more than a century of mechanical refrigeration in serbia

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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Branislav Todorovic

Professor of University Belgrade, President of Serb ian Society of Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigerat ion, Editor

of Elsevier’s International Journal Energy & Buil dings, Permanent visiting professor at South-East Universi ty in

ChinaMay 2011, Belgrade

There are not any proofs that in Serbia the practical use of refrigeration started before XVIII

but for sure the snow and ice were stored in winter to be used in summer days

� Serbia has a lot of underground water. Wells were used for protecting food, meet, butter


� There is a belief that in Serbian region was known to make ice cream mixing ice with fruits. The story was that the Turks with fruits. The story was that the Turks brought this experience to Balkan


� The oldest proven records of brewing are about 6,000 years old and refer to the Sumerians. Their land was between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers including Southern Mesopotamia. It is said that the fermentation Mesopotamia. It is said that the fermentation process was discovered by chance. No one knows today exactly how this occurred, but it could be that a piece of bread or grain became wet and a short time later, it began to ferment and a inebriating pulp resulted

Refrigeration in Serbia region, the very first written proof is from 1721 - natural ice was

harvested from rivers Danube and Tamis near Belgrade for the brewery in Pancevo


� . The first brewery in Serbia was established in 1721/2. in Pancevo near Belgrade and was the oldest brewery in Balkan region. The owner brewery in Balkan region. The owner was Abraham Kepiš, from Požun. During Austrian-Turkish war 1737. it was heavily damaged, but continued to work.

The first industrial production of beer in Serbia started 1872 . when Georg-Đorñe Weifert made very modern brewery.

All other existing breweries in Serbia had, manual small capacity production and new by Weifert produced beer got the golden first quality price at the World exhibition in Paris 1889. and 1900.

George - Đorñe Weifert

� The first compressor was installed in 1895 and was produced by famous German factory LINDE, with power of 53kW.

� This Weifert family was the main owner till the end of Second War.

� The production was 4.000.000 liters of beer annually, with the most sophisticated technology annually, with the most sophisticated technology of that time.

� The building had several years ago fire but still there are some machines and equipment from the “golden” period. One part is now ownership of a man who is in furniture production, another part is protected by state

The building complex was proclaimed in 1948. as th e “monument of culture” and in 1991. as the building o f the “great historic significance. Weifert was the first governor

of the National Bank of Serbia and his picture is o n the 1000 dinars bill of Serbia.

HVAC & R Laboratory at Mechanical Engineering Faculty

In Serbia was very high developed the meet industry and number one exported product.

The beginning was in 1845 when the merchant Franjo Shossen has established meet production and meet

processing house. Serbia had in 1896 twenty “isoth ermal” wagons for the meet transport. In history of Serbia in that

time was “custom war ”

1876 Frenchman, Ch. Telier furnished the very firs t ship, “Frigorifique”, with artificial-mechanical refrigeration equipment, and was the first to

test transfer of raw meet, from France to La Plata. Although the meet has traveled for 105 days, it kept all characteristics of the fresh meet.

“Frigorifique” was again loaded with meet on her re turn trip, and arrived to Rouen on 11th July. However, the Englishmen, usi ng the results achieved by Telier, organized the entire frigorific fleet, and imported

every year millions kilos of meet and various other food products, saved by artificial refrigeration, from all around the wo rld. Serbia had it’s own

zone at the Salonika port in Greecezone at the Salonika port in Greece

Einstein’s fr eezer

� In the year 1926, Einstein and his former student Leó Szilárd patented the freezer.

� US patent office awarded both of them for this freezer on 11. November 1930.

� Patent was covering termodinamic cycles of cooling, was without movable parts, the cycle was on the constant pressure, with the heat at one inlet.

� The refrigerating cycle was using ammonia, butane and water.

Air Conditioning

� The first idea of an system for cooling of an indoor space to produce better thermal comfort was existing in old Egypt -- slaves were disturbing air above water basin, producing evaporative cooling.

Ancient Egyptians of 2600 BC during the Old Kingdom buried 2 ships near the Great Pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops (Khufu) and the ships are known as

“Cheops boats/ships, “Khufu ships,” or “solar ships.” The only one excavated shows a cabin that used a fly roof as an air-conditioner by stretching a canvas

tarp over the wooden frame and soaking the tarp with water for evaporativecooling--causing the building to sweat.

THE first design – invention by Leonardo De Vinci

John Gorrie INVENTOR OF THE FIRST AC in 1842

� Med. doctor John Gorrie came in steamy Florida city Apalachicola in 1833.His challenge was to protect patients suffering from malaria and yellow fiber. He made a plan of the hospital for poor and needy patients. Dr. Gorrie needy patients. Dr. Gorrie believed was consequence of a vapor and the swamp. Not from mosquito.

� In 1842 Gorrie devised AC system to treat fever-stricken patients by blowing air over buckets of ice into the sickrooms

1908 Serbia was among first three countries which established state commission for refrigeration :The Netherlands, Serbia and France

The first refrigeration world congress 22nd – 29th September 1908.

During the congress, several countries, especially the president of the Russian delegation, as well as the president of the Dutch delegation, a delegate of the Swiss government and others expressed a wish to found an international association that would be a permanent institution, found an international association that would be a permanent institution, in order to continue the work “so successfully initiated by the organizers of the first Congress on Refrigeration”. Realizing this obvious necessity, Serbian delegation was always present and working in the favor of the IIR. The General President of the Congress decided to convene an international conference, and put a question before it. The Conference was held on last day of the congress, Saturday, at 3 pm. Delegates from 22 European, 10 American, 4 Australian and 2 Asian countries took part in it, together with the presidents of the national refrigeration committees.

International Association of Refrigeration, which became the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) an intergovernmental organization, in 1920.


� The first International Congress on refrigeration was organized in France, from 22nd – 29th September 1908. Serbian government was also invited to the Congress, so the Commission presided by the Trade minister was set up. In presided by the Trade minister was set up. In January 1909 was published the first book about refrigeration on Serbian language. The title Industry of Cooling. Same year refrigeration was included in university course of physics

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