mobility is not just an afterthought

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Here is why mobility shouldn’t be an afterthought for your operations and engineering teams.

Most engineering offices have post-it notes and clipboards in spaces. This process works, but there is a better way.

90% of corporate memory exists on paper, this doesn’t just mean documents and contracts… it also means processes.

The industry is and will be plagued by the retirement of senior engineers.

Have your senior engineers fully trained your junior engineers?

If you take the time to codify your process - why not translate that to a medium which will ensure that information is always available and part of the daily life of an engineer?

Does your facility have logs for lockout tagoutcompliance? Adding two seconds to the work order reduces your liability dramatically.

When we talk about process improvement, one of the things we can’t ignore is the inherent liability of the engineering discipline.

Following proper lockout tagout procedures is critical to the development of a safe engineering environment.

I’m not saying we’ve ever seen this in our discipline, but presuming it’s happening are you catching it?

Requiring engineers to scan-in and scan-out helps make it harder to pencil whip. It also helps prove when an engineer was at an asset performing work.

Mobility solidifies that your data is captured as accurately as possible and as timely as possible. Let’s also not forget it eliminates transcribing a paper process into another system… data is only captured and recorded once.

Web vs. Native… which is better?

The reality? The web is not as good. You don’t have access to the full power of your phone.

What does that mean? Camera, scanning, signature capture, and several other features you want to utilize won’t work as well… if at all.

The web is a dead end for engineering and operations; you can’t rely on internet connection to do your work; that means you need an app.

Mobile has changed a lot. The platforms for mobile have matured an incredible amount in the last few years.

We used to work with more “rugged” devices, and the reality is they were more powerful for the time. But, in the last few years consumer devices have eclipsed their enterprise counterparts in almost all areas.

Most important, it no longer costs thousands to outfit an engineer, so there has not been a better time to mobile your employees.

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