moraga rotary newsletter-sep. 2nd, 2014

Post on 19-Jul-2016






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Here is the Newsletter for the Rotary Club of Moraga, CA for Sept. 2nd, 2014. Our presenter today was Past District Governor, Laura Day leading a discussion of membership and why we all joined and stay in Rotary. Our greeter and invocator was John Erickson.


September 2, 2014 NEXT MEETING: Sept. 9, 2014 (evening meeting Saint Mary’s Soda Center) Program: Tim McGrane – Blackhawk Auto Museum (guests welcome)

Greeter & Invocation: Al Simonsen ~~ COMING UP ~~ ** Sept. 9 Tim McGrane, “Blackhawk Auto Museum” (Evening meeting at 6:00 – Bring guests!) * Sept. 16 Joy Michar-Meer “FBI –Avoiding Fraud Scams” Sept. 16 Board Meeting 5:30 pm Trinity Hall Sept. 20 eWaste and Wheelchairs for Africa * Sept. 23 Official Visit of District Governor Pam Gray Sept. 26 Last Friday of the Month Club Social at Sue McCaffrey’s home (557 Augusta in Country Club Area) * Sept 30 Tony Schoemehl “Unusual History of USS Hornet” *Oct. 7 Program to be announced **Oct. 14 Ted Klauber “Those Amazing Super Bowl Ads” (Evening meeting at 6:00 – Bring guests!) * Regular Tuesday noon meeting ** Second Tuesday Evening Meeting at 6:00p

VISITORS George Chaffey, Lamorinda Sunrise Rotary (past District Governor ‘97/98) attended and enjoyed sharing stories with our members.

MEETING ACTIVITY Today’s meeting was held at Saint Mary’s College, Soda Center. The invocation was provided by John Erickson. John referred to Eleanor Roosevelt who said, “Yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a surprise, and today is a gift. Perhaps that’s why it is called the present.”

SPEAKER OF THE DAY We were pleased to have as our guest speaker, Laura Day, Membership Chairman for our District, and past District Governor. The topic was Rotary Membership – Why is it valuable and how can we increase it. Laura was introduced by Frank May (who is one of ten Membership Coaches for the District.) Laura said membership loss in North America is high and this is Rotary Membership Month. The District wants to help clubs attract and retain members. She said we need to add members and add to the enjoyable experience of existing members. Laura asked us to list “Why we are here:” Answers ranged from fun, fellowship, chance to serve – to bartending, wearing a crown and bocce ball. Laura mentioned a recent Rotaract list which included – “Reducing Stress” and “Keeping you young.” She also said a recent club added an interesting one, “My kids are better kids because of Rotary.” Laura did a brief role play with Louise Schopke on how to address a potential member. Rules of thumb

are: • Keep it simple • Avoid heavy statistics. • Gear your approach to the interests of the

candidate. Make it personal. • Say you think the candidate would be a great

addition. • Say you’d like to take them to lunch.


Laura Day on the topic of Membership


Doug Damaschino, owner of the Fine-Free hat for August (and a good thing too! - because he and his sweetie, Ann celebrated a 53rd Anniversary) Doug said he and Ann had a nice dinner out. The September Fine Free Hat was auctioned and on behalf of Linda May, Frank May won it for $50 (a real deal! Linda’s birthday is on Nov. 22nd and anniversary in September between Linda and Frank.) Gary Irwin had beaucoup Happy Bucks for his recent trip to Montana & Yosemite with Carol and another several Happy Bucks for the CAL football team’s win this past weekend. President Debbie had a Happy Buck for surviving a tire blowout that sent her car into an I-680 sound-wall. Kevin

and Pam Reneau also celebrated an anniversary (23 happy years). Cliff Docterman won the raffle and drew the white marble which was worth $143. He donated the winnings to Mary Elena’s memorial scholarship fund being established by Moraga Rotary for students at Campolindo High School. The fund is now nearing $8,000.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS DISTRICT CONFERENCE: President Debbie urged Club members to give serious consideration to attending the District Conference in Reno on Oct. 31 thru Nov 2. Fourteen tickets are still available for the trip up and back on the train. Deadline for the train tickets is Sept. 10th.It is always fun to have a good delegation from our Club. Gary Irwin brought the information boards used for past Conferences and John Erickson took them home to Mary Sue who has super-special skills with graphics. It will be a fun weekend!! OMPA CONCESSION STAND: President Debbie reported that the OMPA concession effort neted about $7,000 and remarked it was a lot of work for the money. The take was down about $1,000 from the prior year. Penini Pizza and Kinder’s Meats were great partners this year. We will do it again next year. SODA CENTER: Our lunch price is going up $0.50 each but the set number of lunches is going down from 30 to 25. WORLD ROTAY DAY: President Debbie mentioned that this will be a good opportunity to get more closely involved with Saint Mary’s Rotaract Club. The college has a vibrant group which would love to work with our membership. LETTER OF THANKS FROM SAINT MARY’S COLLEGE; Our club received a very nice letter of thanks from Saint Marty’s College for our continuing contributions to their scholarship funds. Last year we contributed $4,450 and over the years our contributions total $87,000. e-WASTE COLLECTION: President Debbie noted that we have an e-waste collection scheduled for Sept. 20 and noted that our “Wheelchairs for Africa” will be an added element for the collection. Aegis and Moraga Royal will also be contributing items and an Oakland Rotary/Assistant District Governor who has warehouse facilities will be providing storage for the Africa items. MORAGA ROTARY CHRISTMAS PARTY: John and Mary Sue Erickson will develop plans and come back to the membership. Date for the event is December 9th. Details to follow. CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS: Barb Bruner passed around a sign up sheet for working parties:

• Tuesday, Sept. 30th @ 2:00 pm for sewing stockings. At Trinity Hall, Moraga.

• Saturday, October 25th @ 2:00 pm for decorating stockings.

• Sunday, December 14th for stuffing the stockings. This includes a pot luck.

• Goal = 300 Christmas stockings for Juvenile Hall. MORAGA ADOBE FANDANGO: Is set for Friday, Sept. 12th at the adobe. Although this is not a Rotary event it is a community event and Tony Schoemehl and Gary Irwin are very likely to be bartending. DANCING WITH THE CARS: Orinda Rotary will be having its Car Show and Dance on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 12-13. Several Moraga Rotarians will be showing their prized cars in the event and some will be bartending (a favorite activity as we learned in the Membership presentation).

ROTARY FOUNDATION DAY AT THE RACES: Keep your calendars clear for this fun Rotary event at Golden Gate Fields. The date is Nov. 15th. $40 each covers parking, admission and lunch. Bring your non-Rotary guests - they are very welcome. A tentative signup sheet for this event will be available at the next meeting. ROSSMOOR MASKED BALL: Our sister club in Rossmoor will hold their Masked Ball on Saturday, October 11th. Tickets are $125 per person. For tickets call Gary Smith at (925) 933-6920. GREETER LIST/SCHEDULE FOR SEPT/OCT/NOV: Herb Wehmeyer notes the following members are scheduled as greeter/invocators:

• 9/09 – Al Simonsen • 9/16 – Tony Schoemehl • 9/23 – Dave Kruegel • 9/30 – Doug Damaschino • 10/07 – Roger Gregory • 10/14 – Ron Mucovich • 10/21 – Kevin Reneau • 10/28 – Gary Irwin • 11/04 – Dick Vance/Herb Wehmeyer • 11/11 – Frank May • 11/18 – Angelo Costanza • 11/25 – John Erickson

CALENDAR OF FUTURE EVENTS Sept. 12-13 -Orinda Rotary’s “Dancing With the Cars.” Sept. 23 –Official Visit of District Governor – Pam Gray Sept. 20 –eWaste and Wheelchairs for Africa Sept. 26 –TGIF Social at McCaffrey’s Home Sept. 30 –Sewing Christmas Stockings – 2:00 pm. at Trinity Hall, Moraga. Oct. 11 – Rossmoor Rotary “Masked Ball.” Oct. 25 – Decorating Christmas Stockings at Juvenile Hall – 2:30 pm Oct. 31-Nov.2 –District Conference -- Recess In Reno Nov. 15 – Rotary Day at the Races (Golden Gate Fields) Dec. 3 –Nite at Races Committee at Docterman’s home at 5:30 Dec. 9 -- Rotary Club Christmas Party at Miramonte Gardens Dec. 14 – Stocking Stuffing Pot Luck – Trinity Hall Dec. 23 & 30 – No Meeting this week

MORAGA ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014-15 President………………………………………… Debbie Roessler President-elect …………………….…. ………….Roger Gregory Past President……………………………...…Nora Avelar-Martin

Secretary………………………………….................Kevin Reneau Treasurer…………………………………………............Lad Lynch Community Service Chair….……………...…….Barbara Bruner

New Generations Chair…………………………..….Rich Render International Service Chair……..…………….Tony Schoemehl Rotary Foundation………………..………. . Nora Avelar-Martin

Public Relations ……………………………… ….……. Gary Irwin Membership……………………………………………....Frank May Director at Large…………………………….……..John Erickson

Director at Large…………………………………..Marv Ellenberg Director at Large..………………………............Cliff Dochterman President, Rotary International………Gary Huang District Governor…………………….….Pam Gray

Assistant District Governor………….Mark Roberts

Newsletter Editor for September – Roger Gregory

WISDOM FROM THE SCOUTS From the 1910 Boy Scout Manual, here are a few nuggets of wisdom: Bathing – “A boy should take a good bath with warm water and soap at least twice a week, and always after he has played a hard game or performed work that has caused him to perspire freely.” “Daily he should take a quick sponge in water as cool as he can stand it.” Coffee and Tea - “Scouts frequently ask the question: ‘Should a boy drink coffee or tea?’ Coffee and tea are strong stimulants and a healthy boy does not need stimulants. Tea and coffee are not good for growing boys.” “Equipment” by Edgar Guest – Figure it out for yourself, my lad, You’ve all that the greatest of men have had, Two arms, two hands, two legs, two eyes, And a brain to use if you would be wise, With this equipment they all began, So start for the top and say, “I can.”

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