modal verbs

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Starter Activity:

Assam lost his wallet; his credit cards, money driving license, family photos and discount cards.

You will work as a small group and discuss what he should do,What he could do,What he might do,If you were him you might....If I was in his place I would....

Modal Verbs:For asking and giving advice

What is a modal verb?(In terms of asking or giving advice)

• A modal verb (used for advice) means to suggest an action or to show something is necessary to do.

• Give some examples...• What could you say?

Asking For and Giving Advice

Useful Phrases Asking for Advice What do you think I should do (about…)? What should I do (about…)? What would you do (about…)? What would you suggest (I do) (I should do about…)? Can/Could you give me some advice (about…)?

Giving Advice • I think you should/could... • Why don't you ...? • If I were you, I would ... • Maybe you should ... • I suggest you ... • How about (verb+ing....)? • You might try (verb+ing...) • I would advise you to ... • My advice would be to ... • It might be a good idea to ...

Ask Anita; share your problems with meRead the problem page and

match the caption to the letter:

• I’M AFRAID I’LL LOSE HIM. _____• SHE WANTS A BABY. __________• WILL HE EVER CHANGE? _________• SHE CAN’T STOP SHOPPING. ___________  


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