mother's day - be blessed - sis. janve gutierrez - 10am morning service

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Be Blessed:




Ephesians 6:2-3

2 “Honor your father and mother.”

This is the first commandment with a

promise:3 If you honor your father and

mother, “things will go well for you,

and you will have a long life on the


Honor is a

decision to treat

your parents

with respect

and courtesy.

It is also a decision

to provide care and

seek their best interest.

You can obey

without honoring but

you cannot HONOR

without obeying

Psalm 139:13-14

13 For you created my inmost

being; you knit me together in my

mother’s womb.14 I praise you because I am fearfully

and wonderfully made; your works

are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:16

16 You saw me before I was born.

Every day of my life was recorded in

your book.

Every moment was laid out

before a single day had passed.




1. Follow their instructions

2. Do what they asked


Ephesians 6:1

Children, obey your parents

because you belong to the Lord,

[a] for this is the right thing to do.

Romans 13:1-2

1 Everyone must submit to governing

authorities. For all authority comes

from God, and those in positions of

authority have been placed there by

God.2 So anyone who rebels against

authority is rebelling against what

God has instituted, and they will be


Proverbs 13:1

Intelligent children listen

to their parents; Foolish children do

their own thing.

Proverbs 1:8

8 Hear, my son, your father's

instruction And do not forsake your

mother's teaching;

1. Accept them

2. Forgive them

Leviticus 19:3

3 “‘Each of you must respect your

mother and father, and you must

observe my Sabbaths. I am the LORD

your God.

Proverbs 23:22

3 Listen with respect to the father who

raised you, and when your mother

grows old, don’t neglect her.

Colossians 3:13

13 Bear with each other and forgive

one another if any of you has a

grievance against someone. Forgive

as the Lord forgave you.

1. Effort

2. Sacrifice

PROVERBS 23:24-25

The Message

Parents rejoice when their children turn out


wise children become proud parents.

M - More loveO - ObeyT - TrustH - Help

R - Respect

E - Emulate


So give your father and mother joy!

May she who gave you birth be happy.

The Message

So make your father happy!

Make your mother proud!

PROVERBS 6:20-23

20 My son, obey your father’s commands,

and don’t neglect your mother’s


21 Keep their words always in your heart.

Tie them around your neck.

PROVERBS 6:20-23

22 When you walk, their counsel will lead

you. When you sleep, they will protect you.

When you wake up, they will advise you.

23 For their command is a lamp and their

instruction a light; their corrective discipline

is the way to life.


Presented By:

Sis. Janve GutierrezFCC Main, San Mateo Rizal, PH

10:00AM Morning ServiceMay 8, 2016

Website: faithworkschristianchurch.comFacebook: Faithworks Christian Church GlobalTwitter: @fccphilippinesInstagram: fccphilippines

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