more important to learn humanity says · pdf fileatoll1' a 'v' r cry of...

Post on 18-Mar-2018






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reshmen Election

rks first Rights


Frosh Given Freedom of Rights

In Own Council Elections

Freshmen exercise their voting rights for the first time

today when they make their choice for the 1950-51 Frosh



(telling booths will he set up in4i '-

Photo by Tom Hatche r

ENGINEE*S RAN RAMPANT on the campus Tuesday and succeeded in disrupting clu bday on the Arts lawn, according to LSE presid'Vnt Ed Pedersen. The waters of the lily pon dtur ned tlrkybrown as fresh and engineers fought and wallowed in the pond, Engineerscame pried for the occasion, most of them wearing faded red sweaters and work pants .


More Important To LearnHumanity Says Farquharson

'Students should not be rush -

i „ . melled,neetspattiahstbl? clay in their lives, Dr . RayFarquharson t o l d Golde nJubilee congregation of B.C .Medical Association at t h eopening of UI3C Faculty o fMedicipe Wednesday .

atoll1' a 'v'




'Motortm1 ,




,IScience, were rnnt!I'rell Upon U1' ,

Farrp,lharson, president ul

Hoy al

College of Physicians end Surgeon s

n . Canatla, and llr- Jiess IJ Goltt p a

fleas nr' Met,tlefno tit” UhteelsIty'ur\Vcstern Ontario ,

S l'I'I1M:N'I'tl SIIOULD WIIIIK.1s congregational speaker, Ur .

rartluharson replaced IIt' . IUetll'vIl'0nk, president ur JOlus 1111pkItt s

Illivrrsll>' at Baltimore, who wa s

detained ly illness and (amid no t

receive hl degree .I

' l111Is I


I' I11",a 'h I' r '






I', IIr




l l

I t .wont ameba oilier peep!!, III tleh'

"It Is rnor( important to star t-Matta Ig t)amenity: Vero it isetor,t ,early to study merit .ye,liology ,he said . "Tcuhniuul work alone Isn' t

enough, you have to and out how •people live and how to handle tht'lt l

Hot Ii sttIcats aml Ieaehl;rs shouldkeep a steady pictmrr of will wil l! v ets Ulric pali!'nt at the endHwi rview' at all limos ,


o f is !lead


I to -I' .

I' ,p,trtntent of ,Aludieine at I'nivcrstt y

of Toronto . As it lilitlemietriail aw lph ynioluu ho' was Illedi1'al eensul-

tunt to RCAF during World Wa r

Two, and \Jos al on,t"I .Iie the chair -man of National Research Counci l

committee on the "miracle drugs, "

penicillin lord cortisone .In', James Collar also tIo recipien t

of all honorary degree, Is Motel o rMedical Research Division of th e

National Research Council . t]BC

I'IN. A, \l . A .+l'il' t

Int l01 I), Collie as "renown for Ill sfuldaunenlal work on the biochemis-try of insulin. his Isolaldou of th e

puraUlyrold hormone alai Ins pion -

`'I'ring fu the field or endocrinology, "

.A cuiorful prvu'rssion ut' tilil :

I'orully uu'ibers an11 guest attende dthe labalhnent of the new Jlodietl'' ;1''u !> I!pcuing Ih, eer•'nu ;us flat:I',liinrellor Erie panther 11oserihed

Ibr Urw nit.oticol progPanl as "a

111' 1 '01 11 witch I I11e1 (Ihvn>s 1101) 1 1

\\Milli 1'Mrlle Irmo hl 1115 IitOe . " II''vvIII 14411 ' 1' ar .xI rprinr,

Freshmen will be officially

welcomed into university life

Saturday night when they dis-

card their regallia for night o f

dancing In the Armory.

The reception will mark' the en d

of Freshman Week, traditional per-

101I In the university ,soon' hie snew 'comers are obliged to giv e uptheir bus seats to upperota smeu ,

First year students will deny( t o

the music of Alilo Curter and his

orchestra from 8 ;30 p .m . lo Ilildonight .

A miniature Calls) will serve c sa flied resting place for fresh re-galia, A traditional eererrtony wil lofflclally v'elcouae Ihoi Into HH C

Highlight of tau' evening will b ethe erownhig of a freshman '-geedchosen by Lambda Chi Alpha fra-ternity, The fraternity, has bee nscouring - the campus all week forsuitable ouudIdutes for the honor .

FI'eshfllel with their regalia wil l

be admitted to the function for 50cents . l'percIussmeu will be chargedi1 cents . Refreshments will be avail -able during the evening .

A receiving Ilne of university of-flcinls will be on hand to meet fresh -men and officially \veleome them .

Patrons Include ; Prof . and Mrs .IL G. Andrew, lie. and Mrs . Blyth eEagles, Prof, and Mrs . George F,Curtis, Dr . and Mt's, Myron Weaver ,Dr, and Mrs. H. J . MacLeod, Dea nDorothy Mawdsloy, Prof . F . L.Woods, Pref. and Mrs . Ii .'l'' . Angus ,Prof . . amid Mrs . S . N . P. Chant, Prof .and Mrs, Lowell Bosley, anti Dea nWall ott,iJuae

Late Registration

Out Says goldsmith

"Nelms will be I''I'lellled lo reek -lee tr ue tall rushlng al't el '


y' 'till In -ter-F'ratr'rnily council Pr esident a l(ioldsiilh has announced .

"Lad) reglstraIlons, which hav eMien perutIIJed in years o nspeelel pertndssioe from IFC, ha V Cbeen toiled out this year . Thos, 'not :signing up at this lime will no tbe able to rush until after Christ-mas ."

Itegistrathut has loan open sleet .Wednesday In the Mildred Wee kBooth of Brock Hall, A oar dolla rfee enlillt's each person to registe rfor the rushing function's of fou rfraternities .

gevin ,Cave .

,leek Itallyu- atel . (lorn lou h1IIo Uare contesting the vies-presldeut' s

shah', while John Drown, Julian C .,lullan anti Pam Maw'hinney vie fo rsecretary-Ireasre' position .HALLO'I'IN( l

Vulhlg be a single ballot sys-tem \vita students tnarkhug their ht-rleldnul pro'ference for each posi -IloO. Preferential balloting was ilk -carded because It was too confusing .

More than the nine candidat e swere nomiaolotl for positions on th ei' cnRv'r, but some declined thei r

' nominations ,' Students must present their firs tyear Arts Identification ' card an dtheir alma mater card la order 't osolo' .

CARDS PUNCRED,I'he, AAIS earl will he puneho'l l

when the student receives his ha -lot .

Results of the elections will b eannoeneed at the Frosh Reet'plion ,,Saturday In the A t'tnory, and an ex-ecnlive umeting w111 be called fo rearly next week .

Bepresentatls'es will be elected t othe Frosh Council from each firs tyear English class sometime duringOw second week of lectures ,

- Elk:A LEDSt Thesc . r'tNtreseatatis-es and the cx -I,rtttivr will upfloint the other ex-o'eulive m,'nrhers

Jaen and \veni re 's athletic repr osenlative. Wlla represrntulivu, ai lan hnnur,u'y w1' prrsi11rnl will h esheds .

Ilomnrnry president of Frosh i sIan-a1'rinnl0l' nt' ArllVilles, Jim ,Afh dwinter, vvho will Joey,' in an ;161 -su0 nllrorlly for Iwo al' Il'eeinnIlls mile the t'I11u1r11 ends Il,ssea legs .

Veterans to Receive

Pay at End of Month

UV .A cheeks for students of Moil -arid Arohlla'rllire will be pai d

at, the end of this month in th eVeteran's Bureau, officials slll dThursday .

The September anti Octobe rcheeks of all other veterans on th et'arnpus will be given out the firs tweek in November In the Armory .

UBC students from all parts

of the world will meet M n ay

for the third annual, tea of

International Students ClubThe event \VIII he held at .3t30 R `

p,ru, In Hroek Hall Lounge, and I sopen to all students ,


AMS office for a series of ohaMbermusic concerts to be presentedrthI s

Y ear by the de tilnianoozy Strang 'Player's ,

First program to he held October - ,Ii will eentre around the- works ofHocherinI, Beethoven and Dahnyanl ,Other eoeeerts will take pace Novrmber 21, Jaonau'y 25 and Febru-ary 23 .

. ..1. ..



load their I'lrst meeting of the yea rat 12,30 p,rn, ' Momlay lie the *WsClub Room, Hroek Hall . Ilaydn'eClock, Symphony will be,Iteeeitted,

* * * r

FIRST PRODUCTION meeting fo rthe campus presentation of Samue lTaylor Coleririge's play, "The1At-cheerier W M i'$ held at 12 :30 pelt ,Atonolay in Arls 2011 .

All those Interested are urged t oattend, as tryouts and participationare aprn to any member of the st uHest hotly .


five Year PlanAids

Geology Courses

I1tlter'osity of Consolirloted Alinings Smelting Co. has created a Chai rof Geology al UK in honor of It W .I It oeI , fernier Dean of ApplledScience on the campus .

-I'hr five-yell' grant wtufuh pro-

vides for an )annual stun of 1',tiOOwill he used It) expand and Improve(leolegy eowrses here ,

hooter C. Gunning, head ,oft1HC's Geology department w111 ac-cept the honor and wIli be the firs toccupant of the chair .

spare Ihnr, md an helIdiys ,


It is normal to be neurotic as long as you can stand the

strain; Dr. F. G. Ebaugh, head of Colorado Psycopathie

Hospital, told a meeting of the B .C. Medical Association

Wednesday .Speaking to the Gulden JuhIhe assetahiy, le . 11:hough disceuntod

Cho theory 111111 1110,t people in the \vertu inlay HIT ;11111111'1111d ,

''f"Itof tiu'"wail ing or the vvalrhl 'nurnlaT, " Ile said . "What Is

uortnul In another . "

"rlw rssenllmld of normal p,'rsanallt>' are indhhlid morale land

enthusiasm, emotional multnrily and liying up to your own Menta l

Capaeily .

" :\ little bit of d1'11nll0eney cool testier tantrum are nallltmg to

worry about . ,is Ion ; as n'ter,um rim luleride the o11 .Qely' and I'rusU'a

Ilnrl which ,u'' I-hr regullu' s)mplonl, .


Week End:

With Dance

Stop, VotinIhorko1it, ;ludltorlum call Bas (TWEE

N CLASSESg hours will run fromin a .nl, in :I p .m .




. - - -Fresh will e t thole ballots fo r

president, \1o . -I'Ireslrlent and sleeve -

bur y-treasurer . Presidential - eantli -(hate art' Gerry Killeen, Jerry Le -

Iron Alarshall and hleauto r

AMS Treasurer Sees All, Tell sAll For Coming Financial Seaso nIly J(IIIV' IIa(KI\\II\

.11IS '11reusurr r

Amulet this liner ur >ear the slu -




utti y i t• It '


li t

VAunder ;last hnAv their manors Is

IAI\ fillV'I'S

afoittg to be silent 0\,v' Iho I'1rl'lll-

\Ubangi a nluuher nl' u ;p erl, 01'

renting 12 months, II is Ibr ,lob 01' the Iuul gel

IIIvr nil a; yet her o

the trrasurrl' lu prnposr a I',Ilr Ills- a0rke"1 nut, Ilse slain pnlnls of I I

h'Ihuliun M' !it'll lunacy rill' Ile' ell-

as 1'01111v

\IInlluislrllion elnls t

II'Icatdon MI ' Student ' s Connell, 01111, vvil1 I,1' all

li, Vear lit WI ~J'111n .I, ,

later at IIII' Fall general needing, '1I ,IM,linsl

II'001 1 huitgoted

l' o'am

los t


IVIIul1' pllldrlll ' I' d>

,Ill ; l



I110 . 1'1',ISeol

,oIa1 ' Ir,;


orric e

constitutes it Idl' dl ;IrihnU0ll err-!shi r t'

inrlu111ng pu>un'ut ul' ,AI\It' s

,!'Its i great 111'01111'111, 1111\ \ ('V

,1 el 'el ;l1 ' t



il l

nnr aspect of 11 fair 111~Irlhnliul .l

tend 01' NI .AI1's Midget) ,uul the se t

lu my mind, k the assuranc e that

lieu' op 01' ile) m'vv ISr0e1, 111 to eri . l

every g'runp 011 the runpM, b,lvIng 'i 'lull



s91111 leiing

Ilse rlaiel'

it cult all ,I11r flulllr ~houlll he 1' 11-! eo,o IIII ' NI \I) vyill rnllliniI' In $1 1

uhlrtl lo earl'V


tall, Ming In , 1 . : ;1 nut nl' the ,A,AI^ Ihneral rue ,

Ow Cr uet Heal 0111' Surlily is nil lon g ) : ,u

i1''I• 0111'



yi .;t :

er saddled vviii a d0,1, even slight

1011 1)1 ' Ho' 141-. ; Pawl :

vyill ge l



tiled' art I\ .ilia' ;• \\Ili'I ' r -

ever feasible ,

r ;llupa l g'n111 um ,I prnurlu1 111' a h

Pu\111 nl' II fill slat

nt ' r,lnal'lI' .u '



I'e,id1 ;111l•1'


el'Inil ;

o f


' I1l'1'dllr l '

gt'nllll> "



I n

the detrlueld u, t Lt o t grump,, ;uul,

sin(')' I \ \ A " Hee l e d I)it Mir malts -




I .Iave~I

11lnlebtle l

ti otii the stud e nts to cu r eV out smell IIprugrunl ,


IIIrl1'a11 of


I ;1 , 1

>Pull- 1





sle' '

\V• \I) vv III a11 Sl ; ak1 instead of 1ttI,800


> ',Ir ;

allub re'1',ulltllr


vrill u1'1 kl I lse heal) as against '75 e

per lane! I,I)&I >e'~n

AIlyre llle'en, o v -

pllses will gn ilovvu

(I'na1 S!1,00(11

Ina year to $2,0511 this year ; uud1{rn1'ra Activities 'Le, mast elubs l

will g0 Ile line IJ'',U :W loo $2 . 200 . 1:\,i)\ \, ;II! tits L; basin un un enrol l

meml it Ii,INlll ,

Illl'I' ;S IIEASII\' SI ehose the I'ignr! 6,11011 I vor on-

1'1 n llir11t Ivor Ile fn o\%lu g' rrusuns ,The loll sl I'iglm es for enrolmen tgiVIIt uul b> the registrars ol'fir e

slate Ihls at 6,190, and are date d\Intuluy, "rphatiber ath . This fig-ure itlo Ioling fills dull+'ulx, hovv-uAer, Salo dl, 1)t11 MO' .AMS fees ; 1.11 'wet` nn11lber or Pill) students i s

unl I'Iu ;drll, Itr;r Ir e lnng l,ly! III Ihe 'Imnp riganr of ;101 stndenls in th e

nevy M ' uelllly nl' I',ra111lut' `ladles .

Inride~lully last 1. oar ' s

mo'l'l' . AV'all I':Vchiyt, wlln Avas It rile-ulel' 'I'reasnrer 1)1 ' NI \11 prosoilli . ii i i

Midget l !a student 's Ginned at hit slime last >I'nr hise11 nIl enrolment

11' 1 ;,$011 sIu11on10

\shell 7,100 din -Wails halt trgistere,t tat that lime.

1'h01" b> 'I'otu Hatche r

AMS PRESIDENT NONIE DONALDSON Smi1ss prettily for Totem photographer who prepare sto snap her picture for use in the Publications Board yearbook . General student body pic-tures will be snapped starting Monday . The last day for grad pictures is October 16 ., Noappointment is necessary in the Publications B oard photography studios behind Brock Hall ,Hugh Cameron, editor of the annual said today .

Page 2


Friday, September 29, 1950

Suc~cer GameYou'll have to pardon us if our voice isn' t

heard ' around the campus very much, Yo usee, we've contacted laryngitis .

A very special type of affliction, ours i sa disease which Student Council has passedalong to us .

Council started spreading the ger mwhen it decreed that only 4500 copies of Th eUbyssey would be published for the 6000students on the campus.

What Council has . actually done is to cutdown our vdcal ability by 25 percent ., ' The Ubyssey is composed of student s

whose task it is to keep the rest of th e6tudent body informed on. developments tha tConcern the campus.

The Ubyssey is paid for, and written by,

students; Every student pays his equal . shore

for cost of publication. Every student can

rightfully expect to receive a copy of th e

paper .

But what is Council's verdict? One

quarter of the student population must pay

their share of Ubyssey production costs, and

receive nothing in return.

Council must be quite Haug about he

way it can swindle the student body out of

its own money .

Councillors probably have some fine

phrase, puch as "economy." which they appl y

to such policies .

But they should remember that the same

principles, when practiced in other spheres ,

has a less attractiye tea a sucker game .


beggars, Communism Tak

Over In Chinese Streets

We hope that AMS Treasurer John Mac -Kinnon will find more valuable things to do 'with his time than to run around the campu scounting student noses, the way BrockOstrom, chairman of the Men's Athletic Dir-ectorate, would like him to do

In a statement published in Thursday 'sUbyssey, Ostrom complained that McKinno nhad budgeted for 6000 students, although"the number has already passed the 6200 'mark, and should go much higher .; '

So what ?In line with his election promise, MacKin-


Women's Editor, Joan Fraser ; Sports Editor, Danny Goldsmith .

City Editor TThis lssuo'—HON PINCFIiN


Let's Not Panic

?IIE nMIIEII CANADIAN UNIVETISITY PRES SAuthorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Dept ., Ottawa. Mall Subserlptlons--$2,0O per year .Published throughout the university year by the Student Publications Board of the A1m3

Muter eoelety of the Unlverslt9' off British Columbia .Editorial opinions expressed herein are those of the editorial stair of The Ubyssey and no t

urr( issarlly those of the Alma Mater Society nor of the University .O1llees In Brook Hall, Phone Alma i62i

For display advertising phone ALma 11254Fd111'ON-IN•CHIEF -111C )EfAY


GENERAL STAFF : CUP Editor, Joan Churchill ; Copy I?diior, Jim. Banham ;

CLASSIFIEDPEN. Owner may obtain upon Iden-

tific'atlon at Lost & Found .

PENCIL, propelling novelty 'type.Obtained by identification at Lust,

and Found .


Gamble for 8 :30 classes Mosday to

Friday . FA 2525M .THREE iIIDERS WANTED for 8 :30'sdally, Vicinity of 4'th and ,Balsam.BA 2507 Evenings .WANTED. Ride from New West-minster . Phone NW 3800L1 .WANTED ride from vicinity of Ben-frew & Parker . 8 :30's 6 days perweek . Phone John at FA 7855Y.WANTED ride from South Fraser 6clays arriving 8 :30 . See Mr. Lucasat the Brook Barber Shop .

WANTED. Ride drom the vicinit yof either 41st or 49th and Victori aDrive . 8 :30's 'Monday to Sat. PhoneFralek at FR 6923 .TWO STUDENTS badly need ride .8 :30's six days a week from vicinit yof 28th and Selkirk . Phone CH 7623.

BOOM A IOAN WFURNISHED BED - SITTING rooms.Accommodations for 3 boys with sin-gle beds . Breakfast If desired . PhoneAL 1942Y or call at 3873 W 110th Ave .COMFORTAI3LE quiet room avail-able for one or two girls with part -lei board In home Just 10 minute swalk from BBC. Phone AL 0333Eafter 5 :30 .ROOM AND BREAKFAST. for one ortwo girls. Separate bathroom an dentrance. Within walking distanceof iUBC, AL 17.i9711 .ATTIIACTiVE IIOOM & BOARD fo runiversity girl for $30 per mont hhe return for baby sitting . Dunbardistrict, KE 5171L,

FOU $Ai .EBAKER MICROSCOPE wth accessor-ies . Late model In perect condition .Phone AL f842L .

-CRAY'S ANATOMY brand new copy .Phone KE 3033L Evenings .1938'CHEVROLET COACH . Extremeely clean Interior . New battery . Seatlevees and sealed ; beltms . Betty &tires very good . Complete overhau l9,000 miles ago . 8565. Can be see nanytime In orout of Hut '7, FortCamp. Apply Room 4, evenings.MAN'S GREY SUiT also tells' com-plete . Size 31.38, Phone PA 6500evenings .


In Excellent ConditionNew TopNew Brake LiningsNew BatteryA Real Buy

Sce Darrell Tepoorten4078 W. nth

AL 1081R

(This graphic account I)f the re -

cent revolution in China ttns

ten by Irene Barrie, nun' a studen t

at Uitl',, \\ho spent much of her lift .

In Sbunphui, In it she describes Ihr

birth pains of the new (',lion undo.

Communism . )


They talk of the call of the East ,

do they? The hire of the lend o f

China. Well, listen to me telling r,

different story .

"Oonr ati the days when the lal-paus rolleil In wealth .

Gone are the days nhon they dran kloo rnu',II for health . ,


I could go on, but slave It's al lewer, vvhy expose tJi i' Iilkle a'eak-

i,esses . .AI'h'r Ihi' war, life IT 1 '1 1 1back to the pattern of the geed uIi

Let's hllv,' a glimpse nl' lm ar ;t-

tietulr 1110411' . 9'herr arr ill' rour .'i '

SeVOrill large Chines e

attend*''( I,y molly Iilnm,uult, of ,lo -

dents, w'iIn arc m .,Iinly knn\\'n , ., .

On (up, orrlhdI (i iIIII



11 .1 ys, II \\as Hill (mite SO gay per ..halos, Iiil Ihe11 \\I' had 1 i

DLL's I nt(l(k'



t1 .

l'I'n1 .11'

pl'I' .illadrl lII em ... ke,s lulu feeling the "eat! "again, nr \\ t( it tilt' "'Call" et' easil yearned utttt ' '\" 'I'ley rams boa thundreds of them . Industry thrived,bnsimw. pruprrelI and wo inclllcui-ally din cabaret owners ,

Then than came a night, a Pleas -ant moonlit night, \\•bleb could s oNell lit -e b('rn need for sweete rpurpose, when then was a fain tt'unhbling In the air, the rumblin gof guns, guns which came closer ,and hammered and roared In th estreets, pounding along the road soutside our doors to subside at las tin a yiltsi i which was both heav yand dragging, has a lull In mid-storm. And at dawn next day, there .n9're urn• suldiers OR the street, sot -IlIIv's who wore Baca uniforms an dli i fled the corning of a new re -

111'' uen lirilleiph'S

1100,1' 1110 Of( nthu stlllisn, '( 'hr d)erllpylhg army ,I're ;llell a goad Ilupression, they wereteal, (orderly and courteous ,

'I rhey it mostly found r y lads —thre e or four d' Them ‘vent lulo til tnlmsp ;I III' . lulldRhg and asked 1 '4)4' aIii'I on ills elevator, r .yelal(mRlg \vilhvvWiller

\\ lieu


i''!iI sl

wasr ;tnted .They lent IU'vet' been ell one h r

rare anti Ilu'y aslei'il II ' there \\ es;Iii Ihiii lu pay, \\'I' \\ere all Imttz-eIl al



11 1 '

n oItIItt

,Irrly,Ittl Hit Iles--thl'\ \Vero '

out 1,l .Aes ~V\rl'1' imptosrll, ()Vet . nuld,1hn\e Vital till' farlm't' and shop . .keeper Porten, 14'I\oil' ruu(!rrIis 11111 1ulililil', vvI'I-

alt 11)10 to cuver t11 :

every n lily, hurt Lunn mere conhlulul1'S

alma eoninfunisto .The changes iotrodueell we r e very

graded!, First of all we had Ihr lit 'rnrrl'uey', $21M) or \\hl .h \\•ere ('Mli\ -;dent of about 91 . The rate of ex-ehange is uuw 15,tJQ0 to one . Chin-ese ninny alvv'ays depreciates . Thepresent currency Is the fourth sinc ethe war —PVery tllne vse get int omillions, someone introduces a neweurreuey and the process snarl sailed ,

This greatly Iiifluences'the mathe-matical proficiency of both the lear-ned and Ili' illiterate—Ilttle beggarurchins can add a 10 figure sum I na matter of seconds. Money Is Justburettes of paper—the first of eac hmonth sees the breadwinner stru gg-ling home under the weight of aheave suitcase oonlahiiva his mou -Ihty \wage, Suture s rise In bulk seach mouth as they are based mainl yon the vier rising price of rice .

fatal proers.l, nhahlly'SUMS 'burrow at gro\ v

the 00001'11 I sIs taken 0v'Vr —ttte aovernmen l

\\'inks In. This Is happening dall yomit commercial life is at it standstill ,

1111vv'rv1'r, IJtr new pow'er's are al tIhr only new to Moult' for the dy -ing of the great (Ries of ( ;hind .

The Naliumtlisl, 16ovr,rnmrnJ hav ebeen 'cooling the coastal towns t oa bluckalle and illy (taring I'nnugl l

ra t ' vyelu', II' its t '11 IL COOP'S Bur kat all, Nt t I t al slhips ware sunk mi dsolar \\ITC ruluound to be Ilhklo uaway' ul tit lac isluul, may rot etlOry'yc utver heel) heard I)r :since ,Modern piracy on a grand.scale !

(lays, the good old' days \vhen —I,el's fits Hills a piece of ()le g l!'

ism . A landlord was greatly Inenn -\'rui,euee(l ly e two Innants who wer eearl,el tu'alers, (tile en sash side of



These symhpls vibrate with de-lightful freedom In pad tight oqm

positions . His color which used tQ

be in large reptraiped ho gntee

seep; to have been roplaoed by

brighter more contrastin g schemes.

Yet, Mr. Binning somehow still ma nages to keep an air of rpgtratnt i nhis color, even when using raw

primary pigments stragltt from the

tube .All of Blnuings' specimens in tills

show are charming ; all are painte d

and framed with an able eye and an

able hand ,COLOR N11T'ISFYINa

cliff Robinson Is progressing tech-nically If In no other way ; his tex-tures are rich and fat and his colo r

Is satisfying. However, there seem s

to he a leek of conviction and geld -

log principle In Ills work .There Is no lack` of inventiveness—

quite the opposite . But most o fRobinson ' s pictures give the lmpres-talon of being geed Ideas adulterate d

with a few ,inc ningiess weeds .The work or Lionel Thomas, a re-

cent staff addition, causes one to

wonder why his appointment didn ' toccur' sooner . Thomas's latest wor kIs very beautiful . In Inspiration an dIn execution It seems very closel yakin to music.



No Satisfaction

Esher. The Ubysse yIlea. Sir :

Are the TCleoeetuen falling IIujvI lon their duty to the I'reshno'u? Trat -(IItlonaliy, the ucleneeluen hav eclaimed the right to lake the load -Ing part in orientating Ilse ileiVCOnI -ers to their environment . Their par t

Is in mob together and Jump on one ,or If they can (handle them, Iw' ofresh, and drag them through th emuddiest Illy-pool on the eannius .

The Ideal outcome Is to have everyfreshman dunked. The ceremony o n

the library lawn on Wednesday wa sby no moans salisffactry . Every engi-neer it sight was a sopping, entit ymess but the fresh were nearly al l(Iry . 'l'hael they were deprI\•ed of th eprIVetege of being soaked w'Ill se tthem et a diallvanstagc they wil l1111(1 Iuu'II to o\'ercome 1'01' some thee ,

It Is tium that the redshirts too kIhele first duly of Ise, year mor eseriously .


What is Communism

Editor, The Ilby'ssey'hr;' Sir ;

'The latest at tleh' by Les Armnn rsupporting professors n•ho mini sto take the loyalty oath is ;mother

toiletnnl' umlaut Inks nun Mich . Anywall who drynles se II !, Ruff' I n

11e1'enuing Ihr a anise nl' the peopleIn such a gallant umi nhlel''ite Man-ner night to find out 1\.1111 hr'stalking uhnthl first . ono of Ii,' tveuProfessor ill Ihr I huIyi i Ily \\ .1s Ilrt' -

htlti'ly found to . Inure had (Ionunun -1st Party affiliations .

11' Jh' . Armour wninul like In suh-nhit that Corthnnnisrn Is synnny'niot svv'ill Ihr 9'Iil''191 11,, speaks ahan lIhen i around like to submit ihitl h eMight to br working trill' Ile 'Pacifi cTribune, for his a lien . resolubletheirs so closely .

The eeu'epl that Ihr Rods shoul dbe paid In 'Paoli the Communist!Metairie In out' rtnlVOIstlus Is ntlh-er outmoded . II' the purpose nt' rdn-cation Is to ;ippt.olwh the \V(11'11 1

\\lib n fro. amid open lanai, thou Ihardy Ihitik n uitul who Is plydgl'1 tIn• annlhor ranee ;rd Is tnbtevlall tto its roles amt regulations snub i sIhr Communists are, Is .fli to Retc hIn an ohJaellve and truthful ntan-tier -a Very Importutl pall of I:he

LOSTHAVE YOU A BEIGE, woman'strench coat? if you have it, mightbe mine and I might have YOURS ..eonttt,et Dishy, AL 0344 .WILL PERSON WHO BORROWE DB,R(I,Wtq .P KEIR pversharp whil e

rcgiste,rtns Monday the 25th, pleas e

Rhalle ;BA 000x,STENO F.R NOTEBOOK ,taken by mkotake at Bus Stop . Please

return Ile ,Lost & Found . NOTES ARE

iueto aNTLY MAW.0A.BAt>!131NE OVERCOAT, light bro-wn, on W,edne day in front of Ap -Rkta4t $oteeee . Ron Eddy, FB 2391 .

ROOM FAIT 4 RIDERS. Leaving VI -chitty pf Broadway & Burrard, 8 :30'sMonday to Friday Inclusive . Ji m

Raid . CK IWIG .PASSENGERS WANTED. Leavingt3urrard & 16th for 8 :30's . PhoneDon at BA 1311 .RIPE WANTED. One student fromvicinity of 41e1 and McKenzie. 8 :30' son Monday, Wednesday & Friday ,A. Davidson at KE 6i41L after 5 .BIDE WANTED from vicinity of12th & Crown for two students wit h8 :30 lectures . Phone AL 1069L after

RIDE WANTED by arlstrocrntc ,late sleeping Mittman . Requires rid etor 9 :30's vicinity Camble and 18th ,Call Mike at FA 9629Y .

WM 'g !AAA4ACCOMMODATIONS, two students ,by U13C gates : breakfast optional .4649 W. 10th' AL 2107M ,BOOM & BREAKFAST, twin beds ,partial use or kitchen . $30 each. Mrs .Jackson, AL 3514G .QUIET COMFORTABLE study-bed-room for girl student . Shower andclose to bus terminus . $20. AL 0192Y.

SALELADIES' (lf F CLUBS, new bagwith stand, 3 woo(Ls, t Irons. F.A768311 .19'l' Ilttdtltln 8 SI;I).vN In lop eon-dlllun vyittl Reuter, frog Ilglits ,teen or hest offer, ,N11' 18:a)el til lhrttull'orlt St,,, New \\'u lIuRl ll'r ,elEE1'{NGS & ANNOe'Ntlt.11EN'I's t'flit l'IItSl' 1It E'l'IN(', .OF S\\ lN l1tl11(i CLkJIi will be held on Monday ,net, 2 lu the Stage Boom of th eBrock .PRE-Mql e. There will be a Pr eMod eihn In Miyake 20(1 on Friday ,Sept . 29 . "Exploring with "X" nays "Ciliate CLUB. selecting at Arts 161 ,Friday 12 :110 p,rre ,


()LOVES, NAVY BLUE string . Hele nPedelnetoii, .\L OWO-I . .U AI LI II E L I . A, P'AN'I'AS'TIC:\l .[,1'Lodi ►. Posslbily left In IIW 22 .Phone 11111 at Ke, traine ekILU'k1 P:IItKEtt "51" Pen with sil-ver lop. lnserlptlon : 'N,:A,W, J. ePage. "

FOUNDPEN on Tuesday, I)vvmrr may Pitlt uat Lost oe Found .

Students Clam Bar

Head Prejudiced

RI;III(ELI?V', Gat — (OUP) — Th eBerkeley ['Malaita of OwNullontl .\ssoelatinn for the Ad-etuuenm'nl of adored people (Ill sveuk submitted a complaint agains ta load cocktail bar to Charles E .Furlough, rfittlrman of the Almed aNAACP country chapter legal re-dress committee . bate for hearin gIiis not born sott' I

Lindley Hamilton . president of th egroup, Iwg^d all . persons bet t''a ;e 4In fighting rlksctimlnaton of tillsmature to atte

mean .: of thecampus

I. I (Ip .



Air rails

Ihe y

the trouble tIi y value . Ilrl'nre Ihi '

Comrunni .sIs fault n\I'r Ill',‘ lewd

go nn slrikr . yP ry 111111 4 lse I;uv'ernment bailie. same n1Wve tItLLI ep .

table In 1111'111, owl n11\\

111 ;11

Ho c

Cmunuluisls iu'I! there, i.hese stu-dents are gl\rn I11111a\s for 11;0 -tin end al till Baal' th rouglouut IIII 'y'ertl',




Ill ' I ' II'ilnttl

Ile 'err relnpelleIl to p;Irioh' IJIe streets ;Trani morning

driis-ei l1'unry rinIhrs, Ihsplay ing pi ji t

(kt pushe rs 111111 prrl'nrnlluH' thr IW\\'dlaliauul hoses, (\ All steps rill'\\ n 11'4 1

anti olio d e ll kirk . 'I'iir . re 11111 11111) '

a rII1'nn'e to suejrly, lilt hi 11'affte . 1hi'h

IrP(11 he Bind . 'Mr

\'r,4 :e cos( uI' opet'ulliWll . hanks elosi'l1 Ilu\\'l lGhlnlw' \\as vyhd!y I'mlbustestii ave r

\\ err so rrpeatell vv' -

.\,e unions lei Gilboa would h rp.amtirully grew' lu disregard Ihrm, eutnplet(' vvIlhtut mrnlinuin g

non is working on a conservative budget„

based one conservative estimate of the nun

ber of students enrolled.

We can 't see any point in Ostrom's'ner-

vous worries when MacKinnon can reassess '

his estimate of enrolment any time he wants ,

and jack up appropriations accordingly .

When that happens, sports organizations, like

the rest, should get proportionate increases.

But until such time as MacKinnon makes

that reassessment, Ostrom would be wel l

advised to keep his athletic shirt on.t

Students Known for the Trouble bey Casebeganwent .

Tilk k aIweause th eto be mote' Illa nvyurHi and Men i t

You walk taut uutl

herrewtng font it .e g.\ern-

even I,ntnP IW fer ns .' It t ti ken !Ii' whip vyIto ''sutures i n to a port, i su,Irelli's .

Ilkb'y to go through it shnwrr t i11111 g radu,111y IIII' ruIhmshatln Illell shelllug 111111 rohne out Ihr n'nrs, '

Citizens Grow to Disregard Afraid Warnings.

11i-1 n 1111A - I'IIII'lll, 1( ''t-I1' U tthe ; hlrlitutl.inn towards Ihr giros sit u

Inatergl'd tu ; hlkgurs, Il :s it finite it recognizedpnner plums

n lu\\'n Iran .—dh1 y I110. e It 11111011 lain pay I'n rvwr went hark to the ago nl'

1)lutt'1u''s licence, This Is (mite au -rnndlr+ .

Ihrnlir, I hI'lirvl' . .A hurtle nl' ihrl u(\lost nl' the rinds \Pero (nel'I'rrli\r oar II,I> broke hlln a hirer's sho p

owl they aly is s o , . n u ' I I t o u t u t o - 1 , i t

eolhttttt I

ryerythin '

ellil t

his housr. Tract morning In nigln,~ .el .hlrs of the teaching profession .noun . \\I, vvutbi a,tiI fWr hoar ; 111 IIII y eenln t(in11, When the lnkrri IIii

n;1> .ul internal dlu. So lien

The fl ;0000ll League ht the 1•11Lgn "td far



t viyllually r,111~'il the pnllr~' f~Ir pr1111't II itt

hi -~ so \e then( napes

Iu leaye . '('(stye

loll stab's at one of their rerell lnude' i1 run i'ur ii 1lu~-tag i VIII . I vv t

1 .00 - Mina'\

Ale Inulgr>,

let' IIii, lee noel lnurnlng, Ihr noisy eorhvnnliens teetered Ow ter,ture,sel'e honglll 11 AV'inn-er roil Ilt the Ihen 0 .11," \\ ell, h smotels amid--ii

skirled all utter ng,uln the IVAn Ira- for the Party affiliates in the t'neh -mlrhio of simmer as Ihi' result I11linea) .

Iants l iii simply ehangl'd Itmhses hhg prol'eswlnn ,lakhhg shelter in a shunt

11 ;,1 suhl

;so Hie sl,Illll,iids :anti emirs of Ho, vv lilt tone another,

Ili'llor lurk next flew, 1ir . Armour ,them.

Ire ,III abolished, loll (here is faint n

'I'Inll's su yOry ty'fdeal!


, NTh>,e,thol}gltt,of gritial8lug mytwee -

Ionia hi cold blood pots a heatteht '

Mete under my tongue ; Mr . Blanket

is suet a Oleo man. The rest of tee '

faculty is too, 1 guess . -But anyway, ,eypeyome who goes down to the -

IJaaefeent of ,the .,ibrere to ,ode tls1a `

cold)* Will arltlpize ney averlarde ,

so 1 mac As wall do, Jikelvlae—with i

a veplleagoe . f

A(r . J31It ng'e toe-ualis are tn.)


growing mere clad more ; hie style

is getting more ninn(pe lfkc ; which

Is heart,eutn6 in a style so cousoioo- 'l .y b,ull,t of arolilteatur'al ale,moots 'A "nettst'' style 1p one which ;very

;Alen connotes ea imperal cold-

miss . .WBMT1,ON

And althougb Bllnning's picturesare more fraught with pereoual :

idtoeie than anyone else's, they are ,

also Imbued with a feeling of baste )

trad;Itlun. Rio eympols which osten-

sibly deal with *Mpg and the Pe4 'are evocative of alchemy and ancient ;atronomy and have a deetan aki0to the Roman alphabet .

IAU 1 ', 0 RJtOWN PENS, f gre y

pep, eke. tutted dories registratio nweek are hi the JnJIeII But I-tM 11 ,Ode entrance . See Mrs . Mackenzie .BRACELET L,OM RECEIPT foun dWednesday le front of, Lost &Found .ONE RUBBER' right foot .' Owner,nay be hitchhiker who obtaine dlit ; In Ep$ilsh ear on Thursday .4pplif L,ost a. Found .BRACELET round .in Armouries dur-ing HWSkatration Week . Apply atLQst Flea'NBACKLET found n Armouries dur-ittg a'egldU'utlon wccJc . Apply atLost tti. FOWLc

QOC mathematles, apply at(Lest dt ,Found .OLA8SNS, found Thursday afterpeon. Apply at Lost & Found .;KEYEASO4. $ KEY'S found on Thurs-day afternoon. Apply at the Los t

ti retied .

T841 RIlMlote

dancing? planning a party ?

wherever good music's on the

program, you'll want John

Emerson . . . soloing on the

piano . . . with his orchestra

(2 to 20 pieces) . . . with any

or all of his talented guest stars,

Call John Emerson PA 4341,

MA 2304, CE 4983.

' Y!riday, September 29, '1950


Page 8

Let's See Now From Mead Of WUS To Head

AMS Big Jump For Nonie

By JOAN ,FRASER(Let's see now, said the Vbyasey editorial board, as it dis-

cussed (and cussed) women's news for the paper this year .'Why not a column to cover as much as possible of the women 'snews? The idea held, and finally conquered the minds of thehonored ohiefa•of-staff. .So, I am the toe (in my case the Joan) :

for the job. What's going on? Let ' s see now

And *Fresh Dress Improve sAnother year, and another "fresh week ", which .has, as

Always, started upperclassmen reminiscing about the year 'whenthey were fresh . All the older girls think that this year ' s regaliais a decided improvement over the usual, which required, gri mdays of makeup, with terrible hairdos and short skirts, or some -thing equally painful .

This year they're enthused about regalia. In fact, severa lpeople have suggested the new beanies as ideal identificatio nfor UBC students at football games, especially the Bellingha mInvasion.

Personally, I think this is a wonderful innovation . I hopethe Fresh 'Orientation Committee keeps this particular phase o fthe regalia, so 'UDC girls will have something outstandingl y"university-lah" about their wardrobes.

It's too bad we don't have somethinglike the McGill blazer ,which anyone can recognize a mile off . Maybe someone candream tip an answer to that someday . .

A Stab At FashionSpeaking of fashion reminds me of the letter I noticed i n

thePu'blications Board the other day. It was from MademoiselleMagazine, and it concerned ;applications for the College Board ,an advisory fashion group for the magazine,

The teat for a college board member requires quite a bi tof work and thought, but it would be worth what Mlle . describesas "an exciting idalaried month in Mlle 's New York office;' AUBC girl won this only two years ago, so why not take a stabat it yourself ?

Lacking At Registratio nWhile it 's still fresh in my memory, I'd like to go on record

as a number one complainer about registration this year . Itseemed to .be a worse mess than ever.

I realize that the people who organize this affair probably.spend a lot of time and effort in connection with it, but surel ysome better arrangement could be worked out .

. 'Of course, half the students go out to register with no ide a

of what they intend to take, and the , other half find out tha ttheir intended courses clash, so it is an almost impossible situ-ation, Just the ;lame, it seems unnecesary that several hundredstudents should have to wait half a day to register .

I admit I 've had no brainwaves about a better method,but I'm glad I only have to go through that once more .



open tgtGlamorous Betty Pt alas, star of

'radlo and Theatre litter the Stars ,will open the I4SNI concert serie snext Wednesday at 1230 In the A udltorlum ,

ilnlll a few years ago Betty wa sgust another member of TUTS sign-ing chorus. A bit prod In "The Stu -dent Prince" brought ilea , the oppor-tunity for stardom In "Roberta ."

She won everyone with her beaut ycharm, and her outstanding valet .Since then, Betty etas appeare dcountless times over the CDC andlast year had her own weekly radi oprogram .

Her program will consist of must -eat comody gems filled out by thesophisticated piano .stylings of heraccompanist, John Emerson .

yNaier Named

Dormitory President

First ,year medical student Pegg yMaier WAS named president of th eWomen's Dormllory Executive a telections in the Youth Trainin gCentre where girls are being houseduntil completion of the ants .

Other members elected to the ex-eeutire are Pat Danby, vies-presl .dent and Peggy Jlennlger, seoretary-treasurer .

'Absolutely Floored,' ,But Ca n

Prove a Woman 'Can Do the Job'

No woman on the campus today is more in the limeligh tthan Nonie Donaldson, acting president of the ANTS,

',ask mouth, Nettie was planning( )activ ities for the Women's .Under -Ktnlduale Sassed,', of which oh ehail been elected president . Thenshe was informed that Studen tCouncil president, John Haar, vet sleaving .

As vice-pres i dent of the Alma MaterSeelety, Nonle automatically becam eacting presidrut until a vote of con-fidence can be held .

UBC students will lose. allspecial rate privileges at down-town movie theatres at the firstsign of disorderly conduct ,AMS Treasurer John MacKin-non",said Thursday .

Last year, In an outburst of engln-eer?ng enthusiasm following thei rannual banuet, snake-parading red -shirts rampaged down Granvill estreet slashing BOER wires and rip -leg Orpheum Theatre curtains .

McKinnon said that Famous Play-ers Corporation have decided to sto pspecial rate privileges at their down -town theatres iff any similar Incident soccur this year .

Speed irate Is 35 cents for week -days, and !t(1 cents for Saturdays an dholidays. Passes arc no good with-out a picture . Pictures can tie taker)In the Armory next Monday, Tues-day and Wednesday .

The vote of confidence in Neale ,which Council , put forth at (hei rlast meeting, shows that they kno wshe will dg a first-class job .

Manitoba Opens --

Fine Arts School1'1'INNIPI:O, Man.—(CUP) — The

University of 1lhrnituba School o fFine Arlo opened for the first tim ethis term . It represents t; fusion ofthe Winnipeg Sehenl of Fine Art sand a series of isolated courses pre*,vlousiy offered by the University .

First year includes a series of gen-eral cultural courses as well ab I ntrotlucllotf to, the fundamentals o fdrawing and design . In the secon dyear, painting, fundamentals of de -sign, drawing and color will be stres-sed, together with counties in spec keased studies for prospective teachere . At this Ilme curlenla for thirdand fourth year Is unannounced .

In addition, there will be eaten-sloe and evening courses for adult sand others Interested In art for re -creational purposes, and Saturdaymorning classes for children .

Mew Shipnmt

10096 NYLON


The executive will 'be expande dthis week when each -cabin, hems -lug eight girls each, eie'ets a rep-resentative to the council .

The executive will meet with uni-varsity officials to draw up valesand regulations by wheh the dorm-itories will be governed .

Shenanigans May

Cause Students'

Loss of Privilege

CAN'T fU Ui N"I was absolutely floored when I

first heard about It," Neale said.Once she had thought a bit mor eabout the Idea, she felt a lot bet -ter however, "This was my bppor-tunitr to prove that a wornan ca nhandle tills ;lob, "

Actually, Nonle Is In a rather od dposition, she can't resign as pt'hsl-ilent of WUS or she loses he rcouncil' position entirely. However,the vice-president of WUS, Sall yHeard, Is now acting president o fthat group, so Nettle's Job Is no tquite as' ball as it, sounds .

CONFIDENCE VOT ENonie I$ very anxious' to se e

vVnmeu's act, Ides on the campusand many of the plans she mad ewill probably he enriled out b yWI

this year .

Next year, Node plans to go t othe University or Toronto to tak ea course In social work . "If I canget through all my courses whil eI'tn doing this Job, ," she added .Hight now she Is taking majors I nEnglish and Sociology . RECORDED COURSES

In French, German, Russian, Spanish and other Language, 'Linguaphone Institute of Canada

B. C. REPRESENTATIVE1394 West 59th Ave.

KErrisdale 210341






F IB ActiMlt sSomething on the "what everyone should go to" list–,'the

football games. And if you're smart, you'll get the student passto the game, because it's the only reduced admittance price .

I notice that the Women's Undergraduate Society's execu-tive have planned some especially interesting activities this year .

October 18 is the day for the HI-Jinx, a get-together fo rgirls of all faculties . ' The WUS fashion show is to be hel dNovember 2 . Try to remember the dates . You'll be hearingmore about them later .


N(Continued from Page 1)

(September 211, i9i0.-reference re-eletrar ' figure's. )REGISTRATION UP

Certainly mare students will reg-ister than 11,190, and word from th eregistratas office today Indicate sthat the reglstrattol protmhly stand snow at (,3)D. Why then do t mi lbudget on the basis or 111'0 stu -dents ?

In the, flat place, t reel as thoug h1 tun bud geting tau close to th eIlne on a nt,mber of large Items al -ready, partdetdarly administratio nrust 's tuod 111seellaneons expenses ,In these present days or rising end sll Is thwgerotrs to budget love, bu t

la an elforl to be fair to 1I :1k1, l'na v e pared these Hauls down In my!n"Iget.

Natty or unforseen expenses aris etvIllch cannot always be Ignored, and;1t Is only h'em it Iovv Lust itiale nl'A'nrntmenl couplet) with the aeelelle snhtrgiu !,) per cent of Income, as !Called for by constitution ; that theseexpenses can he met .$3,0011 n1.1tl (J i

I tau sticking to the cnustlludlon ,:n budgeting For a margin of $11,0110 ,jdlhough the Societies auditors re-a'otamend it margin of $5d100, l.rt the'

seroml piuer, students enllh lwrtys ih'up out at university awing

to rin :ulelal straits, h'In•i,ti; Ma', AM : :i ' v nu isomer In t'~ ' n prhag Iran .

In pelvate' hnwln :'vs lien k i tsteady march or p' r i'sons to th epour-banes, prrsnn'; war) are npll "mimic on their invent ' , and Midge tI on e%,'1 r< In tic A :IS li es t l i : lion is

(W a wa.

P . -gh wt h •' '.I+ nr all

!'IS treasurer w.. "sphtgerl'' wll h-rut reason sine who eau the so--defy into debt .

K'- SUPPl1,aI 'The only loins I ask from th e

student !way in general and fro mIl .11t In partientar Is salvor' In a,'air budget In the saute manner asIf u;r ye support . In ;111 Treasurer s('hunt turd I'Iuig, who were rorrnr r11 .11) 'Preasur'erlt and watt presente dVery murk more nonscrVUUvr bud -gels than I am doing.

T think the student body will agre ethat ,11 .11) k gelling at least a hai rshoe nl' ,\ .1I' lands now, vyitIi it 7 7per rent Increase over \Villa the ygut ins) year and or the puss rural .

1 ask that you, Idle student botay ,attend the ,''all (te"eral meeting an drecord Fehr Vote ell the budget t oensure that d am tetiug will) you rapproval .

John MacKinnon ,Treasurer ,

Alma Motet' aoriely ,

The seem yea Insure the his yearinseraece cab. Thu brings changes .Tedoy, white yes are Insurable,censelt . ..

Vancouver Branch Office — 402 W. Pender StreetERIC V. CHOWN, LL.B., Branch Manager



yes! yes! yes :

kr_aak to hrino

Hi ptr•nan

knuwiuq what n rxd0 ( te( lowl "Ling it .

It tok„.tii ., t i~irlinar t itxl Grid art"'~ler.i f(~ r


irrr'rest, )f other, Thar', whyE I' ( i 1 '

,)ri the teau, Cvery v' uiti'ttri 1 to the needs of th e

ri,,ieeie r,i~ tl

Make your owr i',h,~lvknng



yea rrounds


Page 4



Friday, September 29, 195 0

SPORTS EDITOR—Danny Goldsmith

'Best Athlete ' NowOnly. Freshette

Eleanor McKenzie. Starts CourseHere After New Zealand GamesIt's a long way from Honolulu and New Zealand to th e

,studious grind at UBC .And it's a longer way from being ;tamed Canada's outstand-

ing women athlete to becoming "just another freshette ", but

that's what Eleanor McKenzie has done .Gast winter Eleanor was th e

sikarkplug of the women's tract,team at the British Empire Games .

Running against the Reels stars o fthe commonwealth, In the 110, 220and running the 220 In the 340 an dfain yard relays . .



Just 0611 Jelly Anderson, UBC PE instructor, the"Pintail " of the University .

Anderson has been attempting to Well Dick Penn an dDoug Whittle the fine art of fishing .

They haven 't caught any yet .


Cheer Leading Grou

Prep - To. Boost . Morale

Rah-rah spirit will return to the UBC campus when th eold cheer-leading organization completes its student revitaliz -

Volleyball heads an active Intramural program this year,with first games scheduled for Monday .

Filling onl the pre-Chrlstmas .e---- --INTRAMURAL SOCCER

Monday, WI . 21 . Il . I ; . vs 1'111 Melts

(South 1 )4 2 . A . 'I' . th . vs Psi U

(South 2 )Tuesday Oct . . I

1. Beta NS Newman

(South I )2. Kappa Sig vs P . E. .A. (South 2 )

Wednesday Ilrl 41. FIJI ye s %rtes2. I've Mehl vs Me l

Volleyball Starts

Heavy 'Mural Sched



talc year she was named out -standing woman athlete of Canad aby the Women 's Amateur Federatio nof Canada . succeeding Barbara AnnScott to the title . But now Its bac kto the books .

. UBC, however, will get onil' thebenefit or her seholastle abllll,y ,There Is no women's tack Icon a tthe university, so Eleanor will won -Mee • to run for the Hudson's Ba ytrack teem .

, WHOM IM P. . he t!'Ip to the Empire themes

with the rest of the Canadian teammight well be enIIed a dream trip ,

yfirst. stopping at Ilmtodnn, th e y

uaa<1 'went :n to ih, 1~ „t 1,3k adsand finale acrivee !n New &- ;icedf tee weeks ba rn,? the Atari of th eG enes to trade rigourously for th ee'r .ts .

Sir has rmthee; but Nettie forire receidloe g . ton * 1f dimet y the New Zculanders ant woul .t

- tile; to return again 80111eda y

fresh BloodSought ForHockey Team

With a nucleus of last year'sstars, UBC's Championship In-tercollegiate Ice hockey of-ficials are looking around fo rthe crop of talent they kno wis at present on the campus .

First meeting of the organizatio n

trill reeeaty netted the club onl y3III . hsploints, including some of th eold ptaycra .

UBC hockey officials rxtterl o lio=other 30 or more players to joi nthe club in the next few bays . hutthe search nor talent will continue o neven niter practices begin .

Oetoher 9 Is the first practice ses-lon taking place at the Forum, Any -one Interested In hockey Is asked t olure ell .wen Ile they haven't sighedup by then .

1'it,s (rtive memhrrs.noy ,Iola no ,club now be fitting atedir a ll onblanks In the orrice of the iiiadllal eManager of Athletics, In the northend of Brock tall.


OUTSTANDING WOMA NATHLETE of the Year wasthetitle garnered by freshett eEleanor McKenzie last year ,but all that is by the way no was she settles down to the star tof a complete course at UBC .

Sketching Displayed .In Architecture Hu t

1 display ' I' sketchin g le Ihlr. tfunrllh and lil'Ih year .hr .hilcluresl uhleli is ' irw now Ill Ilv lib-rary "f hill n 12 .

The display Is composwl or sket-ches produced this summer at aspecial slimmer school session hala luu lhr rumpus Iv or IIwo xx'h'a'k unde rIhr Hit e tllun of Prufesor t .C . tin- ifling mill Cliff

Inrrrrnsrs in litres 10vr hlket lplan where iucretIse$ in 0'1111111 1 1

Knight Returns

But Rule! Out

for Footbal l' Don Knight, smart moving.halfback with the Thunderbirdfootball team last year, hasregistered at UBC, but ha sbeen ruled ineligible for Con-ference football this year .

Knight, wiiuse reappeau'anee o ncampus temporarily raised thehopes of the ' B̀Ird's sho r t-laudedcoach Orville Burke, will not b eable to play because of Insufficie nt.scholarship Mending . Rugby wil lkeep him In condition this seaso nand he plans to return to footbal lnest year .

Offsetting Knight's loss Is the re -turn of Tom Barker, who will sheallowed .to play after prevlousd ybeing ruled Ineligible . Barker wasfirst string end lag year .

Because of fre i ght rate Increa s e sacross Canada, it is Impossible fo rt'IIC to make 111 1 . same; profits a se tslvrin onlver'slttes .

SMALL racierMost texts are published le th e

eastern USA . 'floe differene . In Ant -crlcan and Canadian currency make slist priers here higher lean In th eUSA .

The yearly profit or the bookstor eIs approximately four per cent o fgross sales. This is used to pa yrush help students and tegndar staff .

As regard to supplies, Dlr . Hunte rsaid al stulent buying sehunl c"u hluaalitvs such a refill paper and notebooks is gettiny than at the sam eprice as nntside stores, vv'Ith bellr rquality paper and—ht greater qua n -tities .

Pr ogram are golf, scheming, touc hI'oolbull, sdcr e t , table-tennis and th ecross Penally ,PENN HEA D

Hick I 'rnn . yvho Is again ,(heelin gthe 'mural program this . year, ha scaudal for more entries loth Iv or fal lparticipating trams and for volle yhell learns . Six 10(11 eunslllute a vul -Icybail train, while 2, are needed l omake up a regular Intramural entry .

Any ex-high school, faculty clas so n , other gran!) may enter . Twent yIe,nILs hove so fur signed up, wit hmany 111010 ; xpeeted hits week .

Intramural orrice is In Hut 65 ,Boom 11 . Penn's orrice hours arefrom 9 :1311 a in . to noon .HANDBOOKS OU T

New hain'f ;maks are available fo rthis year , ' f rT the first time, Con •telling a scherhrle of evens, 'Inur : drules, :lid previous standings, Il ;'a l to gtyon out at the Graduate Ala n .ti ger of AlllHies office .

Entries' for Toilet Football an dsocce r , are due this !llmelay, (iol fent e rs will be called next 1V'ralnes -day. Four lieu shake up a gull' team .

Nex! meeting of the Inl,ranuhrr lAthle!'c Association will be hel lthis nailing Dlunduy at I2 :30 in 1,1 .Officer's of the Association will i nedt,cled .

Risk Reorganizes

Stage CommitteeUBC Stage Committee widen ha s

not runotloned since 1010, has l i n e nreorganized under the direction o fSidney Risk, vv h" was with Vancou -ver Everyman Theatre ftrr man yyears ,

mu', ll sk will he the stage an dscenery shop manager, with per-manent headquarters In the scener yshop behind the Armory .

't'hls,ls one of two slnden-owneh lscenery shops in Canada . The ei'fl -eial head vvllt be Eft Pederson ,ehairnnan of Liter'ac'y and Srtentll'l eExecutive this year .

Intramural Volleyball .Play starts on Ilet . 2 . All grrn ta A a t

12 :311 pan . Strip required . Short an dgyre shoes .Monday Ort .

Gymnasiu m1 . Kappa Sig A vs Newman -A2. Beta A vs Kappa Sig Il

—Ileld house1. Fiji A, vs Alpha Dolt s2. Newman It vs I . 1! . 133. 1'hl Dcl. B vs Beta. 1 3

Tuesday Oct !I—(ynumsl nn'1. lh . kes vs Sigma Ch i2. Ir . U . A vs A . T . O. A

—Wield (lous e1. ,Irbes A vs /.rte s2. 11 vs Mods:( . e t c h belt A vs P. E . A

NOTICESOrganizational meeting for all In -

turested In track Ne ill be held inHut 12 today at 12 :30 nano . All frea kIYeid and cross-country remora ,Including ally freshmen are asked t oattend this meeting.

Women's Intramural tennis start sMonday, -Those Interested In double sshould sign thvh' names on the gy mnotice board or contact Claire Bo wyea, women's intramural manager .

Women's grass hockey and volle yhat will get underway October J ,Players may d9 p lu faculty Orclubs ,

Photo by Boll Steiner

Cheer swealors %lh be giv en ou tto the leaders at the end of th eyear, and Racy will get at least on etrip to away games .MEETIN G

Meeting of the organization wil llake place today at 12 :30 p .m. in th eMen's Club Room in Brock Hall .

lntresterl parties are asked to dro pin, or gel In touch with Graduat eManager of Athletics In his offic eIn the North End of Brock Hall a tany toe .



Barka Beck

prier from hventy-rive to fifty cents .Prink have liven upped because o fsalary increases, biter quality pape rand drcrrases ht ttenand .

hIS'I' PRICES"'I'hr cost of books depends on th e

rate of wages, vest or paper an ddvrndnd," Mr . Minter said .


I Where the hooks are printed does


A large, grey, tin box will stand in room 112 in theArmory next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

. •

If you drop a nickel in, you get your picture taken .If you get your picture taken you can paste it on you r

AMS card .If you paste it on your AMS card, you can matt) down

town Famous Players Theatres for 35 'cents .

ing campaign which they began'this week .Old hrunds are busily rounding ups

other old ,lends and are contactingnew blunt In an attempt to providea much lamer spirit-boosting or-ganlzattou than has been present I nthe past few years .

Freshmen and fieshettes who wer eactive In the cheer leading dlepart-meets or their respective highseh000ls are especlelly invited t ocontinue their activities at UBC .i xPEIIIF,NCE PICEI'lItfEI)

Students with experience are pre -ferred but lots of enthusiasm an dagility Ne ill make up for any lac kla, this department .

Competent veterans' will be o nhand to teach the new members ol dtricks so that the club will be abl eto drag some st$1aol spirit out o fthe students sitting on the side -Iines at sport mints .

'little . Change Marked

In Student Book .-Prices

There have been only slight changes in the prices of tex tbooks and supplies to UBC students this year, J . A. Hunter,manager of the university book store told The Ubasey today .

A few books have incensed tee not afl'eet the retail pri . . The mrl -verslly sells their texts at list prices .This prlre Is the sauce at any uni-versity across Canada . Let the Bendix Automatic

Machines do the work in 4 5


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