mod-83-0000139-a · witness statement of jonathan halloran dated: i jonathan halloran, can confirm...

Post on 18-Jul-2020






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Witnes Name: Jonathan Halloran

Statement 0 .: 1

xhibit : None

In the matter of an investigation into the death of

Mr Hassan Said



I Jonathan Halloran, can confirm that the detail contained in this statement has been taken

directly from tatement that I made on 051h Augu t 2003, 21 s1 August 2003 and 151h July

2004. A the event in que tion occurred over 11 years ago I am ba ing thi tatcment wholly

on the evidence I gave on the above date .

I, Jonathan Halloran will say as follows:-

1. I am making this statement for the purposes of the inve tigation into the death of Mr

Ha san Said.

2. I tarted at Sandhur tin April 2001 was commis ioned in April 2002 and then went on

a Troop Leaders cour e in Bovington Dor et. I fini hed that in November 2002, came

out to my Regiment and then in late January 2003 , we deployed to Iraq on Op TELIC I.

I came back from there early May 2003 and then deployed again to Iraq in late June

2003 on Op TELIC 2.

3. I attended a training package in January 2003 , the exact date r am unable to recall

prior to deploying on Op TELIC 1 to Iraq. A far as I am aware all soldier of my unit

who were deploying on Op TELIC 1 received this training package which includ d


lecture on the Law of Armed Conflict, Rule of Engagement Armoured Fighting

Vehicle Recognition Iraq Culture/Country brief NBC Training and variou other

lecture that I am now unable to recall. I did not instruct in any of the e package and

the lecture were de igned to prepare us for operation in Iraq.

4. About the 26th or 2ih February 2003 to 2nd or 3rd May 2003 I deployed to Iraq with my

unit and wa actively involved in the conflict. After the 2nd/3 rd May 2003, I returned to

my unit in Germany following which we had a period of leave. About the 16th June

2003, having already been prior warned I prepared for deployment to Iraq on Op

TELIC 2. I wa aware that only a quadron would be deploying to Iraq for Op TELIC

2 and a a re ult I wa tasked to provide lecture on the Law of Armed Conflict and the

Rule of Engagement to all the p opIe who would deploy. I arranged for all the

lectures to take place in the RHQ conference room of my unit at Lum den Barrack

BFPO 38. I cannot recall the exact date I completed the lecture though I believe it wa

on or about the 18 June 2003. I delivered the Law of Armed Conflict lecture first

which lasted for about onc hour to an hour and a quarter then I gave the lecture on the

Rule of Engagement which la ted about ten minute.

5. In relation to the Law of Armed onflict lecture I can tate the following about the

content of thi lesson:

6. The pa kag I u ed fi r the lecture wa igned ut by me from the Training Wing fmy

unit. The packag c ntained a fl ppy di c on which wa a power point pre entation, a

vide which depicted a mock battle cene highlighting various pints relating to anned

conflict laminated sheet containing a print version of the content of the power point

presentation and two que tionnaire one being for officers and SNCO and the other for

JNCOs and Tprs which listed a eries of questions te ting the oldier ' knowledge of

the Law of Armed Conflict once shown the power point pre entation and video.

7. Whil t I am unable to recall all the points that were covered during thi lecture L can

recall that the following points were covered:

1) White flag of urrender. Thi ba ically covered the fact that when a white flag i

rai ed it doe not automatically mean the enemy '!Ie surrendering it ju t mean that

ho tilitie hould end and arrangement for surrender di cussed.


2) Treatment of wounded. Thi covered the fact that no favouritism should be shown

to one' own wounded soldier and that treatment hould be given to the most

eriou ly injured be they enemy or friendly forces.

3) Treatment of women and children. This covered the fact that oldier should not

abu e their po ition in conflict ~d that all women and childr n hould be treated

fairly and humanely and should not be ingled out for any form fmi treatment.

4) Stealing. Thi covered the fact that oldier are not allowed to teal property from

th enemy be they alive or dead and are not allowed to teal property from buildings

or any other place.

5) Emblems. This covered the fact that Red Cro s and Red Cre cent are sign for

medical ervice and as uch are non-combatant and should not be targeted and not

be u ed to move oldier or arm into battle.

6) ivilian. Thi covered the fact that all civilian are to be treated as non-

combatants and a such are not to be targeted in any way by oldiers. They are to

be provided with medical assi tance a and when r quired.

7) Guerilla Groups. This covered the fact that enemy guerrilla groups usually have

orne ort of uniform and are to be treated a combatant in time of war and a uch

the Law of Arm d Conflict would al 0 apply to them.

8. I am aware that the Law of Anned Conflict is obtained from the Geneva Convention

which contains laws and rule governing how soldier hould behave in a time f war.

I am al 0 aware that a majority of countries have signed the Geneva Convention

including the United Kingdom. I can recall that thi i di cussed at the beginning of the

lecture in the power point presentation.

9. Throughout the lecture I provid d I followed the contents of the power point

pre entation a printed on the laminated sheets. 1 did not add or remove any of the

information and howed the video in full to all those who attended the lecture.

10. At the conclusion of the Ie on I handed out the appropriate que tionnaires for all

Idier JNCO , SNCOs and officers to complete. At the conclu ion of the Law of

Am1ed Conflict te t/que tionnaire I collected the pap rs and marked them later that

day. To the be t of my knowledge all oldier pas ed the questionnaire. I cannot ay


e a tly wher I placed th que ti nnaire nee I had mark d them th ugh 1 may till

ha e p e ion of them in Germany.

11 . In relati n to the Rul of Engagement lectur I provided I an tate the fi 11 wing:

Pri r t c mmencing the I cture [had btained inti nnati n fr m my chain r c mmand that due t the perati n in Iraq m ving from Pha e 3 to Pha e 4, th exa t

Rule fEngagement had yet to be finali ed. In light fthi it w decide that ' card

Alpha ', which pr id the Rule fEngag ment for 'guidance fi r pening fire for

crvice pe nnel auth ri ed t carr arm and ammuniti n on duty' w uld be u cd a a

guide 6 r my lecture. I mu t tr that I did not refer t a card Alpha t refre h my

mem ry be6 r I gave the lecture. Th nly ncti nIt k was t di u what I h uld

menti n during the lecture with my namely Maj William fmy unit.

12. Th pint I vered are a fi 11 w :

1) Lethal fi rce may b u eel if a Idier life or an th r life i In dang r.

2 B ti r firing th ir w p n a verbal warning mu t be giv n.

13. The e weI the nly pint I covered and du t th time that ha elap ed ince I ga

thi lectur 1 am unable t recall the exa t word I p ke. H wever, I can recall that at

th onclu ion f my lecture my ccond in c mmand, namely Capt ick Ridgewa f

my unit and Maj William p ke f a few w rd ab ut thi ubj t th ugh I am una Ie

t re all what wa aid.

14. in e my unit ha arri ed in theatre and prior t th incid nt curring in Ad Oayr with

SOOg I can tate that t th be t fmy kn wledg all members fmy unit have

received a bnef n the Rule f ngagement and pr vid d with card Alpha.

15. I exhibit JMHI 1 - Card Alpha which is a copy f the Rule f ngag m nt card i u d

t all m mber my unit ince their arrival in Iraq. Howe er I w uld like t tat tha

J per nally did n t hand a c py f xhibit). ard A) t _ fmy unit. I

w uld like to add that in August 2003 I had n t camplet d a c ur e fin tructi n in

delivering lectures h wever the ubje t w di eu ed and practi ed during my officer

training at Sandhur t.

16. In Augu t 20 3 I wa attached to I KING Battl gr up in Iraq, and had be n there

ince 1 July 2 03. I wa a tr op leader within Badg r quadr n t Ha ienda with


Idicr . Am ng t tho c Idicr wa 8009

who I w uld d cribe a ab ut 5 1 'tall, hort dark hair, lim build aged ab ut 2

years. I had known him incc being ut in Iraq and w uld say he is hard working

organi ed, pro acti e and confident with ut being ver-confident.

17. We were tationed at the 'Hacienda' approximately km uth fAd ayr. tated

ab v I wa based at the Hacienda'. Thi wa a largc h u tak n cr by th Briti h

Ann as a base with 6 tank and 2 Tr p w rking fr m there. During Op TEll 1 the

I cal p pulati n was fairly dclight d to cc u coming int Ba ra but during Op TELl

2 the entiment had tarted to change toward u. Attack n Briti h F rc weT

increa lI1g n a daily r w kly ba i . During the 5 week I wa ther pri r t th1

in ident I wa inv 1 d in ther in id nt in ling th I al uch a 'hou e earche '

D r muniti n when an Iraqi had becn arre ted. Sh t were fired at u . We had

grenade thr wn at u and th P lice tati n h d ccn u j t to rna hine gun attack .



I 1, which wa a' tat f w r' I wa

fthrc tank. I awacti n n a numbcr f

• tate f war ut the threat to wa getting higher.

eing in

pTE I 2 wa n t a

1. n at 2 Augu t 2 3 at ab ut 17. 0 I et ut from ba n a r utinc patr I whi h I wa

leading. We had one vehicle a Landro cr and in thi vehicle wcre my clfin the front

p nger eat with pi Gardener f my unit driving. ~ w in the rear f

the vehicle acting t pc ver. We tra ellcd t Ad Dayr P Ii e Stati n t uplift .

_ RMP, and thcn pr ce ded north up r ute ix t haafi P lice tation. AI in the

vehicl were 8009 and an Interpr ter. We collected 8008

fr m d Dayr Poli tati n and w re travelling t ward A h haft P lice 8tati n

8009 where~wa duet n p

TELIC 2 wh n he came t th Hacienda'. He had been thcre r the 5 week pri r t

th incident I kn w him fair) well. 1 did n t ci Ii e with him but he wa a

pe nablc y ung man. H wa a hard w rkcr diligent and pr -a ti . He wag d

Idier. Ther had been n incident that cau cd me t que ti n hi judgment. I did n

kn w~ vcry well pri r to the incident. He was a Cpl in the R yal Military

Police (RMP). Hi ta k included rdinating training and er eeing thc I cal poli e.

We imply pr vided e corts D r him and checked weap nand pri on at th P Ii

8tati n . I did not know him ocially at all.


19. I did n t r eive any p ifi riefingju t pri r t the palr I n the 2nd Augu t 2 3.

thi wa a r utine patr 1. I w uld have given detail f the patr I t all the patrol

member. They are quit u ed t ding them. A a Tr p Leader I did attend 0'

Gr up meeting . There w an th r Oftlcer, Captain Rimmer, at the Hacienda and

either f us w uld attend the e '0 ' Or up meeting. h were 'Order Or up

meeting wher any upcoming peration or n w inf; nnati nab ut the area wa given

b the quadron Lead r. Thc e were daily meeting. I cannot remember which fu

attended the meeting on the 2nd Augu t 2003. Prior to the patr 1 we wer all aware of

an incident invol ing all ign 33 F xtr t and gren de and machine gun fir being

Ie ell d at the Police t minimum vehicle etc. t; r patrol

were n nnally conducted at a high r level than my elf. H wever Major William r I

c uld re-a i r we th ught the level wer . tine IT tl .

2. G ing back to the patr I that day, we were dri ing al ng the r ad ab ut 2 Y2 krn north

fAd Dayr, wh n I aw n th id fth r ad ven m n fIr qi ppearance


a ut 12

(mine ).

cd t a di h da h. Th y wer pu hing a t\ wheeled

d. A we drew level I aw the car wa full fblack b e

x 4 in 'iz n the cart. I immediatcl liev d them t be muniti n

rdered our vehicle t be st pp d and re er ed back t the men and the eart/I

rd red pI Gardener t top and re e c which he did. We were b ut 3 m pa t them

t thi pint. A we wer rver ing 4 f th men ran ff in the directi n fa illage t

our left. Onc wc had topped I got everyone to get out which the did. Four of the

men Tan ffbut I did n t give any rder in relation t them. There were nly f; ur f

u in the patrol and we did not ha e personaJ communicati n I concentrat d n th

ther thre . J might have aid " Right, we'll leave them' but I can't remember. 1

wanted t kn w what wa in the cart and make ure the other three didn t head ff. I

t Id the ther generally what t d but they didn't need t be t ld P ifi ally what t

d . h Y kn w wh t t d . I t Id _ t ehe k th eart. e tw other wat hed

the three guy . The three remaining m n had left the cart in the central re ervation and

w re walking toward th village. I t ld pI ardener and ~ t cover the

three men wh were t od at the rear of the Landro er. Th Interpreter wa n the

gr und , pr bably peaking t the Iraqi . orne people were coming out of nearby

hou but there definitely wa n t a build-up f pc pIe around the Land Rver. I am

ure I w uld have ked me generaJ qu f the thre m n thr ugh the


interpretcr but I can t remember the pceific. I then ent ~ ver to th cart and

he went acr t check the cart and t ld u it w full ofb xed ammunition. A 11 rt

tim later " called me acro t the cart. On arri a1 at the cart .. wa

hIding what I v uld de cribe a 14.7 mm r und ab ut in in length. I went acr

i p t it and I h uted back fi r the men t be placed in pia ticuffi ' . I ha e be n

ked ab ut per nal afety equipment. very patr I h uld ha e an ' arre t kit'

h uld al 0 have them. 2 RTR pers n 1 kit w uld

d arm ur and rifle. We d n t carry' id -arm ' ... wa

RMP and he had aide-arm' .

21 . I walked ver to th cart and then told Cpl Gardener to pIa ticuff th m while III _ w guarding them. I then nt ~ back t the Landrover and h uted

pI ardener to pIa ti-cuffthe three male . .. wa

acr I turned back to the cart and at that moment I heard hout of'St p which I

belie e wcre " and I turn d round t

Landr cr and .. and ~ running d wn t ward th vi llage. h y

were about t turn a right rn rbehind a building. [aw~ ck hi rifl

and fire on r und into the air. He wa ab ut 30-35 metrc fr m me and I had a lear

un b tructed view. The rifle w p inting at an angle fa ut 70 degr . I h ard

e eral h ut f St p bef4 re and after thi warning hot. The two f them then

di appeared behind a building. A they b gan t pI ticuITthem the man made a dash

for it. I wa n' t actually w tching at thi tage. All I know wa that there w a couple

of hout f top . I turned r und and aw the Iraqi running off the road followed by

~ and ~ A they were running t ward the building initially and

till in my ight I aw firc a warning h t'. I have rcfi rred t thi In my

riginal tatement and I ha en w been a ked more pecificallya ut 'waming

We are allowed to fire waming h t . He had houted Stop on a number f

cc i n in Engli h. Before that they had tried t detain him and th guy had run ff

and wouldn t top o~ fired the 'warning h t'. Thi wa ace ptable. he

man had been caught 'red-handed with muniti n and I felt at that time that it wa fine

and I would upp rt that a ti n. The nly time we wouldn 't fire 'warning h t i if

we th ught it would inflame a ituati n. Card Alpha, the White ard mention

'waming h ' and the e card are di fferent per perati n.


22. pi Gard ner ended up dealing with the two men that were I ft a r th third m n ran

off. I was 10 king in the cart 0 I didn't ee if the fir t two put up any re i tance when

eing pia ticuffed. Thi wa n t apr tracted ituati n. Thi all happened in a matter of



_4. I t ld _ to tay with the vehi I and th tw male wh were by thi tage

pi ti-cuffed and at d wn, I th n ran in th direction of where Cpl Gardener and. _ had gon . When I am d ut ide a h use there wa a large er wd gath ring

ar und a courtyard. Cpl Garden r wa covering one entrance whil t~ wa

SOOg vering the other. I wa very worried ab ut getting ba k. I t ld

_ to remain with the Land Rover. I ran down to the 'h u e' and t Id Cpl Gardener

to go and get the Land Rover ar und to the hue a quickly a p ible. When I g t to

the hue there wer two ntrance t the courtyard. The e entran e were at ninet

degree teach th r. and th guy were in id . 1 t Id~ t

man ne entrance and I manned the other. Thc crowd was building up in fr nt f u .

The r wd n i ted fmen and w m n wh wer trying 1 get in id the c urtyard . .


he w men were wailin nd ther wid n't upp e thi i

unu ual in ircum tanee ueh a the e. hey w re di tre ed and angry and pu hin

m inati n f wailing and h ut10g th cr wd and h ing n

mmunicati n w intimidating. I wa nth ppy with the itu ti n alth ugh ur

p ifie I ati n in the courtyard wa e ntrolled. J did n t ee any fthe cr wd with a

rifle. I d n t know how long it la tcd 6 r. 1 wa on th north facing entrance and II _ wa guarding the we t facing entrance a per the h u plan h wn to me

exhibit 2 ( ketch plan fthe hue). We c uld ee a h ther acr the urtyard . •

_ wa haken up by the incident but t b h n t with you I didn t have en ugh

time to go and peak t him r rt him out b cau e my main concern wa t pping

any nc getting int th urtyard. There were no ci vilian in the courtyard when I

entered it. I d n t believe that any ne ut ide the courtyard c uld hav een ~ hat had

ccurrcd in i e. ob dy attempted fir t aid in ide the c urtyard. Thi wa n t an

w n' t' . 1 id n t hav fthe

ituati n. I did n t rder a r h fth hue due t lack fmanp w r.

25. I then ent pi Gardener back t bring the L ndr er. I] ked int th c urtyard nd

th n went in. I would d eri it a about 15 ft quare and co ered. I aw a male lying

n the gr und lightly on hi ide face up. I e uld ee hi eye which were p n but not

regi t ring. H wa wearing a blue t p and dark tr u e . I would gue hi height a

being 6 2' tall and of large t ky build. I re ogni cd him a one f the three men wh

we had topp d at the art. I could n t ee any vi ibl injury but I could ec blood

poling on th gr und in the ar a f hi 1 wcr back. He wasn t moving r making ny


n i e . [d r all hi yc m d au thi i what m d me think he wa till

alive. I w uld ju t like t add that there wa n ne el e in the courtyard at the time.

Ab ut 3 min later the Landr ver arri d with Cpl Garden r, ~ and th tw

detainee . I g t the Landrover re er ed to the d r. I then g t the guy to I ad the

injured male in to the r ar of the vehicle while I tried to kccp the rowd back. Th

cr wd were getting ho tile and trying to pu h forward .

2. Th Land R er arrived and re er ed up t the entrance. The crowd were getting

h tile trying t push thr ugh shouting and reaming in ur face. H wev r I wa n't

c ncemed with people right in fr nt f me. I c uld k ep them ba k. It wa th

on the p nphery whether any n wa g

wa quite intimidating.

t c me ut with a wc n. It

27. Ith n t every ne int the ehicl and left th ar as qui klya p ible. H w r,

the Land R cr cullin 't me d wn the way we h d run and we had t find an

It mati r ute. I think thc ther tw pri ner wer trying t get out f the Land

R cr. Th lntcrpr ter w n t ther th n. I w him later n that day. Wh n h arne

back lat r he w quite haken up. They had tried t get h Id fhim and he ran ff, and

at the time he wa n t my pri rity. I would ju t like t add that we had taken an

interpreter with u and up until the ene at the hue I had n teen him much. At the

hue r till did n t e him and he wa n't in the vehicle when we left r in the icinity.

1 w uld ju t like to clarify that the interpreter was with u at the tart fth patr I and

when we t pped and p ke t the three male he wa there h we er I did n t ee him

again until we were at Ad Dayr P lice tati n. eith r pI ardner r I carried ut

any first aid n the injured male.

2 . When w g tint th Land R er we dr ve t the local h pita!. After lea ing th rea

Ad 0 yr h pita} wh r we dr pp d the injured mal ff with the

medical pe nne!. J w n t aware f anyb dy ~ 11 wing u in any ther vehi Ie r

ny relative r p pIe fr m the cene being at the h pita!. We re e ed up to th

h pital nd J jumped ut t g tap rter r a d ct r t 1 ad him onto a tr Hey. Thi

eventually happ ned. A number ofmedieal taff eame ut and t k him back int th

ho pita!. I don't sp cifically know whom I handed the ca ualty 0 er t . I g tour f,'lly

back in the vehi Ie t go to Ad Oayr P lice tati n. [t Id omeb dy at the ho pital that


the man had een h t ut little cl a th re wa n int rpreter with u and no dy

th r cern d to peak Engli h. The ho pita) i half a mil r so from Ad Oayr P Ii

Stati n and they w uld have 11 kn \! n wher w were fr m. We then dr e to Ad

Dayr Police Stati n. During the j umey t the ho pitaI, which i a out 2-3 mile fr m

th • eene' and th n t Ad Dayr Police tati n, which i no mor than a mile, I w In

fr nt fthe Landr er with pI Gardner driving. ~ and ~ were in

the rear. lfthere wa any c n ersati n in the ba k betwe n a. and ~

at any time, I didn t h ar anything. I could hout to th p pIe in the back but I

couldn' t hear n rmal ati n fr m the back. When we am ed t d Oayr

Police tation the fir t thing I tried to do wa radi d wn t Maj William at quadr n

HQ t a that an incident had 0 urred. Ie uldn t p ak directly fr m th Police

tati n to HQ a any tran mi i n had t be relayed. t the tim I nt the radi

m age my kn wledge fthe actual h ting wa n t detailed. I knew that an Iraqi

ci ilian had been hot by~ but n ther pecifie detail . I then ta 'ked a

patrol t cordon ff the muniti n . Thi patr I w call sign 3 Foxtr t ba ed at Ad

Dayr P Ii e Stati n. Till wa m time later, n t, immediately after arri ing ba k.

can t remember exactly whom I ent.

29. t the Poli e Station I at~ d wn whil t I ta ked a patr 1 to c rd n off the

muniti n and end a itrep. I then asked ~ wh thad happ n d. H

explained that when they fi und the male in th hue and weT trying t bring him ut,

thc m 1 wa truggling and .had h )d r_ he related that the male then tried t

take hi rifle ffhim. H wa e neem d that if the male got either hi

or~weap n h w uld u eth m and he till had a. held d wn h

S009 hot him the male .

30. ~ then gave me hi account a recorded in my initial tat m nt. 1 do kn w

mor detail but I m n t ure whether it wa what ~ t Id m at th time r

what I ti und out ub equently. They had found the unknown mal in me rt f

toilet or uth usc within thc courtyard. They houted at him to get ut and when h

wouldn t they tried to drag him ut. The Iraqi was an unu ually large man for an Iraqi.

He wa approximately ix ti t and about 15-16 tone. I think th y tried to cuff him to

re train him but he wouldn t have it. (think a. had tarted u ing hi baton. He

till wouldn't comply and then he had ~ pinn d d wn and had hold _

_ rifle. Ther was a truggle with b th of them and he (


S009 hot

him. I did not make any n te at that time of the account given to me by S009

I did not peak to ~ mu h a ut thi . I cannot remember what he did ay if

indeed I did peak to him. In my initial tatemcnt I aid, "I rea ured ~

b fi re we all returned to our base locati n'. By thi I meant I w trying t calm him

d wn and make ure he was alright. I at him down and g t him a drink. It was

ob iou ly quite a eriou incident and it wa n hi mind.

S009 31. wa vi ibly haken by the incident. He wa very withdrawn and I ked

hocked. I rca ured ~ bet! re we all returned t ur ba I cation. During

ur return j umey I did not di cu th incident any further. ~ had remained t

Ad Dayr P lie Station. Th tw detainee were al left at Ad Dayr P lie Stati n. I

would d cri e one fthem a 5' 1 0' , podgy build, a blaek beard with thinning hair

waring a light e loured hirt. The ther m Ie Ie uld n t de cribe, ] would b able to

re gni e the mal with the beard.

32. At n time d I remember bing pre ent when or if~ 'cauti ned' S009

I d n t kn w what happened t the tw lraqi pris ner ne we wer ba k at d Dayr

Police Stati n. 1 can t really remember but I d n t think I fill d in any report fI r the

arr t. 1 cannot remernb r any pe ific instruction fr m HQ e c pt to go down t

' Ri er ide to p ak t Maj William face-t -fa e and t tak b th~ and . _ down there. On route t H I again at in the front of the Land R er and

ther fI re ifth re wa n er ati n in the b ck I did not h r it. Once at the Ri crsid '

1 went traight t M d William and plained t him x tly what had happ ned fr m

m pint vi w. I am ure~ would ha e gi en me me rt of account by

thi time but I d n t remember p eift ally what. I did n t make any fi nnal rep rt at

that tage but I kn wit w uld have to happen later on. Onee Maj William knew what

the ituati n wa he th n left t r p rt the fa t t Lt I Griffin at Battle Gr up HQ.

th n headed d wn t B ttle Gr up HQ my I f in order t writ tatements r t ta e

~ t peak t the C I nel. ~ wa till pr tty haken up but I

hone tly can t remember ifhe p ke t me about the incid nt at thi tim r ifh ked

for my advicc. W mayha e p kenab utit. Idn'tthink~w with me.

can't really remember whom I went d wn t Battle r up HQ WIth. I P ke t Lt

Griffin t gi e him a fir t hand account. It wa dark when w t th re and I think it

w ab ut eight to half eight. I d n t r call anybody n that day aying that a high r

auth rity' had tat d that thi wa n tap lice matt r . eith r~ n r. 12

~ rep rted any injurie t me. I am n t aware whether they w re examined by

medic. I did not report the matter to the Iraqi ivil Police n r did I 1m w that a rep rt

had be n made to them. I an only pr urn th y may ha e be me in lved thr ugh

the RMP as they worked quite c1 ely with them. The inti rrnati n ab ut thi in ident

a with any uch incid nt i bri fed-up and then di eminated ba k d wn. I did n t

take any part in the identification of the body. I d not kn w fanyb dy wh may hay

d n thi . Although I did ee thc interpreter again after th incident I d n t kn w

whether he had t make any formal rep It. The ituati n in Iraq can eem bla k and

white' unl y u are actually out there. The ituation wa deteriorating and the threat

level again t u wa increa ing 11 the time. Th re w a cr wd fforty t fifty p pIe

h uting pu hing and getting phy ieal whil t trying t get in. It wa n t kn wn

whether any fth c p pIe were armed. l d n't think it can be unde lated h w

intimidating that e n be t me ne in that ituation. ~ wa part fa patr )

that w uld hay been ut n a daily a i . I am ure that he wa inv Ived in ther

8009 incident within the pr viou fi e week. wa taken ut fthe 'Hacienda '

and taken d wn to the ' River ide the next day. The rca n for thi wa that hc

could be c\ er t quadr n HQ and readily a ailable for any tat ment .

Statement of Truth

sta1temlent are true.


Dated .1 '~ .. k1Yi.


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