modelling repayment patterns in the collections process ... · strategies will be most profitable...

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Accepted Manuscript

Modelling Repayment Patterns in the Collections Process forUnsecured Consumer Debt: A Case Study

Lyn C. Thomas , Anna Matuszyk , Mee Chi So , Christophe Mues ,Angela Moore

PII: S0377-2217(15)00837-1DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.09.013Reference: EOR 13232

To appear in: European Journal of Operational Research

Received date: 14 January 2014Revised date: 31 July 2015Accepted date: 8 September 2015

Please cite this article as: Lyn C. Thomas , Anna Matuszyk , Mee Chi So , Christophe Mues ,Angela Moore , Modelling Repayment Patterns in the Collections Process for Unsecured ConsumerDebt: A Case Study, European Journal of Operational Research (2015), doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.09.013

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We use Markov chain models of payment patterns to estimate recovery rates.

Models allow optimisation of write off policies.

Models tested using large portfolio of UK retail loans during a 12 year period.

Results aid the management of collections particularly the write-off decision.





Modelling Repayment Patterns in the Collections Process for Unsecured

Consumer Debt: A Case Study

Lyn C. Thomasa*

, Anna Matuszykb, Mee Chi So

a, Christophe Mues

a, Angela Moore


aSouthampton Business School, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom.

bWarsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci 162, 02-554 Warsaw, Poland.


One approach to modelling Loss Given Default (LGD), the percentage of the defaulted

amount of a loan that a lender will eventually lose is to model the collections process. This is

particularly relevant for unsecured consumer loans where LGD depends both on a defaulter’s

ability and willingness to repay and the lender’s collection strategy. When repaying such

defaulted loans, defaulters tend to oscillate between repayment sequences where the borrower

is repaying every period and non-repayment sequences where the borrower is not repaying in

any period. This paper develops two models – one a Markov chain approach and the other a

hazard rate approach to model such payment patterns of debtors. It also looks at

simplifications of the models where one assumes that after a few repayment and non-

repayment sequences the parameters of the model are fixed for the remaining payment and

non-payment sequences. One advantage of these approaches is that they show the impact of

different write-off strategies. The models are applied to a real case study and the LGD for

that portfolio is calculated under different write-off strategies and compared with the actual

LGD results.

Key words: OR in banking; payment patterns; collection process; Markov chain models;

survival analysis models

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: (L. C. Thomas)

Telephone: +44 (0)23 8059 7718

Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 3844





1. Introduction

There are two major reasons to model the collections process for the recovery of defaulted

consumer debt. Firstly the regulations, incorporated in Basel II (BCBS, 2004) and Basel III

(BCBS, 2011), on the risk capital that banks must hold required banks to estimate Loss Given

Default (LGD) for each segment of their loan portfolio. LGD is the percentage of the debt at

default that is still not collected at the end of the collection process. Basel Accord II (BCBS

2004) suggests three ways of modelling LGD: historical average, regression approaches and

modelling the recovery process. For consumer debt, the historic average does not make much

sense and the regression approaches lead to poor results with models in the literature having

R-squared between 0.05 and 0.22. One reason for these poor results is the non-normal form

of the LGD distributions but another significant reason is that LGD depends partially on the

debtor’s capacity and willingness to repay but also on the collection strategy. The models in

this paper allow incorporation of the lender/collector’s write-off strategy, which materially

affects the resultant LGD. They also allow lenders to identify which among a set of write-off

strategies will be most profitable over the whole debt portfolio. This is a second reason for

modelling the collections process since lowering LGD affects who should get credit in the

first place and at what price.

Default is defined as borrowers being 90 days overdue or there is evidence to the lender that

the borrowers will not repay. Default triggers the collections process as the lender seeks to

recover the debt. Most collections processes measure their success by the Recovery Rate

(RR) they achieve, where RR=1-LGD.

The recovery rate depends not only on the debtors’ capacity and willingness to repay but also

on the lenders’ actions and their collection policy. Previous models have ignored the lenders’

influence in their models. One such collection action is to write off the loan and make no

further attempt to collect. Writing-off is determined by the collector’s expectation of future

recoveries and the effort in collecting them. Such trade-offs can be used to determine whether

the future expected recovery amount including recovery costs would be positive. Currently

collectors make such write-off decisions subjectively and are often swayed by end of the

quarter financial objectives or the pressure on the collections process. There is currently little

modelling support for such actions. As well as estimating Recovery Rate (RR), the models

presented here support collectors in assessing this trade-off between recoveries and the effort

involved. This trade-off is influenced by the way debtors have already been repaying their





debts, the cost of the collection process, and the likely duration until the debt will be repaid.

The models allow collectors to have some data driven indication of which write-off policies

are most profitable.

Provided the debtor is contactable, collections start with an agreement for the debtor to repay

a fixed amount every period or to pay off the debt in one payment. What subsequently occurs

is that there is an initial sequence of periods of non-payment while the agreement is put into

place, followed by a sequence of periods of payment. This may stop and then a sequence of

non-payment periods occurs until repayment restarts again. This can be repeated several

times throughout the collection process as some of the real data examples in Figure 1 show.

Alternatively the debt may be “cured” in that the repayments made cover the defaulted

amount. In this paper we take “cured” to mean the debt is fully repaid, but a minor

adjustment of the models would allow “cured” to mean a satisfactory percentage of the debt

is repaid or a sufficient number of repayments has been made.

This paper introduces two modelling approaches to describe these patterns of repayment and

non-repayment. The first is a payment sequence approach which looks at the movements at

sequence level between a sequence of payments and a sequence of non-payments. The second

is a survival analysis approach, which looks at whether there is a repayment or no repayment

in each time period (usually a month). It models how many payments are made in a sequence

until the debtor stops paying and how many missed periods occur before they start paying

again. Using the average repayment rate per sequence for the first approach and the average

repayment rate per period in the second approach, one can calculate the distribution of the

overall repayment rate. The models are appropriate for portfolio level decisions and overall

LGD rates. To estimate LGD for an individual, one needs to extend the models so the

parameters are functions of the individual debtor’s characteristics.

These approaches allow one to calculate the repayment rate under different write-off

strategies as well as the average duration a debtor is in the collection process. This would

allow the lender to decide on a suitable trade-off between the future recovery rate and the

amount of future effort expended to reach that rate under the different write-off strategies.

The results are relevant at the portfolio level since they involve the average recovery rate and

the average extra effort involved. The models are not intended to identify the optimal write-

off strategy but can be seen as a progress to optimising such decisions.





The next section gives an informal description of the data from the case study on which the

models will be built. This is the type of data that collectors are now recording on a regular

basis. Section 3 discusses the literature on collections processes as well as the use of Markov

chain models in consumer lending. Section 4 describes the sequence based Markov chain

model where the debtor moves between payment and non-payment sequences. Section 5

applies this model to the case study data to estimate recovery rate, and hence LGD, under

simple write-off strategies. Section 6 describes a hazard rate model of the collections process.

This involves more estimation than the sequence based model but allows much more

complex write-off strategies. In both cases, a full model is outlined together with

simplifications of the model which require fewer parameters as they assume that after an

initial period the parameters of subsequent payment (and non-payment sequences) are the

same. The models in Section 6 are applied to the case study data in Section 7. Finally

conclusions are drawn from the models and their results.

2. Description of the Collections Data Set

The data we use in this case study describes the repayment history of 10,000 defaulted

personal loans from a UK bank’s loan book. These are loans that defaulted between 1988 and

1999 where default was defined as 90 days in arrears. The performance of the loans in the

collection process was recorded from the start of 1988 until the end of 2003. The collections

policy of the lender was to agree where possible with the debtor an amount that should be

repaid each month until the debt was fully paid off. The data recorded whether there was a

payment from the debtor in a given month and how much it was for. From that it is possible

to see the history of sequences of payment and non-payment as shown in Figure 1.

[Figure 1 about here]

Figure 1 shows some examples of the actual payment patterns that occur in the data set we

use later in the paper. The white bars are when the debtor is not repaying and the black bars

are when the debtor is repaying. As can be seen from this graph, the debtors can go for long

periods without paying and then start up again. In all payment patterns, the initial sequence

must be of non-repayment since otherwise the debtor would not have been deemed to have

defaulted. NoPayj is the jth

non-payment sequence and Payj is the jth

payment sequence. Some

of the debtors never pay back anything after the default as for example debtor number 8.

Others pay back part of their debt but are written off when they stop repaying, see for





example debtor number 2. A third group pays back all of their debt – debtor number 4 for

example, while others are still paying back at the end of the observation period. There are

some debtors who are still repaying more than 120 months (10 years) after the default.

Recall that all debtors begin in NoPay1 (their first non-payment sequence) since all of the

debtors in the data set have defaulted. Note that during the time of this sample the definition

of default started to be tightened to 90 days overdue. There are only two ways to leave

NoPay1. The debtor either has to start paying (Pay1) or gets written off (W). Once the debtor

starts paying there are only two ways to leave Pay1. The debtor can either stop paying, in

which case they enter NoPay2 or they pay off all of their debt and are “cured” (C). In order to

calculate the probability of a debtor entering Payj given that they are in NoPayj, we take the

number of those who reached NoPayj and divide that into the numbers who then enter Payj.

This gives the probability P(Payj|NoPayj). Similarly the ratio of the number who reach

NoPayj+1 divided by those who reached Payj, gives the conditional probability

P(NoPayj+1|Payj ). These values together with the number N(NoPayi) and N(Payi), which give

the number of debtors in each relevant sequence, are given in Table 1. Since these are

estimates of the probability of a Bernoulli random variable, the standard deviations,


are also reported in Table 1.

Probabilities like P(Payj+|NoPayj+) or P(NoPay(j+1)+|Payj+) correspond to the calculation

where we have taken the weighted average (weighted by number of cases) of the probabilities

of the relevant transition for sequence j and all higher sequences. This is equivalent to

assuming that all sequences later than the jth one have the same parameters. While there are

debtors in the data set that continue on this stop/start payment process up to Pay25, the

proportion reaching NoPay11 is less than 9%. Also, from Pay4 and NoPay4 onwards, the

transition probabilities are getting quite close. This can be seen in Table 1 where the upper

rows of the last column show the Chi-square test results to check if the proportion going from

NoPayj to Payj is the same as that going from NoPay(j+1)+ to Pay(j+1)+ . The lower section of

the last column shows the results on the same test comparing the proportion moving from

Payj to NoPayj+1 is the same as that going from Pay(j+1)+ to NoPay(j+2)+. These results show

that the parameters for moving from non-payment to payment sequences after the third

payment sequence are similar. The probabilities of moving from payment to non-payment

sequence are also converging if more slowly. To be conservative, in the full model we





assume only that all payment and non-payment sequences after the tenth will have similar

parameters to those of Pay10 and NoPay10.

[Table 1 about here]

Table 2 describes the statistics of the total recovery rate distribution for the whole portfolio of

defaulted loans under the lender’s collection policy over the sample period.

[Table 2 about here]

The average recovery rate is 31.6 % corresponding to a LGD of 68.4% and the standard

deviation was 29.2%. The form of the RR distribution is given by Figure 2 which has the U-

shaped distribution common to almost all RR (and LGD) distributions. During the period of

this sample, the collector had no fixed policy on writing off debts. Write off was done

subjectively when it was felt the collections department was under pressure. It is clear from

the examples in Figure 1 that such an approach allowed repayments to stop and start many

times before the debts were written off.

[Figure 2 about here]

The collections data includes loans that defaulted in the period 1988-1994 and one that

defaulted in 1995-1998. The first of these was an economic downturn and the second a period

of recovery. Table 2 also looks at the differences in the recovery rate statistics for loans

defaulting in these two periods. It appears that it is the economic situation in the collections

process more than the economic situation at default which affects the collection results.

Loans which default in the economic recession pay back a little more in the subsequent

recovery than those which default during good economic times. This is seen in Table 2. It

may be the case that those who default during a recession are more willing to try and repay

when their economic situation improves than those who default in good times.

3. Literature Review

Consumer debt is a major factor in the current economic situation. As of the end of 2012, US

consumers owed $11.83 trillion with credit card debt being $700 billion, student loan debt

$1.16 trillion and delinquency rates of 4.3% (Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 2015). In

the UK, consumer debt stood at £1.445 trillion with £160.7 billion of this being unsecured

credit (Bank of England, 2014). UK banks wrote off an average of £11.38 million of the

defaulted portion of this debt each day in 2012 (Credit Action, 2013). Thus it is not surprising





that there is an established literature on how consumers repay their loans (Kahlberg and

Saunders, 1983). Perhaps what is surprising is how little attention has been paid in the

literature on how consumers repay after they have defaulted.

One of the first Markov chain models of consumer credit card behaviour before default was

suggested by Cyert, Davidson and Thompson (1962) and subsequent variations are reviewed

in Thomas (2009). In a few instances, the payment pattern approach has also been used to

rank borrowers in terms of their likelihood to default. It was used for instalment loans by

Schwarz (2011) as a way of introducing new variables, namely the ratio of actual instalments

payments made to those required. Stone (1976) used payment patterns to forecast when

accounts receivable would be paid to a retail organisation. However, in that paper the whole

cost must be paid off in one repayment. Stanford (1995) built an analytic solution to the

accounts receivable forecast problem based on the Cyert-Davidson-Thompson model.

All these approaches have modelled the performance of borrowers before they have

defaulted. Modelling payment patterns after default is different. The state space is not how

overdue is the borrower’s payment because all have already defaulted. Instead, it is whether

the defaulter is currently in a repayment or non-repayment sequence. These payment patterns

are modelled using a Markov chain, where the state space is whether the defaulter is currently

paying (Pay), not paying (NoPay), Cured (C) where the whole defaulted amount has been

repaid, or the loan has been written-off (W). Zhou (2011) is one of the few to consider the

sequences of payment and non-payment in the collections process as a Markov chain. That

thesis concentrated on only two aspects of the process. The first is the duration of the first

non-payment sequence, i.e. the time until there is a first payment after default. The second is

how likely the next repayment is likely to be severely late, i.e. that the non-payment

sequences are above a certain duration. Our models concentrate on the whole collections

process and so are able to estimate the average expected total recovery rate. Moreover, they

allow one to look at the results under different write-off policies. The write-off decision does

affect how much can be recovered in the collections process but has been ignored in most

LGD models. Curnow et al. (1997) discuss the collection procedure at AT&T and Anderson

(2007) has a more general discussion of the collections process but neither discusses the

write-off decisions. An approach which looks at whether one should write off a loan is the

dynamic programming model of the collections process found in de Almeida Filho et al.

(2010). They concentrate on the optimal duration and sequence of the different collection

actions that can be taken in the collections process. One of these is to cease collecting and so





write off the loan. The state space in this model is the amount recovered so far, the current

collection action and the duration so far of that action. It does not involve whether there was

or was not a payment in the previous period which is the state space used in the models in

this paper.

The models in this paper allow one to estimate the recovery rate (RR) and hence LGD. Basel

II (BCBS, 2004) and Basel III (BCBS, 2011) banking regulations require that LGD be

estimated for each segment of a bank’s loan book. For corporate loans, there is a well-

established literature on modelling LGD see the survey by Peter (2005) of the practical issues

in LGD modelling. Most of the corporate LGD models are variants of a regression approach;

see for example the papers in the book edited by Altman et al. (2005). More recent non-

parametric variants, such as neural nets and regression trees, are compared in Loterman et al.

(2011). Dermine and Neto de Carvalho (2006) investigated LGD for bank loans rather than

for corporate bonds and showed how a log-log transformation led to a better regression fit of

the data. Recently, Han and Jang (2013) have investigated how the lenders’ actions can affect

LGD for corporate credit. However, the literature on LGD for unsecured consumer loans is

much more limited.

There are two methods of calculating LGD for the retail loans: workout LGD and implied

historical LGD. Lucas (2006) suggested using the collection process to model LGD for

mortgages. The collection process was split into whether the property was repossessed and

the loss if there was repossession. A scorecard was built to estimate the probability of

repossession and then a model used to estimate the “haircut” which is the percentage of the

estimated sale value of the house that is actually realised at sale time.

Matuszyk et al. (2010) introduced a decision tree model for unsecured consumer loans to

model the strategy of the collection process. This helps lenders decide whether to collect in-

house, use an agent or sell off part of the defaulted loans. Our paper looks more at the

operations one undertakes if one is collecting either in-house or as an agent. Bellotti and

Crook (2012) added economic variables to the regression models estimating the LGD and

found that their inclusion in the model was important. Zhang and Thomas (2012) examined

whether it is better to estimate Recovery Rate (RR) or Recovery Amount. They used linear

regression and survival analysis models to model Recovery Rate and Recovery Amount, so as





to predict Loss Given Default (LGD) for unsecured personal loans. They found estimating

Recovery Rate directly by using linear regression gave the best results.

In all the above quoted papers the results in terms of R-square values were poor - between

0.05 and 0.22. One reason for this is the lack of economic variables in the models. This could

be addressed by using the dual time approach of Breeden (2007) which looks at vintage and

maturity of the debt as well as economic conditions or by directly including economic

variables into the regression (Bellotti and Crook, 2012) . Another reason is that the LGD

distribution is far from normal and so regression approaches do not work without major

modifications. A third reason why LGD is hard to predict is its dependence on the write-off

policy the collector uses. The two models proposed hereafter give an alternative approach to

modelling the recovery rate using payment patterns. These models have the advantage of

including the write-off policy in the calculation and do not require the LGD distribution to

have a specific form. The models could also be extended to include economic conditions.

The second model proposed here is a discrete time survival model. In other papers which use

survival analysis in LGD modelling (Witzany et al, 2012; Bonini and Caivano, 2013), the

time measured is directly the time until write-off. In this model the times measured are the

lengths of the payment and non-payment sequences, which are then incorporated in the

recovery rate estimate.

4. Modelling Repayment Patterns Using the Payment Sequence model

This model assumes the probability structure of payment and non-payment sequences is

given by a Markov chain. Each sequence consists of one or more consecutive months of

payment or non-payment. The recovery process always begins with a non-payment sequence,

NoPay1, since a borrower will only trigger the default by missing a payment. This is

succeeded either by a payment sequence Pay1 or a write-off, W. The payment sequence Payj

either leads to complete repayment of all debt (C) or a further sequence of missed payments

(NoPayj+1) The process continues until either the loan is completely recovered (C) or written-

off (W). See Figure 3. The Markov assumption means the number of payments or non-

payments in a sequence does not affect the transition probabilities.

[Figure 3 about here]

The probabilities of the transitions are given by:





( | )j jP Pay NoPay and1( | )j jP NoPay Pay

, j=1,2…

Note that:

( | ) 1 ( | )j j jP W NoPay P Pay NoPay and 1( | ) 1 ( | )j j jP C Pay P NoPay Pay (1)

From this we are able to calculate the chance of being written off by:


1 1 1

( ) ( | ) ( | ) ( | )i j j j j

i j i

P W P W NoPay P NoPay Pay P Pay NoPay


If we allowed the process of recovery to continue indefinitely, the chance of paying off all the

debt must be:


1 1 2

( ) 1 ( ) ( | ) ( | ) ( | )i j j j j

i j i j i

P C P W P C Pay P Pay NoPay P NoPay Pay


It is unrealistic that the number of payments sequences be unlimited. The write off policy

WO(N) writes off the debt at the start of the (N+1)th

non-payment sequence. That would be

the Nth

time the debtor has stopped paying. In that case, the probability of full repayment is

P(C|N) where:


1 1 2

( | ) ( | ) ( | ) ( | )N

i j j j j

i j i j i

P C N P C Pay P Pay NoPay P NoPay Pay


The probability of a write-off is then:

P(W | N ) =1- P(C | N )

= P(W | NoPayi)



å P(NoPayj+1

| Payj)

1£ j<i

Õ P(Payj| NoPay

j)+ P(NoPay

j+1| Pay


j| NoPay





Zhang and Thomas (2012) showed that estimating recovery rates leads to more accurate

models than estimating recovery amounts. So let RR(i) be the average recovery rate of the ith

payment sequence (the amount recovered in it as a fraction of the original defaulted amount).

Note this is the average over those who have an ith

payment sequence but do not pay off all

the loan in that sequence. For those who do pay off completely and so go NPi → Pi → C, it is

clear their recovery rate must be 1 when they reach C. So we add a recovery rate of




)(1 when they reach C. With these estimates we can calculate the overall recovery

rate (RR) if the lender does not write off any debt. Its expectation is E(RR) while if the

recovery process is stopped at the (N+1)th

non-payment sequence, the expected recovery rate

is defined as E(RR|N). These satisfy:





E(RR)= RR(i)i=1


å P(Payi| NoPay

i) P(NoPay

j+1| Pay


min{1,i-1}£ j£i-1

Õ Payj| NoPay

j) +

(max(0,1- RR(k))k=1


å )P(C|Payi)P(Pay

i| NoPay

i) P(NoPay

j+1| Pay


min{1,i-1}£ j£i-1

Õ Payj| NoPay





= P(NoPayj+1

| Payj)P(

min{1,i-1}£ j£i-1

Õ Payj| NoPay




å ) P(Payi| NoPay

i)(RR(i) + (max(0,1- RR(k)))



å (1-P(NoPayi+1








E(RR| N) =


| Payj)P(

min{1,i-1}£ j£i-1

Õ Payj| NoPay




å )

P(Payi| NoPay

i)(RR(i) + (max(0,1- RR(k)))



å (1-P(NoPayi+1







This formulation assumes no interest is being charged on the defaulted debt, no discounting

of the repayments and no collections costs. These are assumptions approved by some but not

all regulators. One can modify the equation to deal with the first two of these and the third is

dealt with in this paper by looking at the collection effort. E(T), the expected number of

payment sequences, is a good indicator of the effort and hence the cost involved in the

collection process. Similarly, let E(T|N) be the expected number of payment sequences under

policy WO(N). Then:

1 1 1

2 2

( ) ( | ) 1 ( | ) ( | )i

j j j j

i j

E T P Pay NoPay P Pay NoPay P NoPay Pay


and 1 1 1

2 2

( | ) ( | ) 1 ( | ) ( | )ii N

j j j j

i j

E T N P Pay NoPay P Pay NoPay P NoPay Pay


The lender will be aided in deciding which write-off policy to choose by comparing E(RR|N)

with E(T|N) for different N. Alternatively they may look at the marginal reward per extra

effort by looking at (E(RR|N+1)-E(RR|N)) / (E(T|N+1)-E(T|N)).

An advantage of this approach to estimating RR and LGD is that one gets a distribution of the

recovery rates as well as the mean value. One measure of risk used in finance is Value at Risk

(VaR). Estimate the α-quantile of the Recovery Rate, , i.e. the recovery rate if there is

only an α chance of getting a worse recovery rate. Since the worst recovery occurs if the

debtor does not leave NoPay1 , the second worst if it does not leave NoPay2, and so on, we

can estimate this by first defining Nα as the maximum N, so that:







{ | ( | ) ( | ) ( | ) }N

i j j j j

i j i

N Max N P W NoPay P NoPay Pay P Pay NoPay


Then the α-quartile of the recovery rate RRα will be:


{1, 1}

( )N

i Max N



It seems reasonable to suppose the chance of a debtor paying for the first time is different

from the chance someone who has already paid something but stopped paying will start to

repay again. However, it would seem reasonable that for someone in this latter position it

would not matter too much after a time how many payment sequences have already occurred

or what their condition was when they defaulted. Similarly, the chance that a defaulter who

has started to pay for the first time, stops paying before paying off the whole amount is likely

to be different to the chance that someone who has already paid something and then stopped,

but is now paying again, stops again before paying off. Again for debtors in this latter

position, after a time it will not matter too much how many times they have previously

stopped paying. Similarly, the recovery rate in the first sequence might be different to that in

the second sequence. However, one might expect the recovery rates in the fifth, sixth and

higher sequences to be very similar. (This is for those who do not cure in that sequence).

Assume that the first K payment and non-payment sequences are different from one another

but all subsequent sequences of payment have the same probabilities of stopping and the

same recovery rate estimates. Similarly, assume all non-payment sequences from the Kth


the same probabilities of a subsequent payoff occurring. Then one only needs to estimate 2K

probabilities and K recovery rates. This would lead to the parameters:

1 1

( | ) ,1 1; ( | ) , ;

( | ) ,1 1; ( | ) , ;

( ) ,1 1; ( ) , ;

i i i i i K

i i i i i K

i K

P Pay NoPay p i K P Pay NoPay p i K

P NoPay Pay q i K P NoPay Pay q i K

RR i r i K RR i r i K


In that case, the equations (2), (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9) reduce to the following:

1 11


2 1 1

1P(W)=(1-p ) (1 )


j i J Ki KK

i j j j j

i j jK K

pp p q p q

p q






1min{ , }


2 1 1



P(W|N)=(1-p ) (1 ) ( 1)

1( ) 1 ( ) ( )


where (Y)=1 if Y>0; (Y)=0 if Y 0

j i j Ni K N

i j j j j

i j j


j j K K K K

j K K

p p q K N p q

pN K p q p q p q

p q



1 1

2 1 1

11 11 1

1 1 1 11 1

( )1

(1 )(max{0,1 }) ( ) (1 ) max{0,1 }

j KiKK K

i i j j j j K K

i j j K K

ij i j KK s i K

i i s j j j j K K K K s K

i s i sj j

p qE RR r p r p p q p q r p

p q

p q r p q p q p q p q r ir


min{ , } min{ , }1 1

1 1 1 1 1

2 2 11 1

1 11

( | ) (1 ) (1 ) (max{0,1 })(1 )

1 ( )( ) (max{0,1 })( ) (1 )


K N K Ni is i

i i j j s i i j j

i i sj j

N Kj K K N s KiK K

j j K K s K K K K K

i sj K K

E RR N r p r p p q r p q r q p p q

p qN K p q r p r ir p q q p

p q




2 1 1

( )1

j KiKK

i j j j j

i j j K K

pE T p p p q p q

p q


min{ , } 1


2 1 1

1 ( )( | ) ( )


N Kj KK N iK K

i j j j j K

i j j K K

p qE T N p p p q N K p q p

p q


These are the formulae which we will use in the case study calculations in section 5. One

might think that if N>K one would want to make the same decision of whether to carry on or

write off no matter what the value of N. However, this is not the case because the recovery

rate of the final payment when a debtor cures lessens as the number of previous payment

sequences increases. Thus there comes a time when it is worth writing the debt off even

though that might not have been the case when N=K.

5. Case Study using the payment Sequence Model on the collections data





The case study uses the data set described in section 2. Table 1 of that section gives the

transition probabilities between payment and non-payment sequences needed for the

modelling. Table 3 describes the repayment rates per sequence RR(i) from the data.

[Table 3 about here]

RR(i) is calculated by taking the average of the repayment rate (the amount of repayment in

the sequence as a ratio of the original debt) for the ith

payment sequences in which the

borrower stops paying before having completely paid off the debt. These repayment rates

start with a rate of 13.15% in the first payment sequence and drop monotonically until the

value is 5.91% in the tenth sequence. Although this repayment rate is always dropping, the

values are slowly converging and so assuming a constant RR(i) after the tenth payment

sequence is a reasonable assumption. The last five entries in Table 1 are the average

repayment rates if we combine all the repayment sequences from the fifth, fourth, third,

second and first onwards. Recall the last column of Table 1 looks at the chi-square tests

results for the hypotheses that P(Payi|NoPayi) and P(Payi(i+1)+|NoPay(i+1)+) take the same

value and also the same thing for the hypothesis P(NoPayi+1)|Payi) equals

P(NoPayi(i+2)+|Pay(i+1)+). Table 3 reports the results for RR(i) i=1,…10 and RR(i+), i=1,..,5.

It suggests one can use the same parameters for all sequences from the third and probably the

second onwards. The difference between RR(i) and RR(i+1) for such sequences is less than

0.01 and getting smaller as RR(i) converges to 0.59.

Substituting the values in Tables 1 and 3 into equations (14) to (17) gives the expected

average total recovery rate and the average expected number of payment periods involved

under a number of write-off policies.

[Table 4 about here]

Table 4 gives the results for E(RR|N) and E(T|N) for different write-off policies, WO(N),

where one is writing off the debt when the borrower stops paying for the Nth

time.. The final

row corresponds to the values if the collector never wrote off any debtor. In that case, the

expected total recovery rate is 38.2%, corresponding to a LGD of 61.8%. The first ten rows

show the results under the write-off policies of writing off any borrower when they reach the


non-payment sequence (i.e. the borrower has stopped paying N times). Note if one

stops the process after the tenth time a borrower stops paying, the lender will expect to





recover 37.1% of the debt. If one wants to recover at least 30% of the debt on average, one

should write off the debt on the fifth time the borrower stops a payment sequence. A harsher

policy of two failures and the borrower is written off leads to an expected recovery rate of

18.0%. Comparing tables 2 and 4 shows that the collector’s current recovery rate of 31.6%

could be obtained by writing off debts the 6th

time a debtor stops paying.

[Figure 4 about here]

Figure 4 gives a graphical representation of the trade-off between the total expected recovery

rate and the total number of expected payment periods under these different write-off

policies. The graph is concave which means the increase in recovery rate per extra payment

period decreases as the write-off policy increases in N. To find the recovery rate per payment

sequence, calculate the slope from the origin to the point corresponding to that policy on the

curve. The best result in terms of recovery rate per payment sequence is to write off the debt

after the first non-payment but this leads to a low recovery rate of 10.7%. At the other end of

the graph, the difference between the policy of no active write-offs and writing off at the

tenth non-payment is an increase in expected recovery rate of 1.1% but only an expected

increase of 0.266 in the number of payment sequences. So although one gets very little

recovery deep into the collections process, it also does not involve much more effort because

few debtors have had such a large number of payment sequences.

If one assumes the ratio of the average defaulted amount to the cost of keeping a debtor in the

collections process for one more non-payment-payment cycle is 10, then from Figure 4 we

can see the optimal write-off policy is when the tangent to the curve has a slope of 10, i.e. at

(2.639, 0.331). The same result can be obtained from Table 4 by maximizing 10E(RR|N)-

E(T|N) which happens at N=6 with 10(0.331)-2.639=0.671.

To see the effect of taking the simpler models where one assumes that all payment and non-

payment sequences after the Kth

are given the same parameters, we undertake the calculation

for the expected recovery rate with this assumption holding for K=5,4,3,2 and 1. Recall that

the chi-square tests suggest K=2 or 3 are sensible choices. The previous calculation assumed

that after the 10th

sequence all the remaining sequences have the same parameter. The

difference between the recovery rate using this assumption and the simplified assumptions

that assume similarity after the first, second, third, fourth and fifth sequence for all future

sequences is shown in Table 5.





[Table 5 about here]

In that table, a positive value says the simplifying assumption has come up with a lower

recovery rate, while a negative value means it has resulted in a higher recovery rate. The

maximum error using the 1+ simplification, which means all the sequences have the same

parameters, is 2.36%. For 2+, where the first sequence is assumed different from all the rest,

it is 1.51%. For 3+, 4+ and 5+, the maximum errors are just below or above 1%. This

suggests it is enough to make K=2 or K=3 (which involves estimating 6 and 9 parameters

respectively) to get an accurate model. This table is useful in showing the differences

between these simplified models with 6 or 9 parameters and a larger one, which in this K=10

case has 30 parameters. It is fairly obvious though from the results in the last column of Table

5 that one should at least use a model which differentiates between the first payment and non-

payment sequence and the rest.

6. Modelling the Recovery Process Using a Hazard Rate Model

In this section, we develop a hazard rate model which requires more parameters but can

evaluate the impact of more sophisticated write-off policies than the payment sequence

model. The model estimates the likelihood of transition from payment to non-payment (or

vice versa) each month. This allows the duration of each payment sequence to be modelled.

By adding data about the repayment rate in each month, estimates of the total repayment rate

can be made.

We extend the notation introduced earlier by defining to be the j

th period of non-

payment in a non-payment sequence i and let be the j

th period of payment in payment

sequence i. The state space of the system now extends to that shown in Figure 5.

[Figure 5 about here]

All defaulters start with a non-payment month which is labelled . The process can

then move to one of three states:

when there is no payment and so the non-payment sequence continues

sequence starts

W where the debt is written off and the recovery action ceases.

For a month where there is a payment, say , the process can again move to three

different states, namely:





if there is a payment in the next month so the payment sequence continues

if there is no payment and so a new non-payment sequence begins

C where the payment is enough to pay off all the defaulted amount and so the loan is


The conditional probabilities P(Payi1| NoPayi

j) and P(NoPay

1i+1| Payi

j) can be thought of as

discrete time hazard functions which determine respectively how long a non-payment and a

payment sequence lasts.

Let RT be the expected total recovery rate to date in the process and define RRM(i) to be the

average recovery rate paid per month in payment sequence i. Whenever the system moves to

for any j, RRM(i) is added to RT. If this means that RT becomes greater or equal to 1,

then the process moves to state C. So it is the value of the variable RT that determines when

the process enters the cure state. The model could be extended by making the average

monthly repayment RRM(i,j) to be a function of how long the repayment sequence has been

as well as the number of previous sequences. This would allow the situation where there is a

large payment made at the start of each repayment sequence.

This model can deal with more write-off policies. Define WO(N,M) to be the policy that

writes off either after the Nth

time the debtor stops a payment sequence, or when it is M or

more periods since the collection process started and there is a non-payment this period. The

first condition occurs when the process reaches the state , while the second

condition requires the state of the process to include the number of periods since the start of

the collection process. Thus the states of the system are ( or (

) ,


) denote the collection process is in the jth period of the ith payment

(non-payment) sequence, respectively. RT is the recovery rate so far and m is the number of

periods since the start of the collection process.

The transition between states is given as follows:

1( , , ) ( , ( ), 1)j j

i iPay RT m Pay RT RRM i m with transition probability

1( | )j j

i iP Pay Pay provided ( ) 1RT RRM i

( , , ) ( ,1, 1)j

iPay RT m C m with transition probability 1( | )j j

i iP Pay Pay provided

( ) 1RT RRM i






1( , , ) ( , , 1)j

i iPay RT m NoPay RT m with transition probability 1

1( | )j

i iP NoPay Pay

provided Mm 1 and Ni

( , , ) ( , , 1)j

iPay RT m W RT m with transition probability )|( 11

jii PayNoPayP provided

Mm 1 or Ni

1( , , ) ( , ( ), 1)j

i iNoPay RT m Pay RT RRM i m with transition probability 1( | )j

i iP Pay NoPay

provided 1)( iRRPRT

( , , ) ( ,1, 1)j

iNoPay RT m C m with transition probability 1( | )j

i iP Pay NPay provided

( ) 1RT RRM i

1( , , ) ( , , 1)j j

i iNoPay RT m NoPay RT m with transition probability

1( | )j j

i iP NoPay NoPay provided Mm 1

( , , ) ( , , 1)j

iNoPay RT m W RT m with transition probability 1( | )j j

i iP NoPay NoPay

provided 1m M

The expected total recovery rate under such write-off policies is calculated by an iterative

scheme beginning with m=M and then working back through the states in decreasing order of

m value. Eventually one can calculate the overall total expected recovery rate, E(RR), which

is that in the first state of the sequence, namely ERR(NoPay1

1, 0, 0). For the write-off policy

WO(N,M), this means solving the following set of equations (20) with the boundary

conditions as in (19):

) =1 if


( )


= (

| ) (


( |





| ) (

) (20)





Define ) (or

) ) to be the time in the collection process given

one is in state ) (or

)) and


E(T)( ) being their expected values. These are calculated from an identical set

of equations to (19) and (20) but with slightly different boundary conditions namely:

( ) if


) (21)

E( ) =


) (




) =

| )

| ) (

) (22)

These equations calculate the expected average recovery rate and the average number of

periods that the collection process takes under different write-off policies. This allows

management to decide on what is the appropriate policy for them. There is a trade-off

between increasing the recovery rate and increasing the time and hence the effort and cost of

the collection process. As before, if the average default amount is b and the cost each period a

debtor is in the collection process is c, then the collector can find the expected profitability of

each strategy by calculating . In this way, one can calculate the most

profitable write-off policy.

7. Case Study: Applying Hazard Rate Model to In-house Collections Data

The hazard rate model of the previous section is now applied using the collections data

described in Section 2. This model involves estimating the probabilities, P(Payij+1

|Payij) and


|NoPayij). The number of probabilities to be estimated can be limited by

assuming all payment and non-payment sequences after the Kth

ones have the same

probability parameters as the Kth

one. Even then, there are theoretically an infinite number of

probabilities as j can take a countable number of values. So we add the assumption that in

every sequence the hazard rates P(Payij+1

|Payij) and P(NoPayi


j) are constant once j

≥ L. This seems a reasonable assumption and is in most cases supported by the chi-square test





results in Table 6. Also, once a debtor has settled into a payment or non-payment sequence, it

appears not to matter how long the sequence has already lasted. With these assumptions, one

is left with 2LK different possible states, Payij

and NoPayij . In our case, we take K=L=3

[Table 6 about here]

An alternative approach to estimating P(Payij+1

| Payij) for all j would be via a parametric

hazard rate functions (.)iPh where hPi ( j) = P(Payi

j+1 |Payij ) and

hNPi ( j) = P(NoPayij+1 |NoPayi

j ). This would avoid putting a limit L on the non-constant part

of each hazard rate function but computational requirements would still require that the

conditional probabilities be constant for j where j ≥ L. In this paper we will use the actual

conditional probabilities rather than the hazard rate function but with K=L=3. The resultant

18 probabilities are given in Table 6.

Initially RT looks continuous as it could take any value in [0,1]. However if all sequences

after Kth

repayment sequence have the same repayment rates per period, RT will only take a

discrete number of values. In this case, the only repayment rates per period that need be

considered are RRM(1), RRM(2), …, RRM(K). Define:

r=gcd{RRM(1), RRM(2), …, RRM(K)} and RRM(i)= rd(i)

We can then replace RT in any state by integers d=0,1,…,D, where RT = rd and

1/ 1D r . In this hazard model, there is no extra term to deal with the cases when a

repayment means the whole amount is repaid and the collection is complete. Thus, unlike the

first model, we include all the cases which involve an ith repayment sequence when

calculating the RRM(i) values in Table 8.

[Table 7 about here]

There are 2LKD possible states, which in this case with K=L=3, D=541 leads to 9738 states.

If we denote the states as and

as ,

we can calculate the expected recovery rates under a write-off policy by solving

(19) and (20) in the equivalent form.


| ) { }






) ;

| ) { }



[Table 8 about here]

Table 8 shows the results of these calculations. If one compares the results of the final

column of Table 8, E(RR) with M=48, with the E(TT|N) column in the first three rows and

the last row of Table 4, one finds that the two models come up with quite similar results.

Even though the last column in Table 8 corresponds to the collection process stopping after

four years while that of Table 4 has no limit on how long the process lasts, the recovery rates

vary by at most 2%. Apart from the N=1 case, the Table 8 results with their fixed time limits

are less than the Table 4 results with their collection process of unlimited duration. A

comparison with the actual expected recovery rate of 31.6% would suggest a write off policy

around N=3, M=61 or one of N=∞, M=43.

[Figure 6 about here]

As Figure 6 shows, increasing N, the number of payment sequences before write-off, by 1 has

less effect on the recovery rate than increasing M, the duration of the collections process by

12 (months). The graph for each N has an initial convex part, followed by an almost linear

section and finally a concave section. In the case of N=∞, the curve is convex until M=54

and concave thereafter. One can think of this as an initial learning process, where defaulters

overcome the initial reluctance to repay; then a steady state; and finally an ageing process as

the defaulters who are left are the ones who are least likely to repay. The change from

convexity to concavity varies depending on N. For N=1, it occurs at M=20; for N=2 at

M=28 and for N=3 at M=31. The graph shows though what impact the write-off policies

have in terms of recovery rates. Even comparing two realistic policies (N=3, M=34) and

(N=∞, M=48), the recovery rate varies from 11% to almost 37%. Moreover, comparing the

N=∞ case with the actual recovery rate in Table 2 shows that the current policy pursued has

the same recovery rate as one where debtors are only written off after 48 month since the

collection process. The N=∞ leads to high recovery rates after 8 years but this is such an

unrealistic policy (no write-off for 8 years no matter what) that there is a lack of data

available. One can find the most profitable write-off policy of this form by repeating what





was done in section 4 and calculating E(T|N,M) the expected time in the collections process

under the WO(N,M) write-off policy. This will be less than M because some of the borrowers

will pay off before then or be written off under the N part of the rule. If the average defaulted

amount is a and the cost of collections per period per debtor is c, then one should maximise

aE(RR|N,M)-cE(T|N,M) as was the case in section 5.

8. Conclusions

The paper discusses a way of modelling recovery rates (RR) and hence Loss Given

Default (LGD) since LGD=1-RR for unsecured consumer loans. It models the patterns of

how debtors pay back their debt after default. These models not only predict loss given

default but they highlight how LGD values depend on the write off policy of the collector. By

allowing collectors to estimate both the extra proportion recovered and the extra effort

involved if a write-off policy is relaxed, they indicate what write-off strategies are optimal.

There are two related models developed in this paper. The first uses the sequences of

consecutive payments or consecutive non-payments as the basic units together with the

average recovery rate in each payment sequence. Markov chain ideas lead to an overall

recovery rate model. The second model uses a discrete hazard rate approach to estimate the

chance a defaulter is paying or not paying in a given month. Such a model gives estimates of

the duration of each payment or non-payment sequence. Estimating the monthly average

recovery rate allows one to estimate the total recovery rate.

The first model requires less data to implement and leads to an analytic solution. However the

write-off policies one can consider with it are somewhat limited. The second approach

involves more parameters and has to be solved iteratively. However it can deal with more

complex write-off policies. The write-off policies considered in this paper depend on the

current duration of the collections process and the number of times a borrower fails to

continue in a payment sequence. The model could also deal with write-off policies which

depended on what percentage of the debt had been recovered, the time since the last payment,

as well as combinations of these four elements.

These models are essentially work in progress and indicate what is possible with this

repayment pattern approach. The models operate at the portfolio level, since they deal with

average recovery rates and average time in the collections process. They are useful as





operations management tools for the collections process. They help the collector decide what

the optimal trade-off is between recovery rate and time, effort and cost in the collections

process. This leads to decisions on the staffing levels and skills needed for collections.

One could extend the models to work at the individual defaulter level. The parameters would

then be functions of the debtor’s characteristics and the prior performance in collections. This

develops the idea of a collection score suggested in Anderson (2007). The models could

easily be extended to allow for discounting of the later repayments, and introducing

collection costs explicitly. The models in this paper calculate the expected recovery rate and

the expected collections effort and allows the lender to determine the appropriate trade-off,

rather than requiring explicit collection costs. One could also introduce economic conditions

by making the recovery rates and the transition probabilities be functions of economic

variables. This would improve the accuracy of the models but must wait until data on

collections performance against economic conditions is regularly collected. Thus though

these models are some of the first to take a repayment pattern approach to LGD and RR

modelling, there are clear indications of how to develop this approach. It has the advantage

that it does not depend on the form of the LGD distribution, is able to deal with collector’s

operating decisions, such as their write-off policy, and could include economic effects. These

are three of the issues that cause difficulties in LGD modelling.


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i seq.

no. N(NoPayi ) N(Payi )

P (Payi|





















1 9998 7180 0.718 0.004 0.282 0.980 0.002 0.020 P(Pay|NoPay)

2 7036 5632 0.800 0.005 0.200 0.973 0.002 0.027 4v5+ 5.528

3 5482 4524 0.825 0.005 0.175 0.967 0.003 0.033 3v4+ 5.695

4 4374 3719 0.850 0.005 0.150 0.961 0.003 0.039 2v3+ 46.74

5 3575 2960 0.828 0.006 0.172 0.955 0.004 0.045 1v2+ 559.47

6 2826 2369 0.838 0.007 0.162 0.954 0.004 0.046

7 2260 1917 0.848 0.008 0.152 0.957 0.005 0.043

8 1834 1560 0.851 0.008 0.149 0.940 0.006 0.060 P(NoPay|Pay)

9 1466 1214 0.828 0.010 0.172 0.921 0.008 0.079 4v5+ 114.15

10 1118 903 0.808 0.012 0.192 0.924 0.009 0.076 3v4+ 229.97

5+ 13079 10923 0.835 0.003 0.165 0.946 0.002 0.054 2v3+ 246.63

4+ 17453 14642 0.839 0.003 0.161 0.950 0.002 0.050 1v2+ 287.08

3+ 22935 19166 0.836 0.002 0.164 0.954 0.002 0.046

2+ 29971 24798 0.827 0.002 0.173 0.959 0.001 0.041

1+ 39969 31978 0.800 0.002 0.200 0.963 0.001 0.037

Table 1: Transition probabilities between payment sequences from case study data

Year N Mean S.D.

All 9998 31.6% 29.2%

1988-1994 5645 32.3% 28.9%

1995-1999 4353 30.5% 29.5%

Table 2: Recovery rate statistics for full case study portfolio

i: sequence

number N(Payi) RR(i)

i+: sequences

starting from i N(Payi) RR(i)

1 7180 0.1315

1+ 31978 0.0987

2 5632 0.1095

2+ 24798 0.0892

3 4524 0.0971

3+ 19166 0.0832

4 3719 0.0908

4+ 14642 0.0789

5 2960 0.0846

5+ 10923 0.0749

6 2369 0.0793

7 1917 0.0738

8 1560 0.0687

9 1214 0.0638

10+ 903 0.0591

Table 3. Repayment rates per sequence from case study data





N E(RR|N) E(T|N)

1 10.7% 0.718

2 18.0% 1.281

3 23.4% 1.734

4 27.6% 2.106

5 30.7% 2.402

6 33.1% 2.639

7 34.8% 2.831

8 35.8% 2.987

9 36.6% 3.108

10 37.1% 3.198

38.2% 3.464

Table 4. Recovery rate and number of payment sequences under different write-off policies

WO(N) where N is number of occasions borrower stopped repaying


(E(RR|N) with

5+ ) - (E(RR|N)

with 10+)

(E(RR|N) with

4+ ) - (E(RR|N)

with 10+)

(E(RR|N) with

3+ ) - (E(RR|N)

with 10+)

(E(RR|N) with

2+ ) - (E(RR|N)

with 10+)

(E(RR|N) with

1+ ) - (E(RR|N)

with 10+)

1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0236

2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0115 -0.0233

3 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0058 -0.0141 -0.0195

4 0.0000 -0.0044 -0.0092 -0.0151 -0.0168

5 -0.0027 -0.0065 -0.0102 -0.0143 -0.0141

6 -0.0038 -0.0070 -0.0097 -0.0127 -0.0116

7 -0.0003 -0.0092 -0.0112 -0.0133 -0.0119

8 0.0000 -0.0082 -0.0096 -0.0111 -0.0099

9 0.0010 -0.0067 -0.0076 -0.0086 -0.0078

10 0.0026 -0.0045 -0.0051 -0.0057 -0.0054

∞ 0.0113 0.0069 0.0075 0.0069 0.0020

Table 5. Difference in recovery rates between full model and ones where all sequences after


, 4th

, 3rd

, 3nd and 1st are given same parameters (under the different write off policies

WO(N) where N is number of times borrower stopped paying)







j ( months



j=2 j=3+ Chi-square

j=1 vs j= 2


j=2 vs j=3+

i (sequence

number)=1 0.872 0.932 0.963 13.4 3.1

i=2 0.732 0.812 0.920 19.9 25.0

i=3+ 0.593 0.715 0.901 166.3 206.8


|NoPayij) j=1 j=2 j=3+

i=1 0.409 0.777 0.962 761.9 71.3

i=2 0.413 0.735 0.958 420.5 73.8

i=3+ 0.415 0.681 0.955 965.4 365.5

Table 6. Probabilities of transitions for hazard rate model obtained from case study data

i 1 2 3+ R

RRM(i) 0.0185 0.0185 0.02035 0.00185

d(i) 10 10 11

D 541

Table 7. RRM(i) average recovery rate per month for the hazard rate models from case study

data with d(i) and D which give the discretized approximation

M 1 6 12 18 24 36 48

N=1 0.237% 1.201% 2.258% 4.357% 5.902% 8.555% 11.006%

N=2 0.237% 1.420% 3.338% 5.638% 8.136% 13.622% 17.866%

N=3 0.237% 1.972% 4.672% 7.849% 11.326% 18.557% 25.433%

N=∞ 0.237% 1.972% 4.777% 8.397% 12.802% 23.706% 36.867%

Table 8. Recovery rates for different WO(M,N) policies using the hazard rate model where

write-off occurs either after M periods into the collects process or at Nth

time borrower stops






Figure 1. State space description of the payment sequences for 9 different defaulters

(Note: Black when payment occurs; white when no payment)

Figure 2: Recovery Rate (RR) distribution using full case study portfolio








0 0.13 0.24 0.34 0.43 0.51 0.59 0.67 0.74 0.80 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 1




Recovery Rate

Recovery Rate

Payment Pattern

0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144










Time after Default (months)





Figure 3. Transitions between states in repayment sequence model

Figure 4. Trade-off between recovery rate and number of payment periods as the N in the

write off policy WO(N) is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,.10,∞ .











0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4









N=5 N=6


N=8 N=9

N=10 N=∞

NoPay1 Pay

1 NoPay

2 Pay







Figure 5.Transitions between states in hazard rate model

Figure 6. Recovery rates under different (N,M) write-off policies





























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