most common skin rashes in toddlers

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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1. Eczema

Causes of eczema:

•It can be caused by the allergic reaction of the milk and egg for the baby under six.•For the baby’s sensitive immune system.•Pollution can cause such type of skin rashes.•It is possible that if a close family member has eczema, baby can get affected too for the heredity reason.

2. Hives

Cause of Hives:

•Food allergic reaction, especially egg and milk, can cause hives if your baby has any irritation.•Viral infection, especially insect stings can be the root of hives.•Sunlight also causes such red skin bump on the skin.•Temperature changes may affect your baby’s skin and can cause hives.

3. Baby Acne

Causes of baby acne:

•It is generally caused by the hormonal issues, which are transferred from a mother to her baby.•If a mother is on medication while nursing her baby can cause baby acne.

4. Milia

Causes of milia:

•Generally, dead skin blocks the pore of your baby’s surface and that is why white bumps are arisen.

5. Ringworm

Cause of ringworm:

•It is caused by the fungal infection on the skin.

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