monthly progress report no....

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Monthly Progress Report No. 67Covering Project Activities During

July 2018

PT. PERENTJANA DJAJA in subconsultancy with • Yongma Engineering Co. Ltd and s'PT. Epadascon Permata Engineering Consultant CTC Office: JI. Ciniru VII No. 25, Kebayoran Baru, JakartaSelatan, 12180

Phone /Fax: (021) 7229823

Direktur Jenderal Bina Marga lnspektorat Jenderal, Kementerian PU-PERA Direktur Transportasi =- Bappenas Oirektur Pengelolaan Kas Negara (PKN), Kementerian Keuangan Direktur Pengembangan Jaringan Jalan, Dit.Jen Bina Marga Direktur Jalan Bebas Hambatan, Perkotaan dan Fasilitasi Jalan Daerah, Dit.Jen Bina Marga Direktur Pembangunan Jalan, Dit.Jen Bina Marga Direktur Preservasi Jalan, Dit.Jen Bina Marga Biro Perencanaan & KLN, Kementrian PU-PERA

10. Kepala Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional II Medan 11. Kepala Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalah Nasional Ill Padang 12. Kepala Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional V Palembang 13. Kasubdit Keterpaduan Perencanaan & Sistem Jaringan, DPJJ - DJBM 14. Ketua Pelaksana Harian PIU WINRIP 15. Kepala Satker Pembinaan Administrasi dan Pelaksanaan Pengendalian PHLN 16. PT. Perentjana Djaja 17. Yongma Engineering Co, Ltd 18. PT. Epadascon Permata Engineering Consultant 19. File

Should you have any comment or additional information that need to be incorporated in the Report, please feel free to get in touch with us.

This Report is reproduced in twenty (20) copies for distribution to all concerned authorities.

In compliance with the Terms of Reference of our Consultancy Contract, we submit herewith the Monthly Progress Report No.67 covering the month of July 2018.

Dear Sir,

Subject Submission of July 2018 Monthly Progress Report No.67; WINRIP Loan IBRD No.8043-ID

Attention: Andria Muharami Fitra, ST. M.Eng Officer In Charge PMU WINRIP

Directorate General of Highways, MPWH JI. Patimura 20 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan Indonesia

Jakarta, Augu'sto9, 2018 : 03 _ 02/LHW/O/fy1~07_.-,2-018 Our Ref.No. I Perentjana Djaja



Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (WINRIP} IBRD Loan No. 8~3-ID

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

1 - 1


1.1 Current Implementation SituationCivil Works

Implementation of the WINRIP Project is scheduled to be implemented into three (3) Annual WorkPrograms (AWP’s). The implementation starts with the preparation of tender documents (detaileddesign drawings including associated bidding documents), tendering stage (procurement of works)and the actual civil works construction implementation.

The original implementation schedules of the three (3) Annual Work Programs (AWPs) arescheduled in three (3) phases namely; AWP-1 to start in mid-2011 and to be completed on the lastquarter of 2014, AWP-2 is expected to begin in mid 2012 with target date of completion by mid-2016 and AWP-3 is expected to start during the early part of 2013 and to be completed during themiddle part of 2017.

However, due to some unavoidable circumstances the original implementation schedules did notmaterialize.

Based on the present status of the program implementation progress, a revised implementationschedule, the “Project Implementation Timeline” (as shown on Page 1-2) is to be implemented inorder to accommodate the originally delayed schedule into the remaining time frame of theWINRIP Program until the expiry date of the loan agreement by the end of December 2018. Shownon Page 1-3 is the current actual status of the implementation relative to the “ProjectImplementation Timeline”.

Implementation Status as of July 31, 2018

PackPackage Name

Contract Under Under Defect LiabilityPeriodNo. Sign Construct

1 Krui - Biha √ Completed Completed FHO2 Padang Sawah - Sp.Empat √ Completed √3 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah √ Completed √4 Ipuh - Bantal √ Completed √5 Sp. Rampa - Poriaha √ Completed √

6 Ps. Pedati - Kerkap √ Completed √7 Indrapura - Tapan √ Completed √8 Bts.Pariaman - Manggopoh √ Completed √

11 Bantal - Mukomuko √ Completed √12 Kambang - Indrapura √ √13 Sp. Rukis - Tj.Kemuning √ Completed √14 Painan - Kambang √ √15 Sibolga - Bts.Tap Sel √ √16 Seblat - Ipuh √ √17 Sp.Gn.Kemala - Pg.Tampak √ Completed √19 Lais - Bintunan √ Completed √20 Lubuk Alung - Sicincin √ Completed √

21 Lubuk Alung - Kuraijati √ TerminatedT O T A L : 18 4 12

Note: Package No.9 (Rantau Tijang – Kota Agung), Package No.10 Sp.Empat-Sp.Air Balam and Package No.18 (Mukomuko – Bts.Sumbar) are cancelled from the program.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

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Length C'tionKm Period J N D J F M A MJ J A S ON D J F M A M J J A S ON D J F M A MJ J A S ON D J F M A MJ J A S ON D J F M A MJ J A S ON D J F M A MJ J A S ON D

1 Krui - Biha 25,00 21 mth

2 Padang Sawah - Sp.Empat 40,90 24 mth

3 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah 32,00 24 mth

4 Ipuh - Bantal 42,40 24 mth

5 SIMPANG RAMPA - PORIAHA 11,10 18 mth

11 BANTAL - MUKOMUKO 50,10 24 mth

13 SP RUKIS - TJ KEMUNING 56,30 24 mth

17 Sp.Gn.KEMALA - Pg. TAMPAK 36,80 24 mth

6 PS. PEDATI - KERKAP 25,00 15 mth

19 LAIS - BINTUNAN 11,60 10 mth

15 SIBOLGA - BATAS TAPSEL 36,00 27 mth

7 INDRAPURA - TAPAN 19,50 21 mth


10 SIMPANG EMPAT - SP.AIR BALAM 61,70 24 mth

12 KAMBANG - INDRAPURA 55,20 24 mth

14 PAINAN – KAMBANG 31,50 21 mth

16 SEBLAT – IPUH 34,50 21 mth

20 LUBUK ALUNG – SICINCIN 14,60 18 mth

21 LUBUK ALUNG – KURAITAJI 16,80 18 mth

9 RANTAU TIJANG-KOTA AGUNG 42,00 The Road has been constructed by MPW within 2011-2013. Road condition is good. Proposed to be deleted from the list of WINRIP's work program

18 MUKOMUKO-BTS SUMBAR 25,80 The Road has been constructed by MPW within 2011-2013. Road condition is good. Proposed to be deleted from the list of WINRIP's work program

Original target : 715,60 km ENVIRONMENT & SOCIAL SAFEGUARDPrequalification Detail Eng Design LARAP Study

Road Safety Owner's Estimate Appraisal & Public Consultation

Procurement & Sign Contr Bid Document LARAP Implementation

Preparation for Commencement of Work

Standard Biding Document



































Review DED & RS

Review DED & RS

Review DED & RS

Review DED & RS

Review DED & RS PQ



Review DED & RS PQ





PACKAGE NAME 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
















Project Timeline Schedule

December 31, 2018

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

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Length C'tionKm Period J N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D

Core Team Consultant (CTC) 40 mth IMPLEMENTATION Time extension for sevices

Design & Supervision Cslt (DSC) 42 mth IMPLEMENTATION Time extension for sevices #

TA for Dev.of Slope Stabilization, Design & M anagement 7 Jun'18

1 Krui - Biha 25,06 21 mth 8 Jan'14

2 Padang Sawah - Sp.Empat 40,70 24 mth 6 Jan'14

3 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah 32,00 24 mth 6 Jan'14

4 Ipuh - Bantal 42,45 24 mth 10 Jan'14

5 SIMPANG RAMPA - PORIAHA 9,70 18 mth 18 Jun'15 10 Apr'18

11 BANTAL - MUKOMUKO 50,65 24 mth 23 Feb'15 26 May'17

13 SP RUKIS - TJ KEMUNING 56,27 24 mth 15 May' 18

17 Sp.Gn.KEMALA - Pg. TAMPAK 35,91 24 mth 04 Sep'15 27 Dec'17

6 PS. PEDATI - KERKAP 20,89 15 mth 11 Mar'15

19 LAIS - BINTUNAN 10,81 10 mth 11 Mar'15 CONSTRUCTION 300+125+53 days 30 Jun '16

15 SIBOLGA - BATAS TAPSEL 36,00 27 mth 20 Nov'15 30 Jun' 18

7 INDRAPURA - TAPAN 19,50 21 mth 10 Dec'15 28 Jan' 18

8 BTS.Kt PARIAMAN-MANGGOPOH 46,80 24 mth PROC 23 Mar'16 31 Dec'17

12 KAMBANG - INDRAPURA 55,20 24 mth 28 Jul' 18

14 PAINAN – KAMBANG 31,50 21 mth PROC 13 Aug'16 17 Jun' 18

16 SEBLAT – IPUH 34,50 21 mth 08 Nov'16 30 Jul'18

20 LUBUK ALUNG – SICINCIN 14,60 18 mth 1 Sep'16 2 Mar'18

21 LUBUK ALUNG – KURAITAJI 16,23 18 mth 1 Sep'16 28 Jun'18

5A 0,69 5 mth 30 Nov'18

9 RANTAU TIJANG-KOTA AGUNG 42,00 To be cenceled

18 MUKOMUKO-BTS SUMBAR 25,80 To be Cenceled

Original target : 715,60 km ENVIRONMENT & SOCIAL SAFEGUARD

1st Revised target : 640,00 km Prequalification Detail Eng Design LARAP Study

2nd Revised target : 579,46 km Road Safety Owner's Estimate Appraisal & Public Consultation

Procurement & Sign Contr Bid Document LARAP Implementation

Preparation for Commencement of Work

Standard Biding Document

Penangan Lereng Ruas Sp. Rampa -Poriaha

30 Nov' 18

31 oct' 18





CONSTRUCTION 720 - 71 days




CONSTRUCTION 450+90 days

CONSTRUCTION 540 - 53 days

CONSTRUCTION 540 - 53 days

CONSTRUCTION 630 - 114 days



28 Jan'17

ConstructionDED EE,BD PROC












CONSTRUCTION 810 - 37 days



23-Mei-16 CONSTRUCTION 720 - 132 days













Review DED & RS

SBD & OE + BDReview DED & RS

Review DED & RS SBD & OE + BD







CONSTRUCTION 640 + 93 days

Review DED & RS PQ

Review DED & RS











2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018




CONSTRUCTION 540 + 224 days

CONSTRUCTION 730 + 105 days

CONSTRUCTION 730 + 75 days

CONSTRUCTION 730 + 90 days 31-Mei-16




Review DED & RS

Review DED & RS



CONSTRUCTION 720 days22-Jul-15


Actual Implementation Timeline of WINRIP

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

1 - 4

1.2 Disbursement

Loan Allocation and Percent (%) Disbursement To Date

#REF! 1,25













% C


ete Actual Expenditure USD 174,28 mil



ACTUAL July 2018

Original Forecast

Forecast Expenditure Rev USD 203,63 mil(81,45%)

Forecast July 2018

Deviation = - 11,74%

The total disbursement summary from the loan by The World Bank to the end of July 2018was USD 174,283,884.04 equivalent to approximately 69.71 % of the loan funds. Thefollowing table summarizes the individual disbursements as calculated by CTC but retainingthe total disbursement from Client Connection at the end of July 2018. Appendix A shows theOverall Loan Progress Status.

Category DescriptionLoan

RestructuringAmount US$

DisbursementThis Period


Totals Disbursedto End July 2018

in US$


1Part 1 Betterment andCapacity Expansion of

National Roads.225,400,000.00 10,758,121.01 153.318.636,20 164.076.757,21 72.79

2Part 2

Implementation Support17,000,000.00 0 10.207.126,83 10.207.126,83 60.04

3Part 3

Road Sector InstitutionalDevelopment

0 0 0 0 0

4Part 4

Contingency for DisasterRisk Response

0 0 0 0 0

Unallocated 7,600,000.00 0 0 0 0Original Loan

Amount 250,000,000.00 10,758,121.01 163.525.763,03 174.283.884,04 69.71

Breakdown of amount disbursed during the period (July 2018) are for “Statement of Work Accomplished”for the following civil works contract package :

Package No.21 : MC Nos. 17-18 USD 141,412.70 Package No.14 : MC Nos. 19 USD 460,040.76 Package No.14 : MC Nos. 20 USD 508,025.94 Package No.12 : MS Nos. 21 USD 614,443.39 Package No.12 : MS Nos. 22-23 USD 2,488,202.09 Package No.12 : MS Nos. 24 USD 2,068,510.84 Package No.15 : MS Nos. 26-29 USD 997,744.66 Package No.15 : MS Nos. 30-31 USD 318,473.77 Package No.16 : MS Nos. 19-20 USD 811,329.31

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

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Package No.13 : MS Nos. 30-34 USD 1,248,099.05 Package No.07 : MS Nos. 26 USD 570,171.16 Package No.07 : Retention Money USD 316,429.42 Package No.05 : MC Nos. 33-34 USD 215,237.92

The Ending balance for Special Account end of July 2018 USD 740,909.41

1.3 World Bank Implementation Review Mission and Site VisitNot performed for this month.

1.4 Procurement of Civil Works Contract Under Category 1 of the Loan AgreementAs of end this reporting month, nineteen (19) contract packages are already procured and areeither completed, ten (10) packages had been took over to the employer, eight (8) packagesunder construction and the remaining one (1) package is cancelled

Package No. 10 (Sp. Empat – Sp. Air Balam) is cancelled, because the road is still relatively inthe good condition and widening is not needed immediately.

The new civil work sub-project named Package No. 5A: Penanganan Lereng Ruas SimpangRampa – Poriaha has been approved by the World Bank to be funded within the WINRIPProject. This package is needed to handle extreme slope conditions in packet 05 at somespots, requiring treatment for slope stability and protection against road users. Procurementof this package has started on April 24, 2018 under e-procurement system at LPSE of Ministryof Public Works and Housing. This e-procurement used SPSE 3.6 application which wasbuilded by LKPP. Bid opening on May 16, 2018, from 61 registered bidders only 2 (two)bidders upload the bids for this package. POKJA has evaluated all the bids and the results is nobidder passed the qualification criteria. The next process is to seek the Bank No-Objection forfailed status of the bidding and start re-bidding for this package.

1.5 Procurement of Consultancy Package under Category 2 of the Revised LoanAgreement Reallocation.

As of end this reporting month, three (3) consulting services are completely selected and arestill running. Consulting services under this category are following:

a. Technical Assistance for Core Team Consultant (CTC) to Support the ProjectManagement Unit of Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project(WINRIP);

b. Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC) of Western Indonesia National RoadsImprovement Project (WINRIP);

c. Technical Assistance for Development of Slope Stabilization, Design and Managementof Western Indonesia Roads.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

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2.1 Background

The Government of Indonesia wishes to continue strengthening of the National Road system inIndonesia while the Eastern Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (EINRIP which isassisted by AusAID through the Australian Indonesia Partnership or AIP), is providing supportprogram of National road and bridge improvement works in Eastern Indonesia. The WesternIndonesia National Road Improvement Project (WINRIP) will provide similar support for Nationalroad and bridge in the Sumatera region of Indonesia. The focus of WINRIP will be roadsadministered directly by the National Government, including those currently classified asProvincial, Kabupaten (District) or non-status roads which are in process of being reclassified asNational roads. In addition, provision will be made for major bridge repair works, rehabilitation,duplication and replacement as necessary to complement road betterment works.

2.2 Project Development

The loan effectiveness date for the WINRIP is 12 March 2012 and key project data is shown in thefollowing detail.

Key Project Data WINRIP Loan No. 8043-ID

Project Cost US$350 million

Original Loan Amount US$250 million

Revised Loan Amount N/A

Board Approval Date 26 May 2011

Loan Signing Date 14 December 2011

Effectiveness Date 12 March 2012

Disbursement (as of July 31, 2018) US$ 174.283.884,04 million (69.71%)Original Closing Date 31 December 2018

Environmental Category B-Partial Assessment

The IBRD loan amount is US$250 million. The Project is intended to finance a part of the DGHinvestment program for national roads with a particular focus on the Western corridor ofSumatera. The corridor is one of the three main corridors in Sumatera and connects the city ofPadang (with a population of around one million) to major towns along the west coast (Bukittinggi, Sibolga and Bengkulu). It also connects through connector roads on the West coast toMedan in the northeast and to Pekanbaru in the center of the island. The project has fourcomponents:

Project Component 1: Betterment and Capacity Expansion of National Roads

According to the Amendment No.4 Loan Agreement, this component will cover three workprograms of betterment and capacity expansion of approximately 579 km including replacement of160 meters of bridges. This civil works program will be executed in three Annual WorkPrograms(AWP), as summarized in Table 2.1. The table shows the IBRD assisted scope and costs ofcivil works at estimated current (year of implementation) prices, excluding taxes.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

2 - 2

Table 2.1 Proposed Physical Works by DGH Program

Type of WorksAWP-1 AWP-2 AWP-3

Km USDMillion Km USD

Million Km USDMillion

Road Betterment - - 53.10 22.77 - -

Capacity Expansion 137.10 79.70 314.60 127.67 207.60 74.58

Bridge works 0.100 1.94 - - 0.08 2.06

TOTAL(excluding tax @ current prices)

137.20 81.64 367.70 150.45 207.68 76.65

The batches of projects are termed Annual Work Programs (AWPs) in line with terminology used inother Bina Marga projects. They are not in fact “annual” programs as such but rather a series ofmulti-year programs, each commencing in consecutive years. Hence, hereinafter it will call as justWork Programs (WPs). It is expected that implementation of the first Works Program (WP-1) willcommence in the third quarter of 2013 and be completed by third quarter or late 2015. Thesecond Work Program (WP-2) is expected to commence in early 2014 and be completed by late2015 or middle 2016. The third Work Program (WP-3) is expected to commence in early 2015 andbe completed by mid-2017. The loan will be closed on December 2018.

Table 2.2 presents details of the First Works Program (WP-1). The four packages in this groupshould have been free from any land acquisition issues, but in fact two packages (Krui – Biha andManggopoh – Padang Sawah) had land issues which were solved by the DGH properly. Thus, thereare no foreseeable impediments to implementation.

Table2.2 IBRD Assisted WINRIP Civil Work WP-1

No Province LinkNo.







Road Works Bridge Works Total Cost


To Leng




















Km Km Km Rp mill m Rp mill Rp mill US$ mill

1 Lampung 053.0 Krui –Biha K1 IU 225.91 246.97 25.06 Bett’nt

to 7 m. 148,668 148,668 16.52

2 WestSumatera 047.2

PadangSawa –SimpangEmpat

K1 IU 0.0 40.70 40.70 Bett’ntto 7 m. 189,810 189,810 21.09

2a WestSumatera 34.1 AirGadan

gBridge K1 IU NewBridge 1 100 17.580 17,580 1.95

3 WestSumatera 047.1

Manggopoh –PadangSawah

K1 IU 102.2 134.2 32.0 Bett’ntto 7 m. 152,435 152,435 16.94

4 Bengkulu 015.3 Ipuh -Bantal K1 IU 0.0 42.45 42.45 Bett’nt

to 7 m. 226,275 226,275 25.14

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

2 - 3

It should be noted that all road sub-projects have been subject to economic appraisal and haveestimated Economic Internal Rates of Return (EIRR) in excess of 15%. These were selected forinclusion and are subject to completion of environmental and social screening, to confirm thatthere is no land acquisition or resettlement requirements remain outstanding.

Final Engineering Designs, Engineer’s Estimates and bidding documents have been completed forall projects proposed for WP-1.

Sub-projects to be included in WP-2 and WP-3 have also been determined as listed in Table 2.3.Final Engineering Designs and Engineer’s Estimates for all WP-2 and WP-3 proposed works requirepreparation or finalization. In the cases of some projects, preliminary Engineering Designs wereprepared during Project preparation which will require review and possible amendment by theDesign and Supervision Consultant prior to procurement.

The revised costs presented in Table 2.3 are planning estimates only, and the revisedimplementation plan is based on the “Revised Implementation Timeline Schedule” of the civilworks.

Table2.3: IBRD Loan WINRIP Civil Work WP-2 and WP-3







5. Sumut : Link No. 015.xx,Sp. Rampa – Poriaha 9.70 152,870 6.0 Mar 2015 18

6. Bengkulu : Link No. 010.0,Ps. Pedati – Kerkap 20.89 92,127 7.0 Mar 2015 15

7. Sumbar : Link No. 019.0,Indrapura – Tapan 19.50 178,600 7.0 Jan 2016 21

8. Sumbar : Link No. 024.0,Bts. Pariaman – Manggopoh 46.80 379,034 7.0 Jan 2016 24

9. Lampung : Link No. 026.1,Rantau Tijang - Kota Agung - - - - Cancelled

10. Sumbar : Link No. 034.1,Sp. Empat - Sp. Air Balam 61.70 515,842 7.0 - Cancelled

11. Bengkulu : Link No. 015.2,Bantal – Mukomuko 50.65 246,500 6.0 Feb 2015 24

12. Sumbar : Link No. 017.2,Kambang – Indrapura 55.20 451,810 7.0 Jan 2016 24

13. Bengkulu : Link No. 006.1,Simpang Rukis - Tanjung Kemuning 56.27 316,305 7.0 Jun 2015 24


14.Sumbar : Link No. 017.1,Painan – Kambang 31.50 252,000 7.0 May 2016 21

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

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15. Sumut : Link No. 016.0,Sibolga - Bts. TapSel 36.00 376,479 7.0 Oct 2015 27

16.Bengkulu : Link No. 009.4,Seblat – Ipuh, including Air Galang andAir Guntung Bridges

34.500.052 241,500 6.0 May 2016 21

17. Lampung : Link No. 061.1,Sp. Gunung Kemala - Pugung Tampak

35.91 255,269 6.0 May 2015 24

18. Bengkulu : Link No. 015.3,Mukomuko - Bts. Sumbar - - - - Cancelled

19. Bengkulu : Link No. 009.1,Lais – Bintuan 10.81 35,886 7.0 Feb 2015 10

20. Sumbar : Link No. 002.0,Lubuk Alung – Sicincin 14.60 116.800 7.0 May 2016 18

21. Sumbar : Link No. 027.0Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji 16.23 65,788 7.0 May 2016 18

5ASumut : Link No. 015.xx,Penanganan Lereng Ruas Sp. Rampa –Poriaha

0.69 65,726 - July 2018 5

Project Component 2: Implementation Support

This component provides consulting services to support project management and implementationso as to ensure implementation efficiency and overall quality of the works. It also includes fundsfor a small amount of training of DGH staff and for incremental operating costs for the project. Thiswill provide support to the MPWH for the implementation of the civil works, including: (a)provision of Core Team Consultants (CTC), Design and Supervision Consultants (DSC) and roadsafety audits; (b) Project management support and technical audits. This is directly related to theimplementation of the civil works and covers consulting services for design and supervision of thecivil works in Component 1; management support and technical audits to help improve the qualityof construction and support to governance improvements during procurement andimplementation; and a series of systematic road safety audits of road designs for all project roadsin Component 1. This is to ensure compliance with road safety standards and regulations, identifyroad hazards and undertake remedial treatments for safety improvements, (c) slope protectiondesign and management. This is related to Technical Assistance and Support to StrengthenDisaster Risk Mitigation in the Road Sector mainly to deal with stabilizing and strengthening, inparticular roadway side cut and high embankment slopes by providing appropriate slopeprotection structures. These activities initially is part of Component-3: Road Sector InstitutionalDevelopment, however, due to reallocation or realignment of funds, the propose work, “TechnicalAssistance for Development of Slope Stabilization, Design and Management” implementation hasbeen realigned to Component-2 : Implementation Support. This activity covers consulting servicefor design and management of slope protection. The revised Loan Category restructuring ispresented in Table 2.4 and revised implementation is based on the approval of GOI and WorldBank.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

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Tabel 2.4

Project Management Core Team Consultants (CTC)

The CTC will provide support to the PMU and DGH in the management of the Project, based inJakarta. Their tasks include financial and progress monitoring and reporting, informationmanagement and dissemination, quality assurance and performance review for the Design andSupervision Consultants, implementation and monitoring of the anti-corruption action plan,support for project monitoring and evaluation, and support for implementation of a trainingprogram to support project management and implementation. The CTC contract No. 06-20/CTC/TA/LN/8043/1112 was signed on 5 November 2012 by both DGH and a Joint Venture ofPT. Perentjana Djaja, Yongma Engineering Co,Ltd, and PT. Epadascon Permata EngineeringConsultant.

Design and Supervision Consultants (DSC)

A Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC) will be responsible for design of WP-2 and WP-3 civilworks and supervision of all civil works. They will have the role of ‘Engineer’ under a FIDIC-typecontract. The tasks include the preparation and maintenance of a quality assurance plan,validation and updating of designs, supervision of all civil works, environmental and socialmonitoring and management, and support for financial and progress monitoring and reporting.The DSC will also be responsible for quality assurance of materials and workmanship, certifyingwhether or not contractors have achieved the required results, as well as documentation andreporting based on the financial management plan. They will prepare a Quality Assurance systemcovering all subprojects, and continuously monitor the effectiveness of their supervisionprocedures. The team will be contracted and managed by DGH through the Bina Marga RegionalOffice (Balai II), and will be based in Padang, West Sumatera.

CategoryOriginal Amount ofthe Loan Allocated

(expressed in USD)

Revised Amountof the Loan

Allocated(expressed in


Percentage ofExpenditures to be

financed (inclusive ofTaxes)

(1) Civil Works under Part 1 of theProject WP-l 220,400,000 225,400,000 70%

(2) Goods, Non-consulting Services,Consultants Services andIncremental Operating Costs* underPart 2 of the Project

16,000,000 17,000,000 100%

(3) Goods, Non-consulting services andConsultants' Services under Part 3of the Project

1,000,000 Cancelled Cancelled

(4) Works, Goods, Non-ConsultingServices, Consultants' Services andIncremental Operating Costs* underPart 4 of the Project

0 0 0%

(5) Unallocated 12,600,000 7,600,000 100%T O T A L : 250,000,000 250,000,000

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

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Technical Assistance for Development of Slope Stabilization, Design and Management WesternIndonesia Road

The Technical Assistance’s objective is to provide technical support to DGH in improving theircapacity for road slope/embankment protection and management. It will include identification andinventory of the existing slope and embankment conditions, assessment of future potential landslide/road erosion problems, development of risk maps, prioritization of high problem/high riskareas, and development of the Detail Engineering Designs for a limited amount of areas in theWestern Corridor of Sumatra6. It will also include the review (and revision) and preparing the newNational Standard and Manual (NSPM) related to the slope protection and capacity building. TheTA’s contract was signed on July 7, 2017 between DGH trough the Sub-Directorate of Geotechnicaland Slope Management of Directorate of Road Construction and PT. Egis International Indonesia inJV with PT. Disiplan Consult and PT. Widya Graha Asana.

Project Component 3: Road Sector Institutional Development

This component which is originally intended to provide technical assistance and support tostrengthen disaster risk mitigation in the road sector, including capacity building support for thenew environment/risk mitigation and road safety unit of DGH has been cancelled due to revisionof the loan allocation. In the meeting, DGH and World Bank agreed upon that DGH will conductanalytical work of an alternative design for road segment that pass through critical environmentalassets and vulnerable areas especially on slope protection design and management. Due todeletion of the allocated funds for Category 3 of the loan agreement and reallocated to Category 2to accommodate the implementation of Technical Assistance for Development of SlopeStabilization, Design and Management, into Component-2. The Loan Category restructuring can beseen in Table 2.4 page 2-5.

Project Component 4: Contingency for Disaster Risk Response

This special component will provide preparedness and rapid response to disaster, emergencyand/or catastrophic events as needed. This provisional zero dollar component will be added underthis project to allow for rapid reallocation of loan proceeds from other components understreamlined procurement and disbursement procedures.

2.3 Project Objective

The main objective of the program will be to increase the effective use of selected sections ofNational roads along the Western Sumatera Corridor by reducing road user costs, throughimproving the National road network especially in 4 (four) Provinces of Sumatera (North Sumatera,West Sumatera, Bengkulu and Lampung) and, where desirable, raise the road standard to that setby the Directorate General of Highways. This will contribute significantly to ensuring that thenational road network in the region provides acceptable standards of service and accessibility, andis capable of supporting local and regional economic development.

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3.1 CTC Consultants

3.1.1 Scope of Services

The CTC contract services originally were structured in its different project management elements.

* Inception Phase

A key activity during the inception phase will be to establish lines of communication with PMU-WINRIP and DSC’s Team Leader as well as with all Provincial Project Managers (Satker) wherethe first works are to be constructed under WP-1.

* Project Management and Support to PMU, including acting DSC until the DSC is established

The Terms of Reference (TOR) identify a number of sub-items to be performed by CTC. The keyfactor that will ensure success is that the CTC must work pro-actively and alongside PMUcounterparts and with DSC team in a professional manner based on mutual respect and trust.

* Preparation of Work Programs

The tendering process for WP 1 sub-projects began as soon as procurement committees havebeen formed and received appropriate training in the procurement procedures required. Theindicative work programs and cost estimates identified for WP-2 and WP-3 are subject toverification, and are likely to change following more detailed investigations. Furtherpreparation for WP-2 and WP-3 will be managed by the PMU supported by the CTC.

* Financial Monitoring

It will be the role of the CTC to first assess the level of understanding of the financialmanagement, monitoring and reporting procedures by the finance staff at the provincial andcentral level and subsequently devise an appropriate training program and assist the PMU intraining delivery.

* Project Progress and Performance Monitoring

CTC will monitor the loan project progress and prepare the report in monthly basis. In themeantime, GOI and the World Bank have agreed on a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)to measure the project’s performance in achieving its stated development objectives. CTC willtherefore first concentrate on the establishment of precise definitions, calculation methodsand data collection procedures to monitor the KPIs.

* Support for the Implementation of the ACAP

The CTC will assist PMU and be responsible for ensuring the ACAP is properly implemented.And for revising the Project Management Manual on an annual basis is to incorporatenecessary improvements of process and procedure.

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* ESAMP and LARAP Implementation Monitoring

CTC will closely work with BLH and DSC and will monitor and report the action of theEnvironmental Management Plan on a periodical basis and/or as required.

* Training to Support Project Implementation

CTC is responsible for preparation and management of all training program required underWINRIP.

* Reporting

CTC is responsible for all reports required under the contract agreement with standardizeforms, charts and tables.

3.1.2 CTC Manning

CTC professional staffs involved in the project as of end of July 2018 are listed in Table 3.1.

The International Staff (Senior Highway Engineer, Senior Road Safety Audit Engineer and SeniorProcurement Specialist) have completed their respective engagements and man-months havedemobilized on March 31, 2014 and May 31, 2015, respectively.

The task of conducting final Road Safety Audit during post-construction phase which is supposedto be conducted by the Senior Road Safety Audit Engineer will be performed by the local RoadSafety Audit Engineer with man-months for the task to be covered by Amendment No.4 of theConsultancy Contract.

The Training Specialist has been demobilized since the end of August 2016 due to completion ofhis allocated man-month under Amendment No.4 of the Consultancy Contract.

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Table 3.1

40.00 - - - - - - Mahbub ur Rahman - - - - A

- 35.25 12.25 12.25 12.25 12,20 9.90 Per Weiss Pedersen Apr-2013 Mar-2014 12,25 0,00 B

- - 23.00 23.00 30,13 30,13 24,17 C.T. Arenas Apr-2014 Oct-2016 30,13 0,00 B

- - - - - 13,00 23,60 Lee Hee Won Dec-2016 - 18,00 4,00 -

Senior HighwayEngineer

8.00 12.50 14.00 14.00 14,00 14,00 14.30 Moon, Sung Hyung Mar-2013 Mar-2014 14,00 0.00 C

Senior Road SafetyAudit

6.00 11.00 13.00 13.00 11,00 11,00 8.97 Cho, Woo Sung Jun-2013 Mar-2014 11,00 0,00 C

18.00 - - - - - - Wasim ur Rahman - - - - A

- 16.00 16.00 16.00 16,00 16,00 14.03 Sanjeev Kumar Agarwal Jan-2014 May-2015 16,00 0,00 C

40.00 9,67 9,67 9.67 9,67 9,70 9.67 Besar Awiat Bowo Nov-2012 Sep-2013 9.67 0,00 B

- 30,33 6,66 6.66 6,66 6,70 6.63 Agus Setiawan Sep-2013 Mar-2014 6,66 0,00 B

- - 23.67 23.67 45,50 45,00 55.43 Julius J. Sohilait Apr-2014 - 51,00 4,00

36.00 7,37 7,37 7.37 7,37 7,40 7.37 Whiliyanto Nov-2012 Jun-2013 7.37 0,00 B

- 28.40 28,63 32.13 38,96 54,00 61.60 Lebiyartono Jul-2013 - 61,00 4,00

Quality AssuranceSpecialist-1

30.00 30.00 30.00 32.00 53,83 54,00 63.87 Uray Abdul Manaf Jul-2013 - 61,00 4,00 -

Quality AssuranceSpecialist-2

- - - - - - 11.00 Hafifuddin - - 16,00 4,00 -

36.00 10.37 10.37 10.37 10,37 10,40 10.37 Uus Martawijaya Nov-2012 Oct-2013 10,37 0,00 B

- 25,63 25,63 29.13 50,96 51,00 60.73 YD Tarwanto Oct-2013 - 57,00 4,00


30.00 30.00 30.00 38.50 60,33 60,47 67.57 Leti Hermawati Dec-2012 - 67,47 4,00

36.00 9,37 9.37 9.37 9,37 9,40 9.37 M. Sutopo Nov-2012 Oct-2013 9,37 0,00 B

- 26,63 26,63 30.13 39,96 51,97 60.33 Witono Sep-2013 - 58,97 4,00

12.00 - - Darmansiri - - - - A

- 12.00 12.00 Muhdi - - - - A

- - 12.00 7.00 7,00 7,00 7.00 Mardiansyah Jul-2014 Mar-2015 7,00 0,00 B

12.00 - 4.10 4.10 4,10 4,13 4.10 Rudi Rungkat Nov-2012 Mar-2015 4.10 0,00 B

- 24.00 24.00 35.40 40,23 43,20 42.70 M. Edhi Fachri Mar-2013 - 43,20 0,00 C

30 - - - - - - Agung Lukito - - - - A

- 25.00 25.00 34.00 55,83 56,00 66.47 Sony Thamrin May-2013 - 63,00 4,00 -

CommunityDevelopment Officer

36.00 36.00 36.00 38.00 59,83 95.93 67.33 Yakobus Jan-2013 - 65,93 4,00 -

Road Safety AuditEngineer

25.00 25.00 19.00 21.00 42,83 42,97 50.80 Aditya Moraza Alwi Jun-2014 - 49,97 4,00 -

Bridge Engineer 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5,00 4.93 Harimurti Suprihantoro Apr-2013 Aug-2013 5.00 0.00 C

Training Specialist - 12.00 12.00 25.00 30,83 31,23 31.07 Roedjitarjo Jan-2014 Aug-2016 31,23 0,00 C

Traffic Engineer - - - 1,00 7,00 7,00 7.00 Harianto Parman Mar-2015 - 1,00 6,00 D

Contract Doc.Specialist

- - - - - 14,00 25.00 M Edhi Fachri Nov-2016 - 21,00 4,00 -

RemarksA - Not able to mobilizied due to poor health or personal reasonsB - Resigned due to personal reasons or poor healthC - Task assigment completedD - Intermittent assignment to update AADTE - Man-months untilNovember 30, 2018 to be covered Amendment No.6

Highway Engineer

Man -Month



Name MobilizedDemob-


Man - MonthUsed as of end of

July 2018Amend


Man - Months Duration




Social ImpactSpecialist





Team Leader

Senior ProcurementSpecialist

Assistant TeamLeader





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3.1.3 CTC Contract

The CTC contract for “Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project” (Contract No.06-20/CTC/TA/LN/8043/1112) was signed on 05 November 2012. The contract is between theGovernment of Indonesia represented by Directorate General of Highways in the Ministry of PublicWorks and PT. Perentjana Djaja in joint venture with Yongma Engineering Co.Ltd. and PT.Epadascon Permata Engineering Consultant.

The Notice To Proceed was issued by letter dated 6 November 2012 from the PPK, and the officialstarting date of the contract was set at 6 November 2012.

Likewise, Amendment No. 1 to the original contract was signed on 25 October 2013 to coverall requirements of the CTC are summarized below.

* Replacement of the Senior Procurement Specialist* Extending the assignment of the Senior Highway Engineer.* Extending the assignment of the Senior Road Safety Audit Engineer.* Extending the assignment of the Procurement Specialist 2 and replacement of the

Procurement Specialist 1.* Adding the new position of Bridge Engineer.* Adding the new position of Training Specialist, and* Adding the new position of Road Safety Engineer.

Amendment No. 2 to the Original Contract and Amendment No. 1 was signed on September 3,2014 to cover requirements of CTC are enumerated as follows :

* Additional / Modification to Terms of Reference (TOR)* Amendment to the Team Composition and Staffing Schedule* Replacement of Foreign and Local Consultants* Adjustments of Remuneration paid in foreign currency and local currency* Adjustment inputs of personnel* Modification to various reimbursable and provisional sum to match the actual requirement

Amendment No.3 to the current CTC Contract (Original Contract and Amendments 1 and 2 wassigned on November 30, 2015 which is in line with the Updated Timeline Bar Schedule takinginto consideration the current and look ahead situations of the WINRIP program.

Based on the current progress of the Project, the services of several local professional and sub-professional staff have been extended beyond the end of the respective dates of completionassignments under Amendment No. 2.

In addition, new position of Traffic Engineer for local professional staff have been added toconduct traffic surveys on six (6) selected road links within the WINRIP Program in order toupdate the AADTs and to prepare a “Technical Analysis of the Annual Average Daily Traffic”.

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Amendment No.3 covers the requirements of CTC are as follows:

* Amendment to the team composition and staffing schedule* Adjustment of inputs of personnel* Adjustment of remuneration paid in local currency* Adding the new position of Traffic Engineer* Modification to various reimbursable to match the actual requirements.

Amendment No. 4 to the current CTC Contract (Original Contract and Amendments 1, 2 and 3)was signed on March 4, 2016 and to expire or completed on December 31, 2017, the same dateas the expiry/closing date of the loan agreement.

Based on the current progress of the Project, services of professional international and local staffas well as local sub-professional staff have been extended beyond their respective dates ofassignment engagement covered by Amendment No. 3.

Amendment No.4 covers the requirements of CTC are as follows:

* Consultancy services time extension* Additional/Modification to TOR/Terms of Reference* Adjustment of input schedule for Professional Staff, Sub Professional and Supporting Staff* Amendment to the Team Composition* Amendment of the Staffing Schedule* Modification to the Provisional Sums* Adjustment of Remuneration paid in foreign currency and local currency* Adjustment to the reimbursable expenses* Amendment to Clause 6.1(b) of the Special Condition of Contract

Proposed Amendment No.5 to the current CTC Contract will cover the following requirementsof CTC :

* Adjustment of input schedule for professional staff, sub-professional and supporting staff.* Amendment of Staffing schedule.* Adjustment of remuneration covered by Special Conditions of the Contract, Clause 6.2 (a).* Adjustment of cost estimates for foreign and local currencies.

Amendment No.6 to the current CTC Contract cover the following requirements of CTC :* Additional/Modification to Terms of Reference (TOR);* Additional Professional Staff (Key Personnel);* Adjustment of input schedule for Professional Staff* Adjustment to the Reimbursable Expenses* Adjustment of Cost Estimate in Foreign and Local Currency

Amendment No.7 to the current CTC Contract cover the following requirements of CTC :* Adjustment of Price

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Presented in Table 3.2 is the current status of CTC contract.Table 3.2

Description USD IDR

Original Contract including 10% VAT 1,404,370 23,556,940,000

Amendment No.1 including 10% VAT 1,447,517 24,668,792,500

Variance Against Original Contract +3,07% +4,72%

Combine Variance Against Original Contract +4.12%

Amendment No. 2 including 10% VAT 1,509,117 24,704,544,150Variance Against Original Contract +7,46% +4,87%Combine Variance Against Original Contract +5.81%Amendment No.3 including 10% VAT 1,473,917 26,328,054,500Variance Against Original Contract +4.95% +11.76%Combine Variance Against Original Contract +9.29%Amendment No. 4 including 10% VAT 1,918,158 40,878,169,529Variance Against Original Contract +36.58% +73.53%Combine Variance Against Original Contract +60.12%Amendment No. 5 including 10% VAT 1,595,403.33 41,545,386,446Variance Against Original Contract 13.69% 76.36%Combine Variance Against Original Contract 53.58%Amendment No. 6 including 10% VAT 1,819,253.33 48,653,875,746Variance Against Original Contract 29.54% 106.54%Combine Variance Against Original Contract 68.04%Amendment No. 7 including 10% VAT 1,847,388.04 50,707,302,309Variance Against Original Contract 31.55% 115.25%Combine Variance Against Original Contract 73.40%

Note : Combine variance (USD+IDR) is based on 1 USD = Rp. 9,558 exchange rate used during thetime of signing the original Contract Agreement.

3.2 DSC ConsultantsThe Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC) is responsible to design of WP-2 and WP-3 civil worksand supervision of all civil works. They will assume the role of ‘Engineer’ under a FIDIC-typecontract. The tasks include the preparation and maintenance of a quality assurance plan,validation and updating of designs, supervision of all civil works, environmental and socialmonitoring and management, and support for financial and progress monitoring and reporting.The DSC is also be responsible for quality assurance of materials and workmanship, certifyingwhether or not contractors have achieved the required results, as well as documentation andreporting based on the financial management plan. They will prepare a Quality Assurance systemcovering all subprojects, and continuously monitor the effectiveness of their supervisionprocedures. The team is being contracted and managed by DGH through the Bina Marga RegionalOffice (Balai III), and is being based in Padang, West Sumatera.

DSC has been established in Balai II Padang following the contract signing on 11 June 2013between Balai II and Renardet SA in joint venture with PT. Cipta Strada, PT. Daya Creasi Mitrayasa,

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PT. Seecons and PT. Yodya Karya. The Notice To Proceed was issued by the Balai II on 19 June2013.

Shown in Table 3.3 is the present status of the Design Supervision Consultant (DSC) contract.

Table 3.3

Description USD IDR

Original Contract plus 10% VAT 902.660 57,000,575,500

Addendum No.3 plus 10% VAT 1,062,534 70,781,353,406

Variance Against Original Contract +17.71% +24.18%

Addendum No.2 plus 10% VAT 848,034 59,973,161,962

Variance Against Original Contract -6.05% +5.22%

Addendum No.3 plus 10% VAT 1,062,534 70,781,353,406

Variance Against Original Contract +17.71% +24.18%Note:

1) Addendum No.3 was approved by DGH on 22 December 2017 with World Bank concurrence andissuance of No Objection Letter (NOL)

3.3 Technical Assistance for Development of Slope Stabilization, Design andManagement

The TA’s objective is to provide technical support to DGH in improving their capacity for roadslope/embankment protection and management. It will include identification and inventory ofthe existing slope and embankment conditions, assessment of future potential land slide/road erosion problems, development of risk maps, prioritization of high problem/high riskareas, and development of the Detail Engineering Design for a limited amount of areas in theWestern corridor of Sumatra. It will also include the review (and revision) of the NationalStandard and Manual (NSPM) related to the slope protection, and capacity building.

Following the problem that arise in Civil Works of WINRIP especially in related to slopestability, the Consultant is assigned to design the slope stability in Package No. 5 : Sp. Rampa –Poriaha as one of the 5 (five) priority locations. The expected final outputs are designstructure of slope stability and structure of road user safety against landslide include designdrawing, bill of quantities and material specification to be additional contract for Package No.05 above. Until this month the consultant had been completed the evaluation for priotitylocation with highest risk based on Pusjatan Guideline. There are 5 location with highest risk asfollows: 1 location in North Sumatera (Ruas Rampa – Poriaha), 1 location in Lampung (Ruas Sp.Gunung Kemala – Pg Tampak), 1 Location in West Sumatera (Ruas Bukit Putus – Teluk Bayur) and 2location in Aceh (both on Ruas Batas Kota Banda Aceh – Batas Aceh Barat). DED for slopetreatment at Sp. Rampa – Poriaha has been complete. For others, remaining 4 DEDs hadpresented in a workshop on May 30, 2018 and inputs from workshop audiences will beaccommodate in final DED, meanwhile for 4 (four) others design works still ongoing andplanned to be completed in next month.For other assignment of TA, the consultant had been conducted desk study to identify, reviewand conduct a preliminary inventory of the road sections/areas that have already slope andembankment problems and those that are prone to the erosions/landslides. Furthermore,field surveys have been conducted along west coast of Sumatera Island on 526 spots identifiedby desk study, resulting from this survey and desk study would be presented as the Risk Mapof slope stability along West Coast of Sumatera Island. Review of some NSPMs related to slope

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treatment on road project also still ongoing then three capacity building workshops plan to bearrange on early June.The NSPM Product for Guidelines and Specifications have been presented in the workshop onJkt date, 28-May-2018 input from participants will be accommodated in the final product.Capacity building - the final workshop that is planned to be held early June is postponed dueto enter the period before Idul Fitri, The workshop participants will be invited are busy withRamadan event.

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4.1 Detailed Design PreparationFinal Engineering Designs, Engineer’s Estimates and bidding documents have been completed for allprojects proposed for WP-1, WP-2, and WP-3.

A brief status of the eighteen (18) sub-projects relative to the procurement of Civil works contractsand implementation can be found in “Implementation Status” table on Page 1-1 of this Report.The progresses of road safety audit are shown in Appendix B.

4.2 Procurements

Procurement shall be conducted under the Bank’s Procurement Procedures as mentioned in the LoanAgreement. The International Competitive Bidding (ICB) based on the Bank letter Ref. WINRIP/136 willapply to the packages with the construction estimated cost of more than US$ 25 Million to comply withthe new Bank’s threshold for ICB. According to the GOI regulation, a prequalification shall be applied forthe packages with the construction estimated cost more than IDR 10 Billion. Review from previousprocurement process, the World Bank in the Aide Memoire requested to GOI, for next 4 ICB subprojectsqualification still used Pre-Qualification and for remaining sub-project must be process with PostQualification. As well as for all NCB the World Bank also requested to follow Post Qualification inprocurement process.

As of this reporting month, a more detailed current updates are fully indicated in Sub-Chapter 1.4Procurement of Civil Works Contract Under Category 1 on Page 1-5 of this Report.

Under Category 3 of Loan Agreement the three (3) consultancy packages (capacity building for disasterrisk reduction, environmental management and road safety) has been cancelled. As a result of thecancellation of the three (3) Technical Assistances, the “Technical Assistance for Development of SlopeStabilization, Design and Management” has been included as replacement, but to be part of the LoanCategory-2;

Procurement update of the new consultancy package can be found in Sub-Chapter 1.5 Procurement ofConsultancy Package under Category 2 on Page 1-5 of this Report.

The WINRIP updated Procurement Plan and Progress is shown in Appendix F.

4.3 Civil Works Implementation

As of end of this reporting month, seven (7) of contract packages were previously completed andcurrently under defects liability period for twenty four (24) months effective on the day the TOCswere issued and ten (10) packages are currently under construction.

Details of each contract package are shown in Table 4.1.

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Table 4.1


#Contractor Name of Road Province Contract


Commencement of







CompletionDate Contract Amount Contract




1 PT. Jaya KonstruksiManggala Pratama Tbk Biha - Krui Lampung Nov 25,

2013 Jan 8, 2014 134,909,211,000 640 CD Oct 9, 2015 93 CD 149,193,782,000 733 CD Jan 20, 2016

2PT.Jaya Konstruksi ManggalaPratama Tbk

Padang Sawah –Sp. Empat includingAir Gadang

WestSumatera Dec 6, 2013 Jan 6, 2014 197,936,699,000 730 CD Jan 5, 2016 105 CD 247,572,130,000 835 CD Apr 14,


3 PT. Jaya KonstruksiManggala Pratama Tbk

Manggopoh –Padang Sawah

WestSumatera Dec 6, 2013 Jan 6, 2014 143,688,963,000 730 CD Jan 5, 2016 75 CD 183,452,130,000 805 CD Mar 17,


4 PT. Waskita Karya and PT.Mulya Turangga (JO) Ipuh - Bantal Bengkulu Nov 14,

2013 Jan 13, 2014 186,936,750,000 730 CD Jan 12, 2016 90 CD 212,290,705,872 820 CD May 31,2016


5 PT. Nusa KonstruksiEnjiniring Tbk.

Sp. Rampa -Poriaha


March 17,2015

June 18,2015 107,321,260,310 540 CD Dec 8, 2016 455 CD 130,143,384,830 995 CD April 10,


6 PT. Waskita Karya (Persero)Tbk. Ps. Pedati - Kerkap Bengkulu Feb 27,

2015Mar 11,

2015 86,517,470,000 450 CD Jun 2, 2016 240 CD 118,444,156,000 690 CD Jan 28, 2017

7 PT. Adhi Karya Indrapura – Tapan WestSumatera

Nov 26,2015

Dec 10,2015 129,699,900,000 630 CD Aug 30,

2017 151CD 129,699,900,000 781 CD Jan 28, 2018

8 PT. PP/PT. Statika MitraSarana J.O

Bts. Kota Pariaman- Manggopoh

WestSumatera Jan 28, 2016 Mar 23,

2016 355,500,000,000 720 CD Mar 12,2018 -71 CD 378.042.000.000 649 CD Dec 31,


11 PT. Hutama Karya/PT. DayaMulya J.O.

Bantal –Mukomuko Bengkulu Dec 18,

2014Feb 23,

2015 228,899,717,000 720 CD Feb 11,2017 104 CD 263,656,603,000 824 CD May 26,


12 PT. Lancar Jaya/PT. CahayaT.A. J.O

Kambang –Indrapura

WestSumatera Jan 28, 2016 May 23,

2016 358,650,400,000 720 CD May 12,2018 77 CD 358,650,400,000 797 CD Jul 28, 2018

13 PT. Waskita Karya (Persero)Tbk.

Sp. Rukis – TJ.Kemuning Bengkulu Dec 18,

2014July 22,

2015 292,700,000,000 720 CD July 10,2017 309 CD 305,889,100,000 1029 CD May15,



14 PT. Yasa PatriaPerkasa/Conbloc, JO Painan – Kambang West

Sumatera Jun 1, 2016 Aug 3, 2016 214,327,429,680 630 CD Apr 12,2018 94 CD 214,327,429,000 724 CD Jul 27, 2018

15 PT. PembangunanPerumahan (Persero)

Sibolga – Bts.Tapsel


July 13,2015

Nov 20,2015 260,100,000,000 810 CD Feb 6, 2018 144 CD 260,100,000,000 954 CD Jun 30, 2018

16 KSO PT Yasa PP-MultiStructure Ipuh - seblat Bengkulu Oct 28, 2016 Nov 8, 2016 211,374,500,000 630 CD July 30,

2018 - 211,374,500,000 630 CD Jul 30, 2018

17 PT. Jaya KonstruksiManggala Pratama Tbk

Sp. Gunung Kemala– Pugung Tampak Lampung Nov 17,

2014 Sept 4, 2015 199,551,000,000 720 CD Aug 23,2017 126 CD 211,712,283,000 846 CD Dec 27,


19 PT. Roda Tekindo Purajaya Bintunan - Lais Bengkulu Feb 27,2015

Mar 11,2015 33,689,452,000 300 CD Jan 4, 2016 178 CD 44,419,760.000 478 CD Jun 30, 2016

20 PT. Nindya Karya Lubuk Alung –Sicincin

WestSumatera Jun 1, 2016 Sept 1, 2016 113,818,300,000 540 CD Feb 22,

2018 6 CD 113,818,300,000 546 CD Feb 28,2018

21 PT. Multi Structure Lubuk Alung –Kuraitaji

WestSumatera Jun 1, 2016 Sept 1, 2016 126,301,900,000 540 CD Feb 22,

2018 126 CD 126,301,900,000 666 CD Jun 28, 2018

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4.4 Civil Works ProgressActivities done during this month on the on-going construction packages were repair and restoration ofdeteriorated existing pavements, roadway excavation, embankment formation, spreading of granularpavement for roadway widening, asphalt paving, structural works, construction of stone masonry sideditches, stockpiling of raw material, production of crush aggregates, other minor works, bridge construction,finalization of “Field Engineering” surveys.

The four (4) contract packages under implementation program AWP-1 were already completed. The one (1)package was finally handed over after the defects liability period for two (2) years to the employer and thethree (3) packages are still undertaken for the final hand-over inspection.

Under the implementation program AWP-2 and AWP-3, the nine (9) packages were already completed andnow under defects liability period for two (2) years. There are currently five (5) contract packages that areon-going construction implementation. Physical progress of four (4) of the packages are lagging far behindschedule with negative slippages from -10.23% to -25.58% and the one (1) package is to be terminate by theemployer.

Progress status of the on-going civil works contracts as of this reporting period are shown in Table 4.2.

Following are brief status of the on-going construction contract packages:

Package No. 1 : Biha – KruiThe contract package is completed on January 20, 2016 and provisionally handed over to the Employer and“Defects Notification Period” of two (2) is completed on January 20, 2018 and finally handed over to theEmployer.

A more detailed previous status during the whole duration of the contract implementation of this Package ispresented in ANNEX P-I Executive Summary Report.

Package No. 2 : Padang Sawah – Sp. Empat (Including Air Gadang Bridge)The contract package is completed on April 14, 2016 and provisionally handed over to the Employer andcurrently Final Hand Over (FHO) inspection is still going on.

ANNEX P-2 Executive Summary Report present a more detailed status during the whole duration of thecontract implementation of the Contract Package.

Package No. 3 : Manggopoh – Padang SawahThe contract package is completed on March 17, 2016 and provisionally handed over to the Employer onMarch 17, 2016 and currently Final Hand Over (FHO) inspection is still going on.

A more detailed status of the project progress during the whole duration of the contract implementationare shown in ANNEX P-3 “Executive Summary Report”.

Package No. 4 : Ipuh – BantalThe contract package is completed on May 31, 2016 and provisionally handed over to the Employer on May31, 2016 and currently Final Hand Over (FHO) inspection is still going on.

ANNEX P-4 “Executive Summary Report” shows the details and status of the project.

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Table 4.2


#Contractor Name of Road

Target ProgressSchedule Ending

July 2018

Actual ProgressAccomplished Slippage Time Elapsed Remaining

Time Remarks


1 PT. Jaya Konstruksi ManggalaPratama Tbk Biha - Krui * - - - - Completed

PHO : January 20, 2016

2PT. Jaya Konstruksi ManggalaPratama Tbk Padang Sawah –

Sp.Empat incl.Air Gadang * - -- - -Completed

PHO : April 14, 2016

3 PT. Jaya Konstruksi ManggalaPratama Tbk

Manggopoh – PadangSawah * - - - - Completed

PHO : March 17, 2016

4 PT. Waskita Karya and PT.Mulya Turangga (JO) Ipuh - Bantal * - - - - Completed

PHO : May 31, 2016


5 PT. Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring Sp. Rampa - Poriaha 100% 95.28% -4.72% Contract amount reduced4.72% (Revised BOQ)

CompletedPHO : April 10, 2018

6 PT. Waskita Karya Tbk Ps. Pedati – Kerkap * - - - - CompletedPHO : January 28, 2017

7 PT. Adhi Karya Indrapura - Tapan * - - - - CompletedPHO : January 28, 2018

8 PT. PP/PT. Statika Mitra J.O Bts. Kota Pariaman –Manggopoh * - - - - Completed

PHO : December 31, 2017

11 PT. Hutama Karya/ PT. DMT Mukomuko - Bantal * - - - - CompletedPHO : January 28, 2017

12 PT. Lancarjaya/PT. CahayaT.A. JO Kambang – Indrapura 100% 76.95% -23.05% 99.62% 3 CD Based on revised contract time

and schedule

13 PT. Waskita Karya (Persero)Tbk Sp. Rukis – Tj. Kemuning * - - - - Completed

PHO : May 15, 2018


14 PT. Yasa – PT. Conbloc (JO) Painan – Kambang 100% 79.92% -20.08% 101.12% -8 CD Based on revised contract timeand schedule

15 PT. PembangunanPerumahan (Persero) Sibolga – Bts. Tapsel 100% 74.42% -25.58% Contract amount reduced

19.5% (Revised BOQ)Based on revised contract timeand schedule

16 PT Yasa-Multi Structure, Jo Seblat –Ipuh 100% 89.77% -10.23% 99.21% 5 CD

17 PT. Jaya Konstruksi ManggalaPratama Tbk

Sp. Gn Kemala – Pg.Tampak * - - - - Completed

PHO : December 27, 2017

19 PT. Rodatekindo Purajaya Lais – Bintunan * - - - - CompletedPHO : June 30, 2016

20 PT. Nindya Karya Lubuk Alung – Sicincin * - - - - CompletedPHO : March 2, 2018

21 PT. Multi Structure Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji 100% 55.79% -44.21% - - Contract To Be Terminated* Under defects liability period for 720 calendar days.

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Package No. 5 : Sp. Rampa – Poriaha

The contract package is completed on April 10, 2018 and provisionally handed over to the Employer andcurrently under “Defects Notification Period” until after two (2) years reckoned from the issuance of TOC.

ANNEX P-5 “Executive Summary Report” shows the Contractor’s Progress Schedule.

Package No. 6 : Kerkap – Ps. Pedati

The contract package is completed on January 28, 2017 and provisionally handed over to the Employer andcurrently under “Defects Notification Period” until after two (2) years reckoned from the issuance of TOC.

ANNEX P-6 “Executive Summary Report” shows the complete details of the contract package.

Package No. 7: Indrapura – TapanThe contract package is completed on January 28, 2018 and provisionally handed over to the Employer andcurrently under “Defects Notification Period” until after two (2) years reckoned from the issuance of theTOC.

A more detailed status of the project progress during the whole duration of the contract implementationare shown in ANNEX P-7 “Executive Summary Report”.

Package No. 8 : Bts. Kota Pariaman - ManggopohThe contract package is completed on December 29, 2017 and provisionally handed over to the Employerand currently under “Defects Notification Period” until after two (2) years reckoned from the issuance of theTOC.

A more detailed status of the project progress during the whole duration of the contract implementationare shown in ANNEX P-8 “Executive Summary Report”.

Package No. 11 : Bantal - MukomukoThe completion date is on 26, May 2017 and the inspection for the provisional hand-over is already doneand the process verbal has been issued on 19, May 2017.

For more detailed of the Contract Package, refer to ANNEX P-11 “Executive Summary Report”.

Package No. 12 : Kambang - IndrapuraThe work progress as of this month is achieved of 76.95% against the scheduled 100% having huge slippagerate -23.05%.

The completion date of this package is July 29, 2018. Hence the contactor currently has proposed theExtension of Time for the completion and the proposed extension of time is reviewing by the employer.

Details of the Contract Package are shown in ANNEX P-12 “Executive Summary Report”.

Package No. 13 : Sp. Rukis – Tj. KemuningThe packages is under the inspection of provisional hand over.Details of the work progress are shown in ANNEX P-13 “Executive Summary Reports.

Package No. 14: Painan - KambangNo work progress was made during this reporting month owing to the serious lack of operation fund of thecontractor.

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Currently the contractor is only working for a few of Asphalt paving works (about 500 tons) with existingstockpile of asphalt bitumen and aggregate stones but other major works like drainage, retaining wall andshoulder in concrete k-250 etc are not executed because all workforces including manpower from the Sub-contractor had been withdrawed from the site since May 2018, Balai Office III and PPK are looking forresolutions and measures on this matter.

ANNEX P-14 “Executive Summary Report” shows the complete details of the project.

Package No. 15: Sibolga – Bts. TapselThe completion date of this package is on 30, June 2018 but the work progress as of this month is achievedof only 74.42%. The contractor’s estimation of the final contract amount is to be decreased up to -25.58%,it is meant that no more remaining works if the reduction of the contract amount from the decrease ofquantities and the works related to the unsettled land acquisition are to be excluded.

In this regard, the Engineer and Balai Office are seeking for realization and doing their own necessaryinvestigation.

Detailed and work progresses of the contract package are shown in ANNEX P-15 “Executive SummaryReport”.

Package No. 16: Seblat – IpuhThe progress as of this month is achieved of 87.79% against the scheduled 100% having negative slippage, -10.23%.

The completion date of this package is 30, July 2018 but huge remaining works especially drainage, and 4locations downgrade works are still need to be done.

The contractor is preparing for his proposal of the extension of time.

ANNEX P-16 “Executive Summary Report” shows the complete details and work progress of the project.Package No. 17 : Sp. Gunung Kemala – Pg. TampakThe contract package is completed on December 26, 2017 and provisionally handed over to the Employerand currently under “Defects Notification Period” until after two (2) years reckoned from the issuance of theTOC.

ANNEX P-17 Executive Summary Report present a more detailed status during the whole duration of thecontract implementation of the Contract Package.

Package No. 19 : Lais – BintunanThe contract package is completed on June 30, 2016 and provisionally handed over to the employer andcurrently under “Defects Notification Period” until after two (2) years reckoned from the issuance of theTOC.

Complete details of the contract package are shown in ANNEX P-19 “Executive Summary Report”.

Package No. 20 : Lubuk Alung - SicincinThe contract package is completed on March 2, 2018 and provisionally handed over to the Employer andcurrently under “Defects Notification Period” until after two (2) years reckoned from the issuance of theTOC.

A more detailed status of the project progress during the whole duration of the contract implementation

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are shown in ANNEX P-20 “Executive Summary Report”.Package No. 21 : Lubuk Alung - KuraitajiThis package will be terminated by the employer and remaining works will be performed by the newcontractor who is a successful bidder through the procurement process.ANNEX P-21 “Executive Summary Report” shows the Contractor’s schedule and work progress.

4.5 Quality AssuranceThe DSC will be responsible for quality assurance of materials and workmanship, certifying whether or notcontractors have achieved the required results, as well as documentation and reporting based on thefinancial management plan. They will prepare a Quality Assurance system covering all subprojects, andcontinuously monitor the effectiveness of their supervision procedures.

Following are current problems which were the same problems during the preceding month and issues

relative to the execution of the works and quality assurance:

Package No.1 : Krui - Bihaa) Completed.b) Currently under defects notification period for two (2) years until January 17, 2018.c) Both TFAC findings follow-up formal report has been approved by World Bank on 14th September,

2016d) CTC site visit 3rd with TFAC WB on 23 November 2017, deadline submit formal to WB on January 09,

2018. CTC have been receipted informal report from PPK but not yet approval by CTC on 22February 2018.

Package No.2 : Padang Sawah – Sp. Empata) Completed.b) Presently under defects notification period for twenty four (24) months until April 18, 2018.c) Since the design and construction of side cut slope protection works were not included in the

original contract design/construction have to be implemented under a new contract.d) CTC site visit 3rd with TFAC WB on 18 January 2017, quality inspection report of the WB has been

received by the PPK, Contractor on 7 February 2017.In accordance with the PMM WINRIP deadline follow up report should be completed and approvedless than two months from the time the team TFAC visit and according to records World Bankdeadline TFAC follow-up report was approve on 22 March 2017.

e) Based on the letter Ka.Balai III dated April 17, 2017, to the Satker PJN 1 Prov. West Sumatra that nolater than April 25,2017, the follow-up report on the findings of TFAC package 02 (third visit afterPHO) must have been submitted to Balai III Padang.

f) The informally approved of TFAC finding package 02 after PHO on September 04, 2017 by WorldBank.

g) Formaly from Director PJJ to World Bank on October 16, 2017.

Package No.3 : Manggopoh – Padang Sawaha) Completed.b) Currently under defects notification period for two (2) years until March 16, 2018.c) Since the Design and construction of side cut slope protection works were not included the original

contract design/construction have to be implemented under a new contract.d) CTC site visit 3rd with TFAC WB on 18th January 2017 , quality inspection report of the WB has been

received by the PPK, Contractor on 23rd February 2017.

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In accordance with the PMM WINRIP deadline follow up report should be completed and approvedless than two months from the time the team TFAC visit and follow-up report findings TFACimmediately resolved.

e) Based on the letter Ka.Balai III dated April 17, 2017, to the Satker PJN 1 Prov. West Sumatra that nolater than April 25, the follow-up report on the findings of TFAC package 03 (first visit, second visitand third visit after PHO) must be submitted to Balai III Padang. The report has been approved byWB on August 21, 2017.

f) The informally approved of TFAC finding package 03 after PHO on August 21, 2017 by World Bank.g) Formally from Director PJJ to World Bank on October 16, 2017.

Package No.4 : Ipuh - Bantala) Even through the contract time have been extended, contractor still failed to complete and turned

over the Project to the Employer on the revised target date of completion on April 11st , 2016.b) Contractor under liquidated damages.c) Substantially completed, Taking Over Certificate issued by DSC on May 31st , 2016.d) Currently under defects notification period for two (2) years until May 17th , 2018.e) CTC site visit 3rd with TFAC WB on 07 November 2017. deadline submit formal to WB on February

05, 2018. Not yet submit from Balai.f) CTC site visit before FHO from 26 February to 02 March 2018.

Package No.5 : Sp. Rampa - Poriahaa) Field Engineering still to be finalized and approve by DGH.

Following a geotechnical test to obtain rock excavation safest slope /angle. Additionally, the unitprice for rock excavation shall be renegotiated between the “Panitia Peneliti Kontrak” andContractor.

b) Contractor to prepare and implement catch-up schedule to reduce the huge progress negativeslippage.

c) CTC site visit with 1st TFAC WB on 22 Augustus 2016, quality inspection report of the WB has beenreceived by the PPK, Contractor on 29 September 2016.In accordance with the PMM WINRIP deadline follow up report should be completed and approvedless than two months from the time the team TFAC visit and follow-up report findings TFACimmediately resolved.

d) The on-going design revision involving massive quantities of rock excavation shall be thoroughlyevaluated.

e) A follow-up formal report of the TFAC (first visit) package result 05 was approved by WB on 5 April2017.

f) The informally approved of TFAC finding package 05 second visit on October 12, 2017 by WorldBank.

g) Tfac's second visit has been held on May 11, 2017, The deadline for a follow-up report is the dateon August 09, 2017

h) The informally approved of TFAC finding package 05 second visit on October 12, 2017 by WorldBank.

i) CTC site visit 3rd with TFAC WB on 20 November 2017, deadline submit formal to WB on January22, 2018. Not yet submit from Balai.

j) Formaly from Director PJJ to World Bank on January 09, 2018.k) Not yet submit report from field team.

Package No.6 : Ps. Pedati - Kerkapa) CTC site visit with 2nd TFAC WB on 25 August 2016, quality inspection report of the WB has been

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received by the PPK, Contractor.b) A follow-up formal report of the TFAC (second visit) package result 06 was approved by WB on 29

March 2017.c) CTC site visit 3rd with TFAC WB on 09 November 2017.d) CTC site visit to assess pavement work quality of package 06 on December 27 to 29, 2017

Package No.11 : Bantal - Mukomukoa) CTC site visit with 2nd TFAC WB on 25 August 2016, quality inspection report of the WB has been

received by the PPK, Contractor.b) A follow-up formal report of the TFAC (second visit) package result 11 was approved by WB on 5

April 2017.c) The Taking Over Certificate has been done on 19 may 2017d) The maintenance period are two years as to 09 may 2019.

Package No.13 : Sp. Rukis – Tj. Kemuninga) Contractor to finalize technical justifications relative to results of Field Engineering.b) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications just approved by DGH with balance budget.c) CTC site visit with 1st TFAC WB on 28 August 2016, quality inspection report of the WB has been

received by the PPK, Contractor.d) TFAC findings (first visit) follow-up formal report has been approved by World Bank on 29th March,

2016e) The informally approved of TFAC finding package 13 second visit on September 28, 2017 by World

Bank.f) Formally from Director PJJ to World Bank on October 16, 2017

Package No.15 : Sibolga – Bts. Tapsela) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications are still to be finalized.b) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications just approved by DGH with balance budget.c) CTC site visit with 1st TFAC WB on 22 Augustus 2016, quality inspection report of the WB has been

received by the PPK, Contractor on 12 October 2016.In accordance with the PMM WINRIP deadline follow up report should be completed and approvedless than two months from the time the team TFAC visit and follow-up report findings TFACimmediately resolved.

d) A follow-up formal report of the TFAC (first visit) package result 15 was approved by WB on 5 April2017.

e) Tfac's second visit has been held on May 11, 2017, The deadline for a follow-up report is the dateon August 09, 2017.

f) Formaly from Director PJJ to World Bank on January 09, 2017

Package No.17 : Sp. Gn. Kemala – Pugung Tampaka) Field Engineering and Technical Justification are still to be finalizedb) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications just approved by DGH with balance budget.c) CTC site visit with 1st TFAC WB on 04 October 2016, quality inspection report of the WB has been

received by the PPK, Contractor on 08 December 2016.d) TFAC findings follow-up formal report has been approved by World Bank on 31th March, 2016

Tfac's second visit has been held on May 23, 2017, The deadline for a follow-up report is the dateon August 14, 2017

e) Formally from Director PJJ to World Bank on November 08, 2017f) Tfac's 3rd visit has been held on November 23, 2017.g) Formaly from Director PJJ to World Bank on July 30, 2018

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Package No.20 : Lb. Alung - Sicincina) Sign Contract on June 01, 2016b) SPMK on September 01, 2016c) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications are still to be being worked on.d) Tfac's first visit has been held on Marth 20, 2017 deadline on 25 May, 2017 and has been informaly

approval by WB on 05 June 2017.e) Formally from Director PJJ to World Bank on October 16, 2017f) Tfac's 2nd visit has been held on November 01, 2017 deadline on January 30, 2017.g) Formaly from Director PJJ to World Bank on March 12, 2018.h) CTC has been site visit monitoring maintenance period package 20 (Lb. Alung – Sicincin), Padang

west Sumatera on may 21 to 23, 2018.

Package No. 21: Kuraitaji – Lb. Alunga) Sign Contract on June 01, 2016b) SPMK on September 01, 2016c) Amendment (01) on September 01, 2016d) TOC/PHO on December 31, 2017 (base on Add.01)e) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications are still to be being worked on.f) Tfac's first visit has been held on Marth 21, 2017 deadline on 15 June, 2017 and has been informaly

approval by WB on 15 June 2017g) Formally from Director PJJ to World Bank on October 16, 2017h) Tfac's 2nd visit has been held on November 02, 2017 deadline on January 30, 2017.i) Formaly from Director PJJ to World Bank on March 19, 2017

Package No. 07: Inderapura – Tapana) Sign Contract on December 03, 2015b) SPMK on December 10, 2015c) Amendment (01) on February 01, 2016d) Amendment (02) on Marth 07, 2016e) Amendment (03) on November 04, 2016f) TOC/PHO on August 30, 2017 (base on Add.01)g) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications are still to be being worked on.h) Tfac's first visit has been held on October 21, 2016 and just approved by WA on April 05, 2017i) Tfac's second visit has been held on May 18, 2017 and deadline on 11 August, 2017 .j) The Informally approved of TFAC finding package 07 second visit on September 28, 2017 by World

Bank.k) Formaly from Director PJJ to World Bank on April 03, 2018.l) CTC has been visit after PHO to package 07 (Indrapura – Tapan ) at July 25 to July 29, 2018.

Package No. 08: Bts. Pariaman – Manggopoha) Sign Contract on January 28, 2016b) SPMK on March 23, 2016c) Amendment (01) on March 23, 2016d) Amendment (02) on October 13, 2016e) Amendment (03) on January 16, 2017f) TOC/PHO on December 31, 2017 (base on Add.01)g) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications has been approval on October 13, 2016 (base on Add.

02).h) Tfac's first visit has been held on January 17, 2017 and just approved by WA on April 05, 2017i) Tfac's second visit has been held on May 15, 2017 and deadline on 17 May, 2017 .j) CTC has been visit before TOC/PHO package #08(Bts. Kota Pariaman –Manggopoh) on December

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05, 2017.k) The Taking Over Certivicat has been done on 29 December 2017l) The maintenance period are two years as to 29 December 2019.m) First time for maintenance period (January 2018 to March 2018) has been done.

Package No. 14: Painan – Kambanga) Sign Contract on June, 2016b) SPMK on August 03, 2016c) Ammendemen (01) on August 12, 2016d) Ammendemen (02) on August 25, 2016e) Ammendemen (03) on September 15, 2016f) TOC/PHO on December 31, 2017 (base on Add.01)g) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications are still to be being worked on.h) Tfac's first visit has been held on March 22, 2017 and deadline on June 15, 2017i) The has been approved by WB on July 26, 2017j) Formally from Director PJJ to World Bank on August 10, 2017k) Tfac’s 2nd visit has been held on October 31, 2017 and deadline on January 22, 2018.l) Formaly from Director PJJ to World Bank on March 12, 2018.

Package No. 19: Bintunan – Laisa) Sign Contract on Febuary 27, 2015b) SPMK on March 11, 2015c) TOC/PHO on June 30, 2016 (base on Add.01)d) Tfac's first visit has been held on November 02, 2015 and just approved by WA on December 06,

2016e) Tfac's second visit has been held on March 03, 2016 and just approved by WA on September 29,

2016.f) CTC site visit 3rd with TFAC WB on 08 November 2017 and deadline on February 05, 2018

Package No. 12: Kambang – Indraouraa) Sign Contract on January 28, 2016b) SPMK on May 23, 2016c) Ammendemen (01) on May 23, 2016d) TOC/PHO on December 31, 2017 (base on Add.01)e) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications are still to be being worked on.f) Tfac's first visit has been held on May 18, 2017, and deadline on August 11, 2017g) The Informaly approved of TFAC finding package 12 on September 28, 2017 by World Bank.h) Formaly from Director PJJ to World Bank on April 03, 2018.

Package No. 16: Seblat – Ipuha) This is last WINRIP package contractedb) Work site hand over to Contractor on 7 November, 2016c) COW/SPMK letter issued by PPK on 8 November, 2016d) Pre - Construction Meeting (PCM) held on 14 November, 2016e) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications are still to be being worked on.f) Training or briefing TPM already implemented CTC in package 16 from dated 26 April until 28 April

2017 in Bengkulu Province. QA /CTC participated in this event.g) Tfac's first visit has been held on May 11, 2017, The deadline for a follow-up report is the date on

September 08, 2017h) The Informaly approved of TFAC finding package 16 on January 25, 2018 by World Bank.

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i) Formaly from Balai III Padang to Director Preservasi at April 04, 2018

4.6 Environmental and Social Considerations

4.6.1 Current Overall Situation

A project category is assigned to each package as either Category A, B or C depending on the likely degreeof influence on environmental issues with a brief explanation as follows:

Category A project is one which will have a significant negative impact on the environment and may havean influence on areas outside the actual project area. A project classified as such requires an Amdal (Andal,RKL&RPL) study.

Category B project is one which affects the people or the environment to some extent but with a smallerimpact than a Category A. The required environmental analysis is a UKL/UPL study only.

Category C project has minimal effect on the people or environment and an environmental analysis is notrequired. SPPL are used to handle any minor problem which may arise.

Details of packages that require environmental and social safeguard are given in Appendix E and thefollowing Table 4.3 provides a summary of the work involved in the 18 WINRIP packages.

All the eighteen (18) packages require environmental impact investigations and studies which need theapproval by Forestry and Environmental Agency (DLHK) and has been issued of IPPKH for package No.05(Sp.Rampa – Poriaha) at 9 November 2017.

Nine (9) of the eighteen (18) packages are categorized under “Category A” projects wherein Amdal/EIAstudies are required and have to be approved by World Bank. The nine (9) packages are covered only byfive (5) Amdal/EIA studies as some single study covers a combination of two (2) or three (3) sub-projects asindicated in Table 4.3. While 21 social studies (SLARAP and LARAP) require the approval of the World Bank.Up to 31 May 2017, all the 22 environmental studies for the eighteen (18) sub-projects including a separatestudy (UKL-UPL) for Air Gadang Bridge on Package No.2 were approved by BLH with 5 of these studies(Amdal/EIA) were granted No Objection Letter (NOL) from the World Bank while all the 18 social studies(LARAP) were already issued No Objection Letter (NOL) from the World Bank.

Table 4.3Works

ProgramNo of

PackagesNo of Investigations Approval by Remarks

BLH World Bank

AWP-1 4 9

1 - Amdal2 – UKL-UPL2 - SPPL4 - Full LARAP

1 - Amdal2 – UKL-UPL2 - SPPL

1 - EIANo NeedNo Need4 - Full LARAP

Coverage of SingleAmdal/EIA study arethe following Packages :

a) Packages 1 and 17b) Package 7,12 and

14c) Package 11 and 16d) Package 8

AWP-2 7 15

3 - Amdal4 – UKL-UPL1 - Simple LARAP7 - Full LARAP

3 - Amdal4 – UKL-UPL

3 - EIANo Need1 - SLARAP7 - Full LARAP

AWP-3 7 111 - Amdal5 – UKL-UPL6 - Full LARAP

1 – Amdal;5 – UKL-UPL

1 - EIANo Need6 - Full LARAP

Total 18 35 Env=18, Soc=18 18 Env= 4, Soc=18Note: 1) UKL & UPL do not need a NOL from WB, and SPPL not necessary to submit to the WB.

2) Packages 9 and 18 to be deleted.

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3) Air Gadang Bridge have separate investigation, hence, total equals 22.

Appendix E shows the Progress of Environmental Safeguard Studies.

4.6.2 Environmental and Social Issues

This section outlines the activities of the Social Impact Specialist and the Environmental Specialist duringJuly 2018. Environmental Issues

Generally for safeguard all packages on WINRIP complete and on going submit to BLH for implementing,nevertheless the main environmental issues, specifically on the packages under construction are the spilledoil & diesel fuel contamination, air, noise, waste hazardous pollution, also poor housekeeping beingoccurred at base camp, Protected forest on pack No.05 (IPPKH has been issued from PMPPTSP Agency ofNorth Sumatera Province on 9 November 2018), Air and dust pollution along stretches of thickly populatedareas are not properly addressed by the Contractors. Water spraying is not continuously implemented.Dump trucks transporting construction material are not fully covered and traffic management plan is notfully implemented, generally workers on all packages partially not use PPT, only contractor staff has beenused the PPT. Follow-up to the implementation of the Bank's supervision mission related to the finding ofbase camp pollution on the all packages under construction, The Director of Road Network Developmentrequested that all base camp packages under construction be completed with temporary storage permitsfor Hazardous waste and only 1 (one) package is link of Sp.Gn.Kemala-Pg.Tampak (No.17) is alreadyequipped with permission.

Status as 31 May 2018 the conditions on going packages WINRIP there has been an increase in progress asin packages No.05,12,13,14,16 & 21 while other packages are being repair process. The packages availableof hazardous waste storage (TPS) are No.05, No.15, 08,21,14,12,16 & 13 while package No.20 the TPSbuilding not available.

Environmental issues on each of the individual sub-projects (Packages) are shown in Appendix E of thisReport.

Monitoring of Environmental Aspects During Construction

CTC provided revised monitoring forms to DSC and Contractor for use in monitoring of environmental andsocial impacts. These forms are to be used every month by the DSC Environmental Specialist.

CTC’s environmental staffs actively advises DSC on environmental monitoring, DSC have directly carried outmonitoring or to implement the Environmental and Social Safeguard and Road Safety (ESSR) for WINRIP.

CTC’s Environment Specialist monitored the implementation of environmental mitigations during themonth of 30 April 2018 and the following were observed :

Package No.05 : Sp.Rampa – Poriaha

a) The contractor does not use the existing quarry, the current buys material from the supplier (PT.Rogada/same owners quarry with package No.15 )

b) The IPPKH license for the link of Sp.Rampa-Poriaha at Sta. 12+525 – Sta.13+950 and Sta.15+025 – Sta.15 + 150 has been issued on 9 November 2017 from Dinas PPTSP of North Sumatera Province.

c) Concrete & drainage floor already exists & has been wide, no found a spill of diesel to the ground.d) Concrete floor storage of solar & asphalt tank is quite adequate, there is already sloof there is a direct

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channel to the ground & roof on a container was completed.e) There is not a spill of diesel and asphalt on the ground.f) The storages explosive was built, Health & Safety was implemented.g) The civil work under asphalt pavement , drainage work & the blasting activities. Explosive/detonator

has been finishh) The base camp management improvement such infrastructure, housekeeping & B3 storage has been

done.i) The hazardous waste storage (TPS) available.

Package No.13 : Sp. Rukis – Tj. Kemuning

a) The civil work under Asphalt pavement & under roadway excavation especially from Sta.26+000 to43+000 part of segment.

b) The lands under payment. The land acquisition budget from the PPK/Satker (APBN)c) There is a spill of diesel to the ground although the contractor has made the storage of jerry cans for

solar charging, the storage area of the jerry was enough large.d) Contractors has been made a zinc roof for a spill container of diesel fuel continue to the building of the

tank fuel to the reservoir.e) Storage of a reserve solar tank is smaller than the tank with open conditions (exposed to rainfall fall

from the roof beside it, the tarpaulin has been install at the storage.f) There is a spill of diesel on genset house on AMP&Stone crusher, the existing concrete floor (bulk

asphalt storage tank & diesel) is too small, not roofed, no channels to the oil trap.g) AMP pool with hydrocarbon, no mud dredging and no yellow line signs around the pool for the safety of

the project workers, etch) The base camp management improvement such infrastructure, housekeeping & B3 storage partially

done.i) The hazardous waste storage (TPS) available.

Package No.15 : Sibolga - Bts Tapsel

a) Water pipes belonging was cross the road pavement, shoulder widening and mortal, the current hasbeen cover by asphalt pavement & no complaint from the resident.

b) There are puddles in basecamp, the contractor should improve the layout stockpile storage onbasecamp,

c) Ex-diesel spill was noticeable in front of diesel storage room to follow up: clean up the contaminatedsoil, store temporarily in separate drum/container with label. Establish SOP for diesel loading &unloading and train related personnel.

d) Empty container without label was located in front of storage room to follow up: improvehousekeeping by giving the label and keeping the container at the designated place

e) Pond of AMP 2 has been improved with mud dredging & repair for AMP pond and completed by yellowline signs around the pool for the safety of the project workers

f) Ex drum asphalt drums have been mostly placed on the concrete floor with sloof but there is no B3waste container & not roofed

g) The AMP 1 under demobilization but demobilization schedule still not clearance.h) The base camp management improvement such infrastructure, housekeeping & B3 storage partially


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Package No.17 : Sp. Gn.Kemala - Pugung Tampak

a) Base camp was built on a hill it has the potential landslides, b) The Quarry/AMP/Stone Crusher permitswas complete,

b) The Contractor has been implement the Health & road sapety aspect on project on some segmen, Eartwork & shoulder excavation & drainage construction is underway, the contractor has been managethe construction areas with traffic management (road sign, flaghmen etc). The proposed blastingmethods on STA 11, will be canceled & the new proposed widening to seaword. : partially electric poleshave been removed by PLN.

c) Oil & diesel fuel contamination has occurred in the base camp, based on General Specification : (a) The Contractor shall ensure that polluting effluent from all of the Contractor’s activitiesshall not exceed the values stated in the prescribed applicable Laws (Refer specifically to RegulationNo.82/2001 regarding Water Quality Management & Water Pollution Control).

d) The contractor partially done for base camp improvemente) The project PHO on 27 Dec 2017

Package No.7 : Indrapura - Tapan (The project has been PHO)

The base camp activity has been operate, the power for AMP & stone crusher activities used genset. thecivil work was done for the excavation shoulder and widening, the quarry & base camp permission underprocess to ESDM/Governor, the contractor use 2 (two) quarries are in Aer pura and Tapan, all quarriespermits has been complete from Governor. Inadequate traffic sign on construction site,c) Flooding on 3(three poin arround Sta.08+500), drainage issues and The contractor has been provide the box culvert atSta.8 + 500 & u ditch at Km PDG 197 BLS 46 to handle flooding at site and surrounding, d) cow sign isneeded Sta.15 - Sta.20, d) is needed embankment for some houses was affected by project end project(pasar Tapan) and Drums containing chemicals with no labels were stored in an open area, on the groundand no secondary containment to follow up: provide designated area to store the chemicals, ensure theavailability of drainage and secondary containment and give label/sign for the drums. Provide roof or coverdrums with tarpaulin. The contractor partially done for base camp improvement, Not inform aboutprogress the base camp management from DSC status December 2017. Based on CTC visited on 6 Dec 2017,was found that the box culvert for 3 (three) point in Desa Gemuruh has been built, the embankmen on twohouses at end project (Tapan) has built but the electric pole at the end of the project not all have beenmoved, the AMP pool has been dredged, storage of solar tank not roof & minimum cement concrete & oiltrap. ex chemical, asphalt & solar drum stored on the ground & housekeeping not more improve. Theproject PHO on 28 January 2018, based on CTC monitoring on January 2018 (after PHO) was found thatAMP, stone crusher & some heavy vehicle not yet demobilization

Package No.12 : Kambang - Indrapura

a) Roads existing damage, air pollution at dens resident etc, no traffic sign at construction site.b) The quarry license was complete from Governor, environmental permit of AMP & Crusher from Bupati

was complete,c) Hydrocarbon layers were observed in the dust collector effluent pit and contaminated soil was clearly

observed nearby the pit, likely due to the overflow and no proper drainage. Water from the pit went tothe soil ditch and ultimately to the soil pit prior to discharge to the environment. Water contaminatedwith hydrocarbon was also seen in the soil pit to follow up: build concrete pit and ditch and ensure no

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hydrocarbon contaminated water is in contact directly with soil. Monitor the discharge to theenvironment and check the UKL/UPL requirements.

d) The contractor partially done for base camp improvement.e) Not inform about progress the base camp management from DSC as per Dec 2017

Based on CTC visited on 6 Dec 2017 was found that the holes of culvert box at the bridge turns have notbeen closed, the base camp enough clean, housekeeping more improve, the B3 drainage & pond wasbuilt but without roof. there is a bit of diesel fuel at the AMP location.

Based on CTC visited on 20 Feb 2018 the environment issues was found the AMP water pond wascontaminated with hydrocarbon & asphalt spill under asphalt tank still not yet manage, also solar spillat AMP surrounding and little housekeeping need improve.

j) Based on CTC visited on 17 July 2018 finding the base camp management improvement suchinfrastructure, housekeeping & B3 storage has been done.

Package No.14 : Painan - Kambang

The base camp activity has been operate, the contractor not yet manage the soil pollution caused oil &solar spill, the civil work was done for the excavation shoulder and widening, the quarry license completefrom Governor, AMP & Crusher permission complete from Bupati, Inadequate traffic sign on constructionsite,c) Flooding on part of segmen because no drainage system, Air pollution but the contractor has beenmanage with sprayer. Oil & diesel fuel contamination has occurred in the base camp. The contractor notyet done for base camp improvement, Not inform about progress the base camp management from DSC asper Dec 2017. Based on CTC visited on 5 Dec 2017, was found Asphalt spill at AMP, road access &workshop areas, the AMP pool has not been dredged with hydrocarbon mixed with mud, storage of solartank not roof & minimum cement concrete & oil trap. ex chemical, asphalt & solar drum stored on theground & housekeeping not more improve but the Hazardous waste traetment available.Based on CTC visited on 19 April 2018 the base camp relatively environment issues was found such AMPwater pond was contaminated with hydrocarbon & asphalt spill under asphalt tank, solar spill at AMP stillunder repair process and little housekeeping generally has been improve all of the impact has beenrepair/complete as target then CTC visited on 17 July 2018 finding the base camp managementimprovement such infrastructure, housekeeping & B3 storage has been done.

Package No.8 : Manggopoh – Bts. Pariaman

The project has been PHO,. a) The project under construction, b) the base camp enough clean becausepower from PLN for operate AMP & base camp, c) The quarry & base camp permits (Governor) available,the utilities isues PLN can’t move the electrical pole because no budget in this year, d) 1 (one) PAP requesthigh compensation for his land caused the contractor can’t work on his lands. e) 2 houses at Kota Pariamanhas been moved. f) Fuel drainage on soil without concrete cement & mixed with rain drainage. g) the basecamp clean enough because the contractor used PLN for power, e) Road damage at sungai limau & ±Sta.15(Pak oyon lands), Not inform about progress the base camp management from DSC as per Oct 2017.Based on CTC site visit on 11 to 14 October 2017, the environment issues was found are:1) The base camp at Sta.23+600 condition clean enough but need improve the housekeeping & oil trap

given a roof then not mixed for rain drainage & solid contaminate drainage.2) Road damage at S.Limau (Sta.15+800 & Sta.26+350) front of Bapak Oyon shop already done asphalt

pavement (Row efficient)3) There has been a flood potential at Sta.22+900, Sta.23+900, Sta.18+100, Sta.24+000 & Sta.19+500 at

Sta.19+500 & Sta.21+300. The contractor should concern for mitigate.

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4) Raising work at Sta.27+900 to protect the sea tidal5) Embankment work to protect soil erosion at Sta.21+500, Sta.42+700 & Sta.44+0006) The base camp condition after PHO suitable with SOP/clean the base camp area/good condition.7) The Project PHO on 31 Dec 2017k) Based on CTC visited on 30 January 2018, was found the base camp clean, no found solar& asphalt spill

at AMP & solar tank area. The base camp management improvement such infrastructure, housekeeping& B3 storage has been done as target.

Package.No. 16: Seblat - IpuhCivil works activities such as clearing and grubbing, roadway excavation along shoulders, stone crusher andquarry operations already done until 10 Km. the quarry & AMP permission complete. Oil & diesel fuelcontamination has occurred in the base camp, based on General Specification : (a) TheContractor shall ensure that polluting effluent from all of the Contractor’s activities shall not exceed thevalues stated in the prescribed applicable Laws (Refer specifically to Regulation No.82/2001 regardingWater Quality Management & Water Pollution Control). The contractor on going done for base campimprovement.a. AMP & Crusher environment license issues (should upgrade the SPPL to UKL-UPL)b. Housekeeping still needs improvement: to collect/store used tire, tarpaulin, and other

tools/equipment in the proper place; increase housekeeping, waste segregation and spill preventionawareness to all workers.

c. A drum containing hydrocarbon/diesel was put directly on the ground, without label and secondarycontainment

d. Ambient water quality monitoring and water discharge quality monitoring were being prepared and tobe conducted when AMP in operation

e. The base camp management improvement such infrastructure, housekeeping & B3 storage partiallydone

f. Based on CTC monitoring at 25 April 2018, has been finding that solar & asphalt, taek coat spill stillfound at workshop & AMP areas then housekeeping very poor at workshop, the contractor was agreedwill repair all impact within 1 (one) weeks or be finished at 2 May 2018.

g. Based on CTC visited on 31 July 2018 finding the base camp management improvement suchinfrastructure, housekeeping & B3 storage has been done.

Package No.20 : Lubuk Alung-Sicincin

a) The project has been PHO. b) The permits for Quarry complete from Governor & AMP/Stonecrusher under process in BLH Kab.Pariaman. c) Utilities issues on commercial & residents areas, d)occur puddle on pasar Lubuk Alung because inadequate side ditch system, e)Oil & diesel fuelcontamination has occurred in the base camp, based on General Specification : (a) TheContractor shall ensure that polluting effluent from all of the Contractor’s activities shall not exceedthe values stated in the prescribed applicable Laws (Refer specifically to Regulation No.82/2001regarding Water Quality Management & Water Pollution Control). The contractor not yet done forbase camp improvement. Not inform about progress the base camp management from DSC as perSep 2017.

b) there is a diesel fuel in the AMP solar tank the cements concrete is less wide there is no roof & oiltrap, there is a puddle in AMP areas & drainage charging from the AMP pool not continue into themain drainage

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c) The base camp management improvement such infrastructure, housekeeping & B3 storage partiallydone, the contractor not yet done to improve of base camp still remaining the residual impact.

Package No.21 : Lubuk Alung – Kurataji

a) The project under construction. b) The permits for Quarry complete from Governor & AMP/Stonecrusher license complete, the owner AMP & Crusher is supplier LMKP. c) Railway & irrigationchannel issues on Started project, d) Utilities issues on commercial & residents areas, e) occurpuddle on resident area because inadequate drainage system, f) only some workers who usehelmets, vests and boots, flooding on part of roads because no side ditch system. Side ditch issueson some segmen.

b) The condition of new base camp, there little spilled fuel from kran solar to AMPc) The genset house there is a diesel fuel, no cements concrete no roof & oil trap.d) The signage boards can be re-used / collected in a special storage ex-material con- struction.e) No trash bin at office base campf) The generally base camp of package No.21 condition clean

1. Review Design Integration, Road Safety Aspects and Monitoring of Environmental Studies

Task 5.8.0 of CTC-2 TOR (Implement the Environmental and Social Analysis Management Plan/ESAMP) andparagraph 10.9 of the PMM requires ensuring that environmental management aspects of contracts havebeen implemented in accordance with AMDAL, UKL&UPL, SPPL studies and Environmental issues will beintegrated in the design and to prepare environmental mitigation on construction stage for contractor(Contractor Program for Executing Environmental Management Plan CPEMP/RKPPL). CTC has submitted toPMU all of reports of Review Integration Amdal,UKL-UPL and SPPL.

2. External Monitoring Report (Satker/PPK to BLH) for Implementation of Amdal/UKL-UPL/SPPL on PreConstruction Phase, Construction Phase and Post Construction Phase.

The 3st external monitoring reports of Amdal, UKL-UPL implementation for BLH are preparation by CTC hasbeen submit to PMU & the WB see Appendix

3. The Contractor Action Plan on Environmental Management and Monitoring (RKPPL)

The RKPPL provided by the Contractors for the packages (Packages 1,2,3,4,5,6,11,13,15 and 19) werecompleted and No Objection Letter (NOL) have been already issued by the World Bank.

The current activity on 6 (Six) packages under construction such as packages No.7: Indrapura-Tapan,No.12:Kambang-Indrapura, No.14: Painan-Kambang, No.20: Lubuk Alung-Sicincin & No.21:Lubuk Alung-Kurataji has been submit to the WB on 28 Feb 2017 and package is No.16: Seblat-Ipuh submit to PMU & WBon May 2017. WB comments for RKPPL of Seblat – Ipuh on 18 July 2017, the Director PJJ letter to respondsWB comments has been submit (informally) to WB end of Sep 2017.

4. Environmental Quarterly Report

The CTC has finalized the environmental quarterly report for the period April to June 2015 for Packages

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No.1: Krui-Biha, No.2: Padang Sawah-Sp.Empat, incl.Air Gadang bridge, No.3: Manggopoh-Padang sawahand No.4: Ipuh-Bantal. The report has been submitted to PMU and the WB on 3 July 2015.

Environmental Quarterly Reports for the period January to March 2016 for Packages No.2,4,5,6,11,13,15,17and 19 complete and has been submit to PMU/WB on 28 June 2016

Environmental Quarterly Reports for the period April to September 2016 for Packages No.5,6,13,15 &17 hasbeen submit to PMU/WB on 28 November 2016.

RKPPL Training for package No.16 (Seblat-Ipuh) Done on 18 to 19 January 2017

Environmental Quarterly Reports for the period October to December 2016 for PackagesNo.5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,17,20 & 21 has been submit informal to WB on 15 March 2017

Environmental Quarterly Reports for the period January to March 2017 for PackagesNo.5,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,20 & 21 has been submit informal to WB on 9 May 2017

The WB comments for Environmental Quarterly Reports on 18 July 2017 and noted to disclosed on websiteWINRIP.

Environmental Quarterly Reports for the period April to June 2017 for PackagesNo.5,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,20 & 21 has been submit informal to PMU/WB on August 2017

Environmental Quarterly Reports for the period July to Sep 2017 for PackagesNo.5,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,20 & 21 has been submit informal to PMU/WB on October 2017

Environmental Quarterly Reports for the period Oct to Dec 2017 for PackagesNo.5,7,8,12,13,14,15,16,17,20 & 21 has been submit informal to PMU/WB on 19 March 2018

Period Jan to March 2018 for packages No.05,15, 21,20,14,12,16 & 13 has been submit to PMU & WB(informally) at 21 May 2018.

WB Comments to Environmental Quarterly Reports for the period Jan to March 2018 for packagesNo.05,15, 21,20,14,12,16 & 13 at July 4, 2018, the WB suggest that environment specialist DSC & CTCbetter coordinate between them, continue intensive monitoring for base camp housekeeping and check thestatus of spill clean-ups in base camp more frequently (such as package 15 and 20)

Please ensure that the required environmental management implementation reports (UKL-UPL or RKL-RPL)are received by the respective local environmental agencies (Dinas Lingkungan Hidup).

Socialization of HIV-AIDs Campaign

The socialization of HIV-AIDs activities on 18 (eight ten) packages has been Complete, are packages No.1(Krui-Biha = 10 Nov 2015) , No.2 : Padang sawah-Sp.Empat, incl.Air Gadang bridge and No.3 manggopoh-Padang Sawah = 17 Nov 2015 and No.4 : Ipuh-Bantal = 4 Dec 2015. Package No.11 : Bantal – Muko Muko =5 Dec 2015. Package No.6 : Psr Pedati-Kerkap= 12 Jan 2016. Package No.19: Lais-Bintunan: 13 Jan 2016 thenpackage No.13 :Sp.Rukis-Tj.Kemning = 19 January 2016. Package No.5: Sp.Rampa-Poriaha = 27 Jan 2016.Package No.15: Sibolga-Bts Tapsel = 28 Jan 2016, Package No.7 (Indrapura-Tapan) & No.12 (Kambang –Indrapura) = 6 September 2016, Package No.8 (Bts.Pariaman – Manggopoh) = 4 October 2016 & PackageNo.14: Painan-Kambang was complete and all of reports has been submit to PMU/Balai and the WB, Theschedule to carried out the workshop on HIV/AIDS for new packages ongoing construction No.8 :

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Manggopoh-Bts.Pariaman Done 7 March 2017, No.20: Lubuk Alung-Sicincin, No.21 Lubuk Alung-KuratajiDone 8 March 2017, while for package No.16: Seblat-Ipuh Done 15 May 2017.

Quarries Management.

In most packages under construction, the project contractor purchase material from suppiers that havevalid licenses, but the supplier not implement the environmental management and monitoring plans onquarry site refer to license.

As the World Bank Safeguard Policy considers a quarry as project area of influence, we therefore urgentCTC environmental specialist to discuss this issues with the respective BLHs and check the owner of thequarry complies with the provisions in its environmental license.

The generally permission of quarry, AMP & Stone Crusher on packages WINRIP under construction thepermits from Bupati or Governor have been complete.

Package No.5The quarry, AMP & Stone Crusher permits from Bupati, (the quarry owner has been extentd licensing/thequarry permits was available before new law issued), the contractor has been manage the quarry area suchas reclamation & air quality & noise measurement, etc as UKL-UPL recommendation and the contractor wasprepare the UKL-UPL implementation of quarry and submit to the BLH.

Package No.7'The quarry, AMP & stone crusher permit complete from Governor, the quarry owner not yet submit theUKL&UPL implementation to BLH but periodic report to Mining Agency has been done.

Package No.8'The quarry permit from Head of Mining Agency of West Sumatera Province,complete. & Base camp permitcomplete. the contractor will submit the base camp UKL-UPL implementation to BLH of Kab.Pariaman.

Package No.12The quarry license complete from Governor & the AMP & Stone Crusher permits complete from Bupatirefer to Law 23 year 2014. the owner has been submit periodic report to Mining Agency has been done

Package No.13The AMP&StoneCrusher permits was decided by Govenor on 16 January 2016 (refer to Law 23,year 2014),The quarry permits in Kab.Kaur, complete from ESDM Bengkulu province, periodic report to Mining Agencyhas been done. the contractor will submit the base camp UKL-UPL implementation to BLH Kab. SouthBengkulu.

Package No.14The UKL-UPL of AMP & Stone Crusher permits complete by Bupati & under process to Governor permitsthen Quarry permits complete by Governor. The owner has been managed the quarry site based onEnvironment permit.

Package No.15The quarry permits complete by Governor/ Head of Mining Agency of North Sumatera province but theUKL-UPL of AMP & stone crusher permits complete by Bupati under process to Governor permits, and the

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contractor has been manage the environmental impact such as water river quality caused quarry activity.

Package No.17The quarry & base camp permits complete by Governor (ESDM/ of Lampung Province), the contractorunder prepare implementation of UKL&UPL quarry and base camp & will submit to BLH Kab. Pesisir Barat &periodic reporting every 6 9six) months to Mining Agency.

Package No.16The quarry permits complete The Yasa Contractor has been used the quarry from H Medi only 1 (quarries &the capacity enough (Contractor information). The BLH suggest for AMP & Crusher license should upgradefrom SPPL to UKL-UPL.

Package No.20The permits for Quarry complete from Governor & AMP/Stone crusher complete.

Package No.21The permits for Quarry complete from Governor & AMP/Stone crusher complete.

WB Mission 15 – 17 February 2017 on Packages No.7,12 & 14

a) Environmental Safeguards. The environmental licenses for all work packages were obtained. Similarly,the quarry permits for the ongoing works are up to date. The licenses for the stone crushers andasphalt mixing plans for the three last packages (12, 21 and 15) are expected to be issued imminently.For the three last packages (07, 12, and 16) there have also been some delays in the preparation of theenvironmental management implementation plans (RKPPLs). This has not been a significant issue asCTC’s environmental specialist also carried out monitoring for the packages that have not yetcompleted their RKPPLs. Submission of environmental management and monitoring (EMP) reports tothe local environmental agency (BLH) has so far been largely satisfactory. All environmental relateddocuments are published on the project website. The findings of the field visit that took place onFebruary 16 and 17, 2107 is reported below.

b) General Heath Safety and Environment. Overall, the application of good practice as per the SOP DGHighway requirement varied among the packages and contractor. Though from time to time, the trendtoward compliance is positive, still some packages require persistent push (or perhaps penalty),especially for issue related to good house-keeping in AMP areas and minimum safety requirement ofusing PPE during work. Oil/fuel spillage as well as fuel storage without proper containment are stillcommon issues, found on AMP area as well as worker without proper PPE.

c) Labor influx and HIV/AIDS/STD public consultation. Recruitments of unskilled labor for all packageshave given priority for local community. Within a section being rehabilitated, depending on the lengthof the section, there can be few groups local communities involved in the civil work. The local laborcommutes daily from their own house to the site. The proportion of local labor to the total populationliving along most of section is small, likewise the migrant workers who stay in the contractor basecampis insignificant compare with the total local community. Thus, the risk of negative impact due to laboris low. Furthermore, the HIV/AIDS/STD prevention workshops attended by both local and migrantworkers have been conducted for most of the packages, The local experts from the local HIV/AIDSprevention agency (i.e. Dinas Kesehatan) ware asked as resource person for the workshop. For the

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three recently contracted packages No.8,20 & 21 these workshops are scheduled for 7 & 8 March andthe remaining 1 (one) package No.16 done on 15 May 2017.

d) Complaint handling. The most recent complaint was received via email (February 7,2017) fromcommunity living along the section of Package 14 (Painan – Kambang). Complaint was about anincrease of dust due to project activities. Upon the tripartite discussion (i.e. PPK (and CTC), contractorand community), it was agreed that the contractor shall provide a dedicated water-tank truck on thatparticulars sections. Site visit on February 16,2017 confirms the contractor’s commitment for dustsuppressing along the road being rehabilitated. In contrast to Package 14, driving along the Package 12(Kambang – Indrapura), the team found local community tried by themselves to control the dust byputting speed bump and watering the road by themselves. Further follow-up with contractor will berequired.

Fact Finding for Package No.05, site visit on 13 – 15 March 2017

1. Meeting coordination with Environmental Agency & Secretary of Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah – NorthSumatera Province on 13 March 2017

2. Meeting coordination with Chief of BPKH Medan North Sumatera Province on 15 March 20173. Meeting Coordination with KLHK Jakarta on 20 March 2017

The Result Meeting, as follows:1. The Environment Agency of Central Tapanuli stated UKL-UPL-Poriaha Sp.Rampa can used as the

technical requirements for IPPKH, because the location of the alignment shift is still in the corridorwhich has been accommodated in the Minister of Forestry to the Governor of North Sumatra No.S.390/ Menhut-VII / 2004 dated July 29, 2004, concerning principle permits of IPPKH to road constructionRampa - Poriaha - Labuan Angin in Central Tapanuli.

2. The KLHK is needed Amdal study for activity on protected forest (refer to Decree of EnvironmentalMinister No.05 year 2012 art 3

3. Nevertheless the initial link of Sp.Rampa-Poriaha has been complete the environmental safeguard withUKL-UPL document allows for preparation DELH.

World Bank Training on 11, 18 & 22 May 2017 for Base Camp Management Improvement

Basecamp Environmental Management training was delivered in Package 15 PP Office in Pandan, attendedby 12 persons from Package 5 and Package 15, including representatives from CTC and DSC.

Basecamp Environmental Management training was delivered in Package 12 PT LMA Office in Indera Pura,attended by 13 persons from Package 12, Package 7 and Package 14, including representatives from PMU,CTC and DSC.

Basecamp Environmental Management training was delivered in Package 13 PT Waskita Karya Office inManna, attended by 7 persons from Package 13 including representatives from CTC and DSC

Summary of Observations The findings generally can be divided into 3 key areas: SOP not implemented/unavailability of SOP, poor

infrastructure design and lack of housekeeping awareness/enforcement.

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None of the contractors have permitted temporary toxic and hazardous (B3) waste storage andcontract with licensed B3 waste treatment/collector/disposal companies even though the requirementswere stated in some of the UKL/UPL documents.

Suggestions and Next Steps Organize housekeeping campaign for all working areas involving all workers to improve site

environmental performance. Behavior change is the key. An opportunity to apply reward andpunishment.

Include environmental topic in regular safety morning/safety talk which should cover: SOP/working instruction socialization Pollution prevention Spill reporting Housekeeping improvement Increase field supervision and share the observations to all stakeholders as lessons learned/continual

improvement Make the plan for disposal/treatment of contaminated soil and other B3 wastes, such as used drums ex

chemical, used drums ex asphalt, used battery, used lamps, contaminated rags, etc. (Licensed thirdparty, treatment/bioremediation, utilization?).

Check the contract for potentially no detail clause for pollution prevention, pollution handling andenvironmental monitoring (not stated in the Bill of Quantity no Unit Price) for future improvement.

WB Meeting in DGH

WB Meeting with PMU, Subdit LKJ & CTC has been conducted on 2 August 2017 to follow up base campmanagement improvement all packages on going construction, the result meeting as follow:

PMU is preparing tools / tools as an effective way to improve environmental performance and safety in thefield.

Rules and guidelines are available but on-the-ground implementation is still weak because pollutionprevention and environmental management have not been covered in the BoQ

For the future (upcoming contract / new contract), DGH is revising the technical specifications to includesuch matters in the tender documents, namely in the RKPPL (contract draft included in the tenderdocument).

In considering the Project will closing date until December 2017, so related to environmental management,especially environmental management in basecamp, plans and prioritization should be made:

Prioritize environmental management SOP housekeeping and SOP fuel loading (if not there), socializationof SOP and increase awareness through safety talk / morning talk on a regular basis, campaign, The aim isto increase the tidiness and prevention of pollution in the site construction & base camp and the change ofbehavior of all workers.Immediate execution of infrastructure improvements, especially for fuel storage areas, storage of materialsand B3 waste, and pit for effluent water AMP.

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Establish a waste management / disposal plan from basecamp activities.Monitor progress actively according to their respective roles (DSC, CTC, PMU).

Create an informative progress status report (eg, with traffic light) starting August 2017 for ease ofmonitoring and use of this report in a field visit to communicate with each Contractor. In addition to PMUpurposes, this progress status report also needs to be submitted to the World Bank every month.

WB Mission to supervise safeguard & review the implementation progress of base camp management on16 to 18 September 2017

Summary of Observations

• The findings generally can be divided into 3 key areas: SOP not implemented/unavailability of SOP,poor infrastructure design and lack of housekeeping awareness/enforcement.

• None of the contractors have permitted temporary toxic and hazardous (B3) waste storage andcontract with licensed B3 waste treatment/collector/disposal companies; Contractors have to followthe requirements in their respective environmental documents (RKL-RPL/UKL- UPL/SPPL).

• Few improvements have been made since the last visit for Package 13, however, the basecampenvironmental aspects still require more attention especially during the operation and productionacceleration

Suggestions and Next Steps

• Organize housekeeping campaign for all working areas involving all workers to improve siteenvironmental performance. Behavior change is the key. An opportunity to apply reward andpunishment.

• Include environmental topic in regular safety morning/safety talk which should cover:• SOP/working instruction socialization• Pollution prevention• Spill reporting• Waste segregation - organic, inorganic, toxic and hazardous wastes• Housekeeping improvement

• Follow the requirements in environmental documents (RKL-RPL/UKL-UPL/SPPL) for toxic andhazardous waste management (temporary storage permit and disposal).

• Continue the activities of monitoring and reporting by CTC Environmental Specialist to PMU and Balaias a mechanism to raise the environmental concerns.

• Increase field supervision of Contractors by DSC and share the observations to allstakeholders as lessons learned/continual improvement. Desirable sanctions to Contractors may beconsidered as necessary.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (WINRIP) (Ln.8043-IND) September 2017Supervision Mission

Base on the Supervision Mission by World Bank's Environmental Safeguard Specialist (Ms.Agustina Parwitosari) & Environmental Sp. CTC to Package No. 13 and 16 in Bengkulu onSeptember 16-18,2017, was found as follows:

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Outlining the observations of base camp environmental management from May 2017 site visit, theBank still identified shortcomings in September 2017 mission despite the few improvements.Oil/fuel spills and hydrocarbon storage/drums directly placed on the ground are still commonissues in base camps. There are still inadequacies on the infrastructures (for spill preventionand waste management) and behavior for housekeeping improvement has not significantlychanged. More attention and supervision is required especially during production and operationacceleration phase. Contractors are expected to provide dedicated place for temporary storage ofmaterials and toxic and hazardous wastes separately in compliance with Indonesia regulatoryrequirements and the relevant environmental document of each package.

Since these have been recurring concerns, the Bank team urged the DOH to follow-up more strictlyand ensure that the local requirements, which are in line with Bank requirements, areobserved. The DOR should send warning letters to all contractors with unsatisfactory basecampmanagement. If the problems persist, the local Environmental Agencies will be alerted andadministrative sanctions applied.

The letters of Director of Network Development to Director of Preservation forwarded to Head of BBPJN II,BPJN III & BBPJN V for respond WB request related base camp management improvement all packagesWINRIP. The principle refer to Law No.2 year 2017 concerning Jasa Konstruksi & Law No.18 year 2009concerning procedure of temporary hazardous waste storage so request all contractors on packages underconstruction to build the temporary hazardous waste storage (B3) at their base camp.

Verification by CTC & DSC to improve base camp management all packages under construction on WINRIP

Following the Director of Road Network Development letter, No. 1136 / ND / BP / 2017 dated 19 October2017 concerning Follow-up Implementation of World Bank Supervision Mission related to Pollution Findingsin Base Campup and Refer to Official in charge PMU WINRIP, No. 04, dated 10 January 2018 concerningSchedule of Site Visits Plan to Follow Up Base Camp Management Improvement at Base Camp on PackagesWINRIP.

CTC has been site visit to verified the base camp of packages No.05, 15, 07,12,14,13,17, 08,20 &21. & allreport has been submit to PMU on 29 January 2017.

Progress of base camp improvement report for packages No. 05,15,14,12&07 status until 15 February 2018has been submit to PMU on 5 March 2018.

Base camp improvement report status until 31 March 2018 for packages No.05, 15,21,20,14,12,16 & 13 hasbeen submit to WB on 20 April 2018

CTC Monitoring for Base Camp Management Improvement.

Based on CTC monitoring for base camp improvement progress, status until March 15, 2018 was found asfollows:SOP documents and morning talk / induction implementation routinely (Daily & Weekly) to project workersin field was available for all contractor (No.05,15,21,20,12,14,16&13).

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Package No.05,15,14 & 12 is equipped with TPS building, while packages No.13, 21,16 and 20 on processbuilt of TPS B3.

Packages that have completed the findings of joint verification (CTC / PMU / CTC / DSC / Contractor & CTCmonitoring results include B3 waste infrastructure improvements, TPS B3 provision and housekeepingimprovements are package No.05 (Sp.Rampa-Poriaha), No. 12 (Kambang - Indrapura) and No.14 (Painan-Kambang) while other packages are still in process of completion of infrastructure & housekeepingimprovement.

CTC monitoring results on March 13, 2018 to package PHO No.20 (Lubuk Alung - Sicincin) in general basecamp conditions are still the same as at the time of joint verification (PPK / CTC / DSC / Contractor), onlyslight improvement of diesel fuel spills at diesel tanks are in other work units such as AMP generator, AMPsolar tank still occur diesel and asphal / taek coat spilled.

Findings of non-conformity repeats always occur at AMP sites, diesel tanks and workshops, such as:

Infrastructure of concrete floor, zinc roof and inadequate container so as to cause diesel/solar, oil andasphalt spills, on the ground. Ex asphalt drums, ex-diesel, ex-chemical placed directly above the ground arenot placed on concrete floors with edge borders and waste and tarps storage containers. Disturbance at thebase camp location due to poor housekeeping & There is no temporary storage place (TPS) of B3 waste tocollect B3 waste materials such as batteries, plastic, AKI, ex electronic appliances etc.) which furthermoreB3 waste must be submitted to licensed third party.

Packages with the completion of fixes according to agreed Targets, is package No.05 (Sp.Rampa-Poriaha),No.12 (Kambang-Indrapura) & No.14 (Painan-Kambang) while other partial packages on process are No.13(Sp.Rukis-Tj.Kemuning) has not submitted the base camp repair documentation until March 15, 2018,resulting in no record of progress.

Require good cooperation and regular and strict supervision of the DSC to motivate contractors inimplementing the base camp management in accordance with environmental clearance and spec contracts.

CTC monitoring result on 19 to 20 April 2018 to packages No.12 and No.14 finding as follows:Package No.14: The remaining carbon on the ground from Ketel asphalt & ponds of AMP not yet dredge buthousekeeping under repair such solar spilled at AMP & genset building.Package No.12: generally housekeeping & infrastructur has been done but still remaining/little solar spilledat burner AMP.

CTC monitoring result on 25 April 2018 to package No.16 (Seblat-Ipuh) was found as follows.The workshop & AMP areas poor housekeeping & need more improved. Solar, oil spilled at workshop &solar, teak coat, asphalt spilled at AMP areas then shrubs grow on the road shoulders, erosion end ofproject & some art of road segment the side ditch is not continuous due to blockage by soil etc.

WB Mission to supervise safeguard & review the implementation progress of base camp management toPackages No.12& 14 at 7 to 9 May 2018 and No.13 & 16 at 29 to 31 May 2018

Notes for Package 14 Painan-Kambang Basecamp

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1. Best Practices:• PPE for visitors and workers were available and safety induction was provided to the visitors

prior to site visit.• Secondary Containments were available for diesel fuel and other oil-based products.• Temporary storage for hazardous wastes was accessible and in the process of obtaining the

permit from Local Government.• Water was sprayed regularly to prevent dust.• Wastewater from AMP passed the analysis according to standards in Ministry of

Environment Regulation 5/2014 Attachment XLVII and the deposition was utilized as backfillmaterials by the community; the transfer was well documented.

2. Need Improvement:• Minor spills were still observed in the area of electricity generator house, fuel tanks.• Minor sheen was observed in drainage.• Hazardous Waste Temporary Storage: the absence of fire extinguisher, first aid kit, eye wash

facility, no B3 waste symbol/label on the containers, no B3 waste records/log bookand no access restriction. There were only 2 drums containing contaminated soil/sand. Thetemporary storage was visited by the Environmental Agency of Pesisir Selatan District in March2018 and the recommendations are being followed up. The update shall be submitted again tothe District Environmental Agency after improvement.

• An empty container contaminated with diesel fuel, which belongs to a vendor/sub-contractor, was located next to the temporary storage; potential for generating sheen in thedrainage when raining.

• Plastic bottles and garbage were observed in the area near the office, not properlydisposed in the available bins.

Notes for Package 12 Kambang-Indrapura Basecamp #1 and Basecamp #2

1. There are 2 basecamps for Package 12, Basecamp #1 is the basecamp utilized by Package 12 since thebeginning of the project; Basecamp #2 is the newer one, located about 3 km from Basecamp #1. Thetemporary hazardous waste storage in Basecamp #1 is used for wastes generated from Basecamp #1and Basecamp #2. As expected, the newer basecamp is more organized, tidier, and better designedfor secondary containment compared to Basecamp #1.

2. Best Practices:• PPE for visitors and workers were available and safety induction was provided to the visitors

prior to site visit.• Secondary Containments were available for diesel fuel and other oil-based products,

however SOP for fuel loading and pollution prevention shall be routinely communicated toworkers and sub-contractors.

• Temporary storage for hazardous wastes was accessible in Basecamp #1 and in the processof obtaining the permit from Local Government.

• Water was sprayed regularly to prevent dust.• The deposition was utilized as backfill materials by the community; the transfer was well

documented.• There was a PIC under HSE team for waste and environmental matters, responsible for both

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3. Need Improvement:• Hazardous Waste Temporary Storage:

▪ The presence of a gap at the back wall of temporary storage that potentially drains thecontaminated wastewater from the temporary storage directly to environment.

▪ The absence of fire extinguisher, first aid kit, eye wash facility, no B3 wastesymbol/label on the containers and access restriction.

▪ Log book and waste record are available, but the records need to be improved with thetemplate from the GOI regulation.

▪ The temporary storage should be utilized as much as possible for warehousing used lube oiland used drums.

▪ Proposal for the temporary waste storage permit was submitted to Environmental Agencyof Pesisir Selatan District in November 2016, and the recommendations are being followedup. The update shall be submitted again to the District Environmental Agency afterimprovement.

• No updated data for the wastewater analysis from the AMP and the surface water quality outsidethe facility as control. Stack emission has not been monitored; dark smoke was seen from thestack.

• The secondary containment for solar drum in AMP Basecamp #1 was not adequate,potential for spill if the drum is roll-over or if it rains.

• Lack of awareness from the workers on waste management; minor spill and plastic bottleimproper disposal were still observed.

Notes for Package 16: Seblat-Ipuh Basecamp

1. Best Practices:• PPE for visitors and workers were available and safety induction was provided to the visitors

prior to site visit.• Secondary Containments were available for diesel fuel and other oil-based products.• Temporary storage for hazardous wastes was accessible and in the process of obtaining the

permit from Local Government.• The hazardous Waste Temporary Storage (TPS) has been complete by APAR,first aid, eyes wash & log

book. The workshop clean enough

2. Need Improvement:• Minor spills were still observed in the area of electricity generator house, fuel tanks.• Minor sheen was observed in drainage.• An empty container contaminated with diesel fuel, which belongs to a vendor/sub-

contractor, was located next to the temporary storage; potential for generating sheen in thedrainage when raining.

Notes for Package 13: Sp.Rukis-Tj.Kemuning Basecamp

1. Best Practices:

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• PPE for visitors and workers were available and safety induction was provided to the visitorsprior to site visit.

• Secondary Containments were available for diesel fuel and other oil-based products.• Temporary storage for hazardous wastes was accessible and in the process of obtaining the

permit from Local Government.• The hazardous Waste Temporary Storage (TPS) has been complete by APAR,first aid, eyes wash & log

book &Label safety. The oil trap at solar tank has been cover by zeng & sloof around no spill on the ground

2. Need Improvement:• Minor spills were still observed in the area of electricity generator house at AMP & stone crusher

& ex fuel generator scattered at generator kanibal area.• Minor sheen was observed in drainage.• An empty container contaminated with diesel fuel, which belongs to a vendor/sub-

contractor, was located next to the temporary storage; potential for generating sheen in thedrainage when raining.

WB TFAC Severe Shortcomings in Environmental Management to base camp of package No.16 (Seblat-Ipuh)and No.11 (Bantal – Muko Muko) as follows:

For Package No.16, among others, the concrete patching plant is being cleaned next to the lagoon on thebeach, pouring the concrete waste into the water In addition the pond with the asphalt mixing plant wastedoes not have a concrete bottom, causing contaminated water to sink into the ground. Based on CTC visiton 31 July 2018 for this case, the contractor partially has been done to improve the impact, partially beingon process the zenk embankment side left of AMP pond.

For package 11 the base camp has not been properly decommissioned, leavingoil and asphalt spills andcontaminatedsoil and water in many areas.

Based on CTC visit on 31 July 2018 that the contractor of pack No.11 has been done improve oil & asphaltspills, the camp areas now was clean, while for the pack No.16 the base camp management improvementsuch housekeeping & B3 storage has been done and the remaining for side embankment of AMP ponds stillon process.

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1. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 1 : Krui – BihaProvince : Lampung

A. Previous Status:

LARAP implementation documents approved by World Bank on January 4, 2013

Monitoring Report No.1 (revised) approved by World Bank on June 26, 2013

Monitoring Report No.2 approved by World Bank on October 20, 2015.

Construction completed in January 20, 2016.

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

No more issue, LARAP fully completed.

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) Total PAP = 2,815; Compensated = 2,815; Percent complete = 100%.

b) No update for reporting of the certification of PAP lands.

2. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 2 : Padang Sawah – Sp. EmpatProvince : Sumatera Barat

A. Previous Status:

LARAP documents approved by World Bank on January 13, 2013

Monitoring Report No.1 (revised) approved by World Bank on July 19, 2013

Additional LARAP Implementation documents approved by World Bank on July 21, 2014

Monitoring Report No.2 approved by World Bank on Feb. 12, 2015

Satker PJN I West Sumatera has issued a statement on the status of 1 PAP along Air GadangBridge, and land acquisition plan belonging of 24 peoples as in Additional LARAP Document ofthis package on August 16, 2016.

Construction completed in April 19, 2016.

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

a) No more issue, LARAP fully completed

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) Total PAP = 466; Compensated = 466; Percent complete = 100.00%.

3. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 3 : Manggopoh – Padang SawahProvince : Sumatera Barat

A. Previous Status:

LARAP documents approved by World Bank on January 4, 2013

Monitoring Reports No.1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 already approved and World Bank issued No ObjectionLetter (NOL).

Monitoring Report for the remaining 1 PAP already submitted to WB

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Construction completed on March 17, 2016.

B. Pending Issues, Concerns and Actions

No more issue, LARAP fully completed.

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) Total PAP = 1,338; Compensated = 1,338; Percent complete = 100%.

4. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 4 : Ipuh – BantalProvince : Bengkulu

A. Previous Status:

LARAP documents approved by World Bank on December 10, 2012

Monitoring Report No.1, 2 and 3 already approved and No Objection Letter (NOL) were issued byWorld Bank

Construction completed in April 11, 2016.

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

No more issue, LARAP fully completed.

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) Total PAP = 261; Compensated = 261; Percent complete = 100%.

5. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 5 : Sp. Rampa – PoriahaProvince : Sumatera Utara

A. Previous Status:

Revision of the Additional LARAP documents signed by Satker II North Sumatera Province

6 APs already be relocated to the permanent houses

Compensation for 85 from total 92 APs (updated 98 Aps) has been paid by Satker.

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

Up to the end Jul 2018, the remaining of 7 Aps have not been paid yet by Satker, and will beresolved on FY 2018 (August 2018).

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) For the remaining of 7 in under validation process

6. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 6 : Pasar Pedati - KerkapProvince : Bengkulu

A. Previous Status:

World Bank issued on May 30, 2015 a No Objection Letter on the revised LARAP documents forimplementation.

Monitoring Report concerning the compensation payment for 546 out of 637 PAPs was given NoObjection Letter (NOL) on March 23, 2015.

Monitoring Report regarding compensation payment for the remaining 91 PAPs out of 637 PAPshas been given No Objection Letter (NOL) on January 5, 2016.

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B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

No more issue, LARAP fully completed.

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) On-going construction.

b) Total PAP = 637; Compensated = 637; Percent complete = 100%.

c) For certification process of 72 Aps is under budgeting allocation on Revision-4 DIPA 2018

7. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 7 : Indrapura - TapanProvince : Sumatera Barat

A. Previous Status:

LARAP documents approved by World Bank on October 14, 2014.

Implementation action plan of the LARAP was issued No Objection Letter (NOL) on March 17,2015 by the World Bank.

A report of the compensation payment for 276 from total 861 PAPs already submitted to WorldBank on February 9, 2016 and no objection letter (NOL) was issued on March 16, 2016.

Monitoring Report No. 2 for the compensation payments of 207 PAPs submitted to WB on July 21,2016 and no objection letter (NOL) was issued on August 18, 2016.

A monitoring report of the payment progress for 89 PAPs has submitted to WB and no objectionletter (NOL) was issued on November 12, 2016

A monitoring report of the payment progress for 61 PAPs has submitted to WB and no objectionletter (NOL) was issued on January 16, 2017.

A monitoring report of the payment progress for 20 PAPs has submitted to WB and no objectionletter (NOL) was issued on June, 2017.

PHO of the package is 28 January 2018

Satker conducts design change on the land that be occupied 4 affected persons which is not paidby Satker PJN II West Sumatera

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

No more issue.

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) Total PAP = 878; Compensated = 878; Percent Complete = 100%.

8. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 8 : Bts. Pariaman - ManggopohProvince : Sumatera Barat

A. Previous Status :

LARAP documents submitted to World Bank on August 7, 2014.

LARAP documents approved by World Bank on August 12, 2014.

Monitoring Report for the payment of 840 PAPs has been submitted to World Bank on January 14,2016 and issued on March 8, 2016.

Monitoring Report for compensation payment of 926 PAPs submitted to WB on May 9, 2016 andno objection letter (NOL) was issued on May 12, 2016

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A monitoring report of the payment progress for 440 PAPs has submitted to WB and no objectionletter (NOL) was issued on January 6, 2017

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions


C. Update during this reporting month July 2018

a) Total PAP = 2,339 (updated); Compensated = 2,339; Percent complete = 100%.

9. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 9 : Rantau Tijang – Kota AgungProvince : Lampung

Cancelled from the WINRIP Program.

10. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 10 : Sp. Empat – Sp. Air BalamProvince : Sumatera Barat

A. Previous Status :

LARAP documents submitted to World Bank on August 7, 2014.

LARAP documents approved by World Bank on August 12, 2014.

Monitoring Report for payment of 1,421 PAPs has been submitted to World Bank on January 14,2016 and Bank issued No Objection Letter (NOL) on March 8, 2016.

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

Payments for the remaining 1,190 PAPs not yet paid by Satker PJN I West Sumatera and LocalGovernment.

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) Monitoring Report for payment of 138 PAPs on-going preparation by Satker PJN I SumateraBarat.

b) PPK/Satker PJN I West Sumatera and Local Government continue the appraisal andpayment processing of the remaining PAP.

c) Total PAP = 2,915; Compensated = 1,725; Percent complete = 59.18%.

Cancelled from the WINRIP Program

11. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 11 : Bantal - MukomukoProvince : Bengkulu

A. Previous Status :

World Bank issued on May 30, 2014 a No Objection Letter (NOL) on the revised LARAP documentsfor implementation.

Monitoring Report No.1 and No.2 were issued No Objection Letters (NOL) from the World Bank.

Monitoring Report No. 3 regarding the payment for 15 of the remaining 123 PAPs was given NoObjection Letter (NOL) on November 26, 2015

A monitoring report of the payment progress for the remaining 89 PAPs already submitted to WBand no objection letter (NOL) was issued on October 28, 2016

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B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

No more issue.

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) Complete.

b) Total PAP = 243 (updated); Compensated = 243; Percent complete =100%.

12. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 12 : Kambang - IndrapuraProvince : Sumatera Barat

A. Previous Status :

LARAP documents approved by World Bank on October 14, 2014.

Signed Action Plan of LARAP was given No Objection Letter (NOL) by the World Bank.

Monitoring Report for compensation payment of 216 PAPs submitted to WB on May 26, 2016.

A Monitoring Report of the compensation payment progress for 60 PAPs has submitted to WBand no objection letter (NOL) was issued on November 14, 2016

A Monitoring Report of the compensation payment progress for 88 PAPs has submitted to WBand no objection letter (NOL) was issued on Feb 13, 2017

A Monitoring Report of the compensation payment progress for 265 PAPs has submitted to WBand no objection letter (NOL) was issued on June, 2017

A Monitoring Report of the compensation payment progress for 286 PAPs has submitted to WB

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

No more issue.

D. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) Satker will conducts design change on the land that be occupied 2 affected persons which isnot paid by Satker.

b) Total PAP = 2,873 (updated); Compensated = 2.873; Percent complete = 100%.

13. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 13 : Sp. Rukis – Tj. KemuningProvince : Bengkulu

A. Previous Status :

World Bank issued on May 30, 2014 a No Objection Letter (NOL) on the revised LARAP documentsfor implementation.

Signed Action Plan of LARAP was given No Objection Letter (NOL) by the World Bank.

World Bank issued on August 18, 2015 No Objection Letter (NOL) on the monitoring Report No.1.

World Bank issued on October 13, 2015 No Objection Letter (NOL) on the monitoring Report No.2.

Monitoring Report No.3 for compensation payments of 193 PAPs in Kab. Kaur submitted to WBwhich was submitted on February 23, 2016 has been issued by the Bank the NOL on March 8,2016.

Monitoring Report No.4 for compensation payments of 188 PAPs in Kab. Kaur submitted to WBwhich was submitted on October 6, 2016 has been issued by the Bank the NOL on October 12,2016.

Monitoring Report of the payments progress for 333 PAPs has submitted to WB has been issued

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by the Bank the NOL on November 18, 2016.

Monitoring Report of the payments progress for 1.090 PAPs has submitted to WB has been issuedby the Bank the NOL on March 20, 2017.

Monitoring Report of the payments progress for 186 PAPs has submitted to WB has been issuedby the Bank the NOL on May 23, 2017

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

50 APs is under payment process

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) Satker will conducts design change on the land that be occupied 53 affected persons which isnot paid by Satker.

b) Satker will pay to the remainning of 50 Aps on August 2018

c) For certification process of 382 Aps is under budgeting allocation on Revision-2 DIPA 2018.

d) Total PAP = 3.040; Compensated = 2.990, Percent complete = 98%

14. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 14 : Painan - KambangProvince : Sumatera Barat

A. Previous Status :

World Bank issued on December 19, 2014 the No Objection Letter to the LARAP documents.

LARAP’s signed action plan was given No Objection Letter (NOL) by World Bank.

Monitoring Report No.1 for compensation payments of 126 PAPs submitted to WB which wassubmitted on July 20, 2016 has been issued by the Bank the NOL on August 1, 2016.

Monitoring Report of the payments progress for 62 PAPs has submitted to WB on Nov 11, 2016

Monitoring Report of the payments for 220 PAPs has been issued by the Bank the NOL on March20, 2017

Monitoring Report of the payments for 59 PAPs has been issued by the Bank the NOL on May,2017

Monitoring Report of the payments for 402 PAPs has been issued by the Bank the NOL on July 14,2017

A Monitoring Report of the compensation payment progress for 386 PAPs has submitted to WB

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

No more issue.

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) Satker conducted design change on the land that be occupied 57 affected persons which isnot paid by Satker

b) Total PAP = 2,242 (update); Compensated = 2,242; Percent complete = 100%.

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15. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 15 : Sibolga – Bts. TapselProvince : Sumatera Utara

A. Previous Status :

World Bank approved the LARAP documents on February 6, 2014 for implementation in acquiringRoad Right of Ways and removal of obstruction.

Monitoring report No.1 for 40 of the remaining 1.554 PAPs was given No Objection Letter (NOL)on November 16, 2015.

Monitoring Report No.2 for payment of remaining 72 PAPs already submitted to World Bank.

Monitoring Report-3 for the compensation payment for 237 from the remaining 1.439 PAPsalready be submitted to WB on February 19, 2016 and Bank issued no objection letter (NOL) onMarch 16, 2016.

Monitoring Report No.4 for compensation payment of 55 PAPs submitted to WB on April 13,2016 and Bank issued no objection letter (NOL) on May 19, 2016.

Monitoring Report No.5 for compensation payment of 34 PAPs submitted to WB on August 8,2016 and Bank issued no objection letter (NOL) on August 18, 2016.

Monitoring Report No.6 for compensation payment of 127 PAPs is under submission to WB andBank issued no objection letter (NOL) on January 26, 2017.

Monitoring Report No.7 for compensation payment of 134 PAPs is under submission to WB andBank issued no objection letter (NOL) on July 14, 2017.

A Monitoring Report of the compensation payment progress for 815 PAPs has submitted to WB

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

No more issue

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) 18 Aps is under compensation payment process, and 17 Aps reject the appraisal value.

b) Satker will conducts design change on the land that be occupied 17 affected persons whichis not paid by Satker

c) For certification process of 321 Aps is under budgeting allocation on Revision-2 DIPA 2018

d) Total PAP = 1.820 (update); Compensated = 1.802; Percent complete = 99%.

16. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No.16 : Seblat - IpuhProvince : Bengkulu

A. Previous Status :

World Bank issued on May 30, 2014 a No Objection Letter (NOL) on the revised LARAP documentsfor implementation.

World Bank issued No Objection Letter (NOL) on Monitoring Report No.1 and 2 for LARAPimplementation.

Monitoring report for 102 of the remaining 120 PAPs was given No Objection Letter (NOL) onNovember 26, 2015.

Updated LARAP documents submitted on February 22, 2016 to World Bank with NOL issued byBank on March 8, 2016.

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Monitoring Report No.3 for compensation payment of 33 PAPs submitted to WB on October 24,2016 and NOL issued by Bank on November 11, 2016

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

No more issue

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) Total PAP = 259; Compensated = 259; Percent complete = 100.00%.

17. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No.17 : Sp. Gunung Kemala – Pg. TampakProvince : Lampung

A. Previous Status :

World Bank approved the corrected LARAP documents on November 12, 2013

Monitoring Report for 154 of the total 2,014 PAPs was given No Objection Letter (NOL) onOctober 13, 2015.

Monitoring Report for 735 of the remaining 1.860 PAPs was given No Objection Letter (NOL) onNovember 26, 2015.

A Monitoring Report for the compensation payments progress for 1,156 APs was given NoObjection Letter (NOL) on November 18, 2016.

Monitoring Report No.4 for compensation payment of 462 PAPs was given No Objection Letter(NOL) on April 17, 2017.

This package was PHO during Dec 2017

Satker conducted the design change on the land that be occupied 56 affected persons which isnot paid by Satker

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

Certification (2.247 plots) not yet resolved

A. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) Satker conducted design change on the land that be occupied 56 affected persons which isnot paid by Satker

b) For certification process of 2.247 Aps is under budgeting allocation on Revision-2 DIPA 2018

c) Total PAP = 2,285 (update); Compensated = 2,585; Percent complete = 100%.

18. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No.18 : Mukomuko – Bts. SumbarProvince : Bengkulu

Cancelled from the WINRIP Program.

19. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No.19 : Lais - BintunanProvince : Bengkulu

B. Previous Status :

World Bank issued on May 30, 2014 No Objection Letter (NOL) on the revised LARAP documentsfor implementation

World Bank issued No Objection Letter (NOL) on Monitoring Report No.1 for the LARAPimplementation.

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Monitoring Report for 208 of the remaining 272 PAPs was given No Objection Letter (NOL) onNovember 26, 2015.

A Monitoring Report for the compensation payments progress for the remaining of 64 APs hassubmitted to WB and NOL issued by Bank on November 11, 2016.

C. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

No more issue LARAP fully completed.

Certification (290 plots) not yet resolved

D. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) For certification process of 193 Aps is under budgeting allocation on Revision-2 DIPA 2018

b) Total PAP = 538 (updated); Compensated = 538; Percent complete = 100%.

20. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 20 : Lubuk Alung - SicincinProvince : Sumatera Barat

A. Previous Status :

World Bank issued NOL to LARAP documents on December 19, 2014.

NOL WB of the Monitoring Report of the payments progress for 670 PAP on Sep 26, 2016.

A monitoring report of the payment progress for 280 Aps already submitted to WB and approvedby WB on April 17, 2017.

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

No more issue LARAP fully completed.

C. Update during this reporting month of July 2018

a) Satker conducted the design change on the land that be occupied 72 affected personswhich is not paid by Satker

b) Total PAP =950 (updated); Compensated =950; Percent complete =100%.

21. Monitoring Report of the LARAPPackage No. 21 : Lubuk Alung - KuraitajiProvince : Sumatera Barat

A. Previous Status :

World Bank issued NOL to LARAP documents on December 19, 2014.

NOL WB of the Monitoring Report-1 for compensation payment of 515 out of the total 869 PAPson August 23, 2016

A Monitoring Report of the compensation payments progress for 236 Aps has submitted to WBand NOL issued by Bank on January 24, 2017

B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

No more issue LARAP fully completed

C. Update during this reporting month of June 2018

a) Satker will conducts the design change on the land that be occupied 6 affected personswhich is not paid by Satker

b) Total PAP = 908 (updated); Compensated = 908; Percent complete = 100%.

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4.7 Anti Corruption Issues4.7.1 Anti‐Corruption Action Plan (ACAP)

ACAP for WINRIP was developed from the previous SRIP experiences. Basically, it has the same maincomponents of involving the Community Representative Observers (CRO) in the bid opening and ThirdParty Monitoring (TPM) during the construction supervision although modification was made on theselection process of the CROs for SRIP. Within this plan there are four main pillars as indicated separatelybelow

a) Community Representative Observers (CRO)b) Publication / Disclosurec) Complaints Handling System (CHS)d) Third Party Monitoring (TPM)

4.7.2 Community Representative Observers (CRO)

The Community Representative Observers, who are required to observe the actual bidding activities, wereappointed for WP-1 group. All of the CROs were university staff, selected in accordance with the WorldBank suggestion to request assistance from local universities.

CRO is the independent observer who is not related directly or indirectly to the Contractors, Consultants,and Suppliers or not be part of the WINRIP’s management, and not a member of any political party.

CROs selection procedures:

a. Review the criteria and qualifications of candidates for the CRO.b. Director of Planning, DGH/ as Chairman of the Project Management Unit, delegated the authority to

the selection of the CRO to the Head of National Roads Implementation Agency(BBPJN) / Head of Procurement Services Unit (Unit Layanan Pengadaan - ULP), hereinafter referred to asHead of Balai.

c. Head of Balai to invite CRO candidates from the local universities or colleges.d. Selection of CRO to be facilitated by Balai (BBPJN) / Procurement Services Unit (Unit Layanan

Pengadaan - ULP).e. Elected CRO and substitute CRO must attend one day training to be conducted by the PMU / CTC

WINRIP.f. Head of Balai to report the result of CRO selection by attaching the Minutes of Election Meeting and

send an approval application letter of the CRO to Director of Planning DGH as the Chairman of PMU.g. Based on the report and a written request from the Head of Balai, the Director of Planning DGH as the

Chairman of PMU must sign a Letter of Agreement and the Decree of the Establishment of CROs.

The duties and obligations of CRO are:

a. CRO must be present in any procurement activity (Pre-Bid Meeting, Site Visit, Bids Submission andOpening of Bids, and Announcement of Bids Winner) by invitation of the Procurement Committee, andare required to sign the attendance list

b. If the elected CRO is unable to attend on procurement activities, a Substitute CRO shall be appointed toattend these activities.

c. In discharging of duties the Substitute CRO have the same responsibilities as elected CRO.

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d. The CRO / Substitute CRO, after attending the Procurement activities, required to make a report ofhis/her activities and submit them to the PMU and copy furnished to the related Head of Balai.

CRO as the representative of the community is to be independent observers and in performing their dutiesvoluntarily and not demanding benefits of their works.

In the performance of its duties, the CROs receive transportation cost from their home / office to thelocation of procurement meeting, and also he / she also receives per diem or Out Station Allowance (OSA)and hotel accommodation if necessary to stay. CROs also get additional charged for their reporting costs.The financing standards adjusted to the General Cost Standard (Standar Biaya Umum) issued by theMinistry of Finance.

The CRO’s financing charged to the Contract for Consulting Services for Technical Assistance for Core TeamConsultants (CTC) No: 06-20/CTC/TA/LN/8043/1112, dated 5 November 2012.

4.7.3 Publication / Disclosure

The second task under ACAP is publication of related ACAP documents for public disclosure with easyaccess to the general public and this is mainly manifested in the ACAP segment of the WINRIP website. ThisACAP section has been being designed to attain the best possible transparency of the project.

Ministry of Public Work (MPW) will provide necessary information in the Project Implementation Plan (PIP),Project Management Manual (PMM) on its website, and in the bidding documents, such as contact pointfor complaint (mail and e-mail address, phone, fax, text message). The contact will also include the Bank’sFraud and Corruption Hotline. MPW will hold Annual Accountability Meetings to enhance accountabilityand project information sharing with civil society. The PMM will provide guidelines on disclosure ofinformation related to the project. MPW official website will display critical information on WINRIP toenhance both internal and external monitoring of the project:

Work Plan and Procurement Plan.

Quarterly newsletter containing information on the list of contracts, implementation progress, projectsrelated activities, number, types and status of complaints in each location. The newsletter will also bemade available to civil society in hard copy and through electronic mailing system.

Mid-Term Review Report, promptly after completion of the mid-term review implementation support iscarried out in accordance with the loan agreement;

All final audit reports (financial or otherwise, including qualified audit reports) prepared in accordancewith the loan agreement and all formal responses of the government in relation to such reports. Thepublication should be done within one month after the report is accepted as final.

Contracts awarded with information on general scope of work (with location), value, and summaryinformation of the awarded firms/ contractors. The practice in other projects demonstrates thatdisclosure of contracts awarded will help in reducing fraudulent practices

Ministry of Public Works (MPW) maintains a website:, with a link to ''for information on semi e-procurement or e-procurement. PMU WINRIP supported by CTC will developtheir own website:, and with it all the information and data about WINRIP beinputted or uploaded on this site.

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In the application of one of the components of ACAP, the public disclosure and transparency, it is necessaryto spread information and increase the capacity of all stakeholders involved in the implementation of thisWINRIP project, through a variety of relevant training. The trainings have been expressed in the TOR of CTCWINRIP and described in the Project Implementation Plan (PIP).

One of the major risks to effective project implementation and management derives from the likelihoodthat project management staff does not have adequate training in or experience of the management oflarge-scale projects.

4.7.4 Complaints Handling Mechanism (CHS)

The ACAP as adopted by the Ministry of Public Works for WINRIP states on the subject of “ComplaintsHandling System”. The Community Development Specialist and the Management Information Specialist willplay a crucial role in the set-up of the Complaints Handling System (CHS) within PMU, in cooperation withthe PMU officer(s) in charge of the Complaints Handling Unit (CHU).

CHS essentially has four main components as follows:

Data Entry.

All complaints are expected to be submitted through the WINRIP website but in fact, to date, mostcomplaints have been received by letter, either directly or indirectly, although a few were sent by faxor email. However, to attain the best possible transparency of the project, complaints submittedmanually through letter, facsimile, telephone, e‐ mail or visit to the Public Works regional offices willbe entered in the WINRIP website by the CHS team of CTC. The possibility of using the ‘short messageservice’ (SMS) from a cell phone for complaints was considered and it was decided that all SMSmessages, although not treated as formal complaints, will be recorded as additional information.

Complaint Registration.

Every submitted complaint is registered and stored into the CHS database, categorized, and sent tothe correlated expert for future consultation in order to formulate a response.

Complaint Assessment.

The CHS Team assesses the urgency and complexity of all complaints. Simple complaints are followedby the formulation of a response for PMU’s approval before uploading the formal response into theWINRIP website. Complex complaints are followed by a thorough investigation.

Field Investigation and Analysis.

In the case of an investigation being required, the CHS team will make field visits and take necessaryaction such as discussion with related institutions (Satker, Dinas, Supervision Consultant, etc); invitethe complainer; interview the contractor; etc. Findings will be used for analysis to formulate aconclusion, solution, next action and any further decision.

4.7.5 Third Party Monitoring (TPM)

All WINRIP packages are designed to have external parties involved in conducting an independent

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assessment of the project throughout construction. Project information is accessible through the WINRIPwebsite (under construction), project information booth which is normally maintained in thePPK/Satker/Dinas office or, project announcement (billboard) at each site. ACAP requires a third party, fromoutside the project, to independently monitor the progress of construction work of each link and thesepersonnel are provided by universities nearby each package.

It was decided that the best method of recruitment for TPM was through the universities closest to eachpackage and PMU mailed invitations asking them to express their interest in forming independentmonitoring teams of Third Party Monitors. This concept is based on the fact that Universities/TechnicalFaculties have the engineers available for recruitment and Universities could use this opportunity to beinvolved in public service. It is hoped that this concept will be more effective and more efficient in gettinglegitimate, competent, independent Third Party Monitoring (TPM).

The duties of a TPM included:a) Report to the PPK for his intended package and obtain copies of all drawings and contract

documentation.b) Make at least three (3) separate visits to site, with each visit up to four (4) days long, and ascertain that

the works are being carried out in compliance with the drawings and documentation.c) Prepare and submit a report for the PMU following each visit with their last report post PHO.

4.8 Road Safety Audit

Since the Senior Road Safety Audit Engineer has been mobilized on 1st May 2013 until hisdemobilization on April 1st 2014, technical design and road safety engineering review and road safetyaudit for several packages in AWP-2 and AWP-3 sub-projects has been implemented.

However, there were still some task which were not covered by the Senior Road Safety Engineer duringthe duration of the road safety audit stage. Upon mobilization of the National Road Safety Engineer andthe Assistant Road Safety Engineer who were mobilized on June 2, 2014 and November 3, 2014respectively, the remaining road safety audit works were continued.

The remaining works are as follows:

1. Road Safety Audit at DED stage, for :a. AWP-3 sub-project (Packages 14, 16, 20 and 21)

2. Road Safety Audit at Construction Stage, for :a. AWP-1 sub-projects (Packages 1, 2, 3 and 4)b. AWP-2 sub-projects (Packages 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13)c. AWP-3 sub-projects (Packages 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 21)

3. Road Safety Audit at Pre-opening Stage, for :a. AWP-1 sub-projects (Packages 1, 2, 3 and 4)b. AWP-2 sub-projects (Packages 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13)c. AWP-3 sub-projects (Packages 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 21)

Road Safety Audit at detailed design stage is to identify the road safety weaknesses in design drawingsthrough site visiting, review of design drawings and official meeting with stake holder. Road Safety

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Audit report is the recommendation for improvement of road safety.

Road Safety Audit at Construction stage or Traffic Management and Safety Monitoring is to check theperformance of contractors related to the implementation of application management and trafficsafety in the field.

Road Safety Audit at pre-opening stage is to ensure that the road has been built as designed and toidentity any safety issues that may have been missed through the design process.

The overall progress of the different stages of Road Safety Audit are shown in Appendix B.

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5.1 Draw‐Downs and Future CostsDetails of the disbursements already made from the loan are listed in the followingsub‐section.

5.2 DisbursementThe total disbursement by World Bank from the loan to the end of July 2018 was USD174.283.884,04 equivalent to approximately 69.71% of the loan funds. A total disbursementof USD 10,758,121.01 was made during the month of July 2018 for the payment InterimPayment Certificates for the Statement of Work Accomplished under Category 1 Part 1 of theloan agreement.

The total expenditure to date measured in the term of the World Bank commitment, notincluding the Special Account advance, is shown in Appendix C. The following tablesummarizes the individual disbursements as calculated by CTC but retaining the totaldisbursement from Client Connection at the end of July 2018.

Category DescriptionLoan Restructuring

Amount USDTotals Disbursed to

End Jult 2018 inUSD

% Disbursed

1Part 1 Betterment andCapacity Expansion of

National Roads.225,400,000.00 164.076.757,21 72.79

2Part 2

Implementation Support17,000,000.00 10.207.126,83 60.04

3Part 3

Road Sector InstitutionalDevelopment

0 0 0

4Part 4

Contingency for DisasterRisk Response

0 0 0

Unallocated 7,600,000.00 0 0


Amount250,000,000.00 174.283.884,04 69.71

5.3. Management Information System

5.3.1. General OverviewThe Management Information System tasks are as follows below:

1) Information Systema. Develop and manage the File Storage as database system to store soft copy

documents into the server.b. Establish the Document Management System (DMS) to provide:

Letter Database System, used to record all information of incoming andoutgoing letter.

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Document Library System, used to record all information of hard copydocuments then store it into library shelves.

c. Create and updated content of the WINRIP official website.d. Develop and updated content of the Website Geographic Information System

(WebGIS) of spatial and roads information that overlay into Google Maps.e. Develop, manage and updated content of the Financial Management

Information System (FMIS), the web based application to monitoring thefinancial report and the physical progress report.

f. Provide and manage of the Complaint Handling System (CHS), used andsupport the ACAP activities to accommodate complaints from the public.

2) Data Collection and Document Uploada. Collecting data and updating list of data catalog every month.b. Uploading documents into a file storage server.

3) Technical and Computer Troubleshootinga. Setting up and manage cable network of local area network and internet

connection.b. Setting up and manage hardware problem of the computer, printer, copier

and phone.c. Software installation and cleaning up of computer virus.

5.3.2. Database

A typical workflow in management of incoming and outgoing data is divided into 3types of data handling, below:

1. Hardcopy, the document is stored in a rack.2. Soft files, saved in the File Storage Server.3. Data information, inputted in database applications.

For further handling that needs to be made an integrated database managementsystem so that all data can be stored properly. The database system has been

Incoming andOutgoing Data Administrator Saved



File StorageServer



Soft File

Hard Copy


Typical Workflow ofDatabase Management

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prepared to store all of WINRIP project information in a systematic, easilytraceable, maintainable, and manageable format as outlined below with the followingsystems:

a. File Storage Server, used to stored all files of report and other document. Pleasecheck the URL address

b. Document Management System (DMS), used to record all information of letter anddocument files. The URL address of the DMS application will be at The DMS have 2 main modules below:

1. Letter Database System, used to record all information of incoming andoutgoing letter.

2. Document Library System, used to record all information of document andreport files.

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6.1 World Bank and GOI Compliance

6.1.1 World Bank Missions

A World Bank supervision mission for implementation review took place on July 3, 2018 withcoordination meeting.

6.1.2 Agreed Key Actions and during the Coordination Meeting

Lists of the key actions monitored during the period are listed below.No. Action By Whom Update Status

July 3, 2018New Deadline

1 Package 5 – Send to the PMU a letter insistingon not operating the road until the slopeprotection works is completed.

WB New action. July 6, 2018

2 Package 5 – Clarify the situation of theremaining 38 affected people who did notreceive the compensation payment.

PMU/CTC New action. July 6, 2018

3 Package 5A – Carry out the re-bidding processincluding the World Bank’ssuggestions/improvements in the biddingdocuments.

PMU/CTC As soon as possible.

4 Package 12 – Pay particular attention to thequality of the civil works and reject them if thetechnical specification is not fully met.

PMU/CTC/DSC Continuously.

5 Package 13 – Send to the WB informally therevised design modifications on the sectionswhere the land acquisition activities could benot completed.

PMU/CTC/DSC July 13, 2018.

6 Package 14 – Pay particular attention to thequality of the civil works and reject them if thetechnical specification is not fully met.

PMU/CTC/DSC Continuously.

7 Package 14 – Send to the WB informally therevised design modifications on the sectionswhere the land acquisition activities could benot completed.

PMU/CTC/DSC July 24, 2018.

8 Packages 12 and 14 – Inform to the WB on thequarry permit status.

PMU/CTC/DSC New action. Mid-July 2018.

9 Packages 12 and 14 – Send to the WB thecontract time extension requests.

PMU/CTC/DSC New action. Mid-July 2018.

10 Package 15 – Send to the WB informally the RoadSafety department’s comments on the designmodifications on the sections where the landacquisition activities could be not completed.

PMU/CTC/DSC July 6, 2018.

11 Package 15 – Send to the WB the civil works costreduction justification.

PMU/CTC/DSC New action. July 30, 2018.

12 Package 16 – Pay particular attention to thequality of the civil works and reject them if thetechnical specification is not fully met.

PMU/CTC/DSC Continuously.

13 Package 16 – Sent to the WB the investigationreport on the asphalt mixing plant (AMP).

PMU/CTC/DSC July 13, 2018.

14 Package 16 – Carry out a field inspection toevaluate potential uses of the remaining fundsunder this package.

WB New action. July 9-13, 2018.

15 Package 21 – Send to the PMU the response tothe no objection request for the contracttermination.

WB July 6, 2018.

16 Package 21A– Send to the WB informally the PMU/CTC/DSC New action. July 6, 2018.

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No. Action By Whom Update StatusJuly 3, 2018

New Deadline

revised design and bill of quantities. A field visitcould be considered.

(i) 17(ii) Package 21A – Send to the PMU the commentson the revised procurement plan.

WB July 6, 2018.

(iii) 18(iv) Send to the WB the action plan to fix the qualityshortcomings observed during the DLP inspectionfor packages 2, 3, 4, 6, and 19.

PMU/CTC/DSC October 2018.

(v) 19(vi) Ensure that there is a valid contract in place toimplement the design changes in packages 13, 14and 15.


(vii) 20(viii) Carry out an environmental safeguard site visitfor packages 13 and 16.

WB Done – May 30, 2018.

(ix) 21(x) Closely monitor the contractors’ efforts inmaintaining good housekeeping, improving thehazardous waste storages, upgrading thesecondary containment, and regularly raisingenvironmental awareness in all workers andsubcontractors.

PMU Regularly.

(xi) 22(xii) Send to the Bank the FY2017 traffic data. Informthe WB about any methodological change incalculating the previous years’ traffic data.

PMU/CTC July 31, 2018.

(xiii) 23(xiv) Send to the WB the latest signed amendmentsfor time extension for the remaining civil workspackages and the DSC and CTC contracts.

PMU/CTC/DSC Partially done – CTCamendment no.7 sent

on May 28, 2018.

DSC amendment no. 3:July 13, 2018.

(xv) 24(xvi) Submit to the WB the pending LARAPsimplementation monitoring reports.

PMU and CTC Package 17: mid-July2018;Packages 5, 14, and 21:beginning of August2018;Packages 7, 12: end ofAugust 2018;Package 13 and 15: endof July 2018.

(xvii) 25(xviii) Submit to the WB the confirmation letterreflecting that sufficient budget will be allocatedto conduct the splitzing process.

PMU and CTC End of August 2018.

(xix) 26(xx) Send to the WB all the outstanding TFACresponses for packages 1, 4, 6, 19, and 21.

PMU/DSC/CTC Mid-July 2018.

(xxi) 27(xxii) Send to the WB the basecamp demobilizationstatus for the 18 packages (ongoing andcompleted). Field visits could be considered.

PMU/DSC/CTC Mid-July 2018.

(xxiii) 28(xxiv) Submit to the WB the NOL request for the DSCcontract amendment no. 4.

DSC New action. July 15, 2018.

(xxv) 29(xxvi) Send to the WB the slope protection technicalassistance time extension request to hold thetechnical workshop.

PMU/CTC Mid-July 2018.

(xxvii) 30(xxviii) Publish the revised Procurement Plan, includingpackages 5A and 21A, in the MPWH’s website.

PMU/CTC July 13, 2018.

(xxix) 31(xxx) Submit to the WB the quarterly IFR for the periodApril to June 2018.

PMU August 15, 2018.

(xxxi) 32(xxxii) Update the WINRIP website with all the receivedcomplaints through the Complaint Handling Unit(CHU).

PMU and CTC July 6, 2018.

(xxxiii) 33(xxxiv) Send to the WB the environmental managementand monitoring plan of RKPPLs and UKL-UPLimplementation quarterly and every semesterrespectively for all packages.

PMU and CTC Quarterly and eachsemester.

(xxxv) 34(xxxvi) Submit regularly to the WB the quarterlyprogress reports.

PMU This activity must becarried out every

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No. Action By Whom Update StatusJuly 3, 2018

New Deadline

calendar quarter.(xxxvii) 35(xxxviii) Update the newsletter quarterly, including the

list of contracts, implementation progress,project related workshops, and number, typologyand status of complaints.

PMU This activity must becarried out everycalendar quarter.

(xxxix) 36(xl) Send the quarterly newsletter to the civil societyforum in each project province in hard copy orthrough an electronic mailing system.

PMU This activity must becarried out everycalendar quarter.

(xli) 37(xlii) Update the WINRIP website with allenvironmental documents including RKPPLs,RKPPL and other monitoring reports, etc.

PMU and CTC Mid-July 2018.

(xliii) 38(xliv) Send to the WB informally the revised draftrestructuring/closing date extension request.

PMU and CTC Mid-July 2018.

6.1.3 The Next Supervision MissionThe next supervision mission will take place in October/November 2018. The next formalproject progress review will be carried out in early July 2018.

6.1.4 Performance IndicatorsKey Performance Indicators are developed and agreed between the World Bank and GOI,and will be monitored over the whole project period the changes in variables will becalculated annually. The set indicators are describing in the project Appraisal Document(PAD) and the Loan Agreement between the GOI and the World Bank.

The overall progress towards achieving the PDO of increasing the effective use of selectedsections of national roads along the Western Sumatra Corridor by reducing road user costsis considered moderately satisfactory. Progress in implementation has picked up, andthere has been an advance with respect to several project indicators. In addition, a projectrestructuring is being processed which should bring the project largely back on track.

The PMU provided an update on the achievement of the indicator targets. There has beenrelatively good progress on three of the five intermediate indicators. For one of theremaining intermediate indicators on bridge improvement, progress is expected within thenext semester. The last intermediate indicator related to institutional strengthening will becancelled in the framework of project restructuring. For the PDO indicator on AADT, CTCcarried out static traffic counts in March 2015 and confirmed that the original indicatortargets are adequate. The mission refined a few indicators definitions/baselines andupdated some indicator targets to take into account the project implementation delays.These changes will be reflected in the upcoming project restructuring.

From the “baseline 2010 AADT and estimated AADT for the year 2014/2015, theextrapolated AADT for the year 2013 resulted to 11,254 vehicles per day or 8.8% above thetargeted 10,347 vehicles per day in 2013. Shown in Table 6.1 is the comparison betweentarget and actual estimated AADT.

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Table 6.1Year Targeted AADT EstimatedBaseline (2010) 7,837

FY1 (2013) target 10,347FY1 (2013) actual 11,254FY2 (2014) target 11,351FY2 (2014) actual 12,696FY3 (2015) target 12,453FY4 (2016) target 13,304

FY5 (2017) end target 14,214

Appendix I shows the updated WINRIP Performance Indicators.

6.2 Implementation Support Components

6.2.1 Core Team Consultant (CTC)

The CTC is responsible to provide support to the PMU and DGH in the management of the Project,based in Jakarta. The CTC tasks include financial and progress monitoring and reporting, informationmanagement and dissemination, quality assurance and performance review for the Design andSupervision Consultants (DSC), implementation and monitoring of the anti-corruption action plan,support for project monitoring and evaluation, and support for implementation of a trainingprogram to support project management and implementation.

The CTC contract No. 06-20/CTC/TA/LN/8043/1112 was signed on 5 November 2012 by both DGHand a Joint Venture of PT. Perentjana Djaja, Yongma Engineering Co.Ltd., and PT. EpadasconPermata Engineering Consultant.

The main CTC activities during July 2018 are as follows:

Preparation of Monthly Progress Reports.

Monitoring the implementations of the ESAMP, anti-corruption action plans, complains from project

site, progress of LARAP and financial progress.

Prepared and issued various letters to PMU and DSC.

Preparing the draft of outgoing letter for PMU and PIU.

Submitted various Reports to PMU concerning environmental, the status of LARAP implementations

and Site Visit Reports of each Specialist who conducted site inspection.

Monitored the actual construction progresses of the on-going contract packages and advised PMU

of the current situations of the sub-projects.

TPM implementation monitoring for Package No.15, on July 11 – 13, 2018 and Package No.16 on

May 25 – 26, 2018.

Monitored Base Camp Management Improvement & RKKPL for Package No. 12, 14 and 17.

survey and evaluation of environmental document needs, proposed handling in sago – painan

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CTC – Independent quality advisor conducted quality inspection for Packages No. 1, 7, 12, 14 and 17.

Conducted Road Safety Audit for Package No.15 and 16 and proposed new package Sago - Painan.

Collecting and LARAP survey implementation data Package No. 17 and Sago - Painan.

Site Inspection by TL and HE for Packages No. 12, 14 and Sago – Painan.

TFAC inspector Package No. 11 and 16.

6.2.2 Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC)

The Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC) will be responsible for design of WP 2 and WP 3 civilworks and supervision of all civil works. They will have the role of ‘Engineer’ under a FIDIC-typecontract. The tasks include the preparation and maintenance of a quality assurance plan, validationand updating of designs, supervision of all civil works, environmental and social monitoring andmanagement, and support for financial and progress monitoring and reporting.

The DSC will also be responsible for quality assurance of materials and workmanship, certifyingwhether or not contractors have achieved the required results, as well as documentation andreporting based on the financial management plan. They will prepare a Quality Assurance systemcovering all subprojects, and continuously monitor the effectiveness of their supervision procedures.The team will be contracted and managed by DGH through the Bina Marga Regional Office (Balai II),and will be based in Padang, West Sumatera.

DSC contract was negotiated in Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional II (Balai-II) of DGH. Thenegotiation result and draft contract have been sent to WB on 25 March 2013 for review andapproval. The Bank issued no objection letter on the negotiation results and draft contract withletter dated 19 April 2013.

6.2.3 Study on Development of Slope Stabilization Design and Management

This component consists of technical assistance for analytical work of an alternative design for roadsegment that pass through critical environmental assets and vulnerable areas especially on slopeprotection design and management.

6.3 Anti‐Corruption Issues6.3.1 Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP)

The main duties of the Community Development Officer are implemented of Anti-CorruptionMeasures, and Monitoring their Effectiveness. Provide assistance as required with the establishmentof anti-corruption measures necessary to support the project, and monitor and report theireffectiveness based on the Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP) agreed between the World Bank andthe DGH.

The following tasks particularly need to establish procedures to be undertaken:

Selection of Community Representative Observers (CROs) of civil society groups to attend the

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Procurements process on key procurement steps including Pre-Bid meeting and site visit, bidssubmission and bids opening, and the announcement of the bid winner. These CROs will beinvited from local universities or other selected independent institutions, and will sign theattendance list for the procurement/selection process.

Establishment of a Third Party Monitoring (TPM) mechanism, whereby the media and civilsociety groups can become involved in monitoring the progress of the project. This Mechanismwill include regular sharing of information with the media.

Establishment and Management of a Complaints Handling Mechanism System (CHS), whichincludes maintaining project complaint log and filing to monitor status of follow-up of eachcomplaint. This mechanism will include provision for follow up investigations of substantialcomplaints by the Inspectorate General of Ministry of Public Works or third party audit to ensureindependence and reliability of the system. The CTC assignment concerns the monitoring of theaspects of Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP) implementation and where required act pro-active in resolving issues when such a matter arises. The Community Development Officer has amajor role in monitoring performance and assists PMU in the set-up and follow-through of theComplaints Handling Unit (CHU) for the ACAP related incidents

Enhanced Disclosure Provisions and Transparency, Ministry of Public Work (MPW) have beenprovided necessary information in the Project Implementation Plan (PIP), Project ManagementManual (PMM) on their website, and in the bidding documents, such as contract point forcomplaint (mail and e-mail address, phone, fax, text message). The contact will also include theBank’s Fraud and Corruption Hotlines. MPW will hold Annual Accountability Meetings toenhance accountability and project information sharing with civil society. The PMM will provideguidelines on disclosure of information related to the project. MPW official website will displaycritical information on WINRIP to enhance both internal and external monitoring of the project

6.3.2 Community Representative Observers (CRO)

The Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP) on Community Representative Observers (CROs) aspectduring July, 2018 is relatively minor activity.

The activities progress of Community Representative Observers (CROs) from January 2013 until July2018, as shown in Appendix H1.

6.3.3 Third Party Monitoring (TPM)

The Third Party Monitoring (TPM) activity during July 2018 as is below:

Monitoring on TPM Activity for third phase of package 15 (Sibolga – Batas Tapsel) in NorthSumatera Province on 11 - 13 July 2018.

The third monitoring on TPM Activity of package 16 (Seblat - Ipuh) in Bengkulu Province on 25 –27 July 2018

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The activities progress of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) from January 2013 until July 2018, asshown in Appendix H2.

6.3.4 Complaint Handling System (CHS)

The Community Development Officer with collaboration with MIS Specialist has developed asoftware application of Complaint Handling System (CHS) in integrated to website of WINRIP

In the implementation of Complaint Handling System (CHS) essentially there are four maincomponents as follows:

Data Entry. Complaint Registration. Complaint Assessment. Field Clarification and Analysis. Problem Solving and taking the Decision

The final draft of Complaint Handling System (the framework of the complaint procedures on theweb site of WINRIP and provided ACAP inputting data in the web site) has ready to be operated.

However these applications still continuously to be refined by considering input from various parties.The CHS team has been monitored and noted the public complaints via website of Sytem InformasiPemantauan Proyek “SiPP” / Project Monitoring Information System and WINRIP website.

On July 2018 the Complaint Handling Unit had not received any complaint from any parties.

The Complaints Handling Mechanism System (CHS) Activities is shown in Appendix H3.

6.3.5. Public Disclosures / Publication

Publication and disclosure is an attempt to increase transparency of information to the public, sothe public can easily to access information about the project WINRIP. Some components ofpublication and disclosures are as follows: a) announcing the information about the project throughdissemination activities and provision the leaflets, b) installation of the project information boards,c) the provision of space / project information booth, d) providing important information that canonly be accessed by public with submitted an officially applications to the authorities, and e) theprovision of information in the website which can be accessed via the internet.

The Community Development Team has sent the CRO’s activities and Third Party Monitoring (TPM)activities and has been up load to the website of WINRIP.

Data and report documents of the Community Development activities on CommunityRepresentative Observers (CROs) for 20 packages (# 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21 and 05A#) has been uploaded on the website of WINRIP.

The Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for all of 19 packages was completed selected / appointed andall of the TPM’s data has been entry /uploaded to the website of WINRIP (# 01, 02, 03, 04, 05,06, 07, 08, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 21).

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Review and identify the changing of Project Management Manual (PMM).

The Information Management Specialist has been updated the WINRIP website due to the PMUrequest to more simple, completed the information, and easy to accesses.

During July 2018, the Community Development team relatively minor activity on public disclosure /publication.

The Works Activities for Publication / Disclosure is shown in Appendix H4.

6.3.6. Action Plan for Next Month (July 2018)

The Activities plan for future months, in order of priority are as follows:

Prepare of CRO selection for re-bid of package 21 in West Sumatera Province and re-bid ofpackage 05 in Nort Sumatera Province.

Preparing the CRO certificate, that they have carried out their duties as CRO is successfully

The third stage monitoring of TPM activity on observation the project field for packages thathas not been completed.

6.4 Road Safety Audit

6.4.1 Activities during This Month (July 2018)The Road Safety activities of this month are:

1. World Bank Monthly Meeting at Bina Marga 5th Floor, 3 July 2018;2. Site visit to Painan for new construction proposal of Batas Kota Padang – Painan link, 16 – 17

July 2018.;3. Investigation of Escape Ramp on Package #05 Simpang Rampa – Poriaha, 23 July 2018;4. Road Safety Audit at PHO Stage on Package #15 Sibolga – Batas Tapanuli Selatan, 24 July 2018;5. Investigation of World Bank Team findings on Package #16: Seblat – Ipuh, 26-27 July 2018.

6.4.2 Current status of the project for technical field as of July 2018.

The Details of Program of Road Safety Audit as of the end of July 2018 are shown in the table onAppendix B.

6.5 Management Information System

In addition to collecting documents and reports of the WINRIP project in hard copy, we alsoarchive that documents and reports in the soft files. And we have created a file managerapplication to archive the files. We called it the WINRIP File Storage application.

Furthermore, in addition with the collection of the PHO documents and reports, thefollowing is status of the PHO document list of completed WINRIP packages that already becollected.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project9

6 - 9


01 02 03 04 06 07 08 11 17 19 201 Contract Document


ContractAmendment(including ChangeContract Original -CCO)

3 Contract Addendum

4Record of Pre-ConstructionMeeting (PCM)

5Commencement ofWork (COW) andSPMK

6Record ofProvisional HandOver (PHO)

7Taking OverCertificate

8Record of FinalQuantity

9 Job Mix Design

10 Job Mix Formula

11 MC and IPC

12Contract Drawing,As Build Drawing



15 Backup Quality

16 Strip Map

17 Request Work

18 RencanaKeselamatan danKesehatan KerjaKontrak (RK3K)

19 Price Adjustment(Eskalasi)

20 TechnicalJustification

21Other SupportingDocuments

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

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6 - 10

All documents we have received are hard copy. Then we need to scan the document in orderto save the soft copy file in PDF. And we will use the Canopile scanner tool to make thescanning process faster.

Our hard copy documents are stored in File Box Storage. While our soft copy files are savedin database of Document Management System (DMS) application.

Regarding to document update, the DMS application is still online well. And upload activitiesinto the DMS database continues as usual. Then number of files that have been uploaded toincrease rapidly. The data that has been uploaded to the DMS database until the end of July2018 are: 802 records of letters and 554 records of documents.

6.5.1 WINRIP File Storage

1) Folder Categorization

The file folder structure using the same system with the DMS applications. The root folders

are sorted based on the WINRIP components, namely:











Monthly Progress Report July 2018

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6 - 11























2) File Manager

We use the Extplorer platform as a file manager to display data files. Extplorer interface is

very similar to Windows Explorer on the Windows operating system, then users are familiar

and easy to use this application.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project12

6 - 12

6.5.2 File Box Storage

1) Document Categorization

The folder structure using the same system with the DMS applications. The root folders are

sorted based on the WINRIP components, namely:


Component 1: Civil Works C1

1 Package 01 Krui – Biha C1.01

2 Package 02 Padang Sawah – Sp.Empat C1.02

3 Package 03 Manggopoh – PadangSawah C1.03

4 Package 04 Ipuh – Bantal C1.04

5 Package 05 Simpang Rampa – Poriaha C1.05

6 Package 06 Pasar Pedati – Kerkap C1.06

7 Package 07 Indrapura – Tapan C1.07

8 Package 08 Bts.Kota Pariaman –Manggopoh C1.08

9 Package 11 Bantal – Mukomuko C1.11

10 Package 12 Kambang – Indrapura C1.12

11 Package 13 Sp Rukis – Tj Kemuning C1.13

12 Package 14 Painan – Kambang C1.14

13 Package 15 Sibolga – Batas Tapsel C1.15

14 Package 16 Seblat – Ipuh C1.16

15 Package 17 Sp.Gng Kemala – PugungTampak C1.17

16 Package 19 Lais – Bintunan C1.19

17 Package 20 Lubuk Alung – Sicincin C1.20

18 Package 21 Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji C1.21Component 2: ConsultingServices C2

1 PMU C2.01

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

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6 - 13


2 CTC C2.02

3 DSC C2.03Componet 3: TechnicalAssistant

1 Slope Protection C3.01

2) Box File Cabinet

All report documents are stored in boxes, then placed on an iron shelf for easy use later.

Each box is given a note of contents for makes it easier to find documents.

6.5.3 DMS Statistic

Today the DMS application already stored many file of Letters and Documents. And the next

days will be more files are stored in the DMS database. At the end, it is expected to store all

of files that related with WINRIP project.

Below is the number of Letter files that have been stored in DMS database, updates until the

end of July 2018. This Letter statistics have sorted by "Package".

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project14

6 - 14









P1 K

rui -



P2 P


g Sa


- Sp



P3 M



- Pa




P4 Ip

uh -



P5 S

p Ra


- Po


P6 P



ati -



P7 In



- Tap


P8 B

ts K




- M



P9 R


u Ti


- Ko

ta A



Sp E


t - S

p Ai

r Bal




al -







- In




Sp R


- Tj K





an -






- Bat

as T





at -



Sp G

n Ke


a - P

g Ta






o - B

ts S





- Bin





k Al


- Sici




k Al


- Kur








15 1711



1612 12

6 8 5 40


2 2



Letter StatisticSorted by Package

And here are the number of Document files that have been stored in DMS database, updates

until the end of May 2018. This Document statistics have sorted by "Document Type".














15 13

6 8






Document StatisticSorted by Document Type

Document Type

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project15

6 - 15

6.6 Quality AssuranceIn the month July ,2018 the Quality Assurance Engineer/ IQA.1 has been visited twice topackages WINRIP, as:

- Site visit to package 01 (Krui – Biha) and package 17 (Sp. Gn. Kemala – Pg. Tampak),Lampung Province from July 04 to July 06, 2018 and

- Site visit to package 07 (indrapura – Tapan), package 12 (Kambang – Indrapura) andpackage 14 (Painan – Kambang), Padang Province.

The activity of Quality Assurance Engineer/ IQA .1 on July 2018 place see in appendix D.

Appendix D shows the activities of the Quality Assurance Engineer during this period.

6.7 Project Risks and Mitigation Measures

6.7.1 Risks Related to Delays

Since the detailed engineering design (DED) is under responsibility of the Design andSupervision Consultant (DSC), delay on DSC establishment affected the procurement ofAWP-2 and AWP-3 sub-projects. The DED of several subprojects of WP-2 and WP-3 wereprepared and completed by respective P2JN. The CTC has then been instructed by DGH toreview the DEDs of seven packages completed by the P2JNs (package 5, 6, 11, 13, 15, 17 and19).

6.7.2 Financial Risks

The following factors will be monitored during implementation of the loan project. Loan Amount Actual Tender Prices Price Adjustments Contract Amendments (Additive or Deductive Variations) Currency Fluctuation Current Estimated Situation

No risk was detected until preparation of this report, however CTC prepared revised costestimates in anticipation of future cost claims to cover contract price escalations andvariation orders. A revised factor from 10% has been reduced to 5% for both additional costcomponents is applied on the original cost.

6.7.3 Risks Related to Quality

The quality of work is inherently tied to the competence of the Contractors and the diligenceof the Supervision Teams. The competence of contractors shall be considered at the time ofbid evaluation and prior to the award of any contract.

The quality of supervision however is influenced by the following factors:

Ensuring that supervision staff levels are fully manned with competent, honest,qualified and experienced personnel.

The provision of properly equipped laboratories with properly trained operators foreach package.

Package supervision comes under the responsibilities of the immediate supervision teams

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project16

6 - 16

and the relevant DSC and the Quality Assurance Engineer from CTC.

6.8 Training to Support Project ImplementationNot performed for this month.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project7 - 17 - 1


PACKAGE CURRENT ISSUES FOLLOW-UP Actions# 01 Krui - Biha Road damaged by settlement (land slide) in the Sta 6+300

and Sta 6+400 have not been repaired. Done by the local goverment.

# 05 Simpang Rampa -Poriaha

The design of cut slope based on geotechnical investigation.

The site investigation with the concerned parties including TAslope consultant and WB geotechnical expert was made on20 – 21, November 2017 and discussed for the design how toprotect the slope.

The design by the consultant TA slope protection was completedon the early of February 2018.

In order to finalize the design, site visit with WB geotechnicalexpert and concerned parties was made on 14 – 15, February2018.

WB, NOL of the design of slope protection was issued on 15,March 2018.

The open tender for Package 5A, was conducted on 30. May2018.

WB, NOL regarding Biding Evaluation Report and Re-tender wasissued on 29, June 2018

# 06 Ps. Pedati - KerkapSplitzing program for land acquisition in province of Bengkuluis still not budgeted.

The PPK is trying to allocate the fund for splitzing program (FY 2018)

# 12 Kambang - Indrapura

Catch up the delayed progress The contractor is trying to catch-up the delayed progress but indifficulties facing with serious shortage of supply of cement due tothe limited quota of cement from the manufacturer and Idul FitriHolidays.Hence the contractor proposed the Extension of Time for thecompletion and The Engineer is reviewing the proposal.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project7 - 27 - 2


# 13 Sp Rukis - Tj Kemuning

Design for traffic safety of the unsettled land acquisition The Design for traffic safety is under review by the Engineer (53 locs)Splitzing program for land acquisition in province of Bengkuluis still not budgeted.

The PPK is trying to allocate the fund for splitzing program (FY 2018)

# 15 Sibolga - Batas TapselSplitzing program for land acquisition in the province ofNorth Sumatra is still not budgeted.

The PPK is trying to allocate the fund for splitzing programs(FY 2018).

Design for traffic safety of the unsettled land acquisition The Design for traffic safety is under review by the Engineer (17 locs)

# 17 Sp.Gn. Kemala - Pg.Tampak

Splitzing program for land acquisition in the province ofLampung is still not budgeted.

The PPK is trying to allocate the fund for splitzing programs(FY 2018).

# 19 Bintunan - LaisSplitzing program for land acquisition in province of Bengkuluis still not budgeted.

The PPK is trying to allocate the fund for splitzing program (FY 2018)

# 21 Lubuk Alung –Kuraitaji

Catch-up the delayed progress. The Contractor has been failed for the Test Case I, II and Test CaseIII.Accordingly, PPK proposed the termination due to the contractor’sdefault and the WB NOL was issued on 9, July 2018.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project1

8 - 1

8 CORRESPONDENCESDuring the period the CTC received and issued letters. Lists of letters received and issued areshown in Appendix J.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Table of Contents

1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................ 1-11.1 Current Implementation Situation.......................................................................................................1-1

1.2 Disbursement..........................................................................................................................................1-41.3 World Bank Implementation Review Mission and Site Visit...............................................................1-5

1.4 Procurement of Civil Works Contract Under Category 1 of the Loan Agreement...........................1-52 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Background.............................................................................................................................................2-1

2.2 Project Development.............................................................................................................................2-12.3 Project Objective ......................................................................................................................................2-6

3 CONSULTANCY SERVICES ........................................................................................................... 3-13.1 CTC Consultants ......................................................................................................................................3-1

3.1.1 Scope of Services ........................................................................................................... 3-13.1.2 CTC Manning ................................................................................................................. 3-23.1.3 CTC Contract.................................................................................................................. 3-4

3.2 DSC Consultants.....................................................................................................................................3-6

3.3 Technical Assistance for Development of Slope Stabilization, Design and Management............3-74 CIVIL WORKS............................................................................................................................ 4-1

4.1 Detailed Design Preparation...................................................................................................................4-14.2 Procurements ............................................................................................................................................4-1

4.3 Civil Works Implementation ...................................................................................................................4-14.4 Civil Works Progress.................................................................................................................................4-3

4.5 Quality Assurance.....................................................................................................................................4-7

4.6 Environmental and Social Considerations...........................................................................................4-12

4.6.1 Current Overall Situation............................................................................................ 4-124.6.2 Environmental and Social Issues................................................................................ 4-13

4.7 Anti Corruption Issues..........................................................................................................................4-39

4.7.1 Anti‐Corruption Action Plan (ACAP) ............................................................................ 4-394.7.2 Community Representative Observers (CRO)............................................................ 4-394.7.3 Publication / Disclosure ............................................................................................... 4-404.7.4 Complaints Handling Mechanism (CHS) ..................................................................... 4-414.7.5 Third Party Monitoring (TPM)...................................................................................... 4-41

4.8 Road Safety Audit ...............................................................................................................................4-425 FINANCIAL & MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS.......................................................... 5-1

5.1 Draw‐Downs and Future Costs..............................................................................................................5-15.2 Disbursement..........................................................................................................................................5-1

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

5.3. Management Information System ......................................................................................................5-1

6 PROJECT PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................ 6-16.1 World Bank and GOI Compliance........................................................................................................6-1

6.1.1 World Bank Missions .................................................................................................... 6-16.1.2 Agreed Key Actions and during the Coordination Meeting ...................................... 6-1

6.2 Implementation Support Components...............................................................................................6-4

6.2.1 Core Team Consultant (CTC)........................................................................................ 6-46.2.2 Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC)................................................................... 6-56.2.3 Study on Development of Slope Stabilization Design and Management................ 6-5

6.3 Anti‐Corruption Issues .............................................................................................................................6-5

6.3.1 Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP) ............................................................................ 6-56.3.2 Community Representative Observers (CRO)............................................................ 6-66.3.3 Third Party Monitoring (TPM)...................................................................................... 6-66.3.4 Complaint Handling System (CHS)............................................................................... 6-76.3.5. Public Disclosures / Publication.................................................................................... 6-7

6.4 Road Safety Audit ..................................................................................................................................6-8

6.4.1 Activities during This Month (July 2018)..................................................................... 6-86.5 Management Information System ......................................................................................................6-8

6.6 Quality Assurance................................................................................................................................6-15

6.7 Project Risks and Mitigation Measures............................................................................................6-15

6.7.1 Risks Related to Delays ............................................................................................... 6-156.7.2 Financial Risks.............................................................................................................. 6-156.7.3 Risks Related to Quality .............................................................................................. 6-15

6.8 Training to Support Project Implementation......................................................................................6-16

7 CURRENT ISSUES AND FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS ......................................................................... 7-18 CORRESPONDENCES ............................................................................................................... 8-1

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project


ACAP : Anti Corruption Action PlanAER : Application Evaluation ReportAIP : Australian Indonesia PartnershipAMDAL : Environmental Management (Analisis Mengenai Dampak

Lingkungan)ANDAS : Analisis Dampak SosialAWPs : Annual Work ProgramsBalai : Regional Office for National Roads ImplementationBAPPENAS : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (National

Development Planning Agency of GOI)Bappedalda : Regional Environmental Impact AgenciesBBPJN : Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional (Regional Office for

National Roads Implementation)BER : Bid Evaluation Report

BLH : Badan Lingkungan Hidup

BPK : Badan Pemeriksaan Keuangan (Audit Board of the Government

of Indonesia)

CAD : Computer Aided Design

CHS : Complaint Handling System

CTC : Core Team Consultant

CHU : Complaint Handling Unit

CRO : Community Representative Observer ( = WPM)

DIA : Directorate of Implementing Affairs

DRND : Directorate of Road Network Development

DGH : Directorate General of Highways

DMS : Document Management System

DRP : Directorate Road of Preservation

DMS : Document Management System

DSC : Design and Supervision Consultants

EA : Executing Agency

EINRIP : Eastern Indonesian National Roads Improvement Project

EIRTP-1 : Eastern Indonesia Regional Transport Project First Project

ESAMP : Environmental and Social Assessment Plan

ESS : Environmental and Social Safeguards

FMIS : Financial Management Information System

FIDIC : Federation Internationale des Ingenieur Conseils

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

FMIS : Financial Management Information System

GIS : Geographic Information System

GOI : Government of Indonesia

IA : Implementation Agency

IBRD : International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

IFR : Interim Financial Report

IRMS : Integrated Road Management System

Kabupaten : Regency

KPIs : Key Performance Indicators

KPPN : Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (Indonesian: State

Treasury Service Office)

LAN : Local Area Network

LARAP : Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (Rencana Tindak

Pengadaan Tanah dan Pemukiman Kembali)

MIS : Management Information System

MOF : Ministry of Finance

MPW H : Ministry of Public Work & Housing

MPRs : Monthly Progress Reports

P2JN : Perencanaan Pengawasan Jalan dan Jembatan Nasional

PDF : Portable Document Format

PMU : Project Management Unit

PAPs : Project Affected Peoples

PMM : Project Management Manual

PMU : Project Management Unit (WINRIP)

POKJA : Bina Marga Project Managers and Procurement Committes

PPC : Project Preparation Consultants

PP3 : Pemantau Pihak ke 3

PPK : Sub Project Manager

PPR : Project Progress Report

QPRs : Quarterly Progress Reports

RKL/RPL : Rencana Pengelolaan/Pemantauan Lingkungan

RS : Road Safety

Satker : Satuan Kerja (Work Unit for Road Project Implementation)

SPPL : Surat Pernyataan Pengelolaan Lingkungan

SRIP : Strategic Road Infrastructure Project

TA : Technical Assistance

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

TOR : Terms of Reference

UKL/UPL : Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan / Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan

(Site Specific Environmental and Monitoring Plan)

WINRIP : Western Indonesia Roads Improvement Project

WB : World Bank

WP : Work Program

WPs : Works Programs

WPM : Wakil Pengamat dari Masyarakat (or Community Representative

Observer / CRO)

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project


Appendix A : Overall Loan ProgressAppendix B : Road Safety Audit ProgressAppendix C : Financial ProgressAppendix D : Quality Assurance ProgressAppendix E : Environmental and Social ProgressAppendix F : Procurement Plan and ProgressAppendix G : WINRIP Website ProgressAppendix H : ACAP Training/Dissemination ProgressAppendix I : Performance IndicatorAppendix J : Correspondences

ANNEXESAnnex P-1 : Package No. 1Annex P-2 : Package No. 2Annex P-3 : Package No. 3Annex P-4 : Package No. 4Annex P-5 : Package No. 5Annex P-6 : Package No. 6Annex P-7 : Package No. 7Annex P-8 : Package No. 8Annex P-11 : Package No. 11Annex P-12 : Package No. 12Annex P-13 : Package No. 13Annex P-14 : Package No. 14Annex P-15 : Package No. 15Annex P-16 : Package No. 16Annex P-17 : Package No. 17Annex P-19 : Package No. 19Annex P-20 : Package No. 20Annex P-21 : Package No. 21

ATTACHMENTAttachment 1 : Summary of Studies and Reports on Environmental Activity

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project


Annex P-1 : Package No. 1

Annex P-2 : Package No. 2

Annex P-3 : Package No. 3

Annex P-4 : Package No. 4

Annex P-5 : Package No. 5

Annex P-6 : Package No. 6

Annex P-7 : Package No. 7

Annex P-8 : Package No. 8

Annex P-11: Package No.11

Annex P-12: Package No.12

Annex P-13: Package No.13

Annex P-14: Package No.14

Annex P-15: Package No.15

Annex P-16: Package No.16

Annex P-17: Package No.17

Annex P-19: Package No.19

Annex P-20: Package No.20

Annex P-21: Package No.21

05-Jul-15 Status : 25-Jul-18Contract

BALAI Amount Time ellaps Remaining

Plan (incl VAT) days days Target Highest Avg The latest

Actual IDR million % % % % % % SIMPANG RAMPA - PORIAHA II 17-Mar-15 540 8-Mar-18 130.143 100,00 95,28 (4,72) Contract amount reduced 4.72 %PT. NUSA KONSTRUKSI ENJ Tbk. Medan 18-Jun-15 455 10-Apr-18 124.000 100,00 100,00 - Revised BOQSIBOLGA - Batas TAPSEL II 13-Jul-15 810 30-Jun-18 260.100 100,00 74,42 (25,58) Contract amount reduced 19,5 %

PT. PEMBANGUNAN PERUMAHAN Medan 20-Nov-15 144 193.563 100,00 100,00 - Revised BOQ

PADANG SAWAH-SIMPANG EMPAT III 6-Dec-13 730 19-Apr-16 247.572 100 100 -PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk Padang 6-Jan-14 105 14-Apr-16MANGGOPOH - PADANG SAWAH III 6-Dec-13 730 20-Mar-16 183.940 100 100 -PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk Padang 6-Jan-14 75 17-Mar-16BATAS KOTA PARIAMAN-MANGGOPOH III 28-Jan-16 720 31-Dec-17 378.042 100 100 -PT PP - STATIKA JO Padang 23-Mar-16 -71LUBUK ALUNG - SICINCIN III 1-Jun-16 540 28-Feb-18 113.818 100 100 -PT NINDYA KARYA Padang 1-Sep-16 6KURAI TAJI - LUBUK ALUNG III 1-Jun-16 540 28-Jun-18 126.301 100,00 55,79 (44,21) Contract is terminatedPT MULTI STRUCTURE Padang 1-Sep-16 126INDRAPURA-TAPAN III 26-Nov-15 630 28-Jan-18 129.700 100 100 -PT. ADHI KARYA Padang 10-Dec-15 151KAMBANG-INDERAPURA III 28-Jan-16 720 28-Jul-18 358.650 100,00 76,95 (23,05) 794 3 23,05 15,64 3,21 3,48PT LANCARJAYA MA-CAHAYA TA,JO Padang 23-May-16 77 99,62% 0,38%PAINAN - KAMBANG III 1-Jun-16 630 17-Jul-18 214.327 100,00 79,92 (20,08) 722 -8 20,08 9,72 3,63 0,00KSO YASA - CONBLOC Padang 3-Aug-16 84 101,12% -1,12%

IPUH - BANTAL III 14-Nov-13 730 11-Apr-16 212.290 100 100 -PT WASKITA KARYA - PT DMT, JO Padang 13-Jan-14 90 31-May-16KERKAP - PASAR PEDATI III 27-Feb-15 450 28-Jan-17 118.444 100 100 -PT. WASKITA KARYA Tbk Padang 11-Mar-15 240 28-Jan-17BANTAL - MUKOMUKO III 18-Dec-14 720 26-May-17 263.656 100 100 -PT. HUTAMA KARYA - PT. DMT, JO Padang 23-Feb-15 104 BINTUNAN-LAIS III 27-Feb-15 300 30-Jun-16 44.419 100 100 -PT RODATEKNINDO PURAJAYA Padang 11-Mar-15 178 30-Jun-16SEBLAT - IPUH III 28-Oct-16 630 30-Jul-18 211.375 100,00 89,77 (10,23) 625 5 10,23 13,74 4,72 4,88PT YASA - MULTI STRUCTURE, JO Padang 8-Nov-16 - 99,21% 0,79%SIMPANG RUKIS-TANJUNG KEMUNING III 18-Dec-14 720 15-May-18 305.886 100 100 -PT. WASKITA KARYA Padang 22-Jul-15 309

BIHA - KRUI V 25-Nov-13 640 10-Jan-16 154.073 100 100 -PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk Palembang 8-Jan-14 93 20-Jan-16Sp.Gn KEMALA-PUGUNG TAMPAK V 17-Nov-14 720 27-Dec-17 211.712 100 100 -PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk Palembang 4-Sep-15 126




Package No. & Name PROGRESS ACHIEVEMENTTime forCompletion TOC/ PHO

Time for Completion

Actual Dev

Physical Progress (%)


extension /contraction




















7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx

PlanActual Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul

SIBOLGA - Batas TAPSEL II 13-Jul-15 810 30-Jun-18 3,18 2,64 3,63 4,26 2,56 2,75 1,40 4,84 4,86 1,73 1,63 0,15 0,48 - PT. PP Medan 20-Nov-15 144

LUBUK ALUNG - KURAI TAJI III 1-Jun-16 540 28-Jun-18 4,42 1,20 1,71 0,86 2,36 2,17 1,54 1,19 2,06 1,31 1,51 Terminate

PT MULTI STRUCTURE Padang 1-Sep-16 126

KAMBANG-INDERAPURA III 28-Jan-16 720 28-Jul-18 2,21 1,46 2,29 1,85 3,35 2,25 2,85 4,04 11,19 8,43 15,64 6,992 1,19 3,48PT LMA - CTA, JO Padang 23-May-16 77

PAINAN - KAMBANG III 1-Jun-16 630 17-Jun-18 3,99 3,99 9,16 6,14 3,57 3,57 3,32 3,15 3,11 6,44 2,55 0,86 0,12 0,00KSO YASA - CONBLOC Padang 3-Aug-16 54 Decline

SEBLAT - IPUH III 28-Oct-16 630 30-Jul-18 3,43 5,46 6,19 0,18 13,74 8,87 5,53 1,52 8,88 7,99 6,00 6,17 2,25 4,88PT YASA - MULTI STR, JO Padang 8-Nov-16 -

CIVIL WORKS PROGRESS per MONTH(Ongoing Construction only)




COW ExtensionBALAI


Time forCompletion

2017 2018







C:\Users\Tediero Pratama\AppData\Local\Temp\7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx % Per MONTH

05-Jul-15 Status tanggal : 25-Jul-18Re Target Time for 25-Jul-18

BALAI Time ellaps Remaining maining Progress completion Est

Plan days days Target Highest Avg Thelatest progress per required Completion

Actual % % % % % % month month date

SIBOLGA - Batas TAPSEL II 13-Jul-15 810 30-Jun-18 100,00 74,42 (25,58) 835 -25 Contract amount reduced 19,5 %PT PP Medan 20-Nov-15 144 100,00 100,00 - 102,62% -2,62%

KURAI TAJI - LUBUK ALUNG III 1-Jun-16 540 28-Jun-18 100,00 55,79 (44,21) 44% Contract is terminatedPT MULTI STRUCTURE Padang 1-Sep-16 126KAMBANG-INDERAPURA III 28-Jan-16 720 28-Jul-18 100,00 76,95 (23,05) 794 3 23,05 15,64 3,21 3,48 23% 12% 2 20-Sep-18PT LMA - CTA,JO Padang 23-May-16 77 99,62% 0,38%PAINAN - KAMBANG III 1-Jun-16 630 17-Jun-18 100,00 79,92 (20,08) 722 -38 20,08 9,72 3,63 0,00 20% 7% 3 19-Oct-18KSO YASA - CONBLOC Padang 3-Aug-16 54 105,56% -5,56%

SEBLAT - IPUH III 28-Oct-16 630 30-Jul-18 100,00 89,77 (10,23) 625 5 10,23 13,74 4,72 4,88 10% 7% 1 6-Sep-18PT YASA - MULTI STR, JO Padang 8-Nov-16 - 99,21% 0,79%16

Actual Dev


Contractor COW



Timeextension /contraction





Time forCompletion TOC/ PHO Physical Progress (%)




Package No. Time Elapsed (Days)

Name Time Elapsed (%) Project Manager Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 Supervision Consultant Balance (%)Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 733 Take Over Date Status date Contract Amount Rp. Accumulative Rp. 100% Contract Amount Add-1 (+ VAT) Rp. Contract Amount Add-5 (+ VAT) Rp.Price Adjustment Rp.

Comp Add.2 Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Total Last this to this Sch to

% % Month Month Month thisMonth

I G e n e r a l 8,25 7,22 7,54 7,54 7,54II D r a i n a g e 34,19 23,78 25,35 25,35 25,35III Earthworks 3,95 6,56 4,65 4,65 4,65

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders 1,47 0,94 1,02 1,02 1,02

V Granular Pavement 9,22 7,04 7,49 7,49 7,49VI Asphalt Pavement 40,14 46,76 41,07 41,07 41,07VII S t r u c t u r e s 1,09 5,36 6,41 6,41 6,41

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks 1,20 1,91 6,05 6,05 6,05

IX Day Work 0,14 0,12 0,09 0,09 0,09

X Routine MaintenanceWorks 0,36 0,32 0,33 0,33 0,33

TOTAL 100,00 100,00 100,0 - 100,0 100,0Note :

1. 100% completed on January 20162. Taking-Over Certificate issued on January 20, 20163. Defects Liability Periode until January 19, 2018

2016Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 250,22 0,87 1,69 5,62 11,11 18,06 24,50 31,58 38,99 46,36 52,53 60,68 67,46

31,90 35,31 40,53 47,72 56,69 65,59 75,18 84,21 94,42 100,0088,43 91,76 96,08 100,00

0,10 0,58 0,79 1,59 2,93 3,71 4,79 5,98 8,60 11,28 12,62 16,08 18,71 21,04 25,88 32,67 37,50 42,27 45,05 55,51 65,00 70,08 76,56 91,02 100,00(0,12) (0,29) (0,90) (4,03) (8,18) (14,35) (19,71) (25,60) (30,39) (35,08) (39,91) (44,60) (48,75) (14,27) (14,65) (15,06) (19,18) (23,31) (30,13) (28,70) (29,43) (18,34) (15,19) (5,06) -

0,48 0,21 0,80 1,34 0,78 1,08 1,19 2,62 2,68 1,34 3,46 2,63 2,33

Actual Progress (%) Balance (%)

Div Description

The month of time for complation

Rivised Progress Schedul Add.1 (%) Original Progress Schedul (%)


Rivised Progress Schedul Add.2 (%)







The cracked pavement surface has been fixed. WB request that pavement investigation to be done.The result of the investigation as a reference BBPJN-VPalembang to conduct road maintenance.






E July 25, 2018



Joko Wisargo, ST, MT
















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25









1st Revised Shc

2nd Revised Sch


7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-1



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) Name Time Elapsed (%) Project Manager Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor PT JAYA KONSTRUKSI MP, Tbk Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 Supervision Consultant Balance (%)Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 730 Time for Complation (Days) 835 Status date Take Over Date Accumulative Rp. 100% Original Contract Amount Rp. *) Include advance payment Contract Amount + VO + Price Adj Rp.

Comp Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Last this to this Sch to

% % Month Month Month thisMonth

I G e n e r a l 10,46 3,378 3,38 3,38 3,38II D r a i n a g e 3,53 3,244 3,24 3,24 3,24III Earthworks 4,44 4,691 4,69 4,69 4,69

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders 2,26 1,948 1,95 1,95 1,95

V Granular Pavement 10,49 10,944 10,94 10,94 10,94VI Asphalt Pavement 52,09 57,028 57,03 57,03 57,03VII S t r u c t u r e s 14,35 16,115 16,12 16,12 16,12

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks 1,65 2,002 2,00 2,00 2,00

IX Day Work 0,12 0,108 0,11 0,11 0,11

X Routine MaintenanceWorks 0,62 0,541 0,54 0,54 0,54

TOTAL 100,00 100,00 100,00 - 100,00 100,00Note :

Year Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Original Progress Schedul (%) 0,45 0,90 2,20 3,45 7,17 13,58 17,48 20,63 27,88 33,56 38,81 44,72 50,52 56,13 62,58 67,95 73,65 79,35 1st Revised Progress Schedul (%) 66,92 71,10 81,03 87,07 91,35 95,62 100,00 2nd Revised Progress Schedul (%) 92,53 95,62 96,75 97,25 98,21 100,00Actual - 0,13 1,02 2,19 4,11 5,96 9,69 13,85 22,55 25,61 31,45 33,73 40,41 44,25 49,98 55,715 58,61 58,35 63,76 71,36 77,80 83,27 92,53 93,20 92,85 95,73 96,83 100,00Balance (0,45) (0,77) (1,17) (1,26) (3,07) (7,62) (7,80) (6,78) (5,33) (7,95) (7,36) (10,99) (10,11) (11,88) (12,59) (12,23) (15,04) (8,57) (7,35) (9,67) (9,27) (8,08) (3,09) (2,41) (3,90) (1,52) (1,37)

0,89 1,17 1,91 1,86 3,72 4,17 8,69 3,07 5,84 2,28 6,68 3,84 38,29

1. 100% completed April 14, 20162. Taking-Over Certificate issued on April 14, 2016 3.Defects Liability Periode until April 13, 2018



(i) Found some cracks on the surface of the pavement.(ii) FHO is temporarily suspended until crack is know cause and repair isdone.

DSC is conducting pavement investigation planned for completionin Oct 2018.




RENARDET S.A JV06-Dec-1306-Jan-14








The month of time for complation




Div Description















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28









1st Revised Sch

2nd Revised Sch


7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-2



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) Name Time Elapsed (%) Project Manager Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 Supervision Consultant Balance (%)Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 730 Time for Complation (Days) 805 Status date Take Over Date Accumulative Rp. 100,0% Original Contract Amount Rp. *) Include advance payment Contract Amount + VO + Price Adj Rp.

Comp Revised Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Total Last this to this Sch to

% % Month Month Month thisMonth

I G e n e r a l 10,21 10,21 2,39 2,39 2,39II D r a i n a g e 13,17 13,17 10,09 10,09 10,09III Earthworks 3,04 3,04 6,99 6,99 6,99

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders

2,45 2,45 1,92 1,92 1,92

V Granular Pavement 11,27 11,27 11,25 11,25 11,25VI Asphalt Pavement 55,81 55,81 59,72 59,72 59,72VII S t r u c t u r e s 0,80 0,80 5,28 5,28 5,28

VIII Reinstatement &Minor Works

2,27 2,27 1,02 1,02 1,02

IX Day Work 0,22 0,22 0,69 0,69 0,69

X Routine MaintenanceWorks 0,76 0,76 0,65 0,65 0,65

TOTAL 100 100 100,0 - 100 100Note :

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 270,26 1,00 1,67 2,45 4,78 7,45 10,70 14,27 21,53 30,10 36,95 44,01 51,62 58,67 65,63 73,03 79,97 87,04

70,14 74,54 82,69 89,96 95,17 97,89 100,0093,78 98,11 99,31 100,00

0,24 0,48 2,07 2,43 2,87 5,45 5,70 7,01 12,43 14,45 19,30 24,38 29,11 30,11 32,97 39,72 43,28 43,98 48,56 54,37 65,63 85,01 91,15 96,30 98,38 99,13 100,00(0,02) (0,52) 0,40 (0,02) (1,91) (2,00) (5,00) (7,26) (9,10) (15,65) (17,65) (19,63) (22,51) (28,56) (32,66) (33,31) (36,69) (26,16) (25,98) (28,32) (24,33) (10,16) (6,74) 2,52 0,27 (0,18) -

0,24 1,59 0,36 0,44 2,58 0,25 1,31 5,42 2,02 4,85 5,08 4,73 1,00 Balance (%)


Rivised Progress Schedul (%)


Rivised Progress Schedul (%)

Actual Progress (%)

PHYSICAL PROGRESS MONITORING TABLE Year 2014 Month The month of time for complation



Original Progress Schedul (%)

Div Description


There is outstanding payment of 2.4 billion rupiahs and contract. Proposal of contract amendment under process.Opukenigara, ST






1. 100% completed on March 17, 20162. Taking-Over Certificate issued on March 17, 2016 3.Defects Liability Periode until March 16, 2018





















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27









1st Revised Sch

2nd Revised Sch


7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-3



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days)

Name Time Elapsed (%) Project Manager Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor PT WASKITA KARYA - PT DAYA JO Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 Supervision Consultant Balance (%)Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 730 Time for Complation (Days) 820 Status date Take Over Date Accumulative Rp. 100,0% Contract Amount Rp. *) Include advance payment

Contract Amount Add-1 Rp.Price Adjustment Rp.

Comp Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Last this to this Sch to

% Month Month Month thisMonth

I G e n e r a l 7,59 5,99 5,99 5,99II D r a i n a g e 12,26 8,18 8,18 8,18III Earthworks 3,58 3,06 3,06 3,06

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders

3,39 3,05 3,05 3,05

V Granular Pavement 18,07 16,82 16,82 16,82VI Asphalt Pavement 49,27 47,02 47,02 47,02VII S t r u c t u r e s 2,55 4,82 4,82 4,82

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks

2,95 10,88 10,88 10,88

IX Day Work 0,14 0,00 0,00 0,00

X Routine MaintenanceWorks

0,20 0,18 0,18 0,18

TOTAL 100 100,0 - 100,00 100,00Note :

1. 100% completed on March 31, 20162. Taking-Over Certificate issued on March 31, 20163. Defects Liability Periode until March 30, 2018

Year Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,11 0,32 0,75 1,14 6,57 10,29 12,85 15,81 20,08 24,22 32,76 40,88 47,93 55,61 63,451st Revised Schedule (%) 28,57 37,28 48,18 56,89 64,18 73,78 84,47 91,89 98,53 2nd Revised Schedule (%) 61,23 62,14 76,26 86,77 96,29 100,0 Actual Progress (%) - 0,18 0,40 0,53 0,56 0,78 0,87 1,45 3,73 5,35 8,10 9,35 13,79 21,76 27,67 35,43 39,36 42,14 44,24 46,28 50,09 53,17 61,23 70,32 78,69 84,64 91,62 94,53 Balance (%) (0,11) (0,14) (0,35) (0,61) (6,01) (9,51) (11,98) (14,36) (16,35) (18,88) (24,66) (31,53) (34,14) (33,85) (0,91) (1,86) (8,81) (14,75) (19,95) (27,51) (34,38) (38,72) (37,30) 8,18 2,43 (2,13) (4,67) (5,47)

0,22 0,13 0,03 0,22 0,09 0,58 2,27 1,62 2,76 1,25 4,44 7,97

Fathoni Ikhsan, ST


ME July 25, 2018









(i) Found some cracks on the surface of the pavement.(ii) FHO is temporarily suspended until crack is know cause and repair is done.

DSC is conducting pavement investigation planned for completion in Oct 2018.



Div Description

















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28









1st Revised Sch

2nd Revised Sch


7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-4



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) Name Time Elapsed (%) Project Manager Yahya, ST Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor PT. WASKITA KARYA Tbk Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT. CIPTA STRADA Balance (%) Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 450 240 Take Over Date Status date Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Accumulative Rp. 100,00%Price Adjustment Rp.

Add Accum Actual Accum AccumLast this to this Sch to this

% Month Month Month MonthI G e n e r a l 1,69 1,69 1,69 1,69II D r a i n a g e 1,61 1,61 1,61 1,61III Earthworks 8,58 8,58 8,58 8,58

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders 2,93 2,93 2,93 2,93

V Granular Pavement 16,48 16,48 16,48 16,48VI Asphalt Pavement 60,39 60,39 60,39 60,39VII S t r u c t u r e s 5,63 5,63 5,63 5,63

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks 2,15 2,15 2,15 2,15

IX Day Work - - - -

X Routine MaintenanceWorks 0,54 0,54 0,54 0,54

TOTAL 100 100,0 - 100,00 100,00Note :

1. 100% completed on January 28, 20172. Taking-Over Certificate issued on January 28, 2073. Defects Liability Periode until January 28, 2019

Year 2017 Month March Apr May June July August Sep Oct Nop Dec Jan Feb March Apr May June July August Sep Oct Nop Dec Jan The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,17 0,59 1,28 3,09 4,38 8,17 14,27 25,82 38,49 49,93 62,08 75,00 85,36 95,41 100,001st Revised schedul 56,000 60,47 74,94 100,002nd Revised schedul 58,86 70,27 79,80 88,09 96,07 100,0 Actual Progress (%) 0,07 0,33 0,76 1,04 1,18 2,27 10,03 15,13 18,75 20,54 23,04 25,89 27,55 32,701 36,020 39,34 45,15 56,31 64,44 74,87 87,78 91,23 100,0 Balance (%) -0,15 -0,26 -0,53 -2,04 -3,20 -5,90 -4,24 -10,69 -19,74 -29,38 -39,04 -49,11 -57,81 -62,71 -63,98 -21,12 -29,79 -2,56 -5,83 -4,93 -0,31 -4,84 0,00

0,42 0,29 0,13 1,10 7,76 5,09 3,62 1,79 2,49 2,85 1,67 5,15




Div Description







25-Jul-1828-Jan-17DISBURSEMENT (Incl VAT)





Calendar Days +

(i) Found some cracks on the surface of the pavement.(ii) FHO is temporarily suspended until crack is knowcause and repair is done.

DSC is conducting pavement investigation planned for completion in Oct 2018.













1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23








Original Sch

1st Revised Sch

2nd Revised Sch


7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-06



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) Name Time Elapsed (%) Sub Project Manager / PPK Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor PT ADHI KARYA Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 Supervision Consultant Balance (%)Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 780 Take Over Date Status date Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Accumulative Rp. 86,0%Price Adjustment Rp.

Comp Accum Actual AccumTotal Last this to this

% % Month Month MonthI G e n e r a l 2,45 2,59 1,89 0,70 2,59 2,29II D r a i n a g e 21,84 19,36 12,26 7,10 19,36 12,80III Earthworks 5,38 7,49 7,29 0,20 7,49 7,29IV

Pavement Widening &Shoulders 1,09 0,72 0,37 0,35 0,72 0,42

V Granular Pavement 9,22 7,51 7,48 0,04 7,51 7,07VI Asphalt Pavement 51,16 51,55 52,20 (0,66) 51,55 52,20VII S t r u c t u r e s 6,08 7,87 14,69 (6,81) 7,87 14,69VIII

Reinstatement & MinorWorks 2,48 2,53 1,59 0,94 2,53 2,86

IX Day Work 0,09 0,18 0,18 - 0,18 0,18X

Routine MaintenanceWorks 0,20 0,20 0,19 0,01 0,20 0,20 TOTAL 100,0 100,00 98,14 1,86 100,00 100,00

Note :

Year 2015 Month Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Des Jan The month for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Original Progress Schedul (%) 0,16 0,31 0,59 0,67 1,24 1,92 3,90 5,63 8,72 16,79 24,44 32,37 43,74 50,84 62,90 72,65 80,61 87,11 94,03 98,20 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 1st Revised Progress Sch (%) 24,44 32,37 43,74 50,84 62,90 72,65 80,61 87,11 94,03 98,20 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 2nd Revised Progress Sch (%) 24,437 32,366 43,743 53,151 62,904 72,649 80,609 87,106 94,032 98,202 100,00 3rd Revised Progress Sch (%) 79,145 81,90 88,87 99,04 100,00 4th Revised Progress Sch (%) 90,36 100,00 5th Revised Progress Sch (%) 94,21 100,00 Actual Progress (%) 0,15 0,31 0,59 0,82 1,18 3,62 4,75 5,63 12,87 16,70 23,49 31,35 39,03 41,27 45,61 48,054 48,87 50,46 55,86 59,00 63,63 67,58 76,48 84,62 93,85 100,00 Balance (%) (0,01) - 0,00 0,15 (0,06) 1,70 0,85 0,00 4,15 (0,09) (0,95) (1,02) (4,71) (9,57) (17,29) (24,60) (31,74) (36,65) (38,17) (39,20) (18,26) (21,28) (22,56) (5,74) (6,15) 0,00Progress per month 0,31 0,28 0,23 0,36 2,44 1,14 0,88 7,24 3,83 6,79 7,86 7,68 2,24 4,34 2,44 0,82 1,59 5,41 3,14 4,63 3,95 8,90 8,14 9,23 6,15

0,59 0,23 0,36 2,44 1,14 0,88 7,24 3,83 6,79 7,86 7,68 2,24 37,65




Accum Schto thisMonth

28-Jan-18 25-Jul-18


Filino Kalani, ST
















Div Description












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26















7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-07



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) Name Time Elapsed (%) Sub Project Manager / PPK Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor PT. PP - STATIKA CONSORTIUM Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 Supervision Consultant Balance (%)

Contract Sign Progress This Month (%)

Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 649 Take Over Date Status date Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Accumulative Rp. 100,0%Price Adjustment Rp.

Comp Actual Accumto to

Total this this% Month Month Month

I G e n e r a l 1,50 0,25 0,00 0,25 0,25II D r a i n a g e 9,75 10,00 0,03 10,04 10,01III Earthworks 5,32 4,91 0,01 4,92 4,92IV Pavement Widening &

Shoulders 1,63 2,05 0,28 2,33 1,93V Granular Pavement 10,77 9,93 0,00 9,93 9,93VI Asphalt Pavement 59,20 56,42 1,02 57,44 57,44VII S t r u c t u r e s 7,62 9,88 0,489 10,37 10,37VIII Reinstatement & Minor

Works 3,43 2,52 1,206 3,73 3,82IX Day Work 0,05 0,00 0,000 0,00 0,00X Routine Maintenance

Works 0,19 0,19 0,002 0,19 0,20I.X.I Painting Bridge 0,54 0,59 0,025 0,61 0,61

TOTAL 100,0 96,75 3,07 100 100Note :

Year Month Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Jan Feb The month for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Original Progress Schedul (%) 0,02 0,09 0,17 0,31 0,44 2,77 7,58 13,22 22,21 30,85 35,38 48,22 55,71 66,39 74,64 78,72 83,79 90,13 94,80 97,82 99,27 100,0 1st Revised Progress Schedul (%) 27,55 35,38 44,13 51,83 59,73 68,69 70,25 73,59 75,43 94,40 97,52 99,37 100,0 2nd Revised Progress Schedul (%) 79,0 82,61 87,54 94,64 100,0 Actual Progress (%) 0,27 1,12 2,37 3,59 6,21 9,69 18,79 28,40 32,15 37,93 47,48 57,22 65,01 68,99 74,73 79,93 84,86 82,62 88,05 96,75 100,0 Balance (%) 0,18 0,96 2,06 3,15 3,44 2,12 5,57 6,19 1,30 2,55 3,35 5,39 5,28 0,31 4,48 6,35 9,43 0,01 0,52 2,12 -Progress per month 0,00 0,27 0,85 1,25 1,22 2,62 3,48 9,10 9,61 3,75 5,78 9,55 9,75 7,79 3,98 5,74 5,20 4,93 (2,24) 5,43 8,70 3,25

0,94 1,25 1,22 2,62 3,48 9,10 9,61 3,75 5,78 9,55 9,75 7,79 58,80





E July 25, 2018Bts Kota Pariaman - Manggopoh MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN





Opukenigara, ST



DISBURSEMENT (Incl VAT)01-Jan-18 25-Jul-18


Div DescriptionAccum

LastAccumSch to
















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22














Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) Name Time Elapsed (%) Project Manager Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor PT. HUTAMA KARYA, Tbk JO PT. DMT Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT. CIPTA STRADA Balance (%) Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Commencement Date Take Over Date Time for Complation (Days) 824 Calendar Days Status date Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Accumulative Rp. 100,0% Contract Amount Add-1 (+ VAT) Rp.Price Adjustment Rp.

Accum Actual Accum AccumLast this to this Sch to this

% Month Month Month MonthI G e n e r a l 0,85 0,87 - 0,87 0,87II D r a i n a g e 2,49 2,88 2,88 2,88III Earthworks 11,27 10,58 - 10,58 10,58

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders

3,60 3,22 0,17 3,40 3,40

V Granular Pavement 14,41 14,21 - 14,21 14,21VI Asphalt Pavement 52,35 53,27 0,00 53,27 53,65VII S t r u c t u r e s 9,88 11,02 0,03 11,06 10,59

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks

4,87 2,90 0,56 3,46 3,55

IX Day Work - - - - -

X Routine MaintenanceWorks

0,28 0,28 0,28 0,28

TOTAL 100,00 99,23 0,77 100,0 100,0Note :

Year Month March Apr May June July August Sep Oct Nop Dec Jan Feb March Apr May June July August Sep Oct Nop Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,39 2,18 4,68 7,70 9,91 14,17 18,72 22,96

20,01 22,98 25,39 29,15 36,74 43,85 51,45 58,80 66,39 70,16 77,18 84,00 89,39 93,63 96,19 99,45 100,0075,54 92,39 95,86 98,98 100

Actual Progress (%) 1,477 5,59 6,59 9,13 10,00 11,28 15,09 17,23 23,22 24,82 26,84 33,04 38,87 44,59 51,81 56,74 58,88 65,03 71,00 74,78 84,85 86,28 87,49 89,78 96,37 99,23 100 Balance (%) 1,08 3,42 1,92 1,43 0,09 (2,89) (3,64) (2,78) 0,23 (0,56) (2,31) (3,70) (4,98) (6,86) (6,99) (9,65) (11,28) (12,15) (13,01) (14,61) (8,78) (9,91) (11,96) (2,61) 0,52 0,25 0,00Progress per month 4,12 1,00 2,54 0,87 1,28 3,80 2,15 5,99 1,61 2,02 6,20 5,83 5,71 7,22 4,93 2,14 6,15 5,97 3,79 10,07 1,43 1,21 2,28 6,60 2,86 0,77

1,00 2,54 0,87 1,28 3,80 2,15 5,99 1,61 2,02 6,20 5,83 5,71

Fathoni Ikhsan, ST





Div Description




(i) Found some cracks on the surface of thepavement.(ii) FHO is temporarily suspended until crack is knowcause and repair is done. (iii)Road Maintenance within the DNP is notimplemented


23-Feb-15DISBURSEMENT (Incl VAT)26-May-17

18-Dec-14 AMOU


DSC is conducting pavement investigation plannedfor completion in Oct 2018.

2 nd Rivised Progress Schedul (%)


1 st Rivised Progress Schedul (%)















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27








Original Sch

1st Revised Sch

2nd Revised Sch


7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-11



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) Name PUGUNG TAMPAK-Sp.Gn KEMALA Time Elapsed (%) Project Manager Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor PT. JAYA KONSTRUKSI MP, Tbk Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 Supervision Consultant Balance (%)Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 846 Take Over Date Status date Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Accumulative Rp. 100% Revised Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp.

Comp Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Last this to this Sch to this

% Month Month Month MonthI G e n e r a l 8,05 1,514 0,296 1,810 1,810II D r a i n a g e 12,92 9,04 0,300 9,34 9,34III Earthworks 16,93 16,55 1,169 17,72 17,72

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders 7,36 7,04 0,953 7,99 7,99

V Granular Pavement 4,09 2,69 0,100 2,79 2,79VI Asphalt Pavement 42,82 46,43 (0,005) 46,42 46,42VII S t r u c t u r e s 1,98 5,04 2,038 7,08 7,08

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks 5,30 3,338 2,922 6,260 6,26

IX Day Work 0,23 0,08 0,172 0,25 0,25

X Routine MaintenanceWorks 0,34 0,30 0,037 0,34 0,34

TOTAL 100,0 92,02 7,98 100,00 100,00Note :

211.712.283.000,00 106,09

Year Month Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July August Sep Oct Nop Dec The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,18 0,70 1,18 1,51 2,39 3,80 6,10 10,09 14,15 18,21 21,04 26,32 33,01 39,79 46,73 54,12 61,80 69,15 75,00 80,05 85,25 90,26 95,19 100,0 1st Revised Progress Schedul (%) 50,59 55,87 62,09 68,69 75,33 79,35 85,57 91,8 100,0 2nd Revised Progress Sch Add-4 (%) 69,39 75,07 81,7 88,6 94,3 100,0 3rd Revised Progress Sch Add- (%) 69,39 75,07 81,7 88,6 94,3 94,3 100 Actual Progress (%) 0,921 1,13 1,42 3,05 3,45 4,11 6,16 9,54 13,81 16,99 17,41 20,33 28,34 33,32 38,86 41,34 49,01 53,30 61,37 66,06 72,73 77,53 73,41 78,69 84,78 87,52 92,02 100 Balance (%) 0,74 0,43 0,23 1,54 1,06 0,30 0,06 (0,55) (0,34) (1,23) (3,63) (5,99) (4,68) (6,47) (7,87) (12,78) (12,80) (2,57) (0,72) (2,63) (2,60) (1,82) (1,7) (3,05) (3,83) (6,81) (2,32)Progress per month 0,92 0,21 0,29 1,63 0,40 0,66 2,05 3,38 4,28 3,18 0,42 2,92 8,00 4,99 5,54 2,48 7,66 4,29 8,08 4,69 6,67 4,80 (4,12) 5,28 6,09 2,74 4,50 7,98

0,21 0,29 1,63 0,40 0,66 2,05 3,38 4,28 3,18 0,42 2,92 8,00 4,99





Need to be observed and if excessive bleeding pavementsurface treatment should be done.

RENARDET S.A JV17-Nov-1404-Sep-15




Joko Wisargo, ST, MT

27-Des-17 25-Jul-18199.551.233.000 211.712.283.000,00

(i) There are many bleeding on pavement surface(ii) Road Maintenance within the DNP is notimplemented.



Div Description













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7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-17



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) Name Time Elapsed (%) Project Manager Yahya, ST Scheduled Progress (%) 100,0 Contractor Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,0 Supervision Consultant Balance (%) Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 300 Calendar Days Final Time for Complation (Days) 477 Calendar Days Status date Take Over Date Accumulative Rp. 100% Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Contract Amount Add-1 (+ VAT) Rp.

Comp Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Last this to this Sch to this

% Month Month Month MonthI G e n e r a l 0,43 0,32 0,32 0,32II D r a i n a g e 3,15 2,73 2,73 2,73III Earthworks 11,96 11,31 11,31 11,31

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders 5,30 4,02 4,02 4,02

V Granular Pavement 10,69 8,82 8,82 8,82VI Asphalt Pavement 59,66 64,4 64,4 64,41VII S t r u c t u r e s 2,00 4,02 4,02 4,02

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks 6,79 4,35 4,35 4,35

IX Day Work

X Routine MaintenanceWorks 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02

TOTAL 100,00 100,00 - 100 100,00Note :

1. 100% completed on 30 Jun 20162. Taking-Over Certificate issued on 30 Jun 20163. Defects Liability Periode until 29 Jun 2018

Year Month March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Des Jan Feb March April May The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,12 1,40 8,96 18,40 21,37 23,62 37,37 58,19 87,25 100,00

43,60 52,20 67,79 79,68 98,93 100,00 Actual Progress (%) 0,15 1,30 6,28 14,54 16,21 22,41 28,90 49,74 57,15 57,48 52,77 77,34 80,78 97,14 100,00 Balance (%) 0,03 -0,10 -2,68 -3,86 -5,16 -1,21 -8,47 -8,45 -30,10 13,88 0,57 9,55 1,10 -1,79 0,00

4,98 8,26 1,67 6,20 6,49 20,84 7,42 0,32 (4,71) 24,57 3,44 16,36







Rivised Progress Schedul Add.1 (%)






DSC is conducting pavement investigation planned forcompletion in Oct 2018.









(i) Found some cracks on the surface of the pavement.(ii) FHO is temporarily suspended until crack is know causeand repair is done.












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7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-19



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) 692 Name Time Elapsed (%) 100,00% Project Manager Andi Mulya Rusli, ST, MT Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor 'PT Nindya Karya (Persero) Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT.Yodya (Persero) Balance (%) Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 547 Calendar Days Take Over Date Status date Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Accumulative Rp. 85,45%Price Adjustment Rp.

Comp Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Last this to this Sch to this

% Month Month Month MonthI G e n e r a l 0,90 0,60 - 0,60 0,69II D r a i n a g e 32,44 27,92 - 27,92 27,92III Earthworks 6,64 4,75 - 4,75 3,74

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders 3,78 1,56 - 1,56 1,51

V Granular Pavement 9,52 6,66 - 6,66 6,66VI Asphalt Pavement 42,49 42,28 2,74 45,02 45,02VII S t r u c t u r e s 1,83 5,63 2,28 7,91 9,28

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks 1,93 0,24 2,60 2,84 3,78

IX Day Work 0,04 - 0,10 0,10 0,09

X Routine MaintenanceWorks 0,43 0,24 0,18 0,42 0,41

TOTAL 100,00 89,88 7,89 97,77 99,12Note :

Year Month Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,30 0,57 4,81 12,51 19,71 30,61 45,72 57,80 68,70 71,89 77,79 84,28 89,32 95,60 98,79 100,00 1st Revised Progress Schedul (%) 0,23 0,52 4,41 10,83 18,56 30,61 42,24 55,64 67,61 71,88 76,86 82,61 88,27 94,64 97,91 100,00 2nd Revised Progress Schedul (%) Add 3 0,23 0,51 4,33 10,47 16,67 25,51 34,93 45,42 52,47 56,70 61,73 68,56 76,09 85,65 95,41 100,00 3rd Revised Progress Schedul (%) 81,63 87,66 100,00 4th Revised Progress Schedul (%) 86,36 92,12 99,12 100,00 Actual Progress (%) 0,39 0,63 3,77 13,60 16,95 23,14 33,37 46,78 54,23 57,73 58,83 59,02 64,70 73,69 79,99 83,00 89,88 97,77 100,00 Balance (%) 0,09 0,06 (1,04) 1,09 (2,76) (7,47) (12,35) (8,86) (13,39) (14,15) (2,89) (9,54) (11,39) (11,97) (15,43) (17,00) (2,24) (1,35) -Progress per month 0,39 0,24 3,14 9,83 3,35 6,19 10,23 13,41 7,45 3,50 1,10 0,18 5,68 8,99 6,30 3,01 6,88 7,89 2,23

3,14 9,83 3,35 6,19 10,23 13,41 7,45 3,50 1,10 0,18 5,68 8,99



E July 25, 2018LubuK Alung - Sicincin (14,60 km) MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN



2016 2017








Div Description














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7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-20



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) 1133 Name SIMPANG RAMPA - PORIAHA Time Elapsed (%) 114% Project Manager Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor PT. NUSA KONSTRUKSI ENJ Tbk. Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 Supervision Consultant Balance (%)Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 994 Take Over Date Status date Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Accumulative Rp. 77,70% 1st Revised Contr Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Proposed Rev Contr Amount (Incl VAT) Rp.

Comp Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Last this to this Sch to this

% Month Month Month MonthI G e n e r a l 6,73 1,74 - 1,74 8,16II D r a i n a g e 1,95 1,57 0,16 1,73 2,14III Earthworks 42,46 38,96 0,34 39,30 50,14

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders 1,11 0,73 0,27 1,00 0,64

V Granular Pavement 5,64 5,56 0,28 5,84 4,59VI Asphalt Pavement 23,01 20,59 1,48 22,07 11,00VII S t r u c t u r e s 16,92 16,69 0,12 16,80 20,13

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks 2,08 1,92 0,21 2,13 3,11

IX Day Work 0,11 0,22 - 0,22 0,10

X Routine MaintenanceWorks - - -

TOTAL 100,0 87,97 2,87 100,00 100,00Note :

Year Month Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Des Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,22 0,99 3,89 8,90 16,87 23,69 36,44 40,23 46,08 50,69 56,28 60,45 66,93 69,02 78,66 88,79 96,82 1001st Revised schedul 41,88 41,99 53,49 63,38 76,53 82,27 97,61 99,43 1002nd Revised schedul 99,7 1003rd Revised schedul 99,11 1004th Revised schedul 87,93 93,54 98,00 1005th Revised schedul 87,93 93,54 98,00 99,94 1006th Revised schedul 76,53 87,93 96,21 99,88 100 100 100 100 100 Actual Progress (%) - 0,57 1,09 1,69 2,72 3,08 3,53 5,77 7,37 10,11 16,66 18,44 26,83 28,19 30,00 31,28 35,23 35,25 42,73 43,50 45,99 48,20 51,22 56,42 62,37 67,2 71,58 75,05 71,94 74,31 84,73 86,30 88,09 91,20 96,85 100 Balance (%) (0,22) (0,42) (2,80) (7,20) (14,16) (20,61) (32,91) (34,45) (38,70) (40,58) (39,63) (42,02) (40,10) (40,83) (48,66) (57,51) (61,59) (6,63) 0,74 (9,99) (17,39) (28,32) (31,06) (41,19) (37,05) (32,8) (27,5) (24,9) (26,1) (25,6) (3,2) (9,9) (11,8) (8,8) (3,2) -Progress per month - 0,57 0,52 0,60 1,03 0,37 0,44 2,25 1,60 2,74 6,55 1,78 8,40 1,36 1,81 1,28 3,95 0,02 7,5 0,8 2,49 2,22 3,01 5,20 5,95 4,79 4,41 3,48 (3,12) 2,38 10,41 1,57 1,78 3,12 5,64 3,15

0,57 0,52 0,60 1,03 0,37 0,44 2,25 1,60 2,74 6,55 1,78 8,40 1,36


(i) There was scouring on the side ditch due tooverflowing water (ii)Escape lane is still needed as a complete road safety

Addition and improvement of drainage system andescape lane construction carried out in the DNP andcompleted before the 2nd visit of PHO commettee.






Saleh Samsuri, ST


Div Description

























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Series1 Series2

Series3 Series4

Series5 Series6

Series7 Series8

7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-05



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) 1028 Name SIMPANG RUKIS-TANJUNG KEMUNING Time Elapsed (%) 100,00 Project Manager Paides Tabril, ST,MT Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor PT. WASKITA KARYA Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 Supervision Consultant Balance (%)Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 1028 Take Over Date Status date Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Accumulative Rp. 63,87% Contract Amount Add-7 (+ VAT) Rp.Price Adjustment Rp.

Comp Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Last this to this Sch to this

% Month Month Month MonthI G e n e r a l 0,41 0,309 - 0,309 0,49II D r a i n a g e 1,76 1,633 0,27 1,902 2,70III Earthworks 9,35 7,586 1,13 8,720 9,46

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders 4,41 2,635 - 2,635 3,45

V Granular Pavement 17,19 14,052 0,06 14,115 14,12VI Asphalt Pavement 62,34 57,181 4,29 61,470 62,53VII S t r u c t u r e s 2,23 3,375 0,93 4,301 4,66

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks 2,14 1,529 0,51 2,040 2,42

IX Day Work - -

X Routine MaintenanceWorks 0,18 0,072 0,01 0,083 0,17

TOTAL 100,0 88,37 7,20 100,00 100,00Note :

Year Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,02 0,21 1,65 4,18 6,69 9,61 14,62 20,36 26,94 33,58 41,24 47,87 50,63 58,32 63,60 68,28 72,97 77,66 82,62 86,79 91,19 95,75 99,36 99,74 1001st Revised Schedule (%) 0,20 0,90 2,20 4,00 5,80 7,50 9,50 11,50 13,30 15,40 16,13 20,18 24,00 27,82 32,00 36,44 41,47 46,63 54,87 63,48 72,34 81,13 90,08 97,87 1002nd Revised Schedule (%) 54,29 75,28 82,33 91,9 1003rd Revised Schedule (%) 68,39 76,55 1004th Revised Schedule (%) 84,86 97,34 1005th Revised Schedule (%) 79,34 86,47 94,76 100 Actual Progress (%) - 0,36 0,88 2,19 3,39 13,71 13,84 14,37 14,62 16,02 17,34 18,25 18,55 19,06 19,25 20,53 22,77 32,63 41,11 42,71 44,34 47,26 48,87 50,29 52,54 55,99 57,94 60,69 64,77 68,64 70,94 74,85 85,64 92,98 100 Balance (%) (0,02) 0,14 (0,77) (1,98) (3,30) 4,10 (0,78) (5,99) (12,32) (17,56) (23,90) (29,63) (32,08) (39,26) (44,34) (47,75) (50,20) (45,03) (41,51) (20,77) (28,01) (33,87) (41,21) (47,58) (22,74) (26,3) (34,0) (39,3) (11,8) (31,4) (26,4) (25,2) (0,8) (1,8) -Progress per month - 0,36 0,52 1,32 1,20 10,3 0,14 0,53 0,24 1,40 1,32 0,91 0,30 0,51 0,19 1,27 2,24 9,86 8,48 1,60 1,63 2,92 1,61 1,42 2,25 3,45 1,95 2,75 4,07 3,88 2,30 3,91 10,79 7,34 7,02

0,36 0,52 1,32 1,20 10,31 0,14 0,53 0,24 1,40 1,32 0,91 0,30 0,51







DISBURSEMENT (Incl VAT)15-Mei-18 25-Jul-18

292.700.000.000 195.384.567.500

There are several road narrowings due to thelimitations of ROW.

A revised design is needed to secure road users.







Div Description


























7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-13



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) 793 Name Time Elapsed (%) 99,50 Sub Project Manager / PPK Filino Kalani, ST Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor Actual Overall Progress (%) 76,95

Balance (%) (23,05) Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT. Daya Creasi Mitrayasa Progress This Month (%) 3,48 Contract Sign Commencement Date Take Over Date Status date Time for Complation (Days) 797 Calendar Days Accumulative Rp. 28,86% Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp.Price Adjustment Rp.

Add. Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Last this to this Sch to

% Month Month Month thisMonth

I G e n e r a l 3,64 0,69 0,05 0,74 2,45II D r a i n a g e 3,75 2,72 0,13 2,85 4,93III Earthworks 6,23 3,98 0,95 4,92 5,42

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders

2,67 0,75 0,21 0,96 1,51

V Granular Pavement 18,49 13,30 0,01 13,31 13,88VI Asphalt Pavement 57,59 48,02 1,35 49,37 58,61VII S t r u c t u r e s 5,49 3,58 0,69 4,27 9,00

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks

1,96 0,33 0,10 0,43 4,03

IX Day Work 0,05 0,01 - 0,01 0,04

X Routine MaintenanceWorks

0,13 0,08 - 0,08 0,13

TOTAL 100,00 73,47 3,48 76,95 100Note :

May June July August Sept October Nov Des January Feb March April May June July August Sept October Nov Des January Feb March April May June July1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 270,09 0,58 0,84 1,26 1,61 4,10 8,31 14,09 21,50 31,99 44,07 56,50 71,44 77,99 77,99 80,17 82,88 85,50 89,12 91,76 94,29 97,31 99,45 99,78 100,00

1,50 2,34 4,93 9,39 15,87 27,24 40,55 54,23 70,99 77,90 80,34 83,37 86,33 90,58 95,17 100,01,50 2,27 4,92 9,51 17,87 23,46 28,68 35,12 47,91 55,53 63,68 77,09 88,00 96,16 99,21 100,0

50,76 54,74 61,52 67,07 75,33 87,88 96,04 100,000,192 0,44 0,87 0,98 1,05 1,97 2,13 4,02 4,03 4,99 5,928 7,35 9,72 11,93 13,39 15,68 17,53 20,88 23,13 25,98 30,02 41,22 49,65 63,24 72,28 73,47 76,95

0,10 (0,14) 0,03 (0,28) (0,45) (0,37) (2,80) (5,37) (11,84) (22,25) (34,62) (46,88) (61,27) (65,97) (50,28) (61,41) (70,47) (75,28) (76,08) (74,02) (24,72) (20,31) (17,42) (12,09) (15,60) (22,57) (23,05)Progress per month 0,43 0,11 0,07 0,91 0,17 1,89 0,01 0,96 0,94 1,42 2,37 2,21 1,46 2,29 1,85 3,35 2,25 2,85 4,04 11,19 8,43 13,59 9,04 1,19 3,48

0,25 0,43 0,11 0,07 0,91 0,17 1,89 0,01 0,96 0,94 1,42 2,37 2,21


28-Jan-1623-May-16 DISBURSEMENT (Incl VAT)29-Jul-18 25-Jul-18



E July 25, 2018Kambang - Indrapura MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN



Actual Progress (%) Balance (%)

2nd Rivised Progress Sch Add.2 (%)


Original Progress Schedul (%)



Div Description


• Late payment of IPC in Jan - Apr 2018• Activities slow down and progress late

• Required extension of time for completion

The month of time for complation

3rd Rivised Progress Sch (%)

1st Rivised Progress Sch Add.1 (%)














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Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) 721 Name Time Elapsed (%) 104,04 Sub Project Manager / PPK Rahmat Donal, ST, MT Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor 'PT YASA - CONBLOC, JV Actual Overall Progress (%) 79,92 Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV Balance (%) (20,08) Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) - Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 693 Calendar Days Take Over Date Status date Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Accumulative Rp. 59,75%Price Adjustment Rp.

Comp Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Last this to this Sch to

% Month Month Month thisMonth

I G e n e r a l 1,17 0,73 - 0,73 1,17II D r a i n a g e 14,61 3,54 - 3,54 14,61III Earthworks 7,28 8,24 - 8,24 7,28

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders

2,68 0,16 - 0,16 2,68

V Granular Pavement 12,61 13,38 - 13,38 12,61VI Asphalt Pavement 54,22 51,02 - 51,02 54,22VII S t r u c t u r e s 2,73 2,23 - 2,23 2,73

VIII Reinstatement &Minor Works

4,39 0,34 - 0,34 4,39

IX Day Work 0,04 0,01 - 0,01 0,04

X Routine MaintenanceWorks

0,28 0,28 - 0,28 0,28

TOTAL 100,00 79,92 - 79,92 100,0Note :

August Sept October Nov Des January Feb March April May June July August Sept October Nov Des January Feb March April May June JuL1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 240,17 0,34 0,51 0,94 2,02 4,47 7,12 10,30 14,85 21,63 29,98 38,68 47,74 54,09 63,68 71,43 79,18 86,11 92,51 97,49 100,00,17 0,56 0,72 1,78 5,87 10,05 15,36 20,60 28,07 32,72 37,80 45,12 53,79 66,71 80,65 92,59 100,00,17 0,56 0,72 1,78 5,87 10,05 15,36 20,60 28,07 32,72 37,80 43,57 53,79 66,71 80,65 92,59 100,0

64,64 77,91 83,08 87,87 97,79 100,0 100,0 100,00,18 0,47 2,65 3,83 3,94 5,96 9,27 15,63 19,18 28,90 32,89 36,88 46,05 52,18 55,75 59,32 62,64 65,79 68,90 75,34 77,89 78,75 79,92 79,920,00 (0,09) 1,92 2,05 (1,92) (4,09) (6,09) (4,96) (8,89) (3,82) (4,91) (6,69) (7,74) (14,53) (24,90) (33,27) (37,36) (12,13) (14,18) (12,52) (19,90) (21,25) (20,08) (20,1)

Progress per month 0,18 0,29 2,18 1,19 0,11 2,02 3,31 6,37 3,54 9,72 3,99 3,99 9,16 6,14 3,57 3,57 3,32 3,15 3,11 6,44 2,55 0,86 1,17 -0,29 2,18 1,19 0,11 2,02 3,31 6,37 3,54 9,72 3,99 3,99 9,16 6,14


(ii) A penalty is applied





Div Description



(i) The contractor lacks operational costs (i) PPK / Satker / PJN-III clarification to thecontractor

(ii) Activities slow down and progress late








E July 25, 2018 Painan - Kambang MAJOR PROBLEMS


Actual Progress (%) Balance (%)

20172016 Year Month

1st Revise Progress Schedul (%)

The month of time for complation Original Progress Schedul (%)

2nd Revise Progress Schedul (%) 3rd Revise Progress Schedul (%)












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C:\Users\Tediero Pratama\AppData\Local\Temp\7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-14



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) 978 Name Time Elapsed (%) 102,6 Project Manager Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor PT. PEMBANGUNAN PERUMAHAN Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 Supervision Consultant Balance (%)Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 953 Take Over Date Status date Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Accumulative Rp. 79,33% Proposed Rev Cont Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. 74,42%Cancellation (incl VAT) Rp. 25,58%

Comp Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Last this to this Sch to this

% Month Month Month MonthI G e n e r a l 2,30 1,15 - 1,15 2,30II D r a i n a g e 19,42 0,33 - 0,33 5,13III Earthworks 13,18 5,90 - 5,90 6,34

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders

1,95 1,00 - 1,00 2,16

V Granular Pavement 11,46 15,46 - 15,46 24,41VI Asphalt Pavement 45,06 43,58 - 43,58 40,48VII S t r u c t u r e s 3,81 5,91 - 5,91 16,75

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks

2,78 1,09 - 1,09 2,39

IX Day Work 0,04 0,01 - 0,01 0,04

X Routine MaintenanceWorks

- - - - -

TOTAL 100,0 74,42 - 74,42 100,00Note :

Year Month Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,11 0,45 1,04 3,18 5,57 8,98 13,46 19,96 23,3 29,8 36,3 42,3 48,17 53,91 58,4 64,3 69,6 75,51 81,15 87,1 90,01 93,9 97,3 98,7 99,7 100,01st Revised Sch 7,4 11,8 14,1 18,5 23,8 30,1 37,5 44,4 49,9 57,0 63,5 70,2 77,5 84,7 88,2 93,1 97,6 99,4 100,02nd Revised Sch 80,66 82,67 83,68 86,39 88,64 92,16 98,37 1003rd Revised Sch 68,89 76,50 83,18 88,64 94,35 99,54 100 Actual Progress (%) 0,15 0,46 0,92 1,42 1,69 2,34 4,72 5,59 5,96 8,94 8,99 12,04 13,25 20,5 27,0 27,9 29,4 34,7 40,6 43,7 46,4 50,0 54,3 56,8 59,6 61,0 65,83 70,77 72,50 74,14 96,78 97,26 Balance (%) 0,03 0,02 (0,12) (1,76) (3,88) (6,64) (2,7) (6,2) (8,2) (9,5) (14,8) (18,0) (24,2) (23,9) (23,0) (29,2) (34,1) (35,5) (36,9) (40,9) (41,9) (43,1) (43,4) (35,3) (38,8) (39,0) (10,7) (12,4) (16,1) (20,2) (2,8) (2,4)Progress per month 0,3 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,3 0,6 2,4 0,9 0,4 3,0 0,0 3,1 1,2 7,3 6,5 0,9 1,6 5,2 5,9 3,2 2,6 3,6 4,3 2,6 2,8 1,4 4,8 4,9 1,7 1,6 22,6 0,5

0,32 0,46 0,50 0,27 0,65 2,38 0,87 0,37 2,99 0,04 3,05 1,21 7,27







MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKENSIBOLGA - BTS. TAPSEL• Activities slow down and progress late


• A penalty is applied• There are locations with limited ROW width • Required re-design for road safety• Proposed reduction in work volume and contract value of 25.58%equivalent to IDR 67 billion

• Require Technical Justification, approval of re-design from BBPJN-II Medan and field review




Saleh Samsuri, ST


30-Jun-18 25-Jul-18153.550.119.943

A Joint Venture of Renardet, S.A.13-Jul-1520-Nov-15


Div Description

2015 2016 2017












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32













7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-15



Package No. 16 Time Elapsed (Days) 624

Name Seblat - Ipuh Time Elapsed (%) 99,05

Project Manager Fathoni Ikhsan, ST Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor KSO PT Yasa - Multi Structure Actual Overall Progress (%) 89,77 Supervision Consultant A Joint Venture of Renardet, S.A. Balance (%) -10,23Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) 4,88 Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 630 Take Over Date Status date Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Accumulative Rp. 72,04%Price Adjustment Rp.

Comp Add.2 Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Total Last this to this Sch to

% % Month Month Month thisMonth

I G e n e r a l 1,40 1,51 1,19 - 1,19 1,28II D r a i n a g e 13,85 13,71 10,90 - 10,90 11,99III Earthworks 6,57 5,95 4,78 - 4,78 4,77

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders 2,32 2,30 4,44 - 4,44 2,27

V Granular Pavement 10,85 10,97 11,51 - 11,51 11,51VI Asphalt Pavement 51,52 53,56 41,50 4,87 46,37 55,74VII S t r u c t u r e s 8,41 8,46 8,75 - 8,75 8,98

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks 4,79 3,25 1,52 0,01 1,53 3,10

IX Day Work 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,00 0,05 0,05

X Routine MaintenanceWorks 0,24 0,24 0,24 0,01 0,24 0,24

TOTAL 100,00 100,00 84,9 4,88 89,77 99,94Note :

Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 210,07 0,26 0,57 4,03 8,73 12,40 17,12 21,87 25,29 30,86 36,98 43,59 52,25 58,94 63,06 69,89 75,30 80,70 86,70 92,22 100,0

1st REVISED Schedul (%) 0,16 0,34 0,62 1,05 2,47 4,31 7,08 10,63 14,96 20,69 24,96 29,89 37,24 46,45 53,45 62,17 70,31 80,83 90,54 99,94 100,00,18 0,260 0,407 1,04 2,17 4,90 8,68 12,11 17,57 23,76 23,95 37,68 46,55 52,08 53,60 62,48 70,47 76,47 82,64 84,89 89,770,11 - (0,16) (2,99) (0,31) 0,59 1,61 1,48 2,61 3,07 (1,01) 7,79 9,32 5,63 0,15 0,31 0,16 (4,36) (7,90) (15,06) (10,23)

Progress per month 0,18 0,08 0,15 0,63 1,13 2,73 3,78 3,43 5,46 6,19 0,18 13,74 8,87 5,53 1,52 8,88 7,99 6,00 6,17 2,25 4,880,08 0,15 0,63 1,13 2,73 3,78 3,43 5,46 6,19 0,18 13,74 8,87 5,53





DISBURSEMENT (Incl VAT)31-Jul-18 25-Jul-18





ME July 25, 2018



• The contractor lacks operational costs • PPK / Satker / PJN-III clarification to thecontractor

• Activities slow down and progress late • A penalty is applied


Balance (%)


2016 2017 Month The month of time for complation Original Progress Schedul (%)

Actual Progress (%)

Div Description













1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21











C:\Users\Tediero Pratama\AppData\Local\Temp\7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-16



Package No. Time Elapsed (Days) 692 Name Time Elapsed (%) 104,06 Project Manager Opukenigara, ST Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Contractor 'PT Multi Structur Actual Overall Progress (%) 55,79 Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT. CIPTA STRADA Balance (%) (44,21) Contract Sign Progress This Month (%) Terminate Commencement Date Time for Complation (Days) 665 Calendar Days Take Over Date Status date Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp. Accumulative Rp. 87,40%Est FINAL Contract Amount (Incl VAT) Rp.

Comp Accum Actual Accum AccumTotal Last this to this Sch to this

% Month Month Month MonthI G e n e r a l 3,34 3,33 (0,00) 3,33 3,34II D r a i n a g e 28,82 13,54 1,68 15,22 28,82III Earthworks 5,39 5,26 - 5,26 5,39

IV Pavement Widening &Shoulders

2,35 - - - 2,35

V Granular Pavement 7,92 7,50 - 7,50 7,92VI Asphalt Pavement 41,26 21,7 (0,42) 21,3 41,26VII S t r u c t u r e s 8,01 5,81 - 5,81 8,01

VIII Reinstatement & MinorWorks

2,57 0,56 (0,31) 0,25 2,57

IX Day Work 0,04 - - - 0,04

X Routine MaintenanceWorks

0,30 0,16 (0,06) 0,10 0,30

TOTAL 100,00 57,90 0,89 55,79 100,00Note :

Year Month Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,56 2,40 4,37 12,27 21,33 28,48 37,16 43,98 50,80 55,91 62,73 71,26 76,82 82,58 94,28 100,0 1st Revised Progress Schedul (%) 2,05 3,03 9,86 20,07 28,23 35,21 42,76 50,07 55,91 61,52 69,07 75,59 81,76 91,81 100,0 2nd Revised Progress Sch Add-3 (%) 48,35 53,35 60,57 70,25 77,68 84,95 93,34 100,0 3rd Revised Progress Sch (%) 51,09 57,14 64,67 72,11 82,28 91,94 100,00 Actual Progress (%) 0,78 1,94 2,20 3,25 13,38 15,66 21,25 22,41 34,91 39,33 40,53 42,24 43,10 45,46 47,63 49,17 50,36 52,42 53,73 55,24 57,90 55,79 Balance (%) 0,22 (0,11) (0,83) (6,61) (6,69) (12,57) (13,96) (20,35) (15,16) (16,58) (20,04) (28,01) (34,58) (39,49) (45,71) (50,83) (6,78) (12,25) (18,38) (27,04) (34,04) (44,21)Progress per month 0,78 1,16 0,26 1,05 10,13 2,28 5,59 1,16 12,50 4,42 1,20 1,71 0,86 2,36 2,17 1,54 1,19 2,06 1,31 1,51 2,66

0,26 1,05 10,13 2,28 5,59 1,16 12,50 4,42 1,20 1,71 0,86 2,36



E July 25, 2018LubuK Alun - Kuraitaji (16,80 km) MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN



2016 2017


Contract is terminated






Require new procurement for remaining quantity



Div Description














1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22













7 ESR CTC 25 Jul 2018 MPR_1C1F5B2.xlsx P-21

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project


Summary of Submitted Environmental Reports

As of Juli 2018

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9

1 Krui - Bha Lampung 1 SPPL November 2010 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013 /NOL

2 AMDAL Environmental Feasibility : 12 Oct 2012Environmental permits: 21 Nov 2012 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013/NOL

3 Monitoring of IntegrationAMDAL into Design - 1X 15 August 2014 NN NN

4 AMDAL Implementation Report(PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 17 April 2015 ; 6 Oct

2015 ; 29 April 2015 ; 19 Oct

2015 11 Mei 2015 ; 14 Des


5 RKPPL - 1X 28 Jan 2015 06 Feb 2015 23 Feb 2015/NOL

6 RKPPL Implementation Report - Quarter 3 July 2015 ; 13 Nov

2015 ; 4 Feb 2016 ; 17Feb 2016

31 July 2015 ; 24 Nov2015 ; Informal to WB 4

& 17 Feb 2016

13 August 2015:14 Dec 15 ; 19 Feb


7 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 8 January 2016 15 March 2016 NN

2 Padang Sawah - Sp Empat Sumatera Barat 1 SPPL Nov. 2013 1X - 20 Jan 2014 14 April 2014/NOL

Jembatan Air Gadang Sumatera Barat 2 UKL & UPL Recommendation: Nov 2013 1X - 09 June 2014 08 Auguts 2014/NOL

3 UKL&UPL ImplementationReport (PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 17 April 2015 ; 6 Oct

2015 ; 28 Jun 2016 29 April 2015 ; 19 Oct

2015 : 21 Juli 2016 11 Mei 2015 ; 14 Des

2015 ; 22 Juli 2016

4 RKPPL - 1X 11 Dec 2014 19 Dec 2014 30 Jan 2015/NOL

5 RKPPL Implementation Report - Quarter 3 July 2015 ; 13 Nov

2015 ; 4 Feb 2016 ; 17Feb 2016 ; 28 Jun 2016

31 July 2015 ; 24 Nov2015 ; Informal to WB 4& 17 Feb 2016 ; 21 Juli


13 August 2015:14 Dec 15 ; 19 Feb2016 ; 22 Juli 2016

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 8 January 2016 15 March 2016 NN

3 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah Sumatera Barat 1 SPPL 30 Dec 2013 1X - 20 Jan 2014 14 April 2014

2 SPPL Implementation Report(PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 17 April 2015 29 April 2015 11 Mei 2015

3 RKPPL - 1X 11 Dec 2014 19 Dec 2014 30 Jan 2015/NOL

4 RKPPL Implementation Report - Quarter 3 July 2015 ; 13 Nov

2015 ; 4 Feb 2016 ; 17Feb 2016

31 July 2015 ; 24 Nov2015 ; Informal to WB 4

& 17 Feb 2016

13 August 2015:14 Dec 15 ; 19 Feb


5 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 8 January 2016 15 March 2016 NN

4 Ipuh - Bantal Bengkulu 1 SPPL (Initial study) 20 Dec 2013 1X April 2013 - -

2 UKL & UPL Environmental permits : 6 Des 2014 1X - 06 Feb 2015(Environment permits) 23 Feb 2015

3 UKL&UPL ImplementationReport (PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 17 April 2015 ; 6 Oct2015 ; 28 Juni 2016

29 April 2015 ; 19 Oct2015 : 21 Juli 2016

11 Mei 2015 ; 14 Des2015 ; 22 Juli 2016

4 RKPPL - 1X 28 Jan 2015 06 Feb 2015 23 Feb 2015/NOL

Environmental Safeguard

Correspondence of Environmental Safeguard and Reporting on CTC WINRIP

Date of Recomendation/Environmental Permits

No ofPackage Name of Link Province Sent to WBCTC Letters to PMUDurations

Environmental Activity, CTC WINRIP

WB NOL/Letters4

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9

Environmental Safeguard Date of Recomendation/Environmental Permits

No ofPackage Name of Link Province Sent to WBCTC Letters to PMUDurations WB NOL/Letters


5 RKPPL Implementation Report - Quarter 3 July 2015 ; 13 Nov

2015 ; 4 Feb 2016 ; 17Feb 2016 ; 28 Jun 2016

31 July 2015 ; 24 Nov2015 ; Informal to WB 4& 17 Feb 2016 ; 21 Juli


13 August 2015:14 Dec 15 ; 19 Feb2016 ; 22 Juli 2016

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 8 January 2016 15 March 2016 NN

5 Sp. Rampa - Poriaha Sumut 1 UKL & UPL Recommendation : 8 Dec 2011 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013

2 Monitoring of IntegrationUKL&UPL into Design - 1X 11 Nov 2014 NN NN

3 UKL&UPL ImplementationReport (PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 28 Jun 2016; 31

Auguts 2017 21 Juli 2016; 28 Sept

2017 22 Juli 2016; WB file

4 RKPPL - 1X 26 April 2016 13 May 2016 30 Juni 2016

6 RKPPL Implementation Report - Quarter

4 Feb 2016 ; 17 Feb2016 ; 28 Jun 2016;11Nov 2016; 2 Jun 2017;31 August 2017 ; 8 Nov

2017; 21 Mei 2018

Informal to WB 4 & 17Feb 2016 : 21 Juli 2016;28 Nov 2016 ; 15 Mar2017 (informal) ; 9 Jun2017; 28 Sept 2017 ; 04

Des 2017; 19 Maret 2018-informal;

19 Feb 2016 ; 22 Juli2016; 19 Des 2016; 18Juli 2017; WB file ; 12

Jan 2018 (ask torevised report); 4 Juli


6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 29 February 2016 15 March 2016 NN

7 Improvement Base CampManagement

30 Januari 2018; 15Feb 2018 (infomal 13

Feb) ;6 March 2018; 23March 2018; 9 April2018; 15 Mei 2018

7 Februari 2018;informal 13 Feb 2018;

informal 6 March 2018;informal 22 March 2018 ;10 April 2018 -informal;16 Mei 2018-informal

12 Februari 2018

6 Ps. Pedati - Kerkap Bengkulu 1 UKL & UPL Recommendation : 9 Nov 2011 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013

2 Monitoring of IntegrationUKL&UPL into Design - 1X 29 Oct 2015 NN NN

3 UKL&UPL ImplementationReport (PIU to BLH) - Quarter 28 Jun 2016 21 Juli 2016 ; 20 Nov

2016 (informal) 22 Juli 2016

4 RKPPL - one time 4 Nov 2015 24-Nov-15 14 Des 2016 (NOL)

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter 13 Nov 2015 ; 4 Feb

2016 ; 17 Feb 2016 ; 28Jun 2016 ; 11 Nov 2016

24 Nov 2015; Informalto WB 4 & 17 Feb 2016;

21 Juli 2016; 28 Nov2016 ; 15 Mar 2017


14 Des 2016 (NOL) ; 19Feb 2016 ; 22 Juli

2016; 19 Des 2016

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 12 February 2016 15 March 2016 NN

7 Indrapura - Tapan Sumatera Barat 1 AMDAL Environmental feasibility : 05 Feb 2014 ;environmental permits : 5 Feb 2014 1X - 09 June 2014 08 August 2014

2 Monitoring of IntegrationAMDAL into Design - 1X 2 Dec 2015 NN NN

3 AMDAL Implementation Report(PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 1 March 2017 13 April 2017 17 April 2017

4 RKPPL - 1X 27 Feb 2017 20 March 2017 5 April 2017

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9

Environmental Safeguard Date of Recomendation/Environmental Permits

No ofPackage Name of Link Province Sent to WBCTC Letters to PMUDurations WB NOL/Letters


5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter

15 Mar 2017(informal) ; 2 Jun 2017;31 August 2017; 8 Nov


15 Mar 2017 (informal); 9 Jun 2017; 28 Sept2017; 4 Des 2017; 19Maret 2018-Informal

5 April 2017 ; 18 Juli2017; WB file ;12 Jan2018 (ask to revised


6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 29 Sept 2016 13 October 2016 NN

7 Improvement Base CampManagement

30 Januari 2018; 15Feb 2018 (infomal 13Feb); 6 March 2018

7 Februari 2018;informal 13 Feb 2018;informal 6 March 2018

12 Feb 2018

8 Bts. Kota Pariaman - Manggopoh Sumatera Barat 1 AMDAL Environmental permits : 23 July 2013 1X - 20 Jan 2014 14 April 2014

2 Monitoring of IntegrationAMDAL into Design - 1X 6 Oct 2015 NN NN

3 AMDAL Implementation Report(PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 29 Sept 2016 ; 08November 2017

13 October 2016; 4 Des2017 12 Jan 2018

4 RKPPL - 1X 02 November 2016 14 November 2016 23 November 2016

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter

15 Mar 2017(informal) ; 2 Jun 2017;31 August 2017; 8 Nov


15 Mar 2017 (informal); 9 Jun 2017: 28 Sept2017 ; 4 Des 2017; 19Maret 2018-informal

18 Juli 2017; WB file;12 Jan 2018 (ask to

revised report)

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 11 November 2016 ; 6April 2017

28 November 2016; 13April 2017 NN

9 Bentungan- Tais (N.013.018 ; 43,42km) Bengkulu

10 Sp. Empat - Air Balam Sumatera Barat 1 AMDAL Environmental permits : 23 July 2013 1X - 20 Jan 2014 14 April 2014

11 Bantal - Mukomuko Bengkulu 1 AMDAL Environmental permits : 3 April 2014 1X - 09 June 2014 08 August 2014

2 Monitoring of IntegrationAMDAL into Design - 1X 10 Dec 2014 NN NN

3 AMDAL Implementation Report(PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 28 Jun 2016 ; 31

August 2017

29 April 2016 (informal)& 21 Juli 2016 (formal) ;5 Des 2016 informal ; 28

Sept 2017

22 Juli 2016; WB file

4 RKPPL - 1X 10 Des 2015 23-Des-15 8 Jan 2016/NOL

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter

13 Nov 2015 ; 4 Feb2016 ; 17 Feb 2016 ; 28Jun 2016 ; 11 Nov 2016;15 Mar 2017 (informal); 2 Jun 2017; 31 August


24 Nov 2015; Informalto WB 4 & 17 Feb 2016;

21 Juli 2016; 28 Nov2016 ; 15 Mar 2017

(informal) ; 9 Jun 2017:28 Sept 2017

14 Des 2016 (NOL) ; 19Feb 2016 ; 12 Juli

2016; 19 Des 2016 ; 18Juli 2017; WB file

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 8 January 2016 15 March 2016 NN

12 Kambang - Indrapura Sumatera Barat 1 AMDAL Environmental Feasibility : 05 Feb 2014 ;Environmental permits : 5 Feb 2014 1X - 09 June 2014 08 August 2014

2 Monitoring of IntegrationAMDAL into Design - 1X 2 Dec 2015 NN NN

3 AMDAL Implementation Report(PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 1 March 2017 13 April 2017 17 April 2017

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9

Environmental Safeguard Date of Recomendation/Environmental Permits

No ofPackage Name of Link Province Sent to WBCTC Letters to PMUDurations WB NOL/Letters


4 RKPPL - 1X 27 Feb 2017 ; 8 May2017 (Rev RKPPL)

20 March 2017 ; 29 May2017 (Rev RKPPL)

5 April 2017 ; 18 Juli2017

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter

15 Mar 2017(informal) ; 2 Jun 2017;31 August 2017; 8 Nov

2017; 21 Mei 2018

15 Mar 2017 (informal); 9 Jun 2017: 28 Sept2017; 4 Des 2017; 19

Maret 2018-informal; 29Juni 2018

5 April 2017 ; 18 Juli2017; WB file ; 12 Jan2018 (ask to revisedreport); 4 Juli 2018

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 29 Sept 2016 13 October 2016 NN

7 Improvement Base CampManagement

30 Januari 2018; 15Feb 2018 (infomal 13

Feb) ; 26 Feb 2018(informal 21 feb); 6

March 2018; 23 March2018; 9 April 2018; 15Mei 2018; 7 Juni 2018

7 Februari 2018;informal 13 Feb 2018;infomal 21 Feb 2018;

informal 6 March 2018;informal 22 March 2018 ;10 April 2018-informal;16 Mei 2018-informal; 7

Juni 2018-informal

12 Feb 2018

13 Sp. Rukis - Tj. Kemuning Bengkulu 1 UKL & UPL Recommendation : 31 Jan 2012 (Link of SpRukis Mana-Bts Kab Kaur & 4 Feb 2012 (Bts

Kaur - Tj Kemuning) 1X - 09 June 2014 08 August 2014

2 Monitoring of IntegrationUKL&UPL into Design - 1X 6 Oct 2015 NN NN

3 UKL&UPL ImplementationReport (PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 28 Jun 2016; 31

August 2017 21 Juli 2016; '28 Sept

2017 22 Juli 2016; WB file

4 RKPPL - 1X 4 Nov 2015 24-Nov-15 14 Dec 2015/NOL

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter

4 Feb 2016 ; 17 Feb2016 ; 28 Jun 2016 : 11

Nov 2016; 15 Maret2017 ; 2 Jun 2017: 31August 2017; 8 Nov2017; 21 Mei 2018

Informal to WB 4 & 17Feb 2016 : 21 Juli 2016;

28 Nov 201615; Mar2017 (informal) ; 9 Jun2017: 28 Sept 2017; 4Des 2017; 19 Maret2018; 29 Juni 2018

19 Feb 2016 ; 22 Juli2016; 19 Des 2016 ; 18Juli 2017; WB file; 12

Jan 2018 (ask torevised report); 4 Juli


6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 12 February 2016 15 March 2016 NN

7 Improvement Base CampManagement

30 Januari 2018; 6March 2018 ; 9 April2018; 15 Mei 2018; 7

Juni 2018

7 Februari 2018; 6March 2018; 10 April

2018-informal; 16 Mei2018-informal; 7 Juni


12 Feb 2018

14 Painan - Kambang Sumatera Barat 1 AMDAL Environmental Feasibility : 05 Feb 2014 ;Environmental permits : 5 Feb 2014 1X - 09 June 2014 08 August 2014

2 Monitoring of IntegrationAMDAL into Design - 1X 2 Dec 2015 NN NN

3 AMDAL Implementation Report(PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 1 March 2017 13 April 2017 17 April 2017

4 RKPPL - 1X 10 Feb 2017 28 Feb 2017 17 March 2017

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9

Environmental Safeguard Date of Recomendation/Environmental Permits

No ofPackage Name of Link Province Sent to WBCTC Letters to PMUDurations WB NOL/Letters


5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter

15 Mar 2017(informal) ; 2 Jun 2017;31 August 2017; 8 Nov

2017; 21 Mei 2018

15 Mar 2017 (informal); 9 Jun 2017; 28 Sept2017; 4 Des 2017; 19

Maret 2018-informal; 29Juni 2018

17 March 2017 ; 18Juli 2017; WB file ; 12

Jan 2018 (ask torevised report); 4 Juli

2018 6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 21 Des 2016 28 Des 2016 NN

7 Improvement Base CampManagement

30 Januari 2018; 15Feb 2018 (infomal 13

Feb) ; 26 Feb 2018(informal 21 feb); 6

Macrh 2018; 23 March2018; 9 April 2018; 15Mei 2018; 7 Juni 2018

7 Februari 2018;informal 13 Feb 2018;infomal 21 Feb 2018;

informal 6 March 2018;22 March 2018; 10 April2018-informal; 16 Mei2018-informal; 7 Juni


12 Feb 2018

15 Sibolga - Bts. Tapsel Sumut 1 UKL & UPL Recommendation : 8 Dec 2011 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013

2 Monitoring of IntegrationUKL&UPL into Design - 1X 11 Nov 2014 NN NN

3 UKL&UPL ImplementationReport (PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 28 Jun 2016; 31

August 2017 21 Juli 2016; '28 Sept

2017 22 Juli 2016; WB file

4 RKPPL - 1X 02 November 2016 14 November 2016 23 November 2016

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter

28 Juni 2016 : 11 Nov2016; 15 Mar 2016

(informal) ; 2 Jun 2017;31 August 2017; 8 Nov

2017; 21 Mei 2018

21 Juli 2016; 28 Nov2016; 15 Mar 2017

(informal) ; 9 Jun 2017;28 Sept 2017; 4 Des

2017; 19 Maret 2018-informal; 29 Juni 2018

22 Juli 2016; 19 Des2016 ; 18 Juli 2017;

WB file; 12 Jan 2018(ask to revised report);

4 Juli 2018

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 29 February 2016 15 March 2016 NN

7 Improvement Base CampManagement

30 Januari 2018; 15Feb 2018 (infomal 13

Feb) ; 26 Feb 2018(informal 21 feb); 6Macrh 2018; 9 April

2018; 15 Mei 2018; 7Juni 2018

7 Februari 2018;informal 13 Feb 2018;infomal 21 Feb 2018;

informal 6 March 2018;10 April 2018-informal;16 Mei 2018-informal; 7

Juni 2018-informal

12 Feb 2018

16 Sebelat-Ipuh Inc.Air Lalang & AirGunung Bridges Bengkulu 1 AMDAL Environmental permits : 3 April 2014 1X - 09 June 2014 08 August 2014

2 Monitoring of IntegrationAMDAL into Design - 1X 10 Dec 2014 NN NN

3 AMDAL Implementation Report(PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 31 August 2017 ; 08

November 2017 28 September 2017 WB file

4 RKPPL - 1X 2 June 2017 ; 15

September 2017 (RevRKPPL)

9 June 2017; 28 Sept2017

18 Juli 2017; 25 Okt2017 NOL RKPPL RV

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter 2 Jun 2017; 31 Agustus

2017; 8 Nov 2017; 21Mei 2018

9 Jun 2017; 28 Sept2017; 4 Des 2017; 19

Maret 2018-informal; 29Juni 2018

18 Juli 2017; WB file;12 Jan 2018 (ask to

revised report); 4 Juli2018

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 13 June 2017 10 Juli 2017 NN

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9

Environmental Safeguard Date of Recomendation/Environmental Permits

No ofPackage Name of Link Province Sent to WBCTC Letters to PMUDurations WB NOL/Letters


7 Improvement Base CampManagement

26 Feb 2018 (informal22 Feb 2018); 6 March2018; 9 April 2018; 15Mei 2018; 7 Juni 2018

Informal 22 Feb 2018;Informal 6 March 2018;10 April 2018-informal;16 Mei 2018-informal; 7

Juni 2018-informal

17 Sp. Gunung Kemala-Pg. Tampak,Inc Way Tauu Bridge Lampung 1 AMDAL Environmental Feasibility : 12 Oct 2012

Environmental permits: 21 Nov 2012 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013

2 Monitoring of IntegrationAMDAL into Design - 1X 11 Nov 2014 NN NN

3 AMDAL Implementation Report(PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 28 Jun 2016; 31

August 2017

21 Juli 2016 ; 28 Sept2016 ; 20 Nov 2016; 28

Sept 2017 22 Juli 2016; WB file

4 RKPPL - 1X 26 April 2016 13 May 2016 30 Juni 2016

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter

28 Juni 2016 : 11 Nov2016;15 Mar 2017

(informal) ; 2 Jun 2017;31 August 2017; 8 Nov


21 Juli 2016; 28 Nov2016 ;15 Mar 2017

(informal) ; 9 Jun 2017;28 Sept 2017; 4 Des

2017; 19 Maret 2018-informal

22 Juli 2016; 19 Des2016 ; 18 Juli 2017;

WB file; 12 Jan 2018(ask to revised report)

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 8 January 2016 15 March 2016 NN

18 Seblat - Ketahun (N.013.005 :Panjang 42,07km) Bengkulu

19 Lais- Bintunan Bengkulu 1 UKL & UPL Recommendation : 9 Nov 2011 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013

2 Monitoring of IntegrationUKL&UPL into Design - 1X 6 Oct 2015 NN NN

3 UKL&UPL ImplementationReport (PIU to BLH) - each 3

month 28 Jun 2016 21 Juli 2016 ; 20 Nov2016 (informal) 22 Juli 2016

4 RKPPL - 1X 4 Nov 2015 24-Nov-15 14 Dec 2015/NOL

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter 13 Nov 2015 ; 4 Feb

2016 ; 17 Feb 2016 ; 28Jun 2016 ; 11 Nov 2016

24 Nov 2015; Informalto WB 4 & 17 Feb 2016:

21 Juli 2016; 28 Nov2016

14 Des 2016 (NOL) ; 19Feb 2016 ; 22 Juli

2016; 19 Des 2016

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 12 February 2016 15 March 2016 NN

20 Lubuk Alung - Sincin Sumatera Barat 1 UKL & UPL Recommendation : 27 Dec 2011 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013

2 Monitoring of IntegrationUKL&UPL into Design - 1X 29 Oct 2015 NN NN

3 UKL&UPL ImplementationReport (PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 2 June 2017 ; 8November 2017 9 June 2017; 4 Des 2017 18 Juli 2017; 12 Jan


4 RKPPL - 1X 10 Feb 2017 28 Feb 2017 17 March 2017

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter

15 Mar 2017(informal); 2 Juni 2017;31 August 2017; 8 Nov

2017; 21 Mei 2018

15 Mar 2017 (informal);9 Juni 2017; 28 Sept2017; 4 Des 2017; 19

Maret 2018-Informal; 29Juni 2018

17 March 2017 ; 18Juli 2017; WB file; 12

Jan 2018 (ask torevised report); 4 Juli

2018 6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 6 April 2017 13 April 2017 NN

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9

Environmental Safeguard Date of Recomendation/Environmental Permits

No ofPackage Name of Link Province Sent to WBCTC Letters to PMUDurations WB NOL/Letters


7 Improvement Base CampManagement

15 Feb 2018 (informal13 Feb 2018); 6 March

2018; 23 March 2018; 9April 2018;15 Mei 2018;

7 Juni 2018

informal 13 Feb 2018;informal 6 March 2018;22 Mar 2018 ; 10 April-informal ; 16 Mei 2018-Informal; 7 Juni 2018-


21 Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji Sumatera Barat 1 UKL & UPL Recommendation : 27 Dec 2011 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013

2 Monitoring of IntegrationUKL&UPL into Design - 1X 29 Oct 2015 NN NN

3 UKL&UPL ImplementationReport (PIU to BLH) - each 6

month 2 June 2017 ; 8November 2017 9 June 2017; 4 Des 2017 18 Juli 2017; 12 Jan


4 RKPPL - 1X 27 Feb 2017 ; 8 May2017 (Rev RKPPL)

20 March 2017 ; 29 May2017 (Rev RKPPL)

5 April 2017 ; 18 Juli2017

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter

15 Mar 2017 (informal); 2 Juni 2017; 31 August

2017; 8 Nov 2017; 21Mei 2018

15 Mar 2017 (informal) ;9 Juni 2017; 28 Sept2017; 4 Des 2017; 19

Maret 2018-informal; 29Juni 2018

5 April 2017 ; 18 Juli2017; WB file; 12 Jan2018 (ask to revisedreport); 4 Juli 2018

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 6 April 2017 13 April 2017 NN

7 Improvement Base CampManagement

15 Feb 2018 (informal13 Feb 2018); 6 march

2018; 23 March 2018; 9April 2018; 15 Mei2018; 7 Juni 2018

informal 13 Feb 2018;informal 6 March 2018;

informal 22 March 2018 ;10 Mar 2018-informal;

16 Mei 2018-informal; 7Juni 2018-infomal

Keterangan :

NY : Not Yet

NN : Not Need

UP : Under Process

incl. 1 Document Studi Amdal

incl. 1 Document Studi Amdal

NYS: Not Yet Started incl. 1 Document Studi Amdal

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix A

Overall Loan Progress

Estimated Contractor(s) or Total Est. Budget

Starting Completion Consultant(s) Man-Month WB + GOI Remarks

Date Date Name (Excl. the (PIP) Original Physical Man-Month Physical Man-Month Physical Man-Month

Supp. Staff) (USD, Excl.VAT) In IDR In USD Amendment No. 1 InIDR

Amendment No. 2 InIDR

Amendment No. 3 InIDR

Amendment No. 4 InIDR

Amendment No. 5 InIDR

Amendment No. 6 InIDR

Amendment No. 7 InIDR

Amendment No. 8 InIDR ( % ) ( MM ) ( % ) ( MM ) ( % ) ( MM )

1 Betterment and Capacity 308.730.000,00 $222.678.368,65Expansion of NationalRoads

1.A AWP-1 ICB DGH 81.630.000,00 $57.821.551,951. Krui-Biha 08-Jan-14 10-Jan-16 PT. Jaya Konstruksi 134.909.211.000,00Rp $11.757.337,74 149.193.782.000Rp 100% 100% 0,00% FHO2. Pd. Sawah-Sp. Empat 06-Jan-14 19-Apr-16 PT.Jaya Konstruksi 197.936.699.896,00Rp $17.250.183,32 226.713.217.000Rp 249.348.931.000Rp 247.572.130.000Rp 100% 100% 0,00% Completed3. Manggopoh-Pd. Sawah 06-Jan-14 20-Mar-16 PT. Jaya Konstruksi 143.688.963.435,00Rp $12.522.493,13 165.157.772.000Rp 183.940.872.000Rp 183.452.685.000Rp 100% 100% 0,00% Completed4. Ipuh-Bantal 10-Jan-14 11-Apr-16 PT. Waskita Karya 186.936.750.000,00Rp $16.291.537,76 196.438.084.000Rp 194.902.179.000Rp 212.290.705.872Rp 100% 100% 0,00% Completed

1.B AWP-2 and AWP-3 ICB &NCB DGH 227.100.000,00 $164.856.816,70

5. Sp. Rampa - Poriaha 18-Jun-15 30-Sep-17 PT. Nusa KonstruksiEnjiniring Tbk 107.321.260.000,00Rp $8.084.464,03 130.143.384.830Rp 100% 95% -4,72% Revised BOQ

6. Ps Pedati - Kerkap 11-Mar-15 28-Jan-17 PT. Waskita Karya Tbk 86.517.470.000,00Rp $6.641.396,33 118.444.156.000Rp 100% 100% 0,00% Completed7. Indrapura - Tapan 10-Des-15 10-Nov-17 PT. Adhi Karya 129.699.900.000,00Rp $9.350.065,79 100% 100% 0,00% Completed8. Bts. Kt Pariaman - Manggopoh 23-Mar-16 31-Des-17 PT. PP/PT. Statika 355.500.000.000,00Rp $25.627.995,00 378.042.000.000Rp 100% 100% 0,00% Completed9. R. Tijang - Kt. Agung Cancelled10. Sp Empat - Sp Air Balam Cancelled

11. Bantal - Mukomuko 23-Feb-15 26-Mei-17 PT. Hutama Karya - PT.DMT, JO 228.899.717.000,00Rp $18.765.198,80 262.611.303.000Rp 263.656.603.000Rp 100% 100% 0,00% Completed

12. Kambang - Indrapura 23-Mei-16 31-Des-17 PT. Lancarjaya/PT. CahayaT.A 358.650.400.000,00Rp $25.855.107,34 100% 76,95% -23,05% Ongoing Construstion

13. Sp. Rukis - Tj. Kemuning 22-Jul-15 25-Okt-17 PT. Waskita Karya 292.700.000.000,00Rp $23.454.051,00 305.886.100.000Rp 100% 100% 0,00% Completed14. Painan -Kambang 03-Agu-16 31-Des-17 KSO Yasa - Conbloc 214.327.429.680,00Rp $16.286.741,38 100% 79,92% -20,08% Ongoing Construction15. Sibolga - Bts Tap Sel 20-Nov-15 31-Des-17 PT. PP,00Rp $19.954.872,00 100% 74,42% -25,58% Revised BOQ16. Seblat - Ipuh 08-Nov-16 30-Jul-18 KSO Yasa - Conbloc 211.374.500.000,00Rp 100% 89,77% -10,23% Ongoing Construction17. Sp. Gunung Kemala - Pg.Tampak 04-Sep-15 12-Nov-17 PT. Jaya Konstruksi 199.551.233.000,00Rp $16.335.263,93 223.922.283.000Rp 211.712.283.000Rp 100% 100% 0,00% Completed

18. Mukomuko - Bts. Sumbar Cancelled19. Lais- Bintunan 11-Mar-15 30-Jun-16 PT. Rodatekindo Purajaya Rp 33.689.452.000,00 $2.586.125,12 Rp 44.419.760.000 100% 100% 0,00% Completed20. Lubuk Alung - Sicincin 01-Sep-16 31-Des-17 PT. Nindya Karya Rp 113.818.300.000,00 $8.578.485,27 100% 100% 0,00% Completed21. Lubuk Alung -Kuraitaji 01-Sep-16 31-Des-17 PT. Multi Structure Rp 126.301.900.000,00 $9.519.374,20 100% 55,79% -44,21% Contract to be Terminated

1.C Contingency - DGH 6.170.000,00

2 Implementation Support 16.000.000,00

2.A Core Team Consultants (CTC) QCBS DGH 06-Nov-12 31-Des-17 PT. Perentjana Djaja 556 5.000.000,00 $1.276.700,00 $1.315.925,00 $1.371.925,00 $1.339.925,00 $1.339.925,00 $1.450.367,33 $1.653.866,67 $1.679.443,67 212.95 187.95 25.00 Supporting PMU. Joint Venture with Rp21.415.400.000,00 Rp22.426.175.000 Rp22.458.676.500 Rp23.934.595.000 Rp37.161.972.299 Rp37.768.533.132 Rp44.230.796.132 Rp46.097.547.554 Yongma Engineering Co.Ltd. Or US$ equivalent total : 25-Okt-13 03-Sep-14 30-Nov-15 04-Mar-16 10-Apr-17 08-Des-17 30-Apr-18 PT. Epadascon Permata $3.512.681,91 $3.641.077,48

2.B Design & Superv. Consultants QCBS DGH 19-Jun-13 31-Des-17 Renardet S.A. 1.068 10.000.000,00 $820.600,00 $1.042.900,00 $770.940,00 $965.940,00 42.33 36.33 -6.00 construction supervision.

Joint Venture with Rp51.818.705.000,00 Rp55.037.399 Rp54.521.056 Rp64.346.684.915 PT Cipta Strada Or US$ equivalent total : PT. Daya Creasi Mitrayasa $6.465.729,72 PT. Seecons PT. Yodya Karya


2.D Incremental Operating Cost Varies PMU 1.000.000,00Including Technical Audits

4 Contingency for Disaster DGH -Risk Response

5 Unallocated DGH 18.100.000,00

Total 342.830.000,00 232.656.780,28






Planned Actual Balance

Development of SlopeStabilization, Design andManagement

31 July 2018



Total ( WB + GOI )

Contract Value

Revised (in 000)

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix B

Road Safety Audit Progress

Appendix B. Road Safety Audit Progresss (July 2018)

Old (2004) New (2009) Site VisitSubmission of

ReportSite Visit

Submission ofReport

Site VisitSubmission of

Report1. No Road Safety Audit at Design Stage.

2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Dec, 2014

3. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, February, 2016

Date 13-Nov-14 29-Des-14 13-Nov-14 29-Des-14 11-Feb-16 22-Feb-161. No Road Safety Audit at Design Stage.

2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Dec, 2014

3. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, April, 2016

Date 09-Okt-14 05-Nov-14 09-Okt-14 05-Nov-14 06-Apr-16 12-Apr-161. No Road Safety Audit at Design Stage.

2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Dec, 2014

3. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, March, 2016

Date 09-Okt-14 05-Nov-14 09-Okt-14 05-Nov-14 17-Mar-16 23-Mar-161. No Road Safety Audit at Design Stage.

2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Dec, 2014

3. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, April, 2016

Date 13-Nov-14 29-Des-14 13-Nov-14 29-Des-14 14-Apr-16 26-Apr-161. Technical Advisory Report by International RSA CTC, Sept 2013

2. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, March, 2018

Date 08-May-13 17-Sep-13 28-Feb-18 26-Mar-181. Technical Review & RSA at Design Stage done by International RSA CTC

2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Sep, 2015

3. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, November, 2016

Date 18-Jul-13 17-Sep-13 25-Agu-15 08-Sep-15 18-Nov-16 19-Des-161. Technical Advisory Report by International RSA CTC, Sept 2013

27-Sep-13 2. Road Safety Audit by Dit. EA & RS, May 2014

3. RSA at Construction stage by CTC, December, 2016

Date Apr-14 Mei-14 08-Des-16 22-Des-16 27-Des-17 05-Jan-18 4. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, January, 2018

1. Technical Advisory Report by CTC, Sept 2013

27-Sep-13 2. Road Safety Audit by Dit. EA & RS, May 2014

3. RSA at Construction stage by CTC, August 2017

Date Apr-14 Mei-14 26-Jul-17 25-Agu-17 07-Des-17 11-Des-17 4. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, December 2017

1. Technical Review & RSA at Design Stage by International RSA CTC , Jul, 2013

2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Dec, 2015

3. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, April 2017

Date 18-Jul-13 18-Jul-13 17-Des-15 29-Des-15 11-Apr-171. Technical Advisory Report by International RSA CTC, Sept 2013

27-Sep-13 2. Road Safety Audit by Dit. EA & RS, May 2014

3. RSA at Construction stage by CTC, January 2018

Date Apr-14 Mei-14 17-Jan-18 06-Feb-181. Technical Advisory Report by International RSA CTC, Sept 2013

2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Mar, 2017

3. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, April, 2018

Date 18-Jul-13 18-Jul-13 23-Mar-17 03-Apr-17 05-Apr-18 20-Apr-181. RSA DED Report by CTC, June, 2015

2. RSA at Construction stage by CTC, January 2018

Date 15-Apr-15 15-Jun-15 16-Jan-18 30-Jan-181. Technical Advisory Report by International RSA CTC, Sept 2013

2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Aug, 2017


23-Sep-13 28-Agu-17 25-Sep-17 24-Jul-18

1. RSA DED Report by CTC, Sept, 2014

2. RSA at Construction stage by CTC, January 2018

Date 14-Agu-14 01-Sep-14 29-Jan-18 15-Feb-18






14 #16 Seblat – Ipuh 13.010.0 13.004.0

13 #15 Sibolga – Bts TapSel 03.016.1 03.044.0



12 #14 Painan – Kambang 06.017.1 06.032.0

11 #13 SP.Rukis - TJ.Kemuning 13.006.0 13.021.0






10 #12 Kambang – Indrapura 06.17.2 06.033.0

9 #11 Bantal - Mukomuko 13.015.2 13.002.0



8 #8 Bts.Pariaman – Manggopoh 06.24.0 06.23.0

7 #7 Indrapura – Tapan 06.019.0 06.34.0







No RSA at Const. Stage

6 #6 PS.Pedati - Kerkap 13.010.0 13.009.0

5 #5 Sp.Rampa – Poriaha 03.075.0





4 #4 Ipuh - Bantal 13.051.1 13.003

3 #3 Manggopoh -Padangsawah 06.047.1 06.022.0





2 #2 Padangsawah - Simpangempat 06.047.2 06.021.0

1 #1 Biha - Krui 17.053.0 17.027.0

EstimatedCost /

Excl.VAT(mil. RP)

Road Safety AuditTotal Process


StatusDesign Stage Construction Stage PHO StageNo


Name of Sub-projectLink No

Old (2004) New (2009) Site VisitSubmission of

ReportSite Visit

Submission ofReport

Site VisitSubmission of


EstimatedCost /

Excl.VAT(mil. RP)

Road Safety AuditTotal Process


StatusDesign Stage Construction Stage PHO StageNo


Name of Sub-projectLink No

1. No Road Safety Audit at Design Stage.

2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, May, 2017

3. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, October, 2017

Date 17-18 May 2017 18-Jul-17 03-Okt-17 30-Nov-17

1. Technical Advisory Report by International RSA CTC, Sept 2013

2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Sep, 2015

3. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, May, 2016

Date 18-Jul-13 17-Sep-13 25-Agu-15 08-Sep-15 19-Mei-16 24-Mei-161. RSA DED Report by CTC, June, 2015

2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Jul, 2017

3. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, January, 2018

Date 15-Apr-15 15-Jun-15 27-Jul-15 25-Agu-15 15-Jan-18 24-Jan-181. RSA DED Report by CTC, June, 2015

2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Jul, 2017

Date 15-Apr-15 15-Jun-15 25-Jul-15 25-Agu-15

Notes :

Road Safety Engineering Review by CTC

Road Safety Audit by International RSA CTC

Road Safety Audit by Dit. EA & RS DGH

Road Safety Audit by CTC

No Road Safety Audit






No RSA at DED. Stage

18 #21 Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji 06.027.0 06.025.0



17 #20 Lubuk Alung – Sicincin 06.009.1 06.041.0

16 #19 Lais - Bintuan 13.009.1

15 #17 Sp.Gng Kemala–Pg.Tampak 17.061.1 17.025.0 255.269Process


Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix C

Financial Progress

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix C Financial ProgressThe table below shows total expenditure to date measured in the terms of World BankCommitment.


Completion oftime


Percentage ofAvailable


31/03/2012 1.45% - - -30/04/2012 2.90% - - -31/05/2012 4.35% - - -30/06/2012 5.80% - - -31/07/2012 7.25% - - -30/08/2012 8.70% - - -30/09/2012 10.15% - - -31/10/2012 11.60% - - -30/11/2012 13.05% - - -31/12/2012 14.50% 800,000 0.32% Actual31/01/2013 15.95% 800,000 0.32% Actual28/02/2013 17.40% 800,000 0.32% Actual31/03/2013 18.85% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual30/04/2013 20.30% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual31/05/2013 21.75% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual30/06/2013 23.20% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual31/07/2013 24.65% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual31/08/2013 26.10% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual30/09/2013 27.55% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual31/10/2013 29.00% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual30/11/2013 30.45% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual31/12/2013 31.90% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual31/01/2014 33.35% 4,940,115 1.98% Actual28/02/2014 34.80% 4,940,115 1.98% Actual31/03/2014 36.25% 4,966,535 1.99% Actual30/04/2014 37.70% 4,966,535 1.99% Actual31/05/2013 39.15% 6,109,480 2.44% Actual30/06/2014 40.60% 6,263,610 2.51% Actual31/07/2014 42.05% 6,470,288 2.59% Actual31/08/2014 43.50% 6,470,288 2.59% Actual30/09/2014 44.95% 6,681,304 2.67% Actual31/10/2012 46.40% 6,991,757 2.80% Actual30/11/2014 47.85% 7,323,303 2.93% Actual31/12/2014 49.30% 11,533,045 4.61% Actual31/01/2015 50.75% 11,533,045 4.61% Actual28/02/2015 52.20% 12,794,201


5.12% Actual31/03/2015 53.65% 14,918,776 5.97% Actual30/04/2015 55.10% 18,424,843 7.37% Actual

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project


Completion oftime


Percentage ofAvailable


31/05/2015 56.55% 21,646,890 8.66% Actual30/06/2015 58.00% 23,691,573 9.48% Actual31/07/2015 59.45% 27,426,670

9.48%10.97% Actual

31/08/2015 60.90% 27,861,670 11.14% Actual30/09/2015 62.35% 31,214,254 12.49% Actual31/10/2015 63.80% 33,538,544 13.42% Actual30/11/2015 65.25% 37,740,899 15.10% Actual31/12/2015 66.70% 48,269,952 19.31% Actual31/01/2016 68.15% 48,845,535 19.54% Actual28/02/2016 69.60% 50,144,535 20.06% Actual31/03/2016 71.05% 52,938,748 21.18% Actual30/04/2016 72.50% 58,007,328 23.20% Actual31/05/2016 73.95% 61,427,937 24.57% Actual30/06/2016 75.40% 65,009,653 26.00% Actual31/07/2016 76.85% 70,619,401 28.25% Actual31/08/2016 78.30% 70,846,499 28.34% Actual30/09/2016 79.75% 74,387,379 29.75% Actual31/10/2016 81.20% 78,314,016 31.33% Actual30/11/2016 82.65% 81,725,868 32.69% Actual31/12/2016 84.10% 101,180,236 40.47% Actual31/01/2017 85.55% 102,340,497 40.94% Actual28/02/2017 87.00% 102,921,579 41.17% Actual31/03/2017 88.45% 105,584,628 42.23% Actual30/04/2017 89.90% 109,100,923 43.64% Actual31/05/2017 91.35% 112,475,095 44.99% Actual30/06/2017 92.80% 119.094.262 47.64% Actual31/07/2017 94.25% 124,057,518 49.62% Actual31/08/2017 95.70% 128.416.537 51.37% Actual30/09/2017 97.15% 132,776,084 53.11% Actual31/10/2017 98.60% 136.337.674 54.54% Actual30/11/2017 99.05% 142,023,219 56.81% Actual31/12/2017 100.00% 156,090,198 62.44% Actual

LOAN EXTENSION TIME UP TO DECEMBER 201831/01/2018 86.56% 157,742,185 63.10% Actual28/02/2018 87.69% 158,678,166 63.47% Actual31/03/2018 88.93% 160,428,518 64.17% Actual30/04/2018 90.14% 161,174,355 64.47% Actual31/05/2018 91.39% 163,525,763 65.41% Actual30/06/2018 92.60% 163,525,763 65.41% Actual31/07/2018 93.84% 174.283.884 69.71% Actual31/08/2018 95.09%30/09/2018 96.30%31/10/2018 97.55%30/11/2018 98.75%31/12/2018 100.00%

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix D

Quality Assurance Progress

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix D: Quality Assurance Progress

No Activities has been doneStatus/conditionDate of Finish/

completed1. Mike MPR CTC Winrip for June 2018 July 02, 2018

2. Finalization MPR CTC Winrip for June 2018 July 03, 2018

3. Site visit to package 01 (Krui – Biha) and package 17 ( Sp. Gn.Kemala – Pg. Tampak), Lampung Province.

July 04 to 06, 2018.

4. Make duty travel expenses report of site visit package 01 (Krui – Biha) andpackage 17 (Sp. Gn. Kemala – Pg. Tampak), Lampung Province .

July 09, 2018.

5. Make site visit report for package 17 ( Kemala – Pg. Tampak) ,Lampung Province

July 10, 2018.

6. Make site visit report for package 17 ( Kemala – Pg. Tampak) ,Lampung Province

July 11, 2018.

7. Make site visit report for package 01 (Krui - Biha) , Lampung Province anddiscussed with PMU about package 01 (Krui – Biha).

July 12, 2018.

8. Make site visit report for package 01 (Krui - Biha) , Lampung Province . July 13, 2018.

9. Intern meeting CTC Winrip and prepare capering letter of three monthreport document in the maintenance period.

July 16, 2018.

10. Prepare capering letter of three month report document in themaintenance period.

July 17, 2018.

11. To be checking report TFAC pending of package 17 and package 01 July 18, 2018.12. Make example the three month report document in the

maintenance periodJuly 19, 2018

13. Meeting with WB about package 01 (Krui – Biha), Lampung Province July 20, 201814. Make example the three month report document in the

maintenance periodJuly 23, 2018

15. Make request site visit to package 07, 12 and package 14, PadangProvince and make back up all package.

July 24, 2018

16. Site visit to package 07, 12 and package 14, Padang Province July 25 to 29, 201817. Make duty travel expenses report of site visit package 07, 12 and 14,

Padang Province .July 30, 2018

18. Make site visit report for package 07 (Indrapura - Tapan) ,PadangProvince .

July 31, 2018

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix E

Environmental Progress and Social Progress

Result Comments Budget Alocated,Year StatusTHE WB Approval (A=StudiLARAP ; B=Implementation


AWP - 1A. NOL LARAP 04 Jan2013 ;

ICB/Prior B. NOL Mon Report (MR)18 April 2013, Rev 26 June2013.

2 Padang Sawah - Sp Empat Sumatera Barat Total PAP 451 . No Land affected . Aset affected: building149 unit = 2.110 M2 ; Fence 2 unit = 341.8 M ; KiosksBBM: 25 unit; Trees: 873 rod ; Mosque: 2 unit

A. NOL LARAP 13 Jan 2013 ;

2a Including Air Gadang Bridge Sumatera Barat Total PAP 15. Land affected 2,110 M2 ; Aset affected:building 6 unit = 410 M2 ; Trees 72 rod.

B. NOL MR-1: 19 July 2013,MR-2:12 Feb 2015

ICB/Prior A. NOL LARAP 04 Jan 2013

B. NOL MR-1: 26 June 2013,MR-2: 5 Mar 2014, MR-3:23 Jun 2014, MR-4: 12 Feb2015, MR-5: 17 Mar 2015.

A. NOL LARAP 10 Dec 2012

ICB/Prior B.NOL MR-1: 6 Jan 2014,MR-2: 5 Mar 2014, MR-3:12 Feb 2015

AWP - 2NCB/Post A. NOL LARAP 16 Sept

2013, and approval revisionthe report 20 March 2017;

B= Not Yet

A. NOL LARAP 20 November2013;

NCB/Post B: NOL MR-1: 23 Mar 2015.NOL MR-2: 26 Nov 2015

ICB/Prior NOL Larap: Oct 14, 2014

B: NOL WB MonitoringReport-1 (276 PAP) onMarch 8, 2016. MonitoringReport-2 (207 PAP) onAugust 18, 2016.Monitoring Report-3 (89PAP) on Nov 12, 2016,Monitoring Report-4 (61PAP) on Jan 16, 2017,Monitoring Report-5 (20PAP) on June, 2017


SimpleLARAP andAdditional



LARAP Total PAP are change from 227 PAP becomes 261 PAP.261 PAP has received compensation from The LocalGovernment as : Affected Assets: house building =307,05 M2; terace = 672,84M2; fence = 503,85M ;foundation = 8,9 m; pavement = 2,632,01M2; Trees = 82rod, tomb = 7 unit

Rp.286.743.000.APBN, Satker PJN I,Bengkulu, 2013


1 Krui - Bha

Appendix E : Progress of Social Safeguard Studies on WINRIPas July 31, 2018


SOCIAL: Complete Ipuh- Bantal4 Bengkulu

PPK/Satker PJN II Lampung has to submit the result of the landcerticification to PMU/WB

Manggopoh - Padang Sawah3 Sumatera Barat


Total PAP 1.338 . No affected land . Aset affected:building 115 unit = 668,33 M2; Culvert 661,05 m;concrete & foundations 1.421,60M3 ; Soil embankment5.564,21 M3; Trees 5.324 rod

Rp. 1.147.700.000APBD Prov Sumbar,Dinas PU, 2012/2013;4.9 M from APBD 2014

Complete SOCIAL : Complete

LARAP Total PAP 2.815 in 21 Pekon. Land affected 28.763,12M2 ; Aset affected : building 882,13 M2; Fence 2.445,41M ; Trees 653 rod ; paddy field 25 plots ; Social & PablicFacilities

CompleteRp.2.340.600.000APBD Prov Sumbar,Dinas PU, 2012

6 Ps Pedati - Kerkap Bengkulu LARAP Total PAP = 637. Affected land = 3,625 M2. Terrace =2,925 M2 ; Fence = 4,169 M, pavement = 4399 m2

RP., Satker PJN I,

Bengkulu, 2014

Complete, certification process for 72 plots



Sumatera Utara Sp. Rampa - Poriaha5 Rp.2.700.000.000APBN, Satker PJN II,

Sumut, 2017

(1). Up to the end July 2018, there have still 7 from total92 Aps have not been paid yet by Satker, and will beresolved on FY 2018 (August).(2). 6 Aps already relocated to permanent houses

For certification process of 72 Aps is under budgeting allocation onRevision-2 DIPA 2018

Satker conducted design change on the land that be occupied 4 affectedpersons which can not paid by Satker PJN II West Sumatera.

7 Indrapura - Tapan (1 Doc Amdal) Sumatera Barat

Pending issue: Certification of the land affected is underprocess

Rp. 5.172.349.955APBN, Satker PJN IILampung, 2011 - 2012

Remedial Action

Approval Status by The World BankSocial ScreeningProcure

ProvincesLoan Package Name

LARAP For the remaining ofAPs: Rp 0,5 Billion.APBN 2017

Total PAP 878 change original 1,193. Partilly affectedbuilding ( houses an kiosks) = 4,013 M2 : Affected fence= 19,206 m : Partially affected other building (terrace,decker and floors) = 9,401 M2, and trees = 3,290.

(1) No more issue. (2) Total PAP = 878; Compensated =878; Percent Complete = 100%.

Validation process for the remaining of APs (7 Aps) being done(1) Revision of the Additional LARAP documents (consist92 Aps) signed by Satker II North Sumatera Province(2) 6 APs has to relocated.

Result Comments Budget Alocated,Year StatusTHE WB Approval (A=StudiLARAP ; B=Implementation


No Remedial Action

Approval Status by The World BankSocial ScreeningProcure

ProvincesLoan Package Name

A. NOL LARAP 12 Sep 2014;

A. -

A. NOL LARAP 12 Sep 2014;

B: NOL WB for theMonitoring Report-1 onMarch 8, 2016

ICB/Prior A. NOL LARAP 20 November2013;

B: NOL WB-1: 2 Dec 2014,NOL WB-2: 12 Feb 2015.NOL WB-3: 26 Nov 2016.NOL WB-4: 28 Oct 2016

ICB/Prior NOL Larap: Oct 14, 2014

ICB/Prior A. NOL LARAP 20 November2013;B: NOL WB-1: 18 Aug 2015,NOL WB-2: 13 Oct 2015,NOL WB-4: 14 Oct 2016,NOL WB-5: 18 Nov 2016,NOL WB-6: 20 Mar 2017

AWP - 3ICB/Prior A. NOL LARAP 19 December


ICB/Prior A. NOL LARAP 28 October2013 and NOL revise 05 Feb2014;

Satker conducted design change on the land that be occupied 57 affectedpersons which can not paid by Satker

(1). Compensation for 2,990 (98%) of the total 3.040 APs(update) already paid by Satker and the remaining 50APs not yet paid. (2). Certification for affected land (382plots) not yet be resolved by project

No more issue, LARAP fully completed.


LARAP Total PAP: 3.040 change 2.917 change from original 2,564. Affected land = 88,852 M2. Aset affected : building 111unit = 2.196 M2 ; Fence 127 unit = 1.575 M ; Trees 363rod ; electricity pole 25 unit

Total PAP 1.820 . Land affected 1.531 plot = 45,831M2.Aset affected : building 340 nit = 3.399 M2 ; Fence 12unit = 1.563 M ; Trees 385 rod, Terrace = 991,607 M2

For the remaining ofAPs: Rp 9 Billion on Fy2017

(1) No more issue, LARAP fully completed, and theremaining of 17 Aps reject the appraisal value. (2). TotalPAPs 1.820 and already compensated 1.820. (3).Certification for affected land (321 plots) not yet beresolved by project

LARAP is under preparation by Balai III Palembang. Thispackage was changed to Bengkunat - Biha

B: NOL MR_1 (126) on Aug1, 2016. NOL MR_2 (62) onNov 14, 2016, NOL MR_3(220) on March 20, 2017,NOL MR_4 (59) on Nov 14,2016, NOL MR_5 (402) onJuly 14, 2017,

B: NOL MR_1 (216) on June7, 2016. NOL MR_2 (60) onNov 14, 2016. NOL MR-3(88) on Feb 13, 2017, NOLMR-4 (265) on June, 2017,

9 Rantau Tijang - Kota Agung / Replace toBengkunat - Biha (already completed byAMDAL)




8 Bts. Kota Pariaman - Manggopoh Sumatera Barat LARAP Total PAP: 2,339 change from original 1,282. Partillyaffected building ( houses an kiosks) = 8,352 M2 :Affected fence = 3,673 m : Partially affected otherbuilding (terrace, decker and floors) = 8,771 M2 and trees= 7,863.

For the remaining ofAPS: Rp 1.5 Billion on FY2017

complete(1) No more issue. (2) Total PAP = 2.339; Compensated= 2.339; Percent Complete = 100%.


10 Sp Empat - Sp Air Balam Sumatera Barat LARAP Total PAP 2059 change from original 1,514. Partillyaffected building ( houses an kiosks) = 11,523 M2 :Affected fence = 2,613 m : Partially affected otherbuilding (terrace, decker and floors) = 11,538 M2 andtrees = 4,369

Rp 14.02 Billion. APBDProv Sumbar, Dinas PU,

a) Total PAPs 2.915, and already compensated 1.725. b)PPK/Satker PJN I West Sumatera and Local Governmentis under payment process for the remaining PAP.

11 Bantal - Mukomuko (1 Paket doc AMDAL) Bengkulu LARAP RP. 8.237.443.000APBN Satker PJN I,Bengkulu, 2014

No more issue, LARAP fully completedTotal PAP 243 (updated) . No affected land. Housebuilding = 261.7 M2; kiosks = 147.7 m2, terrace = 412.9m2, Fence = 249 M ; Trees= 36 rod, foundation = 17.2m2, retaining wall = 35.1 m, pavement = 2,937 m2

12 Kambang - Indrapura (1 Doc Amdal) Sumatera Barat LARAP Total PAP 2.873 (update). Partilly affected building (houses an kiosks) = 2,057 M2 : Affected fence = 32,741m: Partially affected other building (terrace, decker andfloors) = 17,144 M2 and trees = 3,225

For the remaining ofAPs: Rp 16.0 Billion onFY 2017

No more issue, LARAP fully completed.

13 Sp Rukis - Tj Kemuning Bengkulu For the remaining ofAPs: FY 2017: 4.5Billion


14 Painan -Kambang (1 doc Amdal) Sumatera Barat SimpleLARAP

Total PAP 2.242. Partilly affected building ( houses ankiosks) = 10,474 M2 : Affected fence 21,735m : Partiallyaffected other building (terrace, decker and floors) =20,988 M2 and trees = 1044

For the remaining ofAPs: Rp 4.5 Billion on FY


(1) Satker will conducts design change on the land that be occupied 17affected persons which is not paid by Satker(2). For certification process of 321 Aps is under budgeting allocation onRevision-4 DIPA 2018

15 Sibolga - Bts Tap Sel Sumatera Utara

(1). Satker will conducts design change on the land that be occupied 53affected persons which is not paid by Satker. (2). For certification processof 382 Aps is under budgeting allocation on Revision-2 DIPA 2018


(1). 50 Aps is under payment process. (2). Satker conducted designchange on the land that be occupied 2 affected persons which can not paidby Satker PJN II West Sumatera.

ENVIRONMENTAL: Link of Bengkunat-Biha already completed by AMDALstudy with environmental permit from the Governor at 2012. WILLDELETEDPPK/Satker PJN I West Sumatera and Local Government are continuing theprocess of payments to the remaining of the PAPs

B: NOL WB for theMonitoring Report-1 (840Aps) on March 8, 2016.Monitoring Report-2 (926Aps) on May 12, 2016,Monitoring Report-3 (440Aps) on Jan 6, 2017.

Result Comments Budget Alocated,Year StatusTHE WB Approval (A=StudiLARAP ; B=Implementation


No Remedial Action

Approval Status by The World BankSocial ScreeningProcure

ProvincesLoan Package Name

B: NOL WB-1: 16 Nov 2015.NOL WB-2: 8 Mar 2016.NOL WB-3: 15 Mar 2016.NOL WB-4: 19 May 2016.NOL WB-5: 18 Aug 2016.NOL WB-6: 16 Nov 2015 onJan 26, 2017, NOL WB-7: 16Nov 2015 on July 14, 2017,

Seblat - Ipuh including (1 Amdal) A. NOL LARAP 20 November2013; NOL Update LARAPon Jun 7, 2016

Air Lalang & Air Guntung Bridge B: NOL MR-1: 12 Feb 2015,NOL MR-2 on Jan 5, 2016,NOL MR-3 on Nov 11, 2016

A. NOL LARAP 16 Sept 2013

B: NOL Monitoring Report -1 on Jul 2015 and NOL MR-2 on Oct 13, 2015, NOL MR-3 on Jan 5, 2016, NOL MR-4on Nov 18, 2016, NOL MR-5on Apr 17, 2017,

A. -

NCB/Post A. NOL LARAP 20 November2013;B: NOL MR-1: 23 Mar 2015.NOL MR-2: 26 Nov 2015

NCB/Post A. NOL LARAP on Dec 19,2014

B: NOL Monitoring Report-1(670) on Sep 26, 2016, NOLMonitoring Report-2 (280)on Apr 17, 2017

A. NOL LARAP on Dec 19,2014

NCB/Post B: NOL MonitoringReport_1 (515) on Oct 2015on Aug 23, 2016, NOL ofMR-2 (236) on Jan 24, 2017

(1). No more issue, LARAP fully completed. (2). TotalPAP = 908 (updated); Compensated = 908; Percentcomplete = 100%.

Total PAP 1.820 . Land affected 1.531 plot = 45,831M2.Aset affected : building 340 nit = 3.399 M2 ; Fence 12unit = 1.563 M ; Trees 385 rod, Terrace = 991,607 M2

For the remaining ofAPs: Rp 9 Billion on Fy2017

(1) No more issue, LARAP fully completed, and theremaining of 17 Aps reject the appraisal value. (2). TotalPAPs 1.820 and already compensated 1.820. (3).Certification for affected land (321 plots) not yet beresolved by project

APBN, 2015 LARAP is under preparation by Balai III Palembang.

For the remaining ofAPs: Rp 2 Billion on FY2017

(1). FNo more issue, LARAP fully completed. (2). TotalPAP =950 (updated); Compensated =950; Percentcomplete =100%.

Total PAP: 950 (updated), Affected land: 46,579 m2, PTKAI Affected land: 682 m2, Partilly affected building(houses and kiosks) = 528m2, Affected fence = 294m,Irrigation channal: 2.600m.

LARAP Total PAP 556. Affected land = 9,504 M2. Aset affected :floor = 1,381 M2; Terrace: 652 M2; Fence = 3,276 M;Tomb = 18 units; Trees 379 rod; utilities 14 unit

Rp.3.349.829.000APBN, Satker PJN IIBengkulu

Complete, certification process for 193 plots

17 Lampung ICB/Prior

16 Bengkulu ICB/Prior Total PAP 259 changed from original 316. No affectedland, Affected assets: building= 658 M2 ; Terrace= 98;Fence= 232 M ; Trees 33 rod



18 Mukomuko - Bts. Sumbar / Replace toSorkam - Sibolga

Bengkulu NCB/

(1) Satker will conducts design change on the land that be occupied 17affected persons which is not paid by Satker(2). For certification process of 321 Aps is under budgeting allocation onRevision-4 DIPA 2018

Sp.Gunung Kemala - Pg. Tampak

SOCIAL: Complete

LARAP Total PAP 2585 (updated) . Land affected 1.926 plot =194.278 M2. Aset affected : building 440 unit = 4.557 M2; ; Trees 4.267 rod ;paddy field 48.602 clumps.

For the remaining ofAPs: Rp 825 Million onFY 2017


(1). Total PAPs 2,585 (update), and alreadycompensated 2,585. (2). No update for certificationprocess of 2.247 Aps

15 Sibolga - Bts Tap Sel Sumatera Utara

(1). Satker conducted the design change on the land that be occupied 56affected persons which is not paid by Satker. (2). For certification processof 2.247 Aps is under budgeting allocation on Revision-2 DIPA 2018

Satker conducted the design change on the land that be occupied 72affected persons which is not paid by Satker.

21 Lubuk Alung -Kurataji Sumatera Barat SimpleLARAP

Total PAP: 908 (updated), Affected land: 40,612 m2,Partilly affected building (houses and kiosks) = 360.9m2Affected fence = 284m Irrigation channal: 433m

For the remaining ofAPs: Rp 1.5 Billion onFY 2017

Satker will conducts the design change on the land that be occupied 6affected persons which is not paid by Satker.

20 Lubuk Alung - Sicincin Sumatera Barat


19 Lais- Bintunan Bengkulu


ENVIRONMENTAL: Based on CTC survey for environmental screening isconclusion that this packages need completed by UKL&UPL. WILL DELETED

For certification process of 193 Aps is under budgeting allocation onRevision-2 DIPA 2018

Status, 31 July 2018

Safeguard RKPPLDoc

Integration ofAmdal/UKL-UPL/SPPLin Design

HIV-AIDsSocialization Quarry Owner

DocRequirement Status Status Status Status Remarks Status Remarks License Base camp

Management Owner/Env License

5 Sp. Rampa - Poriaha CompleteUKL-UPL Complete Complete Complete

28 Jan 2016 OK period 3 onMarch 2018

OK(on going)

The last was submit toPMU&WB.& Period Janto March 2018 submit toPMU & WB 21 May2018

CompleteDone (Infrastructure,housekeeping & B3storage/TPS improved

Contractor/ Complete.(PHO schedule on 8March 2018) current thecontractor buy thematerial from suplierPT.Rogada.

7Indrapura - TapanPHO 28 January2018

CompleteAmdal Complete Complete Complete

6 Sep 2016 OK period 2, onNov 2017

OK(on going) PHO Complete Need improvement

for housekeepingTP/


8Bts. Kota Pariaman -Manggopoh PHO31 Dec 2017

CompleteAmdal Complete, Complete Complete

4 Oct 2016 OK period 2 onNov 2017

OK(on going) PHO Complete Suitable as SOP /good TP/


12 Kambang -Indrapura

CompleteAmdal Complete Complete Complete

6 Sep 2016 OK period 2, onNov 2017

OK(on going)

Period Jan to March2018 submit toPMU/WB 21 May 2018.

CompleteDone (Infrastructure,housekeeping & TPSimproved

TP/Complete/there new Bupati

decree's to closed thequarry operation & Now

under discussion atprovincial level

13 Sp. Rukis -Tj.Kemuning

CompleteUKL-UPL Complete Complete Complete

14 Jan 2016 OK period 2, 31Aug 2017

OK(on going)

Period Jan to March2018 submit toPMU/WB 21 May 2018.

CompleteDone (Infrastructure,housekeeping & TPSimproved

TP/Complete (PHO

Schedule 15 May2018/Masa Denda

14 Painan - Kambang CompleteAmdal Complete Complete

Complete29 November

2016OK period 2, on

Nov 2017OK

(on going)

Period Jan to March2018 submit toPMU/WB 21 May 2018


Done (Infrastructure,housekeeping improved& TPS need additionalby eyes wash

TP/Complete/there new Bupati

decree's to closed thequarry operation & Now

under discussion atprovincial level

15 Sibolga - Bts.TapSel UKL-UPL Complete, Complete Complete

27 Jan 2016 OK period 2 on31 Aug 2017

OK(on going)

Period Jan to March2018 submit toPMU/WB 21 May 2018

Complete Partially needimprovement


Seblat - IpuhincludingAir Lalang & AirGuntung Bridge

20 Lubuk Alung -Sicincin

CompleteUKL-UPL Complete Complete Complete

8 March 2017 OK period 2 on 8Nov 2017

OK(on going)

Period Jan to March2018 submit toPMU/WB 21 May 2018

Complete Done (Infrastructure,housekeeping)


21 Lubuk Alung -Kuraijati

CompleteUKL-UPL Complete, Complete Complete

8 March 2017 OK period 2 on 8Nov 2017

OK(on going)

Period Jan to March2018 submit toPMU/WB 21 May 2018

Complete Partially needimprovement


Masa Denda

Pack. No.

Loan PackageName


for BLH, WB

RKPPL implementation(Quarterly report)

Status & Progress of Environmental Safeguard on WINRIP

Base Camp

period 3 on31 Aug 2017


17Sp.Gunung Kemala -Pg.TampakPHO 27 Dec 2017

CompleteAmdal Complete , Complete

10 Nov 2015


Complete OK(on going) PHO



most of the SOPs arecompliant with little


CompleteDone (Infrastructure,housekeeping & TPSimproved


: Project PHO

Period Jan to March2018 submit toPMU/WB 21 May 2018


OKComplete, Complete9 May 2017Complete period 2,on 8

Nov 2017OK

(on going)

Project Terminated

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix F

Procurement Plan & Progress

Procurement Plan of Civil WorksWestern Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (WINRIP)Executing Agency: Directorate General of Highways , Ministry of Public Works and Housing. Updated July 31, 201813400 Edit 250112

Qualification Schedule Submission Notification Contractor

Sub - Project Link No. Length Criteria Actual of of(Km) IDR (x10⁶) USD million (Pre/Post) Application Qualification IDR

A W P - 11 Krui - Biha Lampung 053.0 25,06 163.534,85 12,20 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 12-Jan-11 09-Feb-11 09-May-11 07-Aug-11 15-Dec-11 09-Feb-12 13-Sep-12 28-Feb-13 01-Mar-13 07-Mar-13 18-Apr-13 05-May-13 19-May-13 18-Jun-13

179.888,33 Revised 17-May-13 27-May-13 08-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 24-Sep-13 14-Nov-13 06-Dec-13 07-Sep-15Actual 25-Jan-11 21-Feb-11 02-Nov-11 28-Dec-11 30-Dec-11 28-Feb-12 25-Jan-13 28-Mar-13 17-May-13 27-Jun-12 31-Oct-12 27-May-13 18-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 18-Sep-13 25-Nov-13 08-Jan-14 09-Oct-15

733 10-Jan-16 149.193.782.000Date of Taking Over Certificate 20-Jan-16

2 Padang Sawah - Sp.Empat West Sumatera 047.2 40,70 228.772,24 17,07 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 12-Jan-11 09-Feb-11 09-May-11 07-Aug-11 15-Dec-11 09-Feb-12 13-Sep-12 28-Feb-13 01-Mar-13 07-Mar-13 18-Apr-13 05-May-13 19-May-13 18-Jun-13Including Air Gadang Bridge 0,10 251.649,47 Revised 17-May-13 27-May-13 08-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 24-Sep-13 14-Nov-13 06-Dec-13 06-Dec-15

Actual 25-Jan-11 21-Feb-11 02-Nov-11 28-Dec-11 30-Dec-11 28-Feb-12 25-Jan-13 28-Mar-13 17-May-13 27-Jun-12 31-Oct-12 27-May-13 18-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 18-Sep-13 06-Dec-13 06-Jan-14 05-Jan-16835 19-Apr-16 247.572.130.000

Date of Taking Over Certificate 14-Apr-16

3 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah West Sumatera 047.1 32,00 167.678,40 12,51 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 12-Jan-11 09-Feb-11 09-May-11 07-Aug-11 15-Dec-11 09-Feb-12 13-Sep-12 28-Feb-13 01-Mar-13 07-Mar-13 18-Apr-13 05-May-13 19-May-13 18-Jun-13184.446,24 Revised 17-May-13 27-May-13 08-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 24-Sep-13 14-Nov-13 06-Dec-13 06-Dec-15

Actual 25-Jan-11 21-Feb-11 02-Nov-11 28-Dec-11 30-Dec-11 28-Feb-12 25-Jan-13 28-Mar-13 17-May-13 27-Jun-12 31-Oct-12 27-May-13 18-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 18-Sep-13 06-Dec-13 06-Jan-14 05-Jan-16805 20-Mar-16 183.452.685.000

Date of Taking Over Certificate 17-Mar-16

4 Ipuh - Bantal Bengkulu 015.1 42,45 247.105,24 18,44 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 12-Jan-11 09-Feb-11 09-May-11 07-Aug-11 15-Dec-11 09-Feb-12 13-Sep-12 28-Feb-13 01-Mar-13 07-Mar-13 18-Apr-13 05-May-13 19-May-13 18-Jun-13271.815,76 Revised 17-May-13 27-May-13 08-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 24-Sep-13 14-Nov-13 06-Dec-13 06-Dec-15

Actual 25-Jan-11 21-Feb-11 02-Nov-11 28-Dec-11 30-Dec-11 28-Feb-12 25-Jan-13 28-Mar-13 17-May-13 27-Jun-12 31-Oct-12 27-May-13 18-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 18-Sep-13 14-Nov-13 13-Jan-14 12-Jan-16820 11-Apr-16 212.290.705.872

Date of Taking Over Certificate 31-May-16

Sub Total AWP - 1 807.090,72 60,23 792.509.302.872A W P - 2 and 3

24317 Sp.Gng Kemala - Pugung Tampak Lampung 061.1 36,15 255.269,25 19,05 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 30-Sep-13 14-Oct-13 30-Sep-13 14-Oct-13 06-Nov-13 18-Dec-13 22-Jan-14 06-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 02-Dec-13 16-Dec-13 17-Feb-14 01-Apr-14 30-Apr-14 14-May-14 7-Jul-14 11-Aug-14 31-Jul-16

Revised 19-May-14 2-Jun-14 9-Jun-14 14-Feb-14 28-Feb-14 16-Jun-14 28-Jul-14 1-Sep-14 15-Sep-14 8-Nov-14 13-Dec-14 1-Dec-16Actual 30-Sep-13 10-Oct-13 30-Sep-13 10-Oct-13 11-Nov-13 30-Dec-13 28-Feb-14 13-Jun-14 25-Jun-14 19-Dec-14 7-Jan-14 4-Jul-14 15-Aug-14 10-Oct-14 14-Oct-14 17-Nov-14 4-Sep-15 23-Aug-17

846 27-Dec-17 211.712.283.000Date of Taking Over Certificate 26-Dec-17

5 Simpang Rampa - Poriaha North Sumatera 015. 9,70 152.870,49 11,41 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 06-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 06-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 22-Nov-13 6-Jan-14 7-Feb-14 21-Feb-14 24-Feb-14 2-Dec-13 16-Dec-13 4-Mar-14 15-Apr-14 19-May-14 2-Jun-14 23-Jul-14 22-Aug-14 12-Feb-16Revised 26-May-14 9-Jun-14 16-Jun-14 2-Jun-14 16-Jun-14 23-Jun-14 4-Aug-14 8-Sep-14 22-Sep-14 15-Nov-14 20-Dec-14 11-Jun-16Actual 07-Nov-13 15-Jul-14 07-Nov-13 18-Nov-13 23-Dec-13 10-Feb-14 9-Jun-14 15-Jul-14 22-Jul-14 18-Jul-14 22-Jul-14 11-Aug-14 22-Sep-14 18-Nov-14 27-Jan-15 17-Mar-15 18-Jun-15 8-Dec-16

995 08-Mar-18 130.143.384.830

11 Bantal - Mukomuko Bengkulu 015.2 50,65 246.499,55 18,40 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 06-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 06-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 22-Nov-13 6-Jan-14 7-Feb-14 21-Feb-14 24-Feb-14 2-Dec-13 16-Dec-13 4-Mar-14 15-Apr-14 19-May-14 2-Jun-14 23-Jul-14 22-Aug-14 11-Aug-16Revised 26-May-14 9-Jun-14 16-Jun-14 2-Jun-14 16-Jun-14 23-Jun-14 4-Aug-14 8-Sep-14 22-Sep-14 15-Nov-14 20-Dec-14 8-Dec-16Actual 07-Nov-13 25-Jun-14 07-Nov-13 18-Nov-13 23-Dec-13 10-Feb-14 16-Jun-14 25-Jun-14 11-Jul-14 21-Jul-14 6-Aug-14 22-Aug-14 3-Oct-14 4-Nov-14 13-Nov-14 18-Dec-14 23-Feb-15 11-Feb-17

824 26-May-17 263.656.603.000Date of Taking Over Certificate 19-May-17

13 Sp Rukis - Tj Kemuning Bengkulu 006.1 56,27 316.304,67 23,60 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 06-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 06-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 22-Nov-13 6-Jan-14 7-Feb-14 21-Feb-14 24-Feb-14 2-Dec-13 16-Dec-13 4-Mar-14 15-Apr-14 19-May-14 2-Jun-14 23-Jul-14 22-Aug-14 11-Aug-16Revised 26-May-14 9-Jun-14 16-Jun-14 2-Jun-14 16-Jun-14 23-Jun-14 4-Aug-14 8-Sep-14 22-Sep-14 15-Nov-14 20-Dec-14 8-Dec-16Actual 07-Nov-13 25-Jun-14 07-Nov-13 18-Nov-13 23-Dec-13 10-Feb-14 16-Jun-14 25-Jun-14 11-Jul-14 21-Jul-14 6-Aug-14 22-Aug-14 3-Oct-14 4-Nov-14 18-Nov-14 18-Dec-14 22-Jul-15 10-Jul-17

1029 15-May-18 305.886.100.000

6 Ps. Pedati - Kerkap Bengkulu 010.0 20,88 92.127,40 6,88 NCB Post Post Schedule 13-Nov-13 27-Nov-13 13-Nov-13 27-Nov-13 04-Dec-13 03-Jan-14 02-Feb-14 16-Feb-14 16-Mar-14 15-Apr-14 9-Jul-15Revised 14-Nov-14 28-Nov-14 5-Dec-14 4-Jan-15 22-Feb-15 8-Mar-15 30-May-16Actual 21-Nov-13 - 19-Nov-14 24-Nov-14 29-Dec-14 - - 3-Mar-15 11-Mar-15 2-Jun-16

690 28-Jan-17 118.444.156.000Date of Taking Over Certificate 30-Jan-17

19 Lais - Bintunan Bengkulu 009.1 10,80 35.886,28 2,68 NCB Post Post Schedule 13-Nov-13 27-Nov-13 13-Nov-13 27-Nov-13 04-Dec-13 03-Jan-14 02-Feb-14 16-Feb-14 16-Mar-14 15-Apr-14 9-Feb-15Revised 14-Nov-14 28-Nov-14 5-Dec-14 4-Jan-15 22-Feb-15 8-Mar-15 1-Jan-16Actual 21-Nov-13 - 19-Nov-14 24-Nov-14 29-Dec-14 - - 3-Mar-15 11-Mar-15 4-Jan-16

478 30-Jun-16 44.419.760.000Date of Taking Over Certificate 30-Jun-16

15 Sibolga - Batas Tapsel North Sumatera 016.1 36,00 376.479,38 28,10 ICB Post Prior Schedule 13-Nov-13 27-Nov-13 27-Dec-13 10-Jan-14 17-Jan-14 28-Feb-14 30-Mar-14 13-Apr-14 11-May-14 10-Jun-14 28-Aug-16Revised 16-Dec-13 30-Dec-13 14-Nov-14 28-Nov-14 15-Jan-15 26-Feb-15 31-Mar-15 14-Apr-15 22-Jun-15 10-Aug-15 27-Oct-17Actual 30-Dec-13 28-Feb-14 18-Dec-14 23-Dec-14 12-Jan-15 23-Feb-15 24/04/2015 7-May-15 3-Jul-15 20-Nov-15 6-Feb-18

954 30-Jun-18

8 Bts.Kota Pariaman - Manggopoh West Sumatera 024.0 46,80 379.034,45 28,29 ICB Post Prior Schedule 14-Jul-14 28-Jul-14 04-Aug-14 18-Aug-14 25-Aug-14 06-Oct-14 10-Nov-14 24-Nov-14 17-Jan-15 16-Feb-15 5-Feb-17Revised 01-Dec-14 15-Dec-14 11-Mar-15 25-Mar-15 1-Apr-15 15-May-15 22-Jun-15 6-Jul-15 11-Sep-15 30-Oct-15 18-Oct-17Actual 18-Dec-14 22-Dec-14 12-May-15 26-May-15 28-May-15 13-Aug-15 9-Oct-15 9-Dec-15 28-Jan-16 23-Mar-16 12-Mar-18

649 31-Dec-17 381.795.000.000Date of Taking Over Certificate 29-Dec-17

10 Simpang Empat - Sp.Air Balam West Sumatera 034.1 61,70 515.842,21 38,50 ICB Post Prior Schedule 14-Jul-14 28-Jul-14 04-Aug-14 18-Aug-14 25-Aug-14 06-Oct-14 10-Nov-14 24-Nov-14 17-Jan-15 16-Feb-15 5-Feb-17Revised 01-Dec-14 15-Dec-14 11-Mar-15 25-Mar-15 1-Apr-15 15-May-15 22-Jun-15 6-Jul-15 11-Sep-15 30-Oct-15 18-Oct-17Actual 18-Dec-14 22-Dec-14 12-May-15 26-May-15 28-May-15 13-Aug-15 9-Oct-15 22-Feb-16

7 Indrapura - Tapan West Sumatera 019.0 19,50 178.600,23 13,33 NCB Post Prior Schedule 14-Jul-14 28-Jul-14 04-Aug-14 18-Aug-14 25-Aug-14 29-Sep-14 3-Nov-14 17-Nov-14 29-Dec-14 28-Jan-15 19-Oct-16Revised 01-Dec-14 15-Dec-14 11-Mar-15 25-Mar-15 1-Apr-15 6-May-15 11-Jun-15 25-Jun-15 21-Aug-15 4-Sep-15 25-May-17Actual 18-Dec-14 22-Dec-14 12-May-15 26-May-15 28-May-15 13-Aug-15 9-Oct-15 12-Oct-15 3-Dec-15 10-Dec-15 30-Aug-17

781 28-Jan-18Date of Taking Over Certificate 28-Jan-18

12 Kambang - Indrapura West Sumatera 017.2 55,20 451.810,58 33,72 ICB Post Prior Schedule 14-Jul-14 28-Jul-14 04-Aug-14 18-Aug-14 25-Aug-14 06-Oct-14 10-Nov-14 24-Nov-14 17-Jan-15 16-Feb-15 5-Feb-17Revised 01-Dec-14 15-Dec-14 11-Mar-15 25-Mar-15 1-Apr-15 6-May-15 11-Jun-15 25-Jun-15 21-Aug-15 4-Sep-15 23-Aug-17Actual 18-Dec-14 22-Dec-14 12-May-15 26-May-15 28-May-15 13-Aug-15 9-Oct-15 26-Nov-15 28-Jan-16 23-May-16 12-May-18

798 29-Jul-18

14 Painan - Kambang West Sumatera 017.1 31,50 267.588,30 19,97 NCB Post Prior Schedule 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 22-Oct-14 26-Nov-14 31-Dec-14 14-Jan-15 25-Feb-15 11-Mar-15 30-Nov-16Revised 10-Jul-15 24-Jul-15 10-Aug-15 24-Aug-15 2-Nov-15 16-Dec-15 13-Jan-16 27-Jan-16 2-Mar-16 16-Mar-16 5-Dec-17Actual 10-Sep-15 22-Oct-15 22-Oct-15 2-Nov-15 5-Jan-16 22-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 1-Jun-16 3-Aug-16 24-Apr-18

684 17-Jun-18

16 Seblat - Ipuh, Including Bengkulu 009.4 34,50 269.559,20 20,12 NCB Post Prior Schedule 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 22-Oct-14 26-Nov-14 31-Dec-14 14-Jan-15 25-Feb-15 11-Mar-15 30-Nov-16Air Lalang & Air Guntung Bridge 0,060 Revised 10-Jul-15 24-Jul-15 10-Aug-15 24-Aug-15 22-Oct-15 19-Nov-15 17-Dec-15 31-Dec-15 4-Feb-16 18-Feb-16 8-Nov-17

Actual 4-Sep-15 22-Oct-15 30-Sep-15 22-Oct-15 22-Oct-15 19-Nov-15 11-Jan-16 24-Aug-16 28-Oct-16 8-Nov-16 30-Jul-18

20 Lubuk Alung - Sicincin West Sumatera 002.0 14,60 131.302,20 9,80 NCB Post Prior Schedule 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 22-Oct-14 26-Nov-14 31-Dec-14 14-Jan-15 11-Feb-15 25-Feb-15 18-Aug-16Revised 10-Jul-15 24-Jul-15 10-Aug-15 24-Aug-15 2-Nov-15 16-Dec-15 13-Jan-16 27-Jan-16 2-Mar-16 16-Mar-16 6-Sep-17Actual 25-Aug-15 22-Oct-15 22-Oct-15 2-Nov-15 5-Jan-16 22-Mar-16 23-Mar-16 1-Jun-16 1-Sep-16 22-Feb-18

533 15-Feb-18

21 Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji West Sumatera 027.0 16,23 164.629,30 12,29 NCB Post Prior Schedule 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 22-Oct-14 26-Nov-14 31-Dec-14 14-Jan-15 11-Feb-15 25-Feb-15 18-Aug-16Revised 10-Jul-15 24-Jul-15 10-Aug-15 24-Aug-15 2-Nov-15 16-Dec-15 13-Jan-16 27-Jan-16 2-Mar-16 16-Mar-16 6-Sep-17Actual 25-Aug-15 22-Oct-15 22-Oct-15 02-Nov-15 05-Jan-16 22-Mar-16 23-Mar-16 01-Jun-16 1-Sep-16 22-Feb-18

666 28-Jun-18

18 Mukomuko - Batas Sumbar Bengkulu 015.3 25,80 69.233,00 5,17 NCB Post Prior ScheduleRevisedActual

9 Rantau Tijang - Kota Agung Lampung 026.1 42,00 149.831,00 11,18 NCB Post Prior ScheduleRevisedActual

5A North Sumatera 015. 0,69 65.726,63 4,90 NCB Post Post Schedule 06-Mar-18 20-Mar-18 19-Mar-18 02-Apr-18 16-Apr-18 16-May-18 - - 27-Jun-18 2-Jul-18 29-Nov-18Revised

Actual 13-Mar-18 15-Mar-18 10-Apr-18 18-Apr-18 24-Apr-18 16-May-18

Sub Total AWP - 2 & 3 4.052.867,47 302,45 2.857.143.616.521

Total AWP - 1 , 2 & 3 4.859.958,19 362,68 3.649.652.919.393USD 272.362.158

Note: USD 190.653.5111 USD = (Exchange rate assumption for RAPBN-P FY 2018, Ministry of Finance)








Penanganan Lereng Ruas Sp.Rampa - Poriaha


PT. Multi Structure 126.301.900.000


PT. Nindya Karya (Persero) 113.818.300.000540





PT. PP (Persero), Tbk.




PT. Nusa KonstruksiEnjiniring, Tbk.







PT. Adhi Karya (Persero),Tbk. 129.699.900.000

PT. Lancarjaya MandiriAbadi - PT. Cahaya TunggalAbadi, J.O.





KSO. PT. Yasa PatriaPerkasa - PT. Multi



Bid Evaluation Report ContractSignature













WB Prior/Post



Submission Date







PT. Jaya KonstruksiManggala Pratama, Tbk.



Ref. No. Province Procurement Method

Estimated CostEE

(Incl. VAT)

Estimated CostEE

(Incl. VAT)Invitationfor Bids



DateWB NOLDate


PT. Hutama Karya (Persero)and PT. Daya Mulia

Turangga, J.O.

PT. Waskita Karya(Persero), Tbk.

Contract Amount(Incl. VAT10%)Completion



PT. Jaya KonstruksiManggala Pratama, Tbk.


Submission Date

PQ Document Invitation forPre-


Evalt.QualificationReport Bidding Document

Commencement Date



SubmissionDate NOL Date

PT. PP (Persero), Tbk.- PT.Statika Mitrasarana, J.O.

PT. Jaya KonstruksiManggala Pratama, Tbk.

PT. Waskita Karya(Persero), Tbk. and PT.

Daya Mulia Turangga, J.O.186.936.750.000

PT. Waskita Karya(Persero), Tbk.

PT. Rodateknindo Purajaya.


PT. Jaya KonstruksiManggala Pratama, Tbk.







C:\Users\Tediero Pratama\AppData\Local\Temp\Appendix F Draft Proc Plan WINRIP CivilWorks 20180531_1411803.xlsx

Procurement Plan of Implementation SupportWestern Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (WINRIP)Executing Agency: Directorate General of Highways , Ministry of Public Works and Housing.

Ref.No. Contract Description Project Cost



Review byBank


Preparationof Draft


EOIadvertised in


Dateline ofEOI


SubmissionRFP to WB WB NOL to RFP

Opening ofFinancialProposal




Service Startdate Consultant Remarks

Allocated Original Addendum Actual Submission WB NOL Submission WB NOL Submission Submission WB NOL Original Addendum

2 Implementation Support

Schedule 14-Nov-10 05-Dec-10 23-Jan-11 12-Feb-11 12-Mar-11 02-Apr-11 23-Apr-12 04-Jun-12 22-Jul-12 05-Aug-12 12-Aug-12 15-Sep-12 29-Sep-12 22-Okt-12 12-Nov-12

Actual 26-Nov-10 07-Jun-11 07-Jul-11 30-Jan-12 07-Mar-12 09-Des-11 06-Mar-12 20-Mar-14 30-Apr-12 14-Jun-12 29-Jun-12 27-Agu-12 03-Sep-12 21-Sep-12 12-Okt-12 05-Nov-12 16-Nov-12

Schedule 11-Dec-11 08-Jan-12 27-Feb-12 26-Mar-12 07-May-12 28-May-12 08-Oct-12 22-Oct-12 05-Nov-12 12-Nov-12 19-Nov-12 26-Nov-12 01-Apr-13 18-Apr-13 02-May-13

Actual 26-Nov-10 07-Jun-11 07-Jul-11 02/04/2012 10-Agu-12 20-Jan-12 23-Mei-12 31-Agu-14 23-Okt-12 20-Des-12 21-Feb-13 05-Mar-13 13-Mar-13 25-Mar-13 19-Apr-13 11-Jun-13 25-Jun-13

Schedule 15-Dec-15 22-Dec-15 19-Jan-16 29-Jan-16 12-Feb-16 05-Feb-16 19-Feb-16 26-Feb-16 08-Apr-16 06-May-16 20-May-16 03-Jun-16 17-Jun-16 15-Jul-16 29-Jul-16 12-Aug-16 26-Aug-16 12

Revised 24-Jun-16 15-Jul-15 04-Aug-16 01-Aug-16 08-Aug-16 18-Aug-16 26-Aug-16 29-Aug-16 28-Sep-16 21-Oct-16 04-Nov-16 21-Nov-16 25-Nov-16 05-Dec-16 16-Dec-16 13-Jan-17 23-Jan-17 11

2nd Revised 02-Nov-16 05-Dec-16 09-Jan-17 23-Jan-17 18-Apr-17 28-Apr-17 10-May-17 17-May-17 14-Jun-17 19-Jun-17 11

Actual 24-Jun-16 15-Jul-15 04-Agu-16 18-Agu-16 23-Sep-16 02-Sep-16 27-Okt-16 02-Nov-16 05-Des-16 12-Jan-17 07-Apr-17 20-Apr-17 15-Mei-17 19-Mei-17 15-Jun-17 07-Jul-17 13-Jul-17 11

Updated July 31, 2018

PT. Egis InternationalIndonesia, PT.

Disiplan Consult, PT.Widya Graha Asana.



1.000.000USD 155,300. +


QCBS Prior

Period (Month)




Date ofReceipt ofProposals


Evaluation and Short List Technical EvaluationReport Negotiation & Draft Contract



RFP to theshortlisted




PT. Perentjana Djaja,Yongma Eng. Co. Ltdand PT. Epadascon

Permata EngineeringConsultant

Renardet S.A., PT.Cipta Strada, PT. DayaCreasi Mitrayasa, PT.Seecons, PT. Yodya

Karya (Persero)

Serviceperiod until30November2018

Serviceperiod until31 October2018

Technical Assistance for Development of SlopeStabilization, Design and Management, Western

Indonesia Roadsc


(excl. VAT)

USD 1,653,867 +IDR


USD 965,940 +IDR


aCore Team Consultant (Project Management,Technical Assistant, Enviromental & Social Aspectand Road safety Audit)

5.000.000USD 1,276,700 +


bDesign and Supervision Consultant (Design AWP-2 & 3 and Construction Supervision of Civil WorksProject)

10.000.000USD 820,600




C:\Users\Tediero Pratama\AppData\Local\Temp\Appendix F Draft Proc Plan WINRIP Consultants 20180531_141B750.xlsx

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix G

WINRIP Website & Application Progress

APPENDIX GManagement Information System (MIS) Status on July, 2018


storage.winrip-ibrd.comThe storage server to stored allof soft files of reports anddocuments.

The new version of application has beencompleted on February 2015.

2 DMS (DocumentManagement System)

The application to record allinformation of letter anddocument files.

The DMS applications is already finalsdeveloped with the addition of features suchas parent-child mechanism, letter comments,and direct notification.

We have improved the uploadfunction, then that DMSapplication can already uploaddocuments with big file size.


The WINRIP official website. The website has been developed on August2013.


The spatial data and roadsinformation that overlay intoGoogle Maps.

The application has been developed onOctober 2013.

5 FMIS (FinancialManagementInformation System)

The application to monitoring afinancial and physical progressreport.

The programming modules that have beenfinished are as follows: Project Data Financial and Physical Progress Progress Summary History of Financial and Physical Progress User

The programming modules thatnot yet finished are as follows: Consultant Services Reports

6 CHS (ComplaintHandling System)

The application to accommodatecomplaints from the public.

The application has been developed onJanuary 2014.


The WINRIP-Storage server oncloud system.

The cloud system is running online inDecember 2016.

8 CTC Daily

Activity of all CTC personnelevery day.

It was completed on January 19, 2018, and isnow used by all CTC personnel.







1 Krui - Biha #01#02#03#04#05#06#07#08#09#10#11#12#13#14#15#16#17#18#19#20#21#22



#01 #56#02 #57#03 #58#04 #59#05 #60#06 #61#07 #62#08 #63#09 #64#10 #65#11#12#13#14#15#16#17#18#19#20#21#22#23#24#25#26#27#28#29#30#31#32#33#34#35#36#37#38#39#40#41#42#43#44#45#46#47#48#49#50#51#52#53#54#55



2 Pd Sawah - SpEmpat

3 Manggopoh - PdSawah

4 Ipuh - Bantal

5 Sp Rampa -Poriaha

6 Ps Pedati -Kerkap

7 Indrapura - Tapan

8Bts KotaPariaman -Manggopoh

9 Rantau Tijang -Kota Agung

10 Sp Empat - Sp AirBalam

11 Bantal -Mukomuko

12 Kambang -Indrapura

13 Sp Rukis - TjKemuning

14 Painan -Kambang

15 Sibolga - BtsTapsel

16 Seblat - Ipuh

17 Sp Gn Kemala -Pugung Tampak

18 Mukomuko - BtsSumbar

19 Lais - Bintunan

20 Lubuk Alung -Sicincin

21 Lubuk Alung -Kuraitaji

*(Read the list of glossary on the next page).






UPLDesignReiew LARAP

1 Krui – Biha 2 Padang Sawah – Sp.Empat (incl. Air

Gadang Bridge) 3 Manggopoh – Padang Sawah 4 Ipuh – Bantal 5 Simpang Rampa – Poriaha 6 Ps. Pedati – Kerkap 7 Indrapura – Tapan 8 Bts.Kota Pariaman – Manggopoh 9 Rantau Tijang – Kota Agung

10 Simpang Empat – Air Balam 11 Bantal – Mukomuko 12 Kambang – Indrapura 13 Sp Rukis – Tj Kemuning 14 Painan – Kambang 15 Sibolga – Batas Tapsel 16 Seblat – Ipuh (incl. Air Lalang & Air

Guntung Bridge)

17 Sp.Gng Kemala – Pugung Tampak 18 Mukomuko – Batas Sumbar

19 Lais – Bintunan 20 Lubuk Alung – Sicincin 21 Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji

Glossary of the Document Types in the DMS database.

NO DOCUMENT TYPE ABBREVIATION1 Addendum ADD2 Aide Memoire AM3 Amendment AMD4 Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan AMDAL5 Audit AUDIT6 Bid Document BD7 Bid Evaluation Procurement Report BEPR8 Commencement of Work COW9 Complaint Report CR10 Contract CONTRACT11 Detail Engineering Design DED12 Draft Project Completion Report DPCR13 Engineer Estimate EE14 HIV AIDS Report AIDS15 Inception Report IR16 Interim Financial Report IFR17 Invoice INV18 Land Acquisition Resettlement Action Plan LARAP19 Loan Agreement LA20 Mid Term Review MTR21 Minute of Meeting MOM22 Monthly Progress Report MPR23 Photo PHOTO24 Pre-Construction Meeting PCM25 Procurement Plan PP26 Procurement Readines Assessment Report PRAR27 Project Appraisal Document PAD28 Project Completion Report PCR29 Project Implementation Plan PIP30 Project Management Manual PMM31 Project Monitoring and Evaluation Report PMER32 Provisional Hand Over PHO33 Quarterly Progress Report QPR34 Rencana Kerja Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan RKPPL35 Report RPT36 Road Safety and Traffic Management Monitoring Report RSTMMR37 Road Safety Audit RSA38 Road Technical Analysis RTA39 Surat Pernyataan Pengelolaan Lingkungan SPPL40 Semestral Report SR41 Term of Reference TOR42 Third Party Monitoring TPM43 Training Implementation Report TIR44 Upaya Kelola/Pemantauan Lingkungan UKL-UPL45 Video VIDEO

NO DOCUMENT TYPE ABBREVIATION46 Wakil Pengamat Masyarakat WPM47 Workshop Implementation Report WIR

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix H

ACAP Training /Dissemination Progress

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix H ACAP Activity Progress Appendix H1

Activities Progress of Community Representative Observers (CROs) and the Works Plan January 2013 – July 2018

No Subject Activities of Community Representative Observers (CROs) Date of Finish/


1. Orientation and studied of WINRIP documents and Development of Works Plan January 2013

2 Prepared of Workshop of Procurement Document Evaluation. February 2013

3. Conducted Workshop of Procurement Document Evaluation for POKJA, Satker/PPK, Balai BBPJN and PMU.

Febr. 28, 2013 – March 01, 2013

4. Provided of Term of Reference (TOR) of the CRO's Selection and Guidelines for CRO’s Selection

March 1, 2013

5. Provided the Materials (Slide Presentation/Power-point) of General Explanations about WINRIP and the CRO’s selection and

March 8, 2013

6. Provided Training Materials for CROs. March 8, 2013

7. Sending an official letter No. Hm.0603/Bp-11/0175/2013, from the Director of Planning as Chairman of PMU to Head of BBPJN II & III, about the Selection of CROs/WPM, + TOR and Guidelines Document

March 11, 2013

8 Preparation of Socialization on CROs selection in BBPJN II Padang for package 02 Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat and package 03 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah, and Socialization on CROs selection in BBPJN III Palembang for package 01 Krui – Biha and package 04 Ipuh – Bantal.

March 31, 2013

9. Socialization on CROs selection in BBPJN II Padang for package 02 Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat and package 03 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah

April 9, 2013

10 Socialization on CROs selection in BBPJN III Palembang for package 01 Krui – Biha and package 04 Ipuh – Bantal.

April 11, 2013

11. Sent the Invitation letter from Head of BBPJN III to Rector of Universities /Head of Colleges in Palembang, about selection of the CROs for package 01. Krui – Biha (Prov. Lampung) and package 04. Ipuh – Bantal (Prov. Bengkulu).

May 17, 2013

12. Sent the Invitation letter from Head of BBPJN II to Rector of Universities /Head of Colleges in Padang, about selection of the CROs for package 02. Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat and package 03. Manggopoh - Padang Sawah (Prov. Sumatera Barat).

May 20, 2013

13. Selection of CROs for Packages Krui – Biha Province Lampung and Ipuh – Bantal Province Bengkulu, and training for selected CROs in BBPJN III Palembang

May 23, 2013

14. Selection of WPM/CROs for Packages Manggopoh – Padang Sawah and Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat, and training for selected CROs in BBPJN II Padang

May 27, 2013

15. Sending an official letter No. Hm.0603/Bp-11/0175/2013, from the Director of Planning as Chairman of PMU to Head of BBPJN II & III, about the Selection of CROs/WPM, + TOR and Guidelines Document

May 28, 2013

16. Guiding the Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional (Balai) II Padang to compose the Application Letter for Approval of selected CROs for Package 03. Manggopoh – Padang Sawah, package 02. Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat, and Balai III Palembang for Package 01. Krui – Biha Province Lampung and Package 04. Ipuh – Bantal Province Bengkulu.

May 29, 2013

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject Activities of Community Representative Observers (CROs) Date of Finish/


17. Compiling summary of the results of Selection the Community Representative Observers (CROs)/ Wakil Pengamat dari Masyarakat (WPM) and the Training activities for selected CROs for four Packages AWP-1

June 1 - 9, 2013

18. Assist PMU to prepare the Approval letter of selected CROs for four AWP-1 Packages, and prepare of the Decree on Establishment the CROs of AWP-1 WINRIP from Director of Planning DGH, as the Chairman of PMU.

June 1 - 9, 2013

19. Monitor and observation the Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit activities of Procurement Process that held by the Procurement Committee, in BBPJN II and III, on 10 June 2013 by CROs in implementing their tasks on the

June 10 - 16, 2013

20. Evaluate of the CROs observation on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit activities Jun.17 - 23, 2013

21. Examine the report of CROs on the monitoring and observation of Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit at the packages of Annual Works Program - 1 (AWP-1) WINRIP.

Modify the template of monitoring the report of the CROs, to be more focused and more systematically

June 24 - 30, 2013

22. Monitor /Observe of Bids Submission and Bids Opening for four packages AWP-1 by Community Representative Observers (CROs) for Package 01, 02, 03, and 04

July 18, 2013

23. Monitoring and examined of the CRO’s Report on the monitoring and observation of Bid Submission and Bid Opening activities for four packages of Annual Works Program - 1 (AWP-1) WINRIP, which have been carried out on July 18, 2013

August, 2013

24 Preparation on the Socialization of CROs selection to the Procurement Committee (POKJA) of Sumatera Utara province, for package Simpang Rampa – Poriaha and package Sibolga – Batas Tapanuli Selatan

October 2013

25 Monitored /Observed of Procurement progress on Commencement of Bid Winners for four packages AWP-1 (Package 01, 02, 03, and 04) and informed to related Community Representative Observers (CROs).

November 2013

26 Carried out the dissemination of CROs selection to the Procurement Committee (POKJA) of Sumatera Utara province, for package Simpang Rampa – Poriaha. in Balai (BBPJN) I Medan and in Project Management (Satker) Office.

November 19 – 20, 2013

27 Carried out the CROs selection for package 17: Simpang Gunung Kemala – Pugung Tampak in Lampung..

July 17, 2014

28 Carried out the CROs selection for package 05: Simpang Rampa – Poriaha in North Sumatera province.

August 20, 2014

29 Carried out the CROs selection for package 11: Bantal – Mukomuko, and package 13: Simpang Rukis – Tanjung Kemuning in Bengkulu province.

Sept. 1, 2014

30 Ms. Hesti Aulia Sari, ST, CRO for Package 11: Bantal - Mukomuko, meet the invitation of the Procurement Committee (Pokja of Procurement Unit/Unit Layanan Pengadaan BBPJN III, PIU/Satker PJN Region I Bengkulu Province).

Oct. 03, 2014

31 Ms. Hot Maria Angelina, ST, CRO for Package 13: Simpang Rukis - Tanjung Kemuning was attended Bid-Opening meeting meet the invitation by the Procurement Committee (Pokja of Procurement Unit/Unit Layanan Pengadaan BBPJN III, PIU/Satker PJN Region II Bengkulu Province).

Oct. 03, 2014

32 Carried out the CROs selection for package 06: pasar Pedati –Kerkap and package 19: Lais - Bintunan in Bengkulu province.

Nov. 27, 2014

33 The elected CROs (Ms. Hot Maria Angelina, ST and Ms. Hesti Aulia Sari, ST) attanded Pre-Bid Meeting and site visit for package 06 (Pasar Pedati – Kerkap) and package 19 (Lais – Bintunan), Bengkulu Province

Dec. 05, 2014

34 The Community Development team CTC WINRIP has carried out the selection of CROs for Package 15: Sibolga – Batas Tapanuli Selatan. The Elected CRO is Ernie Shinta Y. Sitanggang, ST, MT, and Ir. M. Koster Silaen, MT as the substitute CRO (both from Politeknik Negeri Medan / State Polytechnic of Medan)

Dec. 16, 2014,

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject Activities of Community Representative Observers (CROs) Date of Finish/


35 The elected CROs for package 06 (Pasar Pedati – Kerkap) and package 19 (Lais – Bintunan) Bengkulu Province was attanded the Bid-Opening Meeting.

Dec. 29, 2014

36 Ir. M. Koster Silaen, MT as the substitute CRO of Package 15: Sibolga – Batas Tapanuli Selatan was attended the Pre-Bid Meeting.

Jan. 26, 2015

37 Ir. M. Koster Silaen, MT as the substitute CRO of Package 15: Sibolga – Batas Tapanuli Selatan was attended the Bid Opening Meeting

Feb. 23, 2015

38 The Community Development team CTC WINRIP has carried out the selection of CROs for four packages WINRIP in West Sumatera province, as follow;

6 The appointed CRO for Package 07: Indrapura – Tapan, is Ir. Riswandi, M.Si, and Apwiddhal, ST, MT as the substitute CRO, both from State Polytechnic of Padang (Politeknik Negeri Padang).

7 The appointed CRO for Package 08: Batas Pariaman – Manggopoh, is M. Nursyaifi Yulius, MT (Mgt), and Ir. Alzahri, MT as the substitute CRO, both from Bung Hatta University of Padang (Universitas Bung Hatta Padang).

8 The appointed CRO for Package 10: Simpang Empat – Simpang Air Balam, is Ir. Drs. Heldi, M.Si, and Ir. Afrizal Naumar, MT as the substitute CRO, both from Bung Hatta University of Padang (Universitas Bung Hatta Padang).

9 The appointed CRO for Package 12: Kambang – Indrapura, is Syaiful Amri, SST, MT, and B. Army, ST, MT as the substitute CRO, both from State Polytechnic of Padang (Politeknik Negeri Padang)

June 12, 2015

39 The appointed CRO Ir. Riswandi, M.Si for Package 07: Indrapura – Tapan, and the appointed CRO Syaiful Amri, SST, MT for Package 12: Kambang – Indrapura were attended the Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN Region II of West Sumatera Province

The appointed CRO M. Nursyaifi Yulius, MT (Mgt) for Package for Package 08: Batas Pariaman – Manggopoh, , and the appointed CRO Ir. Drs. Heldi, M.Si for Package 10: Simpang Empat – Simpang Air Balam were attended the Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN Region I of West Sumatera Province.

June. 15-16, 2015

40 The appointed CRO Ir. Riswandi, M.Si for Package 07: Indrapura – Tapan, and the appointed CRO Syaiful Amri, SST, MT for Package 12: Kambang – Indrapura were sent the Observation Report on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit.

July. 02, 2015

41 The appointed CRO M. Nursyaifi Yulius, MT (Mgt) for Package for Package 08: Batas Pariaman – Manggopoh, , and the appointed CRO Ir. Drs. Heldi, M.Si for Package 10: Simpang Empat – Simpang Air Balam were sent the Observation Report on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit.

July. 10, 2015

42 The CRO for Package 07: Indrapura – Tapan (Ir. Riswandi, M.Si), and the CRO for Package 12: Kambang – Indrapura (Syaiful Amri, SST, MT) were attended the Bid Opening Meeting.

August 13, 2015

43 The CRO for Package for Package 08: Batas Pariaman – Manggopoh (M. Nursyaifi Yulius, MT (Mgt), and the CRO for Package 10: Simpang Empat – Simpang Air Balam (Ir. Drs. Heldi, M.Si) were attended the Bid Opening Meeting.

August 13, 2015

44 Selection of CROs for packages 16 (Sebelat – Ipuh) in Bengkulu province, as follow;

10 The appointed CRO for Package 16 is Mr. Besperi, ST, MT, and and Ms. Anggi Nidya Sari, ST., MT as the substitute CRO. Both of them were from Bengkulu University.

Nov,.4-5, 2015

45 Selection of CROs for packages 14, 20, and 21 in West Sumatera province, as follow;

11 The Elected CRO for Package 14 (Painan - Kambang) were Mr. M. Nursyaifi Yulius, MT (Mgt), and Mr. Ir. Alzahri, MT, as the substitute CRO, both of them were from Bung Hatta University.

12 The Elected CRO for Package 20 (Lubuk Alung - Sicincin), were Mr. Ir. Riswandi, M.Si and Mr. Syaiful Amri, SST., MT, as the substitute CRO, both of them were from State Politechnic of Padang (Politeknik Negeri Padang).

13 The Elected CRO for Package 21 (Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji) were Mr. Jafril Tanjung, DR. Eng and Mr. Ophiyandri, Ph.D as the substitute CRO, both of them were from Andalas University

Nov,.16-17, 2015

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject Activities of Community Representative Observers (CROs) Date of Finish/


46 The substitute CRO for Package 16: Sebelat – Ipuh, Ms. Anggi Nidya Sari, ST., MT was attended the Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN Region I of Bengkulu Province.

Nov. 05, 2015

47 The substitute CRO for Package 14: Painan - Kambang, Mr. Ir. Alzahri, MT was attended the Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN Region II of West Province.

Nov. 18, 2015

48 The Elected CRO for Package 20 (Lubuk Alung - Sicincin), Mr. Ir. Riswandi, M.Si, was attended the Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN Region I of West Sumatera Province.

Nov. 18, 2015

49 The Elected CRO for Package 21 (Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji), Mr. Jafril Tanjung, DR. Eng, was attended the Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN Region I of West Sumatera Province.

Nov. 18, 2015

50 The substitute CRO for Package 16: Sebelat – Ipuh, Ms. Anggi Nidya Sari, ST., MT was attended the Bid Opening Meeting, invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN Region I of Bengkulu Province.

Nov. 19, 2015

51 The substitute CRO for Package 16: Sebelat – Ipuh, Ms. Anggi Nidya Sari, ST., MT, was sent the observation report on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit

Nov. 25, 2015

52 The CRO for Package 14: Painan - Kambang, Mr. Ir. Alzahri, MT was attended the Bid Opening Meeting as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN Region II of West Province.

Jan. 05, 2016

53 The Elected CRO for Package 20 (Lubuk Alung - Sicincin), Mr. Ir. Riswandi, M.Si, was attended the Bid Opening Meeting as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN Region I of West Sumatera Province.

Jan. 05, 2016

54 The Elected CRO for Package 21 (Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji), Mr. Jafril Tanjung, DR. Eng, was attended the Bid Opening Meeting as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN Region I of West Sumatera Province.

Jan. 05, 2016

55 The Elected CRO for Package 20 (Lubuk Alung - Sicincin), Mr. Ir. Riswandi, M.Si, was sent the Observation Report on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit.

Jan. 06, 2016

56 The CRO for Package 07: Indrapura – Tapan (Ir. Riswandi, M.Si), was sent the Observation Report on Bid Opening and Bid Winner Announcement.

Jan. 19, 2016

57 The CRO for Package 12: Kambang – Indrapura (Syaiful Amri, SST, MT) was sent the Observation Report on Bid Opening and Bid Winner Announcement.

Jan. 19, 2016

58 The CRO for Package 14: Painan - Kambang, (Mr. Ir. Alzahri, MT) was sent the observation report on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit.

Jan. 25, 2016

59 The Elected CRO for Package 21 (Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji), Mr. Jafril Tanjung, DR. Eng, was sent the Observation on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit.

Jan. 29, 2016

60 The CRO for Package for Package 08: Batas Pariaman – Manggopoh (M. Nursyaifi Yulius, MT (Mgt), was sent the Observation Report on Bid Opening and Bid Winner Announcement.

Feb. 17, 2016

61 The CRO for Package 14: Painan - Kambang, (Mr. Ir. Alzahri, MT), was sent the Observation Report on Bid Opening and Bid Winner Announcement

May 10, 2016

62 The Elected CRO for Package 20 (Lubuk Alung - Sicincin), Mr. Ir. Riswandi, M.Si, was sent the Observation Report on Bid Opening and Bid Winner Announcement

May 10, 2016

63 The Elected CRO for Package 21 (Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji), Mr. Jafril Tanjung, DR. Eng, was sent the Observation on Bid Opening and Bid Winner Announcement

May 31, 2016

64 The substitute CRO for Package 16: Sebelat – Ipuh, Ms. Anggi Nidya Sari, ST., MT, was sent the observation report on Bid Opening Meeting and the Announcement of Bid-Winner for Package 16 (Seblat – Ipuh) in Bengkulu Province

September 2016

65 Appointment of the CROs for procurement process of package 05A (Slope Protection of Road Segment of Rampa – Poriaha / Mungkur in North Sumatera Province,. The appointed CRO is Mrs. Ernie Shinta Sitanggang, ST, MT., as the main CRO, and Mr. Ir. M. Koster Silaen, MT, as the reserve / replacement

April 24, 2018

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject Activities of Community Representative Observers (CROs) Date of Finish/


66 Provide Agreement Letter of establishment the CROs for Package 05A that was signed by Director of Roads Network Development, Directorate of Highway.

April 25, 2018

67 The appointed CRO, Mrs. Ernie Shinta Sitanggang, ST, MT was attended the Pre-Bid meeting, as the step of procurement process of package 05A, in Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional (BBPJN) / National Roads Implementation Agency II Medan

April 27, 2018

Appendix H.2

The Progress of Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Activities and Works Plan for Next Steps January 2013 – July 2018

No Subject Activities of Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Target Completed

1. Preparation the initial draft of ToR of selection the TPM Dec, 2013 Dec, 2013

2. Providing the TPM selection guidelines. Dec, 2013 Dec, 2013

3. Providing the Training Materials for the TPM Dec, 2013 Dec, 2013

4. Preparing the official letter from the Director of Planning as Chairman of PMU to Head of BBPJN II & III, about the Selection of TPM.

Jan, 2014 Jan. 24, 2014

5. Preparing the official letter from the Director of Planning as Chairman of PMU to Universities, about the Selection of TPM.

Jan., 2014 Jan 29, 2014

6. Preparing the official letter from the Official in Charge/Ketua Pelaksana Harian PMU to Satker/PPK, about the Selection of TPM

Jan, 2014 Jan 13, 2014

7. Preparing the official letter from the Official in Charge/Ketua Pelaksana Harian PMU to Universities and Satker/PPK, about the Socialization of TPM Selection for Package 01, 02, & 03

Feb. 2014 Feb. 07, 2014 Feb. 13, 2014

8. Socialization of the TPM selection for package 01: Krui - Biha. Feb. 2014 Febr. 14, 2014

9. Socialization of the TPM selection for package 02: Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat and package 03: Manggopoh – Simpang Empat

Feb. 2014 Febr. 18, 2014

10. Preparing the official letter from the Director of Planning as Chairman of PMU to University of Bengkulu, about the Selection of TPM for package 04: Ipuh - Bantal.

Jan, 2014 Febr. 19, 2014

11. Help the PMU on formulating the TPM Evaluation Team March 2014 Febr. 25, 2014

12. Implementation of selection of the TPM for four AWP-1 packages by TPM Evaluation Team

March 2014 March 10, 2014

13. Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for package 01: Krui – Biha in Lampung

June 2014 June 5 - 6, 2014

14 Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for package 02: Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat, and package 03: Mangopoh – Padang Sawah in West Sumatera

June 2014 June 17-18, 2014

15 Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for package 04: Ipuh – Bantal in Bengkulu

July 2014 July 7 – 8, 2014

16 Approval process of elected TPM July 2014 July 7 – 8, 2014

17 Assist PMU to prepare the Decree on Establishment the TPM of AWP-1 WINRIP from Director of Planning DGH, as the Chairman of PMU.

August 2014 Sept. 1, 2014


Sending the Coordination Letter from Director of Planning, Directorate General of Highways to the Head of BBPJN Region I Medan, about Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for package 05 (Simpang Rampa – Poriaha, and package 15 (Sibolga – Tapanuli Selatan border) in North Sumatera.

October 2014 Oct, 07, 2014

19 Sent the Information Letter about participation of Third Party Monitoring (TPM) on WINRIP, from Director of Planning, Directorate General of

October 2014 Oct, 03, 2014

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject Activities of Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Target Completed

Highways to the University of Lampung (UNILA) for package 17 (Simpang Gunung Kemala – Pugung Tampak) in Lampung Province.


Sent the Information Letter about participation of Third Party Monitoring (TPM) on WINRIP, from Director of Planning, Directorate General of Highways to the University of Sumatera Utara (USU) for package 05 (Simpang Rampa – Poriaha) in North Sumatera Province

October 2014 Oct, 03, 2014


Sent the Information Letter about participation of Third Party Monitoring (TPM) on WINRIP, from Director of Planning, Directorate General of Highways to the University of Bengkulu (UNIB) for package 11 (Bantal – Mukomuko) and package 13 (Simpang Rukis - Tanjung Kemuning) in Bengkulu Province.

October 2014 Oct, 20, 2014

22 Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 17 (Simpang Gunung Kemala – Pugung Tampak) Lampung Province

November 2014 Dec. 4, 2014

23 Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 11, and 13, Bengkulu Province

December 2014 Dec. 22, 2014

24 Socialization and Explaination of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 05, and 15 in Universitas Graha Nusantara Padang-sidempuan

January 2015 Jan, 28, 2015

25 Socialization and Explaination of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 05, and 15 in Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan

January 2015 Jan, 30, 2015

26 The Employment Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding between TPM (packages 01, 02, 03, and 04) with the CTC WINRIP (PT. Planners Djaja) has been signed.

November 2014 Feb. 26, 2015

27 Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for package 11: Bantal – Mukomuko and package 13: Simp. Rukis – Tj. Kemuning, in Bengkulu

January 2015 March 11-12, 2015

28 Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 05, and 15, Northern Sumatera Province

March 2015 April 9, 2015

29 Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 06, and 19, in Bengkulu Province

May 2015 May 5, 2015

30 Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for package 06: Pasar Pedati – Kerkap and package 19: Lais – Bintunan, in Bengkulu Province

June 2015 June 4-5, 2015

31 The TPM of package 01 (Krui - Biha) has been doing site observations (field visit) for the first phase

July 2015

32 TPM package 02 (Padang Sawah - Simpang Empat) and package 03 (Mangopoh - Padang Sawah), had conducted a field visit for first phase

July 2015

33 The TPM of package 01 (Krui - Biha) has been done site observations (field visit) for the second phase

3rd week of August 2015

34 The TPM of package 04 (Ipuh - Bantal) has been done site observations (field visit) for the first phase

4th of August 2015

35 The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has monitored the TPM’s Activity on TPM Package 01 Krui - Biha

Agt. 19 -21, 2015

36 The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has monitored the TPM’s Activity on TPM Package 04 Ipuh - Bantal

Agt. 27 -28, 2015

37 The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has monitored the TPM’s Activity on TPM Package 02 (Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat) package 03 (Manggopoh Padang Sawah)

Sept. 10 - 11, 2015

38 The TPM of Package 02 (Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat) an package 03 (Manggopoh Padang Sawah) had been done site observations (field visit) for the first phase

Sept, 2015

39 Delivery of the Preparatory Training for appointed TPM for package 05: Sp. Rampa – Poriaha and package 15: Sibolga – Batas Tapsel in North Sumatera Province

October 9, 2015

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject Activities of Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Target Completed

40 Delivery of the Preparatory Training for appointed TPM for package 17: Sp. Gunung Kemala – Pugung Tampak in Lampung Province

Oct. 22, 2015

41 TPM package 04 Ipuh – Bantal has submitted their Field Visit Monitoring Report to PMU WINRIP

Oct. 27, 2015

42 TPM package 03 Maggopoh – Padang Sawah has submitted their Field Visit Monitoring Report to PMU WINRIP

Nov. 11, 2015

43 TPM package 01 Krui – Biha has submitted their Field Visit Monitoring Report to PMU WINRIP

Nov. 26, 2015

44 The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has monitored the TPM’s Activity on TPM Package 11 (Bantal – Mukomuko) package 13 (Simpang Rukis – Tanjung Kemuning) in Bengkulu Province

Dec. 03-04, 2015

45 Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 07 and 12 in West Sumatera Province

Dec. 22, 2015

46 Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for package 16 in Bengkulu Province

Dec. 29, 2015

47 Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 08 and 10 in West Sumatera Province

Jan. 14, 2016

48 The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has monitored the TPM’s Activity on TPM Package 04 (Ipuh – Bantal) and package 11 (Bantal – Mukomuko) in Bengkulu Province

Apr. 6-8, 2016

49 The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has monitored the TPM’s Activity on TPM Package 02 (Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat) and package 03 (Manggopoh – Padang Sawah) in West Sumatra Province

Apr. 20-22, 2016

50 The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has carry out of Socialization of the TPM for package 14, 20, 21 to Andalas University of padang in BBPJN II Padang.

Apr. 27, 2016

51 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 06 (Pasar Pedati – Kerkap) and package 19 (Lais – Bintunan) in Bengkulu Province.

May 18–20, 2016

52 Community Development team has carry out of TPM selection for package 20 (Lubuk Alung - Sicincin) and package 21 (Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji) in West Sumatera Province

May 26, 2016

53 Community Development team has delivered of the Preparatory Training for appointed TPM for package 07and package 08 in West Sumatera Province

June 9, 2016

54 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 05 (Simpang Rampa – Poriaha) and package 15 (Sibolga – Batas Tapsel) in North Sumatera Province.

June 20–22, 2016

55 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 17 (Simpang Gn. Kemala – Pugung Tampak) in Lampung Province.

July 27–29, 2016

56 Community Development team has carry out of TPM selection for package 14 (Painan – Kambang) in West Sumatera Province

Agt. 11–13, 2016

57 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 06 (Pasar Pedati – Kerkap) in Bengkulu.

Agt. 24–26, 2016


Community Development team has delivered of the Preparatory Training for appointed TPM for package 12 and package 14 in West Sumatera Province

Sept. 27, 2016

59 Community Development team has delivered of the Preparatory Training for appointed TPM for package 20 and package 21 in West Sumatera Province

Oct. 13, 2016

60 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 07 (Indrapura – Tapan) and package 12 (Kambang – Indrapura) in West Sumatera Province.

Nov. 16–19, 2016

61 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on packages 13 (Simpang Rukis – Tanjung Kemuning) in Bengkulu Proince.

Nov. 28–30, 2016

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject Activities of Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Target Completed

62 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 05 (Simpang Rampa – Poriaha) in Nort Sumatera Province.

Dec. 15 - 17, 2016

63 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 08 (Bt. Kota Pariaman – Manggopoh) in West Sumatera Province.

Dec. 22 - 24, 2016

64 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 06 (Ps. Pedati – Kerkap) in Bengkulu Province.

Dec. 29 - 31, 2016


Community Development team was facilitation TPM for package 04 (Ipuh - Bantal) and package 11 (Bntal – Mukomuko) of Bengkulu Province, meeting with Management of PT. Perentjana Djaja, on topic of reimbursement of TPM monitoring cost.

Jan. 16, 2017

66 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 20 (Lubuk Alung – Sicincin) and package 21 (Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji) in West Sumatera Province.

March 2 - 4, 2017

67 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 14 (Painan – Kambang) in West Sumatera Province.

March 15 - 17, 2017

68 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 17 (Simp. Gng Kemala – Pugung Tampak) in Lampung Province.

March 22 - 24, 2017

69 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 12 (Kambang – Indrapura) in West Sumatera Province.

April 10 - 12, 2017

70 Community Development team has delivered of the Preparatory Training for appointed TPM for package 16 in Bengkulu Province

April 27, 2017

71 Develop Report of Preparatory Training for TPM of package 16 (Sebelat - Ipuh) in Bengkulu

May 2, 2017

72 Develop Evaluation Report on Implementation of Third Party Monitoring (TPM) from the project beginning up to May 2017

May 4-8, 2017

73 Prepare draft Special Report of the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP) as a part of draft CTC WINRIP Final Report or Project Completing Report

Begin on May 9, 2017

74 Prepare the response to Supreme Audit Board / Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Republic of Indonesia findings on funding the Third Party Monitoring from Provisional Sums.

May 29-30, 2017

75 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 15 (Sibolga – Batas Tapsel) and package 05 (Simpang Rampa – Poriaha) in North Sumatera Province.

June 13 - 17, 2017

76 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 16 (Seblat – Ipuh) in Bengkulu Province.

July 26 - 28, 2017

77 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 08 (Batas Kota Pariaman – Manggopoh) in West Sumatera Province.

Agt. 28 - 30, 2017

78 Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on package 14 (Painan –Kambang) in West Sumatera Province.

Sept. 14 - 16, 2017

79 Community Development team has monitored the TPM Activity for Package 12 (Kambang – Indrapura) phase 2, in West Sumatera Province.

Oct. 04 – 06, 2017

80 Community Development team has monitored the TPM Activity for Package 17 (Simpang Gunung Kemala – Pugung Tampak) phase 3, in Lampung Province.

Oct. 16 – 18, 2017

81 Community Development team has monitored the TPM Activity for Package 20 (Lubuk Alung – Sicincin) phase 2, in West Sumatera Province

Oct. 26 – 28, 2017

82 Community Development team has monitored the TPM Activity for Package 21 (Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji) phase 2, in West Sumatera Province.

Nov. 15 – 17, 2017

83 Community Development team has monitored the TPM Activity for Package 07 (Indrapura – Tapan) phase 2, in West Sumatera Province

Nov. 22 – 24, 2017

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject Activities of Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Target Completed

84 Community Development team has monitored the TPM Activity for third phase of Package 08 (Batas Kota Pariaman – Manggopoh), in West Sumatera Province.

Dec. 13 – 15, 2017

85 Community Development team has monitored the TPM Activity for second phase of Package 13 (Simpang Rukis – Tanjung Kemuning) in Bengkulu Province

Dec. 20 - 22, 2017

86 Community Development team has monitored th TPM Activity for third phase of Package 07 (Indrapura – Tapan)in West Sumatera Province

Jan. 22 – 25, 2018

87 Community Development team has monitored th TPM Activity for third phase of Package 20 (Lubuk Alung – Sicincin) in West Sumatera Province

Feb. 7 – 9, 2018

88 Community Development team has monitored the TPM Activity for third phase of Package 05 (Simpang Rampa – Poriaha) in North Sumatera Province

Feb. 21 – 23, 2018

89 Community Development team has monitored the TPM Activity for second phase of Package 15 (Sibolga – Batas Tapsel) in North Sumatera Province

March 21 – 23, 2018

90 Community Development team has monitored the TPM Activity for second phase of Package 16 (Seblat – Ipuh), in Bengkulu Province.

March 26 – 28, 2018

91 Community Development team has monitored TPM Activity for second phase of package 13 (Simpang Rukis – Tanjung Kemuning) in Bengkulu Province.

April 19 – 22, 2018

92 Community Development team has monitored TPM Activity for third phase of package 12 (Kambang – Indrapura) in West Sumatera Province.

May 03 – 06 2018

93 Community Development team has monitored TPM Activity for second phase of package 14 (Painan - Kambang) in West Sumatera Province.

May 22 – 24 2018

94 Community Development team has monitored TPM Activity for third phase of package 15 (Sibolga – Batas Tapsel) in North Sumatera Province.

July 11 – 13, 2018

95 Community Development team has monitored TPM Activity for third phase of package 16 (Seblat - Ipuh) in Bengkulu Province.

July 25 – 27, 2018

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix H.3 Works Activities on Complaints Handling Mechanism System (CHS)

March 2013 – July 2018

No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks on Handling CHS Completion Plan/

Progress Condition

1 Review of Minister Decree of Public Works No. 323/2005 concerning the procedures of Handling input from communities on the environment of the Ministry of Public Works

April 18, 2013

2 Preparation of Complaints Register and the complaints address (developing of web site of WINRIP) and provided ACAP to inputting data in the web site.

Completed on the middle of Feb. 2014.

3 Preparation of Complaint Handling Procedure (already available on the website application

April 2014

4 The completion of the Initial investigation of a complaint Procedure, and the procedure for the investigation of Complaints, as well as the conclusion of investigation (already available on the website application

April 2014

5 Monitored and noted the public complaints via SiPP website and WINRIP website, but until December 2014 have no complaint about the WINRIP programs

December 2014


Clarification of Community complaint for package 02 & 03 by Jejak Media Group (JMG) by Mr. Buyung on gravel aggregate materials, routine maintenance, and watering work site (dust pollution). It has been followed up by PPK 09 and PPK 10 to hold a clarification meeting, followed by the elements PPK, Supervision Consultant (DSC), and Jejak Media Group (JMG).

March 23, 2015


Clarification of information of work implementation on package 04: Ipuh - Bantal was unfavorable, by TPM member (Mr. Hardiansyah, ST, MT). The information obtained from the local mass media. The problem is that the people around the location of the package Ipuh - Bantal especially road users complained about the excavation of road widening is left open for an extended period of time without equipped with signs and safety fence, felt very dangerous, especially when driving at night, and according to the information some of the riders had been an accident which the vehicle plunged into the hole dug. This information has been followed up by PPK 01 Bengkulu together with the Supervision Consultant (DSC Field Team) to instruct the Contractor to install traffic signs and safety fences in places that endanger of road user

March 26, 2015


On May 11, 2015, Mr. Dr. M. Fauzi, ST, MT,, the main observer of the Third Party Monitoring for Package 11 (Bantal - Mukomuko) Bengkulu Province, conveying information from local newspaper clippings (Koran Rakyat Bengkulu) containing news that a 1.5-year-old toddler fell and nearly drowned in the excavation of the road widening Package 11 (Bantal - Mukomuko) which flooded about 80 cm deep. That is because the excavation is situated in the location residential and not immediately undertaken, and were not given the signs and safety fence. The complaint was submitted to the PMU and forwarded to the related PIU / PPK to be clarified. Until the end of May there has been no follow-up report to the complaint from the PIU / PPK 01 linked.

May 11, 2015


The CHS team has been received the copy of complaints letter from Tender Participants on package 08 to the Procurement Committee. Disclaimer of submitted by the tender participants of package 08 (Batas Kot Pariaman – Manggopoh) PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk – PT. Yasa Patria Perkasa, JO by letter No: ADHI-YASA/12/I/2016 dated January 12, 2016, to the Procurement Committee concerning to the results of Bid Evaluation Report (BER) section III, clause 4, point 4.2 (b): Specific Construction Experience in Key Activities

specifically on the experience of aggregate base production.

Jan. 15, 2016


CHS team has been received the other similar complaint to the Procurement Committee was submitted by the same tender participant of package 12: Painan – Kambang (PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk – PT. Yasa Patria Perkasa, JO) by letter No: ADHI-YASA/11/I/2016 dated January 4, 2016. The content of complaint was the similar subject i.e. the results of Bid Evaluation Report (BER) section III, clause 4, point 4.2 (b): Specific Construction Experience in Key Activities specifically on the experience of aggregate base production

Jan. 15, 2016

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks on Handling CHS Completion Plan/

Progress Condition


CHS team has been received the complaints from Riki Susanato (Konsorsium Nasional LSM Provinsi Bengkulu) dated February 02, 2016. Riki Susanato and Edy Novriansyah had sent a letter No: 06/Khusus/XII/2015 dated December 11, 2015 on a request for public information related to the documents of WINRIP project in Bengkulu province. But this request was unable to fulfill by Satker PJN Wil. I of Bengkulu Province, especially in relation to Contract Document / Letter of Agreement between the Project Implementation Unit of WINRIP for Bengkulu Province with the Contractors. By not granting of the request of the documents, then Riki Susanto delivered the complaint through the Complaint Handling System (CHS) of WINRIP website ( The complaint was submitted to the PMU WINRIP and the relevant stakeholders to immediately follow-up.

Feb. 02, 2016


On January 20, 2016, there was a World Bank letter No. 281 on reviewing Bid Evaluation Report (BER) for Package 16: Seblat – Ipuh in Bengkulu Province. World Bank has and have comments on the Bina Marga proposed rejection of the five lower priced bidders. As a follow up of these comments, on February 10, 2016 has been held Discussion Meeting to respond to the letter. Meeting followed by elements from the WB, PMU, Pokja PJN Reg. 1 of Bengkulu Province. Clarification should be explained in the revision of BER and sent to World Bank.

January 20, 2016 February 10, 2016


The Complaint from Civil Society of villages in around the project STA 28+900 (Desa Pondok Kandang, Desa Pondok Suguh, dan Desa Karya Mulya) was submitted through a letter of district head (Surat Camat) of Pondok Suguh, No. 620.52/56/K.05/IV/2016 dated April 11, 2016, sent to the Supervision Consultants (Field Team DSC of Package 04) on the request of one extra culvert / box culvert again, because the existing culvert in small size and its surface less downward, which is predicted when it rains the water could not flow easily or drained from the settlement and the Villages will be flooded.

April 11, 2016


Complaint by Buyung Fajri from Jejak Community sent to PMU WINRIP" via e-mail on subject of performance audit of PT, JAYA KONTRUKSI MP.Tbk that was Addendum until April 19, 2016 but the work is still ongoing until April 23 2016, how it could happen, we ask for explanation

May 11, 2016,


Complaint by Buyung Fajri from Jejak Community sent to PMU WINRIP" via e-mail on subject evaluation of stone masonry works on bridge approach of Air Gadang Bridge in package 02 (Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat) West Sumatera Province. The stone masonry works by contractor PT. JAYA KONTRUKSI MP.Tbk is bed quality, did not match to the specification

May 14, 2016


Complaint by Buyung Fajri from Jejak Community sent to PMU WINRIP" via e-mail and to Menteri PUPERA by e-mail minister of Public Works and on subject of the National Road in Pasaman Barat - West Sumatra province, many of them were which seriously damaged.

May 17, 2016

17 Complaint by Buyung Fajri from Jejak Community sent to PMU WINRIP" via e-mail on subject that Air Gadang Bridge until May 31, 2016 is not yet be finished.

May 31, 2016


The Community Development Officer and Information Management Specialist was meeting with World Bank (Mr. Andri Wibisono) on topic of completeness the WINRIP website included Complaint Handling System (CHS). The main subject is the completeness of the website application program, the completeness data sources, and the applicable and accessible of this website, so everyone can access or find the data that they needs.

August 2, 2016


On January 30, 2017 Complaint Unit has received one complaint from someone named Buyung Fajri from Non-Government Organization “JEJAK Community”. It is complained of is that, the contract value is not listed on the information board and workers of heavy equipment Operators are not using personal safety (K3) i.e helmet

January 30, 2017

20 Complaint Unit has received one complaint from Buyung Fajri from Non-Government Organization “JEJAK Community” thru email dated February 15, 2017, regarding the implementation of WINRIP Packages No.21 Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji

February 15, 2017

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks on Handling CHS Completion Plan/

Progress Condition

21 On February 16, 2017, Complaint Unit has received one complaint from Buyung Fajri (Non-Government Organization “JEJAK Community”) thru email, regarding the maintenance of WINRIP Packages No.03 Manggopoh – Padang Sawah

February 16, 2017


Complaint Handling Unit of CTC has received public complaints from Buyung Fajri (Non-Government Organization “JEJAK”), thru email on March 5, 14, and 21, 2017, regarding the condition of retaining wall on approach road of Air Gadang Bridge in Packages No. 02 Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat. This package has been PHO on April 14, 2016 is now entered the maintenance period.

March 5, 14, and 21, 2017

23 Complaint Handling Unit of CTC has received public complaints from Buyung Fajri (Non-Government Organization “JEJAK”), thru email on March 21, 2017, regarding the implementation of WINRIP Packages No.21 Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji

March 21, 2017


On April 6, 2017 was complaint from Berita Harian Sumbar (Non-Government Organization), thru email to the World Bank’s Highway Engineer Mr. Agus Sjamsudin ( regarding the implementation of Package 20 Lubuk Alung – Sicincin on concrete reinforcement of drainage structure was not in accordance with the specification, and the bad quality of mortar for retaining wall

April 6, 2017 Clarified April 13, 2017


Complaint Handling Unit of CTC has received public complaints from Buyung Fajri (Non-Government Organization “JEJAK”), thru email on April 7, 2017 and April 23, 2017, regarding the implementation of WINRIP Packages No.21 Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji. The Contractor PT. MULTI STRUCTURE ignores the road user's safety.

April 7, 2017 April 23, 2017

26 Prepare the Response of the complaints from Mr. Buyung Fajri (Non-Government Organization “JEJAK”) of April 23, 2017 regarding the implementation of WINRIP Packages No.21 Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji

May 2, 2017

27 Complaint Handling Unit of CTC has received public complaints thru email on July 10, 2017, regarding the implementation of package 12 (Kambang - Indrapura) in West Sumatera Province, on subject of Asphalt pavement quality.

July 10, 2017


The Complaint Handling Unit of PMU has received one public complaints submitted by Mr. Buyung Fajri (Non-Government Organization "JEJAK") thru email (, regarding the implementation of WINRIP Package No. 12: Kambang – Indrapura in West Sumatera Province. The Subject of complaint is the Contractor PT. LMA - CTA, performs paving/asphalting work at the night and during the rain. This would reduce the quality of work is not in accordance with specifications

August 20, 2017

29 The Complaint Handling Unit has received one complaint from NGO “Portal Bengkulu” regarding implementation of Package 16 (Sebelat – Ipuh)

Dec. 19, 2017


The public complaints submitted by Mr. Yudha from “Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia” (Indonesian Transportation Society) of West Sumatera Province, thru WhatsApp to the Minister of Public Works and Housing, on January 30, 2018 regarding the implementation of WINRIP Package No. 21: Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji in West Sumatera Province. The subject of the complaint is that package 21 (Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji) should be finished (Professional Hand Over "PHO") or take over on December 31, 2017. The reality of implementation progress is only about 50%, even execution time is extended or an addendum of time. This is an indication that something is wrong with the implementation of the package. Up to May 2018 the PMU/PIU has not provided information on the answer to the complaint.

Jan. 30, 2018

Other Activity

1 The establishment of the settlement Commission Handling the Complaint under the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Public Works (Executing Agency) if it necessary

Will establish if there is a case that needs special handling

2 Preparation of the device for Executing Agency such as: Procedures announcement of penalties, procedures for the annual Survey, Procedure Annual Independent Review, the process of Auctions

Done by Procurement Specialist and the Contract Examiner Committee

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks on Handling CHS Completion Plan/

Progress Condition

3 The development of a code of conduct and actions for Implementing Institutions/ Implementing Agency (Bidders, Suppliers, contractors and Consultants)

Done by PMU of DGH

4 Support the PMU in the Management and Monitoring of the implementation policy in handling public complaints

Have been carried out throughout project implementation period

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix H.4 Works Activities on Publication / Disclosure Activities

January 2013 – July 2018

No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks of Publication / Disclosure Completion Plan/

Progress Condition

1 Conducted Workshop of Procurement Document Evaluation for POKJA, Satker/PPK, Balai BBPJN and PMU

February 28, 2013 – March 01, 2013

2 Conducted Workshop of World Bank Guidelines of Procurement for WINRIP to the POKJA, Satker/PPK, Balai BBPJN and PMU

April 24 – 25, 2013

3 Review training materials on Project Management Manual (PMM), especially CHAPTER XI of the anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP)

First updating April 29, 2013

4 The second Review of training materials on Project Management Manual (PMM), Chapter I - XII

Second updating on December 18, 2013

5 The third Review of training materials on Project Management Manual (PMM), Chapter I - XII

third updating on April, 2014

6. Preparing Method Transparency to the Public, and Improvement the procedures to the Public Disclosure through information media (website).

Establishment of Information System (MIS) was finish on

March 2014

7. The updating of Project Management Manual (PMM), Chapter 3, 9, 11, and 13, has been held in Bogor

June 2014

8 Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for AWP-a packages: 01, 02, and 03

June 2014

9 Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for AWP-a packages: 04 July 2014

10 The implementation of Dissemination/training of the PMM to Stakeholders for Packages 01, 02, 03, and 04

September 10 - 11 2014

11 Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of the Community Representative Observers (CROs) activities for packages 01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 11, 13, 05, 06, 19, and 15 into the WINRIP’s website.

From Augt 2013 – April, 2015

12 Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) activities for packages 01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 11, and 13 into the WINRIP’s website.

From Augt 2013 – April, 2015

13 Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of Procurement of Contractors for packages 01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 11, 13, 05, 06, and 19 into the WINRIP’s website.

From Augt 2013 – April, 2015

14 Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of Environmental activities for packages 01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 11, 13, 05, 06, and 19 into the WINRIP’s website.

From Augt 2013 – April, 2015

15 Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of Social Safeguard / LARAP for packages 01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 11, 13, 05, 06, and 19 into the WINRIP’s website.

From Augt 2013 – April, 2015

16 Inputting / upload / update of Progress Report/ Actual Status (fisichal works and financial) of each package that has been contracted (packages 01, 02, 03, and 04) into the WINRIP’s website.

From Augt 2013 – April, 2015

17 Inputting / upload of Monthly Progress Report (MPR December 2012 – December 2014) into the WINRIP’s website.

Every Month

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks of Publication / Disclosure Completion Plan/

Progress Condition

18 Inputting / upload of Quarterly Progress Report (QPR December 2012 – December 2014) into the WINRIP’s website.

Every Three Months

19 Delivery the IFM Training for Stakeholders (Official and staff of Satker, Official and staff of PPK) packages 01, 02, 03, and 04.

26 – 27 November 2014

20 Publish the Quarterly Newsletter on official website of MPW and WINRIP’s website

Every three months for Quarterly Newsletter October –

December 2015

21 Delivery the IFM Training for Stakeholders (Official and staff of Satker, Official and staff of PPK) packages 05, 11, 13, and 17.

Feb. 11 - 12, 2015

22 Report of Technical and Financial Audit Consultants (TFAC) for Packages 02 and 03 has been received from TFAC Team

Feb. 27, 2015


Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for package 11: Bantal – Mukomuko and package 13: Simp. Rukis – Tj. Kemuning, in Bengkulu. This training followed the elements of TPM, Satker/PPK, Contractors, Supervision Consultants, and Balai BBPJN III Palembang. This training is intended to provide an explanation of the scope of duties of TPM and provide information to all elements involved in the implementation of the project that the community be involved in monitoring the implementation of the project which is represented by the TPM, in accordance with the Loan Agreement.

March 11 – 12, 2015

24 Publish the Quarterly Newsletter on official website of MPW and WINRIP’s website

Every three months for Quarterly Newsletter January –

March 2015

25 Delivery of PMM Socialization to Stakeholders (Balai BBPJN III, PIU/PPK, contractors and Supervision Consultants ‘DSC’) for four Packages (06, 11, 13, and 19) in Bengkulu Province

May 6 – 7, 2015


Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM and Work Plan for manage and monitor the Environment / Rencana Kerja Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan (RKPPL) for package 06: Ps. Pedati – Kerkap and package 19: Lais – Bintunan, in Bengkulu. This training followed the elements of TPM, Satker/PPK, Contractors, Supervision Consultants, and Balai BBPJN III Palembang.

June 4 – 5, 2015

27 Publish the Quarterly Newsletter on official website of MPW and WINRIP’s website

Every three months for Quarterly Newsletter April –

June 2015

28 The Mid-Term Report of the first semester 2015 has been written by the early of July 2015

July, 2015

29 Delivery of PMM Training for Stakeholders (PPK, contractors and Supervision Consultants ‘DSC’) for Packages 17, 05, and 15

November 23 – 24, 2015

30 Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of the Community Representative Observers (CROs) activities for packages 07, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 21 into the WINRIP’s website.

From May – Dec, 2015

31 Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) activities for packages 05, 06, 07, 12, 15, 19 and 16 into the WINRIP’s website.

December, 2015

32 Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of Procurement of Contractors for packages 07, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 21 into the WINRIP’s website.

From June – Dec, 2015

33 Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of Environmental activities for 07, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 21 into the WINRIP’s website.

From May – Dec, 2015

34 Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of Social Safeguard / LARAP for packages for 07, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 21 into the WINRIP’s website.

From May – Dec, 2015

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks of Publication / Disclosure Completion Plan/

Progress Condition

35 Inputting / upload / update of Progress Report/ Actual Status (physically works, financial and audits) of each package that has been contracted (packages 05, 06, 07, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19) into the WINRIP’s website.

From May – Dec, 2015

36 Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of the Community Representative Observers (CROs) activities for packages 14, 20 and 21 into the WINRIP’s website.

January, 2016

37 Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) activities for packages 14, 20, and 21 into the WINRIP’s website.

December, 2015

38 Updated the Project Management Manual (PMM) Chapter III : Planning and Programming

January, 2016

39 Review and Updated of the Project Management Manual (PMM) Chapter IX : Performance Monitoring and Evaluation,

March, 2016

40 Review and Updated of the Project Management Manual (PMM) Chapter XI: Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP)

April, 2016

41 Review and Updated of Power-point presentation of the Project Management Manual (PMM) Chapter IX : Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, Chapter XI: Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP)

June, 2016


The Information Management Specialist and Community Development Officer immediately follow up the results of the meeting with World Bank to be completed and perfected. The results of that meeting be used as an ingredient of Kick-off and Wrap-up Meeting, which would then be inserted in the Final Adie Memoire of August 11, 2016

August 11, 2016


Delivery of PMM Socialization to Stakeholders (Balai BPJN III, PIU/Satker Region I and II of West Sumatera, PPK 06 (pack. 20), PPK 10 (Pack. 08 & 21), PPK 14 (Pack. 14), PPK 15 (Pack. 07), contractors and Supervision Consultants ‘DSC’) for four Packages (07, 08, 14, 20, and 21) in West Sumatera Province

Augt. 29 –31, 2016

44 Delivery of TPM Preparatory Training for packages 12 and 14 in Padang, West Sumatera

Sept. 26 – 28, 2016

45 The CTC (Community Development Team) has been carried out preparatory training for Third Party Monitoring (TPM) of packages 20 and 21 in Padang, West Sumatera.

October 13, 2016

46 Review and identify the changing of Project Management Manual (PMM) Modules from Revision-1 version to Revision-2.

Oct. 18 - 24, 2016

47 Prepare draft of Agreement Letter of Director of Roads Net Working Development on establishment of Working Group /Task Force for updating and improvement of the PMM.

Oct. 25 - 27, 2016

48 Prepare draft proposal of Price Adjustment /Escalation Workshop for the WINRIP

Oct. 28 – Nov. 14, 2016

49 During January 2017 all CTC Professional were prepare the updating the Project Management Manual (PMM)

January 2017

50 During February 2017 all CTC Professional were updated the Project Management Manual (PMM) for revision 2. The Community Development Officer was updated Chapters III, IX, XI, and XIII.3.

February 2017

51 Prepare the response to Supreme Audit Board / Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Republic of Indonesia findings on funding the Third Party Monitoring from Provisional Sums, and meeting with BPK.

May 29-30, 2017

52 During January 2018 the Community Development Officer was updated the Project Management Manual (PMM) for last final update of Chapters III, IX, XI, and XIII.3.

Jan. 15 – 19, 2018

53 During March 2018 the Community Development Officer in collaboration with Information Management Specialist was updated the list of Complaint Handling

March 2018

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks of Publication / Disclosure Completion Plan/

Progress Condition

in website of WINRIP (


On April 2018 the Community Development Officer in collaboration with Information Management Specialist was updated the data of CROs of Package 05A Slope Protection of Roads Segment of Rampa – Poriaha in North Sumatera Province in website of WINRIP (

April 2018

Activities Plan for Next Step

1 Delivering the other training programs of WINRIP shall inline of project implementation progress.

Depend on project implementation progress

2 Public Expose on ACAP to the civil society forum in each project location (each package)

Before the construction works started

3 Monitoring of the implementation of disclosure and transparency of information to each package during contraction period.

Plan for three time monitoring to field for each package during

contraction period

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix H.5 Status of WINRIP’s Anti-Corruption Action Plan Activity

Edition: July, 2018


AREA No ACTIONS STATUS (as of July 31, 2018)



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1 MPWH will provide the contact information for

complaints related to WINRIP in the PIP, PMM, and

MPWH website and in the bidding documents.

Complaint Handling System has been established, written in PMM

(Chapter 11.4), and published on DGH website

( linked to WINRIP website


Contact information is provided in the Bidding Documents Chapter 2:

Instruction to Bidders (Instruksi Kepada Peserta Lelang - IKP 34).

2 Work Programs and Procurement Plan published on

the official MPWH website and made it available to

the public.

Work Programs and Procurement Plan available in the MPWH

website ( and in the WINRIP website (on, click Pengadaan to see all the data on

Procurement Plan, Procurement Information, and List of Contract

awarded). - Procurement data for package 05A is under process uploading in to

the website. 3 Procurement Plan updated annually. The last version has been sent to the WB at March 12, 2018.

4 Quarterly newsletter published on the official website

of MPWH, including information concerning the list of

contracts, implementation progress, project-related

workshops and the number, typology, and status of


Quarterly newsletter is updated every three months. Three

newsletters were published in 2015 (the first one corresponds to the

period between January and March, 2015); and three newsletters

were also published in 2016. The latest newsletter (January – March,

2018) has been published on the WINRIP website

( linked to DGH website


These newsletters include the summary of the physical works

implementation progress, the list of the trainings/workshops hold,

and other relevant information on contracting aspects.

5 Quarterly newsletter sent by MPWH to the civil

society forum in each project province in hard copy or

through an electric mailing system.

The Quarterly Newsletter is always sent to the civil society forum: i.e.

Indonesian Road Development Association/ Himpunan

Pengembangan Jalan Indonesia (HPJI) and Indonesian Transportation

Society/Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia (MTI) in central level and

to the provincial level where the WINRIP project are developed, by e-


The latest newsletter of April – June 2018 has been published and been sent to the civil society forum by e-mail and by mail in July 2018.

6 Bidding documents, short-list of consultants and

requests for proposals (this provision does not include

actual bids and proposals), issued in accordance with

the procurement provisions of the loan agreement,

are available to any member of public promptly upon

request, subject to payment of a reasonable fee for

producing bidding documents and request for

proposals. The documents are available until a year

after completion of the contract for the goods, works

or services in question.

The Bidding Documents such as: Standard Bidding Document, Bid

Invitations, Instruction to Bidders, General Specifications, Detailed

Engineering Design/Drawing, General Condition of Contracts, Special

Condition, Bill of Quantity, Owner Estimate, etc, are available on

MPWH website ( and some of them were also

uploaded in WINRIP website (

Packages 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, and 21 have been already awarded.

Packages 09, 10 and 18 were cancelled from list of WINRIP Program.

Package 05A is under procurement process.

7 Information as follows published in UNDB on-line, and

on MPWH website within two weeks of contract

award (after Bank’s no objection): (a) name of each

bidder who submitted a bid; (b) bid prices as read out

at the bid opening; (c) name and evaluated prices of

each bid; (d) name of bidders whose bids were

rejected and the reasons for rejection; and (e) name of

the winning bidders and the prices, as well as the

duration and summary scope of the contract awarded.

ICB Contract Award Notices for packages 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 08, 11, 12, 13, 15, and 17 were published in UNDB on-line and on the MPWH website (

NCB Contract Award Notices for packages 06, 07, 14, 16, 19, 20, and 21 were published on the MPWH website. Package 05A is under procurement process.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project


AREA No ACTIONS STATUS (as of July 31, 2018)

8 List of all contracts awarded in the three months

preceding the date of the request by any person or

company request are available, including the name of

the contractor/ supplier/ consultant, the contract

amount, the number of bidders/proposals, the

procurement method and the purpose of the contract.

All this information is available on the WINRIP website. However, no

request from any person or company has been received.

The physical progress data of the under-construction packages had

been completed including contract changes such as review design,

CCO, technical justification, memorandum, addendum, etc.

9 Final audit reports (financial or otherwise, including

qualified audit reports) and all formal responses of the

Government in relation to such reports should be

publicly available on the MPWH website within one

month after the report is accepted as final.

The Final Audit for the years 2012, 2013 2014, and 2015 have been

completed, and the related reports uploaded on the WINRIP website.

Moreover, DGH has sent the audit results response to the Bank.

The Final Audit for 2016 had been held by BPK, and the Findings has

been followed-up by DGH and the related parties, and the Audit

Response Report has been sent to the Bank by December 18, 2017.

The BPK’s Audit Finding Report for 2017, not yet been received by

the DGH.

10 Financial, technical, and physical progress of the

project monitored by an IT system (integrated SiPP) as

publicly accessible project monitoring system.

These reports are available on the WINRIP website:

The financial, technical, and physical progress have been completed with information of contractors’ names, number of contract, date of contract, contract volume/amount, duration of contract, etc.

The tutorial guidance has been developed and sent by MIS specialist.

The financial progress report is updated every three months as the IFR quarterly report.

The technical and physical progress is updated every month as the Monthly Progress Report, and every three months as the Quarterly Progress Report.



d C







11 Representatives of civil society groups invited to

attend the public bid openings and other key

procurement steps. Community Representative

Observers (CROs) invited from local universities or

other selected independent institutions. Attendance

list for the procurement/selection process signed.

The CROs for 19 packages (01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21) have been appointed, and have attended the required meeting (Pre-Bid Meeting and Bid Opening Meeting). Attendances list are available.

The CRO for package 05A has been appointed on April 24, 2018, and has been attended the Pre-Bid meeting on April 27, 2018.

12 Guidelines on appropriate procedures for the above

provided in the PMM.

The Appropriate procedures are written in PMM Chapter 11.2, and in

the TOR of CROs Selection.

13 Third Party Monitoring (TPM) mechanism established.

This mechanism includes regular sharing of

information with the media.

TPM for 19 packages had been selected (packages 01, 02, 03, 04,

05, 06, 07, 08, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, and 21).

TPM Letter of Agreement for the above-mentioned 19 packages

had been signed.

The Agreement of TPM operational funding between TPM and CTC

(PT. Perentjana Djaja) has been signed for the above-mentioned 18


Packages 09, 10, and 18 were cancelled from the list of WINRIP


TPM for package 05A under preparing to appointing, waiting the

completing bidding process.

14 Annual Accountability Meetings held. First meeting

held at the province level before procurement of

contractors or service providers.

The Annual Accountability Meetings were held through the following


Coordination meeting at the Regional level (Balai- BBPJN) and in each province.

Public Expose of LARAP to the community around the project area.

Socialization of projects during selection of CROs and TPM at local universities near project sites and in the same province. (Detail dates of socialization meeting and training of the CROs and TPM can be found in the Monthly or Quarterly Report of WINRIP on the WINRIP website).

Public expose and dissemination of information to inhabitants around the project is delivered through Project Information Board.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project


AREA No ACTIONS STATUS (as of July 31, 2018)

PMM workshop has been carried out in: o Padang on September 12, 2014 for packages 01, 02, 03, and 04. o Bengkulu on May 6 – 7, 2015 for packages 06, 11, 13, and 19. o Bogor on November 24 – 25, 2015 for packages 05, 15, and 17. o Padang on August 29 – 30, 2016, for packages 07, 08, 12, 14, 20,

and 21. o Bengkulu on April 27, 2017 for package 16.



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15 Enhanced complaints handling mechanism, which

includes maintaining project complaint log and filing

to monitor status of follow-up of each complaint,

established by the MPWH.

A Complaint Handling System has been established, written in PMM

(Chapter 11.4), and published on WINRIP website (http://chs.winrip-


Complaints received acknowledged to the

complainant by the PIU within seven (7) days of

receipt with a copy to PMU, DGH and then World

Bank. Bid-related complaints received during bid

evaluation period responded after the contract award.

All complaints handling component included in the

MPWH website, and updated on a monthly basis.

24 complaints have been followed up to January, 2018.

Complaints are handled by the Secretariat of CHU under PMU WINRIP.

Dispute resolution of complaints will be handled by different institutions (PPK, Satker, Inspectorate General, Komisi Penyelesaian Pengaduan), depending on the type of complaints (i.e. general matters, technical matters, or specific matters).

17 Information concerning the alternative conduits for

complaints (telephone hotline, dedicated email

address and PO Box) widely disseminated.

The information of complaint procedures has been disseminated to the different institutions related to project implementation (PPK, Satker, Contractors, Engineer/ Supervision Consultants) during PMM workshops and to the CROs & TPM during introductory training. The PPKs published the complaint procedures through their Project Information Board.

18 Strict procedures to ensure anonymity of informants. The procedures ensure anonymity of informants.

19 Recording and appropriate referral of all incoming

complaints undertaken by MPWH with each case

generating an automatic, standard format report to

the Bank.

It has been established on the WINRIP website (http://chs.winrip-







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20 “Semi E-Tendering” on the MPWH official public

website used by MPWH for both, works and

consultant services. Key information (see list)

published on the official website ( (a)

invitation for bids; (b) download of bidding

documents; (c) bid clarifications; (d) minutes of bid

opening; (e) information of contract award.

Semi e-procurement was applied before November 2014 and full e-

procurement was applied afterward.

21 All specifications defined in the bidding documents,

and all clarifications sought through written

correspondence and replies sent to all bidders.


22 Key indicators of submitted bids analyzed by MPWH,

through CTC. Short technical report for each group of

bidding (the bidding packages simultaneously invited)

prepared and shared with the Bank.

Short technical reports for each contracted package have been

individually prepared and shared with the Bank except for the

packages under AWP-1 (packages 01, 02, 03, and 04), where a group

report was prepared.

23 Contracts awarded within original bid validity period. There were six (6) contracts awarded within the original bid validity period (packages 04, 06, 11, 13, 17, and 19).

Twelve (12) contracts were awarded after the original bid validity period (packages 01, 02, 03, 05, 07, 08, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, and 21).

Bidding for package 05A is failed bidding, so that should take re-bid process.

24 Guidelines for preparation of specifications/selection

criteria in the bidding documents and request for

proposals prepared to ensure compliance with the

Bank Guidelines.


25 FIDIC arrangements used by MPWH with the

independent supervision consultant having

responsibility as the “Engineer” in the works contracts.


Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project


AREA No ACTIONS STATUS (as of July 31, 2018)

26 Criteria for nominating procurement committees

established by MPWH. Each Project Implementation

Unit includes a specified procurement officer and

financial management officer.


27 Procedures to maintain proper project and

procurement filing established by MPWH, including

filing of advertisements, bidding documents/request

for proposals, clarifications/addenda to bidding

document/request for proposals, minutes of bid

opening, evaluation reports, contract award and final

contract documents, and also for regular review of

accounting reports, including all supporting

documents (i.e. travel report, receipts, etc.).


28 Regular interim audits conducted by third parties,

which include review of procurement process and











29 Remedial actions and sanctions for cases of fraud and

corruption that are reported and for which evidence is

found established by MPWH.

No cases of fraud and corruption have been encountered so far.

However, in one bidding process a bidder was rejected because the

bidding commission considered that some of the submitted

information was not genuine.

30 Information regarding fraud, corruption, collusion

and/or coercive practice cases (resulting in the

termination of the contract and possibly other

penalties), where lessons are learned and funds are

retrieved, widely disseminated.

It will be done if there are such cases.

31 Disbursement to any given contract/location

suspended or stopped completely if cases of

corruption not dealt with effectively.

It will be done if there are such cases.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix I

Performance Indicator

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix I

Project Development Objective Indicators

Indicator Name CoreUnit of







FY3 (2015)actual


FY4 (2016)actual

FY5 (2017)end target

FY5 (2017)end actual

Increase of AADT onproject road sections(all vehicle types)

Number Value 8,241 10,880 11,936 4,140 13,094 12,696 13,990 13,613 14,947

Date 31-Dec-2010



31-Dec-16 31-Dec-2017

Comments 2010 baseline isthe simpleaverage of theAADT of the 19WINRIPsections (page41 of PAD)

Resultsfrom IRMS

Results fromstatic trafficcounts on 6links in 4provinces

Results fromIRMS (from 17packages)

2017 target calculated using the growth forecastsfor four vehicle types on page 39 of the PAD,weighing them by the typical traffic compositionfrom the 2010 Master Plan for Arterial RoadNetwork in Sumatra Island (motorcycles 54.9%, cars24.6%, buses 2.7% and trucks 17.8%)

Indicator Name CoreUnit of







FY3 (2015)actual


FY4 (2016)actual

FY5 (2017)end target

FY5 (2017)end actual

Average vehicleoperating cost for atypical car reduced byat least 5% on projectroads (base yearoperating cost:US$0.19/veh-km)

Percentage Value 0.00 n.a. 3.00 n.a. n.a. 5.00

Date 31-Dec-2010


10-Nov-15 9-Aug-1631-Dec-2017

CommentsTarget notassessedbecause noworkscompleted

Target notassessedbecause noworkscompleted

Vehicleoperating costswill be assessedat project end

Indicator Name Core Unit ofMeasure







FY3 (2015)actual


FY4 (2016)actual

FY5 (2017)end target

FY5 (2017)end actual

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Average vehicleoperating cost for atypical bus reduced byat least 8% on projectroads (base yearoperating cost:US$0.35/veh-km)

Percentage Value 0.00 n.a. 5.00 n.a. n.a. 8.00

Date 31-Dec-2010


10-Nov-15 9-Aug-1631-Dec-2017

Comments Target notassessedbecause noworkscompleted

Target notassessedbecause noworkscompleted

Vehicleoperating costswill be assessedat project end

Indicator Name CoreUnit of







FY3 (2015)actual


FY4 (2016)actual

FY5 (2017)end target

FY5 (2017)end actual

Average vehicleoperating cost for atypical heavy truckreduced by 10% onproject roads (base yearoperating cost: US$0.65veh-km)

Percentage Value 0.00 n.a. 7.00 n.a. n.a. 10.00

Date 31-Dec-2010


10-Nov-15 9-Aug-1631-Dec-2017

Comments Target notassessedbecause noworkscompleted

Target notassessedbecause noworkscompleted

Vehicleoperating costswill be assessedat project end

Indicator Name Core Unit ofMeasure







FY3 (2015)actual


FY4 (2016)actual

FY5 (2017)end target

FY5 (2017)end actual

Average passengertravel time for lightvehicles reduced by atleast 20% on projectroads (base year speed:51 km/h)

Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 -15.29 5.00 3.7 18.20 20.00

Date 31-Dec-2010



10-Nov-15 31-Jan-1731-Dec-2017

Comments For 4ongoingworks only

For 9 ongoingworks only

Results from sitesurvey (from 17packages)

Indicator Name Core Unit ofMeasure







FY3 (2015)actual


FY4 (2016)actual

FY5 (2017)end target

FY5 (2017)end actual

Average passenger Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 -19.57 5.00 -2.17 13.81 20.00

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

travel time for largebuses reduced by atleast 20% on projectroads (base year speed:46 km/h)

Date 31-Dec-2010



10-Nov-15 31-Jan-1731-Dec-2017

Comments Noavailable

For 4ongoingworks only

For 9 ongoingworks only

Results from sitesurvey (from 17packages)

Indicator Name CoreUnit of







FY3 (2015)actual


FY4 (2016)actual

FY5 (2017)end target

FY5 (2017)end actual

Average passengertravel time for heavytrucks reduced by atleast 20% on projectroads (base year speed:40 km/h)

Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 -17.50 5.00 -6.53 11.76 20.00

Date 31-Dec-2010



10-Nov-15 31-Jan-1731-Dec-2017

Comments For 4ongoingworks only

For 9 ongoingworks only

Results from sitesurvey (from 17packages)

Intermediate Results Indicators

Indicator Name CoreUnit of







FY3 (2015)actual


FY4 (2016)actual

FY5 (2017)end target

FY5 (2017)end actual

Satisfactory completionof slope protectiondesigns


Value 0.00 0.00 0 3.00

Date 15-Dec-2015



CommentsStudy incontractingphase

Indicator Name Core Unit ofMeasure







FY3 (2015)actual


FY4 (2016)actual

FY5 (2017)end target

FY5 (2017)end actual

Number of km of Kilometers Value 0.00 0.00 0 5 5.38 80 134.54 380 322 640.00

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

improved nationalroads in the projectregion as planned/Roads rehabilitated,Rural

Date 31-Dec-2010


Dec-14 10-Nov-15 31-Jan-1731-Dec-2017

Comments Rev.Target



Rev. Target

Indicator Name CoreUnit of







FY3 (2015)actual


FY4 (2016)actual

FY5 (2017)end target

FY5 (2017)end actual

Number of meters ofimproved bridges


Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.00 0.00 96.00 100 160.00

Date 31-Dec-2010


0 10-Nov-15 31-Jan-1731-Dec-2017

Comments Rehabilitated,rural




Rev. Target

Indicator Name CoreUnit ofMeasure







FY3 (2015)actual


FY4 (2016)actual

FY5 (2017)end target

FY5 (2017)end actual

Satisfactory completionof technical audits forall road projects ofcomponent 1


Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 16.00 60.00 63.16 100.00

Date 31-Dec-2010


0 31-Jan-1731-Dec-2017

Comments Rev.Target

0 out of 19Rev.Target

3 out of 19Rev.Target

12 out 19; TFACvisit

Indicator Name CoreUnit ofMeasure







FY3 (2015)actual


FY4 (2016)actual

FY5 (2017)end target

FY5 (2017)end actual

Satisfactory completionof road safety auditscarried out by CTC orTLKJ for all roadprojects of component1


Value 0.00 0.00 0 40 80 90 100 100 100 100.00

Date 31-Dec-2010


Dec-14 31-Jan-1731-Dec-2017

Comments 16 out of19


19 out of 19Rev.Target

18 out of 18 forDetail Eng.Design

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix J


Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix J Correspondence


Date From To Activity

July 2, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

CTC WINRIP Undangan rapat korrdinasi WINRIP;WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 2, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

World Bank Submission RKPPL quarterlyimplementation monitoring reportpackage No. 05, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,20 and 21; WINRIP Loan IBRD No.8043-ID

July 2, 2018 Lebiyartono CTC WINRIP Surat keterangan sakit Lebi 24-26Juni 2018)

July 2, 2018 Lebiyartono CTC WINRIP Surat keterangan sakit Lebi 28-29Juni 2018)

July 2, 2018 DSC WINRIP BPJN III Monthly Progress report (MPR) No.60, May 2018

July 2, 2018 Satker BPJN III PPK Penyampaian laporan monitoringlingkungan paket WINRIP; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 2, 2018 DirjenPerbendaharaanKementerianKeuangan

CTC WINRIP Undangan workshop pinjaman danhibah 2018

July 4, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

Dirjen Bina Marga Permohonan usulan perubahankontrak paket 14: Painan –Kambang; WINRIP Loan IBRD No.8043-ID

July 4, 2018 OIC PMU WINRIP OIC PIU WINRIP Rekomendasi terhadap hasil kajianrencana penanganan penyempitanbadan jalan paket No. 15; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 4, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian persetujuan BankDunia terhadap usulan lelang ulangpaket 05A; WINRIP Loan IBRD No.8043-ID

July 4, 2018 World Bank DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

TFAC Mission for WINRIP package11 and 16

July 5, 2018 OIC PMU WINRIP Kasatker PJN Wil. IIProvinsi SumateraBarat

Posisi likuiditas pinjaman WINRIP;WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 5, 2018 PPK GML OIC PMU WINRIP Penyampaian laporan bulanan No.10 (Mei 2018) paket pekerjaan TASLOPE; WINRIP Loan IBRD No.

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Date From To Activity

8043-IDJuly 5, 2018 PPK GML OIC PMU WINRIP Penyampaian laporan bulanan No.

8 (Maret 2018) paket pekerjaan TASLOPE; WINRIP Loan IBRD No.8043-ID

July 5, 2018 Dirjen Bina Marga Kepala BPJN III Padang Persetujuan perubahan kontrakpaket 14; WINRIP Loan IBRD No.8043-ID

July 6, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian laporan pemeriksaankualitas untuk paket WINRIP diProvinsi Sumatera Utara; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 6, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian laporan pemeriksaankualitas untuk paket WINRIP diProvinsi Bengkulu; WINRIP LoanIBRD No. 8043-ID

July 6, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian laporan pemeriksaankualitas untuk paket WINRIP diProvinsi Barat; WINRIP Loan IBRDNo. 8043-ID

July 6, 2018 Site SupervisionEngineer


Monthly Progress Report No. 35,period of June 2018

July 9, 2018 OIC PMU WINRIP MasyarakatTransportasiInternasional (MTI)HimpunanPengembangan JalanNasional (HPJN)

Penyampaian quarterly newsletterperiode April – June 2018; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 9, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian surat bank duniaterkait misi TFAC untuk paket No.11 dan paket No. 16; WINRIP LoanIBRD No. 8043-ID

July 9, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian surat Bank Duniatentang laporan triwulanmonitoring pelaksanaan RKPPLPaket 05, 15, 12, 13, 14, 16 20 dan21 untuk periode Januari – Maret2018; WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 10, 2018 BPJN III Padang Direktur PreservasiJalanDirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Penyampaian draft addendum No.4 kontrak pekerjaan DSC WINRIP

July 10, 2018 Site SupervisionEngineer


Monthly Progress Report No. 22,period of May 2018 package No. 14

July 10, 2018 DirekturPembangunan Jalan

DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Penyampaian kontrak amendmentNo. 3 paket pekerjaan TA SLOPE;WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Date From To Activity

July 11, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

BPJN III Padang Penyampaian laporan pemeriksaankualitas untuk paket 7, 12, 14, 20,21; WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 11, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

BPJN III Padang Penyampaian laporan pemeriksaankualitas untuk paket No. 13 dan No.16; WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 11, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan


Penyampaian surat bank duniatentang laporan triwulanmonitoring pelaksanaan RKPPLPaket No. 05, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20dan 21untuk periode Januari –Maret 2018; WINRIP Loan IBRD No.8043-ID

July 11, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

BBPJN II Medan Penyampaian laporan pemeriksaankualitas untuk paket No. 05 dan 15;WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 11, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

BPJN III Padang Penyampaian surat bank duniaterkait misi TFAC paket No. 11 danNo. 16; WINRIP Loan IBRD No.8043-ID

July 12, 2018 Lut CTC WINRIP Surat keterangan sakit Lut 9-10 Juli2018

July 13, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian persetujuan bankdunia terhadap usulan pemutusankontrak paket No. 21 dan pegadaanpaket No. 21A; WINRIP Loan IBRDNo. 8043-ID

July 13, 2018 PPK Paket 21 Direktur PT. MultiStruktur paket 21

Pemutusan kontrak pekerjaanpaket 21 WINRIP

July 13, 2018 PPK Paket 21 Kepala cabang JakartaPT. BankPembangunan DaerahKalimantan Timur danKalimantan Utara

Tuntutan pencairan /klaimjaminana uang muka dan jaminanpelaksanaan akibat pemutusankontrak paket 21 WINRIP

July 13, 2018 PPK Paket 21 Kasatker PJN Wil. IProvinsi SumateraBarat

Laporan pemutusan kontrak paket21 serta permohonan prosesselanjutnya

July 13, 2018 Site SupervisionEngineer


Monthly Progress Report No. 22,period of Juni 2018 package No. 21

July 16, 2018 OIC PMU WINRIP OIC PIU WINRIP Rekomendasi terhadap hasil kajianrencana penanganan penyempitanjalan paket no. 13; WINRIP LoanIBRD No. 8043-ID

July 16, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

BPJN III Padang Penyampaian persetujuan bankdunia terhadap usulan pemutusankontrak pekerjaan paket No. 21 danpengadaan paket 21A; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Date From To Activity

July 18, 2018 Kepala BBPJN VPalembang

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian hasil tindak lanjutTFAC Paket No. 17; WINRIP LoanIBRD No. 8043-ID

July 18, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

World Bank Submission of draft amendmentcontract No. 2 and 3 of TA SLOPE;WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 20, 2018 BPJN III Kasatker PJN Wil. IProv. Sumatera Barat

Penyampaian persetujuan bankdunia terhadap usulan pemutusankontrak paket 21 dan pengadaanpaket No. 21A; WINRIP Loan IBRDNo. 8043-ID

July 20, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian surat bank duniaterkait perubahan desain dankeselamatan jalan paket No. 14;WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 20, 2018 BAPPENAS PMU WINRIP Rapat koordinasi pemantauan danevaluasi kinerja pelaksanaankegiatan yang dibiayai pinjamandan hibah luar negeri triwulan IITahun 2018

July 20, 2018 Site SupervisionEngineer


Monthly Progress Report No. 35,period of Juni 2018 package No. 13

July 23, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian surat bank duniaterkait paket No. 11 ; WINRIP LoanIBRD No. 8043-ID

July 23, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian surat bank duniaterkait usulan pengurangan volumesaluran, guardrail dan penurunangrade pada paket No. 16; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 24, 2018 BPJN III Dirjen Bina Marga Penyampaian usulan perpanjanganwaktu paket 12 ; WINRIP Loan IBRDNo. 8043-ID

July 24, 2018 OIC PIU WINRIP Kepala BPJN III Rekomendasi terhadap hasil kajianrencana penanganan penyempitanbadan jalan paket No. 13; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 24, 2018 OIC PIU WINRIP Kasatker PJN Wil. IISumatera Utara

Rekomendasi terhadap hasil kajianrencana penanganan penyempitanbadan jalan paket No. 15; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 25, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian surat bank duniaterkait lemahnya manajemenlingkungan paket 11 dan paket No.16; WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 26, 2018 Satker BPJN III Heru Setyahirawan Penunjukkan acting site supervisionEngineer DSC WINRIP Paket 12;WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Date From To Activity

July 26, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Penyampaian laporan tindak lanjutaudit TFAC Paket No. 17; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 26, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Penyampaian perubahan desainpenanganan paket No. 15; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 26, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

Kepala BPJN III Penyampaian surat bank duniatentang laporan tindak lanjut hasiltemuan TFAC paket No. 11; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 26, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

Kepala BPJN II Penyampaian persetujuan bankdunia terhadap usulan lelang ulangpaket 05A; WINRIP Loan IBRD No.8043-ID

July 26, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

Kepala BPJN III Penyampaian surat bank duniatentang laporan tindak lanjut hasiltemuan TFAC paket No. 16; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 27, 2018 Site SupervisionEngineer


Monthly Progress Report No. 23,period of June 2018 package No. 14

July 27, 2018 Bupati PesisirSelatan

CTC WINRIP Surat pernyataan anggaranpembebasan lahan

July 30, 2018 OIC PMU WINRIP OIC PIU WINRIP Penyampaian format dokumenpemeliharaan jalan pada paket –paket WINRIP; WINRIP Loan IBRDNo. 8043-ID

July 30, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

Kepala BPJN III Penyampaian surat bank duniaterkait lemahnya manajemenlingkungan paket 11 dan paket No.16; WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 30, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

World bank Submission of follow up report forTFAC Package No. 17 ; WINRIP LoanIBRD No. 8043-ID

July 30, 2018 BPJN III Padang Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian addendum no. 08(perpanjangan waktu sementara)paket No. 12; WINRIP Loan IBRDNo. 8043-ID

July 31, 2018 BPJN III Padang Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian perbaikan desainuntuk paket No. 13; WINRIP LoanIBRD No. 8043-ID

July 31, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

World bank Submission of engineering designchanges of package No. 15 ;WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 31, 2018 BBPJN II Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian dokumenamandemen kontrak 07 paket No.15; WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Report SubmissionDate From To Activity

July 2, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

World Bank Submission RKPPL quarterlyimplementation monitoringreport package No. 05, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 20 and 21; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 2, 2018 Satker BPJN III PPK Penyampaian laporan monitoringlingkungan paket WINRIP;WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 5, 2018 PPK GML OIC PMU WINRIP Penyampaian laporan bulananNo. 10 (Mei 2018) paketpekerjaan TA SLOPE; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 5, 2018 PPK GML OIC PMU WINRIP Penyampaian laporan bulananNo. 8 (Maret 2018) paketpekerjaan TA SLOPE; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 6, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian laporanpemeriksaan kualitas untuk paketWINRIP di Provinsi SumateraUtara; WINRIP Loan IBRD No.8043-ID

July 6, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian laporanpemeriksaan kualitas untuk paketWINRIP di Provinsi Bengkulu;WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 6, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian laporanpemeriksaan kualitas untuk paketWINRIP di Provinsi Barat; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 6, 2018 Site SupervisionEngineer


Monthly Progress Report No. 35,period of June 2018

July 9, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian surat Bank Duniatentang laporan triwulanmonitoring pelaksanaan RKPPLPaket 05, 15, 12, 13, 14, 16 20dan 21 untuk periode Januari –Maret 2018; WINRIP Loan IBRDNo. 8043-ID

July 10, 2018 Site SupervisionEngineer


Monthly Progress Report No. 22,period of May 2018 package No.14

July 11, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

BPJN III Padang Penyampaian laporanpemeriksaan kualitas untuk paket7, 12, 14, 20, 21; WINRIP LoanIBRD No. 8043-ID

July 11, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

BPJN III Padang Penyampaian laporanpemeriksaan kualitas untuk paketNo. 13 dan No. 16; WINRIP Loan

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Date From To ActivityIBRD No. 8043-ID

July 11, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan


Penyampaian surat bank duniatentang laporan triwulanmonitoring pelaksanaan RKPPLPaket No. 05, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,20 dan 21untuk periode Januari –Maret 2018; WINRIP Loan IBRDNo. 8043-ID

July 11, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

BBPJN II Medan Penyampaian laporanpemeriksaan kualitas untuk paketNo. 05 dan 15; WINRIP Loan IBRDNo. 8043-ID

July 13, 2018 Site SupervisionEngineer


Monthly Progress Report No. 22,period of Juni 2018 package No.21

July 18, 2018 Kepala BBPJN VPalembang

Direktur PreservasiJalan

Penyampaian hasil tindak lanjutTFAC Paket No. 17; WINRIP LoanIBRD No. 8043-ID

July 20, 2018 Site SupervisionEngineer


Monthly Progress Report No. 35,period of Juni 2018 package No.13

July 26, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

Penyampaian laporan tindaklanjut audit TFAC Paket No. 17;WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 26, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

Kepala BPJN III Penyampaian surat bank duniatentang laporan tindak lanjuthasil temuan TFAC paket No. 11;WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 26, 2018 Direktur PreservasiJalan

Kepala BPJN III Penyampaian surat bank duniatentang laporan tindak lanjuthasil temuan TFAC paket No. 16;WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

July 27, 2018 Site SupervisionEngineer


Monthly Progress Report No. 23,period of June 2018 package No.14

July 30, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

World bank Submission of follow up reportfor TFAC Package No. 17 ; WINRIPLoan IBRD No. 8043-ID

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

MeetingDate From To Activity

July 2, 2018 DirekturPengembanganJaringan Jalan

CTC WINRIP Undangan rapat koordinasiWINRIP; WINRIP Loan IBRD No.8043-ID

July 2, 2018 DirjenPerbendaharaanKementerianKeuangan

CTC WINRIP Undangan workshop pinjamandan hibah 2018

July 20, 2018 BAPPENAS PMU WINRIP Rapat koordinasi pemantauandan evaluasi kinerja pelaksanaankegiatan yang dibiayai pinjamandan hibah luar negeri triwulan IITahun 2018

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Outgoing Letter


Date From To ActivityJuly 5, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Transmission of Quality

Inspection Report for PackageNo.16 Seblat-Ipuh; WINRIPIBRD Loan No. 8043-ID

July 6, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Transmission of QualityInspection Report for PackageNo.11 Bantal-Mukomuko;WINRIP IBRD Loan No. 8043-ID

July 11, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Transmission of QualityInspection Report for packageNo. 17: Pugung Tampak – Sp.Gunung Kemala; WINRIP IBRDLoan No. 8043-ID

July 11, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP CTC Review of DraftAmendment No. 2 for TA slopestabilization contract; WINRIPLoan IBRD No.8043-ID

July 16, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP CTC Review of DraftAmendment No. 3 for TA slopestabilization contract; WINRIPLoan No. 8043-ID

July 19, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Road maintenance of WINRIP;WINRIP Loan No. 8043-ID

July 23, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Submission Draft of 3rdAlternative of Explanatory Notefor Loan AgreementAmendment of WINRIP; LoanIBRD No.8043-ID

July 24, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Submission of Draft ContractAddendum No. 4 of ConsultingServices for Design andSupervision Consultant (DSC),WINRIP IBRD Loan No. 8043-ID

July 31, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Submission of SignedAmendment 8 of ContractAgreement of Package 12Kambang - Inderapura, WINRIPIBRD Loan No. 8043-ID

July 31, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Semestral (Mid-Term) ProjectReport Ending June 2018

Monthly Progress Report July 2018

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Report Submission

Date From To ActivityJuly 5, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Transmission of Quality

Inspection Report for PackageNo.16 Seblat-Ipuh; WINRIPIBRD Loan No. 8043-ID

July 6, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Transmission of QualityInspection Report for PackageNo.11 Bantal-Mukomuko;WINRIP IBRD Loan No. 8043-ID

July 11, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Transmission of QualityInspection Report for packageNo. 17: Pugung Tampak – Sp.Gunung Kemala; WINRIP IBRDLoan No. 8043-ID

July 31, 2018 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Semestral (Mid-Term) ProjectReport Ending June 2018


Date From To Activity

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