montreal, smart city · ivado presentation 1000 scientistsin data sciences 8m$ in scholarships 50+...

Post on 20-May-2020






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Montreal, Smart CityGilles Savard, CEO

Smart City: a definition

A smart city incorporates information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance the quality and performance of urban services such as energy, transportation and utilities in order to reduce resource consumption, wastage and overall costs. The overarching aim of a smart city is to enhance the quality of living for its citizens through smart technology.

• service planning and management

• infrastructure services

• human services


Smart City: but 23 others…

Ref: Albino, V., Berardi, U., & Dangelico, R. M. (2015). Smart cities: Definitions, dimensions, performance, and initiatives. Journal of Urban Technology, 22(1), 3-21.

Smart City

However, there is a common assumption for all these different meanings: the "smart city" is a data-driven city. In this sense, "big data is [...] the indispensable tool to allow the emergence of real smart cities, structured by a knowledge of the city updated in real time and a form of permanent ubiquity" (Douay & Henriot, 2016, p.89).

The city becomes a platform for generating data and algorithms.

Ref: LA VILLE INTELLIGENTE Origine, définitions, forces et limites d’une expression polysémique, Sandra Breux et Jérémy Diaz, INRS, 2017

Smart City: technology push and citizen pull

Two ways to see the smart city:

(a) the approach centered on technologies and means of communication and information: the materiality of the phenomenon, the "hardware",

b) the people-centered approach (Angelidou, 2014); areas that do not necessarily require the involvement of information and communication technologies: new technologies must be used to produce "intelligent" citizens, workers and officials, that is, capable of new public programs and policies, produce better products, foster local entrepreneurship and attract foreign investment.

Ref: LA VILLE INTELLIGENTE Origine, définitions, forces et limites d’une expression polysémique, Sandra Breux et Jérémy Diaz, INRS, 2017

Smart City & Montreal: technology push

Source : (adapted)

Smart City & Montreal: technology push

Descriptive Predictive Prescriptive

Data mining/BI Machine learning Operationsresearch

Understanding the world / context

Making an optimal decision

• Montreal is a worldwide leader in both deep learning and operations research (OR)

• Campus Montreal pioneered the deep learning revolution• Largest worldwide academic center for deep learning;• #1 in publications on deep learning according to Sementic

Scholar • Strongest operations research cluster in the world (#1 in

research impact)

• Only Canadian Excellence Research Chair in applied mathematics and computer science to Prof. Andrea Lodi

• IVADO has established research partnership innovation and commercialization channels with more than 70 partners

• Attraction of best PhD students in the world: 90% of applicants to MILA and 60% in OR are international students coming from renowned schools

• Thriving Montreal entrepreneurial ecosystem in AI/OR

Smart City & Montreal: technology push

$137.5 M fundraising for Element AI, founded in Oct. 2016

June 2017

$93.6 M grant awarded to IVADO and co-financing of the industry to the tune of $140.4 M

Sept. 2016 March 2017

Funding for three poles of scientific excellence in AI

MILA receives $41 MVECTOR receives $41 MAMII receives $20 M

Creation of an AI cluster with a budget of $100 M over 5 years and setting up the cluster's steering committee

April 2017

May 2017

Launch of the federal innovation supercluster initiative with a budget of $950 M over 5 years

Nov. 2016

Beginning of IA Lab opening announcements in Montreal

CCEI report

Sept. 2017

Two proposals fromQuebec are retainedamong the nineSemifinalists

ScaleAIMost 21

October 2017

Overview of recent developments in AI in Montréal: > $2 G

Global budget IVADO :110,4 M$ (industrial partners)+ 93,6 M$ (CFREF Canada)+ 30,1 M$ (HEC Montréal, Polytechnique Montréal etl’Université de Montréal).

234M$Industrial partners and international partners70+

Scientists in data science, artificial intelligence and operations research

1100Research centers and academic departments• GERAD• CIRRELT• MILA• DIRO de l’Université de Montréal,• Département de mathématiques et de génie industriel de Polytechnique Montréal,• Département de sciences de la décision de HEC Montreal,• Tech3Lab,• Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM)• Chaire d’excellence en recherche du Canada sur la science des données pour la

prise de décision en temps réel.


IVADO in a few figures ...

IVADO Presentation

1000 scientists in data sciences

8M$ in scholarships

50+ research projects in artificial intelligence, researchoperation and data science

Renowned researchers

International collaborations

Worldwide events

40+ industrial members


80 collaborative projects

Three level program

Summer schools

Workshops and seminars

IVADO High level research centers

+ 20 research chairs& labs



Academic partners

International partners

IVADO Industrial PartnersTransportation & logistics

Commerce &

information services


Healthcare &



Becoming Smarter

Smart City & Montreal: toward citizen pull

Digital smart city office (2014-2017)








Montreal - Becoming SmarterA Smart City plan introduced in 2014 is the most recent contributor to this transition.

1. Developing the broadband multiservice urban telecommunications network

2. Unlocking and valuing prioritized open data 3. Put in place an open and interoperable technology architecture

4. Develop, in co-creation with the community, solutions to urban issues 5. Optimize real-time user mobility in the territory 6. Increase the digital offer of direct services to citizens and businesses

7. Develop spaces to support urban innovations and reduce the digital divide 8. Improve access to democratic life and consolidate the culture of transparency and accountability

9. Foster the growth of a leading-edge sector by building on the Smart City's niche as a lever for project advancement and as a driver of economic development

Montreal - Becoming Smarter… But the past three years have shown that the technological solution that make a smart citycannot do it without the other dimensions but it has emerged that in many cases, it is often betterto completely evacuate the technological dimension…

Digital smart city office

Montreal Urban Innovation Laboratory

Intelligent Community of the Year 2016Smart21 2014 | 2016Top7 2016

Montreal smart city: Worldwide prizes

Canada Smart Cities Challenge Finalists(Announcement: March 2019)

Smart applications

Montreal Innovation District

Montréal, Smart and Digital City consists of 70 projects to

develop Montréal based on collaborative innovation, the latest

technologies and Montrealers’ daring and creativity.

Info-neige Adjusted road width based on traffic

Autonomous bus

City of Montreal

Research projects•Modelisation of the daily traffic on the STM network with Machine

& deep learning (SNCF, Keolis and Polytechnique Montreal)

•Autonomous shuttle at parc Olympique (Polytechnique Montreal & City of


•Modelisation of autonomous shuttle lines on the last mile (Polytechnique Montreal, University of Montreal)

•Smart Sensors systems for city trucks to avoid collision with

pedestrians & collect traffic data via image recognition (Jalon with

Polytechnique Montreal and University of Montreal)

•Carpool matching application (Netlift and Polytechnique Montreal)


Smart city goes inevitably toward interconnectivity

Big data, AI and analytics are the indispensable tool to allow the emergence of real smart cities

…even to learn how people use cities

But, it is not so much a technological issue as a societal and citizen issue

Smart cities represent an interdisciplinary challenge that must take advantage of open innovation spaces

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