moment in time

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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Never let go of being YOU... God made YOU who YOU are, so Love YOU, be proud of YOU, and thank the Almighty God for YOU...

the end.





LIFETIME. It is not

how much love we

have in the

beginning, but how

much love we build

until the end.

.Never be sorry about anyone in your

life, good people give u happiness, bad

people give u experience, worst people

give u lessons & best people give u



Let the past should be left in the past, otherwise it can destroy your future. Live life for what tomorrow has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away.

Don't settle for someone who buys you the

world. Settle for someone who is prepared to

share that world with you

The measure of a person is not on how well she prepares for everything to go right: but how gracefully she stands up and moves on when everything goes wrong.

If you stick

by my side

through my


times, then

you deserve

to be with

me through

my good


making memorable moments for urselfis not a big thing. but u being the reason behind some one else's memorable moment is an everlasting feeling! :)



never hate the time when you failed, those were the times where you showed the world that failures didn't define you but made you stronger

jjasLife they say is touch and go. Some people you know may only be there for a time. Some may go away but people who find u special will always find ways to stay.

I don't have time to hate people... who hates me. because i am too busy in loving people who loves me...


Love me with my days and nights,love me not for my looks but for how you feel with me,becausebeauty fades w/age but inner beauty is


Never leave something good to find something

better, because once you realize you had the best, the

best has found better..

The minute you think of giving up on any relation, think of the reason why you held it for so long..

God answer prayers in three ways. God says yes and gives what you want..God says no and gives you something better. God says wait and give you the best.

who should be blame when a leaf fell from a tree? is it the wind that blow it away? or the tree that let it go? or is it the leaf who grow tired of holding on

To luv sum1 doesn't mean to commit with that person..sometimes u just have 2 b satisfied widwhatever connection u have with that special one

Our attitudes define life. If people start criticizing or hurting you, don't be bothered. In any game, spectators make noise not play on :)

I never asked for someone who could offer me the stars in the night. Just someone to lay down and watch them with is enough.

I'm the same girl I was, I'll be the same woman in future.No one knew me then, no one knows me now. I'll just walk in my own path, I don't wanna be someone else

'Remember the five simple rules to be happy: Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.

'Remember the five simple rules to be happy: Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.

Don't live by the standards of this world, nor by the expectations of other people. Remember, she who follows the crowd, usually gets lost in it.

I don't need makeup to make me pretty, I already have a natural beauty. I don't have to be a size 0, I'm perfect the way I am.

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