module 8 mcq

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  • 8/3/2019 Module 8 MCQ



    1) Which is incorrect regarding bacteria capsule ?

    a) it can be demonstrated by adding specific capsular antibody to the bacteria

    b) its present is linked with the viability of the bacteria

    c) plays improtant role of protecting the bacteria against phagocytosis

    d) capsular substance is usually antigenic

    2) Which one of the following is the main function of cytoplasmic membrane ?

    a) contain receptor for antibiotic

    b) play a role in cell division

    c) site for protein syhnthesis

    d) as an osmotic barrier

    3) Microaerophilic bacteria are distinguish by their ability to grow :a) In high concentration of salt

    b) In low concentration of oxygen

    c) In presence of oxygen exclusively

    d) In high concentration of oxygen and reduced amount of CO2

    4) Bacteria that tokertae high salinity is known as ?

    a) Halophils

    b) Alkalophils

    c) Neutrophils

    d) Acidophils

    5) Choose the correct state\ment that describe transfomation ?

    a) Genteic transfer within same bacterial cell

    b) Integration of phage genome into a bacterial cell

    c) Transfer of DNA from donor to recipient bacteria cell by a bacteriophage

    d) Direct uptake of DNA by a recipient bacterial cell

  • 8/3/2019 Module 8 MCQ


    6) Which one of the following is not the character of plasmid ?

    a) Extrachromosomal small circular double stranded DNA molecule

    b) Codes for essential function for surviva of bacteria

    c) May exist as separate replicon or as episome

    d) Can code for antibiotic resistance and toxin production

    7) A defective virus is describe as ?

    a) Virus that lacks one or more of its functional gene

    b) Virus that lack the viral capsid

    c) Does not necessarily require helper activity from another virus genome

    d) Capable of producing infection when present solely

    8) All the following,properties of viruses, except..

    A. obligatory intracellular parasites

    B. nucleic acid contain either DNA or RNA

    C. viruses can be cultivated on ordinary media

    D. viruses can be seen only by electron microscope

    11) which of the following criteria is associated with inactivated viral vaccine?

    a- cell mediated respon to vaccine is poor

    b-the produce IgA loacally at portal of entry

    c-the immunity conferred is long and not necessarily needed to be boosted

    d-sabin vaccine of polio is example of inactivated viral vaccine

    13) how does a phage invade bacteria kot..x ingat sgt

    a) make hole n inject genome

    b)receptor mediated endocytosis

    c) dok ingat

    d) dok ingat

    15) Toll like receptors are describe as:

    A) important part of adaptive immunity

    B)recognise and bind to PAMPs

    C) lipoprotein in nature

    D) found on surface of most pathogen

    16) Which of the following statements is true concerning the complement system:

    A. A group of protein present in high concentration in serum.

    B. Interact with each other in a random fashion to protect against infectious agents.

    C. Are synthesized in the body by hepatic cells,monocytes and macrolides

    D. Complement activation may only occur by physical pathway

    17) Which one is correct about Ig M:

    A. Consist of one unit, two high and two light chains

    B. Forms 75% of all immunoglobulin in serum

  • 8/3/2019 Module 8 MCQ


    C. Appears early in the specific immune response

    D. The only immunoglobulin which croses the placenta

    18) Bacteriophage is used as a diagnostic tool in phage typing (T/F)

    19) Aspergillus flavus produces a powerful toxin, aflatoxin which is incriminated in liver malignancy.

    (T/F)20)Penicilin inhibit transpeptidation reaction and peptidoglycan synthesis is blocked. (T/F)

    21) Which one of the following describe mechanism of actions of quinolones?

    A. Inhibit protein synthesis act on bacterial 50s ribosome.

    B. Inhibit DNA synthesis by blocking DNA gyrase

    C. Inhibit cell wall synthesis of bacteria

    D. Inhibit cell membrane function of bacteria.

    22) Attempt to minimize emergence of drug resistance except:

    A. Prescribed without valid indication

    B.Use lower dosage of drugs.

    C.Administer new valuable drug.

    D.Administer new valuable drug frequently.

    23) If one of the combined drugs was vancomycin. As result of adding vancomycin to bacterial cell,

    which one of the following actions is inhibited?

    A. Cell membrane active transport function

    B. Transpeptidation reaction for cross linking of peptidoglycan

    C. Early steps in the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan

    D. DNA dependant RNA polymerase action

    24) Combination of vancomycin and aminoglycoside increases the risk effect :

    A. Red Man syndrome

    B. Ototoxicity

    C. Nephrotoxicity

    D. Neuromuscular blockade

    25) When 2 bactericidal antibodies are used in combination. The result is usually :

    A. Synergism

    B. Addictive

    C. Antagonism

    D. None of the above

    25) When 2 bactericidal antibodies are used in combination. The result is usually :

    A. Synergism

  • 8/3/2019 Module 8 MCQ


    B. Addictive

    C. Antagonism

    D. None of the above

    26) The following antibiotic groups can interact with divalent cations during absorption :

    A. AminoglycosideB. Sulphonamide

    C. Tetracyclin

    D. Macrolides

    27) Clarithromycin has the following advantage compared to other macrolides :

    A. Better bioavailability

    B. Long half life

    C. Broad spectrum

    D. Less tissue penetration

    28) One of the following cephalosporins can be used in treatment of bacterial meningitis

    A. Ceftriaxone

    B. Cefachlor

    C. Cephazolin

    D. Cefamandole

    29) Parasite that are able to exist independantly of their host leading free living called :

    A. Accidental parasites

    B. Opportunistic parasites

    C. Obligatory parasitesD. Facultative parasites

    46) neutrophil are characteristic of type 1 immune respons

    47) chemotactic agent are released in the early phase of anaphylaxis

    48) a mismatched blood transfusion is mediated through type 3 reaction

    49) lipid formulation of amphotericin B offer the following advantage over conventional

    amphothericin B

    A.decreased nephrotoxicity

    B.orally administered

    C.decrease plasma protein bindingD.broader antifungal

    50) one different between triazole and imidazole antifungal drug is that triazole dont

    A.inhibit cytochrome P450 enzymes

    B.endocrine diturbance

    C.cause drug interaction

    D.induce hepatotoxicity

  • 8/3/2019 Module 8 MCQ


    51) adding ribavirin to interferon alpha increase the risk of the following side effect:





    52) appearance of a disease in an epidemic form affecting countries sequentially is





    53) All of the following example of contact mode of transmission except

    a) decontamination of agent i swimming pool

    b) touching of contaminated objects

    c) droplet transmissiond) transplacental transmission

    54) what is the state of immunity within the community

    -herd immunity

    58) cyclo-propagative means

    a.multiplication changes

    b.developmental changes

    c.multiplication and developmental changes changes

    59) all the following measures are applied contacts mode of transmission except:





    60) which vaccine is variant form?

    a. salk vaccine of polio

    b. diphtheria vaccine

    c. BCG vaccine

    d. tetanus vaccine

  • 8/3/2019 Module 8 MCQ


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