modified naive bayes model for improved web page classification

Post on 27-Jan-2015






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Modified naive bayes model for improved web page classification


Modified Naive Bayes Model for Improved Web Page



• Abstract• Objective• Related Works• Traditional Naive Bayes Model• Proposed Modification• Classification Algorithm• Experimental Setup• Experimental Results• Conclusions• References


• World Wide Web is a large repository of information and it keeps on growing exponentially. The fact is that most of the information stored in it is in either unstructured or semi structured way. So it is not that much easy to get desired piece of information out of that large collection of unprocessed data. Several strategies has been employed to mine the data in World Wide Web for finding interesting information and to organize them in a meaningful way. Web data mining is a field of active research interest and computer scientists across the world is looking into development and improvement of web mining strategies. In this paper we will present a modified probabilistic model based on naive bayes theorem, which will help to classify webpages based on their textual content, in a better way than traditional naive bayes model.


• Explore traditional naive bayes text Explore traditional naive bayes text classification model, and optimize it for classification model, and optimize it for improved performance in terms of cost improved performance in terms of cost and time.and time.

• Use above algorithm for automated Use above algorithm for automated classification of web pages based on their classification of web pages based on their textual content.textual content.

Previous WorksPrevious Works

• Following are some of the methods presented for text classification– Decision tree method[5]– Rule based classification method[6]– SVM(Space Vector Model)[7][8][9]– Neural network classifiers[10][11][12]– Bayesian Classifiers[13][14]– K-nearest neighbour approach[16]

• Most of these text classification methods were further extended for web page classification by taking textual content or hierarchy of web page into consideration[17]

Traditional Naive Bayes ModelTraditional Naive Bayes Model

• Bayesian classifiers are statistical classifiers which predict the class membership probabilities of tuples, which means probability of tuples to be in a particular class.•Naive Bayes classifiers are Bayesian Classifiers that assume 'class conditional independence'.•According to class conditional independece, 'Effect of value an attribute in a class is independent of values of other attributes'.

Classification Algorithm

INPUTfreq-> word frequency list of test web page.Database-> 2d hash table containing list of word frequencies in each categorycategories->List of available categories for classificationOUTPUTcategory->category of given web page

function probability_model(freq_list,database,categories): v=total_number_words_in_database pc={} // A hash function for storing probability of each category for each category in categories: attributes=database[category] n=total_number_of_words_in_category pc[category]=0 for each word in freq_list: if word not in attributes: pc[category]=pc[category]+(1.0/(n+v)) else: pc[category]=pc[category] + ((1+attributes[word])/(n+v)) Category=category for which pc[category] is maximum return Category

Experimental Setup

• Dataset– Standard 20 newsgroup data set was used for

testing purpose.– The 20 newsgroup dataset contains 19997

documents classified into 20 different groups uniformly. Some of the newsgroups are very closely related to each other while others are highly unrelated

• Testing Methods– Random Sub Set Sampling– K-Fold cross validation

Experimental Results

Number of training documents

Accuracy With Traditional Model

Accuracy with proposed Model

100 68.63 68.96

200 74.52 75.04

300 77.78 78.66

400 79.10 80.28

500 80.23 81.46

600 81.61 82.62

700 82.25 83.41

800 83.06 83.93

900 82.91 84.36

Random Subset Sampling : Traditional Naive Bayes Model V/S Modified Model

Experimental Results(contd.)

Random Subset Sampling : Traditional Naive Bayes Model V/S Modified Model

Experimental Results(contd.)

Number of folds Accuracy with traditional Model

Accuracy with Proposed Model

2 73.26 74.67

3 76.51 77.75

4 77.29 78.74

5 77.66 79.24

6 78.22 79.66

7 78.70 80.05

8 79.07 80.49

9 79.51 80.93

10 79.70 81.12

K-Fold Cross Validation : Traditional Naive Bayes Model V/S Modified Model

Experimental Results(contd.)

K-Fold Cross Validation : Traditional Naive Bayes Model V/S Modified Model


• proposed modified naive bayes classifier is better than traditional model because of following reasons.– Experimental results shows that it provide more

accuracy than traditional model.– Long multiplication operations an be replaced by less

expensive addition operations– No need use Laplacian correction, since zero

probability of individual terms will not lead to zero probability of whole category

– Floating point underflow problem can be avoided which may arise due to continuous multiplication of small numbers.


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