mod-83-0000283-a · 2018. 3. 12. · arouad-hoklina iub-uoitl md ~ ops sub-unit. c coy 1 kinos is...

Post on 29-Jan-2021






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  • MOD-83-0000283-A

  • ' ' •



    . CCompenf 1 .. eattaaoq 111ekMCf• ~

    . Chetokee OPTE1.1C2 • SFP0&47

    T~ Mob:--; Rcferewe: KINOSICCOY/3067V


    &_ . . c COWAN¥ 1 KING§ JUNDOYU Nqru IP c ·COMlAN¥ 1 RS -. R.efetta:es:


    A. C Coy lltlNOS 0p0 01101-aG 0ps Coy dated 20 A\11 03.

    GINQAL . '

    1 ~ · Tbe fiJllowiDs aotCa .. iarr:ado4 .m ·aeailt c cay 1 RS iD their prCpentioa ad CJikccm:r of tbc role of1be QJUI BO Fe Coyoa Op TEUC 3. The iufuuuatiOu ia piaDd from the paa:e.t cxpcdmco ofC Coy 1 JaNOS mhaay ~ llllt'A1d~t • die. situation in BasrU Pt•iaoe

    . matllrc:s tbtouP the Op TEUC 3 ~


    . 2.. See 1M 1 KJNOS DO preteatatielll by~BD liC ctorq visit to QIUI BG in Oermaay. In outliDIS1he QRHBGtlbt t1Yfi ~ liONOS 80 • tbe Bzipie Nodb Ceotral BG (NCBG) wi1hin Banb·ProviDco. Tbe BOt.~ lei tbl oarthala 80dar ofa-ah City, lbr: ruralarca 'IIJetddD& Ntril mw•cll AI Qumah aad a IQbltwdial~~n:a ofborda 1rith Iran to the East. Tho AO i1 cut by 1biJ SMit .AJ.Amb WltetUJ, wiJicla cmready .ba oaly two ~leo~ one ill the Notth • at Ad DIYt mel in tbe'Soudl.oear1be Shalt AI Arab HOtel (BG HQ). The NCBO. CUim:~tly has four arouad-hoklina IUb-uoitl md ~ ops sub-unit. C Coy 1 KINOS is the BG Ops Coy.

    3. The .. tO Coalitioo Forccl (CF) is wdcd:

    a. CDme. Geaallylen)IS che AO tbe ~ewe! of oqpM"ited cd8le i& on the iDaasc with c:ar.fdillc IDd dnJa IIIIRII&fina bcias ·dae molt pn:wlcllt. 11M tbreal*> CF from this activity is UIUIIlJy uaiCOoaclla) ..,elf we~ dlottimc ~JUte.

    b. Idbal F...W. ~it a CODiplex tnOel~ in place 1har em result in conffic:t. t~ oftea auaill ~filbts between~ IDd LIOID8tim• mned attaeb by tn'bll pnas ac:roa YiUap bouodwies. ApiD tbe ~ dnat II 1\'om ~fire ot beiq euppt u a ~tltael .

    . ~~~t~~~~~~-~~~-in · · tbe .IDiin. but~ have otdlestrased riols.. 0c:oenUy they are DOt well~ but


  • fl'··

    ' .


    RESTRICTED . can involve upwards of 1S00.2000 people •. They ~y throw rocks aod my other


    6. The C"f OpO fix die 80 Ope eo, role it irililed ... adolart ( ..... copy)10 1bis lea.. W.. no&~ oa 80 oporaiaal the Coy mei.W a tiawwort peols.routine to ~the pDUDIII..,.,.... lllb aMI .We ba¥1 S multiples plollft ~to fiote up • ...wt pil•~nriCCdDD.for' ~ ptAI"'*-t «OS ta*t 11 NC'BIIIIf. 1'1le IOUiiDe IIIU1tipie bllldDg involva a ~ tbrouah .-c1. QIF IDd piii'Oia 1, 2 lllld 3. Stqc ope 1re 1Mbcl tbroup.thc iaue ofBO FRACJOL A~ of ()pOt ·a FlAOOI will be left tOt C Coy·t RS ix refatGce pUrpeaes.

    . . . . 7. Tile CC11J 011"1 ':aftam c.ap a.eiabo (QUAA32) md it oo-loc•~.widi 8G Pddod, A

    . Coy lllNOS aad 8 Coy li.QJ (SS1T a the ICDC). As tbt()pl Coj-)'Oillboatcl-be ........... farovdJ ~aldie amp a ,a1JDII1 k clepiO)'Od hN..-wteJ periods. The Ft Hnl' · aiiiiMiait lbou&d bt daoleld, 1bouab you wiD haw to conuibalo periOGDd whim avaiWJle. .

    • • • L Jr-.t. Pia · · A.dctli'ed ._.'W• JIIOIY••uao will a. i.-.1 to C Coy 1 RS cbillldilirJtSOJ P""• JaoadiaeflwiiDthwleC..,a.obt orM'"M~ m • G3 ...... iDIETv' 02 .......... , 'bn'+c~AO.· .,. I iJ•paaols oflllAOiimh+'C rMieN ...... _.. . ..._680,. Coy hMop• t II eccoa ~ (Daall a,a.a~ae -~ RestRAma--tAz. ~).

    b. Ip"dnn C Cay -1 RS~ ;a UlfUO cowr• ma offho tbDowiDa CniaiDc daring ~..tRSOJCrainina

    (1) .... ,, .,., •.

    (a). MiDeiiEDJUXO aMiil 1 M _.lA drills ("&ica the~· pGttcD anillble). (h) C.W,ia&tt.tiA·ddlk. (e) AmliaD 0pa (Qizdkt. I.,at. Sea JOac 8Dd OMaook). (d) 'lOE.. . (e) ec.dl&iit Anrr8Mit.-l ...,...IWtlt (f) ~-•c a COidt""'"' (TQ taiDed ~are metul). ·

    (l) ,...,.

    (•) o.tontlllll ............. lDcludina ..... iulapceter. (b) F«tip ~ ... 0&. lf'i"' (c) W ..-a..oolcla••AI'• (Pled s..cb Reconf (lNq) .t Sem:Jalt&port w (lmqJ). (41) FilltAi4-T-Ncdic ~ (e) Voice ptCM01ii'be (A tQ· H, SClUM, Coaiact lleport a Shot Report). (f) VciDdc h1141ilrc (claN•_..._ aW•.,..... aodlRKdOwn proeodura).

    (3) ,.. Drjlla.

    (a) eo-ct ciills. (bt) V.wde.....,.,...... drills. (c) ~..._11»0:. (cl) Cccdca dd1ll (~ .. lllllty).


  • ..

    RBSI'RI~ (e) Seardl procedwes for buildinp, vehicles aad people. (0 VCPdtiJls(\'dliclea~c). (J) Riwriao .ops -lqr boats are 8YiiJIIblc fat U1C OD 1bc SMU a1 Arab. (h) PubUe order. . (i) OPs. . G) . CASEVAC. (k) ObstKidcboke point aotlliDg. .

    c 4) Tf'!'iniDe feuimnont 9QQa Cbo foUoWin8 if poaible:

    (a) Tt.iam, Pampblecs iDc1udfaa PAM 21 aad Army Op Sbootmg Po&y. (b) Simple rariF Qlrgetly-Fig 11, pdtdJes, an._ efc -u a Coy reserve for waduuildou taiRieg. Wood ia available in thram.

    c. PWol Eqnift'M· Tbc CQMS bat a c:oo:tp~cD:IIii vc list of oquipment that will be banded over 1D C Coy 1 RS. Pt~mll Clll't'J the foUowiDg at scaadatd:

    (l) PO lcil-laiclavy lf:icb, b1Soe a-. 'lbielck IDd \Ilion.

    {2) Amllt kft-phltimflk. WniuMed llft!lt cards IDd blacbd out eoufes fur coaditklGiDI ddafaoes.

    (3) Scirch kit-Gallet mel8l detectart glove&. doA••!ftD!i

  • (4) focd. If ,on .re beiq • "bined by the IOc:al digDitBries you wUl ent'lOllllt« some .sood local fcod, Wbicb bu DDt~ in tllY D&V. SOme of the told.itn bousht food 6'CIIl local 'ftlldoiD on (JIIbol. it sllould DOt be ~ bal yon will. DOt· stop it. Lcally boQaht QIDS of IO'ft driDb arc pc~Xcdy ..tC- the goiDc _, is IIOOIId 4 cans for usst:

    e. JI. Tbere il DOmed to briJia any Qnd•lme desttop PCI. You will eabover 2 X dNktops iD.1hclbe. llowe\'flf. ifJO'l haw· a coy ~this would be UlduL You will alto fllbova'l X 1DC11101Y -.deb. If you. Uve ,wr own mmRoJy Jdcb bring tbem IDd Ulle ~ ROM l1ldlw tblllBappr dilb il1GW llptDp IUI'PCJICI1bil, floppkl tcad to corrapt q,uk.kly in tb: c;paditbp. A PawerPoiut ~ il a1ao a~ em. ffPM&ble.


    9. CSMN•

    L · Atlllal· All dc:mJ!rm for ~Y of ops•bJat tnunnnidon •o irnnwfi«e .d.!ptading 011 ctmiDt _,. PiiJable; JleG'IMt for trliDiD&· ammuDitioe are requited gcocraUy i wecb in ecmmce.

    . . b. lc!!m Tbecmeatl DNOSpol~il·a,...,ftQimofallant!DIIDitiooboldiapaod

    · .--fieecl by t2Cdln-* rrw., to 1be lt.QMS.. Additioall then il a....- remm. fOr any ••un•idod iiM fat tb.c """*, wbieb iDch1des tml, ~OR IPd ~ * c. Mlil. ·The Di.tlba CD &e ddiw:rcdl~ on a daily t.ia &om dlc: holeli dad it p:atAIJy claDe by 1bo QRP (](my pasioa paUOis.

    e. Ymw AI pat c:Ltbc ojoadoull wrJfare ]*bae tbl:n is aUmdecl G'lOUDt otfimeu eq..,._,., b •ri'$cll)' tx QIIIIW, lx IOWW, •• ~ .U.IDCI a aumbclrofweia~Jta. It • PQtllb1e to nmlltiUDd lbe iDiicte .,criaw cu of1he camp.

    f. · a.m. 1'he plld euma&y oeasises of the foJJowiqg; . (l) Main paD X 3 (b; JNCO). (2) l ¥ S.....,. X 1 J)l;r aDpr by day, X 2 at oip1. .(3) TDA QIIDP x 2 pmollfDa duriDa the day. z 4 at night. QRF x 4 an day.

    !0. COMS Ne!i The CQMS bu ptlJIIRd tbac Dota 10 that you IIDd your CQMS will know expect c.~


    ( 1) FN MiDimi Para Mldliac Gun s.soma. X 20.

    (2) lJDdallq

  • e lafoautiou:


    Ops Ofti' 1 KINOS



    Coy21C CSM , CQMS . 7Pl IPI Dnm:.Pl


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