module 6 chccm504 d promote high quality case management v 3.5.13

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(c) Copyright CTA CHC52008, MODULE 6 Version Date: 3.5.2013

Diploma of Community Services (Case Management)

Module 6

CHCCM504D: Promote High Quality Case Management


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This unit is all about...

Being a team leader or case management supervisor


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In charge?

There may be a time in your case management practice that you are IN CHARGE of other workers and other case managers

This requires skills in a range of further areas

You not only need to know your own case management skills but you need to be able to supervise, support and lead others in the field!


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It is a nice idea...

What exactly does it involve?

Professional development and training programs

Practice reviews and audits

Organisation policy and procedures

Relevant program standards

Service and professional standards, including code of professional ethics or code of practice

Research current trends in case management

Analysis and evaluation of practices

Plans for practice improvement


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You also need to have skills in:

role modeling


facilitation of feedback

team management

high level report writing

and documentation

research and analysis


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You need to know the following:

Theory and practice of case management

Provisions of all relevant legislation and statutory requirements

Practice model of supervision

Codes of practice/ethics

Own value base and belief system


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So let’s start with what you need to know ....

Theory and practice of case management

• While case management is a relatively new field it has grown quickly and has developed over the last 50 years into quite a well documented field

• There are theories that underpin case management practice...

• Let’s look at some of these:


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Client Centred Practice: Carl Rogers

This approach to client care revolves around the notion that the client is their own expert and therefore it is important to consult them about their goals, hopes, aspirations and preferences!

This leads on to some of the main aspects of case management... that it is a collaborative process that empowers clients to take control of their own lives...

The plan is developed in collaboration with the client and reflects their choices and preferences for the service arrangements being developed. The goal is to empower the client and ensure that they are involved in all aspects of the planning and service arrangement in a dynamic way. Case Management Society of Australia


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Solution Focused Strength Based Strategies: Shazer, Berg,

These approaches to client support involve the understanding that people grow and develop more when they feel they are already having success

St Luke’s adopted the Strength Based Approach with great success for families involved in Child Safety

They made their practice fun, honouring of difference and focusing on successes rather than on failures. It is also future orientated rather than dwelling in the mistakes of the past


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Solution focused brief therapy (SFBT)

Often referred to as simply 'solution focused therapy' or 'brief therapy', is a type of talking therapy that is based upon social constructionist philosophy.

It focuses on what clients want to achieve through therapy rather than on the problem(s) that made them seek help.

The approach does not focus on the past, but instead, focuses on the present and future


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Strength Based Practice: Reynolds, Saleebey, Rapp, Weick

• Strengths based practice is a social work practice theory that emphasises people's self determination and strengths. Strengths based practice is client led, with a focus on future outcomes and strengths that the people bring to a problem or crisis. A proto-theorist for this practice was social worker Bertha Reynolds, who criticised the American social work tendency to adopt a psychoanalytic approach (and the corollary dependence on the DSM IV) with clients. It was formally developed by a team from the University of Kansas


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Systems Theory:

Systems theory relates to the understanding that there are many diverse systems interacting in our world, including family, work, government, health systems, etc.

The relationships to the eco-systems of nature forms the understanding that one system makes way for another until there is equilibrium

Mind mapping techniques work well in this framework and help us understand the many interlocking systems that human beings are involved in


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Critical Theories

Critical social work is the application of social work from a critical theory perspective

Critical social work seeks to address social injustices, as opposed to focusing on individual people's problems

Critical theories explain social problems as arising from various forms of oppression

This theory is like all social work theories in that it is made up of a polyglot of theories from across the humanities and sciences, borrowing from many different schools of thought including Marxism, social democracy and anarchism


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There are some arguments that theories in the end come and go but the practices are what remains behind..

However as a Case Manager or Case Management Supervisor it is important to become acquainted with the various theories (and there are tons of them) over time and contemplate them and the practice that you are in charge of


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Is it legal?

Provisions of all relevant legislation and statutory requirements

One of the very important issues that you will need to be aware of is the relevant legislation for the work in client support and employee management

Changing legislation is something you need to be watching carefully

Where can you find this easily? The internet is a healthy source of information on changing legislation and statutory requirements Australian Human Rights Commission


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How will you supervise others?

Practice model of supervision

• There are various models of supervision

• It consists of the practitioner meeting regularly with another professional, not necessarily more senior, but normally with training in the skills of supervision, to discuss casework and other professional issues in a structured way. This is often known as clinical or counselling supervision or consultation. The purpose is to assist the practitioner to learn from his or her experience and progress in expertise, as well as to ensure good service to the client or patient.


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Finding one that fits ... Codes of practice/ethics

We can find these again on the Internet, look up Case Management Society of Australia…we can then use these codes to write our own that works and reflects our own particular values

Leadership style: Autocratic, Democratic, Strength Based, Laissez Faire, etc.

Discuss: What would each of these look like in practice?

Discuss: How easy is it to follow the examples we have had in our own life?

How hard is it to choose a practice model that we actually believe in?


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When leading others ...

Own value base and belief system

We never have to evaluate this more carefully than when we have responsibility for others

Where have our values and beliefs come from? are they completely static?

Have they moved over time and how well are we able to work with others with different ideas and values?

Are we going to impose ours?



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Then the personal skills...

Role modeling

• Monkey see, monkey do

• How will you demonstrate the behaviours and values that you want to see in others in the workplace?


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Helping someone find their feet...


How great is it to be believed in by someone in charge… and how wonderful it is to be helped to become all that you can be!

This is an unselfish gift and very different to what we see in a lot of workplaces where the focus is on ‘climbing the ladder’


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People need to have their say!

Facilitation of feedback

• It’s not just your thoughts and words as a supervisor that counts… we all have the need to have input…

• But this can come as negative rabble, backbiting, dominating etc.

• To facilitate feedback from all colleagues and all stakeholders in case management practice is a very important skill…

• Discuss: How do you think you can do this?

(take to the white board come up with some ideas)


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To manage a group of people...

Team management

• Its easy to criticise a manager but it’s another thing to have to do it yourself!

• Discuss

– What are all of the aspects of managing a team that you can think of.

– What tools might you need to do this well?

(Use the white board)


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If you don’t already enjoy report writing – you soon will!

High level report writing and documentation

One of the hardest things to do for ‘people’ is to keep your documentation in order and to keep on top of writing reports

One of the kindest things you can do for yourself and your team is to create ‘proformas’. Proformas ensure that all the information that needs to be documented is easily completed

Your team can help create the proforma

Proformas help people who find writing things down difficult as well as for those who have to read the and check the documents... that’s you!


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Thank Goodness for the Internet!

Research and analysis

As a manager you will have to find out more information about all sorts of things:

– Specific client conditions

– Ways of doing things

– Legislation, WHS

– Codes of conduct, employee/employer relations

– Management strategies

You must be able to use the internet

We will practice this in our assessment so that you know what you are in for!


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In addition...

Professional development and training programs

Establish any up skilling and professional development your team and/or individuals may require

Assist staff to create their development plan, providing constant feedback and support

Encourage staff involvement in training programs, This is often a great time for team building activities to take place

Try to make professional development really fun and enjoyable


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Check ...

Practice reviews and audits

This is kind of like a fire drill for your paperwork and service standards

Think about ways of getting ready for formal reviews or audits by having ‘practice ones’:

– Let people know that you will do some ‘spot’ checks to ensure policies and procedures are being adhered to

– for example home visits, have they happened?

– paperwork up to date? Etc.


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Your guidelines and the way you carry them out:

Organisation policy and procedures

• Policies and procedures move and change over time but somebody, namely you, needs to be in charge of implementing and updating the changes… ensuring everyone is aware of the changes and are on the same page

• Sometimes it may take a disaster to identify that a change in policy and procedure is required… but that’s ok they are living documents and you can’t be a crystal ball gazer. None of us know everything that may possibly happen within a service!


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Forming benchmarks

Relevant program standards

This is about thinking through your programs and working out the standards that you want to provide your staff and clients

For example: case managers to meet with their clients weekly, holding weekly team meetings, providing SMS messages for clients to remind them of appointments

These are the quality standards that keep your services world class

Discuss: What other ideas do you have?


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Checking the big picture...

Service and professional standards, including code of professional ethics or code of practice

Where can you find codes of professional ethics or practice?

Can you adapt these to suit your organisation?



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You don’t want to be a dinosaur

Research current trends in case management

Sometimes people stop their up skilling and professional development and continue to practice with the way they learned it in 1932!

As case managers we have to be on top of updates and changes in our chosen field… so that you may be a more informative leader, role model and mentor for your staff!


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Be able to make good decisions:

Analyse and evaluate practices

Our role as a manager will be to have a good look and evaluate at what is happening in the organisation… and of course, implement changes if required


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Always getting better...

Plan for practice improvement

Case Management practice doesn’t improve on its own, it has to be planned for

First you have that as your goal... set it

Then constantly think of improvements that can be made

Then plan and schedule times to implement the improvements...

Monitor and review the changes; have the changes had the desired effect? is any ‘fine-tuning’ required?


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Good luck Sometimes in community service organisations you

get thrown in the deep end

You have to learn to swim...

Should you be offered a role where you are a case manager as well as a supervisor of other workers, then this presentation should give you a good idea of what is ahead of you


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