake has pointed out, this is probably not the last time you will get in touch with EYP. I am sure that the vast majority had a blast at this session, no matter whether they “won” the competition or not. Of course, it’s nice to be a delegate, especially at an International Session, but that’s not everything. Maybe you’ll be an orga or a journo at the next session? Nothing’s impossible! So the farewell party is not more than a mere temporary goodbye. It won’t take long until the next session! So don’t be sad, delis, one day, you’ll see each other again! The German idiom is quite right: “Man sieht sich immer zweimal im Leben!”

Time to say Time to say goodbye…goodbye…


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We are the journos.We are the Agent Cooperby Agent Cooper

17th National Selection of EYP Germany , Munich 2007 | 17th National Selection of EYP Germany , Munich 2007 | 1515Issue 3Issue 3

Questions:First session(s)I like...I hate...I admire...Right now, I would do anything for...I could not live without...I was ruling the world,...

Leonie (GER, 19)aka Agent Spongecake16th National Selection Conference, BerlinPotsdam International 07dancing, EYP, swimming, skating, snowboarding, seeing my friendsnot having enough free time due to too much workany head organiser of an EYP session, it is just so much work and responsibilitybeing able to read people´s thoughts sometimesfresh fruit and being outside at least once a dayI would keep all the power just for me (don´t worry, Sarah, just kidding ;))

Henna (FIN, 22)aka Agent CooperTallinn International 03cherries and Indesign u.a.microphones, and bugs that creep to your bed at night.anyone who has participated to EYP more than once.XXL cup of tea and being able to listen to the Beatles.A really really really hard-working journoteam.I would have absolutely no clue what to do.

Joachim (BEL, 18)aka ChocolateBelgian National Session 2006Kiev International 2006chocolatemelting chocolateWilly WonkafoodEYP, chocolate and oxygenI would want to rule the rest the universe. And every martian and earthling would have chocolate for dinner.

Marius (GER, 20)aka Agent 00nothing16th National Selection Conference, BerlinPotsdam International 07cars, motorcycles, karatepeople who don´t smile (back)Sonja for always keeping a cool head and having everything in minda really fast carmusic!I would shoot all weaponry into outer space

Sarah (GER, 19)aka Agent Spanferkel16th National Selection Conference, BerlinPotsdam International 07my dog, partying, EYPbeing tired all the timepeople who focus on one thing at a time , have passion for something, study Greek and Latin instead of English and Frencha day with more than 24 hours, so that I could get some sleeplaughing, singing, my friendsthere would be peace. And everyone would have to read MOVE for two hours every day.

Session favouritesSession favourites

Favourite teambuilding Favourite teambuilding game: Funky Chickengame: Funky Chicken

Favourite chair: DimanaFavourite chair: Dimana

Favourite orga: RiaanFavourite orga: Riaan


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Obviously, having already interviewed all of the chairs, we could not miss out on our head organiser, Sonja. She seems to have everything in her mind at all times, proving wrong the prejudice that most EYP sessions are horrible as far as organisation is concerned. Since she is really busy at practically all times, we considered ourselves very lucky to be allowed a few minutes of her precious time. During that period, which lasted maybe five or ten minutes, she had to leave the room twice and her cell phone rang incredible four times! In fact, that has to be a record. As all of these interruptions were due to EYP, this showed us once more, how much work she has to do and how thoroughly she deals with everything that needs to be taken care of. Read on for interesting questions and even more interesting answers!

Why did you choose the most stressing job there is? Because I want young people to get interested in politics, to realise that their voice is important and that it’s up to them to change the world if they do not like it the way it is.

Is the session going like you expected it to be? This is kind of a weird question... I’ve been organising for almost a year and in general it’s like I expected it to be. It’s probably my first and last time to be head organiser. I didn’t know exactly what to expect, but I really like my job!

What was the biggest surprise for you? Surprise in a positive or in a negative way? Surprise is a difficult word. There was no real surprise, just that the two artists couldn’t come for the workshops, that was in fact a negative surprise.

What is the first thing you will do when you get home? (laughs) umm... Sleep? I’m not quite sure. I’ll just come home and start a new life after EYP Apples or bananas? Bananas. You can do so much with them (Joachim laughs), like milk shakes!

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? This is a hard question... Can I think about it for a few seconds? (5 minutes later and 2 phone calls later) Well, I would like to be tidier. I am really messy.

What is the worst-case-scenario you imagined for the session? I was afraid that I wouldn’t get enough chairs and journos beforehand. And for the time during the session, I feared that something like a fight could happen, that I would have to send delegates home, or that there are problems in the team...

But none of this happened? No, nothing like that! (smiles)

If you were an animal, which one would you be? I can’t decide between a bird and a dolphin, because I love flying and swimming!

Interviews with Interviews with

Sonja “the boss” PürckhauerSonja “the boss” Pürckhauerby Chocolate and Agent 00nothing

17th National Selection of EYP Germany , Munich 2007 | 17th National Selection of EYP Germany , Munich 2007 | 1717Issue 3Issue 3

and Lenzi Bock and Lenzi Bock – the hottest of all blushers– the hottest of all blushers

We are so proud on ourselves. We actually did get the chance to have an exclusive interview with Lenzi Bock, one of the main organisers of this session. He’s 21 years old, studies P s y c h o l o g y in Frankfurt am Main and has first p a r t i c i p a t e d in the EYP as delegate at the National

Selection Conference in Dresden in 2004.

What exactly do you do as an orga? Running around, trying to help the delegates and to provide them with enough food, organising their transport and everything to make them feel comfortable concerning the whole organisation of this session.

Which aspects do you like about being an orga? I like being present while working in the background, and to support the whole thing so that everything runs smoothly. There are a lot of things to do and you can be really stressed, but whenever something is done, you feel very satisfied. And, last but not least, the orga team is just great.

You’ll be the head organizer of next year’s National Selection Conference. Do you already have any plans or ideas in particular? If I may dream, the General Assembly will be in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt, where the German democracy was founded. Committee work would be on the 52nd floor of the European Central Bank and we’d do the teambuilding in the beautiful Palmengarten. Unfortunately, it’s not quite clear yet whether the National Session will be in Frankfurt or Wiesbaden.

Now it’s getting interesting, girls…

You’ve been rated as one of the hottest orgas. What do you think about it?(laughing) Is that true? Really? I’m blushing…

For us that’s no surprise... Are you still single?I don’t have a girlfriend.

So what would your “perfect girlfriend” look like? She’d be very charming and have a lot of charisma. And in general I prefer the smaller ones.

Now you’ve got the chance to ask yourself a question and then answer it. Ok… The question would be “Why did it have to rain on the day of GA?”. And the answer: “Because it had to be sunny for teambuilding.”

Thank you very much for the interview! You’re welcome!

by Agents Spongecake & Spanferkel

18 | 17th National Selection of EYP Germany, Munich 2007 Issue 3

There are a lot of different languages in Europe and many people involved in EYP speak multiple of them. At first sight it might seem really hard to speak 4 or more languages and it probably is, too. But it’s worth the effort. Here is a little appetizer for you. Try to say it as fast as possible.


Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?


FinnishYksikseskös yskiskeletItsekseskös itkeskelet

GermanFischers Fritze fischt frische Fische.Frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritze.


A big black bug bit a big black bear,made the big black bear bleed blood.

SpanishTres tristes tigres comen trigo en un trigal.

GermanBlaukraut bleibt BlaukrautUnd Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid.

collected&performed by Chocolate

Tongue twistersTongue twistersHow to fit an elephant into a fridge (journo brainstorm)

Open the door and put it in.Shoot it and cut it.Burn it and put the ash in.Wash it, it will shrink.Heat it, so it melts.Put the fridge into the ground and let the elephant fall into it.Take a baby elephant or an embryo and let it grow in the fridge.Let lion eat the elephant and put the lion in.Slice it.Blow it up.Squeeze the fat out of the elephant.Cause a new ice age, let the world become a fridge.In ice blocks.Sale the meat.Put it on a diet.Infect it with EYP bacteriaTake a handicapped elephant without legs..Take an elephant with leper.Make elephants smaller by artificial cloning.Push it really hard.Take a mouse and scare the elephant in.Play hide and seek with the elephant.Put a sign on the fridge saying: “Sign up for the next EYP session inside.”

17th National Selection of EYP Germany, Munich 2007 | 19Issue 3

For creating a good atmosphere during the session the chairs, journos, orgas and also some committees decided to have a so-called “secret friend”. On the first day, everyone was given a name. This was to be his secret friend and from then on he was supposed to surprise him with little presents, nice gestures, and anything else to make him feel comfortable. These are the pictures from some of the most creative and cutest ideas. Thank you all for making this session even more special for us!

These rose and lines were found in the journo-room for Sarah.

Olga’s “secret friend” was really innovated and made this little tree for.

Philip was surprised by his “secret friend” when he entered the orgaroom.

Here should have been a picture of the beer Marius’ “secret friend” gave him, but he drank it so fast that we did not have time to fetch the camera.

This flower for Maria was pinned to a wall in the orga-room.

Secret FriendsSecret Friendsby Agent Spanferkel

Once upon a time, there was a very happy couple. Their love was immense and they could not live without each other. Until...

...the colour of the EU flag was changed to pink!

The man was so impressed by this wonderful new EU flag that he immediately fell in love with the colour pink.

Unfortunately, this had serious consequences on his sexual orientation, which led to major confrontations between the couple!

The devastated girl started drinking. To be discrete, she put vodka into water bottles and got completely wasted in the park every single day.

Totally frustrated, the girl wrote a letter to the EU commissioner, telling him about the problems the new flag had brought to her relationship.

Since having happy citizens has always been a very high priority of the EU, the Eurocrats felt sorry for the girl and so the colour was changed back to blue.

Right after that, the young couple was at least as happy as it had been before.

And they lived happily ever after…Words out of which the task was to be built: water bottle, pink, EU-flag ,jealousy

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