mobile optimizationppt

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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Mobile Optimized vs. Non-Optimized

Intro to Mobile Technology: Section 3

Signs You Need Optimization

Illegible copy and small font

Can’t accurately click buttons

Large image files slowing load time

CTAs hidden in clutter

If you have to zoom, it’s too small

See the Significance

Why it matters

Mobile technology is growing dramatically each year, and businesses without a mobile solution miss out on a huge chunk of potential customers.

- Currently 48% of US retailers have a mobile optimized website

If you’re not here, catch-up!

A poor user experience does not convert customers. When viewers visit a non-optimized mobile site they are just a few frustrating clicks away from abandoning your site, possibly your brand.

Mobile Apps are Optional. Mobile Optimization is NOT

Mobile Optimization: Developer Speak

3 most common options used by developers

Responsive Web Design: server sends the same HTML codes to all devices and CSS alters page rendering on the device using media queries (recommended by Google)

Dynamically serving different HTML on the same URL: server sends different HTML and CSS on the same URL depending on the User Agent requesting the page

Separate mobile URLs: each desktop URL has an equivalent different URL serving mobile-optimized content

Mobile for Marketers

On average, marketers spend $92 to acquire traffic and $1 to optimize it. Greater balance is needed to drive higher returns. (Onmiture)

Attention to mobile optimization will help increase site accessibility, build a positive user experience and encourage customer returns and referrals.

Pay attention to design: screen real-estate should directly represent the importance of its content. Headlines and CTAs should take up more space than

text or links.

Section Complete. Nice!Next Section: Intro to MEP Admin

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