mount vernon signal.. (mt. vernon) 1905-11-10 [p...

Post on 19-Apr-2018






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TPublished Every

1 Friday = OldUltetn ign IJ


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And Sell It For Less

7 r0atBud C

Goods thats wlT j

B =< ErA V a- tlH u cnituretirh0ta

i Mattingg and nuggetsc Felt Boots Meiis and Ladies Rubbers

Shoes reverv Kind and Size for Everybody

Mens Youths and Childrens Hats Best Line of

Overcoats in Kockeastle mien Youths and Childrens Suits

Groeeries20 pounds Granulated One Dollar

Dry Goods Notions sad FurnishingjLadle Misses Jackets Cloaks soul

Wraps Ladies Fascinators

Hid ITndenvear17LJII rdt ale and Que nswaro Blank Boos I

Stoneware and Stationery


tnn1HHiP1Hnli f i 1 Ilfltstlliiltsltlill liTUclllil ttifltillll I

StylishDi es



whl aw

LiFi rJ

ihCecbratsacornbimPitestShoesYou EverSaw

UthatWe have our winter stock on the shelvesall the different leathers styles and widths-you want to pet the worth of your money andopportuntv ¬

linemore I

is our complete line of DOUGLAS SHOES

I A Days Doings in Kentucky j


Middlesboro Militia in the MountainsAfter a Lawless Gang

Middlesboro Ky Nov 6A reignof terror in this vicinity threatens torival in violence the bloody feuds oBreathitt county The Mlrtdlesboromilitia company spent Sunday after-noon


in the mountains after a lawles-gang said to be headed by Frank Ballwanted for the murder of John Bolena barber Ball is reported to havewith him a CTOTIJ cf at Icwa 40 mewho intend to resist his arrest to thlast Four miles from Middlesboro thesoldiers attacked a blind tiger andriddled it with steel bullets althoughthey succeeded in capturing nine ofthe men Returning to town a rollcall of the company snowed the ab ¬

since of three men whoa whereabouts ssro not knovyn Sunday nigit thetown was comparatively quiet but alltelegraph wires have been cut GovIDeckham has bvea asked to seed moresoldiers and another company is ex¬

pected as thf local militia nun areworn out by constant duty for thepast three days The MiddlesLoropany is in charge of r t comIAlhrecht a cading citizen whoSeptember last was editor of the Mid ¬

dlesboro News Secrecy is preservedby both citizens and soldiers and it f

reported that a telegraph operator habeen warned not to send out newsthe disturbances to any newspapers


Postmaster Mistook His Guest For aBurglar and Killed Him

Central City Ky Nov 6A deplor-able tragedy occurred at a very earlhour when Postmaster Tom Sweeney-cf Horeb in Muhlenberg county mistaKing Tom Middleton for a burglarfired the shot that killed Middletonstantly Middleton and Sweeney haalways been the best of friends anhe was a guest at the home of thepostmaster He got up early to go intothe yard and was returning toloom whoa Sweeney suddenly auracued from his sleep opened fire on hisguest and killed him Sweeney is in¬

consolable with grief Middlcton wasa single man and about 10 years old v


It Will Be Located at Paducah By aSt Louis Syndicate-

SPaducah Ky Nov 6 Pailircahto aJ aarcw pa par mill It willbe

located here in a tow weeks by a StLouis syndicate C A Dawes of StIcrcts representing ths syndicate washere and arrange for 151 cords ofwood a day with a local mill He wasonhH WilY to Ulverton Ala to locatethe mill but ofer conferring with k-


business men decided ths was thebetter point

Sawmill Destroyed By FirePaducah Ky Nov GIire destroy

ed the sawmill of the LaagstafformManufacturing Co Loss 20000 fiilycovered by insurance The origin ofthe fire is unknown Owing to the dlsastsous fires that have occurred hererecently it is believed that they wereall of incendiary origin

Blew His Brains OutFord Ky Nov 6Across the river

on the Madison county side DaveGoodpaster white of BeckersvilleKy and Zack CheaauU colored ofMadison county engaged in a pistoldue over some trivial maitcr Goodpaster blew Cheuauit s brains out killing him instantly

Charged With Shorting a NeighborSergent Ky Nov 6James Potter

lepublican nominee for magistrate inthe Booles FOi p lcc is arresteil thoro charged with shooting Rocrt Johnson a neighbor in a quarrelover the election Johnson Is not mar ¬

tally injured

Aaged River Man DeadNewport Ky Nov GT S McGin

niss 87 one of the ollcst river meof this vicinity and a resident of Newpost since 1S52 died at his residenceIns grandfather came to Kentuckyfrom Virginia with Eoone and otherpie iecrs

FatalCovington Nillia

fromiwagon when t coM dfd with a street-car

Died at the Age of 92 YearsCovington Ky Nov GIrs

Cara Ostendorf 92 mother of JoM Ostendorf 29 Boone block diedher home in Oak Ridge Peniletcounty Ky She was well knownthiscity where she had many friend-

Took Cash and ClothingGrayson Ky Nov 6The post

fice and store of James Oliver at Evennan five miles north of Graysonwas robbed but only 2 of post offimoney was secured The burglatook a quantity of clothing and shoes

YearI orgafpUnation of land owners in OhioKentucky and West Virginia Enoas the Farmers Union is secubipledges from farmers not to grow atobacco next year

Aged Tailor Dies SuddenlyNewport Ky Nov 6Adam Han 4

Jr 69 engaged in the tailoring busi-ness


died suddenly at his homeHenhad just returned from church ivi

hc was seized With a choking spelland dead later


Sliver of Wood Entered MouthPeretrated To the Brain

rCovington Ky Nov 7Ralph ant

the twoyearold son of filbert LlppNo 912 BankHck street met withaccident that will likely proveThe chJd carrying a nall sliver ofroomfentering his mouth and striking theThes¬

tension of the mother who was in anadjoining rccni V h3a she reachedher babes side sho bind hIId atheam>

little one and sent for a physicianThe child was in a critical conditionlate Monday night


Mrs Pink Head Gets 15000 For theDeath of Her Husband

Paducah Ky Nov 7Two yearshisIplace moved hererecently and tits Pink Heal camehere and sued him for 20000 dam ¬

ages for being responsible for her hus ¬hsfher tier husband Monday a jury gave15000 Hodge was never prose-

cuted for the alcged offense


No Immediate Developments in TheirCase ExpectedcityyMonday night and no immediate de¬

velopments in the case of the Banbrothers are expected The return of

eFtectualydwere wounded Whether any of theBall partisans were wounded is nottheirktime being into the mountains of Vir ¬

riots and Tennessee

Used 011 To Start FireMontcelUi Ky Nov 7t Oil Val-

ley this county Mrs Arthur Masseiiglll undertook tu start the breakfastfire by pouring crude oil into th3 stoveAn exposou followed burning her sothat she died Jn a few hours Her busband aud slsiofrlntlaxy wore probablyfaally nurno1 v

Deputy Sheriff Scott DiesNlclinnsrllle Ky Nov 7 J G

Scott deiHity shciiff pnd democraticnominee for sheriff for the ensuingtern 11I suddenly after several daysillness His place 01 the ticket wilibe taken by his deputy R Z Mosswho will run in the interest of MrsScott

Missed Train and Loses VoteLexington Ky Nov 7Belng fore ¬

ed to spend Sunday in the mountainsof Eastern Kentucky and thereby losthis vote in New York was the predica ¬

mont in which E E Smathers thenoted eastern turfman and oil manfound himself He missed his train

New Kentucky PostmastersWashington Nov 7 Fourthcass

postmasters were appointed as follows Kentucky Hackley Garrardcounty Willis M Jones Shively Jet ¬

Tenon county Pauline Brown UrbanClay county Ollie Hayre Wallacetown Madison county Jasper N Ogg

Petition in BankruptcyGainesville Ky Now 7I N HuntSon filed a petition in bankruptcyIat lyouisville Liabilities

11T Thee four members of the firmpetitionsbtheir combined liabilities being 16311and available assets f3700

Death of Cot J Smith HurtMt Sterling Ky Nov 7Col J

Smith Hurt died here after a brief illnness He was 80 years old and wide

ly known over the state Col Hurtwas the organizer of the 24th Ken ¬

tucky regiment during the civil warand a Mexican soldier

Shot in Self Dafense


tmntssed by Magistrate Graves it beingIthat the shooting was


Post Office Clerk ArrestedIOwensboro Ky Nov 7Henrytheharrested onfromIn1000sBeckham Goes Home To VoteJBeckoham left for his home at Bardstown

to vote in the election All the otherstate officers and clerks are absent on

rsthe some mission and the statehouseis practically deserted

Police Chief Kills ManJRichmond Ky Nov VAn od feudof long standing terminated whenGeorge Alcorne was instantly killedofnandnA post office has been establishedjwithWasterIactng the motherinlaw


W 63 >a3toc3toe8

These Are Prices That f

iInterest YouILlYl Nolrf1 os roJ F >

r Mens and Boys Caps 10 to 50i cents

Mens and Boys Hats 15c to 2each

Mens Suits 2 50 to 1 i

i Mens Overcoats 44 to 5t long45o toItBoys Suits coat vest and pants2 to 6 per suit

gBoys Overcoats 9 to 19 years

s old gcod quality 275 to 4 eachBos Knee Pants Suits size 4 to

16 500 to 2 per suit

Childrens Shoes from 50C pairup I




aeachGreen Coffee





Headquarters BargainsVc xc

r Gibralter of Rockrcastle County tFinancial Institutionsm I CITIZeNS BftNm I OF BRODHEAD KY Jt fJI

= TIN mBankingmmW Give us your anti we guarantee Q0ant and profitable relation

3 per interest on all deposits of 100or more when left in bank and check

m ed upon for period of six months

r Jt1X11


fi jjC0NYA1I

The election passed off quielyhere and tie Democrats are proudthey are still livingMr J H

Sigmon his rroperty here to

the Roundstone Land Company for

boughtItaRat Kidwell sold his farm here to

his son Tom Kidwell and movedto Copper creek and engaged in

e goods busiuess The Roundstone Land Company will soouhave their spoke nwiahnle wlready for business at this place-

We are proud to say that ourcl mend J H Sigmon who hasin en tick so long is improvingand was at the election to voteIMANS UNREASONABLENESS S

Is often as great as woman 5 l

But Thos S S Austin managerof the Republican of Leaven t

worth was not unreasonablewhen he refused to allow the doc-

tors to operate on his wife for fe-

male Itrouble Instead hesavswe concluded to try Electric Bi-


My wife was then so sicksue could hardly leave her bed andfive 5 physicians had failed torelieve her After taking ElectricBitters she was perleetly cured

can tow perform all her household duties Guaranteed by MtDrug Cos drugstore Price 50

USB MARK STIXBoots ShoesIRabbet Cast LeastWear Beat

Salesman rr E CecoalP sasa z


or 9I QVVVMens Underwear 45c to

i per suit-Mens Overall 450 to iCoats to match at same


quality ¬

r 25Ladies Dress Skirts 21to 451Ladies

275 per pair






j lt j j lt77SJOCJi1111 mOpIIJANJ

Samuel Marksberry sold 18 200

NIHurnini5 25Squire Royalty sold the Cornishville Mill Company 400 bushels ofttluat at Si cisII C Tcrhure

sold Coleman Walter 22 1200p lund cattle Monday at 3 y cts

SimIonrif AUx C Ww in Garrard countylast week about 85 export cattle at

465 per rwt The lot averaged

I475T P Kirkland sold toT B Gentry bunch of feedingWmIprice Harrodsburg Herald


It is disastrous calamity whenyou lose your health because indigeitiou and constipation have sappedit away Prompt relief ran behad in Dr Kings New Life PillsThey build up your digestive or-gans and cure headache dizzinesscolic constipation etc Guaran

DrugCosdrugstoreA Methodist Bishop says

the future man will be part whiteand part black That is what theyare now if you knew them allreal

wellNinethousand barrels of the



fq e


VS Q r

Bed Blankets 65C to 4 50 per1

pair The best are all woolt

Best grade Flour 70C sack a j

Good Roasted Coffee ic poundGood i2 4c pound C

poundThree 1Five bars Daniel Boone Soap toe j

je plug Star Tob 1

Nails all sizes 3CSheet Iron

wood 225 to 275 40cIHeating for550 toFourcap CQok


Good Sewing Machine 1250

3 ic



business a ¬

mPay Mthe not ¬



= t



> nrxj







e l3

QUAILMr W G Proctor is improving c

slowlyRev J L Davis filled hisregular appointment at ProvidenceSaturday and Sunday Isaac Herrin is in very poor healthMr andMrs James Parsons of Wildiehave returned home after pleasantvisit with her parents Mr andMrs G W ParsonsMr ElllaDoss of Livingston is here visitingrelativtves Mrs Jesse Brown isnumbered among the sick MrsDavid Adams is convalescentMrs John Adams ofJellico Tennla here visiting her sister MrsSimeon Denney

SON LOST MOTHERConsumption runs in our famiV

ly and through it I lost my moth ¬

er writes E B Reidof Har¬

mony Me For the pest fiveI

slightessignDr Kings New Discovery for con ¬

sumption which has saved mermothersMr Reid hut he learned that lung ytrouble must not be neglectedand1andjMtTrial bottle free

JThe beef trust has secured pussession of the countrys sole leathUkeepit s

cSam McCann of near Nicholas eKftcoonr t4n t

Yof t

V v Lasn rat

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