module two couples and deployment. activity: 10 words prepare positive attitude friends...

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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Agenda Emotional Cycle of Deployment Positive Aspects of Deployment Deployment Goals


Module Two Couples and Deployment Activity: 10 Words Prepare Positive Attitude Friends TrustCommunicate Involved Fun Goals De-stress Help Agenda Emotional Cycle of Deployment Positive Aspects of Deployment Deployment Goals Activity: What I Like About You Emotional Cycle of Deployment Stage 1 Anticipation of Departure Stage 1 Anticipation of Departure Stage 2 Detachment and Withdrawal Stage 2 Detachment and Withdrawal Stage 3 Emotional Disorganization Stage 3 Emotional Disorganization Stage 4 Recovery and Stabilization Stage 4 Recovery and Stabilization Stage 5 Anticipation of Return Stage 5 Anticipation of Return Stage 6 Return and Renegotiation Stage 6 Return and Renegotiation Stage 7 Reintegration and Stabilization Stage 7 Reintegration and Stabilization T HE C YCLE OF D EPLOYMENT Activity: What Would You Do? Sit back-to-back Pick the most likely response for Do not share your answers Your spouse You Stage 1: Anticipation of Departure Rising tension Confusing emotions 4 to 6 weeks Protecting self from separation Reality sinks in Sadness or anger occurs Final days before deployment Stage 2: Detachment and Withdrawal Stage 3: Emotional Disorganization Adjusting to new routines Adjusting to being alone Day of to 6 weeks Stage 1: Anticipation of Departure Service member Physically drained Emotionally numb or tired Mentally separating Guilt Family Physically drained Emotionally numb or tired Mentally separating Anger, resentment Denial Discuss your concerns Be honest Express your love Respect each other Mutual Trust Service member Ready to get started Guilt for leaving Sad or lonely Excited to perform Worried Family Overwhelmed or tired Hurt, rejection Sad or lonely Nervous about responsibilities Worried Stage 2: Detachment and Withdrawal Open Communication Determine methods Discuss expectations Address change Express feelings Ships communication Service member Relief followed by guilt Mission-focused Sad or lonely Worried Can get stuck Family Disorganized and unfocused Overwhelmed Emptiness, loss Worried Can get stuck Stage 3: Emotional Disorganization Positive Aspects of Deployment Helps you sleep better Builds self-esteem Reduces anxiety Improves health/well-being Enhances empathy Strengthens relationship Increases mental strength Relationship Goals Communication Intimacy Trust Appreciation Fun Financial Spirituality Personal Goals Education Career Health Hobby Spirituality Social Support Self-Care and Couples Care Take care of yourself Get involved Establish support network Set goals Communicate Activity: The Pass Down Deployment Readiness Workshops Children and Deployment General Pre- Deployment Brief Date: Time: Location: Date: Time: Location: Financial Planning Workshops Upcoming workshops: Date: xxxxx Time: xxxxx Location:xxxxx Characteristics of Successful Deployments Prepare Positive Attitude Friends TrustCommunicate Involved Fun Goals De-stress Help Thank You! FFSC location Phone numberWebsite Social media sites

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