module 6. 1.fajans titration uses _______ indicator. a.acid-base b.adsorption c.metal- ion d.nota

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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1. Fajans titration uses _______ indicator.

A. Acid-baseB. AdsorptionC. Metal- ionD. NOTA

2. Other name of ferric ammonium sulphate

A.Ferric alumB.Fe NH4 (SO4)2

C.Fe (NH4)2 (SO4)2

D.A and B

3. These are straight filaments arising from the bacterial cell wall, making the bacterium look like porcupine.

A. CapsuleB. EndosporesC. FimbriaeD. Flagella

4. Standard solutions are also known as:

A.Test solutionsB.Volumetric solutionsC.Saturated solutionsD.NOTA

5. The end point in using ferric ammonium sulphate is:

A.White precipitateB.Red-brown colorC.Pink colorD.Blue color

6. A structural component of the cell that may enhance virulence of the bacterium include


7. Indicator in the Iodometric method of analysis:


B.Methyl red TSC.Methyl orange TSD.Starch TS

8. Assay of diluted HCl is expressed in:

A.%w/wB.%w/vC.Both A and BD.NOTA

9. The source of H antigen

A.FlagellaB.Cell wallC.PilusD.Plasmid

10. Residue on Ignition is also called:

A.Loss on IgnitionB.Loss on DryingC.Acid-insoluble ashD.Sulfated ash

11. Limit of moisture in non-aqueous titrimetric analysis is less than:

A.0.5 %B.0.05%C.0.2%D.0.02%

12. A vaccine antigen that primarily induces opsonizing antibody is

A.Hepatitis B virus vaccine B.MMR vaccineC.Rabies vaccineD.H. influenzae type b vaccine

13. Method II of determining Iodine value is also known as:

A.Hubl’s methodB.Wij’s methodC.Hanus methodD.AOTA

14. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP):

A.Concerned with record keepingB.Done to facilitate recallC.Step by step method on how to go about

a jobD.AOTA

17. The maximal reaction time for tuberculin reaction

A.2-5 hoursB.6-10 hoursC.12-20 hoursD.48-72 hours

16. To determine the total ash, the sample is incinerated at a temperature of 675 + - 25°C. This temperature is represented by:

A.Very dull red heatB.Dull red heatC.White red heatD.Bright red heat

Very dull red heat 500-550°C

Dull red heat 550-700°C

Bright red heat 800-1000°C

Yellow red heat 1000-1200°C

White red heat 1200-1600°C

17. A critical defect that would stop the packaging line operation:

A.Wrong labelsB.Inverted labelsC.Misaligned labelsD.Smeared

18. Streptomycin is known for

A.Erythema nododum leprosumB.Bone marrow depressionC.Discoloration of the teethD.Vestibular damage

19. Hydrolysis products of ASA:

A.Acetic acid + sodium hydroxideB.Acetic acid + salicylic acidC.Salicylic acid + sodium hydroxideD.Sodium salicylate + water


20. Pyrogen test in vitro:

A.ColorimeterB.FluorophotometerC.Cylinder-plate methodD.LAL method

21. A spinal fluid specimen from a 28 year old man shows N. meningitides. The DOC is

A.Pen GB.AmikacinC.KanamycinD.Ethambutol

22. The type of glass most suitable for parenteral preparation is:

A.Type IB.Type IIC.Type IIID.NP

23. A firm’s removal or correction of a distributed product which involves no violation

A.Drug recallB.Stock recoveryC.Market withdrawalD.NOTA

24. Tetracycline may be the DOC for all except:

A.LGVB.Inclusion conjunctivitisC.Hospital acquired PNX due to klebsiellaD.Psittacosis

25. A small volume intravenous solution has a maximum volume of:

A.1000 mlB.200 mlC.500 mlD.NOTA

26. A dye used in the leaker test:

A.Methylene blueB.PhenolphthaleinC.Thymol blueD.NOTA

27. Sulfamic acid (H3NSO3) is a primary standard that can be used to standardize sodium hydroxide. What is the molarity if 34.26mL reacts with 0.3337g of sulfamic acid MW=97


28. The human papilloma virus is the causative agent of:


29. Bleeding is a main stability problem seen in:


30. This expensive drug is given for dapsone-resistancy M.leprae

A.ThalidomideB.Para-aminosalicylic acidC.ClofazimeD.Rifampicin

31. A spinal fluid specimen from a 28 year old man shows N. meningitides. The DOC is

A.Pen GB.AmikacinC.KanamycinD.Ethambutol

32. A sterilizing filter has a pore size of

A.0.5 µmB.0.2 µmC.1 µmD.NOTA

33. This is an antifungal that acts as by inhibiting lansosterol C14- demethylase, an important enzyme in sterol synthesis


34. The human papilloma virus is the causative agent of:


35. Clean room classifications are specified in Federal Standard


36. Use to prevent one element from interfering in the analysis of another element

A.Masking agentB.Demasking agentC.Both a and bD.NOTA

37. A type of relationship in which one species of organism uses the body of a larger species as its physical environment and makes use of that environment to acquire nutrients.


38. The Philippines belongs to what climactic zone:


39. Describe how close a measure value is to the true value

A.AccuracyB.PrecisionC.RangeD.Standard deviation

40. The minimum time period covered by the data for accelerated stability studies is:

A.6 monthsB.12 monthsC.18 monthsD.NOTA

41. Disintegration is an essential attribute of this dosage form:

A.Plain coated tabletB.Hard gelatin capsuleC.Chewable tabletD.AOTA

42. Tetanus, botulism, diphtheria

A.Immediate hypersensitivityB.Cytotoxic antibodyC.Immune complexD.Delayed hypersensitivityE.NOTA

43. Which is not a biological indicator in the validation of a moist heat sterilizer?

A.Bacillus stearothermophilusB.Bacillus subtilisC.Bacillus coagulansD.NOTA

44. The acceptable pH level of water used for pharmaceutical compounding is

A.Between 6.0 and 7.0B.Between 5.0 and 7.0C.Between 7.0 and 8.0D.NOTA

45. Treatment of herpectic conjunctivitis

A.StreptomycinB.IododeoxyuridineC.RifampicinD.Nalidixic acid

46. This is given together with Isoniazid for patients with TB to prevent neurologic side effects:


47. The type of glass most suitable for parenteral preparations is

A.Type IB.Type IIC.Type IIID.NP

48. What is the titer value 0.05M calcium chloride with 2 moles of water? MW=142.9


49. This is the smallest tapeworm that infects humans:

A.Taenia soliumB.Taenia saginataC.Hymenolepsis nanaD.Echinococcus granulosus

50. Safety and Toxicity tests are conducted using:

A.RabbitsB.DogsC.White miceD.Guinea pig

51. The process in which the exact concentration of solution is determined


52. This is also known as the Giant intestinal fluke:

A.Fasciola hepaticaB.Clonorchis sinensisC.Fasciolopsis buskiD.Schistosoma japonicum

53. A spectrophotometer differs from a colorimeter is that it is consists of:

A.PrismB.Lamp houseC.Cell compartmentD.B and C

54. The crude fiber of a drug usually consist of:


55. This is the diagnostic test for the presence of Enterobius vermicularis:

A.Kato thick methodB.Kato-katz methodC.Scotch tape swab methodD.Brine flotation technique

56. The primary staining reagent of the gram procedure is:

A.Methyl redB.Carbol fuchsinC.Crystal violetD.Saffranin

57. Twenty tablets of ascorbic acid weighed 4.250g and a powdered sample of 0.3075g used up 21.5mL of 0.1085N iodine solution. What was the amount of Ascorbic acid per dose of 2 tablets? Each mL of 0.1N iodine is equivalent to 8.80mg of C6H6O6 (Ascorbic acid). The amount is:

A.283.7mgB.141.86mgC.0.2837gD.A & C

58. This is the form of malarial parasite that is taken up by the mosquito as it bites on humans:


Gametocytes are the cells taken by a biting anopheles mosquito from man. The male and female gametocyte will fuse in the mosquito’s stomach into an Oocyst that will give rise to the sporozoites.

59. Adsorption indicators are used in: A.Complexation reactionB.AcidimetryC.Volumetric precipitationD.Alkalimetry

60. Iodimetry is what type of titration

A.DirectB.IndirectC.ResidualD.A & C

61. This is the malarial species that causes the so called “Quartan Malaria”

A.P. ovaleB.P. vivaxC.P. malariaeD.P. falciparum

P. malariae produces fever every 72 hours or three days which is the so called Quartan malaria, P. Vivax and P. ovale produces fever every 48 hours hence called the Tertian malaria, P. falciparum produces fever every 36-48 hours which is also known as Malignant tertian malaria.

62. To measure the optical activity of a sample, the instrument used is:

A.PolarimeterB.RefractometerC.SpectrometerD.Flame photometer

63. The type of alkaloidal assay where the total alkaloids are determine is:


64. This is the ingested infective form of protozoan parasites in humans:


Trophozoites are the motile form (juvenile), Cytostome is the mouth from which pieces of food is ingested.

65. The unsaponifiable matter present in animal fats is:


66. The infrared region of the spectrometer used to identify a substance uses a wavelength range of:


67. This organism causes a non-bloody diarrhea:

A.Entamoeba histolyticaB.Giardia lambliaC.Isospora belliD.Strongyloides stercolaris

68. What is the other name of Koettsdorfer number?

A.Acid valueB.Saponification valueC.Ester valueD.Iodine value

69. Using a spectrophotometer to measure the concentration of a sample, the following data were obtained absorbance (A) of the standard solution was 0.55

A of the sample was 0.58The concentration of the standard used was 16.5mcg

The concentration of the sample was: A.15.5mcgB.17.55mcgC.17.40mcgD.15.9mcg

70. Koplik’s spots seen among patients with measles are usually localized in the:

A.Upper extremitiesB.Lower extremitiesC.MouthD.Scalp

71. Body louse is the vector for

A.LeptospirosisB.PintaC.Epidemic relapsing feverD.Meningitis

73. Aside from Praziquatel, this is also given for tapeworm


73. A defect that may affect the function of an object and therefore, may render the product useless

A.Major defectB.Minor defectC.Critical defectD.Ocular defect

74. Given a tablet thickness of 0.47cm, what should be the acceptable tablet range?


75. The oxidation number of Mn in KMnO4


76. If a sample of white wax is found to have an ester value of 65.7 and a saponification value 74.2, what is the acid value of the sample?


77. Also known as Eosin Y

A.DichlorofluoresceinB.TetrabromophenolpthaleinC.TetrabromofluoresceinD.Xylenol Orange

78. Calculate the weight of oxalic acid required to prepare 1000mL of 0.5N of the solution. MW=126


79. Determine the iodine value of an unknown sample of oil weighed 0.21g if 26mL and 12mLof 0.1100N of sodium thiosulfate are required for the blank and residual titration respectively


80. Titer is an expression of concentration in terms of:

A.Grams of solute per 100mLB.Grams or mg of solute per mLC.Grams per literD.A & C

81. The molecular weight of sulfuric acid is 98. Its equivalent weight is:


82. The oil from peppermint spirit can be determined by using:

A.Cassia flaskB.Bobcock bottleC.PycnometerD.Titration

83. Which of the following is an example of aerobic organism?

A.Listeria monocytogenesB.Chlamydia trachomatisC.Staphylococcus aureusD.Mycoplasma pneumonia

84. This spirochete is tightly coiled, thin, and has a hook at its end


85. A 4-year old kid complains of itchiness in his anal area. Anal swab from this patient will reveal larvae of which of the following?

• Leptospira interogans• Chlamydia trachomatis• Helicobacter pylori• Enterobius vermicularis

86. This species of Shigella is responsible for the most infection on the milder side of the spectrum of Shigellosis.

A. S. dysenteriaeB.S. sonneiC.S. boydiiD.S. flexneri

87. Beer’s plot in spectrophotometry is prepared to determine:

A.Absorbance of the sampleB.Wavelength to be usedC.BlankD.Concentration of the drug substance

88. One of the following is NOT an in process for tablet

A.BioavailabilityB.Weight variationC.Hardness and thicknessD.Disintegration

89. The temperature used for ignition to constant weight is:

A.725 + 25˚CB.825 + 25˚CC.800 + 25˚CD.750 + 25˚C

90. Potency of a 100mg tablet at expiry date


91. The ester value determination of substance is applicable to the following, EXCEPT:

A.FatsB.Volatile oilsC.AlcoholD.Fatty oil

92. To keep samples moisture free the apparatus used is:


93. The indicator for EDTA titration against CaCO3 is:

A.Thymol blueB.Hydroxynaphthol blueC.Methyl redD.Methylene blue•

94. Adsorption indicators are used in: A.Complexation reactionB.AcidimetryC.Volumetric precipitationD.Alkalimetry

95. Analysis where separation of the constituents from the sample is done by weighing the product is:

A.VolumetricB.GravimetricC.Special D.Gasometric method

96. The primary staining reagent of the Gram procedure is:

A.Methyl redB.Carbol fuchsinC.Crystal violetD.Saffranin

97. Which organism is suspected to have infected a goat farmer who had complained a fever of unknown cause?

A.Brucella militensisB.Brucella abortusC.Brucella suisD.Bacillus cereus

98. Diphyllobotrium latum infection may lead to the deficiency of which vitamin?

A.Vit AB.Vit B6C.Vit B1D.Vit B12

99. All are extracellular parasite, except;


100. This sexually transmitted protozoan is common among male homosexual

A.Giardia lambliaB.Entamoeba histolyticaC.Faciola hepaticaD.Ascaris lumbricoides

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