mountains and rivers project plans and goals for web

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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Mountains and Rivers Project

Our goals. Our plans.

Yanis - Mountains

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?

I will use my time more often because in my China project I didn’t use my time effectively and I didn’t get to finish my project on time. I will also organize the space of my slide show

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?I will ensure that my work will be on time by pushing myself as hard as

possible. My plan of action will be setting my alarm clock the time I have to start and when I have to finish.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?I will tell my mum what I have to do because on my last project my mum

was away and nobody could help me.4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?I would like to at least get on the 80’s or the 90’s because I want to be one

of the best ones. 5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?The first thing that should be perfect is how it would look like and how

neat it is.. The second thing that has to be perfect is how much information and description I have in my content.

Michael - Mountains

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?

I will make my project better by being more prperd and being more net and put more efurt in my project.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?

My plan would by to have a gall for evur night. 3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?

5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?

Katie-Mount EverestKatie-Mount Everest

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects? I will take notes more effectively, I will write with more detail and interest and I will check my writing more than I did before.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action? I will make sure I work for 30-45 minutes by telling my mum or helper to remind me.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action? I will work on my

project for 30-45 minutes each night and I will plan what I do every day.

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why? I would like to get a mark according to what I deserve.

5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project? I will make sure I make my spelling and punctuation correct.

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects? I will take notes more effectively, I will write with more detail and interest and I will check my writing more than I did before.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action? I will make sure I work for 30-45 minutes by telling my mum or helper to remind me.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action? I will work on my

project for 30-45 minutes each night and I will plan what I do every day.

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why? I would like to get a mark according to what I deserve.

5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project? I will make sure I make my spelling and punctuation correct.

Megan River Nile

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?

On this project I will be more organised and not leave it to the last minute. I will also make sure that I will Make sure that I have more information!

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?

This time I will have mile stones. That means I would already have done something by a particular time.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?I’ve decided that when I have done a certain amount of work, I could have a yummy chocolate.

That would mean that I would be able to do work and get a reward

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?I would around an 85% on this project. On this project I have high expectations for myself!

5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?The look and the extras! I thought that because if it looked really bad, people wouldn’t look at it.

The extras because those are the things that make me really intresting!

Cooper and topic

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?

I will make sure I try my hardest and also I will make sure my work is in on time.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?

I will make sure that I work on my project for as long as possible and try and remember to do work in school.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?I will give myself a treat if I have done my work for long enough

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why? I would like to get around 70% mark on my project. I think that can do well on this


5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?I will make sure that my work is neat and nicely presented to make my work more

attractive. I will also try a bring my work in on time.

Jo - Pyrénées

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?

I will try and do better at this project by designing better, and using efficient structures in my work, like setting out, and writing.On my other projects I didn’t set my work out properly, and had too many gaps in between separate pieces of information.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?

First, I will research and gather notes. Slowly, I will use up the notes and write them up, sticking them in my booklet as I go along.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?I will ask my parents to remind me to do my work. If I do not complete my hours on one day, I must complete double the hours the next day.Monday: 4.00 - 5.00Tuesday: 4.00 – 5.00Wednesday: 30minsThursday: 4.00 – 5.00Friday: 4.00 – 5.00Saturday and Sunday off.

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?I want to get a mark over 90% because I know I can work hard if I try. I will try make my project much better than my other projects.

5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?I will make sure the design of my project is perfect by drafting each page of my booklet on scrap paper. I will also research more information.

Gabe's project. My topic is general rivers.

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects? I will improve the look of the project and the time that I take. Also when I start on it. Because of last time II started late and I My China project wasn’t very good compare to everyone else.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action? My plan of action is I will start during school and do it for homework every night. Also my plant project, I started a bit late and so I got quite a bad mark. So I will do this every night.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action? I will put it on my notes on my computer, I will put a piece of paper on my door, and I will tell my parents so they remind me as well.

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why? I will like to get a 90 or above, because of my recent projects in year 6. I only got above 80. So II wnt to get in the 90s

5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project? I think the two things that will be absolutely is the decorations and the quaintly of the writing.

Maddi Topic: Mount Everest1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous

projects?This time I will gather more notes and pay more attention to how my project looks. On my

last project all of the content in my sub-titles were a little two small.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?

My plan of action is every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday I will come into school early to do it. Also I will work on it every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights for a couple of hours. I can’t do it on Fridays because I get home at 9:30.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?I will stick to my plan of action by putting a reminder on my phone every time I have to

work on it.

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?I would like to get a mark around 90 because I would really like to get good grades at the

end of the term.

5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?I will make sure I get lots of notes and I write in more detail.

Honor/rivers general

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?2. I will really try to make it neater I will do this by doing more of it on the computer. I am planning

on doing a booklet but all of on the computer then printing it of.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action? The way I will ensure that it will be done is by making sure I do some work every night and don’t wait until the last minute to do it all. If I don’t do this I will make my self not have any sleepovers on the weekend and do it all then. I will tell my mum to remind me .

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action? The way I will hold my self an accountable to my plan of action is to have no sleepovers on a weekend and tell my mum to remind me and I will do it on the weekend (Not Good).

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why? I would like to get a higher mark because I know what to improve. I would love to get mark around


5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project? The things that I will try my absolute on is the neatness and the DETAIL!!!! I am going to do it on the computer to make it look neater and to do more detail I don’t know how to do that yet.

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects? I will make that I get enough info on my project, than I did on my last projects. Also I will make more sure that I write it in my own words.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action? I will make a check list, and every night I will check the list and see if I have done it. If I didn’t I will do longer the next day.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action? I will ask my mum or dad to remember me that I have to do it.

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?I would like to get a even higher mark than I did on my other two projects I did.

Because I got higher marks on my china project than I got on my plant project.5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?That I have correct grammar and spelling. The other one is to make sure, My info

makes sense.

Linda, Mountains!

Allissa - Amazon River

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?

I will make sure that I am much neater and I will take more time to do this project a lot better than my other ones.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?

I will ensure my work is done on time by writing it in big letters on a piece of paper or I will tell my parents and they can remind me but I am sure I will remember.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?I will hold my self accountable by working on the project every Tuesday , Wednesday ,

Friday , and maybe Sunday. But I think I will work on it every night.4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?I would like to get a very good mark this time because on the last two projects I did

not do as well as I thought I did so that means I have to put more efoort in my work.

5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?The two things I will make perfect are my neatness and and I think I need more detail.

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?

I will find the most important facts before adding the facts in and also read facts in books.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?I will work every Thursday until my fingers ache from typing and at lunch daily except from

Wednesday and Thursday.3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?Tell mum and dad that there is a project due and that if they are not there , I should tell my

helper .4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?I would like to get at least 65 because it is just about the average everyone should get for a

project.5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?I will make sure that I wrote in my own words and included enough detail .

Ronan - Mountains And Mountain Ranges

Sophie Mount Everest

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?

I will make sure I put I lot of effort in my work and make it neat and do all of my work on the computer. I will also make sure I have no spelling mistakes.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?

I will make sure that it is done on time by making sure I gat a good amount of work done in a hour.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?I will make sure I start working on my project at 5 and when my dog has his dinner at 6 I

will stop. If I forget I will do two hours the next night.

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?I would like to get a high mark because then I can say that I have achieved something.

5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?I will make sure my spelling grammar is perfect and that my decorating is perfect not to

much not to less.

Will- Andes

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects? I will work more efficiently and not be lazy. I’ll put 100% effort in to it.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action? I will try to spread my workload a bit more evenly. My project will be better if I have more time to do it.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?I think I’ll go for the reward method. I could possibly treat my self to half an hour rollerblading for every hour of work I complete.

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why? I, and I think everyone else should be, am aiming for 100%. I have got 90% on my plant project and 89% on China, so I’m confident to aim for full marks.

5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project? Just two? I’d like to make everything perfect but in particular probably presentation and quality of information.

Steven- Amazon River

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?

I will make sure I have a timetable for how much work I have to do everyday. I will also remember to put in LOTS of DETAIL. Lastly, I need to be more organized and not do every thing on the last night.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?

I will make a time table and if I to less than the minimum, I have to do more another night. I will also put a reminder on my Gmail to be extra careful.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?I will punish my self if I fall behind. Also I will reward myself if I am ahead.

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?I would like to get around 94 or 95%. I think this because it is around the same mark as my

science project and higher than my China project.

5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?I will make sure that my detail is absolutely perfect. Also I will make sure that my complete

effort is put into this project.

Alex Horne and My Topic is The Andes

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?I think I am going to make sure that I make sure I start earlier as on the China project I did most of it during

the last week so my mark on some things I could have got right were not perfect. Also I feel that I should be more organized because it always makes your work easier.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?My plan of action is probably to do half an hour to 1 hour of work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-2 hours of

work on Wednesdays and Fridays and about 1 hour over the weekends. I will also do about 15-30 minutes on Mondays. I will ensure I will get my work done on time by getting started

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?I will ensure that I get my work done by setting alarms on my watch and rewarding myself if I complete my

days work on the project. I could also make sure I stick to my plan of action by sending myself an e-mail each day.

4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?I would like to get a similar mark to the score I got on the China Project. It was 92% out of one hundred so

the same mark on this project will be great as my parents were pleased with my China Project.5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?I will make sure that I get the organization part of the project right because I got a 9/10 for organization on

the China Project so I am aiming for the one and only score that is higher than the score I got for the last time. I will also make sure I get the actual project right this time so I can improve the percentage of my last score.

Karla-mount Everest

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?

I will tell my parents that I want them to say that a have to do it and they have to tell me that I can’t have friends over.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?

I will not take for ever to take notes and I will not sat to my parents that if I don’t get finished I am not allowed to play with my friends for a week or 2

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?I will make a when I am free and how many hours I can do it.4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?If it was out of 100 then would try my hardest to get , around 90 or 99, but I will try

my best to make it look fantastic5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?I would make sure that all my facts are in my own words and they are good

information. I would also make sure there is detail in the whole project.


1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?

I will make my project by these thing plans, note.2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of

action? I will work of 60 mis in home .3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action? Make it beautiful .4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why? 2 because it is ok mark5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?

Note , spelling and action.

Carver and The HimalayasCarver and The Himalayas

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous 1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?projects?

I will put more effort in making my project more attractive and I will make sure I make my writing more detailed.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of 2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?action?

I plan to do it every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and when there is spare time. I will also do it in school in the morning, class time and maybe at lunch time.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?If I don’t I’m not allowed to play with my friends. I also won’t be allowed to use

electronics.4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?I would like to get a mark higher than 90% because that is what I got on my China

project.5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?I would like to make my writing absolutely perfect and the attractiveness of my


!?! HI !?!


1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects? I am going to try to put more detail and greater care into the project, this time around more so than

in the last project, the China project. So far as having neater organization and better, straighter cutting.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action? My plan of action is to set targets for myself every night, like two hours a night, and ensure they are

done on time so it is paced out and that I am sure that I will have plenty of spare time to check over my work to develop it and make it better.3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?

I will ask my mum and dad to remind me if I forget,and make them not let me play or do anything till I have done it. Also if I don't do the work I have set for that night I will add it onto my homework time for the next night.4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?

I would certainly and obviously want to get a good mark, better than the 88% for the China project. I am expecting and hoping more along of the lines of the 98% I got for my plant project, maybe not so high but 98% would be nice. I would like to get a good mark so I can show it saying it was my best work, also with a teachers opinion.5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?

I want to get my detail correct and so much that there is no area about my topic that I have not covered, and there are no questions about the aspects that have been left unanswered.

Michael - Mountains

1. What will you make sure you do better on this project that you didn’t on previous projects?

I will make my project better by being more prperd and being more net and put more efurt in my project.

2. How will you ensure that your work will all be done on time? What is your plan of action?

My plan would by to have a gall for evur night. 3. How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan of action?I will not play with my frendes.4. What mark would you like to get on this project and why?I would like to get 88.5. What two things will you make sure are absolutely perfect about your project?I will make my project a bit more neter.

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