moa honors our veterans with donations from sales

Post on 18-Jan-2017






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Giving Back to Those Who Have Served and Given So Much

This Sale will be honoring the brave men and women of the military that have unselshly risked their lives so that we may enjoy the freedom we all hold so dear.Nearly everyone is in some way connected to, or have themselves served in the military. We feel that any eff-ort we can give to help these Heroes is not only needed, but is our duty. Many of our dealer partners have asked us to put together a plan that would benefit local Veterans who sometimes struggle to keep their families supplied with the bare necessities of life, including shelter, food, utilities etc...We are asking our dealer partners to help us PROVIDE for our local Veterans.

Here’s how it works:Every advertisement promoting your sta-ffed event will include a special invitation to all families and friends who are or know a Veteran to come to your store and support this Huge Sale EventWe will ask all who attend to buy and be present for an awards ceremony at the end of the Sale, and also provide press releases to local media (radio, tv and newspaper) inviting them to cover the live event. We will contact local military organizations informing them of the event and inviting them to participate; these organizations will often promote your event for free via newsletters, email and social media. We will invite a Military Officer to be present, along with the Dealer and General Manager to make a donation of support to a local Veterans support group to thank them for their dedicated service to our country. This is more than a Staff-ed Event – it is a true COMMUNITY EVENT that will not soon be forgottenby your customers and the local community. Not only will you change the life of someone who truly deserves it, but the positive publicity and goodwill exemplied by your dealership will resonate throughout your area and your customer base will grow.Our PROVIDE A RIDE PROGRAM is a great way to give back, be recognized, and help those in need.It’s a win-win program that we hope will get you as excited as we are about your event!


• Dealer Selects 200K or 300K Guarantee• Dealer can give used car to Wounded Vet by Drawing or Donate $50.00/car sold to Vet Support Group• Decide on the giveaway time and inform the ad department. (We recommend the last day of the sale)• Get dealer’s radio, TV and newspaper rep contact information, this will help the ad dept. with local media on dealer’s behalf.

OUR OFFICE STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES:• Ad Dept. will add “Provide A Ride” verbiage and graphics to mail and promo materials• Ad Dept. will create and send Press Release to local media• Ad Dept. will contact local media representatives inviting them to the drawing• Office staff will call local military organizations (VFW, etc).• Full Dealer Kit and all Sales Materials Provided• Ad Dept. will create “Honor Box Sign” for in store Vet Donations.

TEAM RESPONSIBILITIES:• Hold Dealer Meeting to explain greeting traffic and provide all information on the event• Set up the Dealership including signs banners/balloons in showroom and on lot• Ask each customer to help support efforts for veteran’s and invite to ceremony last day of sale.• Arrange for the dealer and GM to be present for the award

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