mobile app optimization strategies

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Mobile App Webinar: Real Life Strategies

from the Experts

• Chat box is available for questions

• There will be time for Q&A at the end

• We will be recording the webinar for future viewing

• All attendees will receive a copy of the slides and recording of today’s webinar

Just a reminder

About me

I’ve worked with enterprise customers across all industries on engagements focused on mobile

web and native app testing.

Khattaab Khan Strategy Consultant, Optimizely

PEOPLE‣Customers are task-focused with short attention span‣Optimizely users are PMs + developers

PROCESS‣Constant app iteration not beholden to app store approval

TECHNOLOGY‣One product for testing + personalization across web + mobile‣Visual editor for stylistic experiments‣Code blocks for programmatic experiments

Immediacy on mobile vs. Discovery on desktop

Daily Active User / Monthly Active User‣Stickiness of an app over 30-day period

Sessions / Daily Active User‣Number of times per day user returns

FTUE‣First-Time User Experience

Cultivating Loyalty

Is the app interface easier, more attractive + intuitive compared to a

web experience?

Commonly Tested Themes: Onboarding

Carousel slides‣Are users forced/encouraged to explore value props?‣Manual experience‣Leverage swipe forward/back

Gated functionality‣Getting users to core functionality sooner to make app more sticky

Commonly Tested Themes: Onboarding

Spotlights‣Highlight key features during first app load‣Prev/next CTA

Case Study: French Girls

iOS app combining selfies + art

1.5MM+ downloads

Case Study: French Girls

Take selfie first resulted in 100% lift in user activation

Commonly Tested Themes: Pre-populated inputs

Reduce friction for returning users‣Drop-down menus‣save last search or ‣identify locations near user‣highlight favorites

Commonly Tested Themes: Toolbar

Most used features in static console‣Main menu access‣Badge notifications (not push)

What’s the lingo?

Code Blocks‣Sections of code that change under which conditions an object loads‣Used for existing/new elements (all new items must be added via code blocks)

In-App Purchases (IAPs)

Locale‣Region that user’s App Store is set to

Cold Start vs. Foregrounding‣Loading an app that is not in a background state vs. returning to running app

Live Variables‣Variables already monitored in app that can be assigned new values‣Count variables‣Display different number of articles‣Request permissions at different times‣Modify default search sorting

Custom Tag‣Similar to tags on web‣Tags interaction with a specific feature

‣User level properties (e.g. logged-in state)‣Did a user swipe to a specific image number in a gallery?‣Did user select a particular filter option?

Mobile Editor Demo

FAQsWhat’s transferable from your web experience?‣Reengagement: Through the app registration process, you will collect some personal information that can be used to encourage future app loads

How should I think about mobile audiences? Loyal, logged-in user on web = any user on mobile‣Downloading an app communicates a level of investment that supersedes a casual web browser‣Nearly all apps require some level of registration to unlock functionality

To which users should I be targeting experiments?‣Based on last activity or version

Where does Optimizely fit in my sprint planning?‣Code blocks need to be developed and implemented before next release

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