monywa, maha bodhi ta htaung (2)

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Maha Bodhi Ta Htaung (literally 'a thousand great Bo trees') is a famous Buddhist region and monastery located in Monywa Township, Myanmar. It is famous for the Giant Standing Buddha statue, the second largest in the world and for the reclining Buddha, one of the largest in the world.

Nāga is the Sanskrit and Pāli word for a deity or class of entity or being, taking

the form of a very great snake — specifically the

king cobra, found in Hinduism,

Buddhism and Jainism.

The Nagas usually

appear on finial, gable board,

arch, balustrade, along the tiers of temple roof, and

especially on skillfully

carved stairs leading to the main shrine

Lay Kyun Sakkya Standing Buddha statue

Built in 1995, the Laykyun Setkyar Buddha statue is 424 feet (129 m) high with thirty one floors (referring to the 31 planes of existence). It is the second largest Buddha statue in the world. Construction of the statue was finished in 2008.

In religious iconography, the Bodhi tree is recognizable by its heart-shaped leaves, which are usually prominently displayed. Bodhi trees are planted in close proximity to every Buddhist monastery

The Bodhi Tree, also known as Bo and 'peepal tree' in Nepal and Bhutan, was a large and very old Sacred Fig tree (Ficus religiosa) located in Bodh Gaya, India, under which Siddhartha Gautama, the spiritual teacher later known as Gautama Buddha, is said to have achieved enlightenment, or Bodhi.

The Burmese consider the Naga to be half animal and half spirit and do not identify it with the snake, with the result that, unlike the Southern Indians, they set upon and kill snakes, including cobras, whenever they find them

The 31 storey image measures 116 meters high (129 meters including pedestal). It was completed in 2008. The image is hollow; visitors can climb to nearly the top. The ground floor exhibits a number of Buddha images in several mudra’s.

The stairs to the platform where the image is on is guarded by two large white Chinthe’s, mythological creatures resembling a lion

Aye’s longyiThis traditional wraparound garment is comfortable and practical for the hot climate of tropical Southeast Asia. And each skirt possesses the special, exotic beauty that the Burmese people craft into even their most ordinary objects

On the walls of the image’s interior are murals

The 108 Auspicious Symbols and Signs of the Footprint of a Buddha

Buddha is not a God nor a Maker nor a representative of a Maker. Buddha is just a human being, the noblest and the wisest of all human beings. Ancient palmists and astrologists believe that there are special characteristics in the foot-print of such a great noble wise man as Buddha.

The ground floor exhibits a number of Buddha images in several mudra’s.

On the walls of the image’s interior are murals depicting scenes from Buddhist hell and the punishments received by those who stay there. Some rather graphic scenes show the punishments for every type of sin.

Maha Bodhi Ta Htaung was founded by Ven Nãrada on the 5th May, 1960. The site is led by a chief abbot known as a sayadaw. The founding abbot, Ven. Narada, died in Mandalay on 22 November 2006.

Myanmar is a rural and agrarian country, with traditions and customs deeply rooted. By tradition every Myanmar household places small jars of Eugenia leaves and flowers in front of their houses to welcome Thagya Min or King Of The Celestial Beings who come to visit the abode of humans annually. Also when they have special wishes to be attained, they offer the Eugenia leaves to Buddha, in order to obtain their wishes. In order to gain attention from the Nats, Eugenia leaves together with incenses, flowers, rice, coconut, banana, etc, are offered to the Nats.

Adenium  obesum  (Desert  Rose)  Common  names  include  Sabi  star,  kudu,  mock  azalea  and impala 

lily Adenium  obesum  is  a  species  of  flowering 

plant native  to  the  Sahel regions,  south  of  the 

Sahara  (from  Mauritania  and  Senegal  to  Sudan),

and tropical and subtropical 

eastern and southern Africa and Arabia.

Nagayon Paya (Buddha sheltered by the Nāga's hood)

Among the notable nāgas of Buddhist tradition is Mucalinda, protector of the Buddha. In the Vinaya Sutra (I, 3) the Buddha shortly after his enlightenment is meditating in a forest when a great storm arises, but graciously Naga King Mucalinda gives shelter to the Buddha from the storm by covering the Buddha's head with his 7 snake heads. Then the king takes the form of a young Brahmin and renders the Buddha homage

The legend of Mucalinda (Muchalinda) is prominently featured in Aldous Huxley's novel Island where it functions as a metaphor of communion between humans and nature, in opposition to the hostile/cautious view of snakes in the Western culture

The walkway to the pagoda is filled with little shops that sell all the local fare.

Text: InternetPictures: Sanda Foişoreanu & InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu

Sound Mar Mar Aye - The Nine Attributes of the Buddha

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