mojo bob marley_analyse_1

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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Mojo Magazine


Lead article

Pull quote

Main Image


Left Third



Front Cover• Masthead: The masthead of the magazine is always the same for each magazine, it

will always be the same style font, size and colour because the masthead is a magazines main recognition point. With this issue Mojo have pulled the masthead behind the main image as if Bob Marley is standing out which could of been done to attract attention to the magazine and signify the importance of the main image to that image, it may also show the status of the person on the front in this is example Bob Marley could be in front to show how important he is which is bigger than the magazine.

• Lead Article: The Lead Article is the exclusive part of the magazine that differentiates it from other magazines and what magazines sell themselves most with. Because Mojo’s lead article is on Bob Marley they have linked up the font with the main image so it matches the green, yellow and red on his jumper. This makes it easier for the reader to know what information the magazine will have on Bob Marley as all the font linked with Bob Marley is in those colours where the rest is in the house font colours red and white.

• The Left Third: The left third of a front cover is where magazines tend to pack information and selling points that will draw the reader into buying it, as in a newsagents because of how the magazines are shelved the left third will always be on show. In this issue of Mojo they have used both sides of the magazine so it gives the impression that there is a lot of good and interesting stuff in the magazines so the readers will feel like they’re getting their moneys worth and are more likely to buy it.

Pull Quote

Page Numbers

Contents Page 1• The Layout of the contents page is stylish but simple, and the image makes it look

chic. You can tell not a lot of effort when into the design but it doesn’t need to as the contents page needs to be easy to use for readers to navigate themselves around the magazine as they wish. They use the same house style font which maintains continuity, although the contents page has a different feel about it to the front cover, by which I mean on the front cover you imagine reggae fans to buy the magazine but with the contents its a different audience as it has a cool indie feel about it, which makes the magazine accessible and readable to a larger audience.

Contents page 2• This contents page continues in the house style, but with more pictures which is

done to catch the readers eye, because on the page to the right of it there is an advertisement for an album release. They have done this because if they can get more people to look at the page and see the advert then they can charge people who want to advertise on that page more, because there is a better chance that people will see it, which means companies are also more willing to pay to advertise there.

Drop cap


Pull quoteCaption

Main Image


Double Page Spread• The layout of the double page spread reinforces the whole image of Bob Marley, that he was

a rebel from a poor ghetto in Jamaica whose love for music was backed up by a socio-political message. We know that this is a serious article because the images used are powerful and show the social barriers Marley had to overcome as a working class black artist just to gain recognition. The tone and register of the article is in a serious tone, but is appreciative and awestruck of Bob Marley, which is typical of Mojo magazine who are seen as a serious music magazine in contrast to less mature music magazines which are about boy-bands etc. The pull quote used is from Bob Marley, he is talking about how he ran from the police and wouldn’t let people get in his way, which reinforces the image of Bob Marley being a rebel for the people, but also that is what a lot of reggae is about, people from less privileged backgrounds rebelling against the system and fighting free to talk about freedom and their mistreatment. The standfirst of the article is continuing the whole serious idolisation of Marley, praising him for his achievement with his album Exodus beating The Beatles to being hailed album of the century. I believe the VALS of the target readers was researched thoroughly, because the way in which the article is written leaves you in awe when you think about or listen to Bob Marley, and if you like Bob Marley before you read the magazine you’ll love him after you’ve read it, and even if you’re not a massive Marley fan you will be once you have finished reading the article.

Uncut Magazine




Lead Article


Main Image

Left third

Front Cover Freebies: Uncut have used a freebie that they believe will be beneficial to their

sales, because they know the music and bands that their readers will be interested in so if they get a free cd of a band that they like, there is more of a chance that rthey will buy the magazine which increases sales of the magazine generating mor profit for the company.

Flash: The flash is short selling point that magazines use, to help try and generate sales for the magazine, because once again using the knowledge that they have about their readers interest in music they have chosen an artist that their readers are likely to be a fan of, and said they have an exclusive with him. The readers will be interested in the exclusive as they get a more personal insight into them. Rodger waters was also the original bass player for Pink Floyd, who are the lead article in the magazine so they know if they readers are going to buy the magazine because of their interest in Pink Floyd, the exclusive with Rodger Waters will only cement their purchase.

Contents Page• The contents page in Uncut differentiates from the other two magazines because

in Uncut they only have one contents page, but they manage to fit in the adverts before the contents page so the reader has to go through them to get to the contents. Because it is a one page contents page, I believe it’s mainly for the readers to navigate their way around the magazine instead of trying to generate more profit off advertisers.

Lead Image


Double Page Spread• This double page spread is very pictorially based, the magazine steps away from its

house style and it then takes on a very strong Pink Floyd theme, for example they have used designs used on Pink Floyd album artwork and incorporated them into the background, and the lead image is of a band member which gives readers an idea that the magazine will be worshipping the band in the article. The language used in the standfirst is very much full of praise for Rodger Waters, and you know that it will be a continuing theme throughout the article, and because of Pink Floyd’s famous fallout with Rodger Waters the standfirst reads slightly biased towards Rodger Waters. The Vals has been well researched as the main buyers of the magazine are going to be fans of Pink Floyd, and the article is very heavily Pink Floyd themed.

Q Magazine



Lead Article

Pull Quote

Left Third

Cover Lines

Front Cover• Skyline: The skyline on the front cover states that Q is “The UK’s biggest music

magazine” which is different to other magazines because usually magazines will use the skyline to promote a feature inside the magazine to try and lure in the reader to buying the magazine. I believe Q are still trying to achieve the same thing but just doing it in a different way, because by saying that they’re the biggest magazine then people will believe that they are the best too, so may be more likely to buy it.

• Cover Lines: The cover lines used are to promote more features in the magazine to try and get more people to buy it, as they are using the names of other famous people included in the magazine that they think their readers will have heard of and like, which will increase the likelihood of them buying the magazine.

Contents Page 1• The contents page in Q is very similar to the contents page of Mojo, they are very

pictorially emphasised and user friendly, so the reader can navigate their way around the magazine. The house style of Q magazine is still continued from the front cover in terms of the font used, the colours used are still in the same house style which constantly reminds the reader that they are reading Q, which is done on purpose as Q already say they are the biggest music magazine in the UK which will make the reader more liekly to buy the magazine again.

Contents Page 2• Q have done the same thing as Mojo in terms of having two contents pages, again

this second contents page is next to an advert. If you compare the second contents page to the first, the second is a lot more visually enticing, because they want to catch the readers eye because then they will definitely see the advert on the page next to it which will allow Q to charge companies more to advertise themselves in that space. Also because the contents pages are needed to navigate the reader round the magazine there is no chance they can miss the advert.

Lead Image


Double Page Spread• The double page spread in this magazine is ninety percent pictorially orientated. Q

have done this because they have used to lead onto the article. This is a clever way of making the audience continue reading as, they have made the band look cool and stylish but slightly different, and people that are fans of Muse know that is what Muse are about because in terms of contemporary rock bands, Muse have a very individual and distinctive sound. The standfirst used is more like a brief introduction to the band and it states how strange the band are, which is a continuation from the lead image. I think the magazine used VAls well because the whole theme involving Muse is alternative and strange, but yet they look very cool and chic. Because Muse are quite a heavy rock band their fans and audience are alternative, so they have designed all the aspects of the magazine involving Muse to be alternative and strange, which promotes what the band is about, writing the music that they like and would want to hear which is different to mainstream music that you hear on the radio. They’ve used Photoshop to alter the pictures in a way that continues the emphasis on Muse’s strangeness.

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