momentum! summer 2015

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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MOMENTUM! eZine Summer Edition 2015 is the perfect support for writers, freelancers and solo-preneurs.




Young Stylish &

Nomvula Mokoenathe Boss Lady


Overcoming negative perceptions so you can maintain your Momentum!



Welcome to the Summer 2015 Edition of Momentum! Magazine. It is our primary desire to share inspiration and knowledge with you, so that you can manifest your goals.

In this issue, it is my hope that you will come to understand that your age doesn’t matter. Whether 18 or 80+, if it’s in your heart to do... no matter what IT is... DO IT! Too many times, we allow negative perceptions of who we are to cloud our own vision. We see ourselves as too old, too young, too fat, too tall, too whatever...

Never let the opinions of others (or even your own opinion of yourself) stop you from achieving your highest dreams and making an impact in the World.

Instead, take stock of where you are and what you need in order to get to where you’re going, and then...

PUBLISHER’S NOTESDesireé Harris-Bonner

Managing Partner




Momentum Magazine is published by DHBonner Virtual Solutions, LLC and reserves the right to edit all articles. Please contact us for article submission guidelines or permission to reprint articles.

DHBonner Virtual Solutions, LLCEmail: dhbonner@



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© 2015 DHBonner Virtual Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved.

PUBLISHER’S NOTESOvercoming Negative Perceptons!

FOCUS ON MOMENTUM! COVER STORY: The BossLady... Nomvula Sunshyn Mokoena

FEATURES:PG. 5 | WRITER’S CLINICDo You Know Your Editing?


PG 20 | A QUIET SPACE North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii

Photo Credit: Brian Johnson



Do You Know Your Editing?

You’ve put a lot of time, money and passion into self-publishing your Blog, eBook, Book or Novel; but now your skimping on polishing your body of work! You know you need an Editor, but what exactly does an Editor do? I’m glad you asked that question!

There are generally four types of editors:

1) Initial Critique: This is usually done by someone you trust, like your Mom, Husband, or Friend. Generally, they read through your work, help you to get a secondary perspective, and provide you with initial feedback to your work. You don’t want to stop here, however, as most of those who love us don’t want to hurt our feelings. Therefore, many major issues are missed or glossed-over. This is why the next Editor is so important...

2) Substantive Edit: Also called a developmental edit, these are deep edits into the manuscript which are best left to the Professionals, or at least, to those individuals in your life who are skilled at catching inconsistencies in writing, like style issues, plot and readability.

3) Copy Edit: A copy editor is in essence, a fact checker and one who makes sure that the copy is protected from libel. This is your basic proofread edit and there may be some minimal rewriting (what I call ‘wordsmith’) of the copy, as well as attention paid to clarity and flow.

4) Line Edit: This is the final line of defense and should be done prior to publishing. The manuscript is checked for consistency, grammar, punctuation, word usage and spelling. The focus here is on

making sure that the final copy is the best that it can possibly be.

Unfortunately, most writers will go only with an Initial Critique or a Line Edit; most avoid a substantive edit, usually because it’s the most costly, invasive and intensive.

Nevertheless, all four of these edits are critical to the writing and publishing process and a good Editor will support you in presenting your final manuscript at its best possible!

If you need assistance in any of these areas, we can help... contact us today.

DHBonner Virtual Solutions,



Focus on M





WHO AM I?I am Nomvula Sunshyn Mokoena, born just 25 years ago from a great town called Middelburg, in the province of Mpumalanga, South Africa. I am a purpose driven young entrepreneur, owner of NSM Global Link (an events management company), and host of Bosslady Global. Originally born in Luasaka, Zambia, I moved to South Africa at a tender age of three. Today, I am also a radio broadcaster, motivational speaker and a professional MC (Master of Ceremonies.)

In the Kingdom, I AM A SERVANT; a worshiper by birth, serving at Divine Life and Spirit Ministries under Pastor Gregory and Lorraine Short. I am currently the youth leader at my church and God has also given me the grace to minister the gospel wherever He sends me; be it on radio, in churches, at youth or women conferences in and outside the country. I am also largely involved in youth and community development and empowerment.

There are three reasons I have been able to accomplish all that I have at such a young age:

Firstly let me confess that without God I wouldn’t be able to do or achieve all that I do. I have always been a big dreamer who is driven by vision, and my vision is not confined or conformed to the place I reside in. Everything that I believe I can do, I do it with faith and focus. As my dreams and goals were beginning to unfold, I desired to be different from my peers and become the very change that I wanted to see in my family and community.

Secondly, I push myself beyond the limitations around me. I do what most people my age are afraid of doing, like being committed to our purpose and calling, being separated from what we know, what we are used to and what we love. Most young people today between the ages of 17 and 25 (which is the period that I’ve been doing what I do) would not understand why God has to take them through isolation, preparation, separation and tribulation. I, on the other hand had to endure that process from a very young age because of the responsibility God has placed in my life. I am able to do what I do because I have learned to embrace the process.

And thirdly, I am able to do what I do because of the support of my family, my spiritual parents and my prayer partners. These are the people who push and kick me when I feel like giving in and giving up. I am grateful to God for each of them.

The primary opposition I’ve come against has always been the devil, but I am always strengthened by Romans 8:31 “What, then shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, then who can be against us? Age has never been a problem for me, except the fact that wherever I go people almost never believe my age, always assuming that I am older than I actually am. This, I have always taken as a compliment.

Another point of opposition for me has been people’s perception of who they think I should be and what they think I should be doing at this age. This is both in the society and in the church as a whole.



This has made it difficult for me to push through certain boundaries and streams in the business world, but by God’s grace upon my life, I have been moving with Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord” and somehow my gift has made room for me.

Because of mediocrity, people are limited to only a certain type of lifestyle, but I have refused to be bound by mediocrity and continue to build myself “out of the box.”

In order to overcome these obstacles and maintain my momentum, I started applying one of my favorite mottos: “I NO LONGER PUSH... BUT I KICK!”

I knew and understood that it would not be easy to change people’s perception about me, so I chose instead to change the negative perception I had about myself in order to overcome my fears.

I also began changing my implementation strategy; whatever I thought I couldn’t do, I did it and did it smarter and twice as hard.

One of the other ways I overcame was through prayer, which is one of the most important tools I use to maintain momentum. The other tools are faith and action; these two cannot succeed without the other: “Faith without works is dead.” I maintain momentum by doing. I am an overcomer because I do not only speak about my dreams and goals, but take the necessary steps to achieve them.

When you are young and busy juggling a career, family, relationships and ministry as I am, if you are not purpose driven, you will get weary along the way, because of the pressure. No matter how difficult it may become, I maintain momentum by PRAYER, FAITH AND ACTION!

Now... Before I share what I’m working on for my next season, let me start by saying that “The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the LORD: and He delights in his way” [Psalms 37:23] and that “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the will of the Lord which prevails”[Proverbs 19:21].

For this next season of my journey I will be working on:

My Brand & Talk show – One of my heart’s desires is to host Bosslady Global in other countries and continents. This will be a platform for different young women to come together to uplift and develop each other in business, social and spiritual lifestyle and in the importance of taking control of your life. One of my

long term goals is to have my own talk show on TV in the near future.

My Book – To continue to write and share my journey with my followers, mentees and the rest of the world. Young people are my passion and I believe the book will help them understand the importance of not only pursuing purpose, but also living purpose.

Ministry, Ministry and Ministry – Developing more young people and women for the future through motivation in schools, colleges, churches, and disadvantaged communities. Youth and community development projects are my game and I will continue to plan and execute them one day at a time until others become successful through what I do and the kind of life that I live.

In John 5:8 Jesus said, “PICK UP YOUR MAT AND WALK.” In life we face many trials and challenges daily that would sometimes knock us out, keeping us stagnant, and going around the same mountain over and over again. Just like the sick man at the pool of Bethesda in John 5, you may have been lame or paralyzed for a very long time by difficult circumstances; you may have been waiting for the stirring of the water or even waiting for someone to put you in the pool.

There are certain circumstances in life that make us dependent on other people, our families, or our pastors. Some are dependent on money, our careers, business connections and so much more, but now it is time that we become dependent only on God for our journey. Jesus said to the sick man “pick up your mat and walk”. So, wherever you are in the world reading this article, it doesn’t matter how long you have been in that situation or how much your circumstances have crippled you, you have been down and out far too long. But today, just pick up your mat and walk by faith – IT IS NOT ONLY YOUR TIME BUT IT IS YOUR TURN.

Many have gone before you while you were down, but don’t be pressured to “catch up. Just pick up your mat, pick up your hope, your vision, that big dream, that business plan or application form, pick it up and walk by faith. TO SUSTAIN YOUR MOMENTUM, YOU MUST MAINTAIN YOUR FAITH!

In conclusion – YOU ARE AN EAGLE and eagles don’t just fly, they soar. Eagles don’t fly from storms, but fly towards them, because they have been designed that way. Were you designed to give up? Were you designed to give in and stay down? If your answer is NO...




SOCIAL NETWORK CONTACTS:Official Facebook page: Nomvula Sunshyn MokoenaFollow on Facebook: Nomvula Sunshyn MokoenaTwitter: @sunshynNSMTwitter: @bosslady_global







Anton hurriedly put his dress shoes at the bottom of the suitcase and piled his shirts and underwear on top of them. He was running very late! Thankfully, his wife of 7 years, Tandra, had taken care to get his favorite Armani suit cleaned and pressed on last Saturday, otherwise, he’d be pulling it out of the dirty clothes hamper and trying to figure out how to get it cleaned at the Hotel.

“Tandra! Where are my blue socks?”

“In your dresser drawer Ant.” He shook his head. In all of her extreme deep chocolate beauty, it just never ceased to amaze him that she wasn’t as fashion conscious as one would think she’d be. At 5 feet 9 inches, 140 pounds, with her short cropped natural black hair, dark almond shaped eyes and long, lean frame, many easily remarked on how she looked like a haute couture fashion model. Though she appeared as if she should be gracing International runways, she preferred to wear baggy sweat pants and extra large t-shirts when she wasn’t at work or Church.

And, even then, it was he who purchased her most stylish pieces. Her favorite uniform outside of the house was a long black skirt with a crisp white cotton dress shirt and a black jacket or a pair of black slacks with a crisp white cotton dress shirt and a black sweater. One of the two.

She said it made her look slimmer; as if she really needed to! She also said that tighter fitting outfits showed off her hips, butt and thighs way more than she felt appropriate for a First Lady of the Church.

As the Pastor, Anton did see many of the

disapproving glances from some of the Sisters, as well as some of the approving thumbs up received by some of the Brothers when she wasn’t looking, but he knew that was just envy and lust showing up.

After all, his Woman did look good; which made him look good; even if she didn’t know navy from light blue to save her life!

“Baby, I need the socks that match my suit. These aren’t the right ones.”

Tandra quietly went to his chest of drawers in the walk in closet and opened the drawer, with a bit more drama and flair than was necessary.

“Well, now let’s see. Do you want the blue ones with the white diamonds up the side? Or, perhaps the blue ones with the thin grey stripes running through them? No, I’m sure you probably would prefer the blue ones with the gold squares at the top? Hmmm... so many choices, so little time!”

Anton knew exactly where this was going. He really didn’t have time for this.

“Never mind. I’ll grab them myself.”

Tandra lithely moved out of his way as he entered the closet and grabbed the light blue nylon dress socks from the drawer along with the handkerchief and tie that really set the suit off. He then made a demonstrative show of placing them side by side in front of his body to show her just how much each piece complemented the other.

She went right along with him. “oooh... ahhh...! That matches so perfectly. How EVER







Job Chapter 42 is a devotional to encourage the hearts of those that may be facing hardships or difficult situations in their life. Job went through various trials before reaching his place of restoration in the book of Job Chapter 42. Sometimes we all need a word of encouragement to get through the difficult chapters.

~Lisa Woullard-Fairley

As I sat in an afternoon worship service listening very intently as this powerful evangelist meticulously painted a verbal picture of the story of Hannah and Penninah… I heard the familiar voice of my heavenly Father reverberating in my spirit – That thunderous, authoritative voice that had commanded all of creation into existence had softened itself to just above a gentle whisper as He lovingly spoke to me his daughter in the tone of unconditional love from a doting Father: Hello my dear child, did you realize that you are pregnant again? Again?! No… I never realized I was pregnant at all!! Yes, you’ve been pregnant twice before – one child you aborted, the other child you miscarried. Oh Daddy, I’m so sorry… I didn’t know… It’s alright - Do not fret, it is in the past and has been forgiven. My question to you now is:





do you do it? You are SO amazing!”

Anton openly chuckled at her playful sarcasm, kissed her on the cheek and went back to packing.

“Oh Ant, by the way, I need to drop Isabel off at the childcare center before driving you to the airport.”

Anton instantly became frustrated. “No, Baby! I’m already running late. I need to be at Reagan National within the next hour. We don’t have time to stop off at Day care first!”

Tandra responded with almost equal frustration, “But I have to get to the office. If you had gotten up when I originally woke you, then you could have taken the Metro and I would have been gone by now.

“Now I have to drive you in my car, because you don’t want to pay the parking fees to have yours sitting at the airport and then make the long drive between the airport and Loudon County in rush hour traffic!”

“Tandra, we’ve already discussed this. Why pay $22 a day for Parking when you can just drive me?”

“Good Lord, are you serious right now? Why does your inability to wake up on time, now cause an issue for me?”

Anton began preparing his mouth to fire off a pretty good retort about wives being submissive to their husbands and taking care of their Man, when the vibration from his cell phone interrupted; saving her from a well-deserved tongue lashing!

He caught a glimpse of the caller ID and knew exactly what the call was about.

“I’m on my way Sis. Angela.”

“Pastor Clay, your plane leaves in an hour and a half. You should have been out the door.”

Now, he had two women irritating him.

“I know that Sis Angela. This conversation is already costing me precious and valuable minutes.”

“There’s no need to get short with me, Man of God. You just better thank Heaven that I went ahead and checked you in online, so now you can skip that step. I highly recommend you leave now or do I need to come over there and drag you out?”

“No, that will not be necessary. Tandra’s going to drive me

to the Airport.”

Anton resisted looking over at his wife, because he could literally feel her eyes burning into the side of his face, penetrating his skull.

“I’ll call you when I get into Chicago, Sis. Angela, okay?”

“You better. Safe travels and arriving graces.”

“Yeah… Thanks. Bye.”

The only response Anton received was the sound of a dead line. She was a fireball, but she was exactly what he needed to keep him straight. Angela Witherspoon had been his Personal Assistant at the Church for about two years now, but they’d known each other for the past six years; beginning from the time she watched his son, Hunter, during the summer, when she was just twenty.

“I suggest you take heed and get a move on, Ant. Isabel and I will be waiting in the car out front, so don’t take too long.”

Anton nodded while stuffing the phone back into his pocket, quickly threw a few more personal essentials into his suitcase and zipped it up. At the last minute he remembered to grab his portfolio from the nightstand which contained all of his speaker notes for the Workshop on 21st Century Kingdom Leadership Conference that he was presenting that evening.

He couldn’t wait to get to Chicago.

Don’t forget to check back in to the Reading Room in the Fall Issue of Momentum! for the continuation of this writing sample from DHBonner Virtual Solutions, LLC.

Contact us today if you need a #Ghostwriter to help you get your story from your heart to paper.



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 With more than 30 Years of Professional experience working in Fortune 50 Corporations, we

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GhostwritingIndie-PublishingBiographical / AutobiographicalBusiness CommunicationsTechnical Academic

Copy Editing / Proofreading Book Cover Designs

Flyers / Postcards / One SheetsEPK (Electronic Press Kits)

Desktop PublishingManuscript Formatting

Video PromosVoice-Overs




A QUIET SPACEBecause Sometimes You Just Need a Moment to Breathe and Relax



LOCATION: North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii




A Publication of DHBonner Virtual Solutions, LLC

DHBonner Virtual Solutions, LLCEmail: dhbonner@


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